예제 #1
파일: s3client.py 프로젝트: sanyi/awsutils
    def deleteObject(self, callback, bucketname, objectname):
        uri, endpoint = self._buketname2PathAndEndpoint(bucketname)

        yield tornado.gen.Task(self.request, uri=uri + urlquote(objectname), endpoint=endpoint, statusexpected=[204],
                               xmlexpected=False, method='DELETE', signmethod=SIGNATURE_S3_REST)

        self._ioloop.add_callback(functools.partial(callback, True))
예제 #2
    def initiateMultipartUpload(self, bucketname, objectname,
                                # TODO: not handled yet
                                x_amz_grant_read=None, x_amz_grant_write=None, x_amz_grant_read_acp=None,
        x_amz_server_side_encryption valid values None, AES256
        x_amz_storage_class valid values None (STANDARD), REDUCED_REDUNDANCY
        x_amz_website_redirect_location see http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUT.html
        headers = {}
        if x_amz_server_side_encryption:
            headers['x-amz-server-side-encryption'] = x_amz_server_side_encryption
        if x_amz_storage_class:
            headers['x-amz-storage-class'] = x_amz_storage_class
        if x_amz_website_redirect_location:
            headers['x-amz-website-redirect-location'] = x_amz_website_redirect_location

        uri, endpoint = self._buketname2PathAndEndpoint(bucketname)
        data = self.request(method="POST", uri=uri + urlquote(objectname), headers=headers, host=endpoint,
                            query={"uploads": None}, signmethod=SIGNATURE_S3_REST)
        data = data['awsresponse']['InitiateMultipartUploadResult']
        if data['Bucket'] != bucketname or data['Key'] != objectname:
            raise IntegrityCheckException('unexpected bucket/key name received', (data['Bucket'],data['Key']),
                                          (bucketname, objectname))
        return data
예제 #3
파일: s3client.py 프로젝트: sanyi/awsutils
    def putObject(self, callback, bucketname, objectname, value):
        uri, endpoint = self._buketname2PathAndEndpoint(bucketname)

        yield tornado.gen.Task(self.request, uri=uri + urlquote(objectname), endpoint=endpoint, body=value,
                               xmlexpected=False, method='PUT', signmethod=SIGNATURE_S3_REST)

        self._ioloop.add_callback(functools.partial(callback, True))
예제 #4
    def createQueue(self, qName, delaySeconds=None, maximumMessageSize=None, messageRetentionPeriod=None,
                    receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds=None, visibilityTimeout=None, policy=None):
        @param qName: the sqs queue name
        @type qName: str
        query = {'Action': 'CreateQueue', 'QueueName': qName, 'Version': '2012-11-05'}
        i = 1
        if delaySeconds is not None:
            if not isinstance(delaySeconds, int) or not 0 <= delaySeconds <= 900:
                raise UserInputException("param delaySeconds sould be an integer between 0 and 900 (15 minutes)")
            query["Attribute.%d.Name"%(i,)] = "DelaySeconds"
            query["Attribute.%d.Value"%(i,)] = delaySeconds
            i += 1

        if maximumMessageSize is not None:
            if not isinstance(maximumMessageSize, int) or not 1024 <= maximumMessageSize <= 65536:
                raise UserInputException("param maximumMessageSize sould be an integer between 1024 and 65536 (64 KiB)")
            query["Attribute.%d.Name"%(i,)] = "MaximumMessageSize"
            query["Attribute.%d.Value"%(i,)] = maximumMessageSize
            i += 1

        if messageRetentionPeriod is not None:
            if not isinstance(messageRetentionPeriod, int) or not 60 <= messageRetentionPeriod <= 1209600:
                raise UserInputException(
                    "param messageRetentionPeriod sould be an integer between 60 (1 minute) and 1209600 (14 days)")
            query["Attribute.%d.Name"%(i,)] = "MessageRetentionPeriod"
            query["Attribute.%d.Value"%(i,)] = messageRetentionPeriod
            i += 1

        if receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds is not None:
            if not isinstance(receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds, int) or not 0 <= receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds <= 20:
                raise UserInputException(
                    "param receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds sould be an integer between 0 and 20 (secconds)")
            query["Attribute.%d.Name"%(i,)] = "ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds"
            query["Attribute.%d.Value"%(i,)] = receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds
            i += 1

        if visibilityTimeout is not None:
            if not isinstance(visibilityTimeout, int) or not 0 <= visibilityTimeout <= 43200:
                raise UserInputException("param visibilityTimeout sould be an integer between 0 and 43200 (12 hours)")
            query["Attribute.%d.Name"%(i,)] = "VisibilityTimeout"
            query["Attribute.%d.Value"%(i,)] = visibilityTimeout
            i += 1

        if policy is not None:
            query["Attribute.%d.Name"%(i,)] = "Policy"
            query["Attribute.%d.Value"%(i,)] = urlquote(policy)
            i += 1

        data = self.request(method="GET", signmethod=SIGNATURE_V4_HEADERS, query=query, region=self.endpoint[4:-14],
                             service='sqs', host=self.endpoint)
        url = data['awsresponse']['CreateQueueResponse']['CreateQueueResult']['QueueUrl']
        if url[7] == '/': url = url[8:]
        else: url = url[7:]
        url = url.split('/')
        return {'endpoint': url[0], 'accNumber': url[1], 'qName': url[2]}
예제 #5
    def getObject(self, bucketname, objectname, inputobject=None, byterange=None, versionID=None,
                  if_modified_since=None, if_unmodified_since=None, if_match=None, if_none_match=None,
        range = list(start, end)
        inputbuffer = be any object implementing write(bytes)
        if no inputbuffer is provided then the response will be depending on the response size an io.BytesIO or a
        tempfile.TemporaryFile opened to mode w+b
        query = {}
        if versionID is not None:
            query['vesionId'] = versionID
        headers = {}
        statusexpected = [404, 200]
        if byterange is not None:
            if len(byterange) > 1:
                headers['Range'] = "bytes=%d-%d" % (byterange[0], byterange[1])
                headers['Range'] = "bytes=%d-" % (byterange[0],)
            statusexpected = [200, 206]

        if if_modified_since is not None:
            # TODO: implement
            headers['If-Modified-Since'] = None
        if if_unmodified_since is not None:
            # TODO: implement
            headers['If-Unmodified-Since'] = None
        if if_match is not None:
            headers['If-Match'] = '"' + if_match + '"'
        if if_none_match is not None:
            headers['If-None-Match'] = '"' + if_none_match + '"'

        uri, endpoint = self._buketname2PathAndEndpoint(bucketname)
        data = self.request(method="GET", uri=uri + urlquote(objectname),
                            headers=headers, host=endpoint, statusexpected=statusexpected,
                            query=query, inputobject=inputobject, xmlexpected=False,
                            _inputIOWrapper=_inputIOWrapper, signmethod=SIGNATURE_S3_REST)

        headers = data['headers']

        result = dict((k, v) for k, v in data['headers'].items() if k in ('ETag',
                                                                          'x-amz-delete-marker', 'x-amz-expiration',
                                                                          'x-amz-restore', 'x-amz-version-id',
                                                                        or k.startswith('x-amz-meta-'))
        result['status'] = data['status']
        if data['status'] in (200, 206):
            result['range'] = data['sizeinfo']
            result['data'] = data['inputobject']
        return result
예제 #6
 def listParts(self, bucketname, objectname, uploadId, max_parts=None, part_number_marker=None):
     query = {"uploadId": uploadId}
     if max_parts is not None:
         query['max-parts'] = max_parts
     if part_number_marker is not None:
         query['part-number-marker'] = part_number_marker
     uri, endpoint = self._buketname2PathAndEndpoint(bucketname)
     data = self.request(method="GET", uri=uri + urlquote(objectname), host=endpoint, query=query,
     data = data['awsresponse']['ListPartsResult']
     if data['Bucket'] != bucketname or data['Key'] != objectname:
         raise IntegrityCheckException('unexpected bucket/key name received', (data['Bucket'],data['Key']),
                                       (bucketname, objectname))
     return data
예제 #7
    def completeMultipartUpload(self, bucketname, objectname, uploadId, parts):
        data = ["<CompleteMultipartUpload>"]
        for partnumber in parts:
            data.append("<Part><PartNumber>%s</PartNumber><ETag>%s</ETag></Part>" % (partnumber, parts[partnumber]))

        uri, endpoint = self._buketname2PathAndEndpoint(bucketname)
        data = self.request(method="POST", uri=uri + urlquote(objectname), body="".join(data), host=endpoint,
                            query={"uploadId": uploadId}, signmethod=SIGNATURE_S3_REST)
        data = data['awsresponse']['CompleteMultipartUploadResult']
        if data['Bucket'] != bucketname or data['Key'] != objectname:
            raise IntegrityCheckException('unexpected bucket/key name received', (data['Bucket'],data['Key']),
                                          (bucketname, objectname))
        return data
예제 #8
    def deleteObject(self, bucketname, objectname, versionID=None, x_amz_mfa=None):
        headers = {}
        query = {}
        if x_amz_mfa is not None:
            headers['x-amz-mfa'] = x_amz_mfa
        if versionID is not None:
            query['vesionId'] = versionID

        uri, endpoint = self._buketname2PathAndEndpoint(bucketname)
        data = self.request(method="DELETE", uri=uri + urlquote(objectname), host=endpoint, query=query,
                            statusexpected=[204], signmethod=SIGNATURE_S3_REST, xmlexpected=False)

        headers = dict((k, v) for k, v in data['headers'].items() if k in ('x-amz-version-id', 'x-amz-delete-marker'))
        return headers
예제 #9
    def uploadOjectPart(self, bucketname, objectname, partnumber, uploadid, value, objlen=None, md5digest=None):
        headers = {}
        if objlen is not None:
            headers['Content-Length'] = str(objlen)

        if md5digest is not None:
            headers['Content-MD5'] = base64.b64encode(md5digest).strip().decode()

        uri, endpoint = self._buketname2PathAndEndpoint(bucketname)
        data = self.request(method="PUT", uri=uri + urlquote(objectname), body=value, headers=headers, host=endpoint,
                            query={"partNumber": partnumber, "uploadId": uploadid},signmethod=SIGNATURE_S3_REST)
        headers = data['headers']
        if md5digest is not None:
            if headers['ETag'][1:-1] != binascii.hexlify(md5digest).decode():
                raise IntegrityCheckException('uploadOjectPart returned unexpected ETag value', headers['ETag'][1:-1],
        return dict((k, v) for k, v in headers.items() if k in ('ETag'))
예제 #10
    def putObject(self, bucketname, objectname, value, objlen=None, md5digest=None,
                  x_amz_server_side_encryption=None, x_amz_storage_class=None,
                  # TODO: not handled yet
                  x_amz_grant_read=None, x_amz_grant_write=None, x_amz_grant_read_acp=None, x_amz_grant_write_acp=None,
        expires: int Number of milliseconds before expiration
        meta: a list of meta strings
        x_amz_server_side_encryption valid values None, AES256
        x_amz_storage_class valid values None (STANDARD), REDUCED_REDUNDANCY
        x_amz_website_redirect_location see http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUT.html
        headers = {}
        if expires is not None:
            headers['Expires'] = expires
        if x_amz_server_side_encryption is not None:
            headers['x-amz-server-side-encryption'] = x_amz_server_side_encryption
        if x_amz_storage_class is not None:
            headers['x-amz-storage-class'] = x_amz_storage_class
        if x_amz_website_redirect_location is not None:
            headers['x-amz-website-redirect-location'] = x_amz_website_redirect_location

        # TODO: implement true support for 'Expect':'100-continue'       
        if objlen is not None:
            headers['Content-Length'] = str(objlen)

        if md5digest is not None:
            headers['Content-MD5'] = base64.b64encode(md5digest).strip().decode()

        uri, endpoint = self._buketname2PathAndEndpoint(bucketname)
        data = self.request(method="PUT", uri=uri + urlquote(objectname), body=value, headers=headers,
                            host=endpoint, signmethod=SIGNATURE_S3_REST, xmlexpected=False)
        headers = data['headers']
        if md5digest is not None:
            if headers['ETag'][1:-1] != binascii.hexlify(md5digest).decode():
                raise IntegrityCheckException('putObject returned unexpected ETag value',
                                              headers['ETag'][1:-1], binascii.hexlify(md5digest).decode())

        return dict((k, v) for k, v in headers.items() if k in ('ETag',
                                                                'x-amz-expiration', 'x-amz-server-side-encryption',
예제 #11
    def getObject(self, callback, bucketname, objectname, byterange=None, versionID=None,
                  if_modified_since=None, if_unmodified_since=None, if_match=None, if_none_match=None):

        query = {}
        if versionID is not None:
            query['vesionId'] = versionID
        headers = {}
        statusexpected = [404, 200]
        if byterange is not None:
            if len(byterange) > 1:
                headers['Range'] = "bytes=%d-%d" % (byterange[0], byterange[1])
                headers['Range'] = "bytes=%d-" % (byterange[0],)
            statusexpected = [200, 206]

        if if_modified_since is not None:
            # TODO: implement
            headers['If-Modified-Since'] = None
        if if_unmodified_since is not None:
            # TODO: implement
            headers['If-Unmodified-Since'] = None
        if if_match is not None:
            headers['If-Match'] = '"' + if_match + '"'
        if if_none_match is not None:
            headers['If-None-Match'] = '"' + if_none_match + '"'

        uri, endpoint = self._buketname2PathAndEndpoint(bucketname)

        data = yield tornado.gen.Task(self.request, uri=uri + urlquote(objectname), endpoint=endpoint, query=query,
                                      statusexpected=statusexpected, headers=headers, xmlexpected=False,

        self._ioloop.add_callback(functools.partial(callback, data))
예제 #12
    def putObjectCopy(self, bucketname, objectname, sourcebucketname, sourceobjectname, metadata=None,
                      x_amz_copy_source_if_match=None, x_amz_copy_source_if_none_match=None,
                      # TODO: not handled yet
                      x_amz_copy_source_if_unmodified_since=None, x_amz_copy_source_if_modified_since=None,
                      x_amz_grant_read=None, x_amz_grant_write=None, x_amz_grant_read_acp=None,
                      x_amz_grant_write_acp=None, x_amz_grant_full_control=None):

        headers = {'x-amz-copy-source': "/%s/%s" % (sourcebucketname, sourceobjectname)}
        if x_amz_server_side_encryption is not None:
            headers['x-amz-server-side-encryption'] = x_amz_server_side_encryption
        if x_amz_storage_class is not None:
            headers['x-amz-storage-class'] = x_amz_storage_class
        if x_amz_website_redirect_location is not None:
            headers['x-amz-website-redirect-location'] = x_amz_website_redirect_location
        if metadata is not None:
            for name in metadata:
                headers['x-amz-meta-'+ name] = metadata[name]
                headers['x-amz-metadata-directive'] = 'REPLACE'
        if x_amz_metadata_directive is not None:
            if x_amz_metadata_directive not in ['COPY','REPLACE']:
                raise UserInputException('x_amz_metadata_directive valid values: COPY|REPLACE')
            headers['x-amz-metadata-directive'] = x_amz_metadata_directive
        if x_amz_copy_source_if_match is not None:
            headers['x-amz-copy-source-if-match'] = x_amz_copy_source_if_match
        if x_amz_copy_source_if_none_match is not None:
            headers['x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match'] = x_amz_copy_source_if_none_match

        uri, endpoint = self._buketname2PathAndEndpoint(bucketname)
        data = self.request(method="PUT", uri=uri + urlquote(objectname), headers=headers,
                            host=endpoint, signmethod=SIGNATURE_S3_REST)
        return data['awsresponse']['CopyObjectResult']
예제 #13
 def abortMultipartUpload(self, bucketname, objectname, uploadId):
     uri, endpoint = self._buketname2PathAndEndpoint(bucketname)
     self.request(method="DELETE", uri=uri + urlquote(objectname), host=endpoint, statusexpected=[204],
                  query={"uploadId": uploadId}, signmethod=SIGNATURE_S3_REST)
예제 #14
 def getObjectAcl(self, bucketname, objectname):
     uri, endpoint = self._buketname2PathAndEndpoint(bucketname)
     data = self.request(method="GET", uri=uri + urlquote(objectname), host=endpoint, query={'acl': None},
     return data['awsresponse']['AccessControlPolicy']
예제 #15
파일: sqsclient.py 프로젝트: sanyi/awsutils
    def setQueueAttributes(self, qName, delaySeconds=None, maximumMessageSize=None, messageRetentionPeriod=None,
                           receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds=None, visibilityTimeout=None, policy=None):
        @param qName: the sqs queue name
        @type qName: str
        @type delaySeconds: int
        @type maximumMessageSize: int
        @type messageRetentionPeriod: int
        @type receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds: int
        @type visibilityTimeout: int
        @type policy: str
        @rtype: None
        query = {'Action': 'SetQueueAttributes', 'Version': '2012-11-05'}

        i = 1
        if delaySeconds is not None:
            if not isinstance(delaySeconds, int) or not 0 <= delaySeconds <= 900:
                raise UserInputException("param delaySeconds sould be an integer between 0 and 900 (15 minutes)")
            query["Attribute.%d.Name" % (i,)] = "DelaySeconds"
            query["Attribute.%d.Value" % (i,)] = delaySeconds
            i += 1

        if maximumMessageSize is not None:
            if not isinstance(maximumMessageSize, int) or not 1024 <= maximumMessageSize <= 65536:
                raise UserInputException("param maximumMessageSize sould be an integer between 1024 and 65536 (64 KiB)")
            query["Attribute.%d.Name" % (i,)] = "MaximumMessageSize"
            query["Attribute.%d.Value" % (i,)] = maximumMessageSize
            i += 1

        if messageRetentionPeriod is not None:
            if not isinstance(messageRetentionPeriod, int) or not 60 <= messageRetentionPeriod <= 1209600:
                raise UserInputException(
                    "param messageRetentionPeriod sould be an integer between 60 (1 minute) and 1209600 (14 days)")
            query["Attribute.%d.Name" % (i,)] = "MessageRetentionPeriod"
            query["Attribute.%d.Value" % (i,)] = messageRetentionPeriod
            i += 1

        if receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds is not None:
            if not isinstance(receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds, int) or not 0 <= receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds <= 20:
                raise UserInputException(
                    "param receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds sould be an integer between 0 and 20 (secconds)")
            query["Attribute.%d.Name" % (i,)] = "ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds"
            query["Attribute.%d.Value" % (i,)] = receiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds
            i += 1

        if visibilityTimeout is not None:
            if not isinstance(visibilityTimeout, int) or not 0 <= visibilityTimeout <= 43200:
                raise UserInputException("param visibilityTimeout sould be an integer between 0 and 43200 (12 hours)")
            query["Attribute.%d.Name" % (i,)] = "VisibilityTimeout"
            query["Attribute.%d.Value" % (i,)] = visibilityTimeout
            i += 1

        if policy is not None:
            query["Attribute.%d.Name" % (i,)] = "Policy"
            query["Attribute.%d.Value" % (i,)] = urlquote(policy)
            i += 1

        data = self.request(method="GET", signmethod=SIGNATURE_V4_HEADERS, query=query, region=self.endpoint[4:-14],
                            service='sqs', host=self.endpoint, uri="/%s/%s" % (self.accNumber, qName))