예제 #1
def biatomic(atoms, A, B, R1=3.0, calc_energy=False):
    r"""This routine analyzes atomic structure
    by the calculation of coordination numbers
    in cluster with atoms of two types (A and B).

    atoms: ase.Atoms
        ase Atoms object, containing atomic cluster.
    A: string
        atom type, like 'Ag', 'Pt', etc.
    B: string
        atom type, like 'Ag', 'Pt', etc.
    R1: float
        First coordination shell will icnlude all atoms
        with distance less then R1 [Angstrom].
        Default value is 3.
    calc_energy: bool
        Flag used for calculation of potential energy with EMT
        calculator.  The default value is False, so that
        energy is not calculated.

    N: int
        number of atoms in cluster
        number of atoms of type A
    R: float
        radius of the cluster
    CN_AA: float
        average number of atoms A around atom A
    CN_AB: float
        average number of atoms A around atom B
    CN_BB: float
        average number of atoms B around atom B
    CN_BA: float
        average number of atoms B around atom A
    etha: float
        parameter of local ordering, -1 < etha < 1.
        Returns 999 if concentration of one of the
        component is too low.
    E: float
        potential energy
        number of A atoms in core
        number of B atoms in core
        average CN of A-A for surface atoms only
        average CN of A-B for surface atoms only
        average CN of B-B for surface atoms only
        average CN of B-A for surface atoms only

        The radius of the cluster is roughly determined as
        maximum the distance from the center to most distant atom
        in the cluster.

    >>> atoms = FaceCenteredCubic('Ag',
      [(1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1)], [7,8,7], 4.09)
    >>> atoms = CoreShellFCC(atoms, 'Pt', 'Ag', 0.6, 4.09)
    >>> [N, nA, R, CN_AA, CN_AB, CN_BB, CN_BA, etha] =
      biatomic(atoms, 'Pt', 'Ag')
    >>> print "Short range order parameter: ", etha
    N = len(atoms)
    nA = 0
    nB = 0
    for element in atoms.get_chemical_symbols():
        if element == A:
            nA += 1
        elif element == B:
            nB += 1
            raise Exception('Extra element ' + element)
    if (nA + nB != N):
        raise Exception('Number of A (' + str(nA) + ') ' +
          'and B (' + str(nB) + ') artoms mismatch!')
    nl = NeighborList([R1 / 2.0] * N, self_interaction=False, bothways=True)

    # initialize counters:
    CN_AA = 0    # averaged total coord. numbers
    CN_AB = 0
    CN_BB = 0
    CN_BA = 0
    NAcore = 0  # number of atoms in core region
    NBcore = 0
    CNshellAA = 0  # average coord. numbers for surface atoms
    CNshellAB = 0
    CNshellBB = 0
    CNshellBA = 0
    for iatom in xrange(0, N):
        indeces, offsets = nl.get_neighbors(iatom)
        if atoms[iatom].symbol == B:
            CN_BB_temp = 0
            CN_BA_temp = 0
            for ii in indeces:
                if atoms[ii].symbol == B:
                    CN_BB_temp += 1
                else:  # atoms[i].symbol == A :
                    CN_BA_temp += 1
            CN_BB += CN_BB_temp
            CN_BA += CN_BA_temp
            if len(indeces) < 12:
                # SHELL
                CNshellBB += CN_BB_temp
                CNshellBA += CN_BA_temp
                # CORE
                NBcore += 1
        else:  # atoms[iatom].symbol == A :
            CN_AA_temp = 0
            CN_AB_temp = 0
            for i in indeces:
                if atoms[i].symbol == A:
                    CN_AA_temp += 1
                else:  # atoms[i].symbol==B :
                    CN_AB_temp += 1
            CN_AA += CN_AA_temp
            CN_AB += CN_AB_temp
            if len(indeces) < 12:
                # SHELL
                CNshellAA += CN_AA_temp
                CNshellAB += CN_AB_temp
                # CORE
                NAcore += 1
    # averaging:
    CN_AA = CN_AA * 1.0 / nA
    CN_AB = CN_AB * 1.0 / nA
    CN_BB = CN_BB * 1.0 / nB
    CN_BA = CN_BA * 1.0 / nB
    znam = (nA - NAcore)
    if znam > 0.0001:
        CNshellAA = CNshellAA * 1.0 / znam
        CNshellAB = CNshellAB * 1.0 / znam
        CNshellAA = 0
        CNshellAB = 0
    znam = (nB - NBcore)
    if znam > 0.0001:
        CNshellBB = CNshellBB * 1.0 / znam
        CNshellBA = CNshellBA * 1.0 / znam
        CNshellBB = 0
        CNshellBA = 0

    # calc concentrations:
    concB = nB * 1.0 / N
    if concB < 0.0001:
        #print "WARNING! Too low B concentration: ",concB
        etha = 999
        etha = 1 - CN_AB / (concB * (CN_AA + CN_AB))
    R = atoms.positions.max() / 2.0
    if calc_energy:
        #from asap3 import EMT
        from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
        E = atoms.get_potential_energy()
        E = -1
    return N, nA, R, CN_AA, CN_AB, CN_BB, CN_BA, etha, E, NAcore, \
      NBcore, CNshellAA, CNshellAB, CNshellBB, CNshellBA
예제 #2
def monoatomic(atoms, R1=3, calc_energy=False):
    r"""This routine analyzes atomic structure
    by the calculation of coordination numbers
    in cluster with only one type of atom.

    atoms: ase.Atoms
        ase Atoms object, containing atomic cluster.
    R1: float
        First coordination shell will icnlude all atoms
        with distance less then R1 [Angstrom].
        Default value is 3.
    calc_energy: bool
        Flag used for calculation of potential energy with EMT
        calculator.  The default value is False, so that
        energy is not calculated.

    N: int
        number of atoms in cluster
    R: float
        radius of the cluster
    CN: float
        average coord number
    E: float
        potential energy, -1 if calc_energy is False
        number of atoms in core region (number of atoms with
        all 12 neighbors)
        average coordination number for surface atoms only

        The radius of the cluster is roughly determined as
        maximum the distance from the center to most distant atom
        in the cluster.

    >>> atoms = FaceCenteredCubic('Ag',
      [(1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1)], [7,8,7], 4.09)
    >>> [N, R, CN] = monoatomic(atoms)
    >>> print "average CN is ", CN
    N = len(atoms)
    nl = NeighborList([R1 / 2.0] * N, self_interaction=False, bothways=True)
    CN = 0
    Ncore = 0
    Nshell = 0
    CNshell = 0  # average CN of surface atoms
    for i in xrange(0, N):
        indeces, offsets = nl.get_neighbors(i)
        CN += len(indeces)
        if len(indeces) < 12:
            Nshell += 1
            CNshell += len(indeces)
            Ncore += 1
    CN = CN * 1.0 / N
    CNshell = CNshell * 1.0 / Nshell
    R = atoms.positions.max() / 2.0
    if calc_energy:
        #from asap3 import EMT
        from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
        E = atoms.get_potential_energy()
        E = -1
    return N, R, CN, E, Ncore, CNshell