예제 #1
    def cmd(self, args):
        Send cleartool command.
        setview ... endview ... ls ...
        if not isinstance(args, dict):
            return False

        args = {k: v[0] if isinstance(v, list) else v for k, v in args.iteritems()}

        if not args.has_key('command') or not isinstance(args['command'], str):
            return False

        if args['command'] == 'exit':
            print('Clearcase Plugin Srv: Shutting down...')
        elif args['command'].startswith('setview'):
            print('Clearcase Plugin Srv: Changing view: `{}`.'.format(args['command']))

        _r = cleartool.cmd(args['command'])

        response = {
            'status': _r[0],
            'data':   _r[1],
            'error':  _r[2],

        return json.dumps(response)
예제 #2
    def getTestDescription(self, user, fname):
        Returns the title, description and all tags from a test file.
        try: text = open(fname,'rb').read()
        except: return ''

        li_tags = re.findall('^[ ]*?[#]*?[ ]*?<(?P<tag>\w+)>([ -~\n]+?)</(?P=tag)>', text, re.MULTILINE)
        tags = '<br>\n'.join(['<b>' + title + '</b> : ' + descr.replace('<', '&lt;') for title, descr in li_tags])

        data = cleartool.cmd( 'ls {}'.format(fname) )[1]
        if data:
            data = data.split()[0].split('@@')[1]
            extra_info = '<b>ClearCase Version</b> : {}'.format(data)

        return tags + '<br>\n' + extra_info