def __init__(self, width, height): super().__init__(width, height) self.hit_sound = arcade.load_sound("sounds/rockHit2.ogg") self.object_list = arcade.SpriteList() self.time = 0 arcade.set_background_color(arcade.color.DARK_SLATE_GRAY) self.player = arcade.PhysicsAABB("images/character.png", [390, 400], [79 / 2, 125 / 2], [0, 0], .7, 3, 0.4) self.object_list.append(self.player) create_circles(self.object_list, 300, 300, 5, 2) a = arcade.PhysicsCircle("images/meteorGrey_med1.png", [400, 150], 20, [0, 0], .8, 2, 0.1) self.object_list.append(a) a = arcade.PhysicsCircle("images/meteorGrey_med2.png", [370, 120], 20, [0, 0], .8, 2, 0.1) self.object_list.append(a) a = arcade.PhysicsCircle("images/meteorGrey_med1.png", [430, 120], 20, [0, 0], .8, 2, 0.1) self.object_list.append(a) a = arcade.PhysicsCircle("images/meteorGrey_med1.png", [400, 90], 20, [0, 0], .8, 2, 0.1) self.object_list.append(a) create_boxes(self.object_list, 150, 250, 2, 20) create_boxes(self.object_list, 450, 250, 2, 20) create_boxes(self.object_list, 190, 250, 13, 2) create_boxes(self.object_list, 190, 450, 13, 2) create_boxes(self.object_list, 190, 610, 13, 2)
def __init__(self): # Call the parent class and set up the window super().__init__(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_TITLE) self.left_pressed = False self.right_pressed = False self.up_pressed = False self.down_pressed = False self.jump_needs_reset = False # These are lists that are going to keep track of our sprites. Each sprite should go into a list self.coin_list = None self.wall_list = None self.background_list = None self.dont_touch_list = None self.ladder_list = None self.player_list = None self.foreground_list = None # Seperate variable that will hold the player sprite self.player_sprite = None # Our physics engine self.physics_engine = None # Used to keep track of our scrolling (0,0) is bottom left of our world self.view_bottom = 0 self.view_left = 0 # Where is the right end of the map? self.end_of_map = 0 # Keep track of score self.score = 0 # Level self.level = 1 # Load Sounds self.collect_coin_sound = arcade.load_sound("sounds/coin3.wav") self.jump_sound = arcade.load_sound("sounds/jump1.wav") self.game_over = arcade.load_sound("sounds/gameover2.wav") arcade.set_background_color(arcade.csscolor.DEEP_SKY_BLUE) # Set background colour
def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() # These lists will hold different sets of sprites self.coins = None self.background = None self.walls = None self.ladders = None self.goals = None self.enemies = None # One sprite for the player, no more is needed self.player = None # We need a physics engine as well self.physics_engine = None # Someplace to keep score self.score = 0 # Which level are we on? self.level = 1 # Load up our sounds here self.coin_sound = arcade.load_sound( str(ASSETS_PATH / "sounds" / "coin.wav") ) self.jump_sound = arcade.load_sound( str(ASSETS_PATH / "sounds" / "jump.wav") ) self.victory_sound = arcade.load_sound( str(ASSETS_PATH / "sounds" / "victory.wav") ) # Check if a joystick is connected joysticks = arcade.get_joysticks() if joysticks: # If so, get the first one self.joystick = joysticks[0] else: # If not, flag it so we won't use it print("There are no Joysticks") self.joystick = None
def __init__(self,x,y,dx,dy,w,c): super().__init__(x,y,dx,dy,w,c) self.x=x self.y=y self.dx=dx self.dy=dy self.w=w self.c=c self.explosion_sound = arcade.load_sound("explosion.mp3")
class Pong(ac.Window): musics = { "select": ac.load_sound("assets/menu/button_select.mp3"), "music": ac.load_sound("assets/game/thefatrat-windfall.mp3"), "ping_pong": ac.load_sound("assets/game/ping_pong.mp3") } def __init__(self): super(Pong, self).__init__(BASE_WINDOW_WIDTH, BASE_WINDOW_HEIGHT, WINDOW_TITLE) self.set_fullscreen() self.show_menu() def start_game(self): self.show_view(Game.Game(self)) def show_menu(self): self.show_view(Menu.Menu(self))
def __init__(self, ship): self.ship = ship super().__init__() self.radius = SHIELD_RADIUS self.scale = SHIELD_SCALE self.shield_type = 3 # Sounds self.shield_down_sound = arcade.load_sound("sfx_shieldDown.ogg")
def __init__(self, width, height): """ Initializer """ super().__init__(width, height) # Set the working directory (where we expect to find files) to the same # directory this .py file is in. You can leave this out of your own # code, but it is needed to easily run the examples using "python -m" # as mentioned at the top of this program. file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) os.chdir(file_path / Path("../../arcade/examples")) arcade.set_background_color(arcade.color.WHITE) self.laser_wav = arcade.load_sound("sounds/laser1.wav") self.laser_mp3 = arcade.load_sound("sounds/laser1.mp3") self.laser_ogg = arcade.load_sound("sounds/laser1.ogg") self.frame_count = 0
def update(self): for coin in self.coin: coin.center_y -= 1 if coin.center_y < 0: coin.kill() if arcade.play_sound(arcade.load_sound("sound/coins.wav")) coin.kill() += randint(10, 60)
def setup(self, level_number: int): self.current_level = level_number # Used to keep track of our scrolling self.view_bottom = 0 self.view_left = 0 self.level_speed = level_data_handler.get_level_speed( str(level_number)) yield "Loading map" my_map = arcade.tilemap.read_tmx( f"assets/maps/level_{level_number}.tmx") self.obstacle_list = arcade.tilemap.process_layer(my_map, "obstacles") for obstacle in self.obstacle_list: obstacle.change_x = self.level_speed self.trap_list = arcade.tilemap.process_layer(my_map, "traps") for trap in self.trap_list: trap.change_x = self.level_speed self.jump_pad_list = arcade.tilemap.process_layer(my_map, "jump_pads") for jump_pad in self.jump_pad_list: jump_pad.change_x = self.level_speed floor = arcade.Sprite("assets/images/floor.png", 2) floor.position = (SCREEN_WIDTH // 2, 0) # Move the loaded map sprites x to the right so they "come" to us. # Move the loaded map sprites y up so they start at floor height. floor_y_offset = floor.center_y + floor.height // 2 self.obstacle_list.move(SCREEN_WIDTH, floor_y_offset) self.trap_list.move(SCREEN_WIDTH, floor_y_offset) self.jump_pad_list.move(SCREEN_WIDTH, floor_y_offset) # After we're done with loading map add the floor (only after since we change the loaded sprite positions) self.obstacle_list.append(floor) yield "Loading backgrounds.." background_parallax_list = level_data_handler.get_background_parallax_list( level_number) self.background_list = ParallaxBackground(background_parallax_list) yield "Loading music" = arcade.load_sound("assets/sounds/Guitar-Mayhem-5.mp3") arcade.play_sound( yield "Finishing up" self.player = Player() self.player.center_x = PLAYER_START_X self.player.center_y = PLAYER_START_Y self.player_dash_trail = PlayerDashTrail( self.get_player_dash_trail_position()) self.physics_engine = arcade.PhysicsEnginePlatformer( self.player, self.obstacle_list, GRAVITY)
def on_key_press(key, modifiers): """"computes if a key is pressed and if it is, the action assigned to the key is executed Arguments: key {str} -- the key on a computer keyboard that is pressed modifiers {str} -- a key that changes execution if pressed in combination with other keys Returns: the action that is assigned to the key is executed """ global left_pressed_human, left_pressed_alien, right_pressed_human, right_pressed_alien, fire_laser_human global fire_laser_alien, spaceship_human_x, spaceship_human_y, spaceship_alien_x, spaceship_alien_y global run_game, time, delta_time, start_game, run_game, end_game laser_sound = arcade.load_sound("laser.wav") # when LEFT/RIGHT is pressed for the right side player, and A/D for the left side player, the spaceship moves left and right if key == arcade.key.LEFT: left_pressed_human = True if key == arcade.key.A: left_pressed_alien = True if key == arcade.key.RIGHT: right_pressed_human = True if key == arcade.key.D: right_pressed_alien = True # when UP is pressed for the right side player, and W for the left side player, a laser is shot with a sound if key == arcade.key.W: fire_laser_alien = True alien_x_positions_laser.append(spaceship_alien_x) alien_y_positions_laser.append(spaceship_alien_y) arcade.sound.play_sound(laser_sound) if key == arcade.key.UP: fire_laser_human = True human_x_positions_laser.append(spaceship_human_x) human_y_positions_laser.append(spaceship_human_y) arcade.sound.play_sound(laser_sound) # the space bar starts the game after the main screen if key == arcade.key.SPACE: run_game = True # the escape key stops the execution of all other game stages, pausing the game if key == arcade.key.ESCAPE: run_game = False start_game = False final_stage_game = False end_game = False # the enter key restarts the game if key == arcade.key.ENTER: end_game = False run_game = True
def main(): arcade.open_window(600, 600, "A N E W H O P E") arcade.set_background_color(arcade.color.LIGHT_PINK) arcade.schedule(on_draw, 1 / 60) sound = arcade.load_sound( 'Star Wars IV A new hope - Binary Sunset (Force Theme).mp3') arcade.play_sound(sound)
def __init__(self, cast): """ Class constructor. Calls the constructor of the parent class. Args: self (Melee): an instance of Melee cast (dict): dictionary that holds all the actors """ super().__init__(constants.CROSS_HAIR, 0.25) self.offset = 0 self.cast = cast self.timer = time.time() self.slash_sound = arcade.load_sound(constants.HERO_SLASH_SOUND) self.hit_resource_sound = arcade.load_sound( constants.HERO_RESOURCE_SOUND)
def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name) = self self.physics_engine = None self.pc_stack = [] self.tilewidth = 0 self.tileheight = 0 = arcade.load_sound(asset('music/funkyrobot.ogg'))
def __init__(self, views): """ This is run once when we switch to this view """ super().__init__() self.texture = arcade.load_texture( "cse210-FinalProject/bedhead/assets/images/game_over.png") self.views = views # sound self.end_sound = arcade.load_sound(":resources:sounds/gameover2.wav")
def __init__(self, host, port, name, curWin): self.Connect((host, port)) #add stuff here arcade.View.__init__(self) arcade.set_background_color(arcade.csscolor.INDIGO) # Lists are used for movemetn and collisions self.current_player = multiplayerServer.Player(str(name)) self.playerList = arcade.SpriteList() self.playerList.append(self.current_player) self.laserList = None self.asteroidList = None self.phyEngine = None self.fireSound = arcade.load_sound(":resources:sounds/hurt5.wav") self.hitSound = arcade.load_sound(":resources:sounds/hit3.wav") self.gameOver = False self.asteroidCount = 6 self.threshold = 3 self.window = curWin
def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name) # Our physics engine self.physics_engine = physics_engine = KinematicPhysicsEngine() #self.physics_engine = physics_engine = DynamicPhysicsEngine() = # Used to keep track of our scrolling self.view_bottom = 0 self.view_left = 0 # Load sounds self.collect_butterfly_sound = arcade.load_sound(":resources:sounds/coin1.wav") self.collect_flag_sound = arcade.load_sound(":resources:sounds/upgrade5.wav") self.jump_sound = arcade.load_sound(":resources:sounds/jump1.wav") # Soundtrack = arcade.load_sound(asset('music/funkyrobot.ogg'))
def __init__(self, image: Star): """ Initializer """ # Call the parent class initializer super().__init__(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "Lab 7 - User Control") self.background_color self.image = image self.click_sound = arcade.load_sound("click.mp3")
def setup_window(graphicsWindow): enemy_list = [] landmine_list = [] width, height = graphicsWindow.get_size() for enemy_count in range(10): enemies = arcade.Sprite("Enemy2.png") xPos = random.randint(0, width) if xPos < 100: xPos = 500 elif xPos > 900: xPos = 500 yPos = random.randint(0, height) if yPos < 500: yPos = 800 elif yPos > 900: yPos = 500 enemies.set_position(xPos, yPos) enemy_list.append(enemies) for landmine_count in range(10): landmines = arcade.Sprite("LandMine2.png") landmine_list.append(landmines) graphicsWindow.landmine_list = [] player = arcade.Sprite("Hero2.png") player.set_position(200, 400) graphicsWindow.player = player graphicsWindow.playerDx = 0 graphicsWindow.playerDy = 0 graphicsWindow.enemyList = enemy_list graphicsWindow.up_pressed = False graphicsWindow.down_pressed = False graphicsWindow.left_pressed = False graphicsWindow.right_pressed = False graphicsWindow.score = 0 graphicsWindow.Hero_Gun_sound = arcade.sound.load_sound("HeroGunshot.mp3") graphicsWindow.Enemy_Gun_sound = arcade.sound.load_sound( "EnemyGunshot.mp3") graphicsWindow.Hitmarker = arcade.sound.load_sound("Hitmarker.mp3") graphicsWindow.background_music = arcade.load_sound("Background Music.mp3") graphicsWindow.DeathSound = arcade.load_sound("DeathNoise.mp3") graphicsWindow.Explosion = arcade.load_sound("Explosion.mp3") arcade.play_sound(graphicsWindow.background_music)
def __init__(self, base_sprite: str, sprite_scale: float, parent: Entity, relative_x: Union[float, int] = 0.0, relative_y: Union[float, int] = 0.0, angle: float = 0.0, speed: Union[float, int] = 1, bullet_type: Type[Bullet] = None, firing_mode: ShotType = ShotType.SINGLE, firing_rate: Union[float, int] = 0.25) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- base_sprite : str The path to the file containing the sprite for this entity. sprite_scale : float The scale to draw the sprite for this entity parent : Entity The entity that created/fired this bullet. relative_x : Union[float, int] The x position, relative to the parent to spawn the bullet at. relative_y : Union[float, int] The y position, relative to the parent to spawn the bullet at. angle : float The starting angle that the bullet should be facing when shot. speed : Union[float, int] The speed that the bullet will travel at. bullet_type : Type[Bullet] The bullet that this turret shoots. firing_mode : ShotType The type of shot to fire the bullet in. Defaults to ShotType.SINGLE. ShotType.BUCKSHOT is another option. firing_rate : Union[float, int] The firing rate of the turret in seconds. """ super().__init__(base_sprite, sprite_scale, parent=parent, relative_x=relative_x, relative_y=relative_y, maintain_relative_position=True, speed=speed, angle=angle, maintain_parent_angle=False) ShootingMixin.__init__(self) self.bullet_type = bullet_type self.inventory = self.parent.inventory if hasattr( self.parent, 'inventory') else None self.firing_mode = firing_mode self.firing_rate = firing_rate self._attack_sound = arcade.load_sound("resources/sound/cannon.ogg")
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.background = None = arcade.load_sound(f"{DATA_PATH}/music.wav") self.half_width = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 self.half_height = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 self.theme = None
def __init__(self): # Call the parent class initializer super().__init__(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT) self.player_list = None self.pie_list = None self.bat_list = None # Loads sounds for pie and bat collisions # Both sounds found at self.good_sound = arcade.load_sound("confirmation_004.ogg") self.bad_sound = arcade.load_sound("error_004.ogg") self.player_sprite = None self.score = 0 self.set_mouse_visible(False) arcade.set_background_color(arcade.color.GRANNY_SMITH_APPLE)
def setup(self): self.backdrop = arcade.SpriteList() self.toasty = arcade.SpriteList() self.aliens = arcade.SpriteList() self.projectiles = arcade.SpriteList() self.powerups = arcade.SpriteList() = arcade.SpriteList() self.storyslate = arcade.SpriteList() self.credits = arcade.SpriteList() self.spinningAlien = arcade.SpriteList() self.backdrop.append(Backdrop(WIDTH, HEIGHT)) self.toasty.append(Toasty(WIDTH / 2, 70)) self.storyslate.append(StorySlate(WIDTH, HEIGHT)) self.storyslate.append(SpinningPug(WIDTH, HEIGHT - 50)) self.credits.append(Credits(WIDTH, HEIGHT)) self.spinningAlien.append(SpinningAlien(WIDTH, HEIGHT - 100)) = arcade.load_sound(MUSIC) self.mainmenumusic = arcade.load_sound(MAIN)
def __init__(self): # Call the parent class and set up the window super().__init__() # These are 'lists' that keep track of our sprites. Each sprite should # go into a list. self.gold_coin_list = None self.bronze_coin_list = None self.wall_list = None self.player_list = None self.enemy_list = None self.level_jewel_list = None self.background_list = None self.ladders_list = None self.do_not_touch_list = None self.exit_sign_list = None self.enemy_list = None # Separate variable that holds the player sprite self.player = None # Our physics engine self.physics_engine = None # Used to keep track of our scrolling self.view_bottom = 0 self.view_left = 0 # Keep track of the score self.score = 0 self.lives = 3 # Load sounds self.collect_coin_sound = arcade.load_sound("sounds/coin1.wav") self.jump_sound = arcade.load_sound("sounds/jump1.wav") self.game_over = arcade.load_sound("sounds/gameover1.wav") # Level self.level = 1 self.setup(self.level) arcade.set_background_color(arcade.csscolor.CORNFLOWER_BLUE)
def on_key_press(self, key, modifiers): """Called whenever a key is pressed. """ if key == arcade.key.ENTER or key == arcade.key.SPACE: self.entersound = arcade.load_sound("sounds/confirmMenu.ogg") arcade.play_sound(self.entersound) time.sleep(3) window = MyGame() window.setup(1)
def __init__(self): """ Initializer """ super().__init__(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "Sprite Example") self.player_list = None self.snowball_list = None self.fire_list = None #NEW self.player_sprite = None self.score = 0 #Good sound form OpenGameArt self.good_sound = arcade.load_sound("good_sound.wav") #Bad sound from OpenGameArt self.bad_sound = arcade.load_sound("bad_sound.mp3") self.set_mouse_visible(False) arcade.set_background_color(arcade.color.AERO_BLUE)
def __init__(self): """ Initializer """ # Call the parent class initializer super().__init__(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "Lab 7 - User Control") self.set_mouse_visible(False) arcade.set_background_color(arcade.color.BLACK) self.ball = Ball(50, 50, 0, 0, radius=10) self.ball2 = Ball2(50, 50, 15, 0) self.click_sound = arcade.load_sound("cardFan1.wav")
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.player = None self.player_list = None self.physics_engine = None self.ground_list = None self.count_score = 0 self.time = TIMER self.view_bottom = 0 self.view_left = 0 self.level = 1 self.theme = None #zvuky self.coin_sound = arcade.load_sound("sounds\\coin_sound.wav") self.win_sound = arcade.load_sound("sounds\\win_sound.wav") self.lose_sound = arcade.load_sound("sounds\\lose_sound.wav") self.start_game()
def __init__(self): """ Initializer """ super().__init__(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "Bunny Game") # Load sound effects self.carrot_sound = arcade.load_sound("coin3.wav") self.enemy1_sound = arcade.load_sound("hurt4.wav") self.enemy2_sound = arcade.load_sound("laser1.wav") # Variables that will hold sprite lists self.player_list = None self.carrot_list = None self.enemy_list = None # Set up the player info self.player_sprite = None self.score = 0 arcade.set_background_color(arcade.color.GRAY_ASPARAGUS)
def __init__(self): """ Declares variables for the GameView class Args: self (Gameview): an instance of Gameview Contributors: Reed Hunsaker Adrianna Lund Isabel Aranguren Jordan McIntyre Juliano Nascimiento """ super().__init__() self._score = Score() self.texture = arcade.load_texture(constants.BACKGROUND) self.game_ending = False = "" # physics engines self.physics_engine = None self.physics_engine2 = None self.physics_engine3 = None self.physics_engine4 = None # sprite lists self.bullet_list = None self.explosions_list = None self.explosion_texture_list = [] # sounds self.powerup_sound = arcade.load_sound(constants.POWERUPS_SOUND) self.powerdown_sound = arcade.load_sound(constants.POWERDOWN_SOUND) self.tank_explode = arcade.load_sound(constants.EXPLOSION_SOUND) # explosion details self.columns = 16 self.count = 8 self.sprite_width = 256 self.sprite_height = 256 self.file_name = ":resources:images/spritesheets/explosion.png" self.explosion_texture_list = arcade.load_spritesheet( self.file_name, self.sprite_width, self.sprite_height, self.columns, self.count)
def __init__(self): # Creates the window frame and sets the backgroudn color # Can change this to show a backround image instead super().__init__() arcade.set_background_color(arcade.csscolor.INDIGO) # Lists are used for movemetn and collisions self.shipList = None self.shipSprite = None self.laserList = None self.astroidList = None self.phyEngine = None self.fireSound = arcade.load_sound(":resources:sounds/hurt5.wav") self.hitSound = arcade.load_sound(":resources:sounds/hit3.wav") self.lives = 3 self.score = 0 self.gameOver = False self.asteroidCount = 6 self.threshold = 3
def setup(self): super().setup() self._song = arcade.load_sound(songspath / "ch" / "run_around_the_character_code" / "song.mp3") = HeroSong.parse(songspath / "ch" / "run_around_the_character_code") self.chart ="Expert", "Single") self.highway = HeroHighway(self.chart, (0, 0), show_flags=True) # Generate "gum wrapper" background self.logo_width, self.small_logos_forward, self.small_logos_backward = generate_gum_wrapper(self.size)
def setup(self): """ Set up the game and initialize the variables. """ self.frame_count = 0 self.game_over = False # Sprite lists self.all_sprites_list = arcade.SpriteList() self.asteroid_list = arcade.SpriteList() self.bullet_list = arcade.SpriteList() self.ship_life_list = arcade.SpriteList() # Set up the player self.score = 0 self.player_sprite = ShipSprite("images/playerShip1_orange.png", SCALE) self.all_sprites_list.append(self.player_sprite) self.lives = 3 # Set up the little icons that represent the player lives. cur_pos = 10 for i in range(self.lives): life = arcade.Sprite("images/playerLife1_orange.png", SCALE) life.center_x = cur_pos + life.width life.center_y = life.height cur_pos += life.width self.all_sprites_list.append(life) self.ship_life_list.append(life) # Make the asteroids image_list = ("images/meteorGrey_big1.png", "images/meteorGrey_big2.png", "images/meteorGrey_big3.png", "images/meteorGrey_big4.png") for i in range(3): image_no = random.randrange(4) enemy_sprite = AsteroidSprite(image_list[image_no], SCALE) enemy_sprite.center_y = random.randrange(window.width) enemy_sprite.center_x = random.randrange(window.height) enemy_sprite.change_x = random.random() * 2 - 1 enemy_sprite.change_y = random.random() * 2 - 1 enemy_sprite.change_angle = (random.random() - 0.5) * 2 enemy_sprite.size = 4 self.all_sprites_list.append(enemy_sprite) self.asteroid_list.append(enemy_sprite) # Sounds self.laser_sound = arcade.load_sound("sounds/laser1.ogg")
def __init__(self): super().__init__(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT) self.frame_count = 0 self.game_over = False # Sprite lists self.all_sprites_list = None self.asteroid_list = None self.bullet_list = None self.ship_life_list = None # Set up the player self.score = 0 self.player_sprite = None self.lives = 3 # Sounds self.laser_sound = arcade.load_sound("sounds/laser1.ogg")
def setup(self): self.hit_sound = arcade.load_sound("sounds/rockHit2.ogg") self.object_list = [] setup_b(self.object_list)