예제 #1
파일: chpl_mem.py 프로젝트: hildeth/chapel
def get(flag='host'):
    if flag == 'host':
        mem_val = 'cstdlib'
    elif flag == 'target':
        mem_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_MEM')
        if not mem_val:
            comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
            #platform_val = chpl_platform.get('host')
            #arch_val = chpl_arch.get('target', get_lcd=True)
            #tcmallocCompat = ["gnu", "clang", "clang-included", "intel"]

            # true if tcmalloc is compatible with the target compiler
            #if (not (platform_val == 'cray-xc' and arch_val == 'knc') and
            #        (not platform_val.startswith("cygwin")) and
            #        any(sub in chpl_compiler.get('target') for sub in tcmallocCompat)):
            #    return 'tcmalloc'
            if comm_val == 'gasnet':
                segment_val = chpl_comm_segment.get()
                if segment_val == 'fast' or segment_val == 'large':
                    mem_val = 'dlmalloc'
                    mem_val = 'cstdlib'
            elif comm_val == 'ugni':
                mem_val = 'tcmalloc'
                mem_val = 'cstdlib'
        raise ValueError("Invalid flag: '{0}'".format(flag))
    return mem_val
예제 #2
def get():
    substrate_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_COMM_SUBSTRATE')
    if not substrate_val:
        comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
        platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')
        arch_val = chpl_arch.get('target', get_lcd=True)

        if comm_val == 'gasnet':
            if platform_val == 'cray-xt':
                substrate_val = 'mpi'
            elif platform_val == 'cray-xe':
                substrate_val = 'gemini'
            elif platform_val == 'cray-xk':
                substrate_val = 'gemini'
            elif platform_val == 'cray-xc':
                substrate_val = 'aries'
            elif platform_val == 'marenostrum':
                substrate_val = 'udp'
            elif platform_val == 'pwr5':
                substrate_val = 'lapi'
            elif platform_val == 'pwr6':
                substrate_val = 'ibv'
                substrate_val = 'udp'
            substrate_val = 'none'
    return substrate_val
def get():
    launcher_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_LAUNCHER')
    if not launcher_val:
        comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
        platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')
        compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get('target')

        if platform_val.startswith('cray-x'):
            has_aprun = utils.find_executable('aprun')
            has_slurm = utils.find_executable('srun')
            if has_aprun and has_slurm:
                launcher_val = 'none'
            elif has_aprun:
                launcher_val = 'aprun'
            elif has_slurm:
                launcher_val = 'slurm-srun'
                # FIXME: Need to detect aprun/srun differently. On a cray
                #        system with an eslogin node, it is possible that aprun
                #        will not be available on the eslogin node (only on the
                #        login node).
                #        has_aprun and has_slurm should look other places
                #        (maybe the modules?) to decide.
                #        (thomasvandoren, 2014-08-12)
                    'Warning: Cannot detect launcher on this system. Please '
                    'set CHPL_LAUNCHER in the environment.\n')
        elif platform_val == 'marenostrum':
            launcher_val = 'marenostrum'
        elif comm_val == 'gasnet':
            substrate_val = chpl_comm_substrate.get()
            if substrate_val == 'udp':
                launcher_val = 'amudprun'
            elif substrate_val == 'mpi':
                launcher_val = 'gasnetrun_mpi'
            elif substrate_val == 'ibv':
                if platform_val == 'pwr6':
                    # our loadleveler launcher is not yet portable/stable/
                    # flexible enough to serve as a good default
                    #launcher_val = 'loadleveler'
                    launcher_val = 'none'
                    launcher_val = 'gasnetrun_ibv'
            elif substrate_val == 'mxm':
                launcher_val = 'gasnetrun_ibv'
            elif substrate_val == 'lapi':
                # our loadleveler launcher is not yet portable/stable/flexible
                # enough to serve as a good default
                #launcher_val = 'loadleveler'
                launcher_val = 'none'
        elif comm_val == 'mpi':
            launcher_val = 'mpirun'
            launcher_val = 'none'

    if launcher_val is None:
        launcher_val = 'none'

    return launcher_val
예제 #4
def get():
    substrate_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_COMM_SUBSTRATE')
    if not substrate_val:
        comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
        platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')
        arch_val = chpl_arch.get('target')

        if comm_val == 'gasnet':
            if platform_val == 'cray-xt':
                substrate_val = 'mpi'
            elif platform_val == 'cray-xe':
                substrate_val = 'gemini'
            elif platform_val == 'cray-xk':
                substrate_val = 'gemini'
            elif platform_val == 'cray-xc':
                if arch_val == 'knc':
                    substrate_val = 'mpi'
                    substrate_val = 'aries'
            elif platform_val == 'marenostrum':
                substrate_val = 'udp'
            elif platform_val == 'pwr5':
                substrate_val = 'lapi'
            elif platform_val == 'pwr6':
                substrate_val = 'ibv'
                substrate_val = 'udp'
            substrate_val = 'none'
    return substrate_val
예제 #5
파일: chpl_mem.py 프로젝트: ShanX3s/chapel
def get(flag='host'):
    if flag == 'host':
        mem_val = 'cstdlib'
    elif flag == 'target':
        mem_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_MEM')
        if not mem_val:
            comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
            #platform_val = chpl_platform.get('host')
            #arch_val = chpl_arch.get('target', get_lcd=True)
            #tcmallocCompat = ["gnu", "clang", "clang-included", "intel"]

            # true if tcmalloc is compatible with the target compiler
            #if (not (platform_val == 'cray-xc' and arch_val == 'knc') and
            #        (not platform_val.startswith("cygwin")) and
            #        any(sub in chpl_compiler.get('target') for sub in tcmallocCompat)):
            #    return 'tcmalloc'
            if comm_val == 'gasnet':
                segment_val = chpl_comm_segment.get()
                if segment_val == 'fast' or segment_val == 'large':
                    mem_val = 'dlmalloc'
                    mem_val = 'cstdlib'
            elif comm_val == 'ugni':
                mem_val = 'tcmalloc'
                mem_val = 'cstdlib'
        raise ValueError("Invalid flag: '{0}'".format(flag))
    return mem_val
예제 #6
def get():
    tasks_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_TASKS')
    if not tasks_val:
        arch_val = chpl_arch.get('target', get_lcd=True)
        platform_val = chpl_platform.get()
        compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get('target')
        comm_val = chpl_comm.get()

        # use muxed on cray-x* machines using the module and supported compiler
        if (comm_val == 'ugni' and
                platform_val.startswith('cray-x') and
                utils.using_chapel_module() and
                compiler_val in ('cray-prgenv-gnu', 'cray-prgenv-intel') and
                arch_val != 'knc'):
            tasks_val = 'muxed'
        elif (arch_val == 'knc' or
                platform_val.startswith('cygwin') or
                platform_val.startswith('netbsd') or
                compiler_val == 'pgi'             or
                compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-pgi' or
                compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-cray'):
            tasks_val = 'fifo'
            tasks_val = 'qthreads'
    return tasks_val
예제 #7
def get():
    launcher_val = overrides.get('CHPL_LAUNCHER')
    if not launcher_val:
        comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
        platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')
        compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get('target')

        if platform_val.startswith('cray-x') or chpl_platform.is_cross_compiling():
            has_aprun = find_executable('aprun')
            has_slurm = find_executable('srun')
            if has_aprun and has_slurm:
                launcher_val = 'none'
            elif has_aprun:
                launcher_val = 'aprun'
            elif has_slurm or platform_val == 'aarch64':
                launcher_val = 'slurm-srun'
                # FIXME: Need to detect aprun/srun differently. On a cray
                #        system with an eslogin node, it is possible that aprun
                #        will not be available on the eslogin node (only on the
                #        login node).
                #        has_aprun and has_slurm should look other places
                #        (maybe the modules?) to decide.
                #        (thomasvandoren, 2014-08-12)
                    'Warning: Cannot detect launcher on this system. Please '
                    'set CHPL_LAUNCHER in the environment.\n')
        elif platform_val == 'marenostrum':
            launcher_val = 'marenostrum'
        elif comm_val == 'gasnet':
            substrate_val = chpl_comm_substrate.get()
            if substrate_val == 'udp':
                launcher_val = 'amudprun'
            elif substrate_val == 'mpi':
                launcher_val = 'gasnetrun_mpi'
            elif substrate_val == 'ibv':
                if platform_val == 'pwr6':
                    # our loadleveler launcher is not yet portable/stable/
                    # flexible enough to serve as a good default
                    #launcher_val = 'loadleveler'
                    launcher_val = 'none'
                    launcher_val = 'gasnetrun_ibv'
            elif substrate_val == 'mxm':
                launcher_val = 'gasnetrun_ibv'
            elif substrate_val == 'lapi':
                # our loadleveler launcher is not yet portable/stable/flexible
                # enough to serve as a good default
                #launcher_val = 'loadleveler'
                launcher_val = 'none'
        elif comm_val == 'mpi':
            launcher_val = 'mpirun'
            launcher_val = 'none'

    if launcher_val is None:
        launcher_val = 'none'

    return launcher_val
def get():
    substrate_val = overrides.get('CHPL_COMM_SUBSTRATE')
    if not substrate_val:
        comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
        platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')

        if comm_val == 'gasnet':
            if platform_val == 'cray-xe':
                substrate_val = 'gemini'
            elif platform_val == 'cray-xk':
                substrate_val = 'gemini'
            elif platform_val == 'cray-xc':
                substrate_val = 'aries'
            elif platform_val == 'cray-cs':
                substrate_val = 'ibv'
            elif platform_val == 'pwr6':
                substrate_val = 'ibv'
                substrate_val = 'udp'
        elif comm_val == 'ofi':
            if platform_val == 'cray-xc':
                substrate_val = 'sockets'
                # substrate_val = 'gni'
                substrate_val = 'sockets'
            substrate_val = 'none'
    return substrate_val
예제 #9
def get():
    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    if comm_val == 'ofi':
        libfabric_val = overrides.get('CHPL_LIBFABRIC')
        platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')
        if not libfabric_val:
            cmd_exists, returncode = try_run_command(
                ['pkg-config', '--exists', 'libfabric'])[0:2]
            if cmd_exists and returncode == 0:
                libfabric_val = 'system'
                libfabric_val = 'bundled'
        if libfabric_val == 'none':
            error("CHPL_LIBFABRIC must not be 'none' when CHPL_COMM is ofi")
        if platform_val == 'hpe-cray-ex' and libfabric_val != 'system':
            sys.stderr.write('Warning: CHPL_LIBFABRIC!=system is discouraged '
                             'on HPE Cray EX\n')
        libfabric_val = 'none'

    if libfabric_val == 'libfabric':
        sys.stderr.write("Warning: CHPL_LIBFABRIC=libfabric is deprecated. "
                         "Use CHPL_LIBFABRIC=bundled instead.\n")
        libfabric_val = 'bundled'

    return libfabric_val
예제 #10
def get():
    launcher_val = overrides.get('CHPL_LAUNCHER')

    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    substrate_val = chpl_comm_substrate.get()
    if comm_val == 'gasnet' and substrate_val == 'udp':
        if not launcher_val:
            launcher_val = 'amudprun'
        elif launcher_val not in ('none', 'amudprun'):
            error('CHPL_LAUNCHER={} is not supported for CHPL_COMM=gasnet '
                  'CHPL_COMM_SUBSTRATE=udp, CHPL_LAUNCHER=amudprun is '

    if not launcher_val:
        platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')

        if platform_val.startswith('cray-x') or platform_val.startswith(
            has_aprun = find_executable('aprun')
            has_slurm = find_executable('srun')
            if has_aprun and has_slurm:
                launcher_val = 'none'
            elif has_aprun:
                launcher_val = 'aprun'
            elif has_slurm:
                launcher_val = 'slurm-srun'
                # FIXME: Need to detect aprun/srun differently. On a cray
                #        system with an eslogin node, it is possible that aprun
                #        will not be available on the eslogin node (only on the
                #        login node).
                #        has_aprun and has_slurm should look other places
                #        (maybe the modules?) to decide.
                #        (thomasvandoren, 2014-08-12)
                warning('Cannot detect launcher on this system. Please '
                        'set CHPL_LAUNCHER in the environment.')
        elif comm_val == 'gasnet':
            if substrate_val == 'smp':
                launcher_val = 'smp'
            elif substrate_val == 'mpi':
                launcher_val = slurm_prefix('gasnetrun_mpi', platform_val)
            elif substrate_val == 'ibv':
                launcher_val = slurm_prefix('gasnetrun_ibv', platform_val)
            elif substrate_val == 'ucx':
                launcher_val = slurm_prefix('gasnetrun_ucx', platform_val)
            elif substrate_val == 'ofi':
                launcher_val = slurm_prefix('gasnetrun_ofi', platform_val)
            if platform_val == 'cray-cs' and find_executable('srun'):
                launcher_val = 'slurm-srun'
                launcher_val = 'none'

    if launcher_val is None:
        launcher_val = 'none'

    return launcher_val
예제 #11
def get():
    launcher_val = overrides.get('CHPL_LAUNCHER')
    if not launcher_val:
        comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
        platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')

        if platform_val.startswith('cray-') or platform_val.startswith(
            has_aprun = find_executable('aprun')
            has_slurm = find_executable('srun')
            if has_aprun and has_slurm:
                launcher_val = 'none'
            elif has_aprun:
                launcher_val = 'aprun'
            elif has_slurm:
                launcher_val = 'slurm-srun'
                # FIXME: Need to detect aprun/srun differently. On a cray
                #        system with an eslogin node, it is possible that aprun
                #        will not be available on the eslogin node (only on the
                #        login node).
                #        has_aprun and has_slurm should look other places
                #        (maybe the modules?) to decide.
                #        (thomasvandoren, 2014-08-12)
                    'Warning: Cannot detect launcher on this system. Please '
                    'set CHPL_LAUNCHER in the environment.\n')
        elif comm_val == 'gasnet':
            substrate_val = chpl_comm_substrate.get()
            if substrate_val == 'smp':
                launcher_val = 'smp'
            elif substrate_val == 'udp':
                launcher_val = 'amudprun'
            elif substrate_val == 'mpi':
                launcher_val = 'gasnetrun_mpi'
            elif substrate_val == 'ibv':
                launcher_val = 'gasnetrun_ibv'
            elif substrate_val == 'ucx':
                launcher_val = 'gasnetrun_ucx'
            elif substrate_val == 'mxm':
                launcher_val = 'gasnetrun_ibv'
            elif substrate_val == 'ofi':
                launcher_val = 'gasnetrun_ofi'
            elif substrate_val == 'psm':
                launcher_val = 'gasnetrun_psm'
        elif comm_val == 'mpi':
            launcher_val = 'mpirun'
            launcher_val = 'none'

    if launcher_val is None:
        launcher_val = 'none'

    return launcher_val
예제 #12
def check():
    platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')
    if platform_val.startswith('cray-x'):
        comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
        substrate_val = chpl_comm_substrate.get()
        is_using_hugepages = 'HUGETLB' in os.environ.get('PE_PRODUCT_LIST', '')

        if comm_val == 'gasnet' and is_using_hugepages:
            if substrate_val == 'gemini' or substrate_val == 'aries':
                stderr.write("Warning: compiling with the craype-hugepages module while "
                             "using the GASNet {0} conduit is not supported and "
                             "will lead to link errors\n".format(substrate_val))
예제 #13
def get():
    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    if comm_val == 'ofi':
        libfabric_val = overrides.get('CHPL_LIBFABRIC')
        if not libfabric_val:
            libfabric_val = 'libfabric'
        if libfabric_val == 'none':
          error("CHPL_LIBFABRIC must not be 'none' when CHPL_COMM is ofi")
        libfabric_val = 'none'

    return libfabric_val
예제 #14
def check():
    platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')
    if platform_val.startswith('cray-x'):
        comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
        substrate_val = chpl_comm_substrate.get()
        is_using_hugepages = 'HUGETLB' in os.environ.get('PE_PRODUCT_LIST', '')

        if comm_val == 'gasnet' and is_using_hugepages:
            if substrate_val == 'gemini' or substrate_val == 'aries':
                    "Warning: compiling with the craype-hugepages module while "
                    "using the GASNet {0} conduit is not supported and "
                    "will lead to link errors\n".format(substrate_val))
예제 #15
def default_cpu(flag):
    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get(flag)
    platform_val = chpl_platform.get(flag)

    cpu = 'unknown'

    if comm_val == 'none' and ('linux' in platform_val
                               or platform_val == 'darwin'
                               or platform_val.startswith('cygwin')):
        cpu = 'native'

    return cpu
예제 #16
def get(flag='host'):
    if flag == 'host':
        mem_val = 'cstdlib'
    elif flag == 'target':
        mem_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_MEM')
        if not mem_val:
            comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
            if comm_val != 'none':
                mem_val = 'cstdlib'
        raise ValueError("Invalid flag: '{0}'".format(flag))
    return mem_val
예제 #17
파일: chpl_tasks.py 프로젝트: pk359/chapel
def get():
    tasks_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_TASKS')
    if not tasks_val:
        platform_val = chpl_platform.get()
        compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get('target')
        comm_val = chpl_comm.get()

        if (platform_val.startswith('cygwin') or
                platform_val.startswith('netbsd') or
                compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-cray'):
            tasks_val = 'fifo'
            tasks_val = 'qthreads'
    return tasks_val
예제 #18
def get():
    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    if comm_val == 'gasnet':
        segment_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_GASNET_SEGMENT')
        if not segment_val:
            substrate_val = chpl_comm_substrate.get()
            if substrate_val == 'portals' or substrate_val == 'gemini' or substrate_val == 'aries':
                segment_val = 'fast'
            elif substrate_val == 'ibv':
                segment_val = 'large'
                segment_val = 'everything'
        segment_val = 'none'
    return segment_val
예제 #19
def get():
    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    if comm_val == 'gasnet':
        segment_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_GASNET_SEGMENT')
        if not segment_val:
            substrate_val = chpl_comm_substrate.get()
            if substrate_val == 'portals' or substrate_val == 'gemini' or substrate_val == 'aries':
                segment_val = 'fast'
            elif substrate_val == 'ibv':
                segment_val = 'large'
                segment_val = 'everything'
        segment_val = 'none'
    return segment_val
예제 #20
def get():
    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    if comm_val == 'gasnet':
        segment_val = overrides.get('CHPL_GASNET_SEGMENT')
        if not segment_val:
            substrate_val = chpl_comm_substrate.get()
            if substrate_val in ('portals', 'gemini', 'aries', 'smp'):
                segment_val = 'fast'
            elif substrate_val == 'ibv':
                segment_val = 'large'
                segment_val = 'everything'
        segment_val = 'none'
    return segment_val
예제 #21
def get_good_nodepara():
    Get a "good" nodepara value: use up to 3 for comm=none testing, but limit
    to 1 for comm!=none since that's already oversubscribed.

    TODO: Consider increasing nodepara if no other shared jobs are running.
    Note: need to wait to do this until everybody's using slurm on chapcs.

    nodepara = 3
    if chpl_comm.get() != 'none':
        nodepara = 1
#    if get_num_shared_jobs_running() == 0:
#        nodepara += 1
    return nodepara
예제 #22
def get(flag='target'):
    if flag == 'network':
        atomics_val = overrides.get('CHPL_NETWORK_ATOMICS')
        if not atomics_val:
            comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
            if comm_val in ['ofi', 'ugni'] and get('target') != 'locks':
                atomics_val = comm_val
                atomics_val = 'none'
    elif flag == 'target':
        atomics_val = overrides.get('CHPL_ATOMICS')
        if not atomics_val:
            compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get('target')
            platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')

            # we currently support intrinsics for gcc, intel, cray and clang.
            # gcc added initial support in 4.1, and added support for 64 bit
            # atomics on 32 bit platforms with 4.8. clang and intel also
            # support 64 bit atomics on 32 bit platforms and the cray compiler
            # will never run on a 32 bit machine. For pgi or 32 bit platforms
            # with an older gcc, we fall back to locks
            if compiler_val in [
                    'gnu', 'cray-prgenv-gnu', 'mpi-gnu', 'aarch64-gnu'
                version = get_compiler_version('gnu')
                if version >= CompVersion('4.8'):
                    atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
                elif version >= CompVersion(
                        '4.1') and not platform_val.endswith('32'):
                    atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'intel' or compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-intel':
                atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-cray':
                atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val in ['allinea', 'cray-prgenv-allinea']:
                atomics_val = 'cstdlib'
            elif compiler_val == 'clang':
                atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'clang-included':
                atomics_val = 'intrinsics'

            # we can't use intrinsics, fall back to locks
            if not atomics_val:
                atomics_val = 'locks'
        error("Invalid flag: '{0}'".format(flag), ValueError)
    return atomics_val
예제 #23
def get():
    launcher_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_LAUNCHER')
    if not launcher_val:
        comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
        platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')
        compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get('target')

        if platform_val.startswith('cray-x'):
            has_aprun = utils.find_executable('aprun')
            has_slurm = utils.find_executable('srun')
            if has_aprun and has_slurm:
                launcher_val = 'none'
            elif has_aprun:
                launcher_val = 'aprun'
            elif has_slurm:
                launcher_val = 'slurm-srun'
        elif platform_val == 'marenostrum':
            launcher_val = 'marenostrum'
        elif compiler_val == 'tile-cc':
            launcher_val = 'tile-monitor'
        elif comm_val == 'gasnet':
            substrate_val = chpl_comm_substrate.get()
            if substrate_val == 'udp':
                launcher_val = 'amudprun'
            elif substrate_val == 'mpi':
                launcher_val = 'gasnetrun_mpi'
            elif substrate_val == 'ibv':
                if platform_val == 'pwr6':
                    # our loadleveler launcher is not yet portable/stable/
                    # flexible enough to serve as a good default
                    #launcher_val = 'loadleveler'
                    launcher_val = 'none'
                    launcher_val = 'gasnetrun_ibv'
            elif substrate_val == 'mxm':
                launcher_val = 'gasnetrun_ibv'
            elif substrate_val == 'lapi':
                # our loadleveler launcher is not yet portable/stable/flexible
                # enough to serve as a good default
                #launcher_val = 'loadleveler'
                launcher_val = 'none'
        elif comm_val == 'mpi':
            launcher_val = 'mpirun'
            launcher_val = 'none'
    return launcher_val
예제 #24
def get(flag='target'):
    if flag == 'network':
        atomics_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_NETWORK_ATOMICS')
        if not atomics_val:
            if chpl_comm.get() == 'ugni':
                atomics_val = 'ugni'
                atomics_val = 'none'
    elif flag == 'target':
        atomics_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_ATOMICS')
        if not atomics_val:
            compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get('target')
            platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')

            # we currently support intrinsics for gcc, intel, cray and clang.
            # gcc added initial support in 4.1, and added support for 64 bit
            # atomics on 32 bit platforms with 4.8. clang and intel also
            # support 64 bit atomics on 32 bit platforms and the cray compiler
            # will never run on a 32 bit machine. For pgi or 32 bit platforms
            # with an older gcc, we fall back to locks
            if compiler_val == 'gnu' or compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-gnu':
                version = utils.get_compiler_version('gnu')
                if version.major > 4:
                    atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
                if version.major == 4:
                    if version.minor >= 8:
                        atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
                    elif version.minor >= 1 and not platform_val.endswith(
                        atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'intel' or compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-intel':
                atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-cray':
                atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'clang':
                atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'clang-included':
                atomics_val = 'intrinsics'

            # we can't use intrinsics, fall back to locks
            if not atomics_val:
                atomics_val = 'locks'
        raise ValueError("Invalid flag: '{0}'".format(flag))
    return atomics_val
예제 #25
def get():
    substrate_val = overrides.get('CHPL_COMM_SUBSTRATE')
    if not substrate_val:
        comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
        platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')

        if comm_val == 'gasnet':
            if platform_val == 'cray-xc':
                substrate_val = 'aries'
            elif platform_val in ('cray-cs', 'hpe-apollo'):
                substrate_val = 'ibv'
            elif platform_val == 'pwr6':
                substrate_val = 'ibv'
                substrate_val = 'udp'
            substrate_val = 'none'
    return substrate_val
예제 #26
def get():
    tasks_val = os.environ.get("CHPL_TASKS")
    if not tasks_val:
        arch_val = chpl_arch.get("target", get_lcd=True)
        platform_val = chpl_platform.get()
        compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get("target")
        comm_val = chpl_comm.get()

        if (
            arch_val == "knc"
            or platform_val.startswith("cygwin")
            or platform_val.startswith("netbsd")
            or compiler_val == "cray-prgenv-cray"
            tasks_val = "fifo"
            tasks_val = "qthreads"
    return tasks_val
예제 #27
def get():
    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    if comm_val == 'gasnet':
        segment_val = overrides.get('CHPL_GASNET_SEGMENT')
        if not segment_val:
            substrate_val = chpl_comm_substrate.get()
            platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')
            if substrate_val in ('aries', 'smp', 'ucx'):
                segment_val = 'fast'
            elif substrate_val == 'ofi' and platform_val == 'hpe-cray-ex':
                segment_val = 'fast'
            elif substrate_val == 'ibv':
                segment_val = 'large'
                segment_val = 'everything'
        segment_val = 'none'
    return segment_val
예제 #28
def get(flag='target'):
    if flag == 'network':
        atomics_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_NETWORK_ATOMICS')
        if not atomics_val:
            if chpl_comm.get() == 'ugni':
                atomics_val = 'ugni'
                atomics_val = 'none'
    elif flag == 'target':
        atomics_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_ATOMICS')
        if not atomics_val:
            compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get('target')
            platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')

            # we currently support intrinsics for gcc, intel, cray and clang.
            # gcc added initial support in 4.1, and added support for 64 bit
            # atomics on 32 bit platforms with 4.8. clang and intel also
            # support 64 bit atomics on 32 bit platforms and the cray compiler
            # will never run on a 32 bit machine. For pgi or 32 bit platforms
            # with an older gcc, we fall back to locks
            if compiler_val == 'gnu' or compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-gnu':
                version = utils.get_compiler_version('gnu')
                if version.major > 4:
                    atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
                if version.major == 4:
                    if version.minor >= 8:
                        atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
                    elif version.minor >= 1 and not platform_val.endswith('32'):
                        atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'intel' or compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-intel':
                atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-cray':
                atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'clang':
                atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'clang-included':
                atomics_val = 'intrinsics'

            # we can't use intrinsics, fall back to locks
            if not atomics_val:
                atomics_val = 'locks'
        raise ValueError("Invalid flag: '{0}'".format(flag))
    return atomics_val
예제 #29
def get():
    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    if comm_val == 'ofi':
        libfabric_val = overrides.get('CHPL_LIBFABRIC')
        platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')
        if not libfabric_val:
            if platform_val == 'cray-shasta':
                libfabric_val = 'system'
                libfabric_val = 'libfabric'
        if libfabric_val == 'none':
            error("CHPL_LIBFABRIC must not be 'none' when CHPL_COMM is ofi")
        if platform_val == 'cray-shasta' and libfabric_val != 'system':
            sys.stderr.write('Warning: CHPL_LIBFABRIC!=system is discouraged '
                             'on Shasta\n')
        libfabric_val = 'none'

    return libfabric_val
예제 #30
파일: chpl_arch.py 프로젝트: simoll/chapel
def verify_arch(arch, flag):
    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get(flag)
    platform_val = chpl_platform.get(flag)
    isprgenv = compiler_is_prgenv(compiler_val)

    # Only try to do any architecture verification when:
    # comm == none  -- The inverse means that we are probably cross-compiling.
    # linux/dawin/  -- The only platforms that we should try and detect on.
    # cygwin           Crays will be handled through the craype-* modules
    check_arch = False
    if not isprgenv:
        if flag == 'target':
            if comm_val == 'none':
                if ('linux' in platform_val or platform_val == 'darwin'
                        or platform_val.startswith('cygwin')):
                    check_arch = True
        if flag == 'host':
            check_arch = True

    if check_arch and arch and arch not in ['none', 'unknown', 'native']:
        # Print a friendly warning if it's unlikely the user could run
        # their program. This could be printed in cross-compilation settings.
        machine = machine_for_arch(arch)
        cur_machine = get_native_machine()
        warn = (machine != cur_machine)

            vendor_string, feature_string = get_cpuinfo(platform_val)
            detected_arch = feature_sets.find(vendor_string, feature_string)
            if not feature_sets.subset(arch, detected_arch):
                warn = True
        except ValueError:
                "Warning: Unknown platform, could not find CPU information\n")

        if warn:
            stderr.write("Warning: The supplied processor type does "
                         "not appear to be compatible with the host "
                         "processor type. The resultant binary may "
                         "not run on the current machine.\n")
예제 #31
def get(flag='target'):
    if flag == 'network':
        atomics_val = overrides.get('CHPL_NETWORK_ATOMICS')
        if not atomics_val:
            if chpl_comm.get() == 'ugni' and get('target') != 'locks':
                atomics_val = 'ugni'
                atomics_val = 'none'
    elif flag == 'target':
        atomics_val = overrides.get('CHPL_ATOMICS')
        if not atomics_val:
            compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get('target')
            platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')

            # we currently support intrinsics for gcc, intel, cray and clang.
            # gcc added initial support in 4.1, and added support for 64 bit
            # atomics on 32 bit platforms with 4.8. clang and intel also
            # support 64 bit atomics on 32 bit platforms and the cray compiler
            # will never run on a 32 bit machine. For pgi or 32 bit platforms
            # with an older gcc, we fall back to locks
            if compiler_val in ['gnu', 'cray-prgenv-gnu', 'mpi-gnu', 'aarch64-gnu']:
                version = get_compiler_version('gnu')
                if version >= CompVersion('4.8'):
                    atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
                elif version >= CompVersion('4.1') and not platform_val.endswith('32'):
                    atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'intel' or compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-intel':
                atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-cray':
                atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val in ['allinea', 'cray-prgenv-allinea']:
                atomics_val = 'cstdlib'
            elif compiler_val == 'clang':
                atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'clang-included':
                atomics_val = 'intrinsics'

            # we can't use intrinsics, fall back to locks
            if not atomics_val:
                atomics_val = 'locks'
        error("Invalid flag: '{0}'".format(flag), ValueError)
    return atomics_val
예제 #32
def get():
    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    if comm_val == 'ofi':
        libfabric_val = overrides.get('CHPL_LIBFABRIC')
        platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')
        if not libfabric_val:
            cmd_exists, returncode = try_run_command(
                ['pkg-config', '--exists', 'libfabric'])[0:2]
            if cmd_exists and returncode == 0:
                libfabric_val = 'system'
                libfabric_val = 'bundled'
        if libfabric_val == 'none':
            error("CHPL_LIBFABRIC must not be 'none' when CHPL_COMM is ofi")
        if platform_val == 'hpe-cray-ex' and libfabric_val != 'system':
            warning('CHPL_LIBFABRIC!=system is discouraged on HPE Cray EX')
        libfabric_val = 'none'

    return libfabric_val
예제 #33
def get(flag='host'):
    if flag == 'host':
        mem_val = 'default'
    elif flag == 'target':
        mem_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_MEM')
        if not mem_val:
            comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
            if comm_val == 'gasnet':
                segment_val = chpl_comm_segment.get()
                if segment_val == 'fast' or segment_val == 'large':
                    mem_val = 'dlmalloc'
                    mem_val = 'default'
            elif comm_val == 'ugni':
                mem_val = 'tcmalloc'
                mem_val = 'default'
        raise ValueError("Invalid flag: '{0}'".format(flag))
    return mem_val
예제 #34
def get():
    libfabric_val = overrides.get('CHPL_LIBFABRIC')
    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    if not libfabric_val:
        if comm_val == 'ofi':
            libfabric_val = 'system'
            libfabric_val = 'none'

    if comm_val == 'ofi' and libfabric_val == 'none':
        error("CHPL_LIBFABRIC must not be 'none' when CHPL_COMM is ofi")

    if comm_val != 'ofi' and libfabric_val != 'none':
        error("CHPL_LIBFABRIC must be 'none' when CHPL_COMM is not ofi")

    if libfabric_val == 'libfabric':
            "Using CHPL_LIBFABRIC=libfabric is not yet supported."
            "\nUse CHPL_LIBFABRIC=system instead.", ValueError)
    return libfabric_val
예제 #35
def get(flag="target"):
    if flag == "network":
        atomics_val = os.environ.get("CHPL_NETWORK_ATOMICS")
        if not atomics_val:
            if chpl_comm.get() == "ugni":
                atomics_val = "ugni"
                atomics_val = "none"
    elif flag == "target":
        atomics_val = os.environ.get("CHPL_ATOMICS")
        if not atomics_val:
            compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get("target")
            platform_val = chpl_platform.get("target")

            # we currently support intrinsics for gcc, intel, cray and clang.
            # gcc added initial support in 4.1, and added support for 64 bit
            # atomics on 32 bit platforms with 4.8. clang and intel also
            # support 64 bit atomics on 32 bit platforms and the cray compiler
            # will never run on a 32 bit machine. For pgi or 32 bit platforms
            # with an older gcc, we fall back to locks
            if compiler_val == "gnu" or compiler_val == "cray-prgenv-gnu":
                version = utils.get_compiler_version("gnu")
                if version >= CompVersion("4.8"):
                    atomics_val = "intrinsics"
                elif version >= CompVersion("4.1") and not platform_val.endswith("32"):
                    atomics_val = "intrinsics"
            elif compiler_val == "intel" or compiler_val == "cray-prgenv-intel":
                atomics_val = "intrinsics"
            elif compiler_val == "cray-prgenv-cray":
                atomics_val = "intrinsics"
            elif compiler_val == "clang":
                atomics_val = "intrinsics"
            elif compiler_val == "clang-included":
                atomics_val = "intrinsics"

            # we can't use intrinsics, fall back to locks
            if not atomics_val:
                atomics_val = "locks"
        raise ValueError("Invalid flag: '{0}'".format(flag))
    return atomics_val
예제 #36
def get():
    tasks_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_TASKS')
    if not tasks_val:
        arch_val = chpl_arch.get('target', get_lcd=True)
        platform_val = chpl_platform.get()
        compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get('target')
        comm_val = chpl_comm.get()

        # use muxed on cray-x* machines using the module and supported compiler
        if (comm_val == 'ugni' and platform_val.startswith('cray-x')
                and utils.using_chapel_module()
                and compiler_val in ('cray-prgenv-gnu', 'cray-prgenv-intel')
                and arch_val != 'knc'):
            tasks_val = 'muxed'
        elif (arch_val == 'knc' or platform_val.startswith('cygwin')
              or platform_val.startswith('netbsd')
              or compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-cray'):
            tasks_val = 'fifo'
            tasks_val = 'qthreads'
    return tasks_val
예제 #37
def gather_pe_chpl_pkgconfig_libs():
    # Don't do anything if we aren't using a PrgEnv compiler
    if chpl_compiler.get_prgenv_compiler() == 'none':
        return ""

    import chpl_comm, chpl_comm_substrate, chpl_aux_filesys, chpl_libfabric

    platform = chpl_platform.get('target')
    comm = chpl_comm.get()
    substrate = chpl_comm_substrate.get()
    auxfs = chpl_aux_filesys.get()

    ret = os.environ.get('PE_CHAPEL_PKGCONFIG_LIBS', '')
    if comm != 'none':
        if platform != 'hpe-cray-ex':
            # Adding -lhugetlbfs gets the PrgEnv driver to add the appropriate
            # linker option for static linking with it. While it's not always
            # used with Chapel programs, it is expected to be the common case
            # when running on a Cray X*, so just always linking it is ok.
            # (We don't add it for HPE Cray EX systems, where it's not needed.)
            ret = 'craype-hugetlbfs:cray-pmi:' + ret

        if platform.startswith('cray-x'):
            ret = 'cray-ugni:' + ret

        if comm == 'gasnet' and substrate == 'aries':
            ret = 'cray-udreg:' + ret

        if comm == 'ofi' and chpl_libfabric.get() == 'system':
            ret = 'libfabric:' + ret

        # on login/compute nodes, lustre requires the devel api to make
        # lustre/lustreapi.h available (it's implicitly available on esl nodes)
        if 'lustre' in auxfs:
            exists, returncode, out, err = try_run_command(
                ['pkg-config', '--exists', 'cray-lustre-api-devel'])
            if exists and returncode == 0:
                ret = 'cray-lustre-api-devel:' + ret

    return ret
예제 #38
def verify_cpu(cpu, flag):
    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get(flag)
    platform_val = chpl_platform.get(flag)
    isprgenv = compiler_is_prgenv(compiler_val)

    # Only try to do any architecture verification when:
    # comm == none  -- The inverse means that we are probably cross-compiling.
    # linux/dawin/  -- The only platforms that we should try and detect on.
    # cygwin           Crays will be handled through the craype-* modules
    check_cpu = False
    if not isprgenv:
        if flag == 'target':
            if comm_val == 'none':
                if ('linux' in platform_val or
                     platform_val == 'darwin' or
                    check_cpu = True
        if flag == 'host':
            check_cpu = True

    if check_cpu and cpu and cpu not in  ['none', 'unknown', 'native']:
        # Print a friendly warning if it's unlikely the user could run
        # their program. This could be printed in cross-compilation settings.
        warn = False
            vendor_string, feature_string = get_cpuinfo(platform_val)
            detected_cpu = feature_sets.find(vendor_string, feature_string)
            if not feature_sets.subset(cpu, detected_cpu):
                warn = True
        except ValueError:
            stderr.write("Warning: Unknown platform, could not find CPU information\n")

        if warn:
                stderr.write("Warning: The supplied processor type does "
                             "not appear to be compatible with the host "
                             "processor type. The resultant binary may "
                             "not run on the current machine.\n")
예제 #39
def verify_cpu(cpu, flag):
    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get(flag)
    platform_val = chpl_platform.get(flag)

    # Only try to do any architecture verification when:
    # comm == none  -- The inverse means that we are probably cross-compiling.
    # linux/dawin/  -- The only platforms that we should try and detect on.
    # cygwin           Crays will be handled through the craype-* modules
    check_cpu = False
    if flag == 'target':
        if comm_val == 'none':
            if not target_compiler_is_prgenv():
                if ('linux' in platform_val or
                     platform_val == 'darwin' or
                    check_cpu = True
        if flag == 'host':
            check_cpu = True

    if check_cpu and cpu and cpu not in  ['none', 'unknown', 'native']:
        # Print a friendly warning if it's unlikely the user could run
        # their program. This could be printed in cross-compilation settings.
        warn = False
            vendor_string, feature_string = get_cpuinfo(platform_val)
            detected_cpu = feature_sets.find(vendor_string, feature_string)
            if not feature_sets.subset(cpu, detected_cpu):
                warn = True
        except ValueError:
            warning("Unknown platform, could not find CPU information")

        if warn:
                warning("The supplied processor type does not appear to be "
                        "compatible with the host processor type. The "
                        "resultant binary may not run on the current machine.")
예제 #40
def get(flag='target'):
    if flag == 'network':
        atomics_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_NETWORK_ATOMICS')
        if not atomics_val:
            if chpl_comm.get() == 'ugni':
                atomics_val = 'ugni'
                atomics_val = 'none'
    elif flag == 'target':
        atomics_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_ATOMICS')
        if not atomics_val:
            compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get('target')
            platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')

            # we currently support intrinsics for 64 bit platforms using gcc,
            # intel, or cray compilers but not pgi. pgi does not have support
            # for atomic intrinsics so we revert to locks for that case. We
            # could add support for 32-bit platforms and only use locks for
            # 64-bit atomics but we can cross that bridge when we get there.
            if platform_val != "linux32":
                if compiler_val == 'gnu' or compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-gnu':
                    version = utils.get_compiler_version('gnu')
                    if version >= 4.1:
                        atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
                elif 'intel' in compiler_val or compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-intel':
                    atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
                elif compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-cray':
                    atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
                elif 'clang' in compiler_val:
                    atomics_val = 'intrinsics'

            # we can't use intrinsics, fall back to locks
            if not atomics_val:
                atomics_val = 'locks'
        raise ValueError("Invalid flag: '{0}'".format(flag))
    return atomics_val
예제 #41
def get(flag='target'):
    if flag == 'network':
        atomics_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_NETWORK_ATOMICS')
        if not atomics_val:
            if chpl_comm.get() == 'ugni':
                atomics_val = 'ugni'
                atomics_val = 'none'
    elif flag == 'target':
        atomics_val = os.environ.get('CHPL_ATOMICS')
        if not atomics_val:
            compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get('target')
            platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')

            # we currently support intrinsics for 64 bit platforms using gcc,
            # intel, or cray compilers but not pgi. pgi does not have support
            # for atomic intrinsics so we revert to locks for that case. We
            # could add support for 32-bit platforms and only use locks for
            # 64-bit atomics but we can cross that bridge when we get there.
            if platform_val != "linux32":
                if compiler_val == 'gnu' or compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-gnu':
                    version = utils.get_compiler_version('gnu')
                    if version >= 4.1:
                        atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
                elif 'intel' in compiler_val or compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-intel':
                    atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
                elif compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-cray':
                    atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
                elif 'clang' in compiler_val:
                    atomics_val = 'intrinsics'

            # we can't use intrinsics, fall back to locks
            if not atomics_val:
                atomics_val = 'locks'
        raise ValueError("Invalid flag: '{0}'".format(flag))
    return atomics_val
예제 #42
def default_cpu(flag):
    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get(flag)
    platform_val = chpl_platform.get(flag)

    cpu = 'unknown'

    if comm_val == 'none' and ('linux' in platform_val
                               or platform_val == 'darwin'
                               or platform_val.startswith('cygwin')):
        # Clang cannot detect the architecture for aarch64.  Otherwise,
        # let the backend compiler do the actual feature set detection. We
        # could be more aggressive in setting a precise architecture using
        # the double checking code above, but it seems like a waste of time
        # to not use the work the backend compilers have already done
        if compiler_val in ['clang', 'clang-included']:
            if get_native_machine() == 'aarch64':
                cpu = 'unknown'
                cpu = 'native'
            cpu = 'native'

    return cpu
예제 #43
파일: chpl_cpu.py 프로젝트: gbtitus/chapel
def default_cpu(flag):
    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get(flag)
    platform_val = chpl_platform.get(flag)

    cpu = 'unknown'

    if comm_val == 'none' and ('linux' in platform_val or
                               platform_val == 'darwin' or
      # Clang cannot detect the architecture for aarch64.  Otherwise,
      # let the backend compiler do the actual feature set detection. We
      # could be more aggressive in setting a precise architecture using
      # the double checking code above, but it seems like a waste of time
      # to not use the work the backend compilers have already done
      if compiler_val in ['clang', 'clang-included']:
          if get_native_machine() == 'aarch64':
              cpu = 'unknown'
              cpu = 'native'
            cpu = 'native'

    return cpu
예제 #44
def get(flag='target'):
    if flag == 'network':
        atomics_val = overrides.get('CHPL_NETWORK_ATOMICS')
        if not atomics_val:
            comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
            if comm_val in ['ofi', 'ugni'] and get('target') != 'locks':
                atomics_val = comm_val
                atomics_val = 'none'
    elif flag == 'target':
        atomics_val = overrides.get('CHPL_ATOMICS')
        if not atomics_val:
            compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get('target')
            platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')

            # We default to C standard atomics (cstdlib) for gcc 5 and newer.
            # Some prior versions of gcc look like they support standard
            # atomics, but have buggy or missing parts of the implementation,
            # so we do not try to use cstdlib with gcc < 5. If support is
            # detected for clang (via preprocessor checks) we also default to
            # cstdlib atomics. For llvm/clang-included we always default to
            # cstdlib atomics. We know our clang-included will have compiler
            # support for atomics and llvm requires gcc 4.8 (or a compiler with
            # equivalent features) to be built so we know we'll have system
            # header support too.
            # We support intrinsics for gcc, intel, cray and clang. gcc added
            # initial support in 4.1, and added support for 64-bit atomics on
            # 32-bit platforms with 4.8. clang and intel also support 64-bit
            # atomics on 32-bit platforms and the cray compiler will never run
            # on a 32-bit machine.
            # For pgi or 32-bit platforms with an older gcc, we fall back to
            # locks
            if compiler_val in ['gnu', 'cray-prgenv-gnu', 'mpi-gnu']:
                version = get_compiler_version('gnu')
                if version >= CompVersion('5.0'):
                    atomics_val = 'cstdlib'
                elif version >= CompVersion('4.8'):
                    atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
                elif version >= CompVersion('4.1') and not platform_val.endswith('32'):
                    atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'intel' or compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-intel':
                atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-cray':
                atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val in ['allinea', 'cray-prgenv-allinea']:
                atomics_val = 'cstdlib'
            elif compiler_val == 'clang':
                if has_std_atomics(compiler_val):
                    atomics_val = 'cstdlib'
                    atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'clang-included':
                atomics_val = 'cstdlib'

            # we can't use intrinsics, fall back to locks
            if not atomics_val:
                atomics_val = 'locks'
        error("Invalid flag: '{0}'".format(flag), ValueError)
    return atomics_val
예제 #45
파일: chpl_arch.py 프로젝트: DawidvC/chapel
def get(location, map_to_compiler=False, get_lcd=False):

    arch_tuple = collections.namedtuple('arch_tuple', ['flag', 'arch'])

    if not location or location == "host":
        arch = overrides.get('CHPL_HOST_ARCH', '')
    elif location == 'target':
        arch = overrides.get('CHPL_TARGET_ARCH', '')
        raise InvalidLocationError(location)

    # fast path out for when the user has set arch=none
    if arch == 'none':
        return arch_tuple('none', arch)

    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get(location)
    platform_val = chpl_platform.get(location)

    isprgenv = compiler_is_prgenv(compiler_val)
    if compiler_val == 'clang-included':
      isprgenv = compiler_is_prgenv(chpl_compiler.get(location,

    if isprgenv:
        cray_arch = os.environ.get('CRAY_CPU_TARGET', 'none')
        if arch and (arch != 'none' and arch != 'unknown' and arch != cray_arch):
            stderr.write("Warning: Setting the processor type through "
                         "environment variables is not supported for "
                         "cray-prgenv-*. Please use the appropriate craype-* "
                         "module for your processor type.\n")
        arch = cray_arch
        if arch == 'none':
            stderr.write("Warning: No craype-* processor type module was "
                         "detected, please load the appropriate one if you want "
                         "any specialization to occur.\n")
        if get_lcd:
            arch = get_module_lcd_arch(platform_val, arch)
            if arch == 'none':
                stderr.write("Warning: Could not detect the lowest common "
                             "denominator processor type for this platform. "
                             "You may be unable to use the Chapel compiler\n")
        if is_known_arm(arch):
            return arch_tuple('cpu', arch)
            return arch_tuple('arch', arch)
    elif 'pgi' in compiler_val:
        return arch_tuple('none', 'none')
    elif 'cray' in compiler_val:
        return arch_tuple('none', 'none')
    elif 'ibm' in compiler_val:
        return arch_tuple('none', 'none')

    # Only try to do any auto-detection or verification when:
    # comm == none  -- The inverse means that we are probably cross-compiling.
    # linux/dawin/  -- The only platforms that we should try and detect on.
    # cygwin           Crays will be handled through the craype-* modules
    if comm_val == 'none' and ('linux' in platform_val or
                               platform_val == 'darwin' or
        if arch and arch not in  ['none', 'unknown', 'native']:
            if location == 'host':
                # when a user supplies an architecture, and it seems reasonable
                # to double check their choice we do so. This will only
                # generate a warning that the user may not be able to run
                # whatever they compile.
                # This only runs when location is 'host' since we
                # conservatively assume that a setting for 'target' could be in
                # a cross-compilation setting
                    vendor_string, feature_string = get_cpuinfo(platform_val)
                    detected_arch = feature_sets.find(vendor_string, feature_string)
                    if not feature_sets.subset(arch, detected_arch):
                        stderr.write("Warning: The supplied processor type does "
                                     "not appear to be compatible with the host "
                                     "processor type. The resultant binary may "
                                     "not run on the current machine.\n")
                except ValueError:
                    stderr.write("Warning: Unknown platform, could not find CPU information\n")
            # Clang cannot detect the architecture for aarch64.  Otherwise,
            # let the backend compiler do the actual feature set detection. We
            # could be more aggressive in setting a precise architecture using
            # the double checking code above, but it seems like a waste of time
            # to not use the work the backend compilers have already done
            if compiler_val in ['clang', 'clang-included']:
                if get_native_machine() == 'aarch64':
                    arch = 'unknown'
                    arch = 'native'
                arch = 'native'

    if map_to_compiler:
        version = get_compiler_version(compiler_val)
        (flag, arch) = argument_map.find(arch, compiler_val, version)
    elif arch and arch != 'none' and arch != 'unknown':
        if is_known_arm(arch):
            flag = 'cpu'
            flag = 'arch'
        flag = 'none'

    return arch_tuple(flag or 'none', arch or 'unknown')
예제 #46
def get(flag='target'):
    if flag == 'network':
        atomics_val = overrides.get('CHPL_NETWORK_ATOMICS')
        if not atomics_val:
            comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
            if comm_val in ['ofi', 'ugni'] and get('target') != 'locks':
                atomics_val = comm_val
                atomics_val = 'none'
    elif flag == 'target':
        atomics_val = overrides.get('CHPL_ATOMICS')
        if not atomics_val:
            compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get('target')
            platform_val = chpl_platform.get('target')

            # We default to C standard atomics (cstdlib) for gcc 5 and newer.
            # Some prior versions of gcc look like they support standard
            # atomics, but have buggy or missing parts of the implementation,
            # so we do not try to use cstdlib with gcc < 5. If support is
            # detected for clang (via preprocessor checks) we also default to
            # cstdlib atomics. For llvm/clang-included we always default to
            # cstdlib atomics. We know our clang-included will have compiler
            # support for atomics and llvm requires gcc 4.8 (or a compiler with
            # equivalent features) to be built so we know we'll have system
            # header support too.
            # We support intrinsics for gcc, intel, cray and clang. gcc added
            # initial support in 4.1, and added support for 64-bit atomics on
            # 32-bit platforms with 4.8. clang and intel also support 64-bit
            # atomics on 32-bit platforms and the cray compiler will never run
            # on a 32-bit machine.
            # For pgi or 32-bit platforms with an older gcc, we fall back to
            # locks
            if compiler_val in ['gnu', 'cray-prgenv-gnu', 'mpi-gnu']:
                version = get_compiler_version('gnu')
                if version >= CompVersion('5.0'):
                    atomics_val = 'cstdlib'
                elif version >= CompVersion('4.8'):
                    atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
                elif version >= CompVersion(
                        '4.1') and not platform_val.endswith('32'):
                    atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'intel' or compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-intel':
                atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'cray-prgenv-cray':
                atomics_val = 'cstdlib'
            elif compiler_val in ['allinea', 'cray-prgenv-allinea']:
                atomics_val = 'cstdlib'
            elif compiler_val == 'clang':
                if has_std_atomics(compiler_val):
                    atomics_val = 'cstdlib'
                    atomics_val = 'intrinsics'
            elif compiler_val == 'clang-included':
                atomics_val = 'cstdlib'

            # we can't use intrinsics, fall back to locks
            if not atomics_val:
                atomics_val = 'locks'
        error("Invalid flag: '{0}'".format(flag), ValueError)
    return atomics_val
예제 #47
def get(location, map_to_compiler=False, get_lcd=False):

    if not location or location == "host":
        arch = os.environ.get('CHPL_HOST_ARCH', '')
    elif location == 'target':
        arch = os.environ.get('CHPL_TARGET_ARCH', '')
        raise InvalidLocationError(location)

    # fast path out for when the user has set arch=none
    if arch == 'none':
        return arch

    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get(location)
    platform_val = chpl_platform.get(location)

    if compiler_val.startswith('cray-prgenv'):
        if arch and (arch != 'none' or arch != 'unknown'):
            stderr.write("Warning: Setting the processor type through "
                         "environment variables is not supported for "
                         "cray-prgenv-*. Please use the appropriate craype-* "
                         "module for your processor type.\n")
        arch = os.environ.get('CRAY_CPU_TARGET', 'none')
        if arch == 'none':
                "Warning: No craype-* processor type module was "
                "detected, please load the appropriate one if you want "
                "any specialization to occur.\n")
        if get_lcd:
            arch = get_module_lcd_arch(platform_val, arch)
            if arch == 'none':
                stderr.write("Warning: Could not detect the lowest common "
                             "denominator processor type for this platform. "
                             "You may be unable to use the Chapel compiler\n")
        return arch
    elif 'pgi' in compiler_val:
        return 'none'
    elif 'cray' in compiler_val:
        return 'none'
    elif 'ibm' in compiler_val:
        return 'none'

    # Only try to do any auto-detection or verification when:
    # comm == none  -- The inverse means that we are probably cross-compiling.
    # linux/dawin/  -- The only platforms that we should try and detect on.
    # cygwin           Crays will be handled through the craype-* modules
    if comm_val == 'none' and ('linux' in platform_val
                               or platform_val == 'darwin'
                               or platform_val.startswith('cygwin')):
        if arch:
            if arch != 'knc' and not location or location == 'host':
                # when a user supplies an architecture, and it seems reasonable
                # to double check their choice we do so. This will only
                # generate a warning that the user may not be able to run
                # whatever they compile.
                # This only runs when location is 'host' since we
                # conservatively assume that a setting for 'target' could be in
                # a cross-compilation setting
                    vendor_string, feature_string = get_cpuinfo(platform_val)
                    detected_arch = feature_sets.find(vendor_string,
                    if not feature_sets.subset(arch, detected_arch):
                            "Warning: The supplied processor type does "
                            "not appear to be compatible with the host "
                            "processor type. The resultant binary may "
                            "not run on the current machine.\n")
                except ValueError:
                        "Warning: Unknown platform, could not find CPU information\n"
            # let the backend compiler do the actual feature set detection. We
            # could be more aggressive in setting a precise architecture using
            # the double checking code above, but it seems like a waste of time
            # to not use the work the backend compilers have already done
            arch = 'native'

    if map_to_compiler:
        version = utils.get_compiler_version(compiler_val)
        arch = argument_map.find(arch, compiler_val, version)

    return arch or 'unknown'
예제 #48
        if not self.help_text or not isinstance(self.help_text, basestring):
            raise ValueError(
                'help_text must be a non-empty string: {0}'.format(

"""Dimensions this script knows about when compiling chapel. Order determines
how they will show up in the usage and what order is used in interactive mode.
Dimensions = [
        values=['none', 'gasnet'],
        help_text='Chapel communication ({var_name}) value to build.',
        values=['fifo', 'qthreads'],
        help_text='Tasks ({var_name}) values to build.',
        values=['cstdlib', 'jemalloc'],
        help_text='Memory allocator ({var_name}) values to build.',
예제 #49
        if not self.default or not isinstance(self.default, basestring):
            raise ValueError('default must be a non-empty string: {0}'.format(
        if not self.help_text or not isinstance(self.help_text, basestring):
            raise ValueError('help_text must be a non-empty string: {0}'.format(

"""Dimensions this script knows about when compiling chapel. Order determines
how they will show up in the usage and what order is used in interactive mode.
Dimensions = [
        'comm', 'CHPL_COMM',
        values=['none', 'gasnet'],
        help_text='Chapel communcation ({var_name}) value to build.',
        'task', 'CHPL_TASKS',
        values=['fifo', 'qthreads'],
        help_text='Tasks ({var_name}) values to build.',
        'mem', 'CHPL_MEM',
        values=['cstdlib', 'tcmalloc', 'jemalloc', 'dlmalloc'],
        help_text='Memory allocator ({var_name}) values to build.',
예제 #50
def get(location, map_to_compiler=False, get_lcd=False):

    if not location or location == "host":
        arch = os.environ.get("CHPL_HOST_ARCH", "")
    elif location == "target":
        arch = os.environ.get("CHPL_TARGET_ARCH", "")
        raise InvalidLocationError(location)

    # fast path out for when the user has set arch=none
    if arch == "none":
        return arch

    comm_val = chpl_comm.get()
    compiler_val = chpl_compiler.get(location)
    platform_val = chpl_platform.get(location)

    isprgenv = utils.compiler_is_prgenv(compiler_val)

    if isprgenv:
        if arch and (arch != "none" or arch != "unknown"):
                "Warning: Setting the processor type through "
                "environment variables is not supported for "
                "cray-prgenv-*. Please use the appropriate craype-* "
                "module for your processor type.\n"
        arch = os.environ.get("CRAY_CPU_TARGET", "none")
        if arch == "none":
                "Warning: No craype-* processor type module was "
                "detected, please load the appropriate one if you want "
                "any specialization to occur.\n"
        if get_lcd:
            arch = get_module_lcd_arch(platform_val, arch)
            if arch == "none":
                    "Warning: Could not detect the lowest common "
                    "denominator processor type for this platform. "
                    "You may be unable to use the Chapel compiler\n"
        return arch
    elif "pgi" in compiler_val:
        return "none"
    elif "cray" in compiler_val:
        return "none"
    elif "ibm" in compiler_val:
        return "none"

    # Only try to do any auto-detection or verification when:
    # comm == none  -- The inverse means that we are probably cross-compiling.
    # linux/dawin/  -- The only platforms that we should try and detect on.
    # cygwin           Crays will be handled through the craype-* modules
    if comm_val == "none" and (
        "linux" in platform_val or platform_val == "darwin" or platform_val.startswith("cygwin")
        if arch and arch not in ["none", "unknown", "native"]:
            if location == "host":
                # when a user supplies an architecture, and it seems reasonable
                # to double check their choice we do so. This will only
                # generate a warning that the user may not be able to run
                # whatever they compile.
                # This only runs when location is 'host' since we
                # conservatively assume that a setting for 'target' could be in
                # a cross-compilation setting
                    vendor_string, feature_string = get_cpuinfo(platform_val)
                    detected_arch = feature_sets.find(vendor_string, feature_string)
                    if not feature_sets.subset(arch, detected_arch):
                            "Warning: The supplied processor type does "
                            "not appear to be compatible with the host "
                            "processor type. The resultant binary may "
                            "not run on the current machine.\n"
                except ValueError:
                    stderr.write("Warning: Unknown platform, could not find CPU information\n")
            # let the backend compiler do the actual feature set detection. We
            # could be more aggressive in setting a precise architecture using
            # the double checking code above, but it seems like a waste of time
            # to not use the work the backend compilers have already done
            arch = "native"

    if map_to_compiler:
        version = utils.get_compiler_version(compiler_val)
        arch = argument_map.find(arch, compiler_val, version)

    return arch or "unknown"