예제 #1
def initial_order_data(request):
    Return the initial data for the order form - favours request.POST,
    then session, then the last order deterined by either the current
    authenticated user, or from previous the order cookie set with
    "remember my details".
    if request.method == "POST":
        return dict(request.POST.items())
    if "order" in request.session:
        return request.session["order"]
    previous_lookup = {}
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        previous_lookup["user_id"] = request.user.id
    remembered = request.COOKIES.get("remember", "").split(":")
    if len(remembered) == 2 and remembered[0] == sign(remembered[1]):
        previous_lookup["key"] = remembered[1]
    initial = {}
    if previous_lookup:
        previous_orders = Order.objects.filter(**previous_lookup).values()[:1]
        if len(previous_orders) > 0:
            # Set initial value for "same billing/shipping" based on
            # whether both sets of address fields are all equal.
            shipping = lambda f: "shipping_%s" % f[len("billing_"):]
            if any([f for f in initial if f.startswith("billing_") and
                shipping(f) in initial and
                initial[f] != initial[shipping(f)]]):
                initial["same_billing_shipping"] = False
    return initial
예제 #2
파일: checkout.py 프로젝트: CDC/cartridge
def initial_order_data(request):
    Return the initial data for the order form - favours request.POST,
    then session, then the last order deterined by either the current
    authenticated user, or from previous the order cookie set with
    "remember my details".
    if request.method == "POST":
        return dict(request.POST.items())
    if "order" in request.session:
        return request.session["order"]
    previous_lookup = {}
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        previous_lookup["user_id"] = request.user.id
    remembered = request.COOKIES.get("remember", "").split(":")
    if len(remembered) == 2 and remembered[0] == sign(remembered[1]):
        previous_lookup["key"] = remembered[1]
    initial = {}
    if previous_lookup:
        previous_orders = Order.objects.filter(**previous_lookup).values()[:1]
        if len(previous_orders) > 0:
            # Set initial value for "same billing/shipping" based on
            # whether both sets of address fields are all equal.
            shipping = lambda f: "shipping_%s" % f[len("billing_"):]
            if any([f for f in initial if f.startswith("billing_") and
                shipping(f) in initial and
                initial[f] != initial[shipping(f)]]):
                initial["same_billing_shipping"] = False
    return initial
예제 #3
파일: views.py 프로젝트: hderaps/bccf
def checkout_steps(request):
    Display the order form and handle processing of each step.

    # Do the authentication check here rather than using standard
    # login_required decorator. This means we can check for a custom
    # LOGIN_URL and fall back to our own login view.
    authenticated = request.user.is_authenticated()
    if settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED and not authenticated:
        url = "%s?next=%s" % (settings.LOGIN_URL, reverse("shop_checkout"))
        return redirect(url)

    # Level C Discount
    if request.user.profile.is_level_C:
        request.session['force_discount'] = 'l3v3lC15' 

    # Determine the Form class to use during the checkout process
    form_class = get_callable(settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_FORM_CLASS)

    initial = checkout.initial_order_data(request, form_class)

    cancelled = request.GET.get('c', None)    
    if not cancelled:
        step = int(request.POST.get("step", None)
                   or initial.get("step", None)
                   or checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST)
        step = checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST
    form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial)
    data = request.POST
    checkout_errors = []
    log.debug('Checkout step %s' % step)

    if request.POST.get("back") is not None:
        # Back button in the form was pressed - load the order form
        # for the previous step and maintain the field values entered.
        step -= 1
        form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial)
    elif request.method == "POST" and request.cart.has_items():
        form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial, data=data)
        if form.is_valid():
            # Copy the current form fields to the session so that
            # they're maintained if the customer leaves the checkout
            # process, but remove sensitive fields from the session
            # such as the credit card fields so that they're never
            # stored anywhere.
            request.session["order"] = dict(form.cleaned_data)
            sensitive_card_fields = ("card_number", "card_expiry_month",
                                     "card_expiry_year", "card_ccv")
            for field in sensitive_card_fields:
                if field in request.session["order"]:
                    del request.session["order"][field]

            # FIRST CHECKOUT STEP - handle shipping and discount code.
            if step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST:
                    billship_handler(request, form)
                    tax_handler(request, form)
                except checkout.CheckoutError, e:
                if form.cleaned_data.get('payment_method') == 'paypal':
                    step += 1
                        request.session["order"]["step"] = step
                        request.session.modified = True
                    except KeyError:
                    return redirect(Paypal.process(request, form))

            # FINAL CHECKOUT STEP - handle payment and process order.
            if step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_LAST and not checkout_errors:
                # Create and save the initial order object so that
                # the payment handler has access to all of the order
                # fields. If there is a payment error then delete the
                # order, otherwise remove the cart items from stock
                # and send the order receipt email.
                order = form.save(commit=False)
                # Try payment.
                    transaction_id = payment_handler(request, form, order)
                except checkout.CheckoutError, e:
                    # Error in payment handler.
                    if settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_STEPS_CONFIRMATION:
                        step -= 1
                    # Finalize order - ``order.complete()`` performs
                    # final cleanup of session and cart.
                    # ``order_handler()`` can be defined by the
                    # developer to implement custom order processing.
                    # Then send the order email to the customer.
                    if form.cleaned_data.get('payment_method') == 'paypal':
                        payment = Paypal.find(request)
                        if payment.shipping_info:
                            order.shipping_detail_first_name = payment.shipping_info.first_name
                            order.shipping_detail_last_name = payment.shipping_info.last_name
                            order.shipping_detail_street = payment.shipping_info.address.line1
                            order.shipping_detail_city = payment.shipping_info.address.city
                            order.shipping_detail_state = payment.shipping_info.address.state
                            order.shipping_detail_postcode = payment.shipping_info.address.postal_code
                            order.shipping_detail_country = payment.shipping_info.address.country_code                    
                    order.transaction_id = transaction_id
                    order_handler(request, form, order)
                    checkout.send_order_email(request, order)
                    # Set the cookie for remembering address details
                    # if the "remember" checkbox was checked.
                    response = redirect("shop_complete")   
                    if form.cleaned_data.get("remember"):
                        remembered = "%s:%s" % (sign(order.key), order.key)
                        set_cookie(response, "remember", remembered,
                    return response

            # If any checkout errors, assign them to a new form and
            # re-run is_valid. If valid, then set form to the next step.
            form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial, data=data,
            if form.is_valid():
                step += 1
                form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial)
예제 #4
파일: views.py 프로젝트: alyoung/cartridge
def checkout(request):
    Display the order form and handle processing of each step.
    # Do the authentication check here rather than using standard login_required
    # decorator. This means we can check for a custom LOGIN_URL and fall back
    # to our own login view.
        not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return HttpResponseRedirect("%s?next=%s" % (settings.SHOP_LOGIN_URL, 
    step = int(request.POST.get("step", CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST))
    initial = initial_order_data(request)
    form = OrderForm(request, step, initial=initial)
    data = request.POST

    if request.POST.get("back") is not None:
        step -= 1
        form = OrderForm(request, step, initial=initial)
    elif request.method == "POST":
        form = OrderForm(request, step, initial=initial, data=data)
        if form.is_valid():
            checkout_errors = []
            request.session["order"] = dict(form.cleaned_data)
            for field in ("card_number", "card_expiry_month", 
                "card_expiry_year", "card_ccv"):
                del request.session["order"][field]

            # Handle shipping and discount code on first step.
            if step == CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST:
                    billing_shipping(request, form)
                except CheckoutError, e:
                if hasattr(form, "discount"):
                    cart = Cart.objects.from_request(request)
                    discount_total = discount.calculate(cart.total_price())
                    request.session["free_shipping"] = discount.free_shipping
                    request.session["discount_total"] = discount_total

            # Process order on final step.
            if step == CHECKOUT_STEP_LAST and not checkout_errors:
                    payment(request, form)
                except CheckoutError, e:
                    if settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_STEPS_CONFIRMATION:
                        step -= 1
                    order = form.save(commit=False)
                    send_order_email(request, order)
                    response = HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("shop_complete"))
                    if form.cleaned_data.get("remember") is not None:
                        remembered = "%s:%s" % (sign(order.key), order.key)
                        set_cookie(response, "remember", remembered, 
                    return response

            # Assign checkout errors to new form if any and re-run is_valid 
            # if valid set form to next step.
            form = OrderForm(request, step, initial=initial, data=data, 
            if form.is_valid():
                step += 1
                form = OrderForm(request, step, initial=initial)
예제 #5
파일: views.py 프로젝트: ewingrj/cartridge
def checkout_steps(request, form_class=OrderForm, extra_context=None):
    Display the order form and handle processing of each step.

    # Do the authentication check here rather than using standard
    # login_required decorator. This means we can check for a custom
    # LOGIN_URL and fall back to our own login view.
    authenticated = request.user.is_authenticated()
    if settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED and not authenticated:
        url = "%s?next=%s" % (settings.LOGIN_URL, reverse("shop_checkout"))
        return redirect(url)

    except AttributeError:
        from warnings import warn
        warn("The SHOP_CHECKOUT_FORM_CLASS setting is deprecated - please "
             "define your own urlpattern for the checkout_steps view, "
             "passing in your own form_class argument.")
        form_class = import_dotted_path(settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_FORM_CLASS)

    initial = checkout.initial_order_data(request, form_class)
    step = int(
        request.POST.get("step", None) or initial.get("step", None)
        or checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST)
    form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial)
    data = request.POST
    checkout_errors = []

    if request.POST.get("back") is not None:
        # Back button in the form was pressed - load the order form
        # for the previous step and maintain the field values entered.
        step -= 1
        form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial)
    elif request.method == "POST" and request.cart.has_items():
        form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial, data=data)
        if form.is_valid():
            # Copy the current form fields to the session so that
            # they're maintained if the customer leaves the checkout
            # process, but remove sensitive fields from the session
            # such as the credit card fields so that they're never
            # stored anywhere.
            request.session["order"] = dict(form.cleaned_data)
            sensitive_card_fields = ("card_number", "card_expiry_month",
                                     "card_expiry_year", "card_ccv")
            for field in sensitive_card_fields:
                if field in request.session["order"]:
                    del request.session["order"][field]

            # FIRST CHECKOUT STEP - handle discount code. This needs to
            # be set before shipping, to allow for free shipping to be
            # first set by a discount code.
            if step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST:

            # ALL STEPS - run billing/tax handlers. These are run on
            # all steps, since all fields (such as address fields) are
            # posted on each step, even as hidden inputs when not
            # visible in the current step.
                billship_handler(request, form)
                tax_handler(request, form)
            except checkout.CheckoutError as e:

            # FINAL CHECKOUT STEP - run payment handler and process order.
            if step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_LAST and not checkout_errors:
                # Create and save the initial order object so that
                # the payment handler has access to all of the order
                # fields. If there is a payment error then delete the
                # order, otherwise remove the cart items from stock
                # and send the order receipt email.
                order = form.save(commit=False)
                # Try payment.
                    transaction_id = payment_handler(request, form, order)
                except checkout.CheckoutError as e:
                    # Error in payment handler.
                    if settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_STEPS_CONFIRMATION:
                        step -= 1
                    # Finalize order - ``order.complete()`` performs
                    # final cleanup of session and cart.
                    # ``order_handler()`` can be defined by the
                    # developer to implement custom order processing.
                    # Then send the order email to the customer.
                    order.transaction_id = transaction_id
                    order_handler(request, form, order)
                    checkout.send_order_email(request, order)
                    # Set the cookie for remembering address details
                    # if the "remember" checkbox was checked.
                    response = redirect("shop_complete")
                    if form.cleaned_data.get("remember"):
                        remembered = "%s:%s" % (sign(order.key), order.key)
                    return response

            # If any checkout errors, assign them to a new form and
            # re-run is_valid. If valid, then set form to the next step.
            form = form_class(request,
            if form.is_valid():
                step += 1
                form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial)

    # Update the step so that we don't rely on POST data to take us back to
    # the same point in the checkout process.
        request.session["order"]["step"] = step
        request.session.modified = True
    except KeyError:

    step_vars = checkout.CHECKOUT_STEPS[step - 1]
    template = "shop/%s.html" % step_vars["template"]
    context = {
        step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST,
        step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_LAST,
                                  and step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_PAYMENT),
    context.update(extra_context or {})
    return TemplateResponse(request, template, context)
예제 #6
파일: views.py 프로젝트: ArturFis/cartridge
def checkout_steps(request):
    Display the order form and handle processing of each step.

    # Do the authentication check here rather than using standard
    # login_required decorator. This means we can check for a custom
    # LOGIN_URL and fall back to our own login view.
    authenticated = request.user.is_authenticated()
    if settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED and not authenticated:
        url = "%s?next=%s" % (settings.LOGIN_URL, reverse("shop_checkout"))
        return redirect(url)

    # Determine the Form class to use during the checkout process
    form_class = get_callable(settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_FORM_CLASS)

    initial = checkout.initial_order_data(request, form_class)
    step = int(request.POST.get("step", None)
               or initial.get("step", None)
               or checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST)
    form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial)
    data = request.POST
    checkout_errors = []

    if request.POST.get("back") is not None:
        # Back button in the form was pressed - load the order form
        # for the previous step and maintain the field values entered.
        step -= 1
        form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial)
    elif request.method == "POST" and request.cart.has_items():
        form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial, data=data)
        if form.is_valid():
            # Copy the current form fields to the session so that
            # they're maintained if the customer leaves the checkout
            # process, but remove sensitive fields from the session
            # such as the credit card fields so that they're never
            # stored anywhere.
            request.session["order"] = dict(form.cleaned_data)
            sensitive_card_fields = ("card_number", "card_expiry_month",
                                     "card_expiry_year", "card_ccv")
            for field in sensitive_card_fields:
                if field in request.session["order"]:
                    del request.session["order"][field]

            # FIRST CHECKOUT STEP - handle shipping and discount code.
            if step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST:
                # Discount should be set before shipping, to allow
                # for free shipping to be first set by a discount
                # code.
                    billship_handler(request, form)
                    tax_handler(request, form)
                except checkout.CheckoutError as e:

            # FINAL CHECKOUT STEP - handle payment and process order.
            if step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_LAST and not checkout_errors:
                # Create and save the initial order object so that
                # the payment handler has access to all of the order
                # fields. If there is a payment error then delete the
                # order, otherwise remove the cart items from stock
                # and send the order receipt email.
                order = form.save(commit=False)
                # Try payment.
                    transaction_id = payment_handler(request, form, order)
                except checkout.CheckoutError as e:
                    # Error in payment handler.
                    if settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_STEPS_CONFIRMATION:
                        step -= 1
                    # Finalize order - ``order.complete()`` performs
                    # final cleanup of session and cart.
                    # ``order_handler()`` can be defined by the
                    # developer to implement custom order processing.
                    # Then send the order email to the customer.
                    order.transaction_id = transaction_id
                    order_handler(request, form, order)
                    checkout.send_order_email(request, order)
                    # Set the cookie for remembering address details
                    # if the "remember" checkbox was checked.
                    response = redirect("shop_complete")
                    if form.cleaned_data.get("remember"):
                        remembered = "%s:%s" % (sign(order.key), order.key)
                        set_cookie(response, "remember", remembered,
                    return response

            # If any checkout errors, assign them to a new form and
            # re-run is_valid. If valid, then set form to the next step.
            form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial, data=data,
            if form.is_valid():
                step += 1
                form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial)

    # Update the step so that we don't rely on POST data to take us back to
    # the same point in the checkout process.
        request.session["order"]["step"] = step
        request.session.modified = True
    except KeyError:

    step_vars = checkout.CHECKOUT_STEPS[step - 1]
    template = "shop/%s.html" % step_vars["template"]
    context = {"CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST": step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST,
               "CHECKOUT_STEP_LAST": step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_LAST,
               "step_title": step_vars["title"], "step_url": step_vars["url"],
               "steps": checkout.CHECKOUT_STEPS, "step": step, "form": form}
    return render(request, template, context)
예제 #7
파일: checkout.py 프로젝트: tim60215/kids
def initial_order_data(request, form_class=None):
    Return the initial data for the order form, trying the following in
    - request.POST which is available when moving backward through the
      checkout steps
    - current order details in the session which are populated via each
      checkout step, to support user leaving the checkout entirely and
    - last order made by the user, via user ID or cookie
    - matching fields on an authenticated user and profile object
    from cartridge.shop.forms import OrderForm
    initial = {}
    if request.method == "POST":
        initial = dict(list(request.POST.items()))
            initial = form_class.preprocess(initial)
        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
            # form_class has no preprocess method, or isn't callable.
        # POST on first step won't include the "remember" checkbox if
        # it isn't checked, and it'll then get an actual value of False
        # when it's a hidden field - so we give it an empty value when
        # it's missing from the POST data, to persist it not checked.
        initial.setdefault("remember", "")
    # Look for order in current session.
    if not initial:
        initial = request.session.get("order", {})
    # Look for order in previous session.
    if not initial:
        lookup = {}
        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            lookup["user_id"] = request.user.id
        remembered = request.COOKIES.get("remember", "").split(":")
        if len(remembered) == 2 and remembered[0] == sign(remembered[1]):
            lookup["key"] = remembered[1]
        if lookup:
            previous = list(Order.objects.filter(**lookup).values())[:1]
            if len(previous) > 0:
    if not initial and request.user.is_authenticated():
        # No previous order data - try and get field values from the
        # logged in user. Check the profile model before the user model
        # if it's configured. If the order field name uses one of the
        # billing/shipping prefixes, also check for it without the
        # prefix. Finally if a matching attribute is callable, call it
        # for the field value, to support custom matches on the profile
        # model.
        user_models = [request.user]
            user_models.insert(0, request.user.get_profile())
        except SiteProfileNotAvailable:
        for order_field in OrderForm._meta.fields:
            check_fields = [order_field]
            for prefix in ("billing_detail_", "shipping_detail_"):
                if order_field.startswith(prefix):
                    check_fields.append(order_field.replace(prefix, "", 1))
            for user_model in user_models:
                for check_field in check_fields:
                    user_value = getattr(user_model, check_field, None)
                    if user_value:
                        if callable(user_value):
                                user_value = user_value()
                            except TypeError:
                        if not initial.get(order_field):
                            initial[order_field] = user_value
    # Set initial value for "same billing/shipping" based on
    # whether both sets of address fields are all equal.
    shipping = lambda f: "shipping_%s" % f[len("billing_"):]
    if any([f for f in OrderForm._meta.fields if f.startswith("billing_") and
        shipping(f) in OrderForm._meta.fields and
        initial.get(f, "") != initial.get(shipping(f), "")]):
        initial["same_billing_shipping"] = False
    # Never prepopulate discount code.
        del initial["discount_code"]
    except KeyError:
    return initial
예제 #8
def checkout_steps(request):
    Display the order form and handle processing of each step.

    # Do the authentication check here rather than using standard
    # login_required decorator. This means we can check for a custom
    # LOGIN_URL and fall back to our own login view.
    authenticated = request.user.is_authenticated()
    if settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED and not authenticated:
        url = "%s?next=%s" % (settings.LOGIN_URL, reverse("shop_checkout"))
        return redirect(url)

    # Determine the Form class to use during the checkout process
    form_class = get_callable(settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_FORM_CLASS)

    initial = checkout.initial_order_data(request, form_class)
    step = int(
        request.POST.get("step", None) or initial.get("step", None)
        or checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST)
    form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial)
    data = request.POST
    checkout_errors = []

    if request.POST.get("back") is not None:
        # Back button in the form was pressed - load the order form
        # for the previous step and maintain the field values entered.
        step -= 1
        form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial)
    elif request.method == "POST" and request.cart.has_items():
        form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial, data=data)
        if form.is_valid():
            # Copy the current form fields to the session so that
            # they're maintained if the customer leaves the checkout
            # process, but remove sensitive fields from the session
            # such as the credit card fields so that they're never
            # stored anywhere.
            request.session["order"] = dict(form.cleaned_data)
            sensitive_card_fields = ("card_number", "card_expiry_month",
                                     "card_expiry_year", "card_ccv")
            for field in sensitive_card_fields:
                if field in request.session["order"]:
                    del request.session["order"][field]

            # FIRST CHECKOUT STEP - handle shipping and discount code.
            if step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST:
                    billship_handler(request, form)
                    tax_handler(request, form)
                except checkout.CheckoutError, e:

            # FINAL CHECKOUT STEP - handle payment and process order.
            if step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_LAST and not checkout_errors:
                # Create and save the initial order object so that
                # the payment handler has access to all of the order
                # fields. If there is a payment error then delete the
                # order, otherwise remove the cart items from stock
                # and send the order receipt email.
                order = form.save(commit=False)
                # Try payment.
                    transaction_id = payment_handler(request, form, order)
                except checkout.CheckoutError, e:
                    # Error in payment handler.
                    if settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_STEPS_CONFIRMATION:
                        step -= 1
                    # Finalize order - ``order.complete()`` performs
                    # final cleanup of session and cart.
                    # ``order_handler()`` can be defined by the
                    # developer to implement custom order processing.
                    # Then send the order email to the customer.
                    order.transaction_id = transaction_id
                    order_handler(request, form, order)
                    checkout.send_order_email(request, order)
                    # Set the cookie for remembering address details
                    # if the "remember" checkbox was checked.
                    response = redirect("shop_complete")
                    if form.cleaned_data.get("remember"):
                        remembered = "%s:%s" % (sign(order.key), order.key)
                    return response

            # If any checkout errors, assign them to a new form and
            # re-run is_valid. If valid, then set form to the next step.
            form = form_class(request,
            if form.is_valid():
                step += 1
                form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial)
예제 #9
파일: views.py 프로젝트: tpphu/cartridge
def checkout_steps(request):
    Display the order form and handle processing of each step.

    # Do the authentication check here rather than using standard
    # login_required decorator. This means we can check for a custom
    # LOGIN_URL and fall back to our own login view.
    authenticated = request.user.is_authenticated()
    if settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED and not authenticated:
        url = "%s?next=%s" % (settings.LOGIN_URL, reverse("shop_checkout"))
        return HttpResponseRedirect(url)

    step = int(request.POST.get("step", checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST))
    initial = checkout.initial_order_data(request)
    form = OrderForm(request, step, initial=initial)
    data = request.POST
    checkout_errors = []

    if request.POST.get("back") is not None:
        # Back button in the form was pressed - load the order form
        # for the previous step and maintain the field values entered.
        step -= 1
        form = OrderForm(request, step, initial=initial)
    elif request.method == "POST":
        form = OrderForm(request, step, initial=initial, data=data)
        if form.is_valid():
            # Copy the current form fields to the session so that
            # they're maintained if the customer leaves the checkout
            # process, but remove sensitive fields from the session
            # such as the credit card fields so that they're never
            # stored anywhere.
            request.session["order"] = dict(form.cleaned_data)
            sensitive_card_fields = ("card_number", "card_expiry_month",
                                     "card_expiry_year", "card_ccv")
            for field in sensitive_card_fields:
                del request.session["order"][field]

            # FIRST CHECKOUT STEP - handle shipping and discount code.
            if step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST:
                    billship_handler(request, form)
                except checkout.CheckoutError, e:

            # FINAL CHECKOUT STEP - handle payment and process order.
            if step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_LAST and not checkout_errors:
                # Create and save the inital order object so that
                # the payment handler has access to all of the order
                # fields. If there is a payment error then delete the
                # order, otherwise remove the cart items from stock
                # and send the order reciept email.
                order = form.save(commit=False)
                # Try payment.
                    payment_handler(request, form, order)
                except checkout.CheckoutError, e:
                    # Error in payment handler.
                    if settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_STEPS_CONFIRMATION:
                        step -= 1
                    # Finalize order - ``order.complete()`` performs
                    # final cleanup of session and cart.
                    # ``order_handler()`` can be defined by the
                    # developer to implement custom order processing.
                    # Then send the order email to the customer.
                    order_handler(request, form, order)
                    checkout.send_order_email(request, order)
                    # Set the cookie for remembering address details
                    # if the "remember" checkbox was checked.
                    response = HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("shop_complete"))
                    if form.cleaned_data.get("remember") is not None:
                        remembered = "%s:%s" % (sign(order.key), order.key)
                        set_cookie(response, "remember", remembered,
                    return response

            # If any checkout errors, assign them to a new form and
            # re-run is_valid. If valid, then set form to the next step.
            form = OrderForm(request, step, initial=initial, data=data,
            if form.is_valid():
                step += 1
                form = OrderForm(request, step, initial=initial)
예제 #10
def initial_order_data(request):
    Return the initial data for the order form, trying the following in
    - request.POST which is available when moving backward through the
      checkout steps
    - current order details in the session which are populated via each
      checkout step, to support user leaving the checkout entirely and
    - last order made by the user, via user ID or cookie
    - matching fields on an authenticated user and profile object
    form_class = get_callable(settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_FORM_CLASS)

    if request.method == "POST":
        return dict(request.POST.items())
    if "order" in request.session:
        return request.session["order"]
    previous_lookup = {}
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        previous_lookup["user_id"] = request.user.id
    remembered = request.COOKIES.get("remember", "").split(":")
    if len(remembered) == 2 and remembered[0] == sign(remembered[1]):
        previous_lookup["key"] = remembered[1]
    initial = {}
    if previous_lookup:
        previous_orders = Order.objects.filter(**previous_lookup).values()[:1]
        if len(previous_orders) > 0:
    if not initial and request.user.is_authenticated():
        # No previous order data - try and get field values from the
        # logged in user. Check the profile model before the user model
        # if it's configured. If the order field name uses one of the
        # billing/shipping prefixes, also check for it without the
        # prefix. Finally if a matching attribute is callable, call it
        # for the field value, to support custom matches on the profile
        # model.
        user_models = [request.user]
            user_models.insert(0, request.user.get_profile())
        except SiteProfileNotAvailable:
        for order_field in form_class._meta.fields:
            check_fields = [order_field]
            for prefix in ("billing_detail_", "shipping_detail_"):
                if order_field.startswith(prefix):
                    check_fields.append(order_field.replace(prefix, "", 1))
            for user_model in user_models:
                for check_field in check_fields:
                    user_value = getattr(user_model, check_field, None)
                    if user_value:
                        if callable(user_value):
                                user_value = user_value()
                            except TypeError:
                        if not initial.get(order_field):
                            initial[order_field] = user_value
    # Set initial value for "same billing/shipping" based on
    # whether both sets of address fields are all equal.
    shipping = lambda f: "shipping_%s" % f[len("billing_"):]
    if any([f for f in form_class._meta.fields if f.startswith("billing_") and
        shipping(f) in form_class._meta.fields and
        initial.get(f, "") != initial.get(shipping(f), "")]):
        initial["same_billing_shipping"] = False
    return initial
예제 #11
def checkout_steps(request, form_class=OrderForm):
    Display the order form and handle processing of each step.
    # Do the authentication check here rather than using standard
    # login_required decorator. This means we can check for a custom
    # LOGIN_URL and fall back to our own login view.
    authenticated = request.user.is_authenticated()
    onekey = request.GET.get('keycode', None)
    checkout_errors = []
    #add get instead of request.session['onekeycode']
    #when homepage change to network+ style, weixin onekey order error that no onekeycode in session
    #but pc is OK, guess due to cookie forbidden within weixin browser, not diginto yet, just workaround here
    if onekey and onekey != request.session.get('onekeycode', None):
        #raise Exception('code got right!')
    if settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED and not authenticated and not onekey:
        url = "%s?next=%s" % (settings.LOGIN_URL, reverse("shop_checkout"))
        return redirect(url)
    #wni: add here for weixin pay
    #weixincode = request.GET.get('code',None)
    if settings.WITH_WEIXIN_PAY:
        weixinopenid = request.session.get('openid', None)
        if 'micromessenger' in request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT').lower(
        ) and not weixinopenid:  #and not weixincode:
            api_pub = JsApi_pub()
            #url = api_pub.createOauthUrlForCode(reverse('weixin:usercode',args=(tmp_no,),current_app=resolve(request.path).namespace))
            #url = api_pub.createOauthUrlForCode('http://eason.happydiaosi.com/weixin/getusercode')
            url = api_pub.createOauthUrlForCode('http://%s' %
                                                settings.SITE_DOMAIN +
            return redirect(url)

    except AttributeError:
        from warnings import warn
        warn("The SHOP_CHECKOUT_FORM_CLASS setting is deprecated - please "
             "define your own urlpattern for the checkout_steps view, "
             "passing in your own form_class argument.")
        form_class = import_dotted_path(settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_FORM_CLASS)

    initial = checkout.initial_order_data(request, form_class)
    step = int(
        request.POST.get("step", None) or initial.get("step", None)
        or checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST)
    form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial)
    data = request.POST
    #checkout_errors = []

    if request.POST.get("back") is not None:
        # Back button in the form was pressed - load the order form
        # for the previous step and maintain the field values entered.
        step -= 1
        form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial)
    elif request.method == "POST" and request.cart.has_items():
        form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial, data=data)
        if form.is_valid():
            #human = True
            # Copy the current form fields to the session so that
            # they're maintained if the customer leaves the checkout
            # process, but remove sensitive fields from the session
            # such as the credit card fields so that they're never
            # stored anywhere.
            request.session["order"] = dict(form.cleaned_data)
            sensitive_card_fields = ("card_number", "card_expiry_month",
                                     "card_expiry_year", "card_ccv")
            for field in sensitive_card_fields:
                if field in request.session["order"]:
                    del request.session["order"][field]

            # FIRST CHECKOUT STEP - handle shipping and discount code.
            if step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST:
                # Discount should be set before shipping, to allow
                # for free shipping to be first set by a discount
                # code.
                    billship_handler(request, form)
                    tax_handler(request, form)
                except checkout.CheckoutError as e:
                #wni: added for wx pay, for get order total on confirmation page
                #tmp_order = form.save(commit=False)
                #request.session['wni_wxpay_total'] = tmp_order.get_tmp_total(request)

            # FINAL CHECKOUT STEP - handle payment and process order.
            if step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_LAST and not checkout_errors:
                # Create and save the initial order object so that
                # the payment handler has access to all of the order
                # fields. If there is a payment error then delete the
                # order, otherwise remove the cart items from stock
                # and send the order receipt email.
                order = form.save(commit=False)
                # Try payment.
                    transaction_id = payment_handler(request, form, order)
                except checkout.CheckoutError as e:
                    # Error in payment handler.
                    if settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_STEPS_CONFIRMATION:
                        step -= 1
                    # Finalize order - ``order.complete()`` performs
                    # final cleanup of session and cart.
                    # ``order_handler()`` can be defined by the
                    # developer to implement custom order processing.
                    # Then send the order email to the customer.
                    order.transaction_id = transaction_id
                    order_handler(request, form, order)
                    checkout.send_order_email(request, order)
                    # Set the cookie for remembering address details
                    # if the "remember" checkbox was checked.
                    response = redirect("shop_complete")
                    if form.cleaned_data.get("remember"):
                        remembered = "%s:%s" % (sign(order.key), order.key)
                    return response

            # If any checkout errors, assign them to a new form and
            # re-run is_valid. If valid, then set form to the next step.
            form = form_class(request,
            #print type(form.errors),form.errors
            if form.is_valid():
                step += 1
                #human = True
                form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial)

    # Update the step so that we don't rely on POST data to take us back to
    # the same point in the checkout process.
        request.session["order"]["step"] = step
        request.session.modified = True
    except KeyError:

    step_vars = checkout.CHECKOUT_STEPS[step - 1]
    template = "shop/%s.html" % step_vars["template"]
    context = {
        "CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST": step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST,
        "CHECKOUT_STEP_LAST": step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_LAST,
        "step_title": step_vars["title"],
        "step_url": step_vars["url"],
        "steps": checkout.CHECKOUT_STEPS,
        "step": step,
        "form": form

    return render(request, template, context)
예제 #12
    # External payment management
    context['CHECKOUT_STEP_PAYMENT'] = step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_PAYMENT
    if step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_PAYMENT:
        form = form_class(request, step, initial=initial, data=data)
        order = form.save(commit=False)
        context['start_payment_form'] = provider.get_start_payment_form(request, order)
    response = render(request, template, context)

    if step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_PAYMENT:
        # Set the cookie for remembering address details
        # if the "remember" checkbox was checked.
        if form.cleaned_data.get("remember") is not None:
            remembered = "%s:%s" % (sign(order.key), order.key)
            set_cookie(response, "remember", remembered,

    return response

def finalize_order(request):
    '''Helper function that actually complete the order when the
    payment provider tells us so.
    order_id = provider.get_order_id(request)
    order = Order.objects.get(pk=order_id)
    #Order is already completed
    if order.payment_done:
예제 #13
def initial_order_data(request):
    Return the initial data for the order form, trying the following in
    - request.POST which is available when moving backward through the
      checkout steps
    - current order details in the session which are populated via each
      checkout step, to support user leaving the checkout entirely and
    - last order made by the user, via user ID or cookie
    - matching fields on an authenticated user and profile object
    form_class = get_callable(settings.SHOP_CHECKOUT_FORM_CLASS)

    if request.method == "POST":
        return dict(request.POST.items())
    if "order" in request.session:
        return request.session["order"]
    previous_lookup = {}
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        previous_lookup["user_id"] = request.user.id
    remembered = request.COOKIES.get("remember", "").split(":")
    if len(remembered) == 2 and remembered[0] == sign(remembered[1]):
        previous_lookup["key"] = remembered[1]
    initial = {}
    if previous_lookup:
        previous_orders = Order.objects.filter(**previous_lookup).values()[:1]
        if len(previous_orders) > 0:
    if not initial and request.user.is_authenticated():
        # No previous order data - try and get field values from the
        # logged in user. Check the profile model before the user model
        # if it's configured. If the order field name uses one of the
        # billing/shipping prefixes, also check for it without the
        # prefix. Finally if a matching attribute is callable, call it
        # for the field value, to support custom matches on the profile
        # model.
        user_models = [request.user]
            user_models.insert(0, request.user.get_profile())
        except SiteProfileNotAvailable:
        for order_field in form_class._meta.fields:
            check_fields = [order_field]
            for prefix in ("billing_detail_", "shipping_detail_"):
                if order_field.startswith(prefix):
                    check_fields.append(order_field.replace(prefix, "", 1))
            for user_model in user_models:
                for check_field in check_fields:
                    user_value = getattr(user_model, check_field, None)
                    if user_value:
                        if callable(user_value):
                                user_value = user_value()
                            except TypeError:
                        if not initial.get(order_field):
                            initial[order_field] = user_value
    # Set initial value for "same billing/shipping" based on
    # whether both sets of address fields are all equal.
    shipping = lambda f: "shipping_%s" % f[len("billing_"):]
    if any([
            f for f in form_class._meta.fields
            if f.startswith("billing_") and shipping(f) in form_class._meta.
            fields and initial.get(f, "") != initial.get(shipping(f), "")
        initial["same_billing_shipping"] = False
    return initial