예제 #1
def create_digest_traverser(cloudtrail_client, s3_client_provider, trail_arn,
                            trail_source_region=None, on_invalid=None,
                            on_gap=None, on_missing=None, bucket=None,
    """Creates a CloudTrail DigestTraverser and its object graph.

    :type cloudtrail_client: botocore.client.CloudTrail
    :param cloudtrail_client: Client used to connect to CloudTrail
    :type s3_client_provider: S3ClientProvider
    :param s3_client_provider: Used to create Amazon S3 client per/region.
    :param trail_arn: CloudTrail trail ARN
    :param trail_source_region: The scanned region of a trail.
    :param on_invalid: Callback that is invoked when validating a digest fails.
    :param on_gap: Callback that is invoked when a digest has no link to the
        previous digest, but there are more digests to validate. This can
        happen when a trail is disabled for a period of time.
    :param on_missing: Callback that is invoked when a digest file has been
        deleted from Amazon S3 but is supposed to be present.
    :param bucket: Amazon S3 bucket of the trail if it is different than the
        bucket that is currently associated with the trail.
    :param prefix: bucket: Key prefix prepended to each digest and log placed
        in the Amazon S3 bucket if it is different than the prefix that is
        currently associated with the trail.

    ``on_gap``, ``on_invalid``, and ``on_missing`` callbacks are invoked with
    the following named arguments:

    - ``bucket`: The next S3 bucket.
    - ``next_key``: (optional) Next digest key that was found in the bucket.
    - ``next_end_date``: (optional) End date of the next found digest.
    - ``last_key``: The last digest key that was found.
    - ``last_start_date``: (optional) Start date of last found digest.
    - ``message``: (optional) Message string about the notification.
    account_id = get_account_id_from_arn(trail_arn)
    if bucket is None:
        # Determine the bucket and prefix based on the trail arn.
        trail_info = get_trail_by_arn(cloudtrail_client, trail_arn)
        LOG.debug('Loaded trail info: %s', trail_info)
        bucket = trail_info['S3BucketName']
        prefix = trail_info.get('S3KeyPrefix', None)
    # Determine the region from the ARN (e.g., arn:aws:cloudtrail:REGION:...)
    trail_region = trail_arn.split(':')[3]
    # Determine the name from the ARN (the last part after "/")
    trail_name = trail_arn.split('/')[-1]
    digest_provider = DigestProvider(
        account_id=account_id, trail_name=trail_name,
    return DigestTraverser(
        digest_provider=digest_provider, starting_bucket=bucket,
        starting_prefix=prefix, on_invalid=on_invalid, on_gap=on_gap,
예제 #2
def create_digest_traverser(cloudtrail_client, s3_client_provider, trail_arn,
                            trail_source_region=None, on_invalid=None,
                            on_gap=None, on_missing=None, bucket=None,
    """Creates a CloudTrail DigestTraverser and its object graph.

    :type cloudtrail_client: botocore.client.CloudTrail
    :param cloudtrail_client: Client used to connect to CloudTrail
    :type s3_client_provider: S3ClientProvider
    :param s3_client_provider: Used to create Amazon S3 client per/region.
    :param trail_arn: CloudTrail trail ARN
    :param trail_source_region: The scanned region of a trail.
    :param on_invalid: Callback that is invoked when validating a digest fails.
    :param on_gap: Callback that is invoked when a digest has no link to the
        previous digest, but there are more digests to validate. This can
        happen when a trail is disabled for a period of time.
    :param on_missing: Callback that is invoked when a digest file has been
        deleted from Amazon S3 but is supposed to be present.
    :param bucket: Amazon S3 bucket of the trail if it is different than the
        bucket that is currently associated with the trail.
    :param prefix: bucket: Key prefix prepended to each digest and log placed
        in the Amazon S3 bucket if it is different than the prefix that is
        currently associated with the trail.

    ``on_gap``, ``on_invalid``, and ``on_missing`` callbacks are invoked with
    the following named arguments:

    - ``bucket`: The next S3 bucket.
    - ``next_key``: (optional) Next digest key that was found in the bucket.
    - ``next_end_date``: (optional) End date of the next found digest.
    - ``last_key``: The last digest key that was found.
    - ``last_start_date``: (optional) Start date of last found digest.
    - ``message``: (optional) Message string about the notification.
    account_id = get_account_id_from_arn(trail_arn)
    if bucket is None:
        # Determine the bucket and prefix based on the trail arn.
        trail_info = get_trail_by_arn(cloudtrail_client, trail_arn)
        LOG.debug('Loaded trail info: %s', trail_info)
        bucket = trail_info['S3BucketName']
        prefix = trail_info.get('S3KeyPrefix', None)
    # Determine the region from the ARN (e.g., arn:aws:cloudtrail:REGION:...)
    trail_region = trail_arn.split(':')[3]
    # Determine the name from the ARN (the last part after "/")
    trail_name = trail_arn.split('/')[-1]
    digest_provider = DigestProvider(
        account_id=account_id, trail_name=trail_name,
    return DigestTraverser(
        digest_provider=digest_provider, starting_bucket=bucket,
        starting_prefix=prefix, on_invalid=on_invalid, on_gap=on_gap,
예제 #3
 def test_gets_account_id_from_arn(self):
     arn = 'foo:bar:baz:qux:1234'
     self.assertEqual('1234', utils.get_account_id_from_arn(arn))
예제 #4
 def test_gets_account_id_from_arn(self):
     arn = 'foo:bar:baz:qux:1234'
     self.assertEqual('1234', utils.get_account_id_from_arn(arn))