예제 #1
def run_phase(df, nid, extract_type_id, data_type_id, source,
              representative_id, code_system_id):
    """Prep source data by location, year, age, sex, and garbage level."""
    # set caching
    configurator = Configurator('standard')
    cache_dir = configurator.get_directory('db_cache')
    cache_options = {
        'block_rerun': True,
        'cache_dir': cache_dir,
        'force_rerun': False,
        'cache_results': False

    print_log_message("Pulling map from cause to detail level")
    detail_level_map = get_map_to_package_metadata(code_system_id)

    # merge incoming data with cause detail level df
    print("Merging detail level onto data")
    df = merge_with_detail_map(df, detail_level_map)

    print_log_message("Determining national coverage")
    # get national reprsentativeness
    # in stata we used whether or not there was national
    # or subnational in the source_type
    # but since we no longer have that then the best we can
    # do here is just use "representative_id"
    df = assign_nationally_representative(
        df, source, representative_id, data_type_id, cache_options

    print_log_message("Collapsing data.")
    df = df.groupby(["location_id", "year_id", "nid", "extract_type_id",
                     "source", "data_type_id", "detail_level_id",
                     "nationally_representative", "age_group_id",
                     "sex_id"], as_index=False)["deaths"].sum()

    return df
def run_phase(df, cause_set_version_id, location_set_version_id, data_type_id,
              env_run_id, source, nid, extract_type_id, remove_decimal,
    """Run the full pipeline, chaining together CodProcesses."""
    configurator = Configurator('standard')
    cache_dir = configurator.get_directory('db_cache')
    cache_options = {
        'block_rerun': True,
        'cache_dir': cache_dir,
        'force_rerun': False,
        'cache_results': False

    # get cause hierarchy
    cause_meta_df = get_current_cause_hierarchy(
        cause_set_version_id=cause_set_version_id, **cache_options)

    # get location hierarchy
    location_meta_df = get_current_location_hierarchy(
        location_set_version_id=location_set_version_id, **cache_options)

    # get envelope
    env_meta_df = get_env(env_run_id=env_run_id, **cache_options)

    # get env with HIV
    env_hiv_meta_df = get_env(env_run_id=env_run_id,

    # get age groups
    age_meta_df = get_ages(**cache_options)

    code_system_id = int(

    cause_map = get_cause_map(code_map_version_id=code_map_version_id,

    package_map = get_package_map(code_system_id=code_system_id,

    disagg_df = get_phase_output("disaggregation", nid, extract_type_id)
    misdc_df = get_phase_output("misdiagnosiscorrection", nid, extract_type_id)

    cause_package_hierarchy = get_cause_package_hierarchy(code_system_id)

    if source == "Cancer_Registry":
        df = prune_cancer_registry_data(df, location_meta_df)

    # aggregate location
    print_log_message("Aggregating location to country level")
    location_aggregator = LocationAggregator(df, location_meta_df)
    df = location_aggregator.get_computed_dataframe()

    if data_type_id in POLICE_SURVEY_DATA_TYPE:
        # special step to remove HIV from maternal data
        print_log_message("Removing HIV from cc_code for maternal data.")
        maternal_hiv_remover = MaternalHIVRemover(df, env_meta_df,
                                                  env_hiv_meta_df, source, nid)
        df = maternal_hiv_remover.get_computed_dataframe()

    print_log_message("Calculating sample size")
    df = calc_sample_size(df)

    print_log_message("Converting to cause fractions")
    df = df.loc[df['sample_size'] > 0]
    df = convert_to_cause_fractions(
        df, ['deaths', 'deaths_rd', 'deaths_corr', 'deaths_raw'])

    if data_type_id == VA_DATA_TYPE:
        # run VA anemia adjusment
        print_log_message("Running VA Anemia adjustment")
        va_anemia_adjuster = AnemiaAdjuster()
        df = va_anemia_adjuster.get_computed_dataframe(df)

    if data_type_id in POLICE_SURVEY_DATA_TYPE:

        cause_list = df.cause_id.unique()
        square_me = (len(cause_list) == 2) & (CC_CODE in cause_list)
        if (source in MATERNAL_SQUARED) or square_me:
            print_log_message("Squaring maternal data")
            df = square_maternal_sources(df, cause_meta_df, age_meta_df)

    print_log_message("Dropping cc code")
    df = drop_cc_code(df)

    print_log_message("Splitting locations.")
    env_loc_splitter = EnvelopeLocationSplitter(df, env_meta_df, source)
    df = env_loc_splitter.get_computed_dataframe()

    # aggregate causes
    print_log_message("Aggregating causes")
    cause_aggregator = CauseAggregator(df, cause_meta_df, source)
    df = cause_aggregator.get_computed_dataframe()

    print_log_message("Adding parnt-mapped garbage to aggregated causes")
    parent_gbg_adder = ParentMappedAggregatedGarbageAdder(
        nid, extract_type_id, source, cause_package_hierarchy, cause_meta_df,
        package_map, cause_map, remove_decimal, disagg_df, misdc_df)
    df = parent_gbg_adder.get_computed_dataframe(df)

    print_log_message("Applying hiv-prevalance in pregnancy adjustment to "
                      "maternal deaths")
    hmp = HIVMatPAFs()
    df = hmp.get_computed_dataframe(df, cause_meta_df, location_meta_df)

        "Removing HIV and shocks from cause fraction denominator")
    hiv_shock_remover = SampleSizeCauseRemover(cause_meta_df)
    df = hiv_shock_remover.get_computed_dataframe(df)

    df = conform_one_like_cf_to_one(df)

    print_log_message("Verifying cause fractions not null between 0 and 1")

    if dataset_has_redistribution_variance(data_type_id, source):
        # Determine the redistribution variance
        rdvar = RedistributionVarianceEstimator(nid, extract_type_id,
                                                cause_meta_df, remove_decimal,
                                                code_system_id, cause_map,
        df = rdvar.get_computed_dataframe(df)

    return df
예제 #3
class HIVMatPAFs(CodProcess):

    calc_cf_col = 'cf'
    all_cf_cols = ['cf', 'cf_raw', 'cf_corr', 'cf_rd']

    def __init__(self):
        self.configurator = Configurator('standard')
        self.cache_dir = self.configurator.get_directory('db_cache')
        self.maternal_hiv_props_path = \
        # self.need_subnational_props = [51, 16, 86, 214, 165]

    def get_computed_dataframe(self, df, cause_meta_df, location_meta_df):
        restricted_maternal_df = \
            self.restrict_to_maternal_data(df, cause_meta_df)
        if restricted_maternal_df is None:
            # nothing to do if there is no maternal data to adjust
            return df
        appended_pafs = self.append_maternal_pafs(
        # no longer need this step since new PAFs have been created
        # extra step to fix missing sub national proportions
        # appended_pafs = self.duplicate_national_props(appended_pafs, location_meta_df)
        merged_data = \
        percent_maternal = self.generate_percentages(merged_data)
        split_maternal = self.generate_splits(percent_maternal)
        hiv_cfs = self.create_maternal_hiv_cfs(split_maternal)
        cleaned = self.clean_adjusted_data(hiv_cfs)
        final = \
            self.append_adjusted_orig(df, restricted_maternal_df, cleaned)
        group_cols = [
            col for col in final.columns
            if col not in self.all_cf_cols and col not in ['sample_size']
        final = final.groupby(group_cols, as_index=False).agg({
            'sample_size': 'mean',
            'cf': 'sum',
            'cf_raw': 'sum',
            'cf_corr': 'sum',
            'cf_rd': 'sum'
        return final

    def restrict_to_maternal_data(self, df, cause_meta_df):
        """Restrict incoming dataframe to only maternal data."""
        df = df.copy()
        # get age start and age end for maternal ages
        maternal_metadata = cause_meta_df.loc[cause_meta_df['cause_id'] == 366]
        age_start = maternal_metadata['yll_age_start']
        assert len(age_start) == 1
        age_start = age_start.iloc[0]
        age_end = maternal_metadata.yll_age_end
        assert len(age_end) == 1
        age_end = age_end.iloc[0]

        data = add_age_metadata(df,
        data.rename(columns={'simple_age': 'age'}, inplace=True)
        maternal_data = data.loc[(df['cause_id'] == 366)
                                 & (data['age'] >= age_start) &
                                 (data['age'] <= age_end) &
                                 (data['sex_id'] == 2) &
                                 (data['year_id'] >= 1980)]
        maternal_data.drop('age', axis=1, inplace=True)
        if len(maternal_data) == 0:
            return None
            return maternal_data

    def append_maternal_pafs(self, years):
        """Read in proportions."""
        props = pd.DataFrame()
        for year in years:
            year = int(year)
            props_path = "{}/maternal_hiv_props_{}.csv".format(
                self.maternal_hiv_props_path, year)
            data = pd.read_csv(props_path)
            props = props.append(data)
        props = props.rename(columns={'year': 'year_id'})
        return props

    def duplicate_national_props(self, props_df, loc_df):
        """Duplicate national proportions and fill sub national proportions.

        Note: necessary in countries that we are now modeling sub nationally,
        but since we weren't before there aren't any sub national proportions
        for maternal hiv (yet).
        subnational = loc_df.loc[
            loc_df['level'] > 3,
            ['location_id', 'parent_id', 'level', 'path_to_top_parent']]

        # Russia sub nationals are level 5 while other countries are level 4
            subnational['level'] == 5, 'parent_id'] = \

        # only keep rows with the needed sub national locations
        subnational = subnational.loc[subnational['parent_id'].isin(

        # drop level 4 sub national location_ids for Russia
        subnational = subnational.loc[~((subnational['parent_id'] == 62) &
                                        (subnational['level'] == 4))]
        subnational = subnational[['location_id', 'parent_id']]
            'location_id': 'child_location_id',
            'parent_id': 'location_id'

        # create sub national maternal_hiv proportions from national
        subnational = props_df.merge(subnational, on='location_id')
        subnational.drop('location_id', axis=1, inplace=True)
        subnational.rename(columns={'child_location_id': 'location_id'},
        props_df = pd.concat([props_df, subnational])
        assert not props_df.duplicated().any(), 'please check maternal'\
            ' proportions, there are duplicates'
        return props_df

    def merge_data_and_proportions(self, data, props):
        """Merge restricted maternal data and proportions."""
        merged_data = data.merge(props,
                                 on=['location_id', 'age_group_id', 'year_id'],
        assert merged_data.notnull().values.all(), 'maternal proportions '\
            'were not successfully merged with incoming data'
        return merged_data

    def generate_percentages(self, df):
        """Create new 'pct_maternal column'.

        This is to prepare for calculating maternal hiv cause fractions
        df['pct_maternal'] = 1 - df['pct_hiv'] - df['pct_maternal_hiv']
        df.loc[df['pct_maternal'].isnull(), 'pct_maternal'] = 1
        df.loc[df['pct_hiv'].isnull(), 'pct_hiv'] = 0
        df.loc[df['pct_maternal_hiv'].isnull(), 'pct_maternal_hiv'] = 0
        assert all(x > 0 for x in df['pct_maternal'])
        assert df[['pct_maternal', 'pct_hiv', 'pct_maternal_hiv'
                   ]].notnull().values.any(), 'there are missing percentages'
        assert all(
            abs(df['pct_maternal'] + df['pct_hiv'] + df['pct_maternal_hiv']) -
            1) < .0001
        # proportion of maternal that is aggravated by hiv
        # cannot be above 13% based on USERNAME's meta-analysis; otherwise
        # this would suggest the percentage of maternal deaths that were
        # hiv positive is >1
        assert (df['pct_maternal_hiv_vr'] <= .13).all()
        # maternal_hiv should not yet exist
        assert not (df['cause_id'] == 741).any()
        return df

    ''' '''

    def generate_splits(self, df):
        """Create a column to indicate how the data should be split.

        (depends on source type)
        df = add_nid_metadata(
        df.loc[df['data_type_id'].isin([7, 5]), 'split_maternal'] = 1
        df.loc[df['split_maternal'].isnull(), 'split_maternal'] = 0
        df.loc[df['split_maternal'] == 0, 'pct_maternal'] = 1
        df.loc[df['split_maternal'] == 0,
               'pct_maternal_hiv'] = df['pct_maternal_hiv_vr']
        df.loc[df['split_maternal'] == 0, 'pct_hiv'] = 0
        df.drop('pct_maternal_hiv_vr', axis=1, inplace=True)
        return df

    def create_maternal_hiv_cfs(self, df):
        """Create cause fractions for maternal hiv."""
        df = df.copy()

        maternal_hiv_df = df.copy()
        maternal_hiv_df['cf'] = maternal_hiv_df['cf'] * \
        maternal_hiv_df['cause_id'] = 741
        maternal_hiv_df['cf_raw'] = 0
        maternal_hiv_df['cf_corr'] = 0
        maternal_hiv_df['cf_rd'] = 0

        maternal_df = df.copy()
        maternal_df['cf'] = maternal_df['cf'] * maternal_df['pct_maternal']
        maternal_df['cause_id'] = 366
        df = pd.concat([maternal_hiv_df, maternal_df], ignore_index=True)

        return df

    def clean_adjusted_data(self, df):
        """Clean up adjusted data to add on to the original dataset.

        Add maternal_hiv to maternal, keep the maternal_hiv,
        split_maternal 0 observations and call them maternal
        va_vr = df.loc[df['split_maternal'] == 0]
        if len(va_vr) > 0:
            assert set([741, 366]) == set(va_vr.cause_id.unique())
            va_vr = va_vr.loc[va_vr['cause_id'] != 366]
            va_vr['cause_id'] = 366
        df = pd.concat([df, va_vr], ignore_index=True)
        df = df.groupby([
            'nid', 'extract_type_id', 'location_id', 'year_id', 'site_id',
            'age_group_id', 'sex_id', 'sample_size', 'cause_id'

        # it is possible that, using this method, cause fractions exceed 1.
        # this is meaningless and breaks noise reduction, so cap it
        # make sure that cf isn't something absurd, though
        assert (df['cf'] < 1.1).all()
        df.loc[df['cf'] > 1, 'cf'] = 1

        return df

    def append_adjusted_orig(self, orig, maternal_data, adjusted):
        """Remove original maternal data and append on adjusted."""
        data = orig.merge(maternal_data, how='left', indicator=True)
        data = data.loc[data['_merge'] != 'both']
        data.drop('_merge', axis=1, inplace=True)
        data = data.append(adjusted, ignore_index=True)
        return data
예제 #4
class GBDCauseMapper(CodProcess):
    """Convert cause codes into cause_ids.

        id_cols (list):
        data_col (list):
        unique_cols (list):
        df, a pandas DataFrame with addition of cause_id
        diag_df, a pandas DataFrame: assesses the difference
        between different mapping versions

    id_cols = ['nid', 'extract_type_id', 'location_id', 'year_id',
               'age_group_id', 'sex_id', 'cause_id', 'code_id',
    data_col = ['deaths']
    unique_cols = ['nid', 'extract_type_id', 'location_id', 'year_id',
                   'age_group_id', 'sex_id',
                   'cause_id', 'code_id', 'site_id']
    # These are acauses 'sub_total', and '_sb'
    unnecessary_causes = [920, 744]
    cache_dir = str()

    def __init__(self, cause_set_version_id, code_map):
        self.cg = Configurator("standard")
        self.cache_dir = self.cg.get_directory('db_cache')
        self.cause_set_version_id = cause_set_version_id
        self.code_map = code_map

    def get_computed_dataframe(self, df, code_system_id):

        # make special cause adjustments
        df = self.special_cause_reassignment(df, code_system_id)

        """Map code id to cause id."""
        print_log_message("Merging with cause map")
        # get code metadata from a file already cached
        df = add_code_metadata(
            df, ['cause_id'], code_system_id,
        report_if_merge_fail(df, 'cause_id', 'code_id')

        # Make sure the mappings are good!
        print("Asserting it's all good")
        self.assert_valid_mappings(df, code_system_id)
        df = self.drop_unnecessary_causes(df, self.unnecessary_causes)
        df = self.collapse_and_sum_by_deaths(df)
        return df

    def drop_unnecessary_causes(self, df, unnecessary_causes):
        # Drops causes set as unnecessary, subtotal and stillbirth
        df = df.copy()
        df = df[~df['cause_id'].isin(unnecessary_causes)]
        return df

    def special_cause_reassignment(self, df, code_system_id):
        """Replace the actual data cause under certain conditions.

        There are instances where a PI has good reason to
        believe that a certain group of deaths were assigned
        to the wrong cause, and it is known what cause to re-assign
        those deaths to. Implement here.

        This essentially allows mapping based on not just the cause
        and code system but based on other information like
        the location, NID, year, etc.

        It can also be used (sparingly) for hotfixes like
        changing all codes with values 'acause_digest_gastrititis'
        to be named 'acause_digest_gastritis'.

            df (DataFrame): data with cause

            DataFrame: with any modifications

        cache_args = {
            'force_rerun': False,
            'block_rerun': True,
            'cache_dir': 'standard',
            'cache_results': False
        # Some SRS codes get redistributed differently than
        # other ICD10 datasets
        df = add_nid_metadata(
            df, 'source', **cache_args

        if (df['source'] == "India_SRS_states_report").any():
            print_log_message("Changing SRS codes to custom garbage groups")
            assert (df['source'] == "India_SRS_states_report").all()

            df = add_code_metadata(
                df, 'value', code_system_id=code_system_id,

            custom_grbg = pd.read_csv(
            custom_grbg = custom_grbg.query('active == 1')
            custom_grbg['value'] = custom_grbg['srs_custom_garbage_group']
            custom_grbg = add_code_metadata(
                custom_grbg, 'code_id', code_system_id=code_system_id,
                merge_col='value', **cache_args
            custom_grbg = custom_grbg.rename(
                columns={'code_id': 'new_code_id'})
            custom_grbg = custom_grbg[['package_id', 'new_code_id']]

            gp_dfs = []
            for package_id in custom_grbg.package_id.unique():
                gp_df = get_garbage_from_package(
                    code_system_id, package_id, package_arg_type="package_id"
                assert len(gp_df) != 0, \
                    "Found 0 codes for package {}".format(package_id)
            gp_df = pd.concat(gp_dfs, ignore_index=True)

            gp_df = gp_df.merge(custom_grbg, how='left')
            report_if_merge_fail(gp_df, 'new_code_id', 'package_id')
            gp_df = gp_df[['value', 'new_code_id']]
            gp_df['value'] = gp_df['value'].str.strip()

            df = df.merge(gp_df, how='left', on='value')
            df.loc[df['new_code_id'].notnull(), 'code_id'] = df['new_code_id']
            df['code_id'] = df['code_id'].astype(int)
            df = df.drop(['new_code_id', 'value'], axis=1)

        df = df.drop('source', axis=1)

        china_cdc_2008 = (df['nid'] == 270005) & (df['extract_type_id'] == 2)
        # J96.00 - move five to four digit J96.0 (this should be a rule in formatting, only keep 4 digit detail)
        five_dig_code = df['code_id'] == 13243
            china_cdc_2008 & five_dig_code,
        ] = 13242

        return df

    def collapse_and_sum_by_deaths(self, df):
        """Group by final columns, summing across deaths.

        Directly modifies the dataframe, keeping only the columns needed
        to move on to the next Claude step. Also includes an assertion
        that there are no duplicates.
        df = df.groupby(self.id_cols, as_index=False)[self.data_col].sum()
        return df

    def assert_valid_mappings(self, df, code_system_id):
        """Test that the mapping worked.

        Runs a suite of assertions to make sure that mapping was successful.
            df (DataFrame): with at least code_id and cause_id
            AssertionError: Any condition fails
        # add code value from cached code map
        print("Adding value")
        df = add_code_metadata(
            df, ['value'], code_system_id,
        report_if_merge_fail(df, 'value', 'code_id')
        # get acause from cached cause hierarchy
        print("Adding acause")
        df = add_cause_metadata(
            df, ['acause'],
        report_if_merge_fail(df, 'acause', 'cause_id')

        # Test that all causes starting with 'acause_' are mapped correctly.
        # acause_cvd, for example, should be mapped to 'cvd' (not 'cvd_ihd').
        # 'acause__gc_X59' should be mapped to '_gc', etc.
        print("Checking implied acauses")
        check_df = df.loc[df['value'].str.startswith('acause_')]
        check_df['implied_acause'] = \
            check_df['value'].str.replace('acause_', '', 1)

        ] = "_gc"
        bad_df = check_df.loc[
            check_df['acause'] != check_df['implied_acause']
        if len(bad_df) > 0:
            bad_stuff = bad_df[['value', 'acause']].drop_duplicates()
            raise AssertionError(
                "These code values do not match their acause: "

        print("Checking for bad values")
        # assert incorrect acauses are gone
        bad_acauses = ['acause_digest_gastrititis',

        bad_df = df.loc[df['value'].isin(bad_acauses)].value.unique()
        if len(bad_df) > 0:
            raise AssertionError(
                "Found these bad code values in the data: {}".format(bad_stuff)

    def assert_unique_cols_unique(self, df):
        """Test that columns that should uniquely identify the dataframe do."""
        assert not df.duplicated(self.unique_cols).any()
예제 #5
class BridgeMapper(CodProcess):
    """Replace acauses with those in the bridge map.

        source (str)
        cause_set_version_id (int)
        code_system (str)
        df, pandas DataFrame: only change is replacing some cause_ids
        diag_df, pandas DataFrame: shows which cause_ids have been changed

    id_cols = ['nid', 'extract_type_id', 'location_id', 'year_id',
               'age_group_id', 'sex_id', 'cause_id',
    val_cols = ['deaths', 'deaths_rd', 'deaths_corr', 'deaths_raw']

    # data type id for verbal autopsy
    VA = 8

    def __init__(self, source, cause_meta_df, code_system):
        self.source = source
        self.code_system = code_system
        self.conf = Configurator("standard")
        self.bridge_map_path = Path(self.conf.get_directory('bridge_maps'))
        self.cause_meta_df = cause_meta_df
        self.cache_options = {
            'force_rerun': False,
            'block_rerun': True,
            'cache_results': False,
            'cache_dir': 'standard'

    def get_computed_dataframe(self, df):
        """Replace acauses with those in the bridge map."""
        # VA sources are the only ones where this may not work
        # might need to split dataframe by data_type_id for bridge map
        df = add_nid_metadata(df, ['data_type_id'], **self.cache_options)
        has_verbal_autopsy = self.VA in df['data_type_id'].unique()
        df.drop(columns='data_type_id', inplace=True)

        if self.needs_bridging(has_verbal_autopsy):
            file_name = self.get_file_name(has_verbal_autopsy)
            map_df = pd.read_csv(self.bridge_map_path / file_name)
            map_df = map_df[['acause', 'bridge_code']]

            # add acause column to deaths data
            bridge_mapped = add_cause_metadata(
            # hack, this cause_id snuck in somehow...
                bridge_mapped['cause_id'] == 606, 'acause'
            ] = 'gyne_femaleinfert'
            report_if_merge_fail(bridge_mapped, 'acause', 'cause_id')
            bridge_mapped.drop(['cause_id'], axis=1, inplace=True)

            # perform zz bridge code redistribution before other bridge mapping
            bridge_mapped = self.redistribute_zz_bridge_codes(bridge_mapped, map_df)

            bridge_mapped = bridge_mapped.merge(
                map_df, how='left', on='acause'
            bridge_mapped = self.acause_to_bridge_code(bridge_mapped)
            # bring cause_id back
            bridge_mapped = add_cause_metadata(

            # hack, this cause_id snuck in
                bridge_mapped['acause'] == 'gyne_femaleinfert', 'cause_id'
            ] = 606
            report_if_merge_fail(bridge_mapped, 'cause_id', 'acause')
            # output diagnostic dataframe
            self.diag_df = bridge_mapped
            # drop unnecessary columns
            bridge_mapped = self.clean_up(bridge_mapped)
            return bridge_mapped
            self.diag_df = df
            df = self.clean_up(df)
            return df

    def needs_bridging(self, has_verbal_autopsy):
        Check data type and code_system to see if the bridge map is needed.
        code_systems_to_bridge_map = [
            "ICD9_detail", "ICD9_BTL", "ICD10_tabulated",
            "ICD8_detail", "ICD8A",
            "China_1991_2002", "India_SCD_states_rural", "India_MCCD_states_ICD10",
            "India_MCCD_states_ICD9", "India_SRS_states_report",
            "Russia_FMD_1989_1998", "ICD9_USSR_Tabulation", "INDEPTH_ICD10_VA",
            "India_Maharashtra_SCD", "India_CRS", "PHL_VSR_1999_2005"
        special_sources_to_bridge_map = [
            "India_SRS_states_report", "India_MCCD_Orissa_ICD10"
        # not all VA sources use a bridge map... something to think about
        # in the future, but not necessary right now
        if has_verbal_autopsy | \
            (self.code_system in code_systems_to_bridge_map) | \
            (self.source in special_sources_to_bridge_map):
            # we need to use the bridge map!
            return True
            # we do not need to use the bridge map
            return False

    def get_file_name(self, has_verbal_autopsy):
        """Determine the file name needed based on the source or code system.

        Note: The default file name will be the name of the code system,
        with some exceptions. For some sources we have specified specific
        files to bridge map with, all other sources will use the file
        that matches its code_system.
        source_to_sheet = {
            "India_MCCD_Orissa_ICD10": "India_MCCD_states_ICD10",
            "India_MCCD_Delhi_ICD10": "India_MCCD_states_ICD10",
            "Thailand_Public_Health_Statistics": "ICD10_tabulated",
            "India_SRS_states_report": "India_SRS_states_report",
            "UKR_databank_ICD10_tab": "ICD10_tabulated",
            "Russia_FMD_ICD9": "Russia_FMD_1989_1998",
        if has_verbal_autopsy and (self.source != 'India_SRS_states_report'):
            file_name = 'INDEPTH_ICD10_VA'
            file_name = source_to_sheet.get(self.source, self.code_system)
        return file_name + '.csv'

    def redistribute_zz_bridge_codes(self, df, map_df):
        A mini-redistribution, but only redistributes causes bridge mapped to zz codes
        grouping_cols = list(set(self.id_cols) - {'cause_id'})
        start_deaths = {col: df.groupby(grouping_cols)[col].sum() for col in self.val_cols}

        zz_code_idxs = map_df['bridge_code'].str.startswith('ZZ-')
        # get the order to do the zz code redistribution in:
        # start on lowest level of hierarchy and work our way up
        zz_code_targets = (map_df
                           .loc[zz_code_idxs, ['bridge_code']]
                           .assign(acause=lambda d: d['bridge_code'].str.replace('ZZ-', '_'))
                           .merge(self.cause_meta_df, on='acause')
                           .sort_values(['level', 'acause'], ascending=False)
                           .loc[:, 'bridge_code']
        # don't distribute onto anything that maps to a zz code
        all_causes_to_zz_codes = set(map_df.loc[zz_code_idxs, 'acause'])

        for zz_code in zz_code_targets:
            child_cause_ids = get_all_related_causes(zz_code.strip().replace('ZZ-', '_'),
            child_causes = self.cause_meta_df.loc[

            acauses_to_redistribute = map_df.loc[map_df['bridge_code'] == zz_code, 'acause']
            to_redistribute = df['acause'].isin(acauses_to_redistribute)
            valid_child_causes = set(child_causes) - all_causes_to_zz_codes

            print_log_message('Found ZZ code: {}, deaths: {}'
                              .format(zz_code, df.loc[to_redistribute, 'deaths'].sum()))

            # distribute onto at least all combinations of these
            # this is to ensure everything in df[to_redistribute]
            # get weights
            values_to_include = {
                'acause': valid_child_causes,
            for col in grouping_cols:
                values_to_include[col] = df.loc[to_redistribute, col].unique()
            distributed = distribute(df[to_redistribute],
                                     base_value=0.001,  # this is mostly arbitrary
            report_if_merge_fail(distributed, check_col='acause', merge_cols=grouping_cols)

            # what follows is an unfortunate side effect of having multiple value columns
            # in the data -- it makes the merging somewhat more involved than simply
            # appending distributed data to existing data
            # TODO: refactor this into a generic method in redistribution_utils
            df = df.merge(distributed[grouping_cols + ['acause', 'deaths']],
                          on=grouping_cols + ['acause'],
                          suffixes=('', '_new'),
            # default to 0 deaths in all values where new variables / IDs (i.e. new causes)
            # are in the distributed data (right only)
            # and where distributed does not have data (i.e. other causes in original
            # data that weren't distributed onto) (left only)
            df[self.val_cols + ['deaths_new']] = df[self.val_cols + ['deaths_new']].fillna(0)
            # Set values that were distributed away from their cause to 0.
            # This has the effect of moving deaths away from one cause to another.
            df.loc[df['acause'].isin(acauses_to_redistribute), 'deaths'] = 0
            # now add distributed data to old
            df['deaths'] += df['deaths_new']
            df.drop(columns='deaths_new', inplace=True)

            # make sure deaths didn't move out of a nid-etid-site-location-year-sex-age group
            for col in self.val_cols:
                end_deaths = df.groupby(grouping_cols)[col].sum()
                assert np.allclose(start_deaths[col], end_deaths), \
                    "Dropped/added deaths during ZZ code redistribution: " + \
                    "start {}: {}, end {}: {}".format(col, start_deaths[col], col, end_deaths)
        return df

    def acause_to_bridge_code(self, df):
        """Replace the acause with the bridge code."""
        # there might still be zz codes in the data because we aren't
        # performing zz code redistribution on the other value columns,
        # so if something is coded to i.e. _neo in the raw data, then
        # we keep it as _neo.
        df['acause'].update(df['bridge_code'].str.replace('ZZ-', '_'))
        return df

    def get_diagnostic_dataframe(self):
        """Return a diagnostic dataframe.

        Diagnostic dataframe shows all changes made due to bridge mapping.
        Maybe change this later to there is some sort of output.
        if self.diag_df is None:
            print("No run of get computed dataframe yet")
            return self.diag_df

    def clean_up(self, df):
        """Group rogue duplicates."""
        df = df.groupby(self.id_cols, as_index=False)[self.val_cols].sum()
        return df
예제 #6

    code_system_type_dict = {1: "ICD10", 6: "ICD9"}
    df["code_system"] = code_system_type_dict[code_system_id]

    df["garbage_level"] = ""
    df["package_description"] = df["package_description"].str.lower()
    df = df[list(mcod_map)]

    return df

if __name__ == '__main__':

    mcod_map = pd.read_excel("{}/mcause_map.xlsx".format(

    # archive the current map

    # ger rid of current inj mapping
    mcod_map = mcod_map.loc[~mcod_map["package_description"].str.contains(
        "y34|x59|ncode|nn", flags=re.IGNORECASE, regex=True)]

    dfs = pd.DataFrame()

    for code_system_id in [1, 6]:
        df = prep_all_inj_codes(code_system_id, mcod_map)
        dfs = dfs.append(df, ignore_index=True)
예제 #7
class Recoder(CodProcess):
    """Move deaths from one thing to another based on expert opinon."""

    id_cols = [
        'nid', 'extract_type_id', 'location_id', 'year_id', 'age_group_id',
        'sex_id', 'cause_id', 'site_id'
    val_cols = ['deaths', 'deaths_rd', 'deaths_corr', 'deaths_raw']

    def __init__(self, cause_meta_df, source, code_system_id, data_type_id):
        self.source = source
        self.code_system_id = code_system_id
        self.data_type_id = data_type_id
        self.cause_meta_df = cause_meta_df
        self.conf = Configurator("standard")
        self.vr_indicators_path = self.conf.get_resource('vr_indicators')
        self.cache_options = {
            'force_rerun': False,
            'block_rerun': True,
            'cache_results': False,
            'cache_dir': self.conf.get_directory('db_cache')

    def get_computed_dataframe(self, df):
        """Return computations."""

        # this method is de-activated until we establish how data drops
        # will be executed (new preference is through not uploading them or
        # running them through noise reduction)
        # df = self.drop_low_quality_data(self.df)
        if 'data_type_id' not in df.columns:
            df = add_nid_metadata(df, "data_type_id", **self.cache_options)
        df = self.recode(df)
        df = self.conform_secret_causes(df)
        df = self.clean_up(df)

        return df

    def get_diagnostic_dataframe(self):
        """Return diagnostics."""

    def recode_sids(self, df):
        # SIDS in under 4 star locations needs to be recoded to neonatal 02/26/18
        path_to_4_stars_sheet = self.conf.get_resource("four_star_locations")
        four_five_star_locs = pd.read_csv(path_to_4_stars_sheet)
        four_five_star_locs = four_five_star_locs[['location_id']]
        four_five_star_locs = four_five_star_locs.location_id.unique()
        less_than_four_star = ~df['location_id'].isin(four_five_star_locs)
        is_sids = df['cause_id'] == 686
        df.loc[is_sids & less_than_four_star, 'cause_id'] = 380
        return df

    def clean_up(self, df):
        """Group rogue duplicates."""
        df = df.groupby(self.id_cols, as_index=False)[self.val_cols].sum()
        return df

    def conform_secret_causes(self, df):
        """Remove secret causes and conform to reporting cause hierarchy."""
        # replace parent_id = 723 if cause is "inj_suicide_pesti",
        # "inj_suicide_fire", "inj_suicide_hang")
        df = add_cause_metadata(df,
                                add_cols=['secret_cause', 'parent_id'],
        injuries_replace_parents = [722, 720, 719]
        replaced_injuries = df['cause_id'].isin(injuries_replace_parents)
        df.loc[replaced_injuries, 'parent_id'] = 723
        secret_causes = df['secret_cause'] == 1
        not_cc_code = df['cause_id'] != 919
        len_before = len(df)
        if df['parent_id'].isnull().values.any():
            raise AssertionError('There are missing parent cause_ids')
        df.loc[secret_causes & not_cc_code, 'cause_id'] = df['parent_id']
        len_after = len(df)
        if len_before != len_after:
            raise AssertionError(
                'The length of the dataframe has changed from {} to {}'.format(
                    len_before, len_after))
        df.drop(['parent_id', 'secret_cause'], axis=1, inplace=True)
        return df

    def drop_leukemia_subtypes(self, df):
        """Remove leukemia subtypes deaths created by redistribution.

        Deaths that are created in redistribution for leukemia subtypes should
        be recoded to the parent leukemia.
        leuk_subtypes = get_all_related_causes('neo_leukemia',

        # remove parent leukemia cause_id

        df.loc[(df['cause_id'].isin(leuk_subtypes)) & (df['deaths_rd'] > 0) &
               (df['deaths_raw'] <= 0), 'cause_id'] = 487

        return df

    def recode(self, df):
        """Recode based on expert judgement.
        cause_metadata_df = self.cause_meta_df
        cause_metadata_df = cause_metadata_df[[
            "cause_id", "path_to_top_parent", "acause"
        # recode ckd except for ckd_other to cong_other in neonates
        ckd_cause_ids = get_all_related_causes('ckd', cause_metadata_df)
        ckd_less_other = df['cause_id'].isin(ckd_cause_ids)
        neonate = df['age_group_id'].isin([2, 3])
        df.loc[ckd_less_other & neonate, 'cause_id'] = 652

        # recode resp_copd, resp_asthma, resp_other, resp_interstitial to lri
        # in neonates
        resp_ids = [509, 515, 516, 520]
        is_cert_resp_causes = df['cause_id'].isin(resp_ids)
        # neonate already defined
        df.loc[is_cert_resp_causes & neonate, 'cause_id'] = 322

        # recode resp_asthma to lri in perinates
        is_asthma = df['cause_id'] == 515
        df.loc[is_asthma & (df['age_group_id'] == 4), 'cause_id'] = 322

        # Drop any maternal cause below age 10 and above age 55
        # (recode to cc_code)
        maternal_cause_ids = get_all_related_causes(366, cause_metadata_df)
        maternal_cause_ids = df['cause_id'].isin(maternal_cause_ids)
        # ages not in the maternal age range
        non_maternal_ages = np.logical_not(df['age_group_id'].isin(
            [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22]))
        df.loc[maternal_cause_ids & non_maternal_ages, 'cause_id'] = 919

        # Drop alzheimers below age 40 to (recode to cc_code)
        # dementia cause_id = 543
        alzheimers = df['cause_id'] == 543
        under_40 = df['age_group_id'].isin(range(1, 13, 1))
        df.loc[alzheimers & under_40, 'cause_id'] = 919

        # Recode congenital causes to cc_code in ages over 70
        # (stata: substr(acause, 1, 4) == "cong")
        cong_causes = get_all_related_causes('cong', cause_metadata_df)
        congenital = df['cause_id'].isin(cong_causes)
        over_70 = df['age_group_id'].isin([19, 20, 30, 31, 32, 235])
        df.loc[congenital & over_70, "cause_id"] = 919

        # Recode neonatal-aged hepatitis
        # (and all sub-causes) to neonatal_hemolytic
        # except ICD9_USSR_Tabulated and ICD10_tabulated
        # Recode neonatal-aged hepatitis (and all sub-causes) to neonatal
        # if source is ICD9_USSR_Tabulated or ICD10_tabulated
        hepatitis = get_all_related_causes(400, cause_metadata_df)
        hepatitis = df['cause_id'].isin(hepatitis)
        if self.code_system_id in [7, 9]:
            df.loc[hepatitis & neonate, "cause_id"] = 380
            df.loc[hepatitis & neonate, "cause_id"] = 384

        # inj_disaster_light to inj_othunintent 2/07/18
        inj_disaster_light = df['cause_id'] == 984
        df.loc[inj_disaster_light, 'cause_id'] = 716

        # ckd diabetes type to ckd all but icd10 2/07/18
        # added ICD9_detail to exception 5/15/18
        if self.code_system_id not in [1, 6]:
            ckd_diabetes = df['cause_id'].isin([997, 998])
            df.loc[ckd_diabetes, 'cause_id'] = 589

        # Removing diabetes remap 7/2/2019 - want to use the results of the new
        # unspecified diabetes regression for everything
        # # diabetes subtypes to parent all but icd10 2/07/18
        # # added ICD9_detail, ICD10_tab to exception 5/15/18
        # if self.code_system_id not in [1, 6, 9]:
        #     diabetes_subtypes = df['cause_id'].isin([975, 976])
        #     df.loc[diabetes_subtypes, 'cause_id'] = 587

        # diabetes to type 1 under 15 everywhere 2/07/18
        diabetes_type_2 = df['cause_id'] == 976
        under_15 = df['age_group_id'] < 8
        df.loc[diabetes_type_2 & under_15, 'cause_id'] = 975

        # nutrition iron and iodine to zz every data 2/07/18
        iron_or_iodine = df['cause_id'].isin([388, 390])
        df.loc[iron_or_iodine, 'cause_id'] = 919

        # cvd_ihd move to cong_heart  in under one year 2/07/18
        under_1 = df['age_group_id'] < 5
        cvd_ihd = df['cause_id'] == 493
        df.loc[cvd_ihd & under_1, 'cause_id'] = 643

        if 686 in df.cause_id.unique():
            df = self.recode_sids(df)

        # Need to map _neo, _mental, _infect
        # etc to cc code 2/07/18
        df.loc[df.cause_id.isin([344, 409, 410, 542, 558, 669, 680, 961]),
               'cause_id'] = 919
        # usually we also have to map _inj to cc_code, but in some VA we have
        # other sources for splitting _inj we do not move to cc_code 3/26/2018
        if self.data_type_id not in [6, 7, 8]:
            df.loc[df['cause_id'] == 687, 'cause_id'] = 919

        # cvd_ihd to cvd_other in under age one to 14 years 2/07/18 bridge map
        one_to_14 = df['age_group_id'].isin([5, 6, 7])
        cvd_ihd = df['cause_id'] == 493
        df.loc[cvd_ihd & one_to_14, 'cause_id'] = 507
        # TODO test if the distinction between this and the above is necessary,
        # e.g. would the bridge map already map neonatal_hemolytic to neonatal?

        # Do shared cancer recodes (previously in cancer_recodes.do)
        cancer_recodes = get_all_related_causes([
            411, 414, 423, 426, 429, 432, 435, 438, 441, 444, 450, 453, 456,
            459, 462, 465, 468, 474, 486, 483
        ], cause_metadata_df)
        cancer_recodes = df['cause_id'].isin(cancer_recodes)
        cancer_ages = df['age_group_id'].isin(range(2, 8, 1))
        df.loc[cancer_recodes & cancer_ages, "cause_id"] = 489

        not_icd10 = self.code_system_id != 1
        neo_meso = df['cause_id'] == 483
        df.loc[neo_meso & not_icd10, "cause_id"] = 489

        # Recode digest_hernia to cc_code if source is Ethiopia_AAMSP
        # added Ethiopia_subnational_AAMSP in GBD2017
        if self.source.endswith("AAMSP"):
            digest_hernia = df['cause_id'].isin([531])
            df.loc[digest_hernia, "cause_id"] = 919

        # in these years we split a garbage of homicide/suicide to
        # their causes proportionally, now we want to recode the years
        # that we don't want to use in the homicide/suicide model.
        if self.source == "Iran_Mohsen_special_ICD10":
            homicide_and_suicide = df['cause_id'].isin(
                [724, 725, 726, 727, 941, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723])
            bad_years = df['year_id'].isin(range(2007, 2015))
            # _unintent
            df.loc[bad_years & homicide_and_suicide, "cause_id"] = 919

        # Recode war subcauses to inj_homicide in Jamaica 2005 VR
        inj_war = get_all_related_causes(945, cause_metadata_df)
        is_inj_war = df['cause_id'].isin(inj_war)
        jamaica = df['location_id'] == 115
        year_2005 = df['year_id'] == 2005
        vr = df['data_type_id'] == 9
        df.loc[is_inj_war & jamaica & year_2005 & vr, 'cause_id'] = 724

        # Recode inj_mech_gun to inj_homicide for Jamaica 2006 VR
        # "In ICD10 2005 there a large number of deaths due to
        # homicides, but in 2006 many of these deaths have moved to
        # unintentional firearms.
        # 2006 is missing homicides deaths. USERNAME wants to move deaths from
        # unintentional firearms to homicides."
        inj_mech_gun = df['cause_id'] == 705
        year_2006 = df['year_id'] == 2006
        df.loc[inj_mech_gun & year_2006 & jamaica & vr, 'cause_id'] = 724

        # Recode digest_ibd to digest for Suriname 2005-2012 ICD10
        # "Because NR has a very bad effect on IBD in Surinam please recode all
        # of data from  1995-2012 (ICD10 ) for "digest_ibd" to "digest"  in
        # Suriname and keep them in recoding list for every upload"
        # TODO should this be more years than just 2012? like all of ICD10?
        if self.source == "ICD10":
            digest_ibd = df['cause_id'] == 532
            suriname = df['location_id'] == 118
            year_1995_2012 = df['year_id'].isin(range(1995, 2013, 1))
            df.loc[digest_ibd & suriname & year_1995_2012, 'cause_id'] = 526

        # Recode endo_procedural to inj_homicide, writ-large
        # "GBD2013 HACK: USERNAME and USERNAME want Endo-procedural
        # to go to inj_medical just for this round.
        # In GBD2014 it will go to endo"
        endo_prodcedural = df['cause_id'] == 624
        df.loc[endo_prodcedural, 'cause_id'] = 708

        # Recode Schizophrenia to cc_code in Tibet - USERNAME's reason:
        # "Because have very bad effect in Noise Reduction"
        schizo = df['cause_id'] == 559
        tibet = df['location_id'] == 518
        df.loc[schizo & tibet, 'cause_id'] = 919

        # Recode HIV and all sub-causes before 1980 to cc_code, writ-large
        hiv = get_all_related_causes(298, cause_metadata_df)
        hiv = df['cause_id'].isin(hiv)
        pre_1980 = df['year_id'] < 1980
        df.loc[hiv & pre_1980, 'cause_id'] = 919

        # Recode diabetes and all sub-causes to neonatal, if age is neonatal
        # "2-Any death assigned to Diabetes in neonatal period (age 0-28 days)
        # in all data format (Except ICD9 and ICD10 detail) including all MCCD,
        # DSP , Russia format, VA have to recode to the neonatal death" -USERNAME
        # TODO this should be an age restriction for GBD not a recode
        # TODO implement
        diabetes_causes = get_all_related_causes(587, cause_metadata_df)
        diabetes = df['cause_id'].isin(diabetes_causes)
        df.loc[neonate & diabetes, 'cause_id'] = 380

        # Recode cvd_stroke and all subcauses to cvd
        # in Verbal Autopsy under 20 years
        # "Any death in VA and SCD that assigned to the Stroke
        # in under age 20 years have to recode to all CVD"
        # Not done in bridge map; stata code does this for all VA
        # despite SCD comment.
        under_20 = df['age_group_id'].isin(range(0, 8, 1))
        stroke = get_all_related_causes('cvd_stroke', cause_metadata_df)
        stroke_deaths = df['cause_id'].isin(stroke)
        va = df['data_type_id'] == 8
        # cvd cause_id is 491
        df.loc[under_20 & stroke_deaths & va, 'cause_id'] = 491

        # Recode inj_trans_road_pedal to cc_code if age over 95, for everything
        # USERNAME request 1/20/2017 "remove inj_trans_road_pedal for over
        # 95 in all countries and years"
        # TODO should this be an age restriction? questionable...
        over_95 = df['age_group_id'] == 235
        inj_trans_road_pedal = df['cause_id'] == 691
        df.loc[over_95 & inj_trans_road_pedal, 'cause_id'] = 919

        # Recode mental_schizo to _mental everywhere
        # "USERNAME request 1/31/2017 to get rid of all mental_schizo as a cause
        # of death and map to _mental"
        # TODO implement
        # TODO should this be yld_only, then? questionable...
        # TODO if maintaining this, don't need restriction restricting
        # mental_schizo to cc_code in Tibet
        df.loc[schizo, 'cause_id'] = 919

        # Recode msk and all sub-causes to cc_code in all VA
        # "USERNAME and USERNAME request 2/14/2017 "msk recode to cc_code for all
        # VA and SRS"
        # this is in the bridge map already

        # Recode cvd_pvd to cvd in Russia_FMD_1999_2011
        # Russia 1999 2011 has a weird outlier for pvd, should be cvd according
        # to USERNAME 02/13/2017
        # TODO implement
        if self.source == "Russia_FMD_1999_2011":
            cvd_pvd = df['cause_id'] == 502
            df.loc[cvd_pvd, 'cause_id'] = 491

        # USERNAME said to remove this following recode 2/26/2018
        # # In all VR USERNAME wants to move mental_drug deaths in under 15
        # # to unintentional poisoning. -USERNAME 7/8/2015
        # # cause_id 562 (mental_drug_opioids) has different age restrictions,
        # # so recode it separately
        # mental_causes_no_op = df['cause_id'].isin(
        #     [560, 561, 563, 564, 565, 566]
        # )
        # mental_no_op_ages = df['age_group_id'].isin(range(2, 8, 1))
        # df.loc[mental_causes_no_op & mental_no_op_ages & vr, 'cause_id'] = 700

        # mental_op = df['cause_id'] == 562
        # mental_op_ages = df['age_group_id'].isin([4, 5, 6, 7])
        # df.loc[mental_op & mental_op_ages & vr, 'cause_id'] = 700

        # Temp fix for self imposed redistribution error
        # move suicide and homicide in these years to cc_code
        if self.source == "Iran_Mohsen_special_ICD10":
            sui_homi_causes = [
                717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 941
            sui_homi = df['cause_id'].isin(sui_homi_causes)
            bad_years = df['year_id'].isin(range(2007, 2015))
            df.loc[sui_homi & bad_years, 'cause_id'] = 919

        # In India MCCD neonatal sepsis should only be in under 1 month
        if "India_MCCD" in self.source:
            non_neonates = np.logical_not(df['age_group_id'].isin([2, 3]))
            neonatal_sepsis = df['cause_id'].isin([])
            df.loc[non_neonates & neonatal_sepsis, 'cause_id'] = 380

        # In India_SCD_states_rural we are trying to get rid of all the
        # redistribution artifacts
        if self.source == "India_SCD_states_rural":
            warnings.warn("Implement SCD rd artifact recode")

        # Recoding state actor violence to war for proper schocks tracking
        # in ICD9btl & icd10 inj_war_execution > inj_war_war in Ecuador '80-'90
        inj_war_execution = df['cause_id'] == 854

        if self.source == "ICD9_BTL":
            ecuador = df['location_id'] == 122
            year_1980_1990 = df['year_id'].isin(range(1980, 1991, 1))
            df.loc[inj_war_execution & ecuador & year_1980_1990,
                   'cause_id'] = 855

            # inj_war_execution > inj_war_war for BIH from 1985-91
            bih = df['location_id'] == 44
            year_1985_1991 = df['year_id'].isin(
                [1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991])
            df.loc[inj_war_execution & bih & year_1985_1991, 'cause_id'] = 855
            # in icd9_btl there are cancer recodes to be implemented here
            warnings.warn("BTL cancer recode needed")

        if self.source == "ICD10":
            irq = df['location_id'] == 143
            year_2008 = df['year_id'] == 2008
            df.loc[inj_war_execution & year_2008 & irq, 'cause_id'] = 855

        # USERNAME said cirrhosis and hepatitis in India SRS did not go very well (5/26/19)
        # "Move any death from SRS in the final stage due to cirrhosis to hepatitis in under 15
        # Move 30% death from SRS in the final stage due to cirrhosis to hepatitis in between 15-24"
        if self.source == "India_SRS_states_report":
            # There should be no cirrhosis subtypes in SRS, but include them in case things change
            cirrhosis_ids = [521, 522, 523, 524, 971, 525]
            hepatitis_id = 400

            # Under 15
            under_15 = df['age_group_id'] < 8
            cirrhosis = df['cause_id'].isin(cirrhosis_ids)
            df.loc[under_15 & cirrhosis, 'cause_id'] = hepatitis_id

            # 15-24
            start_deaths = df[self.val_cols].sum(axis=0)
            # Create proportions to split
            split_df = pd.DataFrame()
            for age_group_id in [8, 9]:
                for cirrhosis_id in cirrhosis_ids:
                    small_df = pd.DataFrame({
                        'new_cause_id': [cirrhosis_id, hepatitis_id],
                        'pct': [0.70, 0.30]
                    small_df['cause_id'] = cirrhosis_id
                    small_df['age_group_id'] = age_group_id
                    split_df = split_df.append(small_df, sort=True)
            # Merge in the proportions and split
            # Do not apply the split retroactively - can't take away deaths from
            # cirrhosis in earlier phases if they aren't there yet
            df = df.merge(split_df,
                          on=['age_group_id', 'cause_id'])
            matches = df.new_cause_id.notnull()
            df.loc[matches, 'cause_id'] = df['new_cause_id']
            df.loc[matches, 'deaths'] = df['deaths'] * df['pct']
            for col in ['deaths_raw', 'deaths_corr', 'deaths_rd']:
                df.loc[matches & (df['new_cause_id'] == hepatitis_id), col] = 0
            df.drop(["new_cause_id", "pct"], axis='columns', inplace=True)
            assert np.allclose(start_deaths, df[self.val_cols].sum(axis=0))
            assert df.notnull().values.all()

        # USERNAMEFm says we should not have congenital in older age groups
        # in this study. USERNAME says that since congenital is created by the
        # redistribution of sepsis for this study: "Result of redistrbution on sepsis
        # have to be very low, if the problem is just this one drop result of redistribution
        # due to sepsis"
        # The larger question is if/when we should create causes in VA
        malawi_va_study = df['nid'] == 413649
        congenital = df.cause_id.isin(
            get_all_related_causes('cong', cause_metadata_df))
        df.loc[malawi_va_study & congenital, 'cause_id'] = 919

        if self.source == "ICD9_detail":
            if ((df['location_id'] == 43) & (df['year_id'] == 1997)).any():
                warnings.warn("Albania homicide recode needed")

        if self.source == "ICD9_USSR_Tabulated":
            warnings.warn("Missing some homicide fixes for TJK, ARM here.")

        df = self.drop_leukemia_subtypes(df)

        # mortuary, burial, self-reported COD, census/survey,
        # and tabulated hospital data should be reduced down to just
        # injuries, maternal, and cc_code
        if self.data_type_id in [1, 3, 5, 7]:
            maternal_causes = get_all_related_causes('maternal',
            injury_causes = get_all_related_causes('_inj', cause_metadata_df)
            maternal = df['cause_id'].isin(maternal_causes)
            inj = df['cause_id'].isin(injury_causes)
            df.loc[~(maternal | inj), 'cause_id'] = 919

            # for sibling history, we only want maternal and cc_code
            if self.data_type_id == 5:
                df.loc[~maternal, 'cause_id'] = 919

        return df
예제 #8
def run_phase(df, cause_set_version_id, location_set_version_id, data_type_id,
              env_run_id, source, nid, extract_type_id, remove_decimal,
              code_map_version_id, iso3):
    """Run the full pipeline, chaining together CodProcesses."""
    configurator = Configurator('standard')
    cache_dir = configurator.get_directory('db_cache')
    cache_options = {
        'block_rerun': True,
        'cache_dir': cache_dir,
        'force_rerun': False,
        'cache_results': False

    # get cause hierarchy
    cause_meta_df = get_current_cause_hierarchy(
        cause_set_version_id=cause_set_version_id, **cache_options)

    # get location hierarchy
    location_meta_df = get_current_location_hierarchy(
        location_set_version_id=location_set_version_id, **cache_options)

    # get envelope
    env_meta_df = get_env(env_run_id=env_run_id, **cache_options)

    # get env with HIV
    env_hiv_meta_df = get_env(env_run_id=env_run_id,

    # get age groups
    age_meta_df = get_ages(**cache_options)

    code_system_id = int(

    cause_map = get_cause_map(code_map_version_id=code_map_version_id,

    package_map = get_package_map(code_system_id=code_system_id,

    disagg_df = get_phase_output("disaggregation", nid, extract_type_id)
    misdc_df = get_phase_output("misdiagnosiscorrection", nid, extract_type_id)

    cause_package_hierarchy = get_cause_package_hierarchy(
        code_system_id, **cache_options)

    if source == "Cancer_Registry":
        df = prune_cancer_registry_data(df, location_meta_df)

    # aggregate location
    # defaults to simple location -> national aggregation
    # running full aggregation for India Survey data
    print_log_message("Aggregating location to country level")
    location_aggregator = LocationAggregator(df, location_meta_df)
    if (data_type_id == 7) & (iso3 == 'IND'):
        df = location_aggregator.get_computed_dataframe('full')
        df = location_aggregator.get_computed_dataframe()

    if data_type_id in POLICE_SURVEY_DATA_TYPE:
        # special step to remove HIV from maternal data
        print_log_message("Removing HIV from cc_code for maternal data.")
        maternal_hiv_remover = MaternalHIVRemover(df, env_meta_df,
                                                  env_hiv_meta_df, source, nid)
        df = maternal_hiv_remover.get_computed_dataframe()

    print_log_message("Calculating sample size")
    df = calc_sample_size(df)

    print_log_message("Converting to cause fractions")
    df = df.loc[df['sample_size'] > 0]
    df = convert_to_cause_fractions(
        df, ['deaths', 'deaths_rd', 'deaths_corr', 'deaths_raw'])

    if data_type_id == VA_DATA_TYPE:
        # run VA anemia adjusment
        print_log_message("Running VA Anemia adjustment")
        va_anemia_adjuster = AnemiaAdjuster()
        df = va_anemia_adjuster.get_computed_dataframe(df)

    if data_type_id == POLICE_DATA_TYPE:
        if source == 'Various_RTI':
            rti_adjuster = RTIAdjuster(df, cause_meta_df, age_meta_df,
            df = rti_adjuster.get_computed_dataframe()

    if data_type_id in POLICE_SURVEY_DATA_TYPE:
        # issue: rows with > 0 sample size are dropped
        # most common in maternal data, but relevant anywhere
        # we have only cc_code and one other cause and there
        # are 0 deaths for the other cause for a given age/sex
        cause_list = df.cause_id.unique()
        square_me = (len(cause_list) == 2) & (CC_CODE in cause_list)
        if (source in MATERNAL_SQUARED) or square_me:
            print_log_message("Squaring maternal data")
            df = square_maternal_sources(df, cause_meta_df, age_meta_df)

    print_log_message("Dropping cc code")
    df = drop_cc_code(df)

    print_log_message("Splitting locations.")
    env_loc_splitter = EnvelopeLocationSplitter(df, env_meta_df, source)
    df = env_loc_splitter.get_computed_dataframe()

    # aggregate causes
    print_log_message("Aggregating causes")
    cause_aggregator = CauseAggregator(df, cause_meta_df, source)
    df = cause_aggregator.get_computed_dataframe()

    print_log_message("Adding parnt-mapped garbage to aggregated causes")
    parent_gbg_adder = ParentMappedAggregatedGarbageAdder(
        nid, extract_type_id, source, cause_package_hierarchy, cause_meta_df,
        package_map, cause_map, remove_decimal, disagg_df, misdc_df)
    df = parent_gbg_adder.get_computed_dataframe(df)

    print_log_message("Applying hiv-prevalance in pregnancy adjustment to "
                      "maternal deaths")
    hmp = HIVMatPAFs()
    df = hmp.get_computed_dataframe(df, cause_meta_df, location_meta_df)

    # TO DO
    # ** In the recode step for BTL some cancer deaths were moved to the
    # cancer parent. The squaring step created 0's. Get rid of the 0's in
    # country-years the recode was previously applied to.

        "Removing HIV and shocks from cause fraction denominator")
    hiv_shock_remover = SampleSizeCauseRemover(cause_meta_df)
    df = hiv_shock_remover.get_computed_dataframe(df)

    # not sure why we do this, but could use a comment of some kind.
    df = conform_one_like_cf_to_one(df)

    print_log_message("Verifying cause fractions not null between 0 and 1")

    if dataset_has_redistribution_variance(data_type_id, source):
        # Determine the redistribution variance
        rdvar = RedistributionVarianceEstimator(
        df = rdvar.get_computed_dataframe(df, **cache_options)

    return df
예제 #9
from cod_prep.utils import (
from cod_prep.claude.claude_io import get_claude_data, makedirs_safely
from cod_prep.claude.configurator import Configurator
from save_proportions_for_tableau import SharedPackage

CONF = Configurator()

RDP_REG_DIR = CONF.get_directory('rdp_regressions')

def get_package_code_ids(regression_specification, code_system_id):
    """Returns code_ids for garbage codes in package for given code system"""
    package_description = regression_specification[

    packages = get_package_list(code_system_id)
    package_id = packages.loc[
        packages['package_description'] == package_description,
    assert len(package_id) == 1
    package_id = package_id.iloc[0]
예제 #10
write to file for uploading


CONF = Configurator('standard')
# sources containing maternal deaths that are noise reduced

NR_DIR = CONF.get_directory('nr_process_data')

def get_malaria_noise_reduction_model_result(malaria_model_group,
    """Read in the csv with saved malaria model result."""
    malaria_dfs = []
    for model_group in malaria_model_group:
        if model_group != "NO_NR":
            malaria_filepath = "FILEPATH".format(nr=NR_DIR,
            df = just_keep_trying(pd.read_csv,
예제 #11
class Recoder(CodProcess):

    id_cols = [
        'nid', 'extract_type_id', 'location_id', 'year_id', 'age_group_id',
        'sex_id', 'cause_id', 'site_id'
    val_cols = ['deaths', 'deaths_rd', 'deaths_corr', 'deaths_raw']

    def __init__(self, cause_meta_df, source, code_system_id, data_type_id):
        self.source = source
        self.code_system_id = code_system_id
        self.data_type_id = data_type_id
        self.cause_meta_df = cause_meta_df
        self.conf = Configurator("standard")
        self.vr_indicators_path = self.conf.get_resource('vr_indicators')
        self.cache_options = {
            'force_rerun': False,
            'block_rerun': True,
            'cache_results': False,
            'cache_dir': self.conf.get_directory('db_cache')

    def get_computed_dataframe(self, df):

        if 'data_type_id' not in df.columns:
            df = add_nid_metadata(df, "data_type_id", **self.cache_options)
        df = self.recode(df)
        df = self.conform_secret_causes(df)
        df = self.clean_up(df)

        return df

    def get_diagnostic_dataframe(self):
        """Return diagnostics."""

    def recode_sids(self, df):
        path_to_4_stars_sheet = self.conf.get_resource("four_star_locations")
        four_five_star_locs = pd.read_csv(path_to_4_stars_sheet)
        four_five_star_locs = four_five_star_locs[['location_id']]
        four_five_star_locs = four_five_star_locs.location_id.unique()
        less_than_four_star = ~df['location_id'].isin(four_five_star_locs)
        is_sids = df['cause_id'] == 686
        df.loc[is_sids & less_than_four_star, 'cause_id'] = 380
        return df

    def clean_up(self, df):
        """Group rogue duplicates."""
        df = df.groupby(self.id_cols, as_index=False)[self.val_cols].sum()
        return df

    def conform_secret_causes(self, df):

        df = add_cause_metadata(df,
                                add_cols=['secret_cause', 'parent_id'],
        injuries_replace_parents = [722, 720, 719]
        replaced_injuries = df['cause_id'].isin(injuries_replace_parents)
        df.loc[replaced_injuries, 'parent_id'] = 723
        secret_causes = df['secret_cause'] == 1
        not_cc_code = df['cause_id'] != 919
        len_before = len(df)
        if df['parent_id'].isnull().values.any():
            raise AssertionError('There are missing parent cause_ids')
        df.loc[secret_causes & not_cc_code, 'cause_id'] = df['parent_id']
        len_after = len(df)
        if len_before != len_after:
            raise AssertionError(
                'The length of the dataframe has changed from {} to {}'.format(
                    len_before, len_after))
        df.drop(['parent_id', 'secret_cause'], axis=1, inplace=True)
        return df

    def drop_leukemia_subtypes(self, df):

        leuk_subtypes = get_all_related_causes('neo_leukemia',


        df.loc[(df['cause_id'].isin(leuk_subtypes)) & (df['deaths_rd'] > 0) &
               (df['deaths_raw'] <= 0), 'cause_id'] = 487

        return df

    def recode(self, df):

        cause_metadata_df = self.cause_meta_df
        cause_metadata_df = cause_metadata_df[[
            "cause_id", "path_to_top_parent", "acause"
        ckd_cause_ids = get_all_related_causes('ckd', cause_metadata_df)
        ckd_less_other = df['cause_id'].isin(ckd_cause_ids)
        neonate = df['age_group_id'].isin([2, 3])
        df.loc[ckd_less_other & neonate, 'cause_id'] = 652

        resp_ids = [509, 515, 516, 520]
        is_cert_resp_causes = df['cause_id'].isin(resp_ids)

        df.loc[is_cert_resp_causes & neonate, 'cause_id'] = 322

        is_asthma = df['cause_id'] == 515
        df.loc[is_asthma & (df['age_group_id'] == 4), 'cause_id'] = 322

        maternal_cause_ids = get_all_related_causes(366, cause_metadata_df)
        maternal_cause_ids = df['cause_id'].isin(maternal_cause_ids)

        non_maternal_ages = np.logical_not(df['age_group_id'].isin(
            [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22]))
        df.loc[maternal_cause_ids & non_maternal_ages, 'cause_id'] = 919

        alzheimers = df['cause_id'] == 543
        under_40 = df['age_group_id'].isin(range(1, 13, 1))
        df.loc[alzheimers & under_40, 'cause_id'] = 919

        cong_causes = get_all_related_causes('cong', cause_metadata_df)
        congenital = df['cause_id'].isin(cong_causes)
        over_70 = df['age_group_id'].isin([19, 20, 30, 31, 32, 235])
        df.loc[congenital & over_70, "cause_id"] = 919

        hepatitis = get_all_related_causes(400, cause_metadata_df)
        hepatitis = df['cause_id'].isin(hepatitis)
        if self.code_system_id in [7, 9]:
            df.loc[hepatitis & neonate, "cause_id"] = 380
            df.loc[hepatitis & neonate, "cause_id"] = 384

        inj_disaster_light = df['cause_id'] == 984
        df.loc[inj_disaster_light, 'cause_id'] = 716

        if self.code_system_id not in [1, 6]:
            ckd_diabetes = df['cause_id'].isin([997, 998])
            df.loc[ckd_diabetes, 'cause_id'] = 589

        if self.code_system_id not in [1, 6, 9]:
            diabetes_subtypes = df['cause_id'].isin([975, 976])
            df.loc[diabetes_subtypes, 'cause_id'] = 587

        diabetes_type_2 = df['cause_id'] == 976
        under_15 = df['age_group_id'] < 8
        df.loc[diabetes_type_2 & under_15, 'cause_id'] = 975

        iron_or_iodine = df['cause_id'].isin([388, 390])
        df.loc[iron_or_iodine, 'cause_id'] = 919

        under_1 = df['age_group_id'] < 5
        cvd_ihd = df['cause_id'] == 493
        df.loc[cvd_ihd & under_1, 'cause_id'] = 643

        if 686 in df.cause_id.unique():
            df = self.recode_sids(df)

        df.loc[df.cause_id.isin([344, 409, 410, 542, 558, 669, 680, 961]),
               'cause_id'] = 919

        if self.data_type_id not in [6, 7, 8]:
            df.loc[df['cause_id'] == 687, 'cause_id'] = 919

        one_to_14 = df['age_group_id'].isin([5, 6, 7])
        cvd_ihd = df['cause_id'] == 493
        df.loc[cvd_ihd & one_to_14, 'cause_id'] = 507

        cancer_recodes = get_all_related_causes([
            411, 414, 423, 426, 429, 432, 435, 438, 441, 444, 450, 453, 456,
            459, 462, 465, 468, 474, 486, 483
        ], cause_metadata_df)
        cancer_recodes = df['cause_id'].isin(cancer_recodes)
        cancer_ages = df['age_group_id'].isin(range(2, 8, 1))
        df.loc[cancer_recodes & cancer_ages, "cause_id"] = 489

        not_icd10 = self.code_system_id != 1
        neo_meso = df['cause_id'] == 483
        df.loc[neo_meso & not_icd10, "cause_id"] = 489

        if self.source.endswith("AAMSP"):
            digest_hernia = df['cause_id'].isin([531])
            df.loc[digest_hernia, "cause_id"] = 919

        if self.source == "":
            homicide_and_suicide = df['cause_id'].isin(
                [724, 725, 726, 727, 941, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723])
            bad_years = df['year_id'].isin(range(2007, 2015))
            # _unintent
            df.loc[bad_years & homicide_and_suicide, "cause_id"] = 919

        inj_war = get_all_related_causes(945, cause_metadata_df)
        is_inj_war = df['cause_id'].isin(inj_war)
        jamaica = df['location_id'] == 115
        year_2005 = df['year_id'] == 2005
        vr = df['data_type_id'] == 9
        df.loc[is_inj_war & jamaica & year_2005 & vr, 'cause_id'] = 724

        inj_mech_gun = df['cause_id'] == 705
        year_2006 = df['year_id'] == 2006
        df.loc[inj_mech_gun & year_2006 & jamaica & vr, 'cause_id'] = 724

        if self.source == "ICD10":
            digest_ibd = df['cause_id'] == 532
            suriname = df['location_id'] == 118
            year_1995_2012 = df['year_id'].isin(range(1995, 2013, 1))
            df.loc[digest_ibd & suriname & year_1995_2012, 'cause_id'] = 526

        endo_prodcedural = df['cause_id'] == 624
        df.loc[endo_prodcedural, 'cause_id'] = 708

        schizo = df['cause_id'] == 559
        tibet = df['location_id'] == 518
        df.loc[schizo & tibet, 'cause_id'] = 919

        hiv = get_all_related_causes(298, cause_metadata_df)
        hiv = df['cause_id'].isin(hiv)
        pre_1980 = df['year_id'] < 1980
        df.loc[hiv & pre_1980, 'cause_id'] = 919

        diabetes_causes = get_all_related_causes(587, cause_metadata_df)
        diabetes = df['cause_id'].isin(diabetes_causes)
        df.loc[neonate & diabetes, 'cause_id'] = 380

        under_20 = df['age_group_id'].isin(range(0, 8, 1))
        stroke = get_all_related_causes('cvd_stroke', cause_metadata_df)
        stroke_deaths = df['cause_id'].isin(stroke)
        va = df['data_type_id'] == 8

        df.loc[under_20 & stroke_deaths & va, 'cause_id'] = 491

        over_95 = df['age_group_id'] == 235
        inj_trans_road_pedal = df['cause_id'] == 691
        df.loc[over_95 & inj_trans_road_pedal, 'cause_id'] = 919

        df.loc[schizo, 'cause_id'] = 919

        if self.source == "Russia_FMD_1999_2011":
            cvd_pvd = df['cause_id'] == 502
            df.loc[cvd_pvd, 'cause_id'] = 491

        if self.source == "":
            sui_homi_causes = [
                717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 941
            sui_homi = df['cause_id'].isin(sui_homi_causes)
            bad_years = df['year_id'].isin(range(2007, 2015))
            df.loc[sui_homi & bad_years, 'cause_id'] = 919

        if "India_MCCD" in self.source:
            non_neonates = np.logical_not(df['age_group_id'].isin([2, 3]))
            neonatal_sepsis = df['cause_id'].isin([])
            df.loc[non_neonates & neonatal_sepsis, 'cause_id'] = 380

        if self.source == "India_SCD_states_rural":
            warnings.warn("Implement SCD rd artifact recode")

        inj_war_execution = df['cause_id'] == 854

        if self.source == "ICD9_BTL":
            ecuador = df['location_id'] == 122
            year_1980_1990 = df['year_id'].isin(range(1980, 1991, 1))
            df.loc[inj_war_execution & ecuador & year_1980_1990,
                   'cause_id'] = 855

            bih = df['location_id'] == 44
            year_1985_1991 = df['year_id'].isin(
                [1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991])
            df.loc[inj_war_execution & bih & year_1985_1991, 'cause_id'] = 855

            warnings.warn("BTL cancer recode needed")

        if self.source == "ICD10":
            irq = df['location_id'] == 143
            year_2008 = df['year_id'] == 2008
            df.loc[inj_war_execution & year_2008 & irq, 'cause_id'] = 855

        if self.source == "ICD9_detail":
            if ((df['location_id'] == 43) & (df['year_id'] == 1997)).any():
                warnings.warn("Albania homicide recode needed")

        if self.source == "ICD9_USSR_Tabulated":
            warnings.warn("Missing some homicide fixes for TJK, ARM here.")

        df = self.drop_leukemia_subtypes(df)

        if self.data_type_id in [1, 3, 5, 7]:
            maternal_causes = get_all_related_causes('maternal',
            injury_causes = get_all_related_causes('_inj', cause_metadata_df)
            maternal = df['cause_id'].isin(maternal_causes)
            inj = df['cause_id'].isin(injury_causes)
            df.loc[~(maternal | inj), 'cause_id'] = 919

            if self.data_type_id == 5:
                df.loc[~maternal, 'cause_id'] = 919

        return df
예제 #12
class HIVMatPAFs(CodProcess):

    calc_cf_col = 'cf'
    all_cf_cols = ['cf', 'cf_raw', 'cf_corr', 'cf_rd']

    def __init__(self):
        self.configurator = Configurator('standard')
        self.cache_dir = self.configurator.get_directory('db_cache')
        self.maternal_hiv_props_path = \

    def get_computed_dataframe(self, df, cause_meta_df, location_meta_df):
        restricted_maternal_df = \
            self.restrict_to_maternal_data(df, cause_meta_df)
        if restricted_maternal_df is None:
            return df
        appended_pafs = self.append_maternal_pafs(

        merged_data = \
        percent_maternal = self.generate_percentages(merged_data)
        split_maternal = self.generate_splits(percent_maternal)
        hiv_cfs = self.create_maternal_hiv_cfs(split_maternal)
        cleaned = self.clean_adjusted_data(hiv_cfs)
        final = \
            self.append_adjusted_orig(df, restricted_maternal_df, cleaned)
        group_cols = [
            col for col in final.columns
            if col not in self.all_cf_cols and col not in ['sample_size']
        final = final.groupby(group_cols, as_index=False).agg({
            'sample_size': 'mean',
            'cf': 'sum',
            'cf_raw': 'sum',
            'cf_corr': 'sum',
            'cf_rd': 'sum'
        return final

    def restrict_to_maternal_data(self, df, cause_meta_df):
        """Restrict incoming dataframe to only maternal data."""
        df = df.copy()
        # get age start and age end for maternal ages
        maternal_metadata = cause_meta_df.loc[cause_meta_df['cause_id'] == 366]
        age_start = maternal_metadata['yll_age_start']
        assert len(age_start) == 1
        age_start = age_start.iloc[0]
        age_end = maternal_metadata.yll_age_end
        assert len(age_end) == 1
        age_end = age_end.iloc[0]

        data = add_age_metadata(df,
        data.rename(columns={'simple_age': 'age'}, inplace=True)
        maternal_data = data.loc[(df['cause_id'] == 366)
                                 & (data['age'] >= age_start) &
                                 (data['age'] <= age_end) &
                                 (data['sex_id'] == 2) &
                                 (data['year_id'] >= 1980)]
        maternal_data.drop('age', axis=1, inplace=True)
        if len(maternal_data) == 0:
            return None
            return maternal_data

    def append_maternal_pafs(self, years):
        """Read in proportions."""
        props = pd.DataFrame()
        for year in years:
            year = int(year)
            if os.path.isfile("{}maternal_hiv_props_{}.csv".format(
                    self.maternal_hiv_props_path, year)):
                data = pd.read_csv("FILEPATH".format(year))
                props = props.append(data)

        props = props.rename(columns={'year': 'year_id'})
        return props

    def duplicate_national_props(self, props_df, loc_df):

        subnational = loc_df.loc[
            loc_df['level'] > 3,
            ['location_id', 'parent_id', 'level', 'path_to_top_parent']]

        # Russia sub nationals are level 5 while other countries are level 4
            subnational['level'] == 5, 'parent_id'] = \

        # only keep rows with the needed sub national locations
        subnational = subnational.loc[subnational['parent_id'].isin(

        # drop level 4 sub national location_ids for Russia
        subnational = subnational.loc[~((subnational['parent_id'] == 62) &
                                        (subnational['level'] == 4))]
        subnational = subnational[['location_id', 'parent_id']]
            'location_id': 'child_location_id',
            'parent_id': 'location_id'

        # create sub national maternal_hiv proportions from national
        subnational = props_df.merge(subnational, on='location_id')
        subnational.drop('location_id', axis=1, inplace=True)
        subnational.rename(columns={'child_location_id': 'location_id'},
        props_df = pd.concat([props_df, subnational])
        assert not props_df.duplicated().any(), 'please check maternal'\
            ' proportions, there are duplicates'
        return props_df

    def merge_data_and_proportions(self, data, props):
        """Merge restricted maternal data and proportions."""
        merged_data = data.merge(props,
                                 on=['location_id', 'age_group_id', 'year_id'],
        assert merged_data.notnull().values.any(), 'maternal proportions '\
            'were not successfully merged with incoming data'
        return merged_data

    def generate_percentages(self, df):

        df['pct_maternal'] = 1 - df['pct_hiv'] - df['pct_maternal_hiv']
        df.loc[df['pct_maternal'].isnull(), 'pct_maternal'] = 1
        df.loc[df['pct_hiv'].isnull(), 'pct_hiv'] = 0
        df.loc[df['pct_maternal_hiv'].isnull(), 'pct_maternal_hiv'] = 0
        assert all(x > 0 for x in df['pct_maternal'])
        assert df[['pct_maternal', 'pct_hiv', 'pct_maternal_hiv'
                   ]].notnull().values.any(), 'there are missing percentages'
        assert all(
            abs(df['pct_maternal'] + df['pct_hiv'] + df['pct_maternal_hiv']) -
            1) < .0001

        assert (df['pct_maternal_hiv_vr'] <= .13).all()
        assert not (df['cause_id'] == 741).any()
        return df

    ''' '''

    def generate_splits(self, df):

        df = add_nid_metadata(
        df.loc[df['data_type_id'].isin([7, 5]), 'split_maternal'] = 1
        df.loc[df['split_maternal'].isnull(), 'split_maternal'] = 0
        df.loc[df['split_maternal'] == 0, 'pct_maternal'] = 1
        df.loc[df['split_maternal'] == 0,
               'pct_maternal_hiv'] = df['pct_maternal_hiv_vr']
        df.loc[df['split_maternal'] == 0, 'pct_hiv'] = 0
        df.drop('pct_maternal_hiv_vr', axis=1, inplace=True)
        return df

    def create_maternal_hiv_cfs(self, df):
        df = df.copy()

        maternal_hiv_df = df.copy()
        maternal_hiv_df['cf'] = maternal_hiv_df['cf'] * \
        maternal_hiv_df['cause_id'] = 741
        maternal_hiv_df['cf_raw'] = 0
        maternal_hiv_df['cf_corr'] = 0
        maternal_hiv_df['cf_rd'] = 0

        maternal_df = df.copy()
        maternal_df['cf'] = maternal_df['cf'] * maternal_df['pct_maternal']
        maternal_df['cause_id'] = 366
        df = pd.concat([maternal_hiv_df, maternal_df], ignore_index=True)

        return df

    def clean_adjusted_data(self, df):

        va_vr = df.loc[df['split_maternal'] == 0]
        if len(va_vr) > 0:
            assert set([741, 366]) == set(va_vr.cause_id.unique())
            va_vr = va_vr.loc[va_vr['cause_id'] != 366]
            va_vr['cause_id'] = 366
        df = pd.concat([df, va_vr], ignore_index=True)
        df = df.groupby([
            'nid', 'extract_type_id', 'location_id', 'year_id', 'site_id',
            'age_group_id', 'sex_id', 'sample_size', 'cause_id'

        assert (df['cf'] < 1.1).all()
        df.loc[df['cf'] > 1, 'cf'] = 1

        return df

    def append_adjusted_orig(self, orig, maternal_data, adjusted):
        """Remove original maternal data and append on adjusted."""
        data = orig.merge(maternal_data, how='left', indicator=True)
        data = data.loc[data['_merge'] != 'both']
        data.drop('_merge', axis=1, inplace=True)
        data = data.append(adjusted, ignore_index=True)
        return data