예제 #1
def add_castepopts(a, c8p=True):
    # These adjustments work for convenience
    # since we're not using a castep_keywords.json
    sgen = CastepOption('symmetry_generate', 'B', 'defined', True)
    a.calc.cell._options['symmetry_generate'] = sgen
    kpmp = CastepOption('kpoints_mp_grid', 'B', 'integer vector', [1, 1, 1])
    a.calc.cell._options['kpoints_mp_grid'] = kpmp
    kpoff = CastepOption('kpoints_mp_offset', 'B', 'real vector')
    a.calc.cell._options['kpoints_mp_offset'] = kpoff

    if c8p:
        # This is only valid for Castep 8+
        wcheck = CastepOption('write_checkpoint', 'B', 'string', 'MINIMAL')
        a.calc.param._options['write_checkpoint'] = wcheck
예제 #2
def test_fundamental_params():
    # Start by testing the fundamental parts of a CastepCell/CastepParam object
    boolOpt = CastepOption('test_bool', 'basic', 'defined')
    boolOpt.value = 'TRUE'
    assert boolOpt.raw_value is True

    float3Opt = CastepOption('test_float3', 'basic', 'real vector')
    float3Opt.value = '1.0 2.0 3.0'
    assert np.isclose(float3Opt.raw_value, [1, 2, 3]).all()

    # Generate a mock keywords object
    mock_castep_keywords = CastepKeywords(make_param_dict(), make_cell_dict(),
                                          [], [], 0)
    mock_cparam = CastepParam(mock_castep_keywords, keyword_tolerance=2)
    mock_ccell = CastepCell(mock_castep_keywords, keyword_tolerance=2)

    # Test special parsers
    mock_cparam.continuation = 'default'
    with pytest.warns(None):
        mock_cparam.reuse = 'default'
    assert mock_cparam.reuse.value is None

    mock_ccell.species_pot = ('Si', 'Si.usp')
    mock_ccell.species_pot = ('C', 'C.usp')
    assert 'Si Si.usp' in mock_ccell.species_pot.value
    assert 'C C.usp' in mock_ccell.species_pot.value
    symops = (np.eye(3)[None], np.zeros(3)[None])
    mock_ccell.symmetry_ops = symops
    assert """1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0""" == mock_ccell.symmetry_ops.value.strip()
예제 #3
def test_castep_interface():
    """Simple shallow test of the CASTEP interface"""
    import os
    import re
    import tempfile
    import warnings

    import numpy as np
    import ase
    import ase.lattice.cubic
    from ase.calculators.castep import (Castep, CastepOption, CastepParam,
                                        CastepCell, make_cell_dict,
                                        make_param_dict, CastepKeywords,

    # XXX on porting this test to pytest it wasn't skipped as it should be.
    # At any rate it failed then.  Maybe someone should look into that ...
    # Hence, call the constructor to trigger our test skipping hack:

    tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # We have fundamentally two sets of tests: one if CASTEP is present, the other
    # if it isn't
    has_castep = False
    # Try creating and importing the castep keywords first
        has_castep = True  # If it worked, it must be present
    except KeyError:
        print('Could not find the CASTEP_COMMAND environment variable - please'
              ' set it to run the full set of Castep tests')
    except CastepVersionError:
            'Invalid CASTEP_COMMAND provided - please set the correct one to '
            'run the full set of Castep tests')

        castep_keywords = import_castep_keywords(
            castep_command=os.environ.get('CASTEP_COMMAND', ''))
    except CastepVersionError:
        castep_keywords = None

    # Start by testing the fundamental parts of a CastepCell/CastepParam object
    boolOpt = CastepOption('test_bool', 'basic', 'defined')
    boolOpt.value = 'TRUE'
    assert boolOpt.raw_value is True

    float3Opt = CastepOption('test_float3', 'basic', 'real vector')
    float3Opt.value = '1.0 2.0 3.0'
    assert np.isclose(float3Opt.raw_value, [1, 2, 3]).all()

    # Generate a mock keywords object
    mock_castep_keywords = CastepKeywords(make_param_dict(), make_cell_dict(),
                                          [], [], 0)
    mock_cparam = CastepParam(mock_castep_keywords, keyword_tolerance=2)
    mock_ccell = CastepCell(mock_castep_keywords, keyword_tolerance=2)

    # Test special parsers
    mock_cparam.continuation = 'default'
    mock_cparam.reuse = 'default'
    assert mock_cparam.reuse.value is None

    mock_ccell.species_pot = ('Si', 'Si.usp')
    mock_ccell.species_pot = ('C', 'C.usp')
    assert 'Si Si.usp' in mock_ccell.species_pot.value
    assert 'C C.usp' in mock_ccell.species_pot.value
    symops = (np.eye(3)[None], np.zeros(3)[None])
    mock_ccell.symmetry_ops = symops
    assert """1.0 0.0 0.0
    0.0 1.0 0.0
    0.0 0.0 1.0
    0.0 0.0 0.0""" in mock_ccell.symmetry_ops.value

    # check if the CastepOpt, CastepCell comparison mechanism works
    if castep_keywords:
        p1 = CastepParam(castep_keywords)
        p2 = CastepParam(castep_keywords)

        assert p1._options == p2._options

        p1._options['xc_functional'].value = 'PBE'
        p1.xc_functional = 'PBE'

        assert p1._options != p2._options

    c = Castep(directory=tmp_dir, label='test_label', keyword_tolerance=2)
    if castep_keywords:
        c.xc_functional = 'PBE'
        c.param.xc_functional = 'PBE'  # In "forgiving" mode, we need to specify

    lattice = ase.lattice.cubic.BodyCenteredCubic('Li')

    print('For the sake of evaluating this test, warnings')
    print('about auto-generating pseudo-potentials are')
    print('normal behavior and can be safely ignored')

    lattice.calc = c

    param_fn = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'myParam.param')

    with open(param_fn, 'w') as param:
        param.write('XC_FUNCTIONAL : PBE #comment\n')
        param.write('XC_FUNCTIONAL : PBE #comment\n')
        param.write('CUT_OFF_ENERGY : 450.\n')


    assert c.calculation_required(lattice)
    if has_castep:
        assert c.dryrun_ok()


    # detecting pseudopotentials tests

    # typical filenames
    files = [
        'Ag_00PBE.usp', 'Ag_00.recpot', 'Ag_C18_PBE_OTF.usp',
        'ag-optgga1.recpot', 'Ag_OTF.usp', 'ag_pbe_v1.4.uspp.F.UPF',
        'Ni_OTF.usp', 'fe_pbe_v1.5.uspp.F.UPF', 'Cu_01.recpot'

    pp_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'test_pp')

    for f in files:
        with open(os.path.join(pp_path, f), 'w') as _f:
            _f.write('DUMMY PP')

    c = Castep(directory=tmp_dir,
    c._pedantic = True
    atoms = ase.build.bulk('Ag')
    atoms.calc = c

    # I know, unittest would be nicer... maybe at a later point

    # disabled, but may be useful still
    # try:
    # # this should yield no files
    # atoms.calc.find_pspots(suffix='uspp')
    # raise AssertionError
    #    # this should yield no files
    #    atoms.calc.find_pspots(suffix='uspp')
    #    raise AssertionError
    # except RuntimeError as e:
    # #print(e)
    # pass
    #     # print(e)
    #     pass

        # this should yield non-unique files
        raise AssertionError
    except RuntimeError:

    # now let's see if we find all...
    atoms.calc.find_pspots(pspot='00PBE', suffix='usp')
    assert atoms.calc.cell.species_pot.value.split()[-1] == 'Ag_00PBE.usp'

    atoms.calc.find_pspots(pspot='00', suffix='recpot')
    assert atoms.calc.cell.species_pot.value.split()[-1] == 'Ag_00.recpot'

    atoms.calc.find_pspots(pspot='C18_PBE_OTF', suffix='usp')
    assert atoms.calc.cell.species_pot.value.split(
    )[-1] == 'Ag_C18_PBE_OTF.usp'

    atoms.calc.find_pspots(pspot='optgga1', suffix='recpot')
    assert atoms.calc.cell.species_pot.value.split()[-1] == 'ag-optgga1.recpot'

    atoms.calc.find_pspots(pspot='OTF', suffix='usp')
    assert atoms.calc.cell.species_pot.value.split()[-1] == 'Ag_OTF.usp'

    assert (atoms.calc.cell.species_pot.value.split()[-1] ==

    # testing regular workflow
    c = Castep(directory=tmp_dir,
    c._build_missing_pspots = False
    atoms = ase.build.bulk('Ag')
    atoms.calc = c

    # this should raise an error due to ambuiguity
        raise AssertionError
    except RuntimeError:

    for e in ['Ni', 'Fe', 'Cu']:
        atoms = ase.build.bulk(e)
        atoms.calc = c

    # test writing to file
    tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'input_files')
    c = Castep(directory=tmp_dir,
    c._label = 'test'
    atoms = ase.build.bulk('Cu')
    atoms.calc = c

    with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'test.cell'), 'r') as f:
        assert re.search(r'Cu Cu_01\.recpot',
                         ''.join(f.readlines())) is not None

    # test keyword conflict management
    c = Castep(cut_off_energy=300.)
    assert float(c.param.cut_off_energy.value) == 300.0
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:

        c.basis_precision = 'MEDIUM'
        assert issubclass(w[-1].category, UserWarning)
        assert "conflicts" in str(w[-1].message)
        assert c.param.cut_off_energy.value is None
        assert c.param.basis_precision.value.strip() == 'MEDIUM'

    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:

        c.cut_off_energy = 200.0
        assert c.param.basis_precision.value is None
        assert issubclass(w[-1].category, UserWarning)
        assert 'option "cut_off_energy" conflicts' in str(w[-1].message)

    # test kpoint setup options
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        # This block of tests is going to generate a lot of conflict warnings.
        # We already tested that those work, so just hide them from the output.

        c = Castep(kpts=[
            (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
        assert c.cell.kpoint_list.value == '0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0'
        c.set_kpts(((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.25), (0.25, 0.25, 0.3, 0.75)))
        assert c.cell.kpoint_list.value == '0.0 0.0 0.0 0.25\n0.25 0.25 0.3 0.75'
        assert c.cell.kpoint_list.value == '0.0 0.0 0.0 0.25\n0.25 0.25 0.3 0.75'
        c.set_kpts([3, 3, 2])
        assert c.cell.kpoint_mp_grid.value == '3 3 2'
        assert c.cell.kpoints_list.value is None
        assert c.cell.kpoint_list.value is None
        assert c.cell.kpoint_mp_grid.value is None
        c.set_kpts('2 2 3')
        assert c.cell.kpoint_mp_grid.value == '2 2 3'
        c.set_kpts({'even': True, 'gamma': True})
        assert c.cell.kpoint_mp_grid.value == '2 2 2'
        assert c.cell.kpoint_mp_offset.value == '0.25 0.25 0.25'
        c.set_kpts({'size': (2, 2, 4), 'even': False})
        assert c.cell.kpoint_mp_grid.value == '3 3 5'
        assert c.cell.kpoint_mp_offset.value == '0.0 0.0 0.0'
        atoms = ase.build.bulk('Ag')
        atoms.calc = c
        c.set_kpts({'density': 10, 'gamma': False, 'even': None})
        assert c.cell.kpoint_mp_grid.value == '27 27 27'
        assert c.cell.kpoint_mp_offset.value == '0.018519 0.018519 0.018519'
            'spacing': (1 / (np.pi * 10)),
            'gamma': False,
            'even': True
        assert c.cell.kpoint_mp_grid.value == '28 28 28'
        assert c.cell.kpoint_mp_offset.value == '0.0 0.0 0.0'

    # test band structure setup
    from ase.dft.kpoints import BandPath
    atoms = ase.build.bulk('Ag')
    bp = BandPath(cell=atoms.cell,
                      'G': [0, 0, 0],
                      'X': [0.5, 0, 0.5]
    bp = bp.interpolate(npoints=10)
    c = Castep(bandpath=bp)
    kpt_list = c.cell.bs_kpoint_list.value.split('\n')
    assert len(kpt_list) == 10
    assert list(map(float, kpt_list[0].split())) == [0., 0., 0.]
    assert list(map(float, kpt_list[-1].split())) == [0.5, 0.0, 0.5]
예제 #4
    has_castep = True  # If it worked, it must be present
except KeyError:
    print('Could not find the CASTEP_COMMAND environment variable - please'
          ' set it to run the full set of Castep tests')
except CastepVersionError:
    print('Invalid CASTEP_COMMAND provided - please set the correct one to '
          'run the full set of Castep tests')

    castep_keywords = import_castep_keywords(
        castep_command=os.environ.get('CASTEP_COMMAND', ''))
except CastepVersionError:
    castep_keywords = None

# Start by testing the fundamental parts of a CastepCell/CastepParam object
boolOpt = CastepOption('test_bool', 'basic', 'defined')
boolOpt.value = 'TRUE'
assert boolOpt.raw_value == True

float3Opt = CastepOption('test_float3', 'basic', 'real vector')
float3Opt.value = '1.0 2.0 3.0'
assert np.isclose(float3Opt.raw_value, [1, 2, 3]).all()

# Generate a mock keywords object
mock_castep_keywords = CastepKeywords(make_param_dict(), make_cell_dict(),
                                      [], [], 0)
mock_cparam = CastepParam(mock_castep_keywords, keyword_tolerance=2)
mock_ccell = CastepCell(mock_castep_keywords, keyword_tolerance=2)

# Test special parsers
mock_cparam.continuation = 'default'