def setup_scenario_context(context: Context, scenario: Scenario):
    """Prepare scenario context for test run"""

    # Agent urls and names
    # context.<name>_url = ""
    # context.<role>_name = "Alice"

    # holder
    context.holder_url = None
    context.holder_name = None

    # issuer
    context.issuer_url = None
    context.issuer_name = None

    # verifier
    context.verifier_url = None
    context.verifier_name = None

    # prover
    context.prover_url = None
    context.prover_name = None

    # inviter
    context.inviter_url = None
    context.inviter_name = None

    # invitee
    context.invitee_url = None
    context.invitee_name = None

    # inviteinterceptor
    context.inviteinterceptor_url = None
    context.inviteinterceptor_name = None

    # requester
    context.requester_url = None
    context.requester_name = None

    # responder
    context.responder_url = None
    context.responder_name = None

    # mediator
    context.mediator_url = None
    context.mediator_name = None
    # recipient
    context.recipient_url = None
    context.recipient_name = None

    # Agent name to connection id mapping
    # {
    #   "<agent_name>": "<connection_id>"
    # }
    # context.temp_connection_id_dict["Alice"] = "07da4b41-40e9-4f8e-8e7b-603430f5aac3"
    context.temp_connection_id_dict = {}

    context.use_existing_connection = False
    context.use_existing_connection_successful = False

    # Schema name to credentail ids mapping
    # {
    #   "<schema_name>": ["<cred_id_stored>"]
    # }
    # defaultdict allows to instantly append without creating list first
    # context.credential_id_dict["Schema_DriversLicense_v2"].append("799519c6-c635-46e4-a14d-9af52e79e894")
    context.credential_id_dict = defaultdict(list)

    # Whether revocation is supported
    context.support_revocation = False

    # TODO: is schema_name same as the schema tags used
    # {
    #   "<schema_name>": <supports_revocation_boolean>
    # }
    # context.support_revocation_dict["Schema_DriversLicense_v2"] = True
    context.support_revocation_dict = {}

    # Linked Data Proof credentials specific proof type indiciator
    # context.proof_type = "Ed25519Signature2018"
    context.proof_type = None

    # Indy loaded schema data
    # context.schema = {
    #   "schema_name":"Schema_DriversLicense_v2",
    #   "schema_version":"1.1.0",
    #   "attributes":[
    #       "address",
    #       "DL_number",
    #       "expiry",
    #       "age"
    #   ]
    # }
    context.schema = None

    # Credential data dict
    # {
    #   "<schema_name>": attributes_array
    # }
    # context.credential_data_dict["Schema_Health_ID"] = [
    #    {
    #       "name":"address",
    #       "value":"947 this street, Kingston Ontario Canada, K9O 3R5"
    #    }
    # ]
    context.credential_data_dict = {}

    # Credential data
    # context.credential_data = [
    #    {
    #       "name":"address",
    #       "value":"947 this street, Kingston Ontario Canada, K9O 3R5"
    #    }
    # ]
    context.credential_data = None

    # Store cred revocation creation time?
    # context.cred_rev_creation_time = time.time()
    context.cred_rev_creation_time = None

    # Indy create schema response from backchannel
    # {
    #   "<schema_name>": schema_response_json
    # }
    # context.issuer_schema_dict["Schema_DriversLicense_v2"] =
    # {
    #   "schema_id": "FSQvDrNnARp3StGUUYYm54:2:test_schema:1.0.0",
    #   "schema": {
    #       "ver": "1.0",
    #       "id": "FSQvDrNnARp3StGUUYYm54:2:test_schema:1.0.0",
    #       "name": "test_schema",
    #       "version": "1.0.0",
    #       "attrNames": ["attr_2", "attr_3", "attr_1"],
    #       "seqNo": 10
    #   }
    # }
    context.issuer_schema_dict = {}

    # Indy create credential definition response from backchannel
    # {
    #   "<schema_name>": credential_definition_response_json
    # }
    # context.issuer_credential_definition_dict["Schema_DriversLicense_v2"] =
    # {
    #   "ver": "1.0",
    #   "id": "FSQvDrNnARp3StGUUYYm54:3:CL:10:default",
    #   "schemaId": "10",
    #   "type": "CL",
    #   "tag": "default",
    #   "value": { ... crypto stuff ... }
    # }
    context.issuer_credential_definition_dict = {}

    # Non revoked time frame
    # {
    #   "non_revoked": {
    #      "from": <int>,
    #      "to": <int>
    #   }
    # }
    # context.non_revoked = create_non_revoke_interval("-86400:+86400")
    context.non_revoked_timeframe = None

    # Issue credential thread id
    # context.cred_thread_id = "876fc488-c762-41f2-b2b1-dacf461226ef"
    context.cred_thread_id = None

    # Credential revocation id
    # context.cred_rev_id = "ba94c890-8463-40e4-b7f4-0e420fc3bc00"
    context.cred_rev_id = None

    # Credential revocation registry id
    # context.cred_rev_id = "c6d37ebd-a2d9-485f-b393-5fcb86b51fd2"
    context.rev_reg_id = None

    # DIDExchange invitation
    context.responder_invitation = None

    # Get public did response
    # context.requester_public_did = {
    #   "did": "FSQvDrNnARp3StGUUYYm54"
    #   "verkey": "verkey"
    # }
    context.requester_public_did = None

    # Requester public did
    # context.requester_did = "FSQvDrNnARp3StGUUYYm54"
    context.requester_did = None

    # Requester public did dod
    # create-request-resolvable did json response
    context.requester_public_did_doc = None

    # Present proof request for proof (presentation proposal object)
    context.request_for_proof = None

    # Whether exchange is connectionless
    context.connectionless = False

    # Presentation exchange id used for connectionless exchanges
    # context.presentation_exchange_id = "6f96b535-0afa-4fff-938a-9f9bd6aa2814"
    context.presentation_exchange_id = None

    # Loaded presentation data
    # context.presentation = {
    #   "comment": "This is a comment for the send presentation.",
    #   "requested_attributes": {
    #     "health_attrs": {
    #        "cred_type_name": "Schema_Health_ID",
    #        "revealed": true,
    #        "cred_id": "replace_me"
    #     }
    #   }
    # }
    context.presentation = None

    # Presentation exchange thread id
    # context.presentation_thread_id = "59e17d38-0e90-42bf-93bb-44a42cc716c9"
    context.presentation_thread_id = None

    # Presentation proposal
    # context.presentation_proposal = {
    #   "requested_attributes": [
    #      {
    #          "name": "address",
    #          "cred_def_id": "replace_me",
    #          "cred_type_name": "Schema_DriversLicense"
    #      }
    #   ]
    # }
    context.presentation_proposal = None

    # Agent name (e.g. Alice, Bob, ...) to connection id mapping (two levels)
    # {
    #   "<agent_name>": {
    #       "<agent_name>": "<connection_id>"
    #   }
    # }
    # defaultdict allows to instantly set keys without checking:
    # context.connection_id_dict["Alice"]["Bob"] = "4cdc22e4-6563-404b-8245-e8cb407f0abd"
    context.connection_id_dict = defaultdict(dict)

    # ISSUER

    # Schema name to issuer did mapping
    # {
    #   "<schema_name>": "<issuer_did>"
    # }
    # context.issuer_did_dict["Schema_DriversLicense_v2"] = "FSQvDrNnARp3StGUUYYm54"
    context.issuer_did_dict = {}

    # Indy specific schema name to schema id mapping
    # {
    #   "<schema_name>": "<schema_id>"
    # }
    context.issuer_schema_id_dict = {}

    # Indy specifc schema name to credential definition id mapping
    # {
    #   "<schema_name>": "<credential_definition_id>"
    # }
    context.credential_definition_id_dict = {}

    # Indy schema name to schema json mapping
    # {
    #   "<schema_name>": <schema_json>
    # }
    # context.schema_dict["Schema_DriversLicense_v2"] = {
    #   "schema_name":"Schema_DriversLicense_v2",
    #   "schema_version":"1.1.0",
    #   "attributes":[
    #       "address",
    #       "DL_number",
    #       "expiry",
    #       "age"
    #   ]
    # }
    context.schema_dict = {}

    # Presentation Exchange Thread ID to boolean whether the proof is verified mapping
    # {
    #   "<presentation_exchange_thread_id>": <verified_boolean>
    # }
    # context.credential_verification_dict["515b5850-8d98-4d0b-a1ca-ddd21038db96"] = True
    context.credential_verification_dict = {}

    # Signature suite used for json-ld credentials
    # context.proof_type = "Ed25519Signature2018"
    context.proof_type = None

    # Did method used for json-ld credentials
    # context.did_method = "key"
    context.did_method = None

    # Present proof filters dict
    # {
    #   "<schema_name>": {
    #        "<cred_format>": ?
    #   }
    # }
    # context.filters_dict = {
    #   "Schema_DriversLicense_v2": {
    #      "indy": {},
    #      "json-ld": {}
    #   }
    # }
    context.filters_dict = {}

    # Current present proof filter (taken from filters dict)
    # {
    #   "<cred_format>": ?
    # }
    # context.filters = {
    #   "indy": {},
    #   "json-ld": {}
    # }
    context.filters = None

    # Current cred format used
    # context.current_cred_format = "json-ld"
    context.current_cred_format = None

    # Stores mapping of which agent to use as mediation when creating connections.
    # {
    #   "<recipient_name>": "<mediator_name>"
    # }
    # context.mediator_dict = {
    #   "Faber": "Acme"
    # }
    context.mediator_dict = {}
def before_scenario(context: Context, scenario: Scenario):
    setup_scenario_context(context, scenario)

    # Check if the scenario has an issue associated
    for tag in context.tags:
        if ".issue:" in tag:

            # Parse out the URL in the issue tag.
            l_issue_info = tag.split(":")
            s_issue_url = "https:" + l_issue_info[2]

            # get the test id for this scenario
            for tag in context.tags:
                if tag.startswith("T"):
                    test_id = tag

            # Tell the user the scenario will fail and the URL to the issue
                f"NOTE: Test {test_id}:{}, WILL FAIL due to an outstanding issue not yet resolved."
            print(f"For more information see issue details at {s_issue_url}")

    # Check if the @MultiUseInvite tag exists
    if "MultiUseInvite" in context.tags:
            f'NOTE: Test "{}" WILL FAIL if your Agent Under Test is not started with or does not support Multi Use Invites.'

    # Check for Present Proof Feature to be able to handle the loading of schemas and credential definitions before the scenarios.
    if (
        "present proof" in
        or "revocation" in
        or "Issue Credential" in
        # get the tag with "Schema_".
        for tag in context.tags:
            if "ProofType_" in tag:
                # Get and assign the proof type to the context
                # tag is in format "ProofType_PROOFTYPESTRING"
                context.proof_type = tag.split("ProofType_")[1]
            if "DidMethod_" in tag:
                # Get and assign the did method to the context
                # tag is in format "@DidMethod_DIDMETHOD"
                context.did_method = tag.split("DidMethod_")[1]
            if "Schema_" in tag:
                # Get and assign the schema to the context
                    schema_json_file = open("features/data/" + tag.lower() + ".json")
                    schema_json = json.load(schema_json_file)

                    # If this is issue credential then you can't created multiple credential defs at the same time, like Proof uses
                    # multiple credential types in the proof. So just set the context.schema here to be used in the issue cred test.
                    # This makes the rule that you can only have one @Schema_ tag in an issue credential test scenario.
                    if "Issue Credential" in
                        context.schema = schema_json["schema"]
                        # Get and assign the credential definition info to the context
                        context.support_revocation = schema_json[

                    # Support multiple schemas for multiple creds in a proof request.
                    # for each schema in tags add the schema and revocation support to a dict keyed by schema name.

                    context.schema_dict[tag] = schema_json["schema"]
                    context.support_revocation_dict[tag] = schema_json[

                except FileNotFoundError:
                    print("FileNotFoundError: features/data/" + tag.lower() + ".json")