예제 #1
    def get_template_names(self):
        version = self.kwargs.get('version') or ''
        locale = l10n_utils.get_locale(self.request)

        # variant is present for growth tests
        ctx = funnelcake_param(self.request)

        variant = ctx.get('funnelcake_id', None)

        if variant == '35' and version == '35.0.1':
            template = 'firefox/australis/growth-firstrun-test1.html'
        elif variant == '36' and version == '35.0.1':
            template = 'firefox/australis/growth-firstrun-test2.html'
        elif show_devbrowser_firstrun_or_whatsnew(version):
            if (waffle.switch_is_active('dev-edition-spring-campaign')):
                template = 'firefox/dev-firstrun-spring-campaign.html'
                template = 'firefox/dev-firstrun.html'
        elif show_38_0_5_firstrun_or_whatsnew(version):
            template = 'firefox/australis/fx38_0_5/firstrun.html'
        elif show_36_firstrun(version):
            template = 'firefox/australis/fx36/firstrun-tour.html'
        elif show_search_firstrun(version) and locale == 'en-US':
            template = 'firefox/australis/firstrun-34-tour.html'
            template = 'firefox/australis/firstrun-tour.html'

        # return a list to conform with original intention
        return [template]
예제 #2
파일: views.py 프로젝트: NIRVIT/bedrock
    def get_template_names(self):
        version = self.kwargs.get('fx_version') or ''
        locale = l10n_utils.get_locale(self.request)
        fc_ctx = funnelcake_param(self.request)
        f = fc_ctx.get('funnelcake_id', 0)
        oldversion = self.request.GET.get('oldversion', '')
        # old versions of Firefox sent a prefixed version
        if oldversion.startswith('rv:'):
            oldversion = oldversion[3:]
        versions = ('29.', '30.', '31.', '32.', '33.')

        if version == '29.0a1':
            template = 'firefox/whatsnew-nightly-29.html'
        elif version.startswith(versions):
            if locale == 'en-US' and f == '31':
                # funnelcake build 31 should always get the tour
                template = 'firefox/australis/whatsnew-tour.html'
            elif locale == 'en-US' and f == '30':
                # funnelcake build 30 should not get the tour
                template = 'firefox/australis/whatsnew-no-tour.html'
            elif show_whatsnew_tour(oldversion):
                # updating from pre-29 version
                template = 'firefox/australis/whatsnew-tour.html'
                # default is no tour
                template = 'firefox/australis/whatsnew-no-tour.html'
        elif locale in self.fxos_locales:
            template = 'firefox/whatsnew-fxos.html'
            template = 'firefox/whatsnew.html'

        # return a list to conform with original intention
        return [template]
예제 #3
파일: views.py 프로젝트: ishanroy/bedrock
    def get_template_names(self):
        version = self.kwargs.get('version') or ''
        locale = l10n_utils.get_locale(self.request)

        # variant is present for growth tests
        ctx = funnelcake_param(self.request)

        variant = ctx.get('funnelcake_id', None)

        if variant == '35' and version == '35.0.1':
            template = 'firefox/australis/growth-firstrun-test1.html'
        elif variant == '36' and version == '35.0.1':
            template = 'firefox/australis/growth-firstrun-test2.html'
        elif show_devbrowser_firstrun_or_whatsnew(version):
            if (waffle.switch_is_active('dev-edition-spring-campaign')):
                template = 'firefox/dev-firstrun-spring-campaign.html'
                template = 'firefox/dev-firstrun.html'
        elif show_38_0_5_firstrun_or_whatsnew(version):
            template = 'firefox/australis/fx38_0_5/firstrun.html'
        elif show_36_firstrun(version):
            template = 'firefox/australis/fx36/firstrun-tour.html'
        elif show_search_firstrun(version) and locale == 'en-US':
            template = 'firefox/australis/firstrun-34-tour.html'
            template = 'firefox/australis/firstrun-tour.html'

        # return a list to conform with original intention
        return [template]
예제 #4
    def get_template_names(self):
        version = self.kwargs.get('fx_version') or ''
        locale = l10n_utils.get_locale(self.request)
        fc_ctx = funnelcake_param(self.request)
        f = fc_ctx.get('funnelcake_id', 0)
        oldversion = self.request.GET.get('oldversion', '')
        versions = ('29.', '30.', '31.')

        if version == '29.0a1':
            template = 'firefox/whatsnew-nightly-29.html'
        elif version.startswith(versions):
            if locale == 'en-US' and f == '31':
                # funnelcake build 31 should always get the tour
                template = 'firefox/australis/whatsnew-tour.html'
            elif locale == 'en-US' and f == '30':
                # funnelcake build 30 should not get the tour
                template = 'firefox/australis/whatsnew-no-tour.html'
            elif show_whatsnew_tour(oldversion):
                # updating from pre-29 version
                template = 'firefox/australis/whatsnew-tour.html'
                # default is no tour
                template = 'firefox/australis/whatsnew-no-tour.html'
        elif locale in self.fxos_locales:
            template = 'firefox/whatsnew-fxos.html'
            template = 'firefox/whatsnew.html'

        # return a list to conform with original intention
        return [template]
예제 #5
    def get_template_names(self):
        version = self.kwargs.get("version") or ""
        locale = l10n_utils.get_locale(self.request)

        # variant is present for growth tests
        ctx = funnelcake_param(self.request)

        variant = ctx.get("funnelcake_id", None)

        if variant == "35" and version == "35.0.1":
            template = "firefox/australis/growth-firstrun-test1.html"
        elif variant == "36" and version == "35.0.1":
            template = "firefox/australis/growth-firstrun-test2.html"
        elif show_devbrowser_firstrun_or_whatsnew(version):
            if waffle.switch_is_active("dev-edition-spring-campaign"):
                template = "firefox/dev-firstrun-spring-campaign.html"
                template = "firefox/dev-firstrun.html"
        elif show_38_0_5_firstrun_or_whatsnew(version):
            template = "firefox/australis/fx38_0_5/firstrun.html"
        elif show_36_firstrun(version):
            template = "firefox/australis/fx36/firstrun-tour.html"
        elif show_search_firstrun(version) and locale == "en-US":
            template = "firefox/australis/firstrun-34-tour.html"
            template = "firefox/australis/firstrun-tour.html"

        # return a list to conform with original intention
        return [template]
예제 #6
파일: views.py 프로젝트: 6a68/bedrock
    def get_template_names(self):
        locale = l10n_utils.get_locale(self.request)
        fc_ctx = funnelcake_param(self.request)

        if locale == "en-US" and fc_ctx.get("funnelcake_id", 0) == self.funnelcake_campaign:

            template = "firefox/firstrun-a.html"
            template = "firefox/firstrun.html"

        return template
예제 #7
파일: views.py 프로젝트: RiteshBhat/bedrock
    def get_template_names(self):
        locale = l10n_utils.get_locale(self.request)
        fc_ctx = funnelcake_param(self.request)

        if (locale == 'en-US' and fc_ctx.get('funnelcake_id', 0)
                == self.funnelcake_campaign):

            template = 'firefox/firstrun-a.html'
            template = 'firefox/firstrun.html'

        return template
예제 #8
파일: views.py 프로젝트: imclab/bedrock
    def get_template_names(self):
        locale = l10n_utils.get_locale(self.request)
        fc_ctx = funnelcake_param(self.request)

        if (locale == 'en-US' and
                fc_ctx.get('funnelcake_id', 0) == self.funnelcake_campaign):

            template = 'firefox/firstrun-a.html'
            template = 'firefox/firstrun.html'

        return template
예제 #9
    def get_template_names(self):
        locale = l10n_utils.get_locale(self.request)
        fc_ctx = funnelcake_param(self.request)
        f = fc_ctx.get('funnelcake_id', 0)

        if f == '30' and locale == 'en-US':
            template = 'firefox/australis/firstrun-no-tour.html'
            template = 'firefox/australis/firstrun-tour.html'

        # return a list to conform with original intention
        return [template]
예제 #10
파일: views.py 프로젝트: NIRVIT/bedrock
    def get_template_names(self):
        locale = l10n_utils.get_locale(self.request)
        fc_ctx = funnelcake_param(self.request)
        f = fc_ctx.get('funnelcake_id', 0)

        if f == '30' and locale == 'en-US':
            template = 'firefox/australis/firstrun-no-tour.html'
            template = 'firefox/australis/firstrun-tour.html'

        # return a list to conform with original intention
        return [template]
예제 #11
def latest_fx_redirect(request, fake_version, template_name):
    Redirect visitors based on their user-agent.

    - Up-to-date Firefox users see the whatsnew page.
    - Other Firefox users go to the new page.
    - Non Firefox users go to the new page.
    query = request.META.get('QUERY_STRING')
    query = '?' + query if query else ''

    user_agent = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '')
    if not 'Firefox' in user_agent:
        url = reverse('firefox.new') + query
        # TODO : Where to redirect bug 757206
        return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(url)

    user_version = '0'
    match = UA_REGEXP.search(user_agent)
    if match:
        user_version = match.group(1)

    if not is_current_or_newer(user_version):
        url = reverse('firefox.new') + query
        return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(url)

    # display alternate firstrun content for en-US with proper funnelcake param in URL
    # remove when firstrun test is complete
    context = funnelcake_param(request)

    if (template_name == 'firefox/firstrun.html'
            and request.locale == 'en-US' and
            context.get('funnelcake_id', 0) == FX_FIRSTRUN_FUNNELCAKE_CAMPAIGN):

        return l10n_utils.render(request, 'firefox/firstrun/a.html')
        locales_with_video = {
            'en-US': 'american',
            'en-GB': 'british',
            'de': 'german_final',
            'it': 'italian_final',
            'ja': 'japanese_final',
            'es-AR': 'spanish_final',
            'es-CL': 'spanish_final',
            'es-ES': 'spanish_final',
            'es-MX': 'spanish_final',

        return l10n_utils.render(request, template_name,
                                 {'locales_with_video': locales_with_video})
예제 #12
def latest_fx_redirect(request, fake_version, template_name):
    Redirect visitors based on their user-agent.

    - Up-to-date Firefox users see the whatsnew page.
    - Other Firefox users go to the new page.
    - Non Firefox users go to the new page.
    query = request.META.get('QUERY_STRING')
    query = '?' + query if query else ''

    user_agent = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '')
    if not 'Firefox' in user_agent:
        url = reverse('firefox.new') + query
        # TODO : Where to redirect bug 757206
        return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(url)

    user_version = '0'
    match = UA_REGEXP.search(user_agent)
    if match:
        user_version = match.group(1)

    if not is_current_or_newer(user_version):
        url = reverse('firefox.new') + query
        return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(url)

    # display alternate firstrun content for en-US with proper funnelcake param in URL
    # remove when firstrun test is complete
    context = funnelcake_param(request)

    if (template_name == 'firefox/firstrun.html' and request.locale == 'en-US'
            and context.get('funnelcake_id',
                            0) == FX_FIRSTRUN_FUNNELCAKE_CAMPAIGN):

        return l10n_utils.render(request, 'firefox/firstrun/a.html')
        locales_with_video = {
            'en-US': 'american',
            'en-GB': 'british',
            'de': 'german_final',
            'it': 'italian_final',
            'ja': 'japanese_final',
            'es-AR': 'spanish_final',
            'es-CL': 'spanish_final',
            'es-ES': 'spanish_final',
            'es-MX': 'spanish_final',

        return l10n_utils.render(request, template_name,
                                 {'locales_with_video': locales_with_video})
예제 #13
파일: views.py 프로젝트: ishanroy/bedrock
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        ctx = super(FirstrunView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)

        # Firstrun 38.0.5 context - can be removed when these tests are complete
        ctx = funnelcake_param(self.request)
        funnelcake_id = ctx.get('funnelcake_id', None)

        # funnelcake 39 prevents video regardless of locale
        if (funnelcake_id != '39'):
            locale = l10n_utils.get_locale(self.request)

            ctx['video_url'] = LOCALE_SPRING_CAMPAIGN_VIDEOS.get(locale, False)
            ctx['video_url'] = False

        return ctx
예제 #14
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        ctx = super(FirstrunView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)

        # Firstrun 38.0.5 context - can be removed when these tests are complete
        ctx = funnelcake_param(self.request)
        funnelcake_id = ctx.get('funnelcake_id', None)

        # funnelcake 39 prevents video regardless of locale
        if (funnelcake_id != '39'):
            locale = l10n_utils.get_locale(self.request)

            ctx['video_url'] = LOCALE_SPRING_CAMPAIGN_VIDEOS.get(locale, False)
            ctx['video_url'] = False

        return ctx
예제 #15
파일: views.py 프로젝트: elin-moco/bedrock
    def get_template_names(self):
        version = self.args[0]
        locale = l10n_utils.get_locale(self.request)
        fc_ctx = funnelcake_param(self.request)
        f = fc_ctx.get('funnelcake_id', 0)

        if isAustralis(version):
            if f == '30':
                template = 'firefox/australis/firstrun-no-tour.html'
            elif f == '31':
                template = 'firefox/australis/firstrun-tour.html'
                template = 'firefox/australis/firstrun-tour.html'
            template = 'firefox/australis/firstrun-no-tour.html'

        # return a list to conform with original intention
        return [template]
예제 #16
파일: views.py 프로젝트: tsharman/bedrock
    def get_template_names(self):
        version = self.kwargs.get('fx_version') or ''
        locale = l10n_utils.get_locale(self.request)
        fc_ctx = funnelcake_param(self.request)
        f = fc_ctx.get('funnelcake_id', 0)
        oldversion = self.request.GET.get('oldversion', '')

        if oldversion == '29.0' or (f == '30' and locale == 'en-US'):
            template = 'firefox/australis/whatsnew-no-tour.html'
        elif version == '29.0a1':
            template = 'firefox/whatsnew-nightly-29.html'
        elif version.startswith('29.'):
            # non en-US locales always get the tour
            template = 'firefox/australis/whatsnew-tour.html'
        elif locale in self.fxos_locales:
            template = 'firefox/whatsnew-fxos.html'
            template = 'firefox/whatsnew.html'

        # return a list to conform with original intention
        return [template]
예제 #17
파일: views.py 프로젝트: ckprice/bedrock
    def get_template_names(self):
        version = self.kwargs.get('version') or ''
        locale = l10n_utils.get_locale(self.request)

        # variant is present for growth tests
        ctx = funnelcake_param(self.request)

        variant = ctx.get('funnelcake_id', None)

        if variant == '35' and version == '35.0.1':
            template = 'firefox/australis/growth-firstrun-test1.html'
        elif variant == '36' and version == '35.0.1':
            template = 'firefox/australis/growth-firstrun-test2.html'
        elif show_devbrowser_firstrun(version):
            template = 'firefox/dev-firstrun.html'
        elif show_search_firstrun(version) and locale == 'en-US':
            template = 'firefox/australis/firstrun-34-tour.html'
            template = 'firefox/australis/firstrun-tour.html'

        # return a list to conform with original intention
        return [template]
예제 #18
 def _funnelcake(self, url='/', **kwargs):
     return funnelcake_param(self.rf.get(url, kwargs))
예제 #19
 def _funnelcake(self, **kwargs):
     return funnelcake_param(self.rf.get('/', kwargs))