예제 #1
    def _stringToValue_date(self, string):
        regex = re.match(self._iso8601_date, string)
        if regex is None:
            raise ValueError("invalid ISO 8601 date string: \"%s\"" % string)

        year = regex.group(1)
        month = regex.group(3)
        day = regex.group(5)
            if year is not None and month is not None and day is not None:
                dateTimeObject = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day))

            elif year is not None and month is not None:
                dateTimeObject = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), 1)

            elif year is not None:
                dateTimeObject = datetime.datetime(int(year), 1, 1)

                raise ValueError

        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("invalid ISO 8601 date string: \"%s\"" % string)

        td = dateTimeObject - self._dateTimeOrigin
        return NP.int64(td.days*86400 * self._dateTimeResolution)
예제 #2
    def _stringToValue_time(self, string):
        regex = re.match(self._iso8601_time, string)
        if regex is None:
            raise ValueError("invalid ISO 8601 time string: \"%s\"" % string)

        hour = regex.group(1)
        minute = regex.group(2)
        second = regex.group(4)
        subsecond = regex.group(5)
        timezone = regex.group(6)

        timezoneOffset = 0
            if hour is not None and minute is not None and second is not None:
                if subsecond is None:
                    microsecond = 0
                    microsecond = int(round(float(subsecond) * 1e6))
                dateTimeObject = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, int(hour), int(minute), int(second), microsecond)

            elif hour is not None and minute is not None:
                if subsecond is not None:
                    raise ValueError
                dateTimeObject = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, int(hour), int(minute))

            if timezone is not None:
                regex2 = re.match(self._timezone, timezone)
                if regex2 is not None:
                    sign, hourOffset, minuteOffset = regex2.groups()
                    timezoneOffset = ((int(hourOffset) * 60) + int(minuteOffset)) * 60 * self._dateTimeResolution   # microseconds
                    if sign == "-":
                        timezoneOffset *= -1

        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("invalid ISO 8601 time string: \"%s\"" % string)

        td = dateTimeObject - self._dateTimeOrigin
        return NP.int64(td.seconds * self._dateTimeResolution + td.microseconds - timezoneOffset)
예제 #3
    def _stringToValue_dateTime(self, string):
        # accept all of the ISO 8601 standards as well as the variants in which:
        #     the literal "T" is replaced by a space " "
        #     the hyphen delimiters "-" are replaced by slashes "/"
        #     the timezone is not specified

        regex = re.match(self._iso8601, string)
        if regex is None:
            raise ValueError("invalid ISO 8601 dateTime string: \"%s\"" % string)

        year = regex.group(1)
        month = regex.group(3)
        day = regex.group(5)
        hour = regex.group(7)
        minute = regex.group(8)
        second = regex.group(10)
        subsecond = regex.group(11)
        timezone = regex.group(12)

        timezoneOffset = 0
            if year is not None and month is not None and day is not None and hour is not None and minute is not None:
                if second is not None:
                    if subsecond is None:
                        microsecond = 0
                        microsecond = int(round(float(subsecond) * 1e6))
                    dateTimeObject = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day), int(hour), int(minute), int(second), microsecond)
                    if subsecond is not None:
                        raise ValueError
                    dateTimeObject = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day), int(hour), int(minute))

                if timezone is not None:
                    regex2 = re.match(self._timezone, timezone)
                    if regex2 is not None:
                        sign, hourOffset, minuteOffset = regex2.groups()
                        timezoneOffset = ((int(hourOffset) * 60) + int(minuteOffset)) * 60 * self._dateTimeResolution   # microseconds
                        if sign == "-":
                            timezoneOffset *= -1

            elif year is not None and month is not None and day is not None and hour is not None:
                raise ValueError

            elif year is not None and month is not None and day is not None:
                dateTimeObject = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day))

            elif year is not None and month is not None:
                dateTimeObject = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), 1)

            elif year is not None:
                dateTimeObject = datetime.datetime(int(year), 1, 1)

                raise ValueError

        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("invalid ISO 8601 dateTime string: \"%s\"" % string)

        td = dateTimeObject - self._dateTimeOrigin
        return NP.int64((td.days*86400 + td.seconds) * self._dateTimeResolution + td.microseconds - timezoneOffset)
예제 #4
 def _stringToValue_integer(self, string):
     return NP.int64(string)
예제 #5
 def _stringToValue_dateTimeNumber(self, string):
     return (NP.int64(string) * self._factor) + self._offset