예제 #1
    def test_readwrite_from_subclass_complete_info(self, cosmo_cls, cosmo,
                                                   tmpdir, format):
        Test writing from an instance and reading from that class, when there's
        full information saved.
        fname = str(tmpdir / f"{cosmo.name}.{format}")
        cosmo.write(fname, format=format)

        # read with the same class that wrote.
        got = cosmo_cls.read(fname, format=format)
        assert got == cosmo
        assert got.meta == cosmo.meta

        # this should be equivalent to
        got = Cosmology.read(fname, format=format, cosmology=cosmo_cls)
        assert got == cosmo
        assert got.meta == cosmo.meta

        # and also
        got = Cosmology.read(fname,
        assert got == cosmo
        assert got.meta == cosmo.meta
예제 #2
    def test_from_subclass_complete_info(self, tmpdir, instance, format):
        Test writing from an instance and reading from that class, when there's
        full information saved.
        cosmo = getattr(cosmology.realizations, instance)
        fname = tmpdir / f"{instance}.{format}"
        cosmo.write(str(fname), format=format)

        # read with the same class that wrote.
        got = cosmo.__class__.read(fname, format=format)
        assert got == cosmo
        assert got.meta == cosmo.meta

        # this should be equivalent to
        got = Cosmology.read(fname, format=format, cosmology=cosmo.__class__)
        assert got == cosmo
        assert got.meta == cosmo.meta

        # and also
        got = Cosmology.read(fname,
        assert got == cosmo
        assert got.meta == cosmo.meta
예제 #3
    def test_readwrite_from_subclass_partial_info(self, instance, tmpdir):
        Test writing from an instance and reading from that class.
        This requires partial information.

        .. todo::

            remove when fix method in super
        cosmo = getattr(cosmology.realizations, instance)

        format = "json"
        fname = tmpdir / f"{cosmo.name}.{format}"

        cosmo.write(str(fname), format=format)

        # partial information
        with open(fname, "r") as file:
            L = file.readlines()[0]
        L = L[:L.index('"cosmology":')] + L[L.index(", ") +
                                            2:]  # remove cosmology
        i = L.index('"Tcmb0":')  # delete Tcmb0
        L = L[:i] + L[L.index(", ",
                              L.index(", ", i) + 1) + 2:]  # second occurence

        tempfname = tmpdir / f"{cosmo.name}_temp.{format}"
        with open(tempfname, "w") as file:

        # read with the same class that wrote fills in the missing info with
        # the default value
        got = cosmo.__class__.read(tempfname, format=format)
        got2 = Cosmology.read(tempfname,
        got3 = Cosmology.read(tempfname,

        assert (got == got2) and (got2 == got3)  # internal consistency

        # not equal, because Tcmb0 is changed, which also changes m_nu
        assert got != cosmo
        assert got.Tcmb0 == cosmo.__class__._init_signature.parameters[
        assert got.clone(name=cosmo.name, Tcmb0=cosmo.Tcmb0,
                         m_nu=cosmo.m_nu) == cosmo
        # but the metadata is the same
        assert got.meta == cosmo.meta
예제 #4
    def test_readwrite_reader_class_mismatch(self, cosmo, tmpdir, format):
        """Test when the reader class doesn't match the file."""

        fname = tmpdir / f"{cosmo.name}.{format}"
        cosmo.write(str(fname), format=format)

        # class mismatch
        # when reading directly
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="missing 1 required"):
            w0wzCDM.read(fname, format=format)

        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="missing 1 required"):
            Cosmology.read(fname, format=format, cosmology=w0wzCDM)

        # when specifying the class
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="`cosmology` must be either"):
            w0wzCDM.read(fname, format=format, cosmology="FlatLambdaCDM")
예제 #5
    def test_from_subclass_partial_info(self, tmpdir, instance):
        Test writing from an instance and reading from that class.
        This requires partial information.

        .. todo::

            generalize over all save formats for this test.
        format = "json"
        cosmo = getattr(cosmology.realizations, instance)
        fname = tmpdir / f"{instance}.{format}"

        cosmo.write(str(fname), format=format)

        # partial information
        with open(fname, "r") as file:
            L = file.readlines()
        L[0] = L[0][:L[0].index('"cosmology":')] + L[0][L[0].index(', ') + 2:]
        i = L[0].index('"Tcmb0":')  # delete Tcmb0
        L[0] = L[0][:i] + L[0][L[0].index(', ', i) + 2:]

        tempfname = tmpdir / f"{instance}_temp.{format}"
        with open(tempfname, "w") as file:

        # read with the same class that wrote fills in the missing info with
        # the default value
        got = cosmo.__class__.read(tempfname, format=format)
        got2 = Cosmology.read(tempfname,
        got3 = Cosmology.read(tempfname,

        assert (got == got2) and (got2 == got3)  # internal consistency

        # not equal, because Tcmb0 is changed
        assert got != cosmo
        assert got.Tcmb0 == cosmo.__class__._init_signature.parameters[
        assert got.clone(name=cosmo.name, Tcmb0=cosmo.Tcmb0.value) == cosmo
        # but the metadata is the same
        assert got.meta == cosmo.meta
예제 #6
    def test_roundtrip_from_astropy(self, tmp_path, instance, format):
        cosmo = getattr(cosmology.realizations, instance)
        fname = tmp_path / f"{instance}.{format}"

        # write to file
        cosmo.write(str(fname), format=format)

        # also test kwarg "overwrite"
        assert os.path.exists(str(fname))  # file exists
        with pytest.raises(IOError):
            cosmo.write(str(fname), format=format, overwrite=False)

        assert os.path.exists(str(fname))  # overwrite file existing file
        cosmo.write(str(fname), format=format, overwrite=True)

        # Read back
        got = Cosmology.read(fname, format=format)

        # test round-tripped as expected
        assert got == cosmo  # tests immutable parameters, e.g. H0
예제 #7
    def test_readwrite_complete_info(self, cosmo, tmpdir, format):
        Test writing from an instance and reading from the base class.
        This requires full information.
        fname = tmpdir / f"{cosmo.name}.{format}"

        cosmo.write(str(fname), format=format)

        # Also test kwarg "overwrite"
        assert os.path.exists(str(fname))  # file exists
        with pytest.raises(IOError):
            cosmo.write(str(fname), format=format, overwrite=False)

        assert os.path.exists(str(fname))  # overwrite file existing file
        cosmo.write(str(fname), format=format, overwrite=True)

        # Read back
        got = Cosmology.read(fname, format=format)

        assert got == cosmo
        assert got.meta == cosmo.meta
예제 #8
    def test_readwrite_complete_info(self, cosmo, tmpdir, format):
        Test writing from an instance and reading from the base class.
        This requires full information.
        The round-tripped metadata can be in a different order, so the
        OrderedDict must be converted to a dict before testing equality.
        fname = str(tmpdir / f"{cosmo.name}.{format}")
        cosmo.write(fname, format=format)

        # Also test kwarg "overwrite"
        assert os.path.exists(fname)  # file exists
        with pytest.raises(IOError):
            cosmo.write(fname, format=format, overwrite=False)

        assert os.path.exists(fname)  # overwrite file existing file
        cosmo.write(fname, format=format, overwrite=True)

        # Read back
        got = Cosmology.read(fname, format=format)

        assert got == cosmo
        assert dict(got.meta) == dict(cosmo.meta)