예제 #1
    def test_plugins_connection_ssh_put_file(self, mock_ospe, mock_sleep):
        pc = PlayContext()
        new_stdin = StringIO()
        conn = connection_loader.get('ssh', pc, new_stdin)
        conn._build_command = MagicMock()
        conn._bare_run = MagicMock()

        mock_ospe.return_value = True
        conn._build_command.return_value = 'some command to run'
        conn._bare_run.return_value = (0, '', '')
        conn.host = "some_host"


        # Test with C.DEFAULT_SCP_IF_SSH set to smart
        # Test when SFTP works
        C.DEFAULT_SCP_IF_SSH = 'smart'
        expected_in_data = b' '.join((b'put', to_bytes(shlex_quote('/path/to/in/file')), to_bytes(shlex_quote('/path/to/dest/file')))) + b'\n'
        conn.put_file('/path/to/in/file', '/path/to/dest/file')
        conn._bare_run.assert_called_with('some command to run', expected_in_data, checkrc=False)

        # Test when SFTP doesn't work but SCP does
        conn._bare_run.side_effect = [(1, 'stdout', 'some errors'), (0, '', '')]
        conn.put_file('/path/to/in/file', '/path/to/dest/file')
        conn._bare_run.assert_called_with('some command to run', None, checkrc=False)
        conn._bare_run.side_effect = None

        # test with C.DEFAULT_SCP_IF_SSH enabled
        C.DEFAULT_SCP_IF_SSH = True
        conn.put_file('/path/to/in/file', '/path/to/dest/file')
        conn._bare_run.assert_called_with('some command to run', None, checkrc=False)

        conn.put_file(u'/path/to/in/file/with/unicode-fö〩', u'/path/to/dest/file/with/unicode-fö〩')
        conn._bare_run.assert_called_with('some command to run', None, checkrc=False)

        # test with C.DEFAULT_SCP_IF_SSH disabled
        C.DEFAULT_SCP_IF_SSH = False
        expected_in_data = b' '.join((b'put', to_bytes(shlex_quote('/path/to/in/file')), to_bytes(shlex_quote('/path/to/dest/file')))) + b'\n'
        conn.put_file('/path/to/in/file', '/path/to/dest/file')
        conn._bare_run.assert_called_with('some command to run', expected_in_data, checkrc=False)

        expected_in_data = b' '.join((b'put',
                                      to_bytes(shlex_quote('/path/to/dest/file/with/unicode-fö〩')))) + b'\n'
        conn.put_file(u'/path/to/in/file/with/unicode-fö〩', u'/path/to/dest/file/with/unicode-fö〩')
        conn._bare_run.assert_called_with('some command to run', expected_in_data, checkrc=False)

        # test that a non-zero rc raises an error
        conn._bare_run.return_value = (1, 'stdout', 'some errors')
        self.assertRaises(AssibleError, conn.put_file, '/path/to/bad/file', '/remote/path/to/file')

        # test that a not-found path raises an error
        mock_ospe.return_value = False
        conn._bare_run.return_value = (0, 'stdout', '')
        self.assertRaises(AssibleFileNotFound, conn.put_file, '/path/to/bad/file', '/remote/path/to/file')
예제 #2
    def checksum(self, path, python_interp):
        # In the following test, each condition is a check and logical
        # comparison (|| or &&) that sets the rc value.  Every check is run so
        # the last check in the series to fail will be the rc that is returned.
        # If a check fails we error before invoking the hash functions because
        # hash functions may successfully take the hash of a directory on BSDs
        # (UFS filesystem?) which is not what the rest of the assible code expects
        # If all of the available hashing methods fail we fail with an rc of 0.
        # This logic is added to the end of the cmd at the bottom of this function.

        # Return codes:
        # checksum: success!
        # 0: Unknown error
        # 1: Remote file does not exist
        # 2: No read permissions on the file
        # 3: File is a directory
        # 4: No python interpreter

        # Quoting gets complex here.  We're writing a python string that's
        # used by a variety of shells on the remote host to invoke a python
        # "one-liner".
        shell_escaped_path = shlex_quote(path)
        test = "rc=flag; [ -r %(p)s ] %(shell_or)s rc=2; [ -f %(p)s ] %(shell_or)s rc=1; [ -d %(p)s ] %(shell_and)s rc=3; %(i)s -V 2>/dev/null %(shell_or)s rc=4; [ x\"$rc\" != \"xflag\" ] %(shell_and)s echo \"${rc}  \"%(p)s %(shell_and)s exit 0" % dict(p=shell_escaped_path, i=python_interp, shell_and=self._SHELL_AND, shell_or=self._SHELL_OR)  # NOQA
        csums = [
            u"({0} -c 'import hashlib; BLOCKSIZE = 65536; hasher = hashlib.sha1();{2}afile = open(\"'{1}'\", \"rb\"){2}buf = afile.read(BLOCKSIZE){2}while len(buf) > 0:{2}\thasher.update(buf){2}\tbuf = afile.read(BLOCKSIZE){2}afile.close(){2}print(hasher.hexdigest())' 2>/dev/null)".format(python_interp, shell_escaped_path, self._SHELL_EMBEDDED_PY_EOL),  # NOQA  Python > 2.4 (including python3)
            u"({0} -c 'import sha; BLOCKSIZE = 65536; hasher = sha.sha();{2}afile = open(\"'{1}'\", \"rb\"){2}buf = afile.read(BLOCKSIZE){2}while len(buf) > 0:{2}\thasher.update(buf){2}\tbuf = afile.read(BLOCKSIZE){2}afile.close(){2}print(hasher.hexdigest())' 2>/dev/null)".format(python_interp, shell_escaped_path, self._SHELL_EMBEDDED_PY_EOL),  # NOQA  Python == 2.4

        cmd = (" %s " % self._SHELL_OR).join(csums)
        cmd = "%s; %s %s (echo \'0  \'%s)" % (test, cmd, self._SHELL_OR, shell_escaped_path)
        return cmd
예제 #3
    def set_user_facl(self, paths, user, mode):
        """Only sets acls for users as that's really all we need"""
        cmd = ['setfacl', '-m', 'u:%s:%s' % (user, mode)]
        cmd = [shlex_quote(c) for c in cmd]

        return ' '.join(cmd)
예제 #4
def db_dump(module, target, target_opts="",

    flags = login_flags(db, host, port, user, db_prefix=False)
    cmd = module.get_bin_path('pg_dump', True)
    comp_prog_path = None

    if os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.tar':
        flags.append(' --format=t')
    elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.pgc':
        flags.append(' --format=c')
    if os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.gz':
        if module.get_bin_path('pigz'):
            comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('pigz', True)
            comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('gzip', True)
    elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.bz2':
        comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('bzip2', True)
    elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.xz':
        comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('xz', True)

    cmd += "".join(flags)

    if dump_extra_args:
        cmd += " {0} ".format(dump_extra_args)

    if target_opts:
        cmd += " {0} ".format(target_opts)

    if comp_prog_path:
        # Use a fifo to be notified of an error in pg_dump
        # Using shell pipe has no way to return the code of the first command
        # in a portable way.
        fifo = os.path.join(module.tmpdir, 'pg_fifo')
        cmd = '{1} <{3} > {2} & {0} >{3}'.format(cmd, comp_prog_path, shlex_quote(target), fifo)
        cmd = '{0} > {1}'.format(cmd, shlex_quote(target))

    return do_with_password(module, cmd, password)
예제 #5
def db_restore(module, target, target_opts="",

    flags = login_flags(db, host, port, user)
    comp_prog_path = None
    cmd = module.get_bin_path('psql', True)

    if os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.sql':
        flags.append(' --file={0}'.format(target))

    elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.tar':
        flags.append(' --format=Tar')
        cmd = module.get_bin_path('pg_restore', True)

    elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.pgc':
        flags.append(' --format=Custom')
        cmd = module.get_bin_path('pg_restore', True)

    elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.gz':
        comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('zcat', True)

    elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.bz2':
        comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('bzcat', True)

    elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.xz':
        comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('xzcat', True)

    cmd += "".join(flags)
    if target_opts:
        cmd += " {0} ".format(target_opts)

    if comp_prog_path:
        env = os.environ.copy()
        if password:
            env = {"PGPASSWORD": password}
        p1 = subprocess.Popen([comp_prog_path, target], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        p2 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, env=env)
        (stdout2, stderr2) = p2.communicate()
        if p1.returncode != 0:
            stderr1 = p1.stderr.read()
            return p1.returncode, '', stderr1, 'cmd: ****'
            return p2.returncode, '', stderr2, 'cmd: ****'
        cmd = '{0} < {1}'.format(cmd, shlex_quote(target))

    return do_with_password(module, cmd, password)
예제 #6
def login_flags(db, host, port, user, db_prefix=True):
    returns a list of connection argument strings each prefixed
    with a space and quoted where necessary to later be combined
    in a single shell string with `"".join(rv)`

    db_prefix determines if "--dbname" is prefixed to the db argument,
    since the argument was introduced in 9.3.
    flags = []
    if db:
        if db_prefix:
            flags.append(' --dbname={0}'.format(shlex_quote(db)))
            flags.append(' {0}'.format(shlex_quote(db)))
    if host:
        flags.append(' --host={0}'.format(host))
    if port:
        flags.append(' --port={0}'.format(port))
    if user:
        flags.append(' --username={0}'.format(user))
    return flags
예제 #7
    def build_module_command(self, env_string, shebang, cmd, arg_path=None):
        # don't quote the cmd if it's an empty string, because this will break pipelining mode
        if cmd.strip() != '':
            cmd = shlex_quote(cmd)

        cmd_parts = []
        if shebang:
            shebang = shebang.replace("#!", "").strip()
            shebang = ""
        cmd_parts.extend([env_string.strip(), shebang, cmd])
        if arg_path is not None:
        new_cmd = " ".join(cmd_parts)
        return new_cmd
예제 #8
    def build_become_command(self, cmd, shell):
        super(BecomeModule, self).build_become_command(cmd, shell)

        # Prompt handling for ``su`` is more complicated, this
        # is used to satisfy the connection plugin
        self.prompt = True

        if not cmd:
            return cmd

        exe = self.get_option('become_exe') or self.name
        flags = self.get_option('become_flags') or ''
        user = self.get_option('become_user') or ''
        success_cmd = self._build_success_command(cmd, shell)

        return "%s %s %s -c %s" % (exe, flags, user, shlex_quote(success_cmd))
예제 #9
    def _build_success_command(self, cmd, shell, noexe=False):
        if not all((cmd, shell, self.success)):
            return cmd

            cmd = shlex_quote(
                '%s %s %s %s' %
                (shell.ECHO, self.success, shell.COMMAND_SEP, cmd))
        except AttributeError:
            # TODO: This should probably become some more robust functionlity used to detect incompat
            raise AssibleError(
                'The %s shell family is incompatible with the %s become plugin'
                % (shell.SHELL_FAMILY, self.name))
        exe = getattr(shell, 'executable', None)
        if exe and not noexe:
            cmd = '%s -c %s' % (exe, cmd)
        return cmd
예제 #10
 def _write_execute(self, path):
     Return the command line for writing a crontab
     user = ''
     if self.user:
         if platform.system() in ['SunOS', 'HP-UX', 'AIX']:
             return "chown %s %s ; su '%s' -c '%s %s'" % (shlex_quote(
                 self.user), shlex_quote(path), shlex_quote(
                     self.user), self.cron_cmd, shlex_quote(path))
         elif pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] != self.user:
             user = '******' % shlex_quote(self.user)
     return "%s %s %s" % (self.cron_cmd, user, shlex_quote(path))
예제 #11
    def expand_user(self, user_home_path, username=''):
        ''' Return a command to expand tildes in a path

        It can be either "~" or "~username". We just ignore $HOME
        We use the POSIX definition of a username:

            Falls back to 'current working directory' as we assume 'home is where the remote user ends up'

        # Check that the user_path to expand is safe
        if user_home_path != '~':
            if not _USER_HOME_PATH_RE.match(user_home_path):
                # shlex_quote will make the shell return the string verbatim
                user_home_path = shlex_quote(user_home_path)
        elif username:
            # if present the user name is appended to resolve "that user's home"
            user_home_path += username

        return 'echo %s' % user_home_path
예제 #12
 def _read_user_execute(self):
     Returns the command line for reading a crontab
     user = ''
     if self.user:
         if platform.system() == 'SunOS':
             return "su %s -c '%s -l'" % (shlex_quote(
                 self.user), shlex_quote(self.cron_cmd))
         elif platform.system() == 'AIX':
             return "%s -l %s" % (shlex_quote(
                 self.cron_cmd), shlex_quote(self.user))
         elif platform.system() == 'HP-UX':
             return "%s %s %s" % (self.cron_cmd, '-l', shlex_quote(
         elif pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] != self.user:
             user = '******' % shlex_quote(self.user)
     return "%s %s %s" % (self.cron_cmd, user, '-l')
예제 #13
 def remove(self, path, recurse=False):
     path = shlex_quote(path)
     cmd = 'rm -f '
     if recurse:
         cmd += '-r '
     return cmd + "%s %s" % (path, self._SHELL_REDIRECT_ALLNULL)
예제 #14
파일: core.py 프로젝트: katiestar99/ansible
def quote(a):
    ''' return its argument quoted for shell usage '''
    if a is None:
        a = u''
    return shlex_quote(to_text(a))
예제 #15
 def env_prefix(**args):
     return ' '.join([
         '%s=%s' % (k, shlex_quote(text_type(v)))
         for k, v in args.items()
예제 #16
 def quote(self, cmd):
     """Returns a shell-escaped string that can be safely used as one token in a shell command line"""
     return shlex_quote(cmd)
예제 #17
    def chmod(self, paths, mode):
        cmd = ['chmod', mode]
        cmd = [shlex_quote(c) for c in cmd]

        return ' '.join(cmd)
예제 #18
    def chown(self, paths, user):
        cmd = ['chown', user]
        cmd = [shlex_quote(c) for c in cmd]

        return ' '.join(cmd)
예제 #19
    def chgrp(self, paths, group):
        cmd = ['chgrp', group]
        cmd = [shlex_quote(c) for c in cmd]

        return ' '.join(cmd)
예제 #20
    def run(self):
        ''' use Runner lib to do SSH things '''

        super(PullCLI, self).run()

        # log command line
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        display.display(now.strftime("Starting Assible Pull at %F %T"))
        display.display(' '.join(sys.argv))

        # Build Checkout command
        # Now construct the assible command
        node = platform.node()
        host = socket.getfqdn()
        limit_opts = 'localhost,%s,' % ','.join(
            set([host, node,
        base_opts = '-c local '
        if context.CLIARGS['verbosity'] > 0:
            base_opts += ' -%s' % ''.join(
                ["v" for x in range(0, context.CLIARGS['verbosity'])])

        # Attempt to use the inventory passed in as an argument
        # It might not yet have been downloaded so use localhost as default
        inv_opts = self._get_inv_cli()
        if not inv_opts:
            inv_opts = " -i localhost, "
            # avoid interpreter discovery since we already know which interpreter to use on localhost
            inv_opts += '-e %s ' % shlex_quote(
                'assible_python_interpreter=%s' % sys.executable)

        # SCM specific options
        if context.CLIARGS['module_name'] == 'git':
            repo_opts = "name=%s dest=%s" % (context.CLIARGS['url'],
            if context.CLIARGS['checkout']:
                repo_opts += ' version=%s' % context.CLIARGS['checkout']

            if context.CLIARGS['accept_host_key']:
                repo_opts += ' accept_hostkey=yes'

            if context.CLIARGS['private_key_file']:
                repo_opts += ' key_file=%s' % context.CLIARGS[

            if context.CLIARGS['verify']:
                repo_opts += ' verify_commit=yes'

            if context.CLIARGS['tracksubs']:
                repo_opts += ' track_submodules=yes'

            if not context.CLIARGS['fullclone']:
                repo_opts += ' depth=1'
        elif context.CLIARGS['module_name'] == 'subversion':
            repo_opts = "repo=%s dest=%s" % (context.CLIARGS['url'],
            if context.CLIARGS['checkout']:
                repo_opts += ' revision=%s' % context.CLIARGS['checkout']
            if not context.CLIARGS['fullclone']:
                repo_opts += ' export=yes'
        elif context.CLIARGS['module_name'] == 'hg':
            repo_opts = "repo=%s dest=%s" % (context.CLIARGS['url'],
            if context.CLIARGS['checkout']:
                repo_opts += ' revision=%s' % context.CLIARGS['checkout']
        elif context.CLIARGS['module_name'] == 'bzr':
            repo_opts = "name=%s dest=%s" % (context.CLIARGS['url'],
            if context.CLIARGS['checkout']:
                repo_opts += ' version=%s' % context.CLIARGS['checkout']
            raise AssibleOptionsError(
                'Unsupported (%s) SCM module for pull, choices are: %s' %
                (context.CLIARGS['module_name'], ','.join(self.REPO_CHOICES)))

        # options common to all supported SCMS
        if context.CLIARGS['clean']:
            repo_opts += ' force=yes'

        path = module_loader.find_plugin(context.CLIARGS['module_name'])
        if path is None:
            raise AssibleOptionsError(
                ("module '%s' not found.\n" % context.CLIARGS['module_name']))

        bin_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
        # hardcode local and inventory/host as this is just meant to fetch the repo
        cmd = '%s/assible %s %s -m %s -a "%s" all -l "%s"' % (
            bin_path, inv_opts, base_opts, context.CLIARGS['module_name'],
            repo_opts, limit_opts)
        for ev in context.CLIARGS['extra_vars']:
            cmd += ' -e %s' % shlex_quote(ev)

        # Nap?
        if context.CLIARGS['sleep']:
            display.display("Sleeping for %d seconds..." %

        # RUN the Checkout command
        display.debug("running assible with VCS module to checkout repo")
        display.vvvv('EXEC: %s' % cmd)
        rc, b_out, b_err = run_cmd(cmd, live=True)

        if rc != 0:
            if context.CLIARGS['force']:
                    "Unable to update repository. Continuing with (forced) run of playbook."
                return rc
        elif context.CLIARGS['ifchanged'] and b'"changed": true' not in b_out:
            display.display("Repository has not changed, quitting.")
            return 0

        playbook = self.select_playbook(context.CLIARGS['dest'])
        if playbook is None:
            raise AssibleOptionsError("Could not find a playbook to run.")

        # Build playbook command
        cmd = '%s/assible-playbook %s %s' % (bin_path, base_opts, playbook)
        if context.CLIARGS['vault_password_files']:
            for vault_password_file in context.CLIARGS['vault_password_files']:
                cmd += " --vault-password-file=%s" % vault_password_file
        if context.CLIARGS['vault_ids']:
            for vault_id in context.CLIARGS['vault_ids']:
                cmd += " --vault-id=%s" % vault_id

        for ev in context.CLIARGS['extra_vars']:
            cmd += ' -e %s' % shlex_quote(ev)
        if context.CLIARGS['become_ask_pass']:
            cmd += ' --ask-become-pass'
        if context.CLIARGS['skip_tags']:
            cmd += ' --skip-tags "%s"' % to_native(u','.join(
        if context.CLIARGS['tags']:
            cmd += ' -t "%s"' % to_native(u','.join(context.CLIARGS['tags']))
        if context.CLIARGS['subset']:
            cmd += ' -l "%s"' % context.CLIARGS['subset']
            cmd += ' -l "%s"' % limit_opts
        if context.CLIARGS['check']:
            cmd += ' -C'
        if context.CLIARGS['diff']:
            cmd += ' -D'


        # redo inventory options as new files might exist now
        inv_opts = self._get_inv_cli()
        if inv_opts:
            cmd += inv_opts

        display.debug("running assible-playbook to do actual work")
        display.debug('EXEC: %s' % cmd)
        rc, b_out, b_err = run_cmd(cmd, live=True)

        if context.CLIARGS['purge']:
            except Exception as e:
                display.error(u"Failed to remove %s: %s" %
                              (context.CLIARGS['dest'], to_text(e)))

        return rc
예제 #21
 def exists(self, path):
     cmd = ['test', '-e', shlex_quote(path)]
     return ' '.join(cmd)