예제 #1
    def rebuild(self, server, image):
        Rebuild -- shut down and then re-image -- a server.

        :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to share onto.
        :param image: the :class:`Image` (or its ID) to re-image with.
        self._action('rebuild', server, {'imageRef': base.get_href(image)})
예제 #2
    def create(self, name, image, flavor, ipgroup=None, meta=None, files=None):
        Create (boot) a new server.

        :param name: Something to name the server.
        :param image: The :class:`Image` to boot with.
        :param flavor: The :class:`Flavor` to boot onto.
        :param ipgroup: An initial :class:`IPGroup` for this server.
        :param meta: A dict of arbitrary key/value metadata to store for this
                     server. A maximum of five entries is allowed, and both
                     keys and values must be 255 characters or less.
        :param files: A dict of files to overrwrite on the server upon boot.
                      Keys are file names (i.e. ``/etc/passwd``) and values
                      are the file contents (either as a string or as a
                      file-like object). A maximum of five entries is allowed,
                      and each file must be 10k or less.
        body = {"server": {
            "name": name,
            "imageRef": base.get_href(image),
            "flavorRef": base.get_href(flavor),
        if ipgroup:
            body["server"]["sharedIpGroupId"] = base.getid(ipgroup)
        if meta:
            body["server"]["metadata"] = meta

        # Files are a slight bit tricky. They're passed in a "personality"
        # list to the POST. Each item is a dict giving a file name and the
        # base64-encoded contents of the file. We want to allow passing
        # either an open file *or* some contents as files here.
        if files:
            personality = body['server']['personality'] = []
            for filepath, file_or_string in files.items():
                if hasattr(file_or_string, 'read'):
                    data = file_or_string.read()
                    data = file_or_string
                    'path': filepath,
                    'contents': data.encode('base64'),
        return self._create("/servers", body, "server")
예제 #3
    def create(self, name, server):
        Create a new image by snapshotting a running :class:`Server`

        :param name: An (arbitrary) name for the new image.
        :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to make a snapshot of.
        :rtype: :class:`Image`
        data = {"image": {"serverRef": base.get_href(server), "name": name}}       
        return self._create("/images", data, "image")
예제 #4
    def resize(self, server, flavor):
        Resize a server's resources.

        :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to share onto.
        :param flavor: the :class:`Flavor` (or its ID) to resize to.

        Until a resize event is confirmed with :meth:`confirm_resize`, the old
        server will be kept around and you'll be able to roll back to the old
        flavor quickly with :meth:`revert_resize`. All resizes are
        automatically confirmed after 24 hours.
        self._action('resize', server, {'flavorRef': base.get_href(flavor)})