예제 #1
def read_address_1(dut):
        Use cocotb to set the value of the register at address 0x01
        Use AXIML to read the contents of that register and
        compare the values

    Test ID: 1

    Expected Results:
        The value read from the register is the same as the value written
    dut.rst <= 1
    dut.test_id <= 0
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "AXIML", dut.clk)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    dut.rst <= 0

    ADDRESS = 0x01
    DATA = 0xCD

    dut.dut.r_temp_1 <= DATA
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)

    value = yield axim.read(ADDRESS)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)

    if value != DATA:
        raise TestFailure("Register at address 0x%08X should have been: \
                           0x%08X but was 0x%08X" % (ADDRESS, DATA, value))

    dut.log.info("Read: 0x%08X From Address: 0x%08X" % (value, ADDRESS))
예제 #2
async def read_fail(dut):
    """Attempt to read data from an address that doesn't exist. This test
    should fail.

    Test ID: 4

    Expected Results:
        The AXIML bus should throw an exception because the user attempted
        to read from an invalid address.
    # Reset
    dut.rst <= 1
    dut.test_id <= 4
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "AXIML", dut.clk)
    await Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS * 10, units='ns')
    dut.rst <= 0

    ADDRESS = 0x08
    DATA = 0xAB

        await axim.read(ADDRESS, DATA)
        await Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS * 10, units='ns')
    except AXIProtocolError as e:
        print("Exception: %s" % str(e))
        dut._log.info("Bus Successfully Raised an Error")
        raise TestSuccess()
    raise TestFailure("AXI bus should have raised an error when reading from \
                        an invalid address")
예제 #3
async def write_address_0(dut):
    """Write to the register at address 0, verify the value has changed.

    Test ID: 0

    Expected Results:
        The value read directly from the register is the same as the
        value written.

    # Reset
    dut.rst <= 1
    dut.test_id <= 0
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "AXIML", dut.clk)
    await Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS * 10, units='ns')
    dut.rst <= 0

    ADDRESS = 0x00
    DATA = 0xAB

    await axim.write(ADDRESS, DATA)
    await Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS * 10, units='ns')

    value = dut.dut.r_temp_0
    if value != DATA:
        # Fail
        raise TestFailure("Register at address 0x%08X should have been: \
                           0x%08X but was 0x%08X" %
                          (ADDRESS, DATA, int(value)))

    dut.log.info("Write 0x%08X to address 0x%08X" % (int(value), ADDRESS))
예제 #4
async def write_and_read(dut):
    """Write to the register at address 0.
    Read back from that register and verify the value is the same.

    Test ID: 2

    Expected Results:
        The contents of the register is the same as the value written.

    # Reset
    dut.rst <= 1
    dut.test_id <= 2
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "AXIML", dut.clk)
    await Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS * 10, units='ns')
    dut.rst <= 0

    ADDRESS = 0x00
    DATA = 0xAB

    # Write to the register
    await axim.write(ADDRESS, DATA)
    await Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS * 10, units='ns')

    # Read back the value
    value = await axim.read(ADDRESS)
    await Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS * 10, units='ns')

    value = dut.dut.r_temp_0
    assert value == DATA, ("Register at address 0x%08X should have been "
                           "0x%08X but was 0x%08X" %
                           (ADDRESS, DATA, int(value)))
    dut._log.info("Write 0x%08X to address 0x%08X" % (int(value), ADDRESS))
def read_fail(dut):
        Attemp to write data to an address that doesn't exist. This test
        should fail

    Test ID: 4

    Expected Results:
        The AXIML bus should throw an exception because the user attempted
        to write to an invalid address
    dut.S_AXI_ARESETN <= 0
    #dut.test_id <= 4
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "S_AXI", dut.S_AXI_ACLK)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    dut.S_AXI_ARESETN <= 1

    ADDRESS = 0x03
    DATA = 0xAB

        yield axim.read(ADDRESS, DATA)
        yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    except AXIProtocolError as e:
        print "Exception: %s" % str(e)
        dut.log.info("Bus Successfully Raised an Error")
        raise TestSuccess()
    raise TestFailure("AXI Bus Should have raised an ERROR when writing to \
                        the wrong bus")
예제 #6
def read_fail(dut):
        Attemp to write data to an address that doesn't exist. This test
        should fail

    Test ID: 4

    Expected Results:
        The AXIML bus should throw an exception because the user attempted
        to write to an invalid address
    dut.rst <=  1
    dut.test_id <= 4
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "AXIML", dut.clk)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    dut.rst <= 0

    #Shift the adress up by 2 in order to make the addresses 32-bit aligned
    ADDRESS = 0x02 << 2
    DATA = 0xAB

        yield axim.read(ADDRESS)
        yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    except AXIProtocolError as e:
        print("Exception: %s" % str(e))
        dut._log.info("Bus Successfully Raised an Error")
        raise TestSuccess()
    raise TestFailure("AXI Bus Should have raised an ERROR when writing to \
                        the wrong bus")
예제 #7
async def read_address_4(dut):
    """Use cocotb to set the value of the register at address 0x04.
    Use AXIML to read the contents of that register and
    compare the values.

    Test ID: 1

    Expected Results:
        The value read from the register is the same as the value written.
    # Reset
    dut.rst <= 1
    dut.test_id <= 1
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "AXIML", dut.clk)
    await Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS * 10, units='ns')
    dut.rst <= 0
    await Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS, units='ns')
    ADDRESS = 0x04
    DATA = 0xCD

    dut.dut.r_temp_1 <= DATA
    await Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS * 10, units='ns')

    value = await axim.read(ADDRESS)
    await Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS * 10, units='ns')

    if value != DATA:
        # Fail
        raise TestFailure("Register at address 0x%08X should have been: \
                           0x%08X but was 0x%08X" %
                          (ADDRESS, DATA, int(value)))

    dut._log.info("Read: 0x%08X From Address: 0x%08X" % (int(value), ADDRESS))
예제 #8
def write_char_test(dut):

    Test ID: 7

    Expected Results:
    dut.rst <= 1
    dut.test_id <= 7
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "AXIML", dut.clk)
    video_in = AXI4StreamSlave(dut, "AXISS", dut.clk, width=24)

    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    dut.rst <= 0
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 300)

    control = 0x00
    control |= 1 << BIT_CTRL_EN
    yield axim.write(REG_CONTROL, control)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)

    #Write a characer down
    char_val = 0x0101
    yield axim.write(REG_CONSOLE_CHAR, char_val)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
예제 #9
def Wavedrom_test(dut):
    # Setting up clocks
    clk_100MHz = Clock(dut.clk, c_CLK_PERIOD, units='ns')
    axi_aclk_100MHz = Clock(dut.axi_aclk, c_CLK_PERIOD, units='ns')

    # AXI-Lite Master object
    axil_m = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "s_axi", dut.axi_aclk)

    # Setting init values
    dut.reset <= 1
    dut.Zybo_Example_sw_in <= 4
    dut.Zybo_Example_bt_in <= 0
    dut.axi_aresetn <= 0
    # Wait one cycle and deactivate resets
    yield Timer(c_CLK_PERIOD, units='ns')
    dut.reset <= 0
    dut.axi_aresetn <= 1
    yield Timer(c_CLK_PERIOD, units='ns')

    # AXI-Lite write
    yield axil_m.write(c_BASEADDRESS+c_COUNT_OFFSET, 0x00000001)
    yield Timer(c_CLK_PERIOD, units='ns')

    # Wavedrom
    args = [dut.Zybo_Example_sw_in, dut.Zybo_Example_leds_out, dut.Zybo_Example_leds_rgb_out]
    with trace(*args, clk=dut.clk) as waves:
        yield ClockCycles(dut.clk, 12)
        dut._log.info(waves.dumpj(header = {'text':'WaveDrom example', 'tick':0}))
        waves.write('wavedrom.json', header = {'tick':0}, config = {'hscale':3})
예제 #10
async def write_fail(dut):
    """Attempt to write data to an address that doesn't exist.

    Test ID: 3

    Expected Results:
        The AXIML bus should throw an AXIProtocolError exception because
        the user attempted to write to an invalid address.
    # Reset
    dut.rst <= 1
    dut.test_id <= 3
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "AXIML", dut.clk)
    await Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS * 10, units='ns')
    dut.rst <= 0

    ADDRESS = 0x02
    DATA = 0xAB

        await axim.write(ADDRESS, DATA)
        await Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS * 10, units='ns')
    except AXIProtocolError as e:
        print("Exception: %s" % str(e))
        dut._log.info("Bus successfully raised an error")
        assert False, "AXI bus should have raised an error when writing to an invalid address"
예제 #11
def write_address_0(dut):
        Write to the register at address 0
        verify the value has changed

    Test ID: 0

    Expected Results:
        The value read directly from the register is the same as the
        value written

    dut.rst <=  1
    dut.test_id <= 0
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "AXIML", dut.clk)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    dut.rst <= 0

    #Shift the adress up by 2 in order to make the addresses 32-bit aligned
    ADDRESS = 0x00 << 2
    DATA = 0xAB

    yield axim.write(ADDRESS, DATA)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)

    value = dut.dut.r_temp_0
    if value != DATA:
        raise TestFailure("Register at address 0x%08X should have been: \
                           0x%08X but was 0x%08X" % (ADDRESS, DATA, int(value)))

    dut.log.info("Write 0x%08X to addres 0x%08X" % (int(value), ADDRESS))
예제 #12
def ro_all(dut):
        Set, read back read back addresses 16,20,24,28

    Test ID: 2

    Expected Results:
        The value read directly from the register is the same as the
        value written

    dut.S_AXI_ARESETN <= 0
    #dut.test_id <= 0
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "S_AXI", dut.S_AXI_ACLK)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    dut.S_AXI_ARESETN <= 1

    ADDRESS = [16, 20, 24, 28]
    REGS = [dut.ro_reg4, dut.ro_reg5, dut.ro_reg6, dut.ro_reg7]
    for i, r in zip(ADDRESS, REGS):
        DATA = 0xefef0000 + i
        r <= DATA
        yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 4)
        value = yield axim.read(i)
        if value != DATA:
            raise TestFailure("Register at address 0x%08X should have been: \
                               0x%08X but was 0x%08X" % (i, DATA, value))

        dut.log.info("Write 0x%08X to 0x%08X" % (value, i))
        yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 4)
예제 #13
def rd_ro_addr_1(dut):
        Write to the register at address 0
        verify the value has changed

    Test ID: 1

    Expected Results:
        The value read directly from the register is the same as the
        value written

    dut.S_AXI_ARESETN <= 0
    #dut.test_id <= 0
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "S_AXI", dut.S_AXI_ACLK)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    dut.S_AXI_ARESETN <= 1

    ADDRESS = 0x10
    DATA = 0xCD
    dut.ro_reg4 = DATA
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 2)
    value = yield axim.read(ADDRESS)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 2)
    if value != DATA:
        raise TestFailure("Register at address 0x%08X should have been: \
                           0x%08X but was 0x%08X" % (ADDRESS, DATA, value))

    dut.log.info("Read 0x%08X from 0x%08X" % (value, ADDRESS))
예제 #14
def write_address_0(dut):
        Write to the register at address 0
        verify the value has changed

    Test ID: 0

    Expected Results:
        The value read directly from the register is the same as the
        value written

    dut.S_AXI_ARESETN <= 0
    #dut.test_id <= 0
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "S_AXI", dut.S_AXI_ACLK)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    dut.S_AXI_ARESETN <= 1

    ADDRESS = 0x00
    DATA = 0xAB

    yield axim.write(ADDRESS, DATA)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)

    value = dut.slv_reg0
    if value != DATA:
        raise TestFailure("Register at address 0x%08X should have been: \
                           0x%08X but was 0x%08X" % (ADDRESS, DATA, value))

    dut.log.info("Write 0x%08X to addres 0x%08X" % (value, ADDRESS))
예제 #15
def write_fail(dut):
    """Attempt to write data to an address that doesn't exist. This test
    should fail.

    Test ID: 3

    Expected Results:
        The AXIML bus should throw an exception because the user attempted
        to write to an invalid address.
    # Reset
    dut.rst <= 1
    dut.test_id <= 3
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "AXIML", dut.clk)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    dut.rst <= 0

    ADDRESS = 0x02
    DATA = 0xAB

        yield axim.write(ADDRESS, DATA)
        yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    except AXIProtocolError as e:
        print("Exception: %s" % str(e))
        dut._log.info("Bus successfully raised an error")
        raise TestSuccess()
    raise TestFailure("AXI bus should have raised an error when writing to \
                        an invalid address")
예제 #16
파일: DspBlockTB.py 프로젝트: grebe/adi-bbp
class DspBlockTB(object):
    def __init__(self, dut, debug=False):
        self.dut = dut
        self.stream_in = STDriver(dut,
        self.backpressure = BitDriver(self.dut.out_0_ready, self.dut.clock)
        self.stream_out = STMonitor(dut,

        self.csr = MemMaster(dut,

        # Reconstruct the input transactions from the pins
        # and send them to our 'model'
        self.stream_in_recovered = STMonitor(

        # Create a scoreboard on the stream_out bus
        self.pkts_sent = 0
        self.expected_output = []
        self.scoreboard = Scoreboard(dut)
        self.scoreboard.add_interface(self.stream_out, self.expected_output)

        # Set verbosity on our various interfaces
        level = logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.WARNING

    def set_rotation(self, rotation):
        self.rotation = rotation
        return self.csr.write(0, self.rotation)

    def model(self, transaction):
        """Model the DUT based on the input transaction"""
        ## TODO apply rotation
        self.pkts_sent += 1

    def reset(self, duration=10):
        self.dut._log.debug("Resetting DUT")
        self.dut.reset <= 1
        self.stream_in.bus.TVALID <= 0
        yield Timer(duration, units='ns')
        yield RisingEdge(self.dut.clock)
        self.dut.reset <= 0
        self.dut._log.debug("Out of reset")
예제 #17
    def __init__(self, dut, clock, MASTER_NAME="AXIML", debug=False):

        self.debug = debug
        self.dut = dut
        self.clock = clock
        self.dut.rst <= 1
        self.dut.test_id = 0
        self.axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, MASTER_NAME, self.clock)
        cocotb.fork(Clock(self.clock, CLK_PERIOD).start())
예제 #18
def check_data(dut):
        Test Write and Read registers through AXI4 interface
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "s_axi_", dut.clk)
    cocotb.fork(Clock(dut.clk, CLK_PERIOD).start())
    yield Reset(dut)

    value = yield axim.read(0)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    ID = get_core_id()

    dut._log.info("Check core ID: 0x%08X" % (ID))
    assert value == ID, "Core ID doesn't match: should have been: \
                            0x%08X but was 0x%08X" % (ID, int(value))
    # if value!= ID:
    #     # Fail
    #     raise TestFailure("Core ID doesn't match: should have been: \
    #                         0x%08X but was 0x%08X" % (ID, int(value)))
    dut._log.info("ID -> OK!")

    dut._log.info("Check write/read regsters")
    INIT_ADDR = 4
    END_ADDR = 16
    for ADDRESS in [reg[2] for reg in regs_rw]:
        # DATA = random.randint(0, 2**32-1)
        addr_word = int(ADDRESS / 4)
        DATA = 0x30201000 | (addr_word << 0) | (addr_word << 4) | (
            addr_word << 8) | (addr_word << 12)

        #Write to the register
        yield axim.write(ADDRESS, DATA)
        yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
        #Read back the value
        value = yield axim.read(ADDRESS)
        yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)

        assert value == DATA, "Register at address 0x%08X should have been: \
                              0x%08X but was 0x%08X" % (ADDRESS, DATA,
        # if value != DATA:
        #     #Fail
        #     raise TestFailure("Register at address 0x%08X should have been: \
        #                     0x%08X but was 0x%08X" % (ADDRESS, DATA, int(value)))
        dut._log.info("Address 0x{:08x}: 0x{:08x} == 0x{:08x}".format(
            ADDRESS, int(value), DATA))
    dut._log.info("Write/Read sequence was ok, from 0x%08X to 0x%08X address" %
                  (INIT_ADDR, ADDRESS))
예제 #19
def first_test(dut):
        Very Basic Functionality
            Startup Nysa

    Test ID: 0

    Expected Results:
        Write to all registers

    dut.rst <= 1
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "AXIML", dut.clk)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    dut.rst <= 0

    dut.log.info("read from address 0x00")
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    data = yield axim.read(0x00);
    dut.log.info("Data from Address 0x00: 0x%08X" % data)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)

    dut.log.info("write to address 0x00")
    yield axim.write(0x00, 0x10)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)

    dut.log.info("read from address 0x00")
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    data = yield axim.read(0x00);
    dut.log.info("Data from Address 0x00: 0x%08X" % data)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)

    dut.log.info("read from address 0x01")
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    data = yield axim.read(0x01);
    dut.log.info("Data from Address 0x01: 0x%08X" % data)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)

    dut.log.info("This should fail!")
    yield axim.write(0x01, 0x00);
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 100)
예제 #20
def Zybo_Example_test(dut):
    # Setting up clocks
    clk_100MHz = Clock(dut.clk, c_CLK_PERIOD, units='ns')
    axi_aclk_100MHz = Clock(dut.axi_aclk, c_CLK_PERIOD, units='ns')

    # Setting init values
    dut.reset = 1
    dut.Zybo_Example_sw_in = 0
    dut.Zybo_Example_bt_in = 0
    dut.axi_aresetn = 0
    # AXI-Lite Master object
    axil_m = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "s_axi", dut.axi_aclk)
    # tb
    # Wait one cycle and deactivate resets
    yield Timer(c_CLK_PERIOD, units='ns')
    dut.reset <= 0
    dut.axi_aresetn <= 1
    yield Timer(c_CLK_PERIOD, units='ns')

    # AXI-Lite read VERSION
    dut._log.info("AXI-Lite: Reading address 0x%02X" % (c_BASEADDRESS+c_VERSION_OFFSET))
    s_value_read = yield axil_m.read(c_BASEADDRESS+c_VERSION_OFFSET)
    # Check
    check(dut, s_value_read, c_VERSION_VALUE)

    # AXI-Lite read CONFIG_ID
    dut._log.info("AXI-Lite: Reading address 0x%02X" % (c_BASEADDRESS+c_CONFIG_ID_OFFSET))
    s_value_read = yield axil_m.read(c_BASEADDRESS+c_CONFIG_ID_OFFSET)
    # Check
    check(dut, s_value_read, c_CONFIG_ID_VALUE)

    # AXI-Lite read COUNT
    dut._log.info("AXI-Lite: Reading address 0x%02X" % (c_BASEADDRESS+c_COUNT_OFFSET))
    s_value_read = yield axil_m.read(c_BASEADDRESS+c_COUNT_OFFSET)
    # Check
    check(dut, s_value_read, c_COUNT_VALUE)

    # AXI-Lite write
    yield axil_m.write(c_BASEADDRESS+c_COUNT_OFFSET, 0x00000001)
    yield Timer(c_CLK_PERIOD, units='ns')

    # end tb
예제 #21
def write_carriage_return(dut):
        Demonstrate writing characters down. This will also show that the
        line pointers will increment (prev line, curr line, next line)

    Test ID: 2

    Expected Results:
    dut.rst <= 1
    dut.test_id <= 2
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "AXIML", dut.clk)
    video_in = AXI4StreamSlave(dut, "AXISS", dut.clk, width=24)

    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    dut.rst <= 0
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 300)

    control = 0x00
    control |= 1 << BIT_CTRL_EN
    yield axim.write(REG_CONTROL, control)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)

    #Write a characer down
    char_val = 0x41
    yield axim.write(REG_CONSOLE_CHAR, char_val)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)

    #Write a characer down
    char_val = 0x42
    yield axim.write(REG_CONSOLE_CHAR, char_val)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)

    #Write a carriage return
    char_val = 0x0D
    yield axim.write(REG_CONSOLE_CHAR, char_val)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 100)
예제 #22
async def test_axi4lite_write_burst(dut):
    """Test that write bursts are correctly refused by the AXI4-Lite driver"""

    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, AXI_PREFIX, dut.clk)
    _, data_width, ram_start, _ = get_parameters(dut)
    length = randint(2, 16)

    await setup_dut(dut)

        await axim.write(
            [randrange(0, 2**(data_width * 8)) for i in range(length)])

        raise TestFailure(
            "Write with length={} has been performed by the driver, but "
            "burst operations are not allowed on AXI4-Lite".format(length))

    except ValueError:
예제 #23
def first_test(dut):

    Test ID: 0

    Expected Results:
    dut.rst <= 1
    dut.test_id <= 0
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "AXIML", dut.clk)
    video_in = AXI4StreamSlave(dut, "AXISS", dut.clk, width=24)

    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    dut.rst <= 0
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 300)
예제 #24
def rw_all(dut):
        Write, verif entiy out, read back addresses 0,4,8,12

    Test ID: 2

    Expected Results:
        The value read directly from the register is the same as the
        value written

    dut.S_AXI_ARESETN <= 0
    #dut.test_id <= 0
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "S_AXI", dut.S_AXI_ACLK)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    dut.S_AXI_ARESETN <= 1

    ADDRESS = [0, 4, 8, 12]
    REGS = [dut.rw_reg0, dut.rw_reg1, dut.rw_reg2, dut.rw_reg3]
    for i, r in zip(ADDRESS, REGS):
        DATA = 0xab000000 + i
        yield axim.write(i, DATA)
        yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 4)
        value = r
        if value != DATA:
            raise TestFailure(
                "Register out at address 0x%08X should have been: \
                               0x%08X but was 0x%08X" % (i, DATA, value))
        value = yield axim.read(i)
        if value != DATA:
            raise TestFailure("Register at address 0x%08X should have been: \
                               0x%08X but was 0x%08X" % (i, DATA, value))

        dut.log.info("Write 0x%08X to 0x%08X" % (value, i))
        yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 4)
예제 #25
    def setup_interfaces(self):
			Setup the DUT interfaces.

        # input data interface
        self.data_in_clk_gen = cocotb.fork(
            Clock(self.dut.data_in_aclk, self.CLK_PERIOD).start())
        self.axism_data_in = AXI4StreamMaster(self.dut, "data_in",

        # output data interface
        self.data_out_clk_gen = cocotb.fork(
            Clock(self.dut.data_out_aclk, self.CLK_PERIOD).start())
        self.axiss_data_out = AXI4StreamSlave(self.dut, "data_out",

        # input data interface
        self.lut_data_load_clk_gen = cocotb.fork(
            Clock(self.dut.lut_data_load_aclk, self.CLK_PERIOD).start())
        self.axism_lut_data_load = AXI4StreamMaster(
            self.dut, "lut_data_load", self.dut.lut_data_load_aclk)

        # coefficients interface
        self.coefficients_in_clk_gen = cocotb.fork(
            Clock(self.dut.coefficients_in_aclk, self.CLK_PERIOD).start())
        self.axism_coeffs_in = AXI4StreamMaster(self.dut, "coefficients_in",

        # control data interface
        self.control_clk_gen = cocotb.fork(
            Clock(self.dut.control_aclk, self.CLK_PERIOD).start())
        self.axilm_control = AXI4LiteMaster(self.dut, "control",

        # use the input data clock
        self.data_in_clk_rising = yield RisingEdge(self.dut.data_in_aclk)

        yield Timer(0)
예제 #26
파일: BasebandTB.py 프로젝트: grebe/adi-bbp
    def __init__(self, dut, debug=False):
        self.dut = dut
        self.csrBase = 0x79040000
        self.stream_in = STDriver(dut,
        self.csr = MemMaster(dut, "s_axi", dut.s_axi_aclk, **lower_axil)
        self.memory = np.arange(1024 * 1024 * 1024, dtype=np.dtype('b'))
        self.mem = MemSlave(dut,

        # self.stream_in_recovered = STMonitor(dut, "adc_0", dut.clock, **stream_names)
        self.stream_out = STMonitor(
            dut, "dac_0", dut.clock,
            **stream_names)  #, callback = self.append_channel)
        self.expected_output = []
        self.txdata = []
        self.write_monitor = WriteMonitor(dut, "m_axi", dut.s_axi_aclk,
        eq_block = dut.sAxiIsland.freqRx.freqRx.eq
        # self.eq_monitor_in = DecoupledMonitor(eq_block, "in", eq_block.clock, reset=eq_block.reset)
        fft_block = dut.sAxiIsland.freqRx.freqRx.fft
        # self.fft_mon = FFTMonitor(fft_block, fft_block.clock)

        self.scoreboard = Scoreboard(dut)
        # self.scoreboard.add_interface(self.stream_out, self.expected_output)
        # self.scoreboard.add_interface(self.write_monitor, self.txdata)
        level = logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.WARNING
        # self.stream_in_recovered.log.setLevel(level)

        self.channel_model = SISOChannel()
예제 #27
def gamma_top_test_axi_alive(dut):

    # Reset
    dut.axi_aresetn <=  0
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS*2, units='ns')
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "s_axi", dut.axi_aclk)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS * 10, units='ns')
    # setup_dut(dut)
    dut.axi_aresetn <= 1
    yield Timer(10*CLK_PERIOD_NS, units='ns')
    ADDRESS = 0x00
    DATA = 0xdeadface

    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS * 10, units='ns')

    value = yield axim.read(ADDRESS)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS * 10, units='ns')

    if value != DATA:
        # Fail
        raise TestFailure("Register at address 0x%08X should have been: \
                           0x%08X but was 0x%08X" % (ADDRESS, DATA, int(value)))
    ADDRESS = 0x04
    DATA = 0x0000ffee

    value = yield axim.write(ADDRESS,DATA)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS * 10, units='ns')

    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS * 10, units='ns')

    value = yield axim.read(ADDRESS)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD_NS * 10, units='ns')

    if value != DATA:
        # Fail
        raise TestFailure("Register at address 0x%08X should have been: \
                           0x%08X but was 0x%08X" % (ADDRESS, DATA, int(value)))
예제 #28
def write_and_read(dut):
        Write to the register at address 0
        read back from that register and verify the value is the same

    Test ID: 2

    Expected Results:
        The contents of the register is the same as the value written

    dut.rst <=  1
    dut.test_id <= 2
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "AXIML", dut.clk)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    dut.rst <= 0

    #Shift the adress up by 2 in order to make the addresses 32-bit aligned
    ADDRESS = 0x00 << 2
    DATA = 0xAB

    #Write to the register
    yield axim.write(ADDRESS, DATA)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)

    #Read back the value
    value = yield axim.read(ADDRESS)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)

    value = dut.dut.r_temp_0
    if value != DATA:
        raise TestFailure("Register at address 0x%08X should have been: \
                           0x%08X but was 0x%08X" % (ADDRESS, DATA, int(value)))

    dut._log.info("Write 0x%08X to addres 0x%08X" % (int(value), ADDRESS))
예제 #29
def write_and_read(dut):
        Write to the register at address 0
        read back from that register and verify the value is the same

    Test ID: 2

    Expected Results:
        The contents of the register is the same as the value written

    dut.S_AXI_ARESETN <= 0
    #dut.test_id <= 2
    axim = AXI4LiteMaster(dut, "S_AXI", dut.S_AXI_ACLK)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)
    dut.S_AXI_ARESETN <= 1

    ADDRESS = 0x03
    DATA = 0xEB

    #Write to the register
    yield axim.write(ADDRESS, DATA)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)

    #Read back the value
    value = yield axim.read(ADDRESS)
    yield Timer(CLK_PERIOD * 10)

    #value = dut.slv_reg0
    if value != DATA:
        raise TestFailure("Register at address 0x%08X should have been: \
                           0x%08X but was 0x%08X" % (ADDRESS, DATA, value))

    dut.log.info("Write 0x%08X to addres 0x%08X" % (value, ADDRESS))
예제 #30
파일: DspBlockTB.py 프로젝트: grebe/adi-bbp
    def __init__(self, dut, debug=False):
        self.dut = dut
        self.stream_in = STDriver(dut,
        self.backpressure = BitDriver(self.dut.out_0_ready, self.dut.clock)
        self.stream_out = STMonitor(dut,

        self.csr = MemMaster(dut,

        # Reconstruct the input transactions from the pins
        # and send them to our 'model'
        self.stream_in_recovered = STMonitor(

        # Create a scoreboard on the stream_out bus
        self.pkts_sent = 0
        self.expected_output = []
        self.scoreboard = Scoreboard(dut)
        self.scoreboard.add_interface(self.stream_out, self.expected_output)

        # Set verbosity on our various interfaces
        level = logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.WARNING