def upstream_revision_tests(project, revision, log=None): """ This function run upstream tests on all sources fonts in project. This mean that success (aka getting any result) should be occasional particular case. Because data and set of folders are changing during font development process. Args: project: A :class:`~bakery.models.Project` instance revision: Git revision Returns: A dict with serialized tests results formatted by `repr_testcase`. """ param = {'login': project.login, 'id':, 'revision': revision} _in = joinroot('%(login)s/%(id)' % project) _out_folder = joinroot('%(login)s/%(id)s.out/utests/' % param) _out_yaml = op.join(_out_folder, '%(revision)s.yaml' % param) # if op.exists(_out_yaml): # return yaml.safe_load(open(_out_yaml, 'r')) if not op.exists(_out_folder): os.makedirs(_out_folder) result = {} os.chdir(_in) try: git_checkout(_in, revision) result[project.clone] = run_set(_in, 'upstream-repo', log=log) ufo_dirs, ttx_files, metadata_files = get_sources_lists(_in) for font in ufo_dirs: if op.exists(op.join(_in, font)): result[font] = run_set(op.join(_in, font), 'upstream', log=log) for metadata_path in metadata_files: result[metadata_path] = run_set(metadata_path, 'metadata', log=log) for font in ttx_files: if op.exists(op.join(_in, font)): result[font] = run_set(op.join(_in, font), 'upstream-ttx', log=log) l = open(_out_yaml, mode='w') l.write(yaml.safe_dump(result)) l.close() return yaml.safe_load(open(_out_yaml, 'r')) except Exception, ex: if log: log.write('UPSTREAM: FAILED') log.write('Details: %s' % ex) return {}
def generate_subsets_coverage_list(project, log=None): """ Generates available subsets from project sources. Method writes result to yaml file to avoid calling pyfontaine api each time. Args: project: A :class:`~bakery.project.models.Project` instance log: A :class:`~bakery.utils.RedisFd` instance Returns: Sorted subsets from prepared yaml file in tuple [(common_name, coverage),] """ from .app import app if log: log.write('PyFontaine subsets with coverage values\n') _in = joinroot('%(login)s/%(id)' % project) ufo_dirs, ttx_files, _ = get_sources_lists(_in) _out_yaml = op.join(app.config['DATA_ROOT'], '%(login)s/%(id)s.out/fontaine.yml' % project) if op.exists(_out_yaml): return sorted(yaml.safe_load(open(_out_yaml, 'r')).items()) if not op.exists(op.dirname(_out_yaml)): os.makedirs(op.dirname(_out_yaml), log=log) source_fonts_paths = [] # `get_sources_list` returns list of paths relative to root. # To complete to absolute paths use python os.path.join method # on root and path for path in ufo_dirs + ttx_files: source_fonts_paths.append(op.join(_in, path)) subsets = get_subsets_coverage_data(source_fonts_paths, log) contents = yaml.safe_dump(subsets) yamlf =, mode='w', encoding="utf-8") yamlf.write(contents) yamlf.close() return sorted(yaml.safe_load(open(_out_yaml, 'r')).items())
def project_git_sync(project): """ Sync git repo, or download it if it doesn't yet exist. Args: project: A :class:`~bakery.models.Project` instance log: A :class:`~bakery.utils.RedisFd` instance """ from import db, app project.is_ready = False db.session.add(project) db.session.commit() db.session.refresh(project) client = redis.StrictRedis() _in = joinroot('%(login)s/%(id)' % project) _out = joinroot('%(login)s/%(id)s.out/' % project) if not op.exists(_out): os.makedirs(_out) try: os.remove(op.join(_out, 'fontaine.yml')) except OSError: pass try: os.remove(op.join(_out, 'upstream.log')) except OSError: pass log = RedisFd(op.join(_out, 'upstream.log')) # Create the incoming repo directory (_in) if it doesn't exist if not op.exists(_in): os.makedirs(op.join(app.config['DATA_ROOT'], _in), log=log) # Update _in if it already exists with a .git directory from git import Repo, InvalidGitRepositoryError try: repo = Repo(_in) log.write('$ git reset --hard\n') log.write(repo.git.reset(hard=True) + '\n') log.write('$ git clean --force\n') repo.git.clean(force=True) log.write('$ git pull origin master\n') repo.remotes.origin.pull() except InvalidGitRepositoryError: # clone the repository # log.write('Copying Git Repository\n', prefix='### ') try: # TODO in the future, to validate the URL string use # # prun(('git clone --progress --depth=100' ' --branch=master %(clone)s .') % project, cwd=_in, log=log) except: # if the clone action didn't work, just copy it # if this is a file URL, copy the files, and set up # the _in directory as a git repo if project.clone[:7] == "file://": # cp recursively, keeping all attributes, not following # symlinks, not deleting existing files, verbosely prun('cp -a %(clone)s .' % project, cwd=_in, log=log) # prun('git init .', cwd=_in, log=log) prun('git add *', cwd=_in, log=log) msg = "Initial commit made automatically by Font Bakery" prun('git commit -a -m "%s"' % msg, cwd=_in, log=log) else: raise # Now we have it, create an initial project state finally: config = project.config generate_subsets_coverage_list(project, log=log) revision = prun("git rev-parse --short HEAD", cwd=_in).strip() upstream_revision_tests(project, revision, log=log) log.write('End: Repository is ready. Please Setup\n', prefix='### ') # set project state as ready after sync is done project.is_ready = True db.session.add(project) db.session.commit() import json client.publish('global:%s' % project.login, json.dumps({'type': 'UPSTREAMFINISHED', 'project_id':}))