def create_from_symmetric_key(cls, provisioning_host, registration_id,
                                  id_scope, symmetric_key, **kwargs):
        Create a client which can be used to run the registration of a device with provisioning service
        using Symmetric Key authentication.

        :param str provisioning_host: Host running the Device Provisioning Service.
            Can be found in the Azure portal in the Overview tab as the string Global device endpoint.
        :param str registration_id: The registration ID used to uniquely identify a device in the
            Device Provisioning Service. The registration ID is alphanumeric, lowercase string
            and may contain hyphens.
        :param str id_scope: The ID scope used to uniquely identify the specific provisioning
            service the device will register through. The ID scope is assigned to a
            Device Provisioning Service when it is created by the user and is generated by the
            service and is immutable, guaranteeing uniqueness.
        :param str symmetric_key: The key which will be used to create the shared access signature
            token to authenticate the device with the Device Provisioning Service. By default,
            the Device Provisioning Service creates new symmetric keys with a default length of
            32 bytes when new enrollments are saved with the Auto-generate keys option enabled.
            Users can provide their own symmetric keys for enrollments by disabling this option
            within 16 bytes and 64 bytes and in valid Base64 format.

        :param bool websockets: Configuration Option. Default is False. Set to true if using MQTT
            over websockets.
        :param cipher: Configuration Option. Cipher suite(s) for TLS/SSL, as a string in
            "OpenSSL cipher list format" or as a list of cipher suite strings.
        :type cipher: str or list(str)
        :param proxy_options: Options for sending traffic through proxy servers.
        :type proxy_options: :class:`azure.iot.device.ProxyOptions`
        :param int keepalive: Maximum period in seconds between communications with the
            broker. If no other messages are being exchanged, this controls the
            rate at which the client will send ping messages to the broker.
            If not provided default value of 60 secs will be used.
        :raises: TypeError if given an unrecognized parameter.

        :returns: A ProvisioningDeviceClient instance which can register via Symmetric Key.
        # Ensure no invalid kwargs were passed by the user

        # Create SasToken
        uri = _form_sas_uri(id_scope=id_scope, registration_id=registration_id)
        signing_mechanism = auth.SymmetricKeySigningMechanism(
        token_ttl = kwargs.get("sastoken_ttl", 3600)
            sastoken = st.RenewableSasToken(uri,
        except st.SasTokenError as e:
            new_err = ValueError(
                "Could not create a SasToken using the provided values")
            new_err.__cause__ = e
            raise new_err

        # Pipeline Config setup
        config_kwargs = _get_config_kwargs(**kwargs)
        pipeline_configuration = pipeline.ProvisioningPipelineConfig(

        # Pipeline setup
        mqtt_provisioning_pipeline = pipeline.MQTTPipeline(

        return cls(mqtt_provisioning_pipeline)
예제 #2
    def create_from_symmetric_key(cls, symmetric_key, hostname, device_id,
        Instantiate a client using symmetric key authentication.

        :param symmetric_key: The symmetric key.
        :param str hostname: Host running the IotHub.
            Can be found in the Azure portal in the Overview tab as the string hostname.
        :param device_id: The device ID

        :param str server_verification_cert: Configuration Option. The trusted certificate chain.
            Necessary when using connecting to an endpoint which has a non-standard root of trust,
            such as a protocol gateway.
        :param bool websockets: Configuration Option. Default is False. Set to true if using MQTT
            over websockets.
        :param cipher: Configuration Option. Cipher suite(s) for TLS/SSL, as a string in
            "OpenSSL cipher list format" or as a list of cipher suite strings.
        :type cipher: str or list(str)
        :param str product_info: Configuration Option. Default is empty string. The string contains
            arbitrary product info which is appended to the user agent string.
        :param proxy_options: Options for sending traffic through proxy servers.
        :type proxy_options: :class:`azure.iot.device.ProxyOptions`
        :param int sastoken_ttl: The time to live (in seconds) for the created SasToken used for
            authentication. Default is 3600 seconds (1 hour)
        :param int keep_alive: Maximum period in seconds between communications with the
            broker. If no other messages are being exchanged, this controls the
            rate at which the client will send ping messages to the broker.
            If not provided default value of 60 secs will be used.

        :raises: TypeError if given an unsupported parameter.
        :raises: ValueError if the provided parameters are invalid.

        :return: An instance of an IoTHub client that uses a symmetric key for authentication.
        # Ensure no invalid kwargs were passed by the user

        # Create SasToken
        uri = _form_sas_uri(hostname=hostname, device_id=device_id)
        signing_mechanism = auth.SymmetricKeySigningMechanism(
        token_ttl = kwargs.get("sastoken_ttl", 3600)
            sastoken = st.RenewableSasToken(uri,
        except st.SasTokenError as e:
            new_err = ValueError(
                "Could not create a SasToken using provided values")
            new_err.__cause__ = e
            raise new_err

        # Pipeline Config setup
        config_kwargs = _get_config_kwargs(**kwargs)
        pipeline_configuration = pipeline.IoTHubPipelineConfig(
        pipeline_configuration.blob_upload = True  # Blob Upload is a feature on Device Clients

        # Pipeline setup
        http_pipeline = pipeline.HTTPPipeline(pipeline_configuration)
        mqtt_pipeline = pipeline.MQTTPipeline(pipeline_configuration)

        return cls(mqtt_pipeline, http_pipeline)
예제 #3
    def create_from_edge_environment(cls, **kwargs):
        Instantiate the client from the IoT Edge environment.

        This method can only be run from inside an IoT Edge container, or in a debugging
        environment configured for Edge development (e.g. Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code)

        :param bool websockets: Configuration Option. Default is False. Set to true if using MQTT
            over websockets.
        :param cipher: Configuration Option. Cipher suite(s) for TLS/SSL, as a string in
            "OpenSSL cipher list format" or as a list of cipher suite strings.
        :type cipher: str or list(str)
        :param str product_info: Configuration Option. Default is empty string. The string contains
            arbitrary product info which is appended to the user agent string.
        :param proxy_options: Options for sending traffic through proxy servers.
        :type proxy_options: :class:`azure.iot.device.ProxyOptions`
        :param int sastoken_ttl: The time to live (in seconds) for the created SasToken used for
            authentication. Default is 3600 seconds (1 hour)
        :param int keep_alive: Maximum period in seconds between communications with the
            broker. If no other messages are being exchanged, this controls the
            rate at which the client will send ping messages to the broker.
            If not provided default value of 60 secs will be used.

        :raises: OSError if the IoT Edge container is not configured correctly.
        :raises: ValueError if debug variables are invalid.
        :raises: TypeError if given an unsupported parameter.

        :returns: An instance of an IoTHub client that uses the IoT Edge environment for
        # Ensure no invalid kwargs were passed by the user
        excluded_kwargs = ["server_verification_cert"]
        _validate_kwargs(exclude=excluded_kwargs, **kwargs)

        # First try the regular Edge container variables
            hostname = os.environ["IOTEDGE_IOTHUBHOSTNAME"]
            device_id = os.environ["IOTEDGE_DEVICEID"]
            module_id = os.environ["IOTEDGE_MODULEID"]
            gateway_hostname = os.environ["IOTEDGE_GATEWAYHOSTNAME"]
            module_generation_id = os.environ["IOTEDGE_MODULEGENERATIONID"]
            workload_uri = os.environ["IOTEDGE_WORKLOADURI"]
            api_version = os.environ["IOTEDGE_APIVERSION"]
        except KeyError:
            # As a fallback, try the Edge local dev variables for debugging.
            # These variables are set by VS/VS Code in order to allow debugging
            # of Edge application code in a non-Edge dev environment.
                connection_string = os.environ["EdgeHubConnectionString"]
                ca_cert_filepath = os.environ["EdgeModuleCACertificateFile"]
            except KeyError as e:
                new_err = OSError(
                    "IoT Edge environment not configured correctly")
                new_err.__cause__ = e
                raise new_err

            # Read the certificate file to pass it on as a string
            # TODO: variant server_verification_cert file vs data object that would remove the need for this fopen
                with, mode="r") as ca_cert_file:
                    server_verification_cert =
            except (OSError, IOError) as e:
                # In Python 2, a non-existent file raises IOError, and an invalid file raises an IOError.
                # In Python 3, a non-existent file raises FileNotFoundError, and an invalid file raises an OSError.
                # However, FileNotFoundError inherits from OSError, and IOError has been turned into an alias for OSError,
                # thus we can catch the errors for both versions in this block.
                # Unfortunately, we can't distinguish cause of error from error type, so the raised ValueError has a generic
                # message. If, in the future, we want to add detail, this could be accomplished by inspecting the e.errno
                # attribute
                new_err = ValueError("Invalid CA certificate file")
                new_err.__cause__ = e
                raise new_err

            # Extract config values from connection string
            connection_string = cs.ConnectionString(connection_string)
                device_id = connection_string[cs.DEVICE_ID]
                module_id = connection_string[cs.MODULE_ID]
                hostname = connection_string[cs.HOST_NAME]
                gateway_hostname = connection_string[cs.GATEWAY_HOST_NAME]
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError("Invalid Connection String")

            # Use Symmetric Key authentication for local dev experience.
            signing_mechanism = auth.SymmetricKeySigningMechanism(

            # Use an HSM for authentication in the general case
            hsm = edge_hsm.IoTEdgeHsm(
                server_verification_cert = hsm.get_certificate()
            except edge_hsm.IoTEdgeError as e:
                new_err = OSError("Unexpected failure in IoTEdge")
                new_err.__cause__ = e
                raise new_err
            signing_mechanism = hsm

        # Create SasToken
        uri = _form_sas_uri(hostname=hostname,
        token_ttl = kwargs.get("sastoken_ttl", 3600)
            sastoken = st.RenewableSasToken(uri,
        except st.SasTokenError as e:
            new_err = ValueError(
                "Could not create a SasToken using the values provided, or in the Edge environment"
            new_err.__cause__ = e
            raise new_err

        # Pipeline Config setup
        config_kwargs = _get_config_kwargs(**kwargs)
        pipeline_configuration = pipeline.IoTHubPipelineConfig(
        pipeline_configuration.method_invoke = (
            True  # Method Invoke is allowed on modules created from edge environment

        # Pipeline setup
        http_pipeline = pipeline.HTTPPipeline(pipeline_configuration)
        mqtt_pipeline = pipeline.MQTTPipeline(pipeline_configuration)

        return cls(mqtt_pipeline, http_pipeline)
예제 #4
    def create_from_connection_string(cls, connection_string, **kwargs):
        Instantiate the client from a IoTHub device or module connection string.

        :param str connection_string: The connection string for the IoTHub you wish to connect to.

        :param str server_verification_cert: Configuration Option. The trusted certificate chain.
            Necessary when using connecting to an endpoint which has a non-standard root of trust,
            such as a protocol gateway.
        :param bool websockets: Configuration Option. Default is False. Set to true if using MQTT
            over websockets.
        :param cipher: Configuration Option. Cipher suite(s) for TLS/SSL, as a string in
            "OpenSSL cipher list format" or as a list of cipher suite strings.
        :type cipher: str or list(str)
        :param str product_info: Configuration Option. Default is empty string. The string contains
            arbitrary product info which is appended to the user agent string.
        :param proxy_options: Options for sending traffic through proxy servers.
        :type proxy_options: :class:`azure.iot.device.ProxyOptions`
        :param int sastoken_ttl: The time to live (in seconds) for the created SasToken used for
            authentication. Default is 3600 seconds (1 hour)
        :param int keep_alive: Maximum period in seconds between communications with the
            broker. If no other messages are being exchanged, this controls the
            rate at which the client will send ping messages to the broker.
            If not provided default value of 60 secs will be used.

        :raises: ValueError if given an invalid connection_string.
        :raises: TypeError if given an unsupported parameter.

        :returns: An instance of an IoTHub client that uses a connection string for authentication.
        # TODO: Make this device/module specific and reject non-matching connection strings.

        # Ensure no invalid kwargs were passed by the user

        # Create SasToken
        connection_string = cs.ConnectionString(connection_string)
        uri = _form_sas_uri(
        signing_mechanism = auth.SymmetricKeySigningMechanism(
        token_ttl = kwargs.get("sastoken_ttl", 3600)
            sastoken = st.RenewableSasToken(uri,
        except st.SasTokenError as e:
            new_err = ValueError(
                "Could not create a SasToken using provided values")
            new_err.__cause__ = e
            raise new_err
        # Pipeline Config setup
        config_kwargs = _get_config_kwargs(**kwargs)
        pipeline_configuration = pipeline.IoTHubPipelineConfig(
        if cls.__name__ == "IoTHubDeviceClient":
            pipeline_configuration.blob_upload = True

        # Pipeline setup
        http_pipeline = pipeline.HTTPPipeline(pipeline_configuration)
        mqtt_pipeline = pipeline.MQTTPipeline(pipeline_configuration)

        return cls(mqtt_pipeline, http_pipeline)