예제 #1
파일: linear.py 프로젝트: yanweifu/chainer
    def __init__(self, in_size, out_size, wscale=1, bias=0, nobias=False,
                 initialW=None, initial_bias=None):
        self.W = None
        self.gW = None
        self.b = None
        self.gb = None

        if initialW is not None:
            assert initialW.shape == (out_size, in_size)
            self.W = initialW
            self.W = numpy.random.normal(
                0, wscale * math.sqrt(1. / in_size),
                (out_size, in_size)).astype(numpy.float32)
        if isinstance(self.W, cuda.ndarray):
            self.gW = cuda.empty_like(self.W)
            self.gW = numpy.empty_like(self.W)

        if initial_bias is not None:
            assert initial_bias.shape == (out_size,)
            self.b = initial_bias
        elif not nobias:
            self.b = numpy.repeat(numpy.float32(bias), out_size)

        if self.b is not None:
            if isinstance(self.b, cuda.ndarray):
                self.gb = cuda.empty_like(self.b)
                self.gb = numpy.empty_like(self.b)
예제 #2
파일: linear.py 프로젝트: kuwa32/chainer
    def __init__(self, in_size, out_size, wscale=1, bias=0, nobias=False,
                 initialW=None, initial_bias=None):
        self.W = None
        self.gW = None
        self.b = None
        self.gb = None

        if initialW is not None:
            assert initialW.shape == (out_size, in_size)
            self.W = initialW
            self.W = numpy.random.normal(
                0, wscale * math.sqrt(1. / in_size),
                (out_size, in_size)).astype(numpy.float32)
        if isinstance(self.W, cuda.GPUArray):
            self.gW = cuda.empty_like(self.W)
            self.gW = numpy.empty_like(self.W)

        if initial_bias is not None:
            assert initial_bias.shape == (out_size,)
            self.b = initial_bias
        elif not nobias:
            self.b = numpy.repeat(numpy.float32(bias), out_size)

        if self.b is not None:
            if isinstance(self.b, cuda.GPUArray):
                self.gb = cuda.empty_like(self.b)
                self.gb = numpy.empty_like(self.b)
    def backward_gpu(self, inputs, grad_outputs):
        gh = grad_outputs[0]
        x, h_tm1 = inputs
        N = x.shape[0]

        gz = cuda.empty_like(gh)
        if self.act_func_str in ('tanh', 'sigmoid'):
            #backpropagate non-linearities
            gz = self.cu_dact_func(gy=gh, y=self.h, out=gz)
            # compute gradient with respect to the hidden input state
            gh_tm1 = cuk.dot(gz, self.V, out=self.h) 
        elif self.act_func_str in ('leakyrelu', 'relu'):
            #backpropagate non-linearities
            gz = self.cu_dact_func(x=self.z, gy=gh, out=gz)
            # compute gradient with respect to the hidden input state
            gh_tm1 = cuk.dot(gz, self.V, out=self.z)
            raise NotImplementedError('the activation function is not available')
        #backpropagate linear function
        if self.hot:
            gx = None
            cuk.dothot(gz, x, in_size=self.in_size, out=self.gW)
            gx = cuda.empty_like(x)
            cuk.dot(gz, self.W, out=gx)
            cuk.dotAdd(gz, x, C=self.gW, transa='t')
        cuk.dotAdd(gz, h_tm1, C=self.gV, transa='t')
        if not self.nobias:
            gb_ones = cuda.ones((1,N),dtype=np.float32)
            cuk.dotAdd(gb_ones, gz, C=self.gb)
        return gx, gh_tm1
예제 #4
 def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
     gx0 = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
     gx1 = cuda.empty_like(x[1])
         'float* gx0, float* gx1, const float* x0, const float* x1, const float* gy',
         '''gx0[i] = gy[i] * x1[i];
            gx1[i] = gy[i] * x0[i];''',
         'mul_bwd')(gx0, gx1, x[0], x[1], gy[0])
     return gx0, gx1
예제 #5
 def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
     gx0 = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
     gx1 = cuda.empty_like(x[1])
         'float* gx0, float* gx1, const float* x0, const float* x1, const float* gy',
         '''gx0[i] = x1[i] * __powf(x0[i], x1[i] - 1) * gy[i];
            gx1[i] = __logf(x0[i]) * __powf(x0[i], x1[i]) * gy[i];''',
         'pow_var_var_bwd')(gx0, gx1, x[0], x[1], gy[0])
     return gx0, gx1
예제 #6
 def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
     gx0 = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
     gx1 = cuda.empty_like(x[1])
         'float* gx0, float* gx1, const float* x0, const float* x1, const float* gy',
         '''gx0[i] = gy[i] * x1[i];
            gx1[i] = gy[i] * x0[i];''',
         'mul_bwd')(gx0, gx1, x[0], x[1], gy[0])
     return gx0, gx1
예제 #7
 def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
     gx0 = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
     gx1 = cuda.empty_like(x[1])
         'float* gx0, float* gx1, const float* x0, const float* x1, const float* gy',
         '''gx0[i] = x1[i] * __powf(x0[i], x1[i] - 1) * gy[i];
            gx1[i] = __logf(x0[i]) * __powf(x0[i], x1[i]) * gy[i];''',
         'pow_var_var_bwd')(gx0, gx1, x[0], x[1], gy[0])
     return gx0, gx1
예제 #8
 def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
     gx0 = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
     gx1 = cuda.empty_like(x[1])
         "float* gx0, float* gx1, const float* x0, const float* x1, const float* gy",
         """gx0[i] = gy[i] * x1[i];
            gx1[i] = gy[i] * x0[i];""",
     )(gx0, gx1, x[0], x[1], gy[0])
     return gx0, gx1
예제 #9
 def backward_gpu(self, inputs, gy):
     x0, x1 = inputs
     gx0 = cuda.empty_like(x0)
     gx1 = cuda.empty_like(x1)
     coeff = gy[0] * (2. / x0.size)
         '''float* gx0, float* gx1, const float* x0, const float* x1,
            const float* coeff''', '''gx0[i] = *coeff * (x0[i] - x1[i]);
            gx1[i] = -gx0[i];''', 'mse_bwd')(gx0, gx1, x0, x1, coeff)
     return gx0, gx1
예제 #10
    def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
        out_c, out_h, out_w = gy[0].shape[1:]
        n, c, h, w = x[0].shape

        if cuda.cudnn_enabled and self.use_cudnn:
            handle = cudnn.get_handle()
            x_desc = cudnn.create_tensor_descriptor(x[0])
            gy_arr = gy[0]
            if not gy_arr.flags.c_contiguous:
                gy_arr = cuda.cupy.ascontiguousarray(gy_arr)
            gy_desc = cudnn.create_tensor_descriptor(gy_arr)
            one = ctypes.c_float(1)
            zero = ctypes.c_float(0)
            if self.b is not None:
                libcudnn.convolutionBackwardBias(handle, one, gy_desc.value,
                                                 gy_arr.data.ptr, one,

            libcudnn.convolutionBackwardFilter(handle, one, x_desc.value,
                                               x[0].data.ptr, gy_desc.value,
                                               self.conv_desc.value, one,

            gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
            libcudnn.convolutionBackwardData(handle, one,
                                             self.W.data.ptr, gy_desc.value,
                                             self.conv_desc.value, zero,
                                             x_desc.value, gx.data.ptr)
            if self.gb is not None:
                self.gb += gy[0].sum(axis=(0, 2, 3))

            # TODO(beam2d): Use streams
            gW_mat = self.gW.reshape(out_c, c * self.kh * self.kw)
            col_mats = self.col.reshape(n, c * self.kh * self.kw,
                                        out_h * out_w)
            gy_mats = gy[0].reshape(n, out_c, out_h * out_w)
            for i in moves.range(n):
                gW_mat += cuda.cupy.dot(gy_mats[i], col_mats[i].T)

            W_mat = self.W.reshape(out_c, c * self.kh * self.kw)
            gcol = cuda.empty_like(self.col)
            gcol_mats = gcol.reshape(n, c * self.kh * self.kw, out_h * out_w)
            for i in moves.range(n):
                cuda.cupy.dot(W_mat.T, gy_mats[i], gcol_mats[i])

            gx = conv.col2im_gpu(gcol, self.sy, self.sx, self.ph, self.pw, h,

        return gx,
예제 #11
    def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
        out_c, out_h, out_w = gy[0].shape[1:]
        n, c, h, w = x[0].shape

        if cudnn.enabled and self.use_cudnn:
            handle = cudnn.get_default_handle()
            x_desc = cudnn.get_tensor_desc(x[0], h, w)
            gy_desc = cudnn.get_tensor_desc(gy[0], out_h, out_w)
            if self.b is not None:
                    handle, 1, gy_desc.value, cudnn.get_ptr(gy[0]),
                    1, self.bias_desc.value, cudnn.get_ptr(self.gb))

                handle, 1, x_desc.value, cudnn.get_ptr(x[0]),
                gy_desc.value, cudnn.get_ptr(gy[0]), self.conv_desc.value,
                1, self.filter_desc.value, cudnn.get_ptr(self.gW))

            gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
                handle, 1, self.filter_desc.value, cudnn.get_ptr(self.W),
                gy_desc.value, cudnn.get_ptr(gy[0]), self.conv_desc.value,
                0, x_desc.value, cudnn.get_ptr(gx))
            handle = cuda.get_cublas_handle()
            if self.gb is not None:
                # TODO(beam2d): Unify kernels
                with cuda.using_cumisc(handle):
                    tmp = cuda.cumisc.sum(
                        gy[0].reshape(n * out_c, out_h * out_w), axis=1)
                    tmp = cuda.cumisc.sum(tmp.reshape(n, out_c), axis=0)
                    self.gb += tmp

            # TODO(beam2d): Use streams
            gW_mat = self.gW.reshape(out_c, c * self.kh * self.kw)
            col_mats = self.col.reshape(
                n, c * self.kh * self.kw, out_h * out_w)
            gy_mats = gy[0].reshape(n, out_c, out_h * out_w)
            for i in moves.range(n):
                    gy_mats[i], col_mats[i], gW_mat, transb='T', handle=handle)

            W_mat = self.W.reshape(out_c, c * self.kh * self.kw)
            gcol = cuda.empty_like(self.col)
            gcol_mats = gcol.reshape(n, c * self.kh * self.kw, out_h * out_w)
            for i in moves.range(n):
                cuda.culinalg.dot(W_mat, gy_mats[i], transa='T', handle=handle,

            gx = conv.col2im_gpu(
                gcol, self.sy, self.sx, self.ph, self.pw, h, w)

        return gx,
예제 #12
 def backward_gpu(self, inputs, gy):
     x0, x1 = inputs
     gx0 = cuda.empty_like(x0)
     gx1 = cuda.empty_like(x1)
     coeff = gy[0] * (2. / x0.size)
         '''float* gx0, float* gx1, const float* x0, const float* x1,
            const float* coeff''',
         '''gx0[i] = *coeff * (x0[i] - x1[i]);
            gx1[i] = -gx0[i];''',
         'mse_bwd')(gx0, gx1, x0, x1, coeff)
     return gx0, gx1
예제 #13
    def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
        out_c, out_h, out_w = gy[0].shape[1:]
        n, c, h, w = x[0].shape

        if cuda.cudnn_enabled and self.use_cudnn:
            handle = cudnn.get_handle()
            x_desc = cudnn.create_tensor_descriptor(x[0])
            gy_arr = gy[0]
            if not gy_arr.flags.c_contiguous:
                gy_arr = cuda.cupy.ascontiguousarray(gy_arr)
            gy_desc = cudnn.create_tensor_descriptor(gy_arr)
            one = ctypes.c_float(1)
            zero = ctypes.c_float(0)
            if self.b is not None:
                    handle, one, gy_desc.value, gy_arr.data.ptr,
                    one, self.bias_desc.value, self.gb.data.ptr)

                handle, one, x_desc.value, x[0].data.ptr,
                gy_desc.value, gy_arr.data.ptr, self.conv_desc.value,
                one, self.filter_desc.value, self.gW.data.ptr)

            gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
                handle, one, self.filter_desc.value, self.W.data.ptr,
                gy_desc.value, gy_arr.data.ptr, self.conv_desc.value,
                zero, x_desc.value, gx.data.ptr)
            handle = cuda.get_cublas_handle()
            if self.gb is not None:
                self.gb += gy[0].sum(axis=(0, 2, 3))

            # TODO(beam2d): Use streams
            gW_mat = self.gW.reshape(out_c, c * self.kh * self.kw)
            col_mats = self.col.reshape(
                n, c * self.kh * self.kw, out_h * out_w)
            gy_mats = gy[0].reshape(n, out_c, out_h * out_w)
            for i in moves.range(n):
                    gy_mats[i], col_mats[i], gW_mat, transb='T', handle=handle)

            W_mat = self.W.reshape(out_c, c * self.kh * self.kw)
            gcol = cuda.empty_like(self.col)
            gcol_mats = gcol.reshape(n, c * self.kh * self.kw, out_h * out_w)
            for i in moves.range(n):
                cuda.culinalg.dot(W_mat, gy_mats[i], transa='T', handle=handle,

            gx = conv.col2im_gpu(
                gcol, self.sy, self.sx, self.ph, self.pw, h, w)

        return gx,
예제 #14
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, ksize, stride=1, pad=0,
                 wscale=1, bias=0, nobias=False, use_cudnn=True,
                 initialW=None, initial_bias=None,
        self.dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype)

        ksize = _pair(ksize)
        stride = _pair(stride)
        pad = _pair(pad)

        self.kh, self.kw = ksize
        self.sy, self.sx = stride
        self.ph, self.pw = pad

        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.out_channels = out_channels

        self.W = None
        self.gW = None
        self.b = None
        self.gb = None

        if initialW is not None:
            assert initialW.shape == \
                (out_channels, in_channels, self.kh, self.kw)
            self.W = initialW
            self.W = numpy.random.normal(
                0, wscale * math.sqrt(1. / (self.kh * self.kw * in_channels)),
                (out_channels, in_channels, self.kh, self.kw)
        if isinstance(self.W, cuda.ndarray):
            self.gW = cuda.empty_like(self.W)
            self.gW = numpy.empty_like(self.W)

        if initial_bias is not None:
            assert initial_bias.shape == (out_channels,)
            self.b = initial_bias
        elif not nobias:
            self.b = numpy.repeat(self.dtype.type(bias), out_channels)

        if self.b is not None:
            if isinstance(self.b, cuda.ndarray):
                self.gb = cuda.empty_like(self.b)
                self.gb = numpy.empty_like(self.b)

        self.use_cudnn = use_cudnn
        if cuda.cudnn_enabled and use_cudnn:
            # chance to choose implicit-precomp-gemm algorithm
            self.max_workspace_size = in_channels * self.kh * self.kw * 4
예제 #15
 def backward_gpu(self, inputs, gy):
     x0, x1 = inputs
     gx0 = cuda.empty_like(x0)
     gx1 = cuda.empty_like(x1)
     coeff = gy[0] * (2.0 / x0.size)
         """float* gx0, float* gx1, const float* x0, const float* x1,
            const float* coeff""",
         """gx0[i] = *coeff * (x0[i] - x1[i]);
            gx1[i] = -gx0[i];""",
     )(gx0, gx1, x0, x1, coeff)
     return gx0, gx1
예제 #16
    def forward_gpu(self, x):
        self.rand = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
        y = cuda.empty_like(x[0])

        self.scale = 1. / (1 - self.dropout_ratio)

        self.kernel = cuda.elementwise(
            '''float* y, const float* x, const float* rand, float dropout_ratio,
               float scale''',
            'y[i] = rand[i] < dropout_ratio ? 0 : scale * x[i]', 'dropout')
        self.kernel(y, x[0], self.rand, self.dropout_ratio, self.scale)
        return y,
예제 #17
    def backward_gpu(self, x_orig, gy):
        # TODO(beam2d): Support backprop on inference mode
        assert self.use_batch_mean and not self.is_finetune
        ldim, cdim, rdim = self._internal_shape(x_orig[0])
        x  = x_orig[0].reshape(ldim, cdim, rdim)
        gy = gy[0].reshape(ldim, cdim, rdim)
        m = ldim * rdim

        mean, sqmean = _cusum_axis02(x, mean=True)
        stdinv = sqmean  # reuse buffer
            'float* stdinv, const float* mean, float eps',
            'stdinv[i] = rsqrtf(stdinv[i] - mean[i] * mean[i] + eps)',
            'bn_stdinv')(stdinv, mean, self.eps)

        x_hat = cuda.empty_like(x)
        gx    = cuda.empty_like(x)

                float* x_hat, const float* x,
                const float* mean, const float* stdinv
            ''', 'x_hat[i] = (x[i] - mean[I]) * stdinv[I]',
            'bn_x_hat')(x_hat, x, mean, stdinv, cdim, rdim)
        mean = None

        gbeta, ggamma = _cusum_axis02(gy, x_hat, expr2='x[I] * y[I]')
                float* self_ggammma, const float* ggamma,
                float* slef_gbeta, const float* gbeta
                self_ggammma[i] += ggamma[i];
                slef_gbeta[i] += gbeta[i];
                self.ggamma, ggamma,
                self.gbeta, gbeta)

                float* gx, const float* x_hat,
                const float* gy, const float* stdinv,
                const float* ggamma, const float* gbeta,
                const float* gamma, float inv_m
                gx[i] = gamma[I] * stdinv[I] *
                    (gy[i] - (x_hat[i] * ggamma[I] + gbeta[I]) * inv_m)
                gx, x_hat, gy, stdinv, ggamma, gbeta,
                self.gamma, 1. / m, cdim, rdim)
        return gx.reshape(x_orig[0].shape),
예제 #18
    def backward_gpu(self, x_orig, gy):
        # TODO(beam2d): Support backprop on inference mode
        assert self.use_batch_mean and not self.is_finetune
        ldim, cdim, rdim = self._internal_shape(x_orig[0])
        x = x_orig[0].reshape(ldim, cdim, rdim)
        gy = gy[0].reshape(ldim, cdim, rdim)
        m = ldim * rdim

        mean, sqmean = _cusum_axis02(x, mean=True)
        stdinv = sqmean  # reuse buffer
            'float* stdinv, const float* mean, float eps',
            'stdinv[i] = rsqrtf(stdinv[i] - mean[i] * mean[i] + eps)',
            'bn_stdinv')(stdinv, mean, self.eps)

        x_hat = cuda.empty_like(x)
        gx = cuda.empty_like(x)

                float* x_hat, const float* x,
                const float* mean, const float* stdinv
            ''', 'x_hat[i] = (x[i] - mean[I]) * stdinv[I]',
            'bn_x_hat')(x_hat, x, mean, stdinv, cdim, rdim)
        mean = None

        gbeta, ggamma = _cusum_axis02(gy, x_hat, expr2='x[I] * y[I]')
                float* self_ggammma, const float* ggamma,
                float* slef_gbeta, const float* gbeta
            ''', '''
                self_ggammma[i] += ggamma[i];
                slef_gbeta[i] += gbeta[i];
            ''', 'bn_add')(
                self.ggamma, ggamma,
                self.gbeta, gbeta)

                float* gx, const float* x_hat,
                const float* gy, const float* stdinv,
                const float* ggamma, const float* gbeta,
                const float* gamma, float inv_m
            ''', '''
                gx[i] = gamma[I] * stdinv[I] *
                    (gy[i] - (x_hat[i] * ggamma[I] + gbeta[I]) * inv_m)
            ''', 'bn_bwd')(
                gx, x_hat, gy, stdinv, ggamma, gbeta,
                self.gamma, 1. / m, cdim, rdim)
        return gx.reshape(x_orig[0].shape),
예제 #19
파일: dropout.py 프로젝트: nozawat/chainer
    def forward_gpu(self, x):
        self.rand = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
        y = cuda.empty_like(x[0])

        self.scale = 1. / (1 - self.dropout_ratio)

        self.kernel = cuda.elementwise(
            '''float* y, const float* x, const float* rand, float dropout_ratio,
               float scale''',
            'y[i] = rand[i] < dropout_ratio ? 0 : scale * x[i]',
        self.kernel(y, x[0], self.rand, self.dropout_ratio, self.scale)
        return y,
예제 #20
    def forward_gpu(self, x_orig):
        ldim, cdim, rdim = self._internal_shape(x_orig[0])
        x = x_orig[0].reshape(ldim, cdim, rdim)

        if self.use_batch_mean:
            mean   = _cumean_axis02(x)
            sqmean = _cumean_axis02(x * x)
            var    = sqmean  # reuse buffer
                'float* var, const float* mean, const float* sqmean, float eps',
                'var[i] = sqmean[i] - mean[i] * mean[i] + eps',
                'bn_var')(var, mean, sqmean, self.eps)
            mean = self.avg_mean
            var  = self.avg_var

        coeff = cuda.empty_like(var)
        bias  = cuda.empty_like(var)
        y     = cuda.empty_like(x_orig[0])

            '''float* coeff, float* bias, const float* mean, const float* var,
               const float* gamma, const float* beta''',
            '''coeff[i] = rsqrtf(var[i]) * gamma[i];
               bias[i]  = beta[i] - coeff[i] * mean[i];''',
            'bn_fwd_prep')(coeff, bias, mean, var, self.gamma, self.beta)

            'float* y, const float* x, const float* coeff, const float* bias',
            'y[i] = coeff[I] * x[i] + bias[I]',
            'bn_fwd')(y, x, coeff, bias, cdim, rdim)

        # Compute exponential moving average
        if self.use_batch_mean:
            if self.is_finetune:
                self.N[0] += 1
                decay = 1. / self.N[0]
                decay = self.decay

            m = ldim * rdim
            adjust = m / max(m - 1., 1.)  # unbiased estimation
            kern = cuda.elementwise(
                'float* mean, const float* x, float decay, float adjust',
                'mean[i] = decay * mean[i] + (1 - decay) * adjust * x[i]',
            kern(self.avg_mean, mean, decay, adjust)
            kern(self.avg_var,  var,  decay, adjust)

        return y,
예제 #21
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, ksize, stride=1, pad=0,
                 wscale=1, bias=0, nobias=False, use_cudnn=True,
                 initialW=None, initial_bias=None):
        ksize = _pair(ksize)
        stride = _pair(stride)
        pad = _pair(pad)

        self.kh, self.kw = ksize
        self.sy, self.sx = stride
        self.ph, self.pw = pad

        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.out_channels = out_channels

        self.W = None
        self.gW = None
        self.b = None
        self.gb = None

        if initialW is not None:
            assert initialW.shape == \
                (out_channels, in_channels, self.kh, self.kw)
            self.W = initialW
            self.W = numpy.random.normal(
                0, wscale * math.sqrt(1. / (self.kh * self.kw * in_channels)),
                (out_channels, in_channels, self.kh, self.kw)
        if isinstance(self.W, cuda.GPUArray):
            self.gW = cuda.empty_like(self.W)
            self.gW = numpy.empty_like(self.W)

        if initial_bias is not None:
            assert initial_bias.shape == (out_channels,)
            self.b = initial_bias
        elif not nobias:
            self.b = numpy.repeat(numpy.float32(bias), out_channels)

        if self.b is not None:
            if isinstance(self.b, cuda.GPUArray):
                self.gb = cuda.empty_like(self.b)
                self.gb = numpy.empty_like(self.b)

        self.use_cudnn = use_cudnn
        if cudnn.enabled and use_cudnn:
            # chance to choose implicit-precomp-gemm algorithm
            self.max_workspace_size = in_channels * self.kh * self.kw * 4
 def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
     summand = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
         '''float* summand, const float* scale, const float* y,
            const float* gy''', 'summand[i] = y[i] * gy[i] / scale[i]',
         'lrn_bwd_summand')(summand, self.scale, self.y, gy[0])
     gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
     _cu_conv_sum(gx, summand, self.n)
         '''float* gx, const float* x, const float* gy, const float* scale,
            float beta, float coeff''',
         'gx[i] = __powf(scale[i], -beta) * gy[i] - coeff * x[i] * gx[i]',
         'lrn_bwd')(gx, x[0], gy[0], self.scale, self.beta,
                    2 * self.alpha * self.beta)
     return gx,
예제 #23
    def forward_gpu(self, x):
        n, c, y_h, y_w = x[0].shape
        gx = cuda.empty_like(
            numpy.ones((n, c, self.h, self.w)).astype(numpy.float32))
            'raw T gy, int32 h, int32 w,'
            'int32 out_h, int32 out_w, int32 kh, int32 kw,'
            'int32 sy, int32 sx, int32 ph, int32 pw', 'T gx', '''
               int c0 = i / (h * w);
               int y  = i / w % h + ph;
               int x  = i % w + pw;
               int out_y_0 = max(0,     (y - kh + sy) / sy);
               int out_y_1 = min(out_h, (y      + sy) / sy);
               int out_x_0 = max(0,     (x - kw + sx) / sx);
               int out_x_1 = min(out_w, (x      + sx) / sx);

               float val = 0;
               for (int out_y = out_y_0; out_y < out_y_1; ++out_y) {
                 for (int out_x = out_x_0; out_x < out_x_1; ++out_x) {
                   int offset = out_x + out_w * (out_y + out_h * c0);
                   val += gy[offset];
               gx = val;
            ''', 'max_pool_bwd')(x[0].reduced_view(), self.h, self.w, y_h, y_w,
                                 self.kh, self.kw, self.sy, self.sx, self.ph,
                                 self.pw, gx)
        return gx,
예제 #24
 def forward_gpu(self, x):
     cdim = self.W.size
     rdim = x[0].size // (x[0].shape[0] * cdim)
     y = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
     _fwd_kern()(y, x[0], x[0], self.W, cdim, rdim)
     return y,
예제 #25
 def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
     gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
         'float* gx, const float* x, const float* gy, const float z',
         'gx[i] = ((x[i] > 0) and (x[i] < z))? gy[i] : 0',
         'clipped_relu_bwd')(gx, x[0], gy[0], self.cap)
     return gx,
예제 #26
 def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
     gx0 = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
         'float* gx0, const float* x0, const float* gy',
         'gx0[i] = ((x0[i] > 0) - (x0[i] < 0)) * gy[i]',
         'abs_bwd')(gx0, x[0], gy[0])
     return gx0,
예제 #27
 def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
     gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
         'float* gx, const float* x, const float* gy, const float z',
         'gx[i] = ((x[i] > 0) and (x[i] < z))? gy[i] : 0',
         'clipped_relu_bwd')(gx, x[0], gy[0], self.cap)
     return gx,
예제 #28
    def forward_gpu(self, inputs):
        self.y = cuda.empty_like(inputs[0])
            float* r,
            const int ngauss,
            const float* w,
            const float* m1, const float* m2,
            const float* s1, const float* s2,
            const float* c,
            const float* x1, const float* x2
            const int j = i / ngauss;
            float z1 = (x1[j] - m1[i]) / s1[i];
            float z2 = (x2[j] - m2[i]) / s2[i];
            float z3;

            z1 = pow(z1 - c[i] * z2, 2.0f);
            z2 = 1.0f - pow(c[i], 2.0f);
            z3 = 2.0f * 3.141592654f * s1[i] * s2[i] * sqrt(z2);
            r[i] = w[i] * exp(- z1 / (2.0f * z2)) / z3;
        )(self.y, self.y.shape[1], *inputs)
        return self.y,
예제 #29
 def backward_gpu(self, inputs, grad_outputs):
     gx = cuda.empty_like(inputs[0])
         'float* y, const float* b, const int n_channel',
         'y[i] = b[i / n_channel]',
         'sum_axis_bwd')(gx, grad_outputs[0], gx.shape[1])
     return gx,
예제 #30
    def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
        if cuda.cudnn_enabled and self.use_cudnn:
            return super(AveragePooling2D, self).backward_gpu(x, gy)

        n, c, h, w = x[0].shape
        y_h, y_w = gy[0].shape[2:]
        gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
        coeff = 1. / (self.kh * self.kw)
            'raw T gy, int32 h, int32 w,'
            'int32 out_h, int32 out_w, int32 kh, int32 kw,'
            'int32 sy, int32 sx, int32 ph, int32 pw, T coeff',
            'T gx',
               int c0 = i / (h * w);
               int y  = i / w % h + ph;
               int x  = i % w + pw;
               int out_y_0 = max(0,     (y - kh + sy) / sy);
               int out_y_1 = min(out_h, (y      + sy) / sy);
               int out_x_0 = max(0,     (x - kw + sx) / sx);
               int out_x_1 = min(out_w, (x      + sx) / sx);
               int hc0  = out_h * c0;

               float val = 0;
               for (int out_y = out_y_0; out_y < out_y_1; ++out_y) {
                 for (int out_x = out_x_0; out_x < out_x_1; ++out_x) {
                   val += gy[out_x + out_w * (out_y + hc0)];
               gx = val * coeff;
            ''', 'avg_pool_bwd')(gy[0].reduced_view(),
                                 h, w, y_h, y_w, self.kh, self.kw,
                                 self.sy, self.sx, self.ph, self.pw, coeff,
        return gx,
예제 #31
 def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
     gx0 = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
         'float* gx0, const float* x0, const float* gy',
         'gx0[i] = ((x0[i] > 0) - (x0[i] < 0)) * gy[i]',
         'abs_bwd')(gx0, x[0], gy[0])
     return gx0,
예제 #32
    def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
        if cudnn.enabled and self.use_cudnn:
            return super(AveragePooling2D, self).backward_gpu(x, gy)

        n, c, h, w = x[0].shape
        y_h, y_w = gy[0].shape[2:]
        gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
        coeff = 1. / (self.kh * self.kw)

               float* gx, const float* gy, int h, int w, int out_h, int out_w,
               int kh, int kw, int sy, int sx, int ph, int pw, float coeff
            ''', '''
               int c0 = i / (h * w);
               int y  = i / w % h + ph;
               int x  = i % w + pw;
               int out_y_0 = max(0,     (y - kh + sy) / sy);
               int out_y_1 = min(out_h, (y      + sy) / sy);
               int out_x_0 = max(0,     (x - kw + sx) / sx);
               int out_x_1 = min(out_w, (x      + sx) / sx);
               int hc0  = out_h * c0;

               float val = 0;
               for (int out_y = out_y_0; out_y < out_y_1; ++out_y) {
                 for (int out_x = out_x_0; out_x < out_x_1; ++out_x) {
                   val += gy[out_x + out_w * (out_y + hc0)];
               gx[i] = val * coeff;
            ''', 'avg_pool_bwd')(gx, gy[0], h, w, y_h, y_w, self.kh, self.kw,
                                 self.sy, self.sx, self.ph, self.pw, coeff)
        return gx,
예제 #33
    def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
        if cudnn.enabled and self.use_cudnn:
            return super(AveragePooling2D, self).backward_gpu(x, gy)

        n, c, h, w = x[0].shape
        y_h, y_w   = gy[0].shape[2:]
        gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
        coeff = 1. / (self.kh * self.kw)

               float* gx, const float* gy, int h, int w, int out_h, int out_w,
               int kh, int kw, int sy, int sx, int ph, int pw, float coeff
            ''', '''
               int c0 = i / (h * w);
               int y  = i / w % h + ph;
               int x  = i % w + pw;
               int out_y_0 = max(0,     (y - kh + sy) / sy);
               int out_y_1 = min(out_h, (y      + sy) / sy);
               int out_x_0 = max(0,     (x - kw + sx) / sx);
               int out_x_1 = min(out_w, (x      + sx) / sx);
               int hc0  = out_h * c0;

               float val = 0;
               for (int out_y = out_y_0; out_y < out_y_1; ++out_y) {
                 for (int out_x = out_x_0; out_x < out_x_1; ++out_x) {
                   val += gy[out_x + out_w * (out_y + hc0)];
               gx[i] = val * coeff;
            ''', 'avg_pool_bwd')(gx, gy[0], h, w, y_h, y_w, self.kh, self.kw,
                                 self.sy, self.sx, self.ph, self.pw, coeff)
        return gx,
 def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
     summand = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
         '''float* summand, const float* scale, const float* y,
            const float* gy''',
         'summand[i] = y[i] * gy[i] / scale[i]',
         'lrn_bwd_summand')(summand, self.scale, self.y, gy[0])
     gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
     _cu_conv_sum(gx, summand, self.n)
         '''float* gx, const float* x, const float* gy, const float* scale,
            float beta, float coeff''',
         'gx[i] = powf(scale[i], -beta) * gy[i] - coeff * x[i] * gx[i]',
         'lrn_bwd')(gx, x[0], gy[0], self.scale, self.beta,
                    2 * self.alpha * self.beta)
     return gx,
예제 #35
 def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
     gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
         'float* gx, const float* x, const float* gy, float value',
         'gx[i] = -value * gy[i] / (x[i] * x[i])',
         'div_from_const_bwd')(gx, x[0], gy[0], self.value)
     return gx,
예제 #36
 def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
     gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
         'float* gx, const float* x, const float* gy, float value',
         'gx[i] = value * __powf(x[i], value - 1) * gy[i]',
         'pow_var_const_bwd')(gx, x[0], gy[0], self.value)
     return gx,
예제 #37
파일: softmax.py 프로젝트: geeorgey/chainer
    def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
        if cudnn.enabled and self.use_cudnn:
            handle = cudnn.get_default_handle()
            gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
            desc = cudnn.get_tensor_desc(x[0], 1, 1)
                handle, _algorithm, _mode, 1, desc.value, cudnn.get_ptr(
                desc.value, cudnn.get_ptr(gy[0]), 0, desc.value,
            gx = self.y * gy[0]
            c = gx.shape[1]
            sum_ydy = cuda.empty((gx.shape[0],), dtype=numpy.float32)
                'float* sum_ydy, const float* ydy, int c',
                   const float* row = ydy + i * c;
                   float sum = 0;
                   for (int j = 0; j < c; ++j) {
                     sum += row[j];
                   sum_ydy[i] = sum;
                ''', 'softmax_bwd_sum_ydy')(sum_ydy, gx, c)
                'float* gx, const float* y, const float* sum_ydy, int c',
                'gx[i] -= y[i] * sum_ydy[i / c]',
                'softmax_bwd_diff')(gx, self.y, sum_ydy, c)

        return gx,
    def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
        if cuda.cudnn_enabled and self.use_cudnn:
            return super(AveragePooling2D, self).backward_gpu(x, gy)

        n, c, h, w = x[0].shape
        y_h, y_w = gy[0].shape[2:]
        gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
        coeff = 1. / (self.kh * self.kw)
            'raw T gy, int32 h, int32 w,'
            'int32 out_h, int32 out_w, int32 kh, int32 kw,'
            'int32 sy, int32 sx, int32 ph, int32 pw, T coeff', 'T gx', '''
               int c0 = i / (h * w);
               int y  = i / w % h + ph;
               int x  = i % w + pw;
               int out_y_0 = max(0,     (y - kh + sy) / sy);
               int out_y_1 = min(out_h, (y      + sy) / sy);
               int out_x_0 = max(0,     (x - kw + sx) / sx);
               int out_x_1 = min(out_w, (x      + sx) / sx);
               int hc0  = out_h * c0;

               float val = 0;
               for (int out_y = out_y_0; out_y < out_y_1; ++out_y) {
                 for (int out_x = out_x_0; out_x < out_x_1; ++out_x) {
                   val += gy[out_x + out_w * (out_y + hc0)];
               gx = val * coeff;
            ''', 'avg_pool_bwd')(gy[0].reduced_view(), h, w, y_h, y_w, self.kh,
                                 self.kw, self.sy, self.sx, self.ph, self.pw,
                                 coeff, gx)
        return gx,
예제 #39
    def forward_gpu(self, inputs):
        c_prev, x = inputs
        lsize = c_prev.shape[0] * c_prev.shape[1]
        rsize = c_prev.size // lsize

        self.c = cuda.empty_like(c_prev)
        h = cuda.empty_like(c_prev)
            '''float* c, float* h, const float* c_prev, const float* x,
               int lsize, int rsize''',
               c[i] = aa * ai + af * c_prev[i];
               h[i] = ao * tanhf(c[i]);''',
            'lstm_fwd', preamble=_preamble)(self.c, h, c_prev, x, lsize, rsize)

        return self.c, h
예제 #40
    def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
        if cudnn.enabled and self.use_cudnn:
            handle = cudnn.get_default_handle()
            gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
            desc = cudnn.get_tensor_desc(x[0], 1, 1)
            libcudnn.cudnnSoftmaxBackward(handle, _algorithm,
                                          _mode, 1, desc.value,
                                          cudnn.get_ptr(self.y), desc.value,
                                          cudnn.get_ptr(gy[0]), 0, desc.value,
            gx = self.y * gy[0]
            c = gx.shape[1]
            sum_ydy = cuda.empty((gx.shape[0], ), dtype=numpy.float32)
                'float* sum_ydy, const float* ydy, int c', '''
                   const float* row = ydy + i * c;
                   float sum = 0;
                   for (int j = 0; j < c; ++j) {
                     sum += row[j];
                   sum_ydy[i] = sum;
                ''', 'softmax_bwd_sum_ydy')(sum_ydy, gx, c)
                'float* gx, const float* y, const float* sum_ydy, int c',
                'gx[i] -= y[i] * sum_ydy[i / c]',
                'softmax_bwd_diff')(gx, self.y, sum_ydy, c)

        return gx,
예제 #41
 def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
     logv = math.log(self.value)
     gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
         'float* gx, const float* x, const float* gy, float value, float logv',
         'gx[i] = logv * __powf(value, x[i]) * gy[i]',
         'pow_const_var_bwd')(gx, x[0], gy[0], self.value, logv)
     return gx,
예제 #42
파일: lstm.py 프로젝트: souju/chainer
    def backward_gpu(self, inputs, grad_outputs):
        c_prev, x = inputs
        gc, gh = grad_outputs
        lsize = c_prev.shape[0] * c_prev.shape[1]
        rsize = c_prev.size // lsize

        # Odd rule to determine whether the gradient is given or not.
        if gc is None:
            gc = self.c
        if gh is None:
            gh = self.c

        gc_prev = cuda.empty_like(c_prev)
        gx = cuda.empty_like(x)
               float* gc_prev, float* gx, const float* c_prev, const float* x,
               const float* c, const float* gc, const float* gh, int lsize,
               int rsize
               float* gx_i = gx + I * 4 * rsize;
               float& ga = gx_i[          J];
               float& gi = gx_i[  rsize + J];
               float& gf = gx_i[2*rsize + J];
               float& go = gx_i[3*rsize + J];

               float co  = tanhf(c[i]);
               // Odd rule: if gh == c [gc == c] then gh [gc] is not given,
               // since we cannot pass null pointer to the kernel through
               // PyCUDA.
               float gc1 = (gh == c ? 0 : gh[i] * ao * grad_tanh(co))
                         + (gc == c ? 0 : gc[i]);
               go        =  gh == c ? 0 : gh[i] * co * grad_sigmoid(ao);

               gc_prev[i] = gc1 * af;
               ga         = gc1 * ai        * grad_tanh(aa);
               gi         = gc1 * aa        * grad_sigmoid(ai);
               gf         = gc1 * c_prev[i] * grad_sigmoid(af);
        )(gc_prev, gx, c_prev, x, self.c, gc, gh, lsize, rsize)

        return gc_prev, gx
예제 #43
 def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
     gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
         "float* gx, const float* x, const float* gy, float value",
         "gx[i] = value * __powf(x[i], value - 1) * gy[i]",
     )(gx, x[0], gy[0], self.value)
     return (gx,)
예제 #44
 def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
     gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
         "float* gx, const float* x, const float* gy, float value",
         "gx[i] = -value * gy[i] / (x[i] * x[i])",
     )(gx, x[0], gy[0], self.value)
     return (gx,)
예제 #45
    def backward_gpu(self, inputs, grad_outputs):
        c_prev, x = inputs
        gc, gh = grad_outputs
        lsize = c_prev.shape[0] * c_prev.shape[1]
        rsize = c_prev.size // lsize

        # Odd rule to determine whether the gradient is given or not.
        if gc is None:
            gc = self.c
        if gh is None:
            gh = self.c

        gc_prev = cuda.empty_like(c_prev)
        gx = cuda.empty_like(x)
               float* gc_prev, float* gx, const float* c_prev, const float* x,
               const float* c, const float* gc, const float* gh, int lsize,
               int rsize
               float* gx_i = gx + I * 4 * rsize;
               float& ga = gx_i[          J];
               float& gi = gx_i[  rsize + J];
               float& gf = gx_i[2*rsize + J];
               float& go = gx_i[3*rsize + J];

               float co  = tanhf(c[i]);
               // Odd rule: if gh == c [gc == c] then gh [gc] is not given,
               // since we cannot pass null pointer to the kernel through
               // PyCUDA.
               float gc1 = (gh == c ? 0 : gh[i] * ao * grad_tanh(co))
                         + (gc == c ? 0 : gc[i]);
               go        =  gh == c ? 0 : gh[i] * co * grad_sigmoid(ao);

               gc_prev[i] = gc1 * af;
               ga         = gc1 * ai        * grad_tanh(aa);
               gi         = gc1 * aa        * grad_sigmoid(ai);
               gf         = gc1 * c_prev[i] * grad_sigmoid(af);
                         preamble=_preamble)(gc_prev, gx, c_prev, x, self.c,
                                             gc, gh, lsize, rsize)

        return gc_prev, gx
예제 #46
 def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
     _x = _as_mat(x[0])
     gx = cuda.empty_like(_x)
     with cuda.using_cumisc():
         cuda.culinalg.add_dot(gy[0], _x, self.gW, transa='T')
         if self.gb is not None:
             self.gb += cuda.cumisc.sum(gy[0], 0)
         cuda.culinalg.dot(gy[0], self.W, out=gx)
     return gx.reshape(x[0].shape),
예제 #47
 def backward_gpu(self, inputs, grad_outputs):
     t, gloss = inputs[1], grad_outputs[0]
     gx = cuda.empty_like(self.y)
     coeff = gloss / t.size
         'float* gx, const float* y, const int* t, const float* coeff, int n_channel',
         'gx[i] = *coeff * (y[i] - ((i % n_channel) == t[i / n_channel]))',
         'softmax_crossent_bwd')(gx, self.y, t, coeff, self.y.shape[1])
     return gx, None
 def backward_gpu(self, inputs, grad_outputs):
     t, gloss = inputs[1], grad_outputs[0]
     gx = cuda.empty_like(self.y)
     coeff = gloss / t.shape[0]
         'float* gx, const float* y, const int* t, const float* coeff',
         'gx[i] = *coeff * (y[i] - t[i])',
         'sigmoid_crossent_bwd')(gx, self.y, t, coeff)
     return gx, None
예제 #49
 def forward_gpu(self, x):
     self.y = cuda.cupy.square(x[0])  # temporary
     self.scale = cuda.empty_like(self.y)
     _cu_conv_sum(self.scale, self.y, self.n)
         'T x, T k, T alpha, T beta', 'T y, T scale',
         '''scale = k + alpha * scale;
            y = x * pow(scale, -beta);''',
         'lrn_fwd')(x[0], self.k, self.alpha, self.beta, self.y, self.scale)
     return self.y,
 def forward_gpu(self, x):
     self.y = x[0] * x[0]  # temporary
     self.scale = cuda.empty_like(self.y)
     _cu_conv_sum(self.scale, self.y, self.n)
         '''float* y, float* scale, const float* x,
            float k, float alpha, float beta''',
         '''scale[i] = k + alpha * scale[i];
            y[i] = x[i] * powf(scale[i], -beta);''',
         'lrn_fwd')(self.y, self.scale, x[0], self.k, self.alpha, self.beta)
     return self.y,
예제 #51
 def forward_gpu(self, x):
     y = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
     if isinstance(self.value, Number):
         cuda.elementwise('float* y, const float* x, const float value',
                          'y[i] = powf(value, x[i])',
                          'pow_const_var_fwd')(y, x[0], self.value)
         cuda.elementwise('float* y, const float* x, const float *value',
                          'y[i] = powf(value[i], x[i])',
                          'pow_const_var_fwd')(y, x[0], self.value)
     return y,
예제 #52
파일: tanh.py 프로젝트: kazunori279/chainer
 def forward_gpu(self, x):
     self.y = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
     if cudnn.enabled and self.use_cudnn:
         handle = cudnn.get_default_handle()
         desc = cudnn.get_tensor_desc(x[0], 1, 1)
         libcudnn.cudnnActivationForward(handle, _mode, 1, desc.value,
                                         cudnn.get_ptr(x[0]), 0, desc.value,
         cuda.elementwise('float* y, const float* x', 'y[i] = tanhf(x[i])',
                          'tanh_fwd')(self.y, x[0])
     return self.y,
예제 #53
 def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
     summand = cuda.elementwise('T scale, T y, T gy', 'T summand',
                                'summand = y * gy / scale',
                                'lrn_bwd_summand')(self.scale, self.y,
     gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
     _cu_conv_sum(gx, summand, self.n)
     cuda.elementwise(' T x, T gy, T scale, T beta, T coeff', 'T gx',
                      'gx = pow(scale, -beta) * gy - coeff * x * gx',
                      'lrn_bwd')(x[0], gy[0], self.scale, self.beta,
                                 2 * self.alpha * self.beta, gx)
     return gx,
예제 #54
    def backward_gpu(self, xs, gy):
        gxs = tuple(cuda.empty_like(x) for x in xs)

        coffset = 0
        kernel  = cuda.elementwise(
            _args, 'COPY(x[i] = y[idx])', 'concat_bwd', preamble=_preamble)
        for gx in gxs:
            cdimx = gx.shape[self.axis]
            kernel(gx, gy[0], cdimx, self.cdimy, self.rdim, coffset)
            coffset += cdimx

        return gxs
예제 #55
 def backward_gpu(self, x, gy):
     gx = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
     if isinstance(self.value, Number):
             'float* gx, const float* x, const float* gy, const float value',
             'gx[i] = value * __powf(x[i], value - 1) * gy[i]',
             'pow_var_const_bwd')(gx, x[0], gy[0], self.value)
             'float* gx, const float* x, const float* gy, const float* value',
             'gx[i] = value[i] * __powf(x[i], value[i] - 1) * gy[i]',
             'pow_var_const_bwd')(gx, x[0], gy[0], self.value)
     return gx,
예제 #56
 def forward_gpu(self, x):
     y = cuda.empty_like(x[0])
     if cuda.cudnn_enabled and self.use_cudnn:
         handle = cudnn.get_handle()
         desc = cudnn.create_tensor_descriptor(_as4darray(x[0]))
         libcudnn.activationForward(handle, _mode, ctypes.c_float(1),
                                    desc.value, x[0].data.ptr,
                                    ctypes.c_float(0), desc.value,
         self.y = y
         y = cuda.cupy.maximum(x[0].dtype.type(0), x[0])
     return y,