def create_these_cals(db, credentials, instructorUserList, thisTerm, domain, calExists, dstLastYear, dstThisYear, dstNextYear, holidayList, instance, setTrace=False): if setTrace: pdb.set_trace() rightNow = now = rightNow.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H_%M_%S") processLog = "blackboardCal%d-%s" % (instance, now) logName= "%s.log" % processLog logfile = open(logName, 'w') logName= "%s.err" % processLog errorfile = open(logName, 'w') logName = "%s.enc" % processLog eventsfile = open(logName, 'w') subClasses = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) # used to grab class information subMeetings = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) # used to grab class meeting information subUpdateTable = db.cursor() # used to update the database with calendar information # setting some variables entry = "" requestor="" defaultSummary = "This is the \"Active\" calendar maintained by the instructor for this course. You were automatically " defaultSummary = defaultSummary + "subscribed to this calendar when you enrolled in this course. Initial scheduling information was " defaultSummary = defaultSummary + "automatically added from the course record in UAonline, and may be changed by the instructor(s) as " defaultSummary = defaultSummary + "necessary. The instructor(s) may choose to delete this calendar- or remove your subscription to it- " defaultSummary = defaultSummary + "at the end of the term it represents (or at any other time.)" # grab all the classes this instructor teaches this term for instructorUsername in instructorUserList: if setTrace: pdb.set_trace() query = """select * from ssr2fcx_courses as class, camp_code as cc where class.campusCode = cc.Code and cc.University='UAF' and instructorUsername = "******" and term=%s""" % (instructorUsername, thisTerm) for i in range(0,5): try: classLines = subClasses.execute(query) except: exctype, error = sys.exc_info()[:2] errorCode = F.error_code_cleanup(error) error = "** MySQL error => type = %r, error = %r, errorCode = %r\n" % (exctype, error, errorCode) errorfile.write(error) logfile.write(error) print error time.sleep(SLEEPY) continue break while True: if setTrace: pdb.set_trace() classRow = subClasses.fetchone() if classRow == None: break uaUsername = classRow['instructorUsername'].rstrip() uaEmail = "%s%s" %(uaUsername, domain) print "uaEmail = ", uaEmail coCrn = classRow['crn'] print "coCrn = ", coCrn if (coCrn not in calExists): # Don't create the calendar if it already exists entry = "calendar coCrn = %s does not yet exist\n" % coCrn if(uaEmail != requestor): # different owner than last iteration entry = "new calendar owner - uaEmail = %s, requestor = %s" % (uaEmail, requestor) print entry entry = "%s\n" % entry logfile.write(entry) requestor = uaEmail credentials.requestor = requestor # create / build connection ####################################################### # Build a service object for interacting with the API # ####################################################### credentials.requestor = requestor (entry, service) = F.return_service(credentials.requestor, credentials) if (entry == ""): # success entry = 'service successfully created' print entry logfile.write('%r\n' % (entry)) else: print entry logfile.write(entry) errorfile.write(entry) continue # no reason to keep going if connection hasn't been made ######################### # connection successful # ######################### title = "%s %s %s - %s" % (classRow['subjectDesc'], classRow['courseNum'], classRow['sequenceNum'], thisTerm) summary = "CRN %s: %s" % (classRow['crn'], defaultSummary) (entry, calId) = F.create_cal(thisTerm, coCrn, title, summary, service) if ("LIMIT" in entry): error = entry + "Quiting program Daily Limit Reached\n" print error errorfile.write(error) logfile.write(error) print "instance #%s returning" % instance eventsfile.close() errorfile.close() logfile.close() subClasses.close subMeetings.close subUpdateTable.close return elif (calId == "FAILED"): # calendar creation failed error = "ERROR: %s - Calendar creation Failed, entry = %s\n" % (coCrn, entry) print error errorfile.write(error) continue # no reason to proceed if no calendar was created to add events to else: print " ", entry logfile.write(entry) calExists[coCrn] = "exists" # create events query = """select * from ssr2fcx_meeting where term = %s AND crn = %s""" % (thisTerm, coCrn) for i in range(0,5): try: meet = subMeetings.execute(query) except: exctype, error = sys.exc_info()[:2] errorCode = F.error_code_cleanup(error) error = "** MySQL error => type = %r, error = %r, errorCode = %r\n" % (exctype, error, errorCode) errorfile.write(error) logfile.write(error) print error time.sleep(SLEEPY) continue break # loop through class meeting information query while True: meetRow = subMeetings.fetchone() if meetRow == None: break meetInfo = "%s %s %s, %s, %s" % (classRow['subjectDesc'], classRow['courseNum'], classRow['sequenceNum'], thisTerm, coCrn) (entry, eventID) = F.create_event(meetRow, meetInfo, service, calId, dstLastYear, dstThisYear, dstNextYear) if ("LIMIT" in entry): error = entry + "Quiting program Daily Limit Reached\n" print error errorfile.write(error) logfile.write(entry) eventsfile.close() errorfile.close() logfile.close() subClasses.close subMeetings.close subUpdateTable.close return elif ("ERROR" in entry): # event creation failed print entry entry = "%s\n" % entry logfile.write(entry) tempVar = entry.split('= ') eventsfile.write(tempVar[1]) error = "tempVar[1] = %s\n" % tempVar[1] print error errorfile.write(error) else: print entry logfile.write('%r\n' % (entry)) # cancel events that occur during holidays (like spring break) if (eventID > ""): entry = F.cancel_holiday_classes(holidayList, calId, eventID, service) if ('SUCCESS' in entry): # success entry = "%s\n" % entry print entry logfile.write(entry) else: # failure entry = " FAILED to remove classes on holidays. %s\n" % entry print entry logfile.write(entry) errorfile.write(error) # insert calendar information into database uQuery = """INSERT into classCalendars SET CRN = '%s', term = '%s', calId = '%s', ownerUsername = '******'""" % \ (coCrn, thisTerm, MySQLdb.escape_string(calId), uaUsername) for i in range(0,5): try: subUpdateTable.execute(uQuery) except: exctype, error = sys.exc_info()[:2] errorCode = F.error_code_cleanup(error) error = "** MySQL error => type = %r, error = %r, errorCode = %r\n" % (exctype, error, errorCode) errorfile.write(error) logfile.write(error) print error time.sleep(SLEEPY) continue break db.commit() else: entry = "calendar = %s already exists" % coCrn print entry logfile.write(entry) subClasses.close subMeetings.close subUpdateTable.close print "instance #%s done!" % instance eventsfile.close() errorfile.close() logfile.close() return
def ind_maus(mau, dstLastYear, dstThisYear, dstNextYear, adminAcct, domain, credentials, dbName, logfile, errorfile, alteredLinesSet, db): # setting up some variables entry = "" eventID = "" eventsNotCreated = [] subjectAcct = "VALID" toDo = ('changed', 'c-adminAcct', 'new', 'n-adminAcct', 'deleted', 'd-adminAcct') service = 'UNDEFINED' nextSubject = 0 oldSubject = "" ######################### # # # setting up db cursors # # # ######################### meetings = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) # used for getting information for updated meeting information updateTable = db.cursor() # used to update the calendar table classes = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) # used to interact with mau classes changedOrDeleted = db.cursor() # used to check if class schedule was fixed or really deleted # class holiday calendars - since we aren't altering them use production accounts if (mau == 'uaf'): holidayCalId = '*****@*****.**' elif (mau =='uaa'): holidayCalId = '*****@*****.**' else: holidayCalId = '*****@*****.**' ########################## # # # create holiday listing # # # ########################## if DEBUG: print " creating holiday calendar service" # set up a temporary service with production account for holiday calendars, maintaining duplicate calendars for # holidays for each mau more trouble than it is worth credentialsHC = TwoLeggedOAuthCredentials(OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET, 'UA Course Calendar API') credentialsHC.requestor = '*****@*****.**' adminAcctHC = "*****@*****.**" (entry, serviceHC) = F.return_service(adminAcctHC, credentialsHC) if DEBUG: print " created service entry = ", entry if (entry == ""): # service successfully created (entry, holidayListing) = F.return_holidays(holidayCalId, serviceHC) else: print entry logfile.write("%s\n" % (entry)) errorfile.write("%s\n" % (entry)) entry = " Stopping mau = %s as holiday calendar cannot be queried because of problem listed above." % (mau) print entry logfile.write("%s\n" % (entry)) errorfile.write("%s\n" % (entry)) sys.exit (1) if DEBUG: print " created holiday listing entry = %s for mau = %s" % (entry, mau) #################################################### # # # grab all mau classes from db and throw in a hash # # with (term - crn) being the key # # # #################################################### if DEBUG: print " creating list of all %s courses" % mau majorAU={} query="""select crn, term, m.* from ssr2fcx_courses as c left join ssr2fcx_meeting as m using (term, crn) where campusCode in (select Code from camp_code where University = '%s') and is not NULL and (m.meetStartDate > "20110101" and m.meetEndDate> "20110101" AND m.startTime > "" AND m.endTime>"" and (m.sunday>"" or m.monday >"" or m.tuesday>"" or m.wednesday>"" or m.thursday> "" or m.friday > "" or m.saturday >""))""" % mau courses = classes.execute(query) if DEBUG: print " finished executing all %s courses query" % mau while True: mauRow = classes.fetchone() if mauRow is None: break keyVal = "%s-%s" % (mauRow["term"], mauRow["crn"]) # key value majorAU[keyVal] = { 'term':mauRow["term"], 'crn':mauRow["crn"] } if DEBUG: print " put %s courses into dictionary" % mau calendarStatus=[] changed=[] new=[] deleted=[] adminAcctOwned = [] updatedOwner = [] # ssr2fcx -> in new table but not in old, new exactly - changed or new # meetOld -> in old table but not in new, deleted # calendar -> in new table but not in calendar, missing - new ################################################################### # # # altered items - are they new, updated or deleted items # # this is also how keys are set up distinct instead of duplicated # # # ################################################################### for index, row in enumerate(alteredLinesSet): subject = F.return_subject(row["subjCourseNumSeq"]) if subject is None: print row["subjCourseNumSeq"] keyValue = "%s-%s-%s" % (subject, row["term"], row["crn"]) # key value testKey = "%s-%s" % (row["term"], row["crn"]) if (testKey in majorAU): if (row["fromTable"] == "calendar"): if (keyValue in new or keyValue in deleted): pass else: new.append(keyValue) if (keyValue in changed): changed.remove(keyValue) elif (row["fromTable"] == "ssr2fcx_meeting"): if (keyValue in new): pass elif (keyValue in changed): pass else: changed.append(keyValue) if (keyValue in deleted): deleted.remove(keyValue) elif (row["fromTable"] == "meetOld"): # occassionally (well more often than I like) they remove a meeting time, but the remaining meeting rows are exactly the same # so it looks like the class is deleted, but really it isn't. query = "select count(*) from ssr2fcx_courses where term = %s and crn=%s" % (row["term"], row["crn"]) for i in range(0,5): try: doubleCheckLines = changedOrDeleted.execute(query) except: time.sleep(10) continue break doubleCheckingRow = changedOrDeleted.fetchone() if (doubleCheckingRow is None or doubleCheckingRow[0] == 0): if (keyValue in new): new.remove(keyValue) if (keyValue not in deleted): deleted.append(keyValue) else: changed.append(keyValue) else: entry = " While going through the list of altered classes, there was an error. Term = %s, crn = %s. Continueing." % (row["term"], row["crn"]) errorfile.write(entry) logfile.write(entry) if(DEBUG): print entry, "\n" ############################################ # # # going through lists of calendars # # new, changed, deleted # # and if they are owned by the admin acct # # depending on the status, the list looped # # through is set appropriatly # # changed, new, deleted, adminAcctOwned # # are each lists # # # ############################################ for item in toDo: if (item == 'changed'): calendarStatus = changed elif (item == 'new'): calendarStatus = new elif (item == 'deleted'): calendarStatus = deleted elif ('adminAcct' in item): calendarStatus = adminAcctOwned else: entry = "error what dictionary are working on??? = %s" % item errorfile.write(entry) logfile.write(entry) if (DEBUG): print entry, "\n" for k in sorted(calendarStatus): if (DEBUG): print "for loop k in sorted toDo[item] = %s - k = %r" % (item, k) oldSubject = subject (subject, term, crn) = k.split('-') if (nextSubject > 0 and subject == oldSubject): if (DEBUG): print " Limit has been reached, so trying to see if next subject also has the same issue. Old Subject = %s, New Subject = %s" % (oldSubject, subject) continue elif(nextSubject > 0 and subject != oldSubject): nextSubject=0 if (DEBUG): print " New Subject reached, set nextSubject = 0" entry = "Calendar - item = %s, subject = %s, term = %s and crn = %s" % (item, subject, term, crn) print entry logfile.write("%s\n" % (entry)) calKey = "%s-%s" % (term, crn) if (calKey not in cals and 'new' not in item and 'n-' not in item and 'd-' not in item and item != 'deleted'): # calendar does not exist if (DEBUG): print "calendar is not in calendar list, key = %s - skipping to next" % calKey new.append(k) changed.remove(k) continue elif('adminAcct' in item or (item == "deleted" and "cal_admin001" in cals[calKey]['owner'] and service != 'UNDEFINED')): # connecting using admin account if ("cal_admin001" not in credentials.requestor): if (DEBUG): print "Changed admin Account - admin account is not the current credentials requestor = %s" % credentials.requestor credentials.requestor = adminAcct if (DEBUG): print "Changed admin Account - credentials.requestor = %r, credentials = %r" % (credentials.requestor, credentials) (entry, service) = F.return_service(credentials.requestor, credentials) if (service == "FAILED"): subjectAcct = "VALID" entry = "Admin Account service creation failed 1, continuing" if(DEBUG): print entry logfile.write("%s\n" % (entry)) errorfile.write("%s\n" % (entry)) continue subjectAcct = service_check(entry, adminAcctOwned, k) if (subjectAcct == "continue"): entry = "service creation failed but not invalid, note and continue on" if (DEBUG): print entry logfile.write("%s\n" % (entry)) subjectAcct = "VALID" continue elif (subjectAcct == "INVALID"): entry = "This subject account = %s is invalid, skip this account and try again with admin" % credentials.requestor if (DEBUG): print entry logfile.write("%s\n" % (entry)) adminAcctOwned.append(k) continue else: # connecting via subject account if (DEBUG and calKey in cals): print "in Item else calKey = %s, owner = %s" % (calKey, cals[calKey]['owner']) if (calKey in cals and cals[calKey]['owner'] is not None and "cal_admin001" in cals[calKey]['owner'] and item != 'deleted'): if (DEBUG): print "calKey exists and is cal_admin" if (k not in adminAcctOwned): adminAcctOwned.append(k) entry = "Admin Account is listed as owner k = %r, calKey = %r" % (k, calKey) print entry logfile.write("%s\n" % (entry)) continue elif (calKey in cals and cals[calKey]['owner'] != "None" and cals[calKey]['owner'] is not None and cals[calKey]['owner'] != ""): if (DEBUG): print "cals owner listed = %s" % cals[calKey]['owner'] if (cals[calKey]['owner'] != credentials.requestor or service == "UNDEFINED"): if (DEBUG): print "cals owner is not the current credentials requestor = %s" % credentials.requestor subjectAcct = "VALID" credentials.requestor = cals[calKey]['owner'] (entry, service) = F.return_service(credentials.requestor, credentials) if (service == "FAILED"): subjectAcct = "VALID" if (DEBUG): print "Service creation with calendar owner failed 1 - continuing" continue subjectAcct = service_check(entry, adminAcctOwned, k) if (subjectAcct == "continue"): if (DEBUG): print "service creation failed but not invalid, note and continue on" subjectAcct = "VALID" continue elif (subjectAcct == "INVALID"): if (DEBUG): print "This subject account = %s is invalid, skip this account and try again with admin" % credentials.requestor adminAcctOwned.append(k) continue elif (subjectAcct == "INVALID"): if (DEBUG): print "This subject account = %s is invalid, skip this account and try again with admin acct" % credentials.requestor adminAcctOwned.append(k) continue else: # no owner listed create from subject if (DEBUG): print " no owner listed create from subject" subjectAcctOwner = "cal_%s01%s" % (subject.lower(), domain) if (subjectAcctOwner != credentials.requestor): if (DEBUG): print " subjectAcctOwner = %s, is not the creds = %s" % (subjectAcctOwner, credentials.requestor) subjectAcct = "VALID" credentials.requestor = subjectAcctOwner (entry, service) = F.return_service(credentials.requestor, credentials) if (service == "FAILED"): subjectAcct = "VALID" if (DEBUG): print "Service Creation with subject Account Owner = %s failed" % (subjectAcctOwner) continue subjectAcct = service_check(entry, adminAcctOwned, k) if (subjectAcct == "continue"): if (DEBUG): print "subjectAcctOwner - service creation failed but not invalid, note and continue on" subjectAcct = "VALID" continue elif (subjectAcct == "INVALID"): if (DEBUG): print "sujectAcctOwner - This subject account = %s is invalid, skip this account and try again with admin" % credentials.requestor adminAcctOwned.append(k) continue elif (subjectAcct == "INVALID"): adminAcctOwned.append(k) if (DEBUG): print "This subject account = %s is invalid, skip this account and try again with admin" % credentials.requestor continue entry = " Service created if not new calendar, delete all events from k = %s" % (k) print entry logfile.write("%s\n" % (entry)) ################################################## # if the item is in the marked for deletion list # # delete it # ################################################## if ('d-' in item or item == 'deleted'): entry = F.delete_cal(cals[calKey]["calId"], service) (result, error, adminAcctOwned, deleted) = event_check(entry, adminAcctOwned, deleted, "deleted", credentials.requestor, k) if (result == "exit"): nextSubject=nextSubject+1 continue elif (result == "continue"): if (DEBUG): print "delete calendar - adminAcctOwned - continue" subjectAcct = "INVALID" continue elif (result == "failed" and "cal_admin" in credentials.requestor): if (DEBUG): print "delete calendar eventcheck failed - cal_admin account should be good - deleted empty owner" if (calKey in cals): cals[calKey]['owner'] = "" updatedOwner.append(calKey) continue elif (result == "failed" and "cal_admin" not in credentials.requestor): if (DEBUG): print "delete calendar eventcheck failed - account should be good - try calAdmin instead" if (calKey in cals): cals[calKey]['owner'] = adminAcct updatedOwner.append(calKey) continue elif (result == "failed" or result =="forbidden"): if (DEBUG): print "delete calendar eventcheck failed - account should be good - deleted" continue ###################################### # if it isn't a new calendar # # and it isn't marked for deletion # # which of course only leave changed # ###################################### elif ('new' not in item and 'n-' not in item): print " removing all events using %s" % credentials.requestor entry = F.remove_all_cal_events(cals[calKey]["calId"], service) (result, error, adminAcctOwned, changed) = event_check(entry, adminAcctOwned, changed, "changedRemove", credentials.requestor, k) if (result == "exit"): nextSubject=nextSubject+1 continue elif (result == "continue"): if (DEBUG): print "change calendars eventcheck 2 - adminAcctOwned - continue" subjectAcct = "INVALID" continue elif (result == "forbidden"): if (DEBUG): print "change calendars eventcheck forbidden - account should be good make note of it - not new" if (calKey in cals and 'd-' not in item and "cal_admin" not in credentials.requestor): cals[calKey]['owner'] = adminAcct updatedOwner.append(calKey) elif (result == "failed" and "cal_admin" in credentials.requestor): if (calKey in cals): cals[calKey]['owner'] = "" updatedOwner.append(calKey) continue elif (result == "failed"): if ("cal_admin" not in credentials.requestor and calKey in cals): cals[calKey]['owner'] = adminAcct updatedOwner.append(calKey) if (DEBUG): print "change calendars eventcheck failed - account should be good - not new, putting in list for owner to be updated to Admin" elif (calKey in cals and "cal_admin" in credentials.requestor): cals[calKey]['owner'] = "" updatedOwner.append(calKey) if (DEBUG): print " failed - account should be good - not new, updating calendar owner to empty" else: entry = "ERROR changed calendars issue with credentials = %s, calkey = %s" % (credentials.requestor, calKey) if (DEBUG): print entry logfile.write("%s\n" % (entry)) errorfile.write("%s\n" % (entry)) continue if (item == 'c-adminAcct'): if (DEBUG): print "item = %s, removing it from list, k = %s" % (item, k) adminAcctOwned.remove(k) if (cals[calKey]['owner'] == "None" or cals[calKey]['owner'] is None or cals[calKey]['owner'] == ""): cals[calKey]['owner'] = credentials.requestor updatedOwner.append(calKey) if (DEBUG): print " updated calendar = %s" % calKey if (item == 'changed' or 'c-' in item or item == 'new' or 'n-' in item): ############################################################## # make sure there is a StartTime - no StartTime, no calendar # ############################################################## query = """Select sched.subjectCode, meet.subjCourseNumSeq, meet.meetStartDate, meet.meetEndDate, meet.startTime, meet.endTime, meet.bldg, meet.rm, meet.sunday, meet.monday, meet.tuesday, meet.wednesday, meet.thursday, meet.friday, meet.saturday, as id, as schedId From ssr2fcx_meeting as meet, ssr2fcx_courses as sched where meet.crn=%s AND meet.term=%s AND meet.startTime > '' AND meet.crn = sched.crn AND meet.term = sched.term""" % (crn, term) calInfo = "%s, %s" % (term, crn) for i in range(0,5): try: newMeetingsSet = meetings.execute(query) except: time.sleep(10) continue break ####################### # create calendar # # and calendar events # ####################### while True: if (DEBUG): print " on to creating events and calendars" meetRow = meetings.fetchone() if meetRow is None: break if(DEBUG): print " meetid = %s" % meetRow["id"] meetInfo = "%s, %s, %s" % (meetRow["subjCourseNumSeq"], term, crn) if (('new' in item or 'n-' in item) and calInfo != ''): # create the calendar entry = " first meeting entry for k = %s, term = %s and crn = %s" % (k, term, crn) print entry logfile.write("%s\n" % (entry)) title = "P-%s - %s" % (meetRow["subjCourseNumSeq"], term) summary = "CRN %s: This course calendar is for planning purposes only. It is not maintained by the " % crn summary = summary + "instructor(s) for this course. Once you register for any course, you will automatically " summary = summary + "be subscribed to the 'Active' calendar for that course, which is maintained by the instructor(s)." summary = summary + "You may wish to remove this Planning calendar at that time to avoid confusion. This calendar will " summary = summary + "be automatically deleted at the end of the term it represents." (entry, calId) = F.create_cal(term, crn, title, summary, service) (result, error, adminAcctOwned, new) = event_check(entry, adminAcctOwned, new, "changedAdd", credentials.requestor, k) if (result == "exit"): if (DEBUG): print "creating calendar eventcheck is exit ++1 nextSubject" eventID = "" nextSubject=nextSubject+1 continue elif (result == "continue"): if (DEBUG): print "creating calendar eventcheck is continue - setting subjectAcct to invalid" subjectAcct = "INVALID" eventID = "" break elif (result == "failed" or result == "forbidden"): if (DEBUG): print "creating calendar eventcheck is failed or forbidden - breaking out" eventID = "" break entry = F.set_permissions(calId, service) (result, error, adminAcctOwned, new) = event_check(entry, adminAcctOwned, new, "changedAdd", credentials.requestor, k) if (result == "exit"): if (DEBUG): print "create calendar, setting permissions is exit - ++1 nextSubject" nextSubject=nextSubject+1 continue elif (result == "continue"): if (DEBUG): print "create calendar, setting permissions is continue - adminAcctOwned - new, continue - setting subjectAcct to invalid" subjectAcct = "INVALID" continue elif (result == "failed"): if (DEBUG): print "create calendar, setting permissions failed - account should be good" continue ############################################################# # calendar created now add this information to the database # ############################################################# entry = " Adding calendar information into database - begin" print entry logfile.write("%s\n" % (entry)) schedQuery = """select courseStartDate, courseEndDate from ssr2fcx_courses where crn= '%s' AND term = '%s'""" \ % (crn, term) # occassionally will lose connection to databse, so give it a try and re-connect if necessary try: schedSet = updateTable.execute(schedQuery) except: try: db = MySQLdb.connect(host="", port=3306, db=dbName, read_default_file="~/.my.cnf") except MySQLdb.Error, e: entry = "Error %d: %s\n" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]) errorfile.write(entry) print entry sys.exit (1) updateTable = db.cursor() schedSet = updateTable.execute(schedQuery) schedRow = updateTable.fetchone() if (schedRow != None): if (schedRow[0] is not None and schedRow[1] is not None): starting = schedRow[0].strftime("%Y%m%d") ending = schedRow[1].strftime("%Y%m%d") htmlURL = "" + calId + "&ctz=America/Anchorage&mode=AGENDA&dates=%s%%2F%s" % (starting, ending) else: htmlURL = "" + calId + "&ctz=America/Anchorage&mode=AGENDA" subscribeURL = "" + calId theClass = meetRow['subjCourseNumSeq'] (subj, blank1, blank2) = theClass.split(' ') theClass = subj.lower() subj = theClass.strip() owner = credentials.requestor uQuery = """INSERT into calendar SET crn = '%s', viewURL = '%s', subscribeURL = '%s', term = '%s', calId = '%s', subj = '%s', owner = '%s'""" % \ (crn, MySQLdb.escape_string(htmlURL), MySQLdb.escape_string(subscribeURL), term, MySQLdb.escape_string(calId), MySQLdb.escape_string(subj), owner) updateTable.execute(uQuery) db.commit() entry = " Adding calendar information into database - end" print entry logfile.write("%s\n" % (entry)) temp = "%s-%s" % (term, crn) if temp not in cals: cals[temp] = { 'calId': calId, 'owner': credentials.requestor } ################################### # adding events into the calendar # ################################### calInfo = "" eventID = "" (entry, eventID) = F.create_event(meetRow, meetInfo, service, cals[calKey]["calId"], dstLastYear, dstThisYear, dstNextYear) if ('new' in item): (result, error, adminAcctOwned, new) = event_check(entry, adminAcctOwned, new, "new", credentials.requestor, k) elif ('changed' in item): (result, error, adminAcctOwned, changed) = event_check(entry, adminAcctOwned, changed, "changedAdd", credentials.requestor, k) if (result == "exit"): if (DEBUG): print "create event eventcheck returned exit - ++1 on nextSubject" nextSubject=nextSubject+1 continue elif (result == "continue"): if (DEBUG): print "create event eventcheck returned continue - adminAcctOwned - setting subjectAcct to invalid" subjectAcct = "INVALID" continue elif (result == "failed"): if (DEBUG): print "create event eventcheck returned failed - account should be good" continue ##################################### # after all the events are created # # delete any that happen on class # # holidays (like spring break week) # ##################################### if (eventID > ""): entry = F.cancel_holiday_classes(holidayListing, cals[calKey]["calId"], eventID, service) if ('SUCCESS' in entry): # success entry = "%s\n" % entry print entry logfile.write(entry) else: # failure entry = " FAILED to remove classes on holidays. %s\n" % entry print entry logfile.write(entry) errorfile.write(error) if (eventID > ""): ################## # update meetOld # ################## uQuery = """delete from meetOld where term = %s and crn = %s""" % (term, crn) updateTable.execute(uQuery) db.commit() uQuery = """insert into meetOld select * from ssr2fcx_meeting where term = %s and crn = %s""" % (term, crn) updateTable.execute(uQuery) db.commit() if (DEBUG): print "updated meetOld where term = %s and crn = %s""" % (term, crn)
classes.close db.close sys.exit(error) elif ("ERROR" in entry): # event creation failed print entry tempVar = entry.split('= ') error = "tempVar[1] = %s\n" % tempVar[1] print error loggfile.write(error) errfile.write(error) else: print entry loggfile.write(entry) if (eventID > ""): entry = F.cancel_holiday_classes(holidayList, calId, eventID, service) if ('SUCCESS' in entry): # success entry = "%s\n" % entry print entry loggfile.write(entry) else: # failure entry = " FAILED to remove classes on holidays. %s\n" % entry print entry loggfile.write(entry) errfile.write(entry) # write db entry uQuery = """INSERT into classCalendars SET CRN = '%s', term = '%s', calId = '%s', ownerUsername = '******'""" % \ (schedDbRow['crn'], thisTerm, MySQLdb.escape_string(calId), "cal_admin001")