예제 #1
    async def subclass(self, ctx, name: str):
        """Looks up a subclass."""
        guild_settings = await self.get_settings(ctx.guild)
        pm = guild_settings.get("pm_result", False)
        srd = guild_settings.get("srd", False)

        destination = ctx.author if pm else ctx.channel

        result, metadata = await search_and_select(ctx, c.subclasses, name, lambda e: e['name'], srd=srd,

        metadata['srd'] = srd
        await self.add_training_data("subclass", name, result['name'], metadata=metadata)

        if not result.get('srd') and srd:
            return await self.send_srd_error(ctx, result)

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = result['name']
        embed.description = f"*Source: {result['source']}*"

        for level_features in result['subclassFeatures']:
            for feature in level_features:
                for entry in feature['entries']:
                    if not isinstance(entry, dict): continue
                    if not entry.get('type') == 'entries': continue
                    text = parse_data_entry(entry['entries'])
                    embed.add_field(name=entry['name'], value=(text[:1019] + "...") if len(text) > 1023 else text)

        embed.set_footer(text=f"Use {ctx.prefix}classfeat to look up a feature if it is cut off.")

        await destination.send(embed=embed)
예제 #2
    async def feat(self, ctx, *, name: str):
        """Looks up a feat."""
        guild_settings = await self.get_settings(ctx.guild)
        pm = guild_settings.get("pm_result", False)
        srd = guild_settings.get("srd", False)

        destination = ctx.author if pm else ctx.channel

        result, metadata = await search_and_select(ctx, c.feats, name, lambda e: e['name'], return_metadata=True)

        metadata['srd'] = srd
        await self.add_training_data("feat", name, result['name'], metadata=metadata)

        if not result['srd'] and srd:
            return await self.send_srd_error(ctx, result)

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = result['name']
        if result['prerequisite']:
            embed.add_field(name="Prerequisite", value=result['prerequisite'])
        if result['ability']:
            embed.add_field(name="Ability Improvement",
                            value=f"Increase your {result['ability']} score by 1, up to a maximum of 20.")
        _name = 'Description'
        for piece in [result['desc'][i:i + 1024] for i in range(0, len(result['desc']), 1024)]:
            embed.add_field(name=_name, value=piece)
            _name = '** **'
        embed.set_footer(text=f"Feat | {result['source']} {result['page']}")
        await destination.send(embed=embed)
예제 #3
    async def subclass(self, ctx, name: str):
        """Looks up a subclass."""
        guild_settings = await self.get_settings(ctx.message.server)
        pm = guild_settings.get("pm_result", False)
        srd = guild_settings.get("srd", False)

        destination = ctx.message.author if pm else ctx.message.channel

        result = await search_and_select(ctx,
                                         lambda e: e['name'],

        if not result.get('srd') and srd:
            return await self.send_srd_error(ctx, result)

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = result['name']

        for level_features in result['subclassFeatures']:
            for feature in level_features:
                for entry in feature['entries']:
                    if not isinstance(entry, dict): continue
                    if not entry.get('type') == 'entries': continue
                    text = parse_data_entry(entry['entries'])
                        value=(text[:1019] +
                               "...") if len(text) > 1023 else text)

            text="Use !classfeat to look up a feature if it is cut off.")

        await self.bot.send_message(destination, embed=embed)
예제 #4
    async def background(self, ctx, *, name: str):
        """Looks up a background."""
        guild_settings = await self.get_settings(ctx.guild)
        pm = guild_settings.get("pm_result", False)
        srd = guild_settings.get("srd", False)

        result, metadata = await search_and_select(ctx, c.backgrounds, name, lambda e: e.name,
                                                   srd=srd and (lambda e: e.srd), return_metadata=True)

        metadata['srd'] = srd
        await self.add_training_data("background", name, result.name, metadata=metadata)

        if not result.srd and srd:
            return await self.send_srd_error(ctx, result)

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = result.name
        embed.set_footer(text=f"Background | {result.source} {result.page}")

        ignored_fields = ['suggested characteristics', 'personality trait', 'ideal', 'bond', 'flaw', 'specialty',
                          'harrowing event']
        for trait in result.traits:
            if trait['name'].lower() in ignored_fields: continue
            text = trait['text']
            text = textwrap.shorten(text, width=1020, placeholder="...")
            embed.add_field(name=trait['name'], value=text)

        # do stuff here
        if pm:
            await ctx.author.send(embed=embed)
            await ctx.send(embed=embed)
예제 #5
파일: lookup.py 프로젝트: veilheim/avrae
    async def item_lookup(self, ctx, *, name):
        """Looks up an item."""
        choices = await get_item_choices(ctx, filter_by_license=False)
        item = await self._lookup_search3(ctx, {'magic-item': choices},

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)

        embed.title = item.name
        embed.url = item.url
        embed.description = item.meta

        if item.attunement:
            if item.attunement is True:  # can be truthy, but not true
                                value=f"Requires Attunement")
                                value=f"Requires Attunement {item.attunement}",

        text = trim_str(item.desc, 5500)
        add_fields_from_long_text(embed, "Description", text)

        if item.image:

        embed.set_footer(text=f"Item | {item.source_str()}")
        if item.homebrew:

        await Stats.increase_stat(ctx, "items_looked_up_life")
        await (await self._get_destination(ctx)).send(embed=embed)
예제 #6
    async def rule(self, ctx, *, name: str = None):
        """Looks up a rule."""
        destination = await self._get_destination(ctx)

        if name is None:
            return await self._show_reference_options(ctx, destination)

        options = []
        for actiontype in compendium.rule_references:
            if name == actiontype['type']:
                return await self._show_action_options(ctx, actiontype,

        result, metadata = await search_and_select(ctx,
                                                   lambda e: e['fullName'],
        await self._add_training_data("reference",

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = result['fullName']
        embed.description = f"*{result['short']}*"
        add_fields_from_long_text(embed, "Description", result['desc'])
        embed.set_footer(text=f"Rule | {result['source']}")

        await destination.send(embed=embed)
예제 #7
async def handle_alias_required_licenses(ctx, err):
    embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
    if not err.has_connected_ddb:
        # was the user blocked from nSRD by a feature flag?
        ddb_user = await ctx.bot.ddb.get_ddb_user(ctx, ctx.author.id)
        if ddb_user is None:
            blocked_by_ff = False
            blocked_by_ff = not (await ctx.bot.ldclient.variation(
                "entitlements-enabled", ddb_user.to_ld_dict(), False))

        if blocked_by_ff:
            embed.title = "D&D Beyond is currently unavailable"
            embed.description = f"I was unable to communicate with D&D Beyond to confirm access to:\n" \
                                f"{', '.join(e.name for e in err.entities)}"
            embed.title = f"Connect your D&D Beyond account to use this customization!"
            embed.url = "https://www.dndbeyond.com/account"
            embed.description = \
                "This customization requires access to one or more entities that are not in the SRD.\n" \
                "Linking your account means that you'll be able to use everything you own on " \
                "D&D Beyond in Avrae for free - you can link your accounts " \
                "Already linked your account? It may take up to a minute for Avrae to recognize the "
        missing_source_ids = {e.source for e in err.entities}
        if len(err.entities) == 1:  # 1 entity, display entity piecemeal
            embed.title = f"Purchase {err.entities[0].name} on D&D Beyond to use this customization!"
            marketplace_url = err.entities[0].marketplace_url
        elif len(missing_source_ids
                 ) == 1:  # 1 source, recommend purchasing source
            missing_source = next(iter(missing_source_ids))
            embed.title = f"Purchase {long_source_name(missing_source)} on D&D Beyond to use this customization!"
            marketplace_url = f"https://www.dndbeyond.com/marketplace?utm_source=avrae&utm_medium=marketplacelink"
        else:  # more than 1 source
            embed.title = f"Purchase {len(missing_source_ids)} sources on D&D Beyond to use this customization!"
            marketplace_url = "https://www.dndbeyond.com/marketplace?utm_source=avrae&utm_medium=marketplacelink"

        missing = natural_join(
            [f"[{e.name}]({e.marketplace_url})" for e in err.entities], "and")
        if len(missing) > 1400:
            missing = f"{len(err.entities)} items"
        missing_sources = natural_join(
            [long_source_name(e) for e in missing_source_ids], "and")

        embed.description = \
            f"To use this customization and gain access to more integrations in Avrae, unlock **{missing}** by " \
            f"purchasing {missing_sources} on D&D Beyond.\n\n" \
            f"[Go to Marketplace]({marketplace_url})"
        embed.url = marketplace_url

            "Already purchased? It may take up to a minute for Avrae to recognize the "
    await ctx.send(embed=embed)
예제 #8
파일: lookup.py 프로젝트: veilheim/avrae
    async def _class(self, ctx, name: str, level: int = None):
        """Looks up a class, or all features of a certain level."""
        if level is not None and not 0 < level < 21:
            return await ctx.send("Invalid level.")

        result: gamedata.Class = await self._lookup_search3(
            ctx, {'class': compendium.classes}, name)

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.url = result.url
        if level is None:
            embed.title = result.name
            embed.add_field(name="Hit Points", value=result.hit_points)

            levels = []
            for level in range(1, 21):
                level = result.levels[level - 1]
                levels.append(', '.join([feature.name for feature in level]))

            embed.add_field(name="Starting Proficiencies",
            embed.add_field(name="Starting Equipment",

            level_features_str = ""
            for i, l in enumerate(levels):
                level_features_str += f"`{i + 1}` {l}\n"
            embed.description = level_features_str

                text=f"Use {ctx.prefix}classfeat to look up a feature.")
            embed.title = f"{result.name}, Level {level}"

            level_features = result.levels[level - 1]

            for resource, value in zip(result.table.headers,
                                       result.table.levels[level - 1]):
                if value != '0':
                    embed.add_field(name=resource, value=value)

            for f in level_features:
                                value=trim_str(f.text, 1024),

                f"Use {ctx.prefix}classfeat to look up a feature if it is cut off."

        await (await self._get_destination(ctx)).send(embed=embed)
예제 #9
파일: lookup.py 프로젝트: veilheim/avrae
    async def classfeat(self, ctx, *, name: str):
        """Looks up a class feature."""
        result: SourcedTrait = await self._lookup_search3(
            ctx, {'class': compendium.cfeats}, name, query_type='classfeat')

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = result.name
        embed.url = result.url
        set_maybe_long_desc(embed, result.text)
        embed.set_footer(text=f"Class Feature | {result.source_str()}")

        await (await self._get_destination(ctx)).send(embed=embed)
예제 #10
파일: lookup.py 프로젝트: cfi2017/avrae
    async def token(self, ctx, *, name=None):
        """Shows a token for a monster or player. May not support all monsters."""

        if name is None:
            token_cmd = self.bot.get_command('playertoken')
            if token_cmd is None:
                return await self.bot.say("Error: SheetManager cog not loaded."
            return await ctx.invoke(token_cmd)

            guild_id = ctx.message.server.id
            srd = self.settings.get(guild_id, {}).get("srd", False)
            srd = False
        monster = await select_monster_full(ctx, name, srd=srd)

        if not monster.srd and srd:
            e = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
            e.title = monster.name
            e.description = "Token not available."
            return await self.bot.say(embed=e)

        url = monster.get_image_url()

        if not monster.source == 'homebrew':
            embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
            embed.title = monster.name
            embed.description = f"{monster.size} monster."
            embed.set_footer(text="This command may not support all monsters.")

            await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
            if not url:
                return await self.bot.send_message(
                    ctx.message.channel, "This monster has no image.")

                processed = await generate_token(url)
            except Exception as e:
                return await self.bot.send_message(
                    ctx.message.channel, f"Error generating token: {e}")

            await self.bot.send_file(
                content="I generated this token for you! If it seems "
                "wrong, you can make your own at "
예제 #11
파일: lookup.py 프로젝트: veilheim/avrae
    async def feat(self, ctx, *, name: str):
        """Looks up a feat."""
        result: gamedata.Feat = await self._lookup_search3(
            ctx, {'feat': compendium.feats}, name)

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = result.name
        embed.url = result.url
        if result.prerequisite:
        add_fields_from_long_text(embed, "Description", result.desc)
        embed.set_footer(text=f"Feat | {result.source_str()}")
        await (await self._get_destination(ctx)).send(embed=embed)
예제 #12
파일: lookup.py 프로젝트: veilheim/avrae
    async def racefeat(self, ctx, *, name: str):
        """Looks up a racial feature."""
        result: SourcedTrait = await self._lookup_search3(
            ctx, {
                'race': compendium.rfeats,
                'subrace': compendium.subrfeats
            }, name, 'racefeat')

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = result.name
        embed.url = result.url
        set_maybe_long_desc(embed, result.text)
        embed.set_footer(text=f"Race Feature | {result.source_str()}")

        await (await self._get_destination(ctx)).send(embed=embed)
예제 #13
파일: lookup.py 프로젝트: veilheim/avrae
    async def background(self, ctx, *, name: str):
        """Looks up a background."""
        result: gamedata.Background = await self._lookup_search3(
            ctx, {'background': compendium.backgrounds}, name)

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.url = result.url
        embed.title = result.name
        embed.set_footer(text=f"Background | {result.source_str()}")

        for trait in result.traits:
            text = trim_str(trait.text, 1024)
            embed.add_field(name=trait.name, value=text, inline=False)

        await (await self._get_destination(ctx)).send(embed=embed)
예제 #14
파일: lookup.py 프로젝트: veilheim/avrae
    async def race(self, ctx, *, name: str):
        """Looks up a race."""
        result: gamedata.Race = await self._lookup_search3(
            ctx, {
                'race': compendium.races,
                'subrace': compendium.subraces
            }, name, 'race')

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = result.name
        embed.url = result.url
        embed.add_field(name="Speed", value=result.speed)
        embed.add_field(name="Size", value=result.size)
        for t in result.traits:
            add_fields_from_long_text(embed, t.name, t.text)
        embed.set_footer(text=f"Race | {result.source_str()}")
        await (await self._get_destination(ctx)).send(embed=embed)
예제 #15
    async def token(self, ctx, *, name=None):
        """Shows a token for a monster or player. May not support all monsters."""

        if name is None:
            token_cmd = self.bot.get_command('playertoken')
            if token_cmd is None:
                return await ctx.send("Error: SheetManager cog not loaded.")
            return await ctx.invoke(token_cmd)

        guild_settings = await self.get_settings(ctx.guild)
        srd = guild_settings.get("srd", False)

        monster, metadata = await select_monster_full(ctx, name, srd=srd, return_metadata=True)

        metadata['srd'] = srd
        metadata['homebrew'] = monster.source == 'homebrew'
        await self.add_training_data("monster", name, monster.name, metadata=metadata)

        if not monster.srd and srd:
            e = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
            e.title = monster.name
            e.description = "Token not available."
            return await ctx.send(embed=e)

        url = monster.get_image_url()

        if not monster.source == 'homebrew':
            embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
            embed.title = monster.name
            embed.description = f"{monster.size} monster."
            embed.set_footer(text="This command may not support all monsters.")

            await ctx.send(embed=embed)
            if not url:
                return await ctx.channel.send("This monster has no image.")

                processed = await generate_token(url)
            except Exception as e:
                return await ctx.channel.send(f"Error generating token: {e}")

            file = discord.File(processed, filename="image.png")
            await ctx.channel.send("I generated this token for you! If it seems  wrong, you can make your own at "
                                   "<http://rolladvantage.com/tokenstamp/>!", file=file)
예제 #16
    async def feat(self, ctx, *, name: str):
        """Looks up a feat."""
        choices = compendium.feats + compendium.nfeat_names
        result = await self._lookup_search(ctx, choices, name, lambda e: e['name'], search_type='feat')
        if not result:

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = result['name']
        if result['prerequisite']:
            embed.add_field(name="Prerequisite", value=result['prerequisite'], inline=False)
        if result['ability']:
            embed.add_field(name="Ability Improvement",
                            value=f"Increase your {result['ability']} score by 1, up to a maximum of 20.", inline=False)

        add_fields_from_long_text(embed, "Description", result['desc'])
        embed.set_footer(text=f"Feat | {result['source']} {result['page']}")
        await (await self._get_destination(ctx)).send(embed=embed)
예제 #17
    async def background(self, ctx, *, name: str):
        """Looks up a background."""
        choices = compendium.backgrounds + compendium.nbackground_names
        result = await self._lookup_search(ctx, choices, name, lambda e: e.name, search_type='background', is_obj=True)
        if not result:

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = result.name
        embed.set_footer(text=f"Background | {result.source} {result.page}")

        ignored_fields = ['suggested characteristics', 'personality trait', 'ideal', 'bond', 'flaw', 'specialty',
                          'harrowing event']
        for trait in result.traits:
            if trait['name'].lower() in ignored_fields: continue
            text = trait['text']
            text = textwrap.shorten(text, width=1020, placeholder="...")
            embed.add_field(name=trait['name'], value=text, inline=False)

        await (await self._get_destination(ctx)).send(embed=embed)
    async def patron_roscoe(self, ctx):
        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = "Roscoe's Feast"
        embed.description = "*6th level conjuration. (Cleric, Druid)*"
        embed.add_field(name="Casting Time", value="10 minutes")
        embed.add_field(name="Range", value="30 feet")
        embed.add_field(name="Components", value="V, S, M (A gem encrusted bowl worth 1000 gold pieces)")
        embed.add_field(name="Duration", value="Instantaneous")
            value="You call forth the Avatar of Roscoe who brings with him a magnificent feast of chicken and waffles.\n"
                  "The feast takes 1 hour to consume and disappears at the end of that time, and the beneficial effects "
                  "don't set in until this hour is over. Up to twelve creatures can partake of the feast.\n"
                  "A creature that partakes of the feast gains several benefits. "
                  "The creature is cured of all diseases and poison, becomes immune to poison and being frightened, and "
                  "makes all Wisdom saving throws with advantage. Its hit point maximum also increases by 2d10, and it "
                  "gains the same number of hit points. These benefits last for 24 hours.")

        embed.set_footer(text=f"Spell | Thanks Roscoe!")
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
예제 #19
    async def token(self, ctx, *, name=None):
        """Shows a token for a monster or player. May not support all monsters."""

        if name is None:
            token_cmd = self.bot.get_command('playertoken')
            if token_cmd is None:
                return await ctx.send("Error: SheetManager cog not loaded.")
            return await ctx.invoke(token_cmd)

        monster, metadata = await select_monster_full(ctx,

        metadata['homebrew'] = monster.source == 'homebrew'
        await self.add_training_data("monster",

        url = monster.get_image_url()
        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = monster.name
        embed.description = f"{monster.size} monster."

        if not monster.source == 'homebrew':
            embed.set_footer(text="This command may not support all monsters.")

            await ctx.send(embed=embed)
            if not url:
                return await ctx.channel.send("This monster has no image.")

                processed = await generate_token(url)
            except Exception as e:
                return await ctx.channel.send(f"Error generating token: {e}")

            file = discord.File(processed, filename="image.png")
            await ctx.send(file=file, embed=embed)
예제 #20
파일: lookup.py 프로젝트: veilheim/avrae
    async def subclass(self, ctx, *, name: str):
        """Looks up a subclass."""
        result: gamedata.Subclass = await self._lookup_search3(
            ctx, {'class': compendium.subclasses}, name, query_type='subclass')

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.url = result.url
        embed.title = result.name
        embed.description = f"*Source: {result.source_str()}*"

        for level in result.levels:
            for feature in level:
                text = trim_str(feature.text, 1024)
                embed.add_field(name=feature.name, value=text, inline=False)

            f"Use {ctx.prefix}classfeat to look up a feature if it is cut off."

        await (await self._get_destination(ctx)).send(embed=embed)
예제 #21
    async def subclass(self, ctx, name: str):
        """Looks up a subclass."""
        choices = compendium.subclasses + compendium.nsubclass_names
        result = await self._lookup_search(ctx, choices, name, lambda e: e['name'], search_type='subclass')
        if not result:

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = result['name']
        embed.description = f"*Source: {result['source']}*"

        for level_features in result['subclassFeatures']:
            for feature in level_features:
                for entry in feature['entries']:
                    if not isinstance(entry, dict): continue
                    if not entry.get('type') == 'entries': continue
                    text = parse_data_entry(entry['entries'])
                    embed.add_field(name=entry['name'], value=(text[:1019] + "...") if len(text) > 1023 else text,

        embed.set_footer(text=f"Use {ctx.prefix}classfeat to look up a feature if it is cut off.")

        await (await self._get_destination(ctx)).send(embed=embed)
예제 #22
파일: lookup.py 프로젝트: cfi2017/avrae
    async def item_lookup(self, ctx, *, name):
        """Looks up an item."""
            guild_id = ctx.message.server.id
            pm = self.settings.get(guild_id, {}).get("pm_result", False)
            srd = self.settings.get(guild_id, {}).get("srd", False)
            pm = False
            srd = False


        result = await search_and_select(ctx,
                                         lambda e: e['name'],

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        item = result

        if not item['srd'] and srd:
            return await self.send_srd_error(ctx, result)

        name = item['name']
        damage = ''
        extras = ''
        properties = []
        proptext = ""

        if 'type' in item:
            type_ = ', '.join(i for i in (
                [ITEM_TYPES.get(t, 'n/a') for t in item['type'].split(',')] +
                ["Wondrous Item" if item.get('wondrous') else '']) if i)
            for iType in item['type'].split(','):
                if iType in ('M', 'R', 'GUN'):
                    damage = f"{item.get('dmg1', 'n/a')} {DMGTYPES.get(item.get('dmgType'), 'n/a')}" \
                        if 'dmg1' in item and 'dmgType' in item else ''
                    type_ += f', {item.get("weaponCategory")}'
                if iType == 'S': damage = f"AC +{item.get('ac', 'n/a')}"
                if iType == 'LA': damage = f"AC {item.get('ac', 'n/a')} + DEX"
                if iType == 'MA':
                    damage = f"AC {item.get('ac', 'n/a')} + DEX (Max 2)"
                if iType == 'HA': damage = f"AC {item.get('ac', 'n/a')}"
                if iType == 'SHP':  # ships
                    for p in ("CREW", "PASS", "CARGO", "DMGT", "SHPREP"):
                        a = PROPS.get(p, 'n/a')
                        proptext += f"**{a.title()}**: {c.itemprops[p]}\n"
                    extras = f"Speed: {item.get('speed')}\nCarrying Capacity: {item.get('carryingcapacity')}\n" \
                             f"Crew {item.get('crew')}, AC {item.get('vehAc')}, HP {item.get('vehHp')}"
                    if 'vehDmgThresh' in item:
                        extras += f", Damage Threshold {item['vehDmgThresh']}"
                if iType == 'siege weapon':
                    extras = f"Size: {SIZES.get(item.get('size'), 'Unknown')}\n" \
                             f"AC {item.get('ac')}, HP {item.get('hp')}\n" \
                             f"Immunities: {item.get('immune')}"
            type_ = ', '.join(
                i for i in ("Wondrous Item" if item.get('wondrous') else '',
                            item.get('technology')) if i)
        rarity = str(item.get('rarity')).replace('None', '')
        if 'tier' in item:
            if rarity:
                rarity += f', {item["tier"]}'
                rarity = item['tier']
        type_and_rarity = type_ + (f", {rarity}" if rarity else '')
        value = (item.get('value', 'n/a') +
                 (', ' if 'weight' in item else '')) if 'value' in item else ''
        weight = (item.get('weight', 'n/a') + (' lb.' if item.get('weight') == '1' else ' lbs.')) \
            if 'weight' in item else ''
        weight_and_value = value + weight
        for prop in item.get('property', []):
            if not prop: continue
            a = b = prop
            a = PROPS.get(a, 'n/a')
            if b in c.itemprops:
                proptext += f"**{a.title()}**: {c.itemprops[b]}\n"
            if b == 'V': a += " (" + item.get('dmg2', 'n/a') + ")"
            if b in ('T', 'A'): a += " (" + item.get('range', 'n/a') + "ft.)"
            if b == 'RLD': a += " (" + item.get('reload', 'n/a') + " shots)"
        properties = ', '.join(properties)
        damage_and_properties = f"{damage} - {properties}" if properties else damage
        damage_and_properties = (' --- ' + damage_and_properties) if weight_and_value and damage_and_properties else \

        embed.title = name
        desc = f"*{type_and_rarity}*\n{weight_and_value}{damage_and_properties}\n{extras}"
        embed.description = parse_data_entry(desc)

        if 'reqAttune' in item:
            if item['reqAttune'] is True:  # can be truthy, but not true
                                value=f"Requires Attunement")
                    value=f"Requires Attunement {item['reqAttune']}")

        text = parse_data_entry(item.get('entries', []))
        if proptext:
            text = f"{text}\n{proptext}"
        if len(text) > 5500:
            text = text[:5500] + "..."

        field_name = "Description"
        for piece in [text[i:i + 1024] for i in range(0, len(text), 1024)]:
            embed.add_field(name=field_name, value=piece)
            field_name = "** **"

            f"Item | {item.get('source', 'Unknown')} {item.get('page', 'Unknown')}"

        if pm:
            await self.bot.send_message(ctx.message.author, embed=embed)
            await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
예제 #23
파일: lookup.py 프로젝트: cfi2017/avrae
    async def _class(self, ctx, name: str, level: int = None):
        """Looks up a class, or all features of a certain level."""
            guild_id = ctx.message.server.id
            pm = self.settings.get(guild_id, {}).get("pm_result", False)
            srd = self.settings.get(guild_id, {}).get("srd", False)
            pm = False
            srd = False
        destination = ctx.message.author if pm else ctx.message.channel

        if level is not None and not 0 < level < 21:
            return await self.bot.say("Invalid level.")

        result = await search_and_select(ctx,
                                         lambda e: e['name'],

        if not result['srd'] and srd:
            return await self.send_srd_error(ctx, result)

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        if level is None:
            embed.title = result['name']
            embed.add_field(name="Hit Die", value=f"1d{result['hd']['faces']}")
            embed.add_field(name="Saving Throws",
                            value=', '.join(
                                for p in result['proficiency']))

            levels = []
            starting_profs = f"You are proficient with the following items, " \
                             f"in addition to any proficiencies provided by your race or background.\n" \
                             f"Armor: {', '.join(result['startingProficiencies'].get('armor', ['None']))}\n" \
                             f"Weapons: {', '.join(result['startingProficiencies'].get('weapons', ['None']))}\n" \
                             f"Tools: {', '.join(result['startingProficiencies'].get('tools', ['None']))}\n" \
                             f"Skills: Choose {result['startingProficiencies']['skills']['choose']} from " \
                             f"{', '.join(result['startingProficiencies']['skills']['from'])}"

            equip_choices = '\n'.join(
                f"• {i}" for i in result['startingEquipment']['default'])
            gold_alt = f"Alternatively, you may start with {result['startingEquipment']['goldAlternative']} gp " \
                       f"to buy your own equipment." if 'goldAlternative' in result['startingEquipment'] else ''
            starting_items = f"You start with the following items, plus anything provided by your background.\n" \
                             f"{equip_choices}\n" \
            for level in range(1, 21):
                level_str = []
                level_features = result['classFeatures'][level - 1]
                for feature in level_features:
                levels.append(', '.join(level_str))

            embed.add_field(name="Starting Proficiencies",
            embed.add_field(name="Starting Equipment", value=starting_items)

            level_features_str = ""
            for i, l in enumerate(levels):
                level_features_str += f"`{i+1}` {l}\n"
            embed.description = level_features_str

            embed.set_footer(text="Use !classfeat to look up a feature.")
            embed.title = f"{result['name']}, Level {level}"

            level_resources = {}
            level_features = result['classFeatures'][level - 1]

            for table in result['classTableGroups']:
                relevant_row = table['rows'][level - 1]
                for i, col in enumerate(relevant_row):
                    level_resources[table['colLabels'][i]] = parse_data_entry(

            for res_name, res_value in level_resources.items():
                embed.add_field(name=res_name, value=res_value)

            for f in level_features:
                text = parse_data_entry(f['entries'])
                                value=(text[:1019] +
                                       "...") if len(text) > 1023 else text)

                text="Use !classfeat to look up a feature if it is cut off.")

        await self.bot.send_message(destination, embed=embed)
예제 #24
    async def send_character_details(self, ctx, final_level, race=None, _class=None, subclass=None, background=None):
        loadingMessage = await ctx.channel.send("Generating character, please wait...")
        color = random.randint(0, 0xffffff)

        # Name Gen
        #    DMG name gen
        name = self.old_name_gen()
        # Stat Gen
        #    4d6d1
        #        reroll if too low/high
        stats = [roll('4d6kh3').total for _ in range(6)]
        await ctx.author.send("**Stats for {0}:** `{1}`".format(name, stats))
        # Race Gen
        #    Racial Features
        race = race or random.choice(await get_race_choices(ctx))

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = race.name
        embed.add_field(name="Speed", value=race.speed)
        embed.add_field(name="Size", value=race.size)
        for t in race.traits:
            embeds.add_fields_from_long_text(embed, t.name, t.text)
        embed.set_footer(text=f"Race | {race.source_str()}")

        embed.colour = color
        await ctx.author.send(embed=embed)

        # Class Gen
        #    Class Features

        # class
        _class = _class or random.choice(await available(ctx, compendium.classes, 'class'))
        subclass = subclass or (random.choice(subclass_choices)
                                if (subclass_choices := await available(ctx, _class.subclasses, 'class')) else None)
        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)

        embed.title = _class.name
        embed.add_field(name="Hit Points", value=_class.hit_points)

        levels = []
        for level in range(1, final_level + 1):
            level = _class.levels[level - 1]
            levels.append(', '.join([feature.name for feature in level]))

        embed.add_field(name="Starting Proficiencies", value=_class.proficiencies, inline=False)
        embed.add_field(name="Starting Equipment", value=_class.equipment, inline=False)

        level_features_str = ""
        for i, l in enumerate(levels):
            level_features_str += f"`{i + 1}` {l}\n"
        embed.description = level_features_str
        await ctx.author.send(embed=embed)

        # level table
        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = f"{_class.name}, Level {final_level}"

        for resource, value in zip(_class.table.headers, _class.table.levels[final_level - 1]):
            if value != '0':
                embed.add_field(name=resource, value=value)

        embed.colour = color
        await ctx.author.send(embed=embed)

        # features
        embed_queue = [EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)]
        num_fields = 0

        def inc_fields(ftext):
            nonlocal num_fields
            num_fields += 1
            if num_fields > 25:
                num_fields = 0
            if len(str(embed_queue[-1].to_dict())) + len(ftext) > 5800:
                num_fields = 0

        def add_levels(source):
            for level in range(1, final_level + 1):
                level_features = source.levels[level - 1]
                for f in level_features:
                    for field in embeds.get_long_field_args(f.text, f.name):

        if subclass:

        for embed in embed_queue:
            embed.colour = color
            await ctx.author.send(embed=embed)

        # Background Gen
        #    Inventory/Trait Gen
        background = background or random.choice(await available(ctx, compendium.backgrounds, 'background'))
        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = background.name
        embed.set_footer(text=f"Background | {background.source_str()}")

        ignored_fields = ['suggested characteristics', 'personality trait', 'ideal', 'bond', 'flaw', 'specialty',
                          'harrowing event']
        for trait in background.traits:
            if trait.name.lower() in ignored_fields:
            text = textwrap.shorten(trait.text, width=1020, placeholder="...")
            embed.add_field(name=trait.name, value=text, inline=False)
        embed.colour = color
        await ctx.author.send(embed=embed)

        out = f"{ctx.author.mention}\n" \
              f"{name}, {race.name} {subclass.name if subclass else ''} {_class.name} {final_level}. " \
              f"{background.name} Background.\n" \
              f"Stat Array: `{stats}`\nI have PM'd you full character details."

        await loadingMessage.edit(content=out)
예제 #25
파일: spell.py 프로젝트: thomasmckay/avrae
    async def cast(self, ctx, caster, targets, args, combat=None):
        Casts this spell.

        :param ctx: The context of the casting.
        :param caster: The caster of this spell.
        :type caster: :class:`~cogs5e.models.sheet.statblock.StatBlock`
        :param targets: A list of targets
        :type targets: list of :class:`~cogs5e.models.sheet.statblock.StatBlock`
        :param args: Args
        :type args: :class:`~utils.argparser.ParsedArguments`
        :param combat: The combat the spell was cast in, if applicable.
        :return: {embed: Embed}

        # generic args
        l = args.last('l', self.level, int)
        i = args.last('i', type_=bool)
        title = args.last('title')

        # meta checks
        if not self.level <= l <= 9:
            raise SpellException("Invalid spell level.")

        # caster spell-specific overrides
        dc_override = None
        ab_override = None
        spell_override = None
        spellbook_spell = caster.spellbook.get_spell(self)
        if spellbook_spell is not None:
            dc_override = spellbook_spell.dc
            ab_override = spellbook_spell.sab
            spell_override = spellbook_spell.mod

        if not i:
            # if I'm a warlock, and I didn't have any slots of this level anyway (#655)
            # automatically scale up to the next level s.t. our slots are not 0
            if l > 0 \
                    and l == self.level \
                    and not caster.spellbook.get_max_slots(l) \
                    and not caster.spellbook.can_cast(self, l):
                l = next((sl for sl in range(l, 6)
                          if caster.spellbook.get_max_slots(sl)),
                         l)  # only scale up to l5
                args['l'] = l

            # can I cast this spell?
            if not caster.spellbook.can_cast(self, l):
                embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
                embed.title = "Cannot cast spell!"
                if not caster.spellbook.get_slots(l):
                    # out of spell slots
                    err = f"You don't have enough level {l} slots left! Use `-l <level>` to cast at a different level, " \
                          f"`{ctx.prefix}g lr` to take a long rest, or `-i` to ignore spell slots!"
                elif self.name not in caster.spellbook:
                    # don't know spell
                    err = f"You don't know this spell! Use `{ctx.prefix}sb add {self.name}` to add it to your spellbook, " \
                          f"or pass `-i` to ignore restrictions."
                    # ?
                    err = "Not enough spell slots remaining, or spell not in known spell list!\n" \
                          f"Use `{ctx.prefix}game longrest` to restore all spell slots if this is a character, " \
                          f"or pass `-i` to ignore restrictions."
                embed.description = err
                if l > 0:
                    embed.add_field(name="Spell Slots",
                                        self, l))
                return {"embed": embed}

            # use resource
            caster.spellbook.cast(self, l)

        # character setup
        character = None
        if isinstance(caster, PlayerCombatant):
            character = caster.character
        elif isinstance(caster, Character):
            character = caster

        # base stat stuff
        mod_arg = args.last("mod", type_=int)
        stat_override = ''
        if mod_arg is not None:
            mod = mod_arg
            if character:
                prof_bonus = character.stats.prof_bonus
                prof_bonus = 0
            dc_override = 8 + mod + prof_bonus
            ab_override = mod + prof_bonus
            spell_override = mod
        elif character and any(
                args.last(s, type_=bool) for s in STAT_ABBREVIATIONS):
            base = next(s for s in STAT_ABBREVIATIONS
                        if args.last(s, type_=bool))
            mod = character.stats.get_mod(base)
            dc_override = 8 + mod + character.stats.prof_bonus
            ab_override = mod + character.stats.prof_bonus
            spell_override = mod
            stat_override = f" with {verbose_stat(base)}"

        if spell_override is None and (caster.spellbook.sab is None
                                       or caster.spellbook.dc is None):
            raise SpellException(
                "This caster does not have the ability to cast spells.")

        # begin setup
        embed = discord.Embed()
        if title:
            embed.title = title.replace('[sname]', self.name)
            embed.title = f"{caster.get_title_name()} casts {self.name}{stat_override}!"
        if targets is None:
            targets = [None]

        # concentration
        noconc = args.last("noconc", type_=bool)
        conc_conflict = None
        conc_effect = None
        if all(
            (self.concentration, isinstance(caster,
                                            Combatant), combat, not noconc)):
            duration = args.last('dur', self.get_combat_duration(), int)
            conc_effect = initiative.Effect.new(combat, caster, self.name,
                                                duration, "", True)
            effect_result = caster.add_effect(conc_effect)
            conc_conflict = effect_result['conc_conflict']

        if self.automation and self.automation.effects:
            title = f"{caster.name} cast {self.name}!"
            await self.automation.run(ctx,
            phrase = args.join('phrase', '\n')
            if phrase:
                embed.description = f"*{phrase}*"

            text = self.description
            if len(text) > 1020:
                text = f"{text[:1020]}..."
            embed.add_field(name="Description", value=text, inline=False)
            if l != self.level and self.higherlevels:
                embed.add_field(name="At Higher Levels",
            embed.set_footer(text="No spell automation found.")

        if l > 0 and not i:
            embed.add_field(name="Spell Slots",
                            value=caster.spellbook.remaining_casts_of(self, l))

        if conc_conflict:
            conflicts = ', '.join(e.name for e in conc_conflict)
                            value=f"Dropped {conflicts} due to concentration.")

        if 'thumb' in args:
        elif self.image:

        add_fields_from_args(embed, args.get('f'))

        if self.source == 'homebrew':

        return {"embed": embed}
예제 #26
파일: spell.py 프로젝트: profK/avrae
    async def cast(self, ctx, caster, targets, args, combat=None):
        Casts this spell.
        :param ctx: The context of the casting.
        :param caster: The caster of this spell.
        :type caster: cogs5e.models.caster.Spellcaster
        :param targets: A list of targets (Combatants)
        :param args: Args
        :param combat: The combat the spell was cast in, if applicable.
        :return: {embed: Embed}

        # generic args
        l = args.last('l', self.level, int)
        i = args.last('i', type_=bool)
        phrase = args.join('phrase', '\n')
        title = args.last('title')

        # meta checks
        if not self.level <= l <= 9:
            raise SpellException("Invalid spell level.")

        if not (caster.can_cast(self, l) or i):
            embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
            embed.title = "Cannot cast spell!"
            embed.description = "Not enough spell slots remaining, or spell not in known spell list!\n" \
                f"Use `{ctx.prefix}game longrest` to restore all spell slots if this is a character, " \
                                "or pass `-i` to ignore restrictions."
            if l > 0:
                embed.add_field(name="Spell Slots", value=caster.remaining_casts_of(self, l))
            return {"embed": embed}

        if not i:
            caster.cast(self, l)

        # character setup
        character = None
        if isinstance(caster, PlayerCombatant):
            character = caster.character
        elif isinstance(caster, Character):
            character = caster

        # base stat stuff
        mod_arg = args.last("mod", type_=int)
        dc_override = None
        ab_override = None
        spell_override = None
        stat_override = ''
        if mod_arg is not None:
            mod = mod_arg
            dc_override = 8 + mod + character.get_prof_bonus()
            ab_override = mod + character.get_prof_bonus()
            spell_override = mod
        elif character and any(args.last(s, type_=bool) for s in ("str", "dex", "con", "int", "wis", "cha")):
            base = next(s for s in ("str", "dex", "con", "int", "wis", "cha") if args.last(s, type_=bool))
            mod = character.get_mod(base)
            dc_override = 8 + mod + character.get_prof_bonus()
            ab_override = mod + character.get_prof_bonus()
            spell_override = mod
            stat_override = f" with {verbose_stat(base)}"

        # begin setup
        embed = discord.Embed()
        if title:
            embed.title = title.replace('[sname]', self.name)
        elif targets:
            embed.title = f"{caster.get_name()} casts {self.name}{stat_override} at..."
            embed.title = f"{caster.get_name()} casts {self.name}{stat_override}!"
        if targets is None:
            targets = [None]

        if phrase:
            embed.description = f"*{phrase}*"

        conc_conflict = None
        conc_effect = None
        if self.concentration and isinstance(caster, Combatant) and combat:
            duration = args.last('dur', self.get_combat_duration(), int)
            conc_effect = initiative.Effect.new(combat, caster, self.name, duration, "", True)
            effect_result = caster.add_effect(conc_effect)
            conc_conflict = effect_result['conc_conflict']

        if self.automation and self.automation.effects:
            await self.automation.run(ctx, embed, caster, targets, args, combat, self, conc_effect=conc_effect,
                                      ab_override=ab_override, dc_override=dc_override, spell_override=spell_override)
            text = self.description
            if len(text) > 1020:
                text = f"{text[:1020]}..."
            embed.add_field(name="Description", value=text)
            if l != self.level and self.higherlevels:
                embed.add_field(name="At Higher Levels", value=self.higherlevels)
            embed.set_footer(text="No spell automation found.")

        if l > 0 and not i:
            embed.add_field(name="Spell Slots", value=caster.remaining_casts_of(self, l))

        if conc_conflict:
            conflicts = ', '.join(e.name for e in conc_conflict)
                            value=f"Dropped {conflicts} due to concentration.")

        if self.image:

        if self.source == 'homebrew':

        return {"embed": embed}
예제 #27
async def handle_required_license(ctx, err):
    Logs a unlicensed search and displays a prompt.

    :type ctx: discord.ext.commands.Context
    :type err: cogs5e.models.errors.RequiresLicense
    result = err.entity

    await ctx.bot.mdb.analytics_nsrd_lookup.update_one(
            "type": result.entity_type,
            "name": result.name
        }, {"$inc": {
            "num_lookups": 1

    embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
    if not err.has_connected_ddb:
        # was the user blocked from nSRD by a feature flag?
        ddb_user = await ctx.bot.ddb.get_ddb_user(ctx, ctx.author.id)
        if ddb_user is None:
            blocked_by_ff = False
            blocked_by_ff = not (await ctx.bot.ldclient.variation(
                "entitlements-enabled", ddb_user.to_ld_dict(), False))

        if blocked_by_ff:
            # get the message from feature flag
            # replacements:
            # $entity_type$, $entity_name$, $source$, $long_source$
            unavailable_title = await ctx.bot.ldclient.variation(
                "entitlements-disabled-header", ddb_user.to_ld_dict(),
                f"{result.name} is not available")
            unavailable_desc = await ctx.bot.ldclient.variation(
                "entitlements-disabled-message", ddb_user.to_ld_dict(),
                f"{result.name} is currently unavailable")

            embed.title = unavailable_title \
                .replace('$entity_type$', result.entity_type) \
                .replace('$entity_name$', result.name) \
                .replace('$source$', result.source) \
                .replace('$long_source$', long_source_name(result.source))
            embed.description = unavailable_desc \
                .replace('$entity_type$', result.entity_type) \
                .replace('$entity_name$', result.name) \
                .replace('$source$', result.source) \
                .replace('$long_source$', long_source_name(result.source))
            embed.title = f"Connect your D&D Beyond account to view {result.name}!"
            embed.url = "https://www.dndbeyond.com/account"
            embed.description = \
                "It looks like you don't have your Discord account connected to your D&D Beyond account!\n" \
                "Linking your account means that you'll be able to use everything you own on " \
                "D&D Beyond in Avrae for free - you can link your accounts " \
                "Already linked your account? It may take up to a minute for Avrae to recognize the "
        embed.title = f"Purchase {result.name} on D&D Beyond to view it here!"
        embed.description = \
            f"To see and search this {result.entity_type}'s full details, unlock **{result.name}** by " \
            f"purchasing {long_source_name(result.source)} on D&D Beyond.\n\n" \
            f"[Go to Marketplace]({result.marketplace_url})"
        embed.url = result.marketplace_url

            "Already purchased? It may take up to a minute for Avrae to recognize the "
    await ctx.send(embed=embed)
예제 #28
    async def item_lookup(self, ctx, *, name):
        """Looks up an item."""
        guild_settings = await self.get_settings(ctx.guild)
        pm = guild_settings.get("pm_result", False)
        srd = guild_settings.get("srd", False)


            pack = await Pack.from_ctx(ctx)
            custom_items = pack.get_search_formatted_items()
        except NoActiveBrew:
            custom_items = []
        choices = list(itertools.chain(c.items, custom_items))
        if ctx.guild:
            async for servpack in ctx.bot.mdb.packs.find({"server_active": str(ctx.guild.id)}):

        def get_homebrew_formatted_name(_item):
            if _item.get('source') == 'homebrew':
                return f"{_item['name']} ({HOMEBREW_EMOJI})"
            return _item['name']

        result, metadata = await search_and_select(ctx, choices, name, lambda e: e['name'], srd=srd,
                                                   selectkey=get_homebrew_formatted_name, return_metadata=True)

        metadata['srd'] = srd
        metadata['homebrew'] = result.get('source') == 'homebrew'
        await self.add_training_data("item", name, result['name'], metadata=metadata)

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        item = result

        if not item['srd'] and srd:
            return await self.send_srd_error(ctx, result)

        name = item['name']
        proptext = ""

        if not item.get('source') == 'homebrew':
            damage = ''
            extras = ''
            properties = []

            if 'type' in item:
                type_ = ', '.join(
                    i for i in ([ITEM_TYPES.get(t, 'n/a') for t in item['type'].split(',')] +
                                ["Wondrous Item" if item.get('wondrous') else ''])
                    if i)
                for iType in item['type'].split(','):
                    if iType in ('M', 'R', 'GUN'):
                        damage = f"{item.get('dmg1', 'n/a')} {DMGTYPES.get(item.get('dmgType'), 'n/a')}" \
                            if 'dmg1' in item and 'dmgType' in item else ''
                        type_ += f', {item.get("weaponCategory")}'
                    if iType == 'S': damage = f"AC +{item.get('ac', 'n/a')}"
                    if iType == 'LA': damage = f"AC {item.get('ac', 'n/a')} + DEX"
                    if iType == 'MA': damage = f"AC {item.get('ac', 'n/a')} + DEX (Max 2)"
                    if iType == 'HA': damage = f"AC {item.get('ac', 'n/a')}"
                    if iType == 'SHP':  # ships
                        for p in ("CREW", "PASS", "CARGO", "DMGT", "SHPREP"):
                            a = PROPS.get(p, 'n/a')
                            proptext += f"**{a.title()}**: {c.itemprops[p]}\n"
                        extras = f"Speed: {item.get('speed')}\nCarrying Capacity: {item.get('carryingcapacity')}\n" \
                                 f"Crew {item.get('crew')}, AC {item.get('vehAc')}, HP {item.get('vehHp')}"
                        if 'vehDmgThresh' in item:
                            extras += f", Damage Threshold {item['vehDmgThresh']}"
                    if iType == 'siege weapon':
                        extras = f"Size: {SIZES.get(item.get('size'), 'Unknown')}\n" \
                                 f"AC {item.get('ac')}, HP {item.get('hp')}\n" \
                                 f"Immunities: {item.get('immune')}"
                type_ = ', '.join(
                    i for i in ("Wondrous Item" if item.get('wondrous') else '', item.get('technology')) if i)
            rarity = str(item.get('rarity')).replace('None', '')
            if 'tier' in item:
                if rarity:
                    rarity += f', {item["tier"]}'
                    rarity = item['tier']
            type_and_rarity = type_ + (f", {rarity}" if rarity else '')
            value = (item.get('value', 'n/a') + (', ' if 'weight' in item else '')) if 'value' in item else ''
            weight = (item.get('weight', 'n/a') + (' lb.' if item.get('weight') == '1' else ' lbs.')) \
                if 'weight' in item else ''
            weight_and_value = value + weight
            for prop in item.get('property', []):
                if not prop: continue
                a = b = prop
                a = PROPS.get(a, 'n/a')
                if b in c.itemprops:
                    proptext += f"**{a.title()}**: {c.itemprops[b]}\n"
                if b == 'V': a += " (" + item.get('dmg2', 'n/a') + ")"
                if b in ('T', 'A'): a += " (" + item.get('range', 'n/a') + "ft.)"
                if b == 'RLD': a += " (" + item.get('reload', 'n/a') + " shots)"
            properties = ', '.join(properties)
            damage_and_properties = f"{damage} - {properties}" if properties else damage
            damage_and_properties = (' --- ' + damage_and_properties) if weight_and_value and damage_and_properties else \

            meta = f"*{type_and_rarity}*\n{weight_and_value}{damage_and_properties}\n{extras}"
            text = item['desc']

            if 'reqAttune' in item:
                if item['reqAttune'] is True:  # can be truthy, but not true
                    embed.add_field(name="Attunement", value=f"Requires Attunement")
                    embed.add_field(name="Attunement", value=f"Requires Attunement {item['reqAttune']}")

            embed.set_footer(text=f"Item | {item.get('source', 'Unknown')} {item.get('page', 'Unknown')}")
            meta = item['meta']
            text = item['desc']
            if 'image' in item:

        embed.title = name
        embed.description = meta  # no need to render, has been prerendered

        if proptext:
            text = f"{text}\n{proptext}"
        if len(text) > 5500:
            text = text[:5500] + "..."

        field_name = "Description"
        for piece in [text[i:i + 1024] for i in range(0, len(text), 1024)]:
            embed.add_field(name=field_name, value=piece)
            field_name = "** **"

        if pm:
            await ctx.author.send(embed=embed)
            await ctx.send(embed=embed)
예제 #29
    async def _class(self, ctx, name: str, level: int = None):
        """Looks up a class, or all features of a certain level."""
        if level is not None and not 0 < level < 21:
            return await ctx.send("Invalid level.")

        choices = compendium.classes + compendium.nclass_names
        result = await self._lookup_search(ctx, choices, name, lambda e: e['name'], search_type='class')
        if not result:

        embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        if level is None:
            embed.title = result['name']
            embed.add_field(name="Hit Die", value=f"1d{result['hd']['faces']}")
            embed.add_field(name="Saving Throws", value=', '.join(ABILITY_MAP.get(p) for p in result['proficiency']))

            levels = []
            starting_profs = f"You are proficient with the following items, " \
                             f"in addition to any proficiencies provided by your race or background.\n" \
                             f"Armor: {', '.join(result['startingProficiencies'].get('armor', ['None']))}\n" \
                             f"Weapons: {', '.join(result['startingProficiencies'].get('weapons', ['None']))}\n" \
                             f"Tools: {', '.join(result['startingProficiencies'].get('tools', ['None']))}\n" \
                             f"Skills: Choose {result['startingProficiencies']['skills']['choose']} from " \
                             f"{', '.join(result['startingProficiencies']['skills']['from'])}"

            equip_choices = '\n'.join(f"• {i}" for i in result['startingEquipment']['default'])
            gold_alt = f"Alternatively, you may start with {result['startingEquipment']['goldAlternative']} gp " \
                       f"to buy your own equipment." if 'goldAlternative' in result['startingEquipment'] else ''
            starting_items = f"You start with the following items, plus anything provided by your background.\n" \
                             f"{equip_choices}\n" \
            for level in range(1, 21):
                level_str = []
                level_features = result['classFeatures'][level - 1]
                for feature in level_features:
                levels.append(', '.join(level_str))

            embed.add_field(name="Starting Proficiencies", value=starting_profs, inline=False)
            embed.add_field(name="Starting Equipment", value=starting_items, inline=False)

            level_features_str = ""
            for i, l in enumerate(levels):
                level_features_str += f"`{i + 1}` {l}\n"
            embed.description = level_features_str

            embed.set_footer(text=f"Use {ctx.prefix}classfeat to look up a feature.")
            embed.title = f"{result['name']}, Level {level}"

            level_resources = {}
            level_features = result['classFeatures'][level - 1]

            for table in result.get('classTableGroups', []):
                relevant_row = table['rows'][level - 1]
                for i, col in enumerate(relevant_row):
                    level_resources[table['colLabels'][i]] = parse_data_entry([col])

            for res_name, res_value in level_resources.items():
                if res_value != '0':
                    embed.add_field(name=res_name, value=res_value)

            for f in level_features:
                text = parse_data_entry(f['entries'])
                embed.add_field(name=f['name'], value=(text[:1019] + "...") if len(text) > 1023 else text, inline=False)

            embed.set_footer(text=f"Use {ctx.prefix}classfeat to look up a feature if it is cut off.")

        await (await self._get_destination(ctx)).send(embed=embed)
예제 #30
파일: spell.py 프로젝트: avrae/avrae
    async def cast(self, ctx, caster, targets, args, combat=None):
        Casts this spell.

        :param ctx: The context of the casting.
        :param caster: The caster of this spell.
        :type caster: :class:`~cogs5e.models.sheet.statblock.StatBlock`
        :param targets: A list of targets
        :type targets: list of :class:`~cogs5e.models.sheet.statblock.StatBlock`
        :param args: Args
        :type args: :class:`~utils.argparser.ParsedArguments`
        :param combat: The combat the spell was cast in, if applicable.
        :rtype: CastResult

        # generic args
        l = args.last('l', self.level, int)
        i = args.last('i', type_=bool)
        title = args.last('title')
        nopact = args.last('nopact', type_=bool)

        # meta checks
        if not self.level <= l <= 9:
            raise SpellException("Invalid spell level.")

        # caster spell-specific overrides
        dc_override = None
        ab_override = None
        spell_override = None
        is_prepared = True
        spellbook_spell = caster.spellbook.get_spell(self)
        if spellbook_spell is not None:
            dc_override = spellbook_spell.dc
            ab_override = spellbook_spell.sab
            spell_override = spellbook_spell.mod
            is_prepared = spellbook_spell.prepared

        if not i:
            # if I'm a warlock, and I didn't have any slots of this level anyway (#655)
            # automatically scale up to our pact slot level (or the next available level s.t. max > 0)
            if l > 0 \
                    and l == self.level \
                    and not caster.spellbook.get_max_slots(l) \
                    and not caster.spellbook.can_cast(self, l):
                if caster.spellbook.pact_slot_level is not None:
                    l = caster.spellbook.pact_slot_level
                    l = next((sl for sl in range(l, 6)
                              if caster.spellbook.get_max_slots(sl)),
                             l)  # only scale up to l5
                args['l'] = l

            # can I cast this spell?
            if not caster.spellbook.can_cast(self, l):
                embed = EmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
                embed.title = "Cannot cast spell!"
                if not caster.spellbook.get_slots(l):
                    # out of spell slots
                    err = (
                        f"You don't have enough level {l} slots left! Use `-l <level>` to cast at a different "
                        f"level, `{ctx.prefix}g lr` to take a long rest, or `-i` to ignore spell slots!"
                elif self.name not in caster.spellbook:
                    # don't know spell
                    err = (
                        f"You don't know this spell! Use `{ctx.prefix}sb add {self.name}` to add it to your "
                        f"spellbook, or pass `-i` to ignore restrictions.")
                    # ?
                    err = (
                        "Not enough spell slots remaining, or spell not in known spell list!\n"
                        f"Use `{ctx.prefix}game longrest` to restore all spell slots if this is a character, "
                        f"or pass `-i` to ignore restrictions.")
                embed.description = err
                if l > 0:
                    embed.add_field(name="Spell Slots",
                                        self, l))
                return CastResult(embed=embed,

            # #1000: is this spell prepared (soft check)?
            if not is_prepared:
                skip_prep_conf = await confirm(
                    f"{self.name} is not prepared. Do you want to cast it anyway? (Reply with yes/no)",
                if not skip_prep_conf:
                    embed = EmbedWithAuthor(
                        title=f"Cannot cast spell!",
                        f"{self.name} is not prepared! Prepare it on your character sheet and use "
                        f"`{ctx.prefix}update` to mark it as prepared, or use `-i` to ignore restrictions."
                    return CastResult(embed=embed,

            # use resource
            caster.spellbook.cast(self, l, pact=not nopact)

        # base stat stuff
        mod_arg = args.last("mod", type_=int)
        with_arg = args.last("with")
        stat_override = ''
        if mod_arg is not None:
            mod = mod_arg
            prof_bonus = caster.stats.prof_bonus
            dc_override = 8 + mod + prof_bonus
            ab_override = mod + prof_bonus
            spell_override = mod
        elif with_arg is not None:
            if with_arg not in STAT_ABBREVIATIONS:
                raise InvalidArgument(
                    f"{with_arg} is not a valid stat to cast with.")
            mod = caster.stats.get_mod(with_arg)
            dc_override = 8 + mod + caster.stats.prof_bonus
            ab_override = mod + caster.stats.prof_bonus
            spell_override = mod
            stat_override = f" with {verbose_stat(with_arg)}"

        # begin setup
        embed = discord.Embed()
        if title:
            embed.title = title.replace('[name]', caster.name) \
                .replace('[aname]', self.name) \
                .replace('[sname]', self.name) \
                .replace('[verb]', 'casts')  # #1514, [aname] is action name now, #1587, add verb to action/cast
            embed.title = f"{caster.get_title_name()} casts {self.name}{stat_override}!"
        if targets is None:
            targets = [None]

        # concentration
        noconc = args.last("noconc", type_=bool)
        conc_conflict = None
        conc_effect = None
        if all((self.concentration, isinstance(caster, BaseCombatant), combat,
                not noconc)):
            duration = args.last('dur', self.get_combat_duration(), int)
            conc_effect = Effect.new(combat, caster, self.name, duration, "",
            effect_result = caster.add_effect(conc_effect)
            conc_conflict = effect_result['conc_conflict']

        # run
        automation_result = None
        if self.automation and self.automation.effects:
            title = f"{caster.name} cast {self.name}!"
            automation_result = await self.automation.run(
        else:  # no automation, display spell description
            phrase = args.join('phrase', '\n')
            if phrase:
                embed.description = f"*{phrase}*"
            embed.set_footer(text="No spell automation found.")

        if l != self.level and self.higherlevels:
            embed.add_field(name="At Higher Levels",

        if l > 0 and not i:
            embed.add_field(name="Spell Slots",
                            value=caster.spellbook.remaining_casts_of(self, l))

        if conc_conflict:
            conflicts = ', '.join(e.name for e in conc_conflict)
                            value=f"Dropped {conflicts} due to concentration.")

        if 'thumb' in args:
            embed.set_thumbnail(url=maybe_http_url(args.last('thumb', '')))
        elif self.image:

        add_fields_from_args(embed, args.get('f'))

        return CastResult(embed=embed,