예제 #1
def checkSingleBond(atom1, atom2, d_min = 1.42):
    """check distance between two atoms (1.42)
    in: atom1 and atom2
    out: 0 or 1"""
    distance = calcul.distanceTwoatoms(atom1, atom2)
    if distance >= d_min:
        return 1
        return 0
예제 #2
def AreaCOO (pr_init):
    """calculation of volume around nitrogen of primary amine
    in: filePDB with only primary amine, extreme value of l_angle, structure subs
    out: file format filePDB with water
    only one half of imidazole are inspected"""
    subs = "COO"
    pr_volume = pathManage.CreatePathDir(pr_init + "Volume/")
    filout = open (pr_volume + "volume_" + subs + ".pdb", "w")
    l_atom_sub = structure.substructureCoord(subs)
    def_volume = structure.criteraAngle(subs)
    writePDBfile.coordinateSection(filout, l_atom_sub, "HETATM")

    angle_inf = def_volume["angle"][0]
    angle_sup = def_volume["angle"][1]
    d_inf = def_volume["distance"][0]
    d_sup = def_volume["distance"][1]
    for atom_sub in l_atom_sub : 
        if atom_sub["name"] == "O01" : 
            atomO1 = atom_sub
        if atom_sub["name"] == "O02" : 
            atomO2 = atom_sub
        if atom_sub["name"] == "C02" : 
            atomC2 = atom_sub
        if atom_sub["name"] == "C01" : 
            atomC1 = atom_sub
    atom_center = calcul.CenterPoint(atomO1, atomO2)
    serial = 0
    for x_test in [atom_center["x"] + x * 0.2 for x in range (-50,60)] : 
        for y_test in [atom_center["y"] + y * 0.2 for y in range (-50,60)] : 
            for z_test in [atom_center["z"] + z * 0.2 for z in range (-50,60)] :  
                atom_test = structure.genericAtom(x_test, y_test, z_test)
                dist = calcul.distanceTwoatoms(atom_test, atom_center)
                # case where the calculation of angle is impossible
                try : angle = calcul.Angle3Atoms(atomC2, atom_center, atom_test)
                except : continue
                if dist <= d_sup and dist >= d_inf: 
                    if angle >= angle_inf and angle <= angle_sup :
                        serial = serial + 1
                        atom_test["serial"] = serial
                        atom_test["resSeq"] = serial
                        writePDBfile.coordinateStructure(atom_test, "HETATM", filout)
    WriteParameter (pr_volume + subs + ".param", subs, def_volume, serial) 
예제 #3
def AeraTertiary (pr_init):
    """calculation of volume around nitrogen of primary amine
    in: filePDB with only primary amine, extreme value of l_angle, structure subs
    out: file format filePDB with water"""
    subs = "III"
    pr_volume = pathManage.CreatePathDir(pr_init + "Volume/")
    filout = open (pr_volume + "volume_" + subs + ".pdb", "w")
    l_atom_sub = structure.substructureCoord(subs)
    def_volume = structure.criteraAngle(subs)
    writePDBfile.coordinateSection(filout, l_atom_sub, "HETATM")

    angle_inf = def_volume["angle"][0]
    angle_sup = def_volume["angle"][1]
    d_inf = def_volume["distance"][0]
    d_sup = def_volume["distance"][1]
    for atom_sub in l_atom_sub :
        if atom_sub["element"] == "N" : 
            atomN = atom_sub
        elif atom_sub["element"] == "C" : 
            if "atomC1" in locals() :
                if "atomC2" in locals():
                    atomC3 = atom_sub
                else : 
                    atomC2 = atom_sub
            else : 
                atomC1 = atom_sub

    serial = 0
    for x_test in [atomN["x"] + x * 0.2 for x in range (-50,60)] : 
        for y_test in [atomN["y"] + y * 0.2 for y in range (-50,60)] : 
            for z_test in [atomN["z"] + z * 0.2 for z in range (-50,60)] :  
                atom_test = structure.genericAtom(x_test, y_test, z_test)
                distance = calcul.distanceTwoatoms(atom_test, atomN)
                if distance < d_sup and distance > d_inf: 
                    l_angles = calcul.angleTertiaryAmineCalculVol(atomN, atom_test, atomC1, atomC2, atomC3)
                    if l_angles[0] > angle_inf and l_angles[1] > angle_inf and l_angles[2] > angle_inf:
                        if l_angles[0] < angle_sup and l_angles[1] < angle_sup and l_angles[2] < angle_sup:
                            serial = serial + 1
                            atom_test["serial"] = serial
                            atom_test["resSeq"] = serial
                            writePDBfile.coordinateStructure(atom_test, "HETATM", filout)
    WriteParameter (pr_volume + subs + ".param", subs, def_volume, serial)
예제 #4
def AreaGuanidium (pr_init):
    """calculation of volume around nitrogen of primary amine
    in: filePDB with only primary amine, extreme value of l_angle, structure subs
    out: file format filePDB with water"""
    subs = "GAI"
    pr_volume = pathManage.CreatePathDir(pr_init + "Volume/")
    filout = open (pr_volume + "volume_" + subs + ".pdb", "w")
    l_atom_sub = structure.substructureCoord(subs)
    def_volume = structure.criteraAngle(subs)
    writePDBfile.coordinateSection(filout, l_atom_sub, "HETATM")
    #filout.close ()

    angle_inf = def_volume["angle"][0]
    angle_sup = def_volume["angle"][1]
    d_inf = def_volume["distance"][0]
    d_sup = def_volume["distance"][1]
    for atom_sub in l_atom_sub : 
        if atom_sub["name"] == "N01" : 
            atomN1 = atom_sub
        if atom_sub["name"] == "C01" : 
            atomC1 = atom_sub
    count = 0
    for x_test in [atomC1["x"] + x * 0.3 for x in range (-100,100)] : 
        for y_test in [atomC1["y"] + y * 0.3 for y in range (-100,100)] : 
            for z_test in [atomC1["z"] + z * 0.3 for z in range (-100,100)] :  
                atom_test = structure.genericAtom(x_test, y_test, z_test)
                distance = calcul.distanceTwoatoms(atom_test, atomC1)
                l_angleC1 = calcul.anglePrimaryAmineCalculVol(atomC1, atomN1, atom_test)
#                 print distance, l_angleC1
                if distance < d_sup and distance > d_inf: 
                    if l_angleC1[0] > angle_inf and l_angleC1[0] < angle_sup :
                        count = count + 1
                        atom_test["count"] = count
                        atom_test["resSeq"] = count
                        writePDBfile.coordinateStructure(atom_test, "HETATM", filout)
    WriteParameter (pr_volume + subs + ".param", subs, def_volume, count) 
예제 #5
파일: searchPDB.py 프로젝트: ABorrel/ionic
def Nclose (atom, l_at_lig) : 
    d_min = 100
    for at_lig in l_at_lig : 
        if at_lig["element"] != "N" : 
        else : 
            d = calcul.distanceTwoatoms(atom, at_lig)
            if d < d_min : 
                d_min = d
                atom_temp = deepcopy(at_lig)
    if "atom_temp" in locals() : 
        return atom_temp
    else : 
        return {}
예제 #6
def controlLenCNBond (listAtomLigand, listDistance):
    """For each CN bond in list atom ligand, retrieve distance between C and N
    in: list atom ligand, list distance retrieve
    out: append in list ligand the distance"""

    for atom in listAtomLigand:
        if atom["element"] == "N":
            matrixConnect = atom["connect"]

            for serial in matrixConnect:
                atomConect = retrieveAtom.serial(serial, listAtomLigand)

                if atomConect != 0  and atomConect["element"] == "C":
                        distance = calcul.distanceTwoatoms(atom, atomConect)
예제 #7
파일: parsing.py 프로젝트: ABorrel/ionic
def checkLigandHooked (l_atom_complex, l_atom_lig, thresold = 1.65):
    l_atom_prot = deepcopy(l_atom_complex)
    for atom_lig in l_atom_lig : 
        i = 0
        nb_atom = len(l_atom_prot)
        while i < nb_atom : 
            d = calcul.distanceTwoatoms(l_atom_prot[i], atom_lig)
            if d < thresold : 
                print d
                return 1
            # reduce combination with atom away
            elif d > (thresold * len (l_atom_lig)) : 
                del l_atom_prot[i]
                nb_atom = nb_atom - 1

            i = i + 1
    return 0
예제 #8
파일: bondLength.py 프로젝트: ABorrel/ionic
def BondLengthCandX (l_atom_lig, X_element) : 
    l_dist = []
    l_serialX = searchPDB.ListSerialElement(l_atom_lig, str(X_element))
    for serialX in l_serialX : 
#         print serialX
        l_atom_connectX, connect = retrieveAtom.atomConnect(l_atom_lig, serialX)
        i = 0
        nb_connect = len (connect)
        while i < nb_connect : 
            if len(l_atom_connectX) >= 2 : 
                dist = calcul.distanceTwoatoms(l_atom_connectX[0], l_atom_connectX[1])
#                 print dist
                if dist != 100 : 
                    l_dist.append (str(dist))
            i = i + 1
    return l_dist
예제 #9
파일: searchPDB.py 프로젝트: ABorrel/ionic
def neighbors(rayon, atom_central, pdb, subs = "global", l_atom_lig = [] ): # change the name because in the same time function and variable
    """Search neighbors for all ligand
    in : rayon where is atoms, central atom, pdb file
    out : list atoms found"""

    l_atom = []
    linesPDB = loadFile.openPdbFile(pdb)
    for line in linesPDB:
        if search("^ATOM", line) or search("^HETATM", line): 
            atom = parsing.lineCoords(line)
            if atom != {} and atom["element"] != "H":
                distance = calcul.distanceTwoatoms(atom_central, atom)
                if distance <= rayon and distance != 0.0:
                    if atom_central["resSeq"] != atom["resSeq"]: # check if variation
                        if tool.atomInList(l_atom, atom) == 0:
                            atom["distance"] = distance
                            atom["angleSubs"] = calcul.angleSubs(atom_central, atom, l_atom_lig, subs)
                            atom["classification"] = structure.classificationATOM(atom)

    return l_atom
예제 #10
파일: parsing.py 프로젝트: ABorrel/ionic
def retrieveLigand  (l_atom, name_ligand, extend = 2, debug = 0):
    Retrieve list of ligand in PDB
    args: -> PDB parsed
          -> name ligand
    return: list of ligand with atoms
    if debug : 
        print "-control ligand select-"
        print name_ligand, "NAME ligand"
        print "l144 - parse PDB"
        print "****************"
    name_ligand = name_ligand.upper ()
    list_atom_ligand = []
    for element in l_atom : 
        if element ["resName"] == name_ligand : 
            list_atom_ligand.append (deepcopy(element))
    for atomLigand in list_atom_ligand:
        for atom_ligand_connect in list_atom_ligand:
            distance = calcul.distanceTwoatoms(atomLigand, atom_ligand_connect)
            if distance < extend and distance != 0:
                if not atom_ligand_connect["serial"] in atomLigand["connect"]:
    # Check exotic bound (SE-C...) with special length of bound
    if checkConnectMatrix(list_atom_ligand) == 0 :
        if debug : 
            print "- exotic ligand -, recursive distance"
            print "l165 - parse PDB"
            print "Threshold: ", extend
            print "--------------------"
        if extend <= 4.0 : 
            return retrieveLigand (l_atom, name_ligand, extend + 0.1, debug = 0)
    return separateByLigand (list_atom_ligand)
예제 #11
파일: searchPDB.py 프로젝트: ABorrel/ionic
def Guanidium(l_at_connect_N, l_atom_lig):
    """search Guanidium 
    in: list atom connected of nitrogen, list atom ligand
    out: 1 or 0"""
    connectN1 = toolSubstructure.matrixElement(l_at_connect_N)
    nb_NH = 0
    l_atom_out = []
    # atom lateral
    if connectN1 == ["N", "C"] :
        l_at_connect_c, connectC = retrieveAtom.atomConnect(l_atom_lig , l_at_connect_N[1]["serial"])
        if connectC == ["C", "N", "N", "N"] :
            l_atom_out.append (deepcopy(l_at_connect_c[0])) # append C
            groupAtomN1, conect_N1 = retrieveAtom.atomConnect(l_atom_lig , int (l_at_connect_c[0]["connect"][1]))
            groupAtomN2, conect_N2 = retrieveAtom.atomConnect(l_atom_lig , int (l_at_connect_c[0]["connect"][2]))
            groupAtomN3, conect_N3 = retrieveAtom.atomConnect(l_atom_lig , int (l_at_connect_c[0]["connect"][3]))
            l_conect = [conect_N1, conect_N2, conect_N3]
            l_group_atom =  [groupAtomN1, groupAtomN2, groupAtomN3]
            i = 0
            while i < 3 :  
                if l_conect[i] == ["N", "C"] : 
                    nb_NH = nb_NH + 1
                    i = i + 1
                elif l_conect[i] == ["N", "C", "C"]:  
                    if l_group_atom[i][1]["serial"] != l_at_connect_c[0]["serial"] : 
                        l_atom_out.append (deepcopy(l_group_atom[i][1]))
                    elif l_group_atom[i][2]["serial"] != l_at_connect_c[0]["serial"] : 
                        l_atom_out.append (deepcopy(l_group_atom[i][2]))
                    else : 
                        print "ERROR l158"
                        return [0, []]
                    i = i + 1
                else :
                    return [0, []]
            # check number primary connectN1 -> case GAI not take, change ?
            if nb_NH == 2  : 
                l_atom_out.append (deepcopy(groupAtomN1[0]))
                l_atom_out.append (deepcopy(groupAtomN2[0]))
                l_atom_out.append (deepcopy(groupAtomN3[0]))
        else :
            return [0, []]
    # atom central structure
    elif connectN1 == ["N", "C", "C"] : 
        for at_conect in l_at_connect_N[1:] : 
            l_group_at, conect_N = retrieveAtom.atomConnect(l_atom_lig , at_conect["serial"])
            if conect_N == ["C", "N", "N", "N"] :
                l_c_central = l_group_at
                l_atom_out.append (deepcopy(l_c_central[0]))
                for group_at in l_group_at[1:] : 
                    l_goup_N, connect_N = retrieveAtom.atomConnect(l_atom_lig , group_at["serial"])
                    if connect_N == ["N", "C"] : 
                        nb_NH = nb_NH + 1
            else : 
                l_atom_out.append (deepcopy(l_group_at[0]))

        if nb_NH >= 2 and len (l_atom_out) >= 2 :
            l_atom_out.append (deepcopy(l_c_central[1]))
            l_atom_out.append (deepcopy(l_c_central[2]))
            l_atom_out.append (deepcopy(l_c_central[3]))
        else : 
            return [0, []]
    if len (l_atom_out) != 5 : 
        return [0,[]]
    else : 
        # append 2 carbons
        l_C, connectC = retrieveAtom.atomConnect(l_atom_lig , l_atom_out[0]["serial"])
        if connectC == ["C", "N", "N", "N"] : 
            l_serial = [l_atom_out[1]["serial"], l_atom_out[0]["serial"]]
            atomC1 = l_atom_out[1]
        else : 
            l_serial = [l_atom_out[0]["serial"], l_atom_out[1]["serial"]]
            atomC1 = l_atom_out[0]
        # distance between C2 and N
        d1 = calcul.distanceTwoatoms(atomC1, l_atom_out[2])
        d2 = calcul.distanceTwoatoms(atomC1, l_atom_out[3])
        d3 = calcul.distanceTwoatoms(atomC1, l_atom_out[4])
        l_dist = [d1, d2, d3]
        l_dist.sort ()
        for dist in l_dist : 
            if dist == d1 : 
                l_serial.append (l_atom_out[2]["serial"])
            elif dist == d2 : 
                l_serial.append (l_atom_out[3]["serial"])
            else : 
                l_serial.append (l_atom_out[4]["serial"])
        return [1,l_serial]
    return [0, []]