예제 #1
def test_discard_quotes_with_as_pyasp_termset():
    answers = Answers(('a("b","d")', )).as_pyasp
    assert next(answers) == TermSet((Atom(predicate='a',
                                          args=('"b"', '"d"')), ))
    answers = Answers(('a("b","d")', )).as_pyasp.discard_quotes
    assert next(answers) == TermSet((Atom(predicate='a',
                                          args=('"b"', '"d"')), ))
예제 #2
def test_as_pyasp_atom():
    answers = Answers(('a("b","d")',)).as_pyasp
    for atom in next(answers):
        assert atom == Atom(predicate='a', args=('"b"','"d"'))
    answers = Answers(('a(1,"2.3")',)).as_pyasp
    for atom in next(answers):
        assert atom == Atom(predicate='a', args=(1,'"2.3"'))
예제 #3
def test_discard_quotes_with_as_pyasp_termset_and_careful_parsing():
    answers = Answers(('a("b","d")', )).parse_args.as_pyasp.careful_parsing
    assert next(answers) == TermSet((Atom(predicate='a',
                                          args=('"b"', '"d"')), ))
    answers = Answers(
        ('a("b","d")', )).parse_args.as_pyasp.discard_quotes.careful_parsing
    assert next(answers) == TermSet(
              args=('"b"', '"d"')), ))  # as_pyasp overrides discard_quotes
예제 #4
def noarg_answers():
    return Answers((
        'b c',
        'd e f',
예제 #5
def simple_answers():
    return Answers((
        'a(0) b(1)',
        'c(2) d(3)',
        'e(4) f(5)',
        'g(6) h(7)',
예제 #6
def multiple_args():
    return Answers((
        'edge(4,"s…lp.") r_e_l(1,2)',
        'edge(4,"s…lp.") r_e_l(1,2)',
        'edge(4,"s…lp.") r_e_l(1,2)',
        'edge(4,"s…lp.") r_e_l(1,2)',
        'edge(4,"s…lp.") r_e_l(1,2)',
예제 #7
def optimized_answers():
    return Answers((
        ('edge(4,"s…lp.") r_e_l(1,2)', 1, False, 1),
        ('edge(4,"s…lp.") r_e_l(1,2)', 1, False, 2),
        ('edge(4,"s…lp.") r_e_l(1,2)', 2, False, 3),
        ('edge(4,"s…lp.") r_e_l(1,2)', 3, False, 4),
        ('edge(4,"s…lp.") r_e_l(1,2)', 4, False, 5),
    ), with_optimization=True)
예제 #8
def quotes_answers():
    return Answers((
        'a("c") b("d","e")',
        'a("c") b("d","e")',
        'a("c") b("d","e")',
        'a("c") b("d","e")',
        'a("c") b("d","e")',
예제 #9
def test_as_pyasp_termset_frozenset_union():
    answers = Answers(('a("b","d")',)).as_pyasp
    answer_a = next(answers)
    expected_a = frozenset((Atom(predicate='a',args=('"b"','"d"')),))
    assert answer_a == expected_a
    assert next(answers, None) is None
    answers = Answers(('b("b","d")',)).as_pyasp
    answer_b = next(answers)
    expected_b = frozenset((Atom(predicate='b',args=('"b"','"d"')),))
    assert answer_b == expected_b
    assert next(answers, None) is None
    assert isinstance(answer_a, TermSet)
    assert isinstance(answer_b, TermSet)
    assert answer_a.union(answer_b) == frozenset((Atom(predicate='a',args=('"b"','"d"')), Atom(predicate='b',args=('"b"','"d"'))))
    # no modification of objects
    assert answer_a == expected_a
    assert answer_b == expected_b
예제 #10
def test_as_pyasp_termset_add():
    answers = Answers(('a("b","d")',)).as_pyasp
    answer_a = next(answers)
    expected_a = frozenset((Atom(predicate='a',args=('"b"','"d"')),))
    assert answer_a == expected_a
    assert next(answers, None) is None
    expected_a = frozenset((Atom(predicate='a',args=('"b"','"d"')), Atom(predicate='b',args=('"b"','"d"'))))
    assert answer_a == expected_a
예제 #11
def test_atoms_with_leading_underscore_with_nested():
    get_answers = lambda: Answers(('_a("b",_b(c,_d)) _c',)).parse_args
    # naive parsing (NB: careful parsing should be automatically activated)
    answers = get_answers()
    answer_a = next(answers)
    assert next(answers, None) is None, "there is more than one model"
    expected_a = frozenset((('_a', ('"b"', ('_b', ('c', '_d')))), ('_c', ())))
    assert answer_a == expected_a, (answer_a, type(answer_a))
    # careful parsing
    answers = get_answers().careful_parsing
    answer_a = next(answers)
    assert next(answers, None) is None, "there is more than one model"
    expected_a = frozenset((('_a', ('"b"', ('_b', ('c', '_d')))), ('_c', ())))
    assert answer_a == expected_a, answer_a
예제 #12
def test_pyasp_and_nested_atoms():
    get_answers = lambda: Answers(('a(b(c,d))',)).parse_args
    # without as_pyasp
    answers = get_answers()
    answer_a = next(answers)
    assert next(answers, None) is None, "there is more than one model"
    expected_a = frozenset((('a', (('b', ('c', 'd')),)),))
    assert answer_a == expected_a, (answer_a, type(answer_a))
    # with as_pyasp
    answers = get_answers().as_pyasp
    answer_a = next(answers)
    assert next(answers, None) is None, "there is more than one model"
    expected_a = frozenset((Atom('a', (Atom('b', ('c', 'd')),)),))
    print('LBTL:', type(answer_a), answer_a)
    assert answer_a == expected_a, (answer_a, type(answer_a))
예제 #13
def test_atoms_with_leading_underscore():
    """needed to test leading underscores in naive parsing ;
    next test will fall under the case where careful parsing is automatically activated"""
    get_answers = lambda: Answers(('_a(_b,_c,d) _e',)).parse_args
    # naive parsing
    answers = get_answers()
    answer_a = next(answers)
    assert next(answers, None) is None, "there is more than one model"
    expected_a = frozenset((('_a', ('_b', '_c', 'd')), ('_e', ())))
    assert answer_a == expected_a, (answer_a, type(answer_a))
    # careful parsing
    answers = get_answers().careful_parsing
    answer_a = next(answers)
    assert next(answers, None) is None, "there is more than one model"
    expected_a = frozenset((('_a', ('_b', '_c', 'd')), ('_e', ())))
    assert answer_a == expected_a, answer_a
예제 #14
def solve(files:iter=(), options:iter=[], inline:str=None,
          subproc_shell:bool=False, print_command:bool=False,
          nb_model:int=0, time_limit:int=0, constants:dict={},
          clean_path:bool=True) -> iter:
    """Run the solver on given files, with given options, and return
    an Answers instance yielding answer sets.

    files -- iterable of files feeding the solver
    options -- string or iterable of options for clingo
    inline -- ASP source code to feed the solver with
    subproc_shell -- use shell=True in subprocess call (NB: you should not)
    print_command -- print full command to stdout before running it
    clean_path -- clean the path of given files before using them

    Shortcut to clingo's options:
    nb_model -- number of model to output (0 for all (default))
    time_limit -- zero or number of seconds to wait before interrupting solving
    constants -- mapping name -> value of constants for the grounding

    files = [files] if isinstance(files, str) else files
    files = tuple(map(cleaned_path, files) if clean_path else files)
    run_command = command(files, options, inline, nb_model, time_limit, constants)
    if print_command:

    clingo = subprocess.Popen(
        stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
        stdout = subprocess.PIPE,

    def gen_answers():
        stdout = iter(clingo.stdout)
        while True:
            cur_line = next(stdout).decode()
            if cur_line.startswith('Answer: '):
                yield next(stdout).decode()

    return Answers(gen_answers(), command=' '.join(run_command))
예제 #15
def test_first_arg_only_with_careful_parsing():
    answers = Answers(('p("1,5","2,456",3)',)).first_arg_only.careful_parsing
    assert next(answers) == {('p', '"1,5"')}
예제 #16
def test_as_pyasp_termset_string():
    answers = Answers(('a("b","d")',)).as_pyasp
    assert str(next(answers)) == 'a("b","d").'
예제 #17
def default_negation_answers():
    return Answers((
        'ok -ko',
        '-occurs(apply(drychem,fire_in(bin)), 2) ok -ko',
예제 #18
def many_atoms_answers():
    return Answers((
        'a b(4) b(3) a(1) vv(1) vv v(a) v(b)',
예제 #19
def test_as_pyasp_termset_termset_by_predicate():
    answers = Answers(('a("b","d")',)).as_pyasp.by_predicate
    assert next(answers) == {'a': TermSet((Atom(predicate='a',args=('"b"','"d"')),))}
예제 #20
def test_first_arg_only():
    answers = Answers(('p(1,2,3)',)).first_arg_only
    assert next(answers) == {('p', 1)}
예제 #21
def test_as_pyasp_termset_frozenset():
    answers = Answers(('a("b","d")',)).as_pyasp
    assert next(answers) == frozenset((Atom(predicate='a',args=('"b"','"d"')),))
예제 #22
def solve(files: iter = (),
          options: iter = [],
          inline: str = None,
          decoders: iter = (),
          subproc_shell: bool = False,
          print_command: bool = False,
          nb_model: int = 0,
          time_limit: int = 0,
          constants: dict = {},
          clean_path: bool = True,
          stats: bool = True,
          clingo_bin_path: str = None,
          error_on_warning: bool = False,
          force_tempfile: bool = False,
          delete_tempfile: bool = True,
          use_clingo_module: bool = True,
          grounding_observers: iter = (),
          propagators: iter = (),
          solver_conf: object = None,
          running_sequence: callable = _default_running_sequence,
          programs: iter = (['base', ()], ),
          return_raw_output: bool = False) -> iter:
    """Run the solver on given files, with given options, and return
    an Answers instance yielding answer sets.

    files -- iterable of files feeding the solver
    options -- string or iterable of options for clingo
    inline -- ASP source code to feed the solver with
    decoders -- iterable of decoders to apply on ASP (see clyngor.decoder)
    subproc_shell -- use shell=True in subprocess call (NB: you should not)
    print_command -- print full command to stdout before running it
    clean_path -- clean the path of given files before using them
    stats -- will ask clingo for all stats, instead of just the minimal ones
    clingo_bin_path -- the path to the clingo binary
    error_on_warning -- raise an ASPWarning when encountering a clingo warning
    use_clingo_module -- will use the clingo module (if available)
    force_tempfile -- use tempfile, even if only inline code is given
    delete_tempfile -- delete used tempfiles
    return_raw_output -- don't parse anything, just return iterators over stdout
                         and stderr, without using clingo module

    The following options needs the propagator support and/or python clingo module:
    grounding_observers -- iterable of observers to add to the grounding process
    propagators -- iterable of propagators to add to the solving process
    solver_conf -- clingo.Configuration instance, given to the running_sequence
    running_sequence -- If given, must be a callable taking programs,
                        files and Configuration, returning both clingo.Control
                        and clingo.SolveHandle instances.
    programs -- programs to feed the running sequence with.

    Shortcut to clingo's options:
    nb_model -- number of model to output (0 for all (default), None to disable)
    time_limit -- zero or number of seconds to wait before interrupting solving
    constants -- mapping name -> value of constants for the grounding

    files = [files] if isinstance(files, str) else files
    files = tuple(map(cleaned_path, files) if clean_path else files)
    stdin_feed = None  # data to send to stdin
    use_clingo_module = use_clingo_module and clyngor.have_clingo_module(
    ) and not return_raw_output
    if use_clingo_module:
        # the clingo API do not handle stdin feeding
        force_tempfile = True
    if inline and not files and not force_tempfile:  # avoid tempfile if possible
        stdin_feed, inline = inline, None
    elif inline:
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False) as fd:
            tempfile_to_del = fd.name
            files = tuple(files) + (tempfile_to_del, )
            assert files, fd.name
    run_command = command(files,

    if print_command:

    if not files and not inline and not stdin_feed:
        # in this case, clingo will wait for stdin input, which will never come
        # so better not call clingo at all, because answer is obvious: one empty model.
        return Answers((), command=' '.join(run_command))

    if use_clingo_module:
        if time_limit != 0 or constants:
            raise ValueError("Options 'time_limit' and 'constants' are not "
                             "handled when used with python clingo module.")
        if solver_conf:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Solver configuration handling is currently"
                "not implemented")
        options = list(
            shlex.split(options) if isinstance(options, str) else options)
        ctl = clyngor.clingo_module.Control(options)
        main = running_sequence(programs=programs,
        return main(ctl)
        clingo = subprocess.Popen(
            stdin=subprocess.PIPE if stdin_feed else None,
        if stdin_feed:
        stdout = (line.decode() for line in clingo.stdout)
        stderr = (line.decode() for line in clingo.stderr)
        if return_raw_output: return ''.join(stdout), ''.join(stderr)
        statistics = {}

        # remove the tempfile after the work.
        on_end = lambda: (clingo.stderr.close(), clingo.stdout.close())
        if inline and tempfile_to_del and delete_tempfile:
            on_end = lambda: (os.remove(tempfile_to_del), clingo.stderr.close(
            ), clingo.stdout.close())

        return Answers(_gen_answers(stdout, stderr, statistics,
                       command=' '.join(run_command),
예제 #23
def complex_quotes_answers():
    return Answers((
        'a("\\"cou\\"cou\\"") b("\\"&\\"&\\"1234\\"\\"&\\"")',  # Random gibberish