def __init__(self, port = 9000, debug = False): self.port = port self.debug = debug factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:%d" % self.port, debug = self.debug) factory.protocol = LabspiralServerProtocol factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76 = True) # needed if Hixie76 is to be supported self.factory = factory
def runServer(): if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) debug = True else: debug = False factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9000", debug=False, debugCodePaths=False, debugWamp=debug, debugApp=False) factory.protocol = AppServerProtocol factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76 = True) listenWS(factory) webdir = File(".") web = Site(webdir) reactor.listenTCP(8080, web)
def run_server (): reactor.listenTCP(8789, pb.PBServerFactory(ExperimentMarshal())) log.msg("PB listening on port 8789") factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9000") factory.protocol = LabspiralServerProtocol listenWS(factory) log.msg("WS listening on port 9000") ExperimentMarshal.publish = factory.dispatch root = resource.Resource() root.putChild("", Root()) root.putChild("experiments", ExperimentList()) root.putChild("resources", static.File("resources")) site = server.Site(root) reactor.listenTCP(8001, site) log.msg("HTTP listening on port 8001") log.msg("Server stopped")
def runwamp(logfile=None, debug=True): if logfile is None: log.startLogging(sys.stdout) ''' factory = WampServerFactory("ws://%s:9000" % socket.gethostname(), debugWamp=debug) ''' factory = "" host_name = socket.gethostname() if host_name == 'ip-172-31-29-49': factory = WampServerFactory("ws://", debugWamp=None) else: factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9000", debugWamp=debug) factory.protocol = PubSubServer1 factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76=True) listenWS(factory) webdir = File(".") web = Site(webdir) reactor.listenTCP(9090, web)
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 -u -Wall import sys from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.python import log from autobahn.wamp import WampServerFactory, \ WampServerProtocol, \ exportRpc from autobahn.websocket import listenWS class RpcServerProtocol(WampServerProtocol): @exportRpc def add(self, x, y): return x + y def onSessionOpen(self): self.registerForPubSub("/mpd/test") if __name__ == '__main__': factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9001", debug=True) factory.protocol = WampServerProtocol log.startLogging(sys.stdout) listenWS(factory) print "Here we go" sys.stdout.flush() # flush the line so that tests know we're up sys.stderr.flush()
def reload_instance(self): pass def restart_instance(self): pass def get_option(short_name, long_name=None): return None if __name__ == '__main__': # Load services db = client["stretch-agent"] docker_client = docker.Client(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock', version='1.6', timeout=10) # Start supervsior supervisor = InstanceSupervisor(db, docker_client) supervisor.start(get_option('t', 'ttl') or CONFIG_TTL) # Start agent agent = Agent(db, supervisor) port = get_option('p', 'port') or PORT factory = WampServerFactory('ws://localhost:%s' % port, debugWamp=True) factory.protocol = AgentServerProtocol listenWS(factory)
def asyncSum(self, list): ## Simulate a slow function. d = defer.Deferred() reactor.callLater(3, d.callback, self.sum(list)) return d class SimpleServerProtocol(WampServerProtocol): """ Demonstrates creating a simple server with Autobahn WebSockets that responds to RPC calls. """ def onConnect(self, connectionRequest): # when a client connects, we can check if we # want to accept here, and if so, we create # instances of our service classes .. self.calc = Calc() # .. and register them for RPC. that's it. self.registerForRpc(self.calc, "") if __name__ == '__main__': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) factory = WampServerFactory(debug=False) factory.protocol = SimpleServerProtocol reactor.listenTCP(9000, factory)
@exportRpc("state") def state(self): return running if PI: def cleanup(): GPIO.output(12, False) GPIO.cleanup() atexit.register(cleanup) if __name__ == '__main__': # if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug': # log.startLogging(sys.stdout) # debug = True # else: # debug = False log.startLogging(sys.stdout) factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9000", debugWamp=True) factory.protocol = ScarefrogServerProtocol factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76=True) listenWS(factory) webdir = File("www") web = Site(webdir) reactor.listenTCP(8080, web)
from twisted.web.server import Site from twisted.web.static import File from autobahn.websocket import listenWS from autobahn.wamp import WampServerFactory, \ WampServerProtocol class DirWatchServerProtocol(WampServerProtocol): def onSessionOpen(self): ## register a URI and all URIs having the string as prefix as PubSub topic self.registerForPubSub("", True) if __name__ == '__main__': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) debug = len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug' factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9000", debugWamp=debug) factory.protocol = DirWatchServerProtocol factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76=True) listenWS(factory) webdir = File(".") web = Site(webdir) reactor.listenTCP(8080, web)
def connectionLost(self, reason): """ When connection is gone (i.e. client close window, navigated away from the page), stop the model timer, which holds last reference to model, and delete the model """ WampServerProtocol.connectionLost(self, reason) # self.logModel.timer.stop() self.logModel = None if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "debug": log.startLogging(sys.stdout) debug = True else: debug = False factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9005", debugWamp=debug) factory.protocol = LogMonitorServerProtocol factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76=True) listenWS(factory) webdir = File(".") web = Site(webdir) reactor.listenTCP(8085, web)
if sx > bx: scale_factor = bx/float(ix) sx = bx sy = scale_factor * iy else: sy = by return pygame.transform.smoothscale(img, (int(sx),int(sy))) # log.startLogging(sys.stdout) log.startLogging(open('log.txt','w')) print "Darrell's toy photo frame" # Setup RPC factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9000") factory.protocol = RpcServerProtocol listenWS(factory) # Initial pygame and the screen pygame.init() w = pygame.display.Info().current_w h= pygame.display.Info().current_h print "w: ", w, "h: ", h size = (pygame.display.Info().current_w, pygame.display.Info().current_h) pygame.mouse.set_visible(0) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size,pygame.FULLSCREEN) # Create and Fill background background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size()) background = background.convert() # This is cargo cult.. I don't know why it's here. background.fill(bgcolor)
""" Protocol class for our simple demo WAMP server. """ def onSessionOpen(self): ## When the WAMP session to a client has been established, ## register a single fixed URI as PubSub topic that our ## message broker will handle ## self.registerForPubSub("") if __name__ == '__main__': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) ## our WAMP/WebSocket server ## wampFactory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9000", debugWamp=True) wampFactory.protocol = MyPubSubServerProtocol listenWS(wampFactory) ## our Web server (for static Web content) ## webFactory = Site(File(".")) reactor.listenTCP(8080, webFactory) ## run the Twisted network reactor ##
self.registerForPubSub(_url('players')) self.pubsub = PubSubHandlers(self) self.registerHandlerForPubSub(self.pubsub, BASE_URL) def connectionLost(self, reason): self.pubsub.send_users_list(exclude=[self]) WampServerProtocol.connectionLost(self, reason) class EatBulletServerFactory(WampServerFactory): def __init__(self, url, debug=False, debugCodePaths=False, debugWamp=False, debugApp=False, externalPort=None): = [] WampServerFactory.__init__(self, url, debug=debug, debugCodePaths=debugCodePaths, externalPort=externalPort) if __name__ == '__main__': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) factory = WampServerFactory('ws://localhost:9000', debugWamp=True) factory.protocol = EatBulletServerProtocol listenWS(factory) webdir = File(".") web = Site(webdir) reactor.listenTCP(8080, web)
req = urllib2.Request(auxUrl) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) response1 = return json.loads(response1) except KeyError: return {"error" : "Key don't exist in Json"} class WampServerFilper(WampServerProtocol): def onSessionOpen(self): self.notifications = notifications() self.registerForRpc(self.notifications, "") self.registerForPubSub("", True) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) debug = True else: debug = False factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9000", debugWamp = debug) factory.protocol = WampServerFilper listenWS(factory)
try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(CACHE_FILE)) except exceptions.OSError, e: if e.errno != 17: log.err() try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(LOG_FILE)) except exceptions.OSError, e: if e.errno != 17: log.err() # TODO refactor: use util method in ws lib for url creation host = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[0] uri = "ws://%s:%s/" % (host, WS_PORT) factory = WampServerFactory(uri, debugWamp=False) factory.protocol = yadtbroadcastserver.BroadcastServerProtocol yadtbroadcastserver.BroadcastServerProtocol.init_cache() yadtbroadcastserver.BroadcastServerProtocol.reset_metrics_at_midnight(first_call=True) yadtbroadcastserver.BroadcastServerProtocol.schedule_write_metrics(first_call=True) reactor.listenTCP(WS_PORT, factory) log.msg("ws listens on port %s" % WS_PORT) docroot = static.File(DOCROOT_DIR) class YadtApi(Resource): isLeaf = True KNOWN_APIS = set(["yadt"]) KNOWN_COMMANDS = set(["status"])
def _listenServer(self, d): factory = WampServerFactory('ws://localhost:9000', debugWamp=True) factory.protocol = ServerProtocol factory.onConnectionLost = d return listenWS(factory)
## register PubSub topics from the auth permissions self.registerForPubSubFromPermissions(perms["permissions"]) ## register RPC endpoints (for now do that manually, keep in sync with perms) if authKey is None: self.registerForRpc(self, "", [MyServerProtocol.getUsers]) @exportRpc("getusers") def getUsers(self): return self.USERS.keys() if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "debug": log.startLogging(sys.stdout) debug = True else: debug = False factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9000", debugWamp=debug) factory.protocol = DbusServerProtocol listenWS(factory) webdir = File(".") web = Site(webdir) reactor.listenTCP(8080, web)
def dataReceived(self, data): self.resetTimeout() print len(data) if len(data) == 11: packet = Packet(data) print packet self._publish(packet.toDict()) reactor.callLater(0.1, self.sendCMD, 'GET') else: log.msg("Received Gargabe") log.msg("LEN: %s " % len(data)) log.msg(data) def lineReceived(self, line): log.msg("Line Received") log.msg(line) if __name__ == '__main__': ##Setup Server wampServerFactory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9000") wampServerFactory.protocol = TSPublisher listenWS(wampServerFactory) ##Setup Client wampClientFactory = WampClientFactory("ws://localhost:9000") wampClientFactory.protocol = TSClient connectWS(wampClientFactory)
return threads.deferToThread( thunk ) def onAuthenticated( self, authKey, perms ): peer = self.peerstr if authKey is None: msg = "Anonymous connected from %s" % peer else: msg = "%s connected from %s" % (authKey,peer) self.currentUser = authKey self.currentRole = 'default' deferLater( reactor, 1, lambda: NotificationProtocol.notify(msg) ) f = WampServerFactory( "ws://localhost:2001", debugWamp=True ) f.protocol = WorkflowProtocol # # allowHixie76=True is required in order to work with iOS and Safari, # but this is insecure # # see!topic/autobahnws/wOEU3Bvp4HQ f.setProtocolOptions( allowHixie76=True ) listenWS(f) NotificationProtocol.start() from twisted.python import log reactor.listenTCP( 2000, Site( root ) ) import sys log.startLogging( sys.stdout )
def connectionLost(self, reason): """ When connection is gone (i.e. client close window, navigated away from the page), stop the model timer, which holds last reference to model, and delete the model """ WampServerProtocol.connectionLost(self, reason) self.processModel.timer.stop() self.processModel = None if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) debug = True else: debug = False factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9001", debugWamp = debug) factory.protocol = ProcessMonitorServerProtocol factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76 = True) listenWS(factory) webdir = File(".") web = Site(webdir) reactor.listenTCP(8081, web)
## register PubSub topics from the auth permissions self.registerForPubSubFromPermissions(perms['permissions']) ## register RPC endpoints (for now do that manually, keep in sync with perms) if authKey is None: self.registerForRpc(self, '', [MyServerProtocol.getUsers]) @exportRpc("getusers") def getUsers(self): return self.USERS.keys() if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) debug = True else: debug = False factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9000", debugWamp=debug) factory.protocol = DbusServerProtocol listenWS(factory) webdir = File(".") web = Site(webdir) reactor.listenTCP(8080, web)
self.op = op self.current = num res = str(self.current) if op == "=": self.clear() return res if __name__ == '__main__': decimal.getcontext().prec = 20 if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) debug = True else: debug = False factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9000", debugWamp = debug) factory.protocol = CalculatorServerProtocol factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76 = True) listenWS(factory) webdir = File(".") web = Site(webdir) reactor.listenTCP(8080, web)
from autobahn.wamp import WampServerFactory, \ WampServerProtocol class PubSubServer1(WampServerProtocol): def onSessionOpen(self): ## register a single, fixed URI as PubSub topic self.registerForPubSub("") ## register a URI and all URIs having the string as prefix as PubSub topic self.registerForPubSub("", True) if __name__ == '__main__': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) debug = len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug' factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9000", debugWamp = debug) factory.protocol = PubSubServer1 factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76 = True) listenWS(factory) webdir = File(".") web = Site(webdir) reactor.listenTCP(8080, web)
""" def onSessionOpen(self): ## When the WAMP session to a client has been established, ## register a single fixed URI as PubSub topic that our ## message broker will handle ## self.registerForPubSub("") if __name__ == '__main__': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) ## our WAMP/WebSocket server ## wampFactory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9000", debugWamp = True) wampFactory.protocol = MyPubSubServerProtocol listenWS(wampFactory) ## our Web server (for static Web content) ## webFactory = Site(File(".")) reactor.listenTCP(8080, webFactory) ## run the Twisted network reactor ##
self.memoryChartSwap.timer.stop() self.memoryChartSwap = None self.memoryInfoVirt.timer.stop() self.memoryInfoVirt = None self.memoryInfoSwap.timer.stop() self.memoryInfoSwap = None if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) debug = True else: debug = False factory = WampServerFactory("ws://", debugWamp = debug) factory.protocol = MemoryMonitorServerProtocol factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76 = True) listenWS(factory) webdir = File(".") web = Site(webdir) reactor.listenTCP(8082, web)
num = decimal.Decimal(arg["num"]) if self.op: if self.op == "+": self.current += num elif self.op == "-": self.current -= num elif self.op == "*": self.current *= num elif self.op == "/": self.current /= num self.op = op else: self.op = op self.current = num res = str(self.current) if op == "=": self.clear() return res if __name__ == '__main__': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) decimal.getcontext().prec = 20 factory = WampServerFactory(debug = False) factory.protocol = CalculatorServerProtocol reactor.listenTCP(9000, factory)
""" A minimalistic RPC server. """ def onSessionOpen(self): # When the WAMP session has been established, register any methods # remoted on this class for RPC self.registerForRpc(self, "") @exportRpc("add") def add(self, x, y): """ A simple remoted method which can be called via RPC from any WAMP client. """ return x + y if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) debug = True else: debug = False factory = WampServerFactory("ws://", debugWamp=debug) factory.protocol = RpcServer1Protocol factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76=True) listenWS(factory)
def asyncSum(self, list): ## Simulate a slow function. d = defer.Deferred() reactor.callLater(3, d.callback, self.sum(list)) return d class SimpleServerProtocol(WampServerProtocol): """ Demonstrates creating a simple server with Autobahn WebSockets that responds to RPC calls. """ def onSessionOpen(self): # when connection is established, we create our # service instances ... self.calc = Calc() # .. and register them for RPC. that's it. self.registerForRpc(self.calc, "") if __name__ == '__main__': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9000") factory.protocol = SimpleServerProtocol listenWS(factory)
if args.netmask: iplist = args.netmask.split(",") for ip in iplist: if ip.rfind("/") != -1: ip = ip.split("/") ipAllowed = ip[0] mask = ip[1] else: ipAllowed = ip mask = "" NETMASK.append({ 'ipAllowed': ipV4ToHex(ipAllowed), 'mask': ipV4ToHex(mask) }) uri = "ws://localhost:" + args.port factory = WampServerFactory(uri, debugWamp=args.debug) factory.protocol = CloudeebusServerProtocol factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76=True) # Configure engine for WAMP. engine.factory = factory engine.OPENDOOR = OPENDOOR listenWS(factory) DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True)
values = event encode = urllib.urlencode(values) auxUrl = url + '?' + encode req = urllib2.Request(auxUrl) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) response1 = return json.loads(response1) except KeyError: return {"error": "Key don't exist in Json"} class WampServerFilper(WampServerProtocol): def onSessionOpen(self): self.notifications = notifications() self.registerForRpc(self.notifications, "") self.registerForPubSub("", True) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) debug = True else: debug = False factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9000", debugWamp=debug) factory.protocol = WampServerFilper listenWS(factory)
self.publish("" + game_id, {"to": "client", "type": "game over", "winner":[game_id].get_winner()}) #Delete game from games del[game_id] #SkyCaptains Server class SkyCaptainsServer(WampServerProtocol): def onSessionOpen(self): #Init game self.registerForPubSub("") #Game events self.registerForPubSub("", True) #Chat self.registerForPubSub("") if __name__ == "__main__": url = "ws://" + os.environ["SKYCAPTAINS_SERVER"] + ":" + os.environ["SKYCAPTAINS_PORT"] factory = WampServerFactory(url, debugWamp = False) factory.protocol = SkyCaptainsServer factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76 = True) listenWS(factory) factory = WampClientFactory(url, debugWamp = False) factory.protocol = SkyCaptainsClient connectWS(factory)
class DeviceStatusProtocol(WampServerProtocol): def onSessionOpen(self): self.registerDeviceChannels() self.registerDeviceGraph() def registerDeviceChannels(self): self.registerForPubSub(ATTACH) self.registerForPubSub(DETACH) self.registerForPubSub(UPDATE) def registerDeviceGraph(self): self.deviceGraph = DeviceGraph(self) self.registerForRpc(self.deviceGraph, '') if __name__ == '__main__': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) debug = len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug' factory = WampServerFactory("ws://", debugWamp=debug) factory.protocol = DeviceStatusProtocol factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76=True) listenWS(factory) webdir = File("site") web = Site(webdir) reactor.listenTCP(8080, web)
except: print "illegal topic - skipped publication of event" return None class MyServerProtocol(WampServerProtocol): def onConnect(self, connectionRequest): ## register a single, fixed URI as PubSub topic self.registerForPubSub("") ## register a URI and all URIs having the string as prefix as PubSub topic #self.registerForPubSub("", True) ## register any URI (string) as topic #self.registerForPubSub("", True) ## register a topic handler to control topic subscriptions/publications self.topicservice = MyTopicService([1, 3, 7]) self.registerHandlerForPubSub(self.topicservice, "") if __name__ == '__main__': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) factory = WampServerFactory(debug_autobahn = True) factory.protocol = MyServerProtocol reactor.listenTCP(9000, factory)
jfile.close() if args.whitelist: jfile = open(args.whitelist) WHITELIST = json.load(jfile) jfile.close() if args.netmask: iplist = args.netmask.split(",") for ip in iplist: if ip.rfind("/") != -1: ip=ip.split("/") ipAllowed = ip[0] mask = ip[1] else: ipAllowed = ip mask = "" NETMASK.append( {'ipAllowed': ipV4ToHex(ipAllowed), 'mask' : ipV4ToHex(mask)} ) uri = "ws://localhost:" + args.port factory = WampServerFactory(uri, debugWamp = args.debug) factory.protocol = CloudeebusServerProtocol factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76 = True) listenWS(factory) DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True)
self.registerForPubSub("", True, pubsub=WampServerProtocol.SUBSCRIBE) #reactor.callLater(5, self.sendEvent) #def sendEvent(self, event): # self.dispatch("", event) if __name__ == '__main__': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) # websocket stuff debug = len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug' factory = WampServerFactory("ws://", debugWamp=debug) factory.protocol = PubSubServer factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76=True) listenWS(factory) # rabbitmq stuff parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters() cc = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, twisted_connection.TwistedProtocolConnection, parameters) d = cc.connectTCP('localhost', 5672) d.addCallback(lambda protocol: protocol.ready) pika_consumer = PikaConsumer(factory) d.addCallback(
@exportRpc def getIfaces(self): """ Return names of all available network interfaces """ ifaces = psutil.network_io_counters(pernic=True).keys() ifaces.append('total') return ifaces if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) debug = True else: debug = False factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9004", debugWamp = debug) factory.protocol = NetworkInfoServerProtocol factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76 = True) listenWS(factory) webdir = File(".") web = Site(webdir) reactor.listenTCP(8084, web)
return None except: print "illegal topic - skipped publication of event" return None class MyServerProtocol(WampServerProtocol): def onConnect(self, connectionRequest): ## register a single, fixed URI as PubSub topic self.registerForPubSub("") ## register a URI and all URIs having the string as prefix as PubSub topic # self.registerForPubSub("", True) ## register any URI (string) as topic # self.registerForPubSub("", True) ## register a topic handler to control topic subscriptions/publications self.topicservice = MyTopicService([1, 3, 7]) self.registerHandlerForPubSub(self.topicservice, "") if __name__ == "__main__": log.startLogging(sys.stdout) factory = WampServerFactory(debug_autobahn=True) factory.protocol = MyServerProtocol reactor.listenTCP(9000, factory)
def connectionLost(self, reason): """ When connection is gone (i.e. client close window, navigated away from the page), stop the model timer, which holds last reference to model, and delete the model """ WampServerProtocol.connectionLost(self, reason) self.infoModel = None if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) debug = True else: debug = False factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9000", debugWamp = debug) factory.protocol = SystemInfoServerProtocol factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76 = True) listenWS(factory) webdir = File(".") web = Site(webdir) reactor.listenTCP(8080, web)
from twisted.web.static import File from autobahn.twisted.websocket import listenWS from autobahn.wamp import WampServerFactory, \ WampServerProtocol class DirWatchServerProtocol(WampServerProtocol): def onSessionOpen(self): ## register a URI and all URIs having the string as prefix as PubSub topic self.registerForPubSub("", True) if __name__ == '__main__': log.startLogging(sys.stdout) debug = len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug' factory = WampServerFactory("ws://localhost:9000", debugWamp = debug) factory.protocol = DirWatchServerProtocol factory.setProtocolOptions(allowHixie76 = True) listenWS(factory) webdir = File(".") web = Site(webdir) reactor.listenTCP(8080, web)