예제 #1
def test_simulate():
    dim = 1
    cbm_solver = cbmos.CBModel(ff.Cubic(), scpi.solve_ivp, dim)
    cell_list = [cl.Cell(0, [0]), cl.Cell(1, [1.0], 0.0, True)]
    cell_list[1].division_time = 1.05  # make sure not to divide at t_data

    N = 100
    t_data = np.linspace(0, 10, N)  # stay away from 24 hours
    t_data_sol, history = cbm_solver.simulate(cell_list,
                                              t_data, {}, {},

    assert len(history) == N
    assert t_data_sol.tolist() == t_data.tolist()

    assert len(history[10]) == 2
    assert np.isclose(abs(history[10][0].position - history[10][1].position),

    assert len(history[-1]) == 3
    scells = sorted(history[-1], key=lambda c: c.position)
    assert np.isclose(abs(scells[0].position - scells[1].position),
    assert np.isclose(abs(scells[1].position - scells[2].position),
예제 #2
def test_no_division_skipped():
    dim = 1
    cbm_solver = cbmos.CBModel(ff.Linear(), scpi.solve_ivp, dim)
    cell_list = [
        cl.Cell(0, [0], proliferating=True),
        cl.Cell(1, [1.0], 0.0, True)
    cell_list[0].division_time = 1.0
    cell_list[1].division_time = 1.0

    t_data = np.linspace(0, 30, 101)
    _, history = cbm_solver.simulate(cell_list, t_data, {}, {}, raw_t=False)

    eq = [
        for i in range(len(cbm_solver._queue._events))
    assert eq == sorted(eq)

    assert len(eq) == len(history[-1]) - 1

    for t, cells in zip(t_data, history):
        for c in cells:
            assert c.birthtime <= t
            assert c.division_time > t
예제 #3
def test_event_at_t_data():
    dim = 1
    cbm_solver = cbmos.CBModel(ff.Linear(), scpi.solve_ivp, dim)
    cell_list = [
        cl.Cell(0, [0], proliferating=True),
        cl.Cell(1, [1.0], 0.0, True)
    cell_list[0].division_time = 1.0
    cell_list[1].division_time = 1.0

    t_data = np.linspace(0, 10, 101)
    _, history = cbm_solver.simulate(cell_list, t_data, {}, {}, raw_t=False)

    assert len(history) == len(t_data)
예제 #4
def test_push():
    cell = cl.Cell(0, [0, 0])

    queue = eventqueue.EventQueue([])
    queue.push(1, cell)

    assert len(queue._events) == 1

    assert (1, cell) == queue._events[0]

    cell2 = cl.Cell(1, [0.25, 0.25])
    queue.push(2, cell2)

    assert len(queue._events) == 2
    assert queue._events[0][0] <= queue._events[1][0]
예제 #5
def test_cell_list_order():
    # 2D honeycomb mesh
    n_x = 5
    n_y = 5
    xcrds = [(2 * i + (j % 2)) * 0.5 for j in range(n_y) for i in range(n_x)]
    ycrds = [np.sqrt(3) * j * 0.5 for j in range(n_y) for i in range(n_x)]

    # make cell_list for the sheet
    sheet = [
        cl.Cell(i, [x, y], -6.0, True, lambda t: 6 + t)
        for i, x, y in zip(range(n_x * n_y), xcrds, ycrds)
    # delete cells to make it circular
    del sheet[24]
    del sheet[20]
    del sheet[19]
    del sheet[9]
    del sheet[4]
    del sheet[0]

    solver = cbmos.CBModel(ff.Cubic(), ef.solve_ivp, 2)
    dt = 0.01
    t_data = np.arange(0, 3, dt)

    _, history = solver.simulate(sheet,
                                 t_data, {"mu": 6.91}, {'dt': dt},
    history = history[1:]  # delete initial data because that's less cells

    ids = [cell.ID for cell in history[0]]
    assert np.all([ids == [cell.ID for cell in clt] for clt in history[1:]])
예제 #6
def test_cell_list_copied():

    dim = 1
    cbm_solver_one = cbmos.CBModel(ff.Linear(), scpi.solve_ivp, dim)
    cbm_solver_two = cbmos.CBModel(ff.Linear(), scpi.solve_ivp, dim)

    cell_list = [
        cl.Cell(0, [0], proliferating=True),
        cl.Cell(1, [0.3], proliferating=True)
    t_data = np.linspace(0, 1, 101)

    _, history_one = cbm_solver_one.simulate(cell_list, t_data, {}, {})
    _, history_two = cbm_solver_two.simulate(cell_list, t_data, {}, {})

    assert history_two[0][0].position == np.array([0])
    assert history_two[0][1].position == np.array([0.3])
예제 #7
def test_sparse_tdata():
    dim = 3
    solver_cubic = cbmos.CBModel(ff.Cubic(), ef.solve_ivp, dim)
    ancestor = [cl.Cell(0, np.zeros((dim, )), -5, True)]
    dt = 0.1
    t_f = 50
    t_data = np.linspace(0, t_f, 2)
    _, tumor_cubic = solver_cubic.simulate(ancestor, t_data, {"mu": 6.91},
                                           {"dt": dt})
예제 #8
def test_cell_dimension_exception():
    dim = 3
    cbm_solver = cbmos.CBModel(ff.Logarithmic(), ef.solve_ivp, dim)

    cell_list = [cl.Cell(0, [0, 0], proliferating=True)]
    t_data = np.linspace(0, 100, 10)

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        cbm_solver.simulate(cell_list, t_data, {}, {})
예제 #9
def test_tdata_raw():
    n = 100

    s = 1.0  # rest length
    tf = 1.0  # final time
    rA = 1.5  # maximum interaction distance

    params_cubic = {"mu": 6.91, "s": s, "rA": rA}

    solver_ef = cbmos.CBModel(ff.Cubic(), ef.solve_ivp, 1)
    t_data = np.linspace(0, 1, n)
    cell_list = [
        cl.Cell(0, [0], proliferating=False),
        cl.Cell(1, [0.3], proliferating=False)
    t_data_sol, sols = solver_ef.simulate(cell_list,
                                          params_cubic, {'dt': 0.03},

    assert len(t_data_sol) == len(sols)
예제 #10
def test_tdata():
    n = 100

    s = 1.0  # rest length
    tf = 1.0  # final time
    rA = 1.5  # maximum interaction distance

    params_cubic = {"mu": 6.91, "s": s, "rA": rA}

    solver_ef = cbmos.CBModel(ff.Cubic(), ef.solve_ivp, 1)
    t_data = np.linspace(0, 1, n)
    cell_list = [
        cl.Cell(0, [0], proliferating=False),
        cl.Cell(1, [0.3], proliferating=False)
    _, sols = solver_ef.simulate(cell_list,
                                 params_cubic, {'dt': 0.03},
    y = np.array(
        [np.squeeze([clt[0].position, clt[1].position]) for clt in sols])

    assert y.shape == (n, 2)
예제 #11
def test_tdata_raw_division():
    n = 100

    s = 1.0  # rest length
    tf = 1.0  # final time
    rA = 1.5  # maximum interaction distance

    params_cubic = {"mu": 6.91, "s": s, "rA": rA}

    solver_ef = cbmos.CBModel(ff.Cubic(), ef.solve_ivp, 1)
    t_data = np.linspace(0, 50, n)
    cell_list = [
        cl.Cell(0, [0], proliferating=True),
        cl.Cell(1, [0.3], proliferating=True)
    t_data_sol, sols = solver_ef.simulate(cell_list,
                                          params_cubic, {'dt': 0.03},

    assert len(sols[-1]) > len(cell_list)  # Make sure some cells multiplied
    assert len(t_data_sol) == len(sols)
    assert all([t[0] < t[1] for t in zip(t_data_sol, t_data_sol[1:])])
예제 #12
def test_update_positions():
    dim = 3
    cbm_solver = cbmos.CBModel(ff.Linear(), ef.solve_ivp, dim)

    cell_list = [cl.Cell(i, [0, 0, i]) for i in range(5)]
    for i, cell in enumerate(cell_list):
        cell.division_time = cell.ID

    cbm_solver.cell_list = cell_list

    new_positions = [[0, i, i] for i in range(5)]
    for i, cell in enumerate(cbm_solver.cell_list):
        assert cell.position.tolist() == [0, i, i]
예제 #13
def test_seed():
    dim = 3
    cbm_solver = cbmos.CBModel(ff.Logarithmic(), ef.solve_ivp, dim)

    cell_list = [cl.Cell(0, [0, 0, 0], proliferating=True)]
    t_data = np.linspace(0, 100, 10)
    histories = [
        cbm_solver.simulate(cell_list, t_data, {}, {}, seed=seed)[1]
        for seed in [0, 0, 1, None, None]

    for cells in zip(*[history[-1] for history in histories]):
        assert cells[0].position.tolist() == cells[1].position.tolist()
        assert cells[0].position.tolist() != cells[2].position.tolist()
        assert cells[3].position.tolist() != cells[4].position.tolist()
예제 #14
def test_min_event_resolution():
    dim = 1
    cbm_solver = cbmos.CBModel(ff.Linear(), scpi.solve_ivp, dim)
    cell_list = [
        cl.Cell(0, [0], proliferating=True),
        cl.Cell(1, [1.0], 0.0, True)
    cell_list[0].division_time = 0.25
    cell_list[1].division_time = 0.25

    t_data = [0, 0.4, 0.6, 1]
    _, history = cbm_solver.simulate(

    assert len(history[0]) == 2
    assert len(history[1]) == 2
    assert len(history[2]) == 4
    assert len(history[3]) == 4
예제 #15
def test_constructor():
    cells = [cl.Cell(i, [0, 0, i]) for i in range(5)]
    for i, cell in enumerate(cells):
        cell.division_time = cell.ID

    event_list = [(i, cells[i]) for i in reversed(range(5))]

    queue = eventqueue.EventQueue(event_list)

    assert len(queue._events) == 5

    for i in range(5):
        t, cell = queue.pop()
        assert t == i
        assert len(cell) == 1
        assert cell[0].ID == i
예제 #16
def test_parameters():

    ID = 17
    position = [17.4]
    birthtime = 0.45
    proliferating = True
    division_time_generator = lambda t: 3
    parent_ID = 5

    cell = cl.Cell(ID, position, birthtime, proliferating, division_time_generator,
                   None, parent_ID)

    assert cell.ID == ID
    assert cell.position == position
    assert cell.birthtime == birthtime
    assert cell.proliferating == proliferating
    assert cell.division_time == division_time_generator(birthtime)
    assert cell.parent_ID == parent_ID
예제 #17
def test_cell_birth(caplog):
    logger = logging.getLogger()
    logs = io.StringIO()


    dim = 2
    cbm_solver = cbmos.CBModel(ff.Cubic(), ef.solve_ivp, dim)

    cell_list = [
        cl.Cell(0, [0, 0], -5.5, True, division_time_generator=lambda t: 6 + t)
    t_data = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)

    cbm_solver.simulate(cell_list, t_data, {}, {})

    division_times = logs.getvalue()
    assert parse.search("Division event: t={:f}", division_times)[0] == 0.5
예제 #18
def test_seed_division_time(caplog):
    logger = logging.getLogger()
    logs = io.StringIO()


    dim = 3
    cbm_solver = cbmos.CBModel(ff.Logarithmic(), ef.solve_ivp, dim)

    cell_list = [cl.Cell(0, [0, 0, 0], proliferating=True)]
    t_data = np.linspace(0, 100, 10)

    history = [
        cbm_solver.simulate(cell_list, t_data, {}, {}, seed=seed)[1]
        for seed in [0, 0, 1]

    division_times = logs.getvalue().split("Starting new simulation\n")[1:]
    assert division_times[0] == division_times[1]
    assert division_times[0] != division_times[2]
예제 #19
def test_apply_division():
    from cbmos.cbmodel._eventqueue import EventQueue
    dim = 3
    cbm_solver = cbmos.CBModel(ff.Linear(), ef.solve_ivp, dim)

    cell_list = [cl.Cell(i, [0, 0, i], proliferating=True) for i in range(5)]
    for i, cell in enumerate(cell_list):
        cell.division_time = cell.ID

    cbm_solver.cell_list = cell_list
    cbm_solver.next_cell_index = 5
    cbm_solver._queue = EventQueue([])

    cbm_solver._apply_division(cell_list[0], 1)

    assert len(cbm_solver.cell_list) == 6
    assert cbm_solver.cell_list[5].ID == 5
    assert cbm_solver.next_cell_index == 6
    assert cell_list[0].division_time != 0

    assert np.isclose(
        np.linalg.norm(cell_list[0].position - cell_list[5].position),