예제 #1
 def test_insert(self):
     x = UnspacedList(
         [['\n    ', 'listen', '       ', ''],
          ['\n    ', 'listen', '       ', ''],
          ['\n    ', 'server_name', ' ', '.example.com'],
          ['\n    ', 'server_name', ' ', 'example.*'], '\n',
          ['listen', ' ', '5001', ' ', 'ssl']])
     x.insert(5, "FROGZ")
         x, [['listen', ''], ['listen', ''],
             ['server_name', '.example.com'], ['server_name', 'example.*'],
             ['listen', '5001', 'ssl'], 'FROGZ'])
         x.spaced, [['\n    ', 'listen', '       ', ''],
                    ['\n    ', 'listen', '       ', ''],
                    ['\n    ', 'server_name', ' ', '.example.com'],
                    ['\n    ', 'server_name', ' ', 'example.*'], '\n',
                    ['listen', ' ', '5001', ' ', 'ssl'], 'FROGZ'])
예제 #2
def comment_directive(block: UnspacedList, location: int) -> None:
    """Add a ``#managed by Certbot`` comment to the end of the line at location.

    :param list block: The block containing the directive to be commented
    :param int location: The location within ``block`` of the directive to be commented
    next_entry = block[location + 1] if location + 1 < len(block) else None
    if isinstance(next_entry, list) and next_entry:
        if len(next_entry
               ) >= 2 and next_entry[-2] == "#" and COMMENT in next_entry[-1]:
        if isinstance(next_entry, nginxparser.UnspacedList):
            next_entry = next_entry.spaced[0]
            next_entry = next_entry[0]

    block.insert(location + 1, COMMENT_BLOCK[:])
    if next_entry is not None and "\n" not in next_entry:
        block.insert(location + 2, '\n')
예제 #3
def _add_directive(block: UnspacedList, directive: Sequence[Any],
                   insert_at_top: bool) -> None:
    if not isinstance(directive, nginxparser.UnspacedList):
        directive = nginxparser.UnspacedList(directive)
    if _is_whitespace_or_comment(directive):
        # whitespace or comment

    location = _find_location(block, directive[0])

    # Append or prepend directive. Fail if the name is not a repeatable directive name,
    # and there is already a copy of that directive with a different value
    # in the config file.

    # handle flat include files

    directive_name = directive[0]

    def can_append(loc: Optional[int], dir_name: str) -> bool:
        """ Can we append this directive to the block? """
        return loc is None or (isinstance(dir_name, str)
                               and dir_name in REPEATABLE_DIRECTIVES)

    err_fmt = 'tried to insert directive "{0}" but found conflicting "{1}".'

    # Give a better error message about the specific directive than Nginx's "fail to restart"
    if directive_name == INCLUDE:
        # in theory, we might want to do this recursively, but in practice, that's really not
        # necessary because we know what file we're talking about (and if we don't recurse, we
        # just give a worse error message)
        included_directives = _parse_ssl_options(directive[1])

        for included_directive in included_directives:
            included_dir_loc = _find_location(block, included_directive[0])
            included_dir_name = included_directive[0]
            if (not _is_whitespace_or_comment(included_directive)
                    and not can_append(included_dir_loc, included_dir_name)):

                # By construction of can_append(), included_dir_loc cannot be None at that point
                resolved_included_dir_loc = cast(int, included_dir_loc)

                if block[resolved_included_dir_loc] != included_directive:
                    raise errors.MisconfigurationError(
                _comment_out_directive(block, resolved_included_dir_loc,

    if can_append(location, directive_name):
        if insert_at_top:
            # Add a newline so the comment doesn't comment
            # out existing directives
            block.insert(0, nginxparser.UnspacedList('\n'))
            block.insert(0, directive)
            comment_directive(block, 0)
            comment_directive(block, len(block) - 1)

    # By construction of can_append(), location cannot be None at that point
    resolved_location = cast(int, location)

    if block[resolved_location] != directive:
        raise errors.MisconfigurationError(
            err_fmt.format(directive, block[resolved_location]))