예제 #1
def message_remove(token, message_id):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    # find message through channel/list, then channel messages to find the correct message
    i = 0
    while i < len(data["channels"]):
        j = 0
        if u_id in data["channels"][i]["membersUID"]:
            while j < len(data["channels"][i]["messages"]):
                if message_id == data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["message_id"]:
                    if (u_id not in data["channels"][i]['ownersUID']) and \
                        (u_id not in data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]['u_id']):
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Neither the original poster of this message or an owner")
                    del data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]
                j += 1
        i += 1

    raise errors.AccessError("Message_id isn't in any channel you have access too")
예제 #2
def message_unpin(token, message_id):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    # if the token owner is an owner or an admin (p_id 1 and 2)
    # (search through all users for permission level)
    # look through all channels the user is apart of
    i = 0
    while i < len(data["channels"]):
        j = 0
        while j < len(data["channels"][i]["messages"]):
            if message_id == data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["message_id"]:
                if u_id in data["channels"][i]["ownersUID"]:
                    if data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["is_pinned"] == False:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "This message is already pinned")
                    data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["is_pinned"] = False
                if u_id in data["channels"][i]["membersUID"]:
                    raise ValueError("User isn't an admin")
                raise errors.AccessError("User isn't a member of the channel the message is in")
            j += 1
        i += 1

    raise ValueError("message_id isn't a valid message")
예제 #3
def message_send(token, channel_id, text):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    # check the message <= 1000 characters
    if len(text) > 1000:
        raise ValueError("Message is more than 1000 characters")

    # check if user is an admin, owner or a member of the channel
    channel_deats = channel_utils.channel_details(token, channel_id)
    if u_id not in channel_deats['all_members']:
        raise errors.AccessError(
            "The user isn't authorised to post in this channel")

    # generate a message_id, and post it
    message = message_create(u_id, text, datetime.now())

    # put the message onto a channel
    for channel in data['channels']:
        if channel['channelID'] == channel_id:
    channel['messages'].insert(0, message)


    return message['message_id']
예제 #4
def message_unreact(token, message_id, react_id):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    # Valid react_id (Only 1 is currently valid)
    if react_id != 1:
        raise ValueError("not a valid react_id")

    # search through channel/list, then channel messages to find the correct message
    i = 0
    while i < len(data["channels"]):
        j = 0
        if u_id in data["channels"][i]["membersUID"]:
            while j < len(data["channels"][i]["messages"]):
                if message_id == data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["message_id"]:
                    if data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["reacts"][0]['is_this_user_reacted'] == False:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "You haven't reacted to this message with this reaction")
                    data["channels"][i]["messages"][j]["reacts"][0]['is_this_user_reacted'] = False
                j += 1
        i += 1

    # check react id's
    raise ValueError("Not a valid message in a channel that the user is apart of")
예제 #5
def message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    # check the message <= 1000 characters
    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise ValueError("Message is more than 1000 characters.")

    # check if user is an admin, owner or a member of the channel
    channel_deats = channel_utils.channel_details(token, channel_id)
    if u_id not in channel_deats['all_members']:
        raise errors.AccessError(
            "The user isn't authorised to post in this channel.")

    # time in the future
    if time_sent < datetime.now():
        raise ValueError("Time sent is in the past.")

    # generate a message_id, and set to post at correct time
    message = message_create(u_id, message, time_sent)

    # put the message into the channel
    for channel in data['channels']:
        if channel['channelID'] == channel_id:
    channel['messages'].insert(0, message)

    return message['message_id']
예제 #6
def auth_login(email, password):
    Given a registered users' email and password and generates a valid token for the user to remain authenticated

    if not is_valid_email(email):
        raise ValueError("Invalid email given")

    data = get_auth_store()
    users = data["users"]
    valid_tokens = data["tokens"]
    new_token = None
    u_id = None

    for user in users:
        if user["email"] == email:
            if user["hashed_password"] == hash_password(password):
                u_id = user["u_id"]
                new_token = generate_token(u_id)
                valid_tokens[user["email"]] = new_token

                raise ValueError("Gave incorrect password for given email")

    # Couldn't find user
    if new_token is None:
        raise ValueError("Couldn't find a user with that email")


    return {"u_id": u_id, "token": new_token}
예제 #7
def standup_start(token, channel_id):
    data = channel_utils.get_data()
    # Check valid token
    if authentication.decode_token(token) == None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid token provided.")
    u_id = authentication.decode_token(token)["u_id"]

    i = 0
    while i < len(data["channels"]):
        if data["channels"][i]["channelID"] == channel_id:
            # check if currently running a stand_up
            if data["channels"][i]["standup_time"] >= datetime.datetime.now():
                raise ValueError("This channel already has a standup started")
            elif u_id not in data["channels"][i]["membersUID"]:
                raise errors.AccessError(
                    "This user isn't a member of the channel")
                # return time + 15 mins
                time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=15)
                data["channels"][i]["standup_time"] = time
                return time
        i += 1

    raise ValueError("Channel ID is not a valid channel")
예제 #8
def update_pickle(index, new_info):

    #user_data = get_user_data()
    user_data = storage.load_data_store()
    # delete the input given the index
    del user_data['users'][index]
    # add the new information for that user
    # write to file
예제 #9
def auth_register(email, password, name_first, name_last):
    Given a user's first and last name, email address, and password,
    create a new account for them and return a new token for authentication in their session.
    A handle is generated that is the concatentation of a lowercase-only first name and last name.
    If the concatenation is longer than 20 characters, it is cutoff at 20 characters.
    If the handle is already taken, you may modify the handle in any way you see fit to make it
    data = get_auth_store()
    users = data["users"]
    valid_tokens = data["tokens"]

    if not is_valid_first_name(name_first):
        raise ValueError("Gave an invalid first name")

    if not is_valid_last_name(name_last):
        raise ValueError("Gave an invalid last name")

    if not is_valid_password(password):
        raise ValueError("Gave an invalid password")

    if not is_valid_email(email):
        raise ValueError("Gave an invalid email")

    if is_registered_email(email, users):
        raise ValueError("Gave an already taken email")

    u_id = _generate_uid()
    permission_id = SlackrPermissions.MEMBER.value
    if not users:
        permission_id = SlackrPermissions.OWNER.value

    token = generate_token(u_id)
    handle_str = _generate_handle(name_first, name_last, users)

        "u_id": u_id,
        "handle_str": handle_str,
        "first_name": name_first,
        "last_name": name_last,
        "permission_id": permission_id,
        "email": email,
        "hashed_password": hash_password(password)

    valid_tokens[email] = token


    return {"u_id": u_id, "token": token}
예제 #10
def admin_userpermission_change(token, u_id, permission_id):
    Changes the permission level for a user

    # check for valid users
    decoded_token = authentication.decode_token(token)
    if decoded_token is None:
        raise errors.AccessError("Not a valid user")

    # check for valid permission_id
    if not permission_id in set(perm.value for perm in SlackrPermissions):
        raise ValueError("Not a valid permission_id")

    admin_id = decoded_token["u_id"]
    data = authentication.get_auth_store()

    user_to_change = None

    # Get user and admin levels
    for user_index, user in enumerate(data["users"]):
        if user["u_id"] == admin_id:
            admin = user

        if user["u_id"] == u_id:
            user_to_change = user_index

    # check if user exists
    if user_to_change is None:
        raise ValueError("Unknown user to modify")

    # check if modifying their own permissions (to avoid getting stuck with no one with permissions)
    if admin["u_id"] == data["users"][user_to_change]["u_id"]:
        raise ValueError("Can't modify own permissions")

    # check if level is either admin or owner
    if admin["permission_id"] not in VALID_ADMIN_LEVELS:
        raise errors.AccessError("Not a valid owner or admin")

    # check if is another owner if modifying an owner
    if (admin["permission_id"] != SlackrPermissions.OWNER.value
            and data["users"][user_to_change]["permission_id"]
            == SlackrPermissions.OWNER.value):
        raise errors.AccessError("Admins cannot change a owner's permission")

    data["users"][user_to_change]["permission_id"] = permission_id


    return True
예제 #11
def auth_logout(token):
    Given an active token, invalidates the taken to log the user out.
    If a valid token is given, and the user is successfully logged out, it returns true, otherwise false.
    data = get_auth_store()
    email_to_logout = None

    for email, valid_token in data["tokens"].items():
        if token == valid_token:
            email_to_logout = email

    if email_to_logout is not None:
        data["tokens"].pop(email_to_logout, None)
        return True

    return False
예제 #12
def auth_passwordreset_request(email):
    Given an email address, if the user is a registered user, send's them a an email containing a specific secret code,
    that when entered in auth_passwordreset_reset, shows that the user trying to reset the password is the one who got
    sent this email.

    The Flask app must actually send the email - this function does the rest of the work of generating the reset code

    if not is_valid_email(email):
        raise ValueError("Gave an invalid email to send a password reset to")

    data = get_auth_store()
    reset_code = None
    for user in data["users"]:
        if user["email"] == email:
            reset_code = generate_reset_code()
            data["reset_codes"][reset_code] = email


    return reset_code
예제 #13
def auth_passwordreset_reset(reset_code, new_password):
    Given a reset code for a user, set that user's new password to the password provided
    if not is_valid_password(new_password):
        raise ValueError("Invalid password given")

    data = get_auth_store()

    email_to_reset = None

    if reset_code in data["reset_codes"]:
        email_to_reset = data["reset_codes"][reset_code]

    if email_to_reset is None:
        raise ValueError("No such reset code")

    for user in data["users"]:
        if user["email"] == email_to_reset:
            data["reset_codes"].pop(reset_code, None)
            user["hashed_password"] = hash_password(new_password)

    return new_password