예제 #1
    async def tome(self, ctx, *, name=None):
        """Commands to manage homebrew spells.
        When called without an argument, lists the current tome and its description.
        When called with a name, switches to a different tome."""
        user_tomes = await self.bot.mdb.tomes.count_documents(

        if not user_tomes:
            return await ctx.send(
                "You have no tomes. You can make one at <https://avrae.io/dashboard/homebrew/spells>!"

        if name is None:
            tome = await Tome.from_ctx(ctx)
                tome = await select_tome(ctx, name)
            except NoActiveBrew:
                return await ctx.send(
                    "You have no tomes. You can make one at <https://avrae.io/dashboard/homebrew/spells>!"
            except NoSelectionElements:
                return await ctx.send("Tome not found.")
            await tome.set_active(ctx)
        embed = HomebrewEmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = tome.name
        embed.description = tome.desc
        if tome.image:
        spellnames = "\n".join(i.name for i in tome.spells)
        if len(spellnames) < 1020:
            embed.add_field(name="Spells", value=spellnames)
            embed.add_field(name="Spells", value=f"{len(tome.spells)} spells.")
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
예제 #2
    async def bestiary_import(self, ctx, url):
        """Imports a published bestiary from [CritterDB](https://critterdb.com/).
        If your attacks don't seem to be importing properly, you can add a hidden line to the description to set it:
        `<avrae hidden>NAME|TOHITBONUS|DAMAGE</avrae>"""
        # ex: https://critterdb.com//#/publishedbestiary/view/5acb0aa187653a455731b890
        # https://critterdb.com/#/publishedbestiary/view/57552905f9865548206b50b0
        if not 'critterdb.com' in url:
            return await ctx.send("This is not a CritterDB link.")
        if not 'publishedbestiary' in url:
            return await ctx.send(
                "This is not a public bestiary. Publish it to import!")

        loading = await ctx.send(
            "Importing bestiary (this may take a while for large bestiaries)..."
        bestiary_id = url.split('/view')[1].strip('/ \n')

        bestiary = await Bestiary.from_critterdb(ctx, bestiary_id)

        await bestiary.set_active(ctx)
        await bestiary.load_monsters(ctx)
        await loading.edit(content=f"Imported {bestiary.name}!")
        embed = HomebrewEmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = bestiary.name
        monnames = '\n'.join(m.name for m in bestiary.monsters)
        if len(monnames) < 2040:
            embed.description = monnames
            embed.description = f"{len(bestiary.monsters)} creatures."
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
예제 #3
    async def pack(self, ctx, *, name=None):
        """Commands to manage homebrew items.
        When called without an argument, lists the current pack and its description.
        When called with a name, switches to a different pack."""
        user_packs = await self.bot.mdb.packs.count_documents(

        if not user_packs:
            return await ctx.send(
                "You have no packs. You can make one at <https://avrae.io/dashboard/homebrew/items>!"

        if name is None:
            pack = await Pack.from_ctx(ctx)
                pack = await select_pack(ctx, name)
            except NoActiveBrew:
                return await ctx.send(
                    "You have no packs. You can make one at <https://avrae.io/dashboard/homebrew/items>!"
            except NoSelectionElements:
                return await ctx.send("Pack not found.")
            await pack.set_active(ctx)
        embed = HomebrewEmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = pack.name
        embed.description = pack.desc
        if pack.image:
        itemnames = "\n".join(i['name'] for i in pack.items)
        if len(itemnames) < 1020:
            embed.add_field(name="Items", value=itemnames)
            embed.add_field(name="Items", value=f"{len(pack.items)} items.")
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
예제 #4
    async def bestiary(self, ctx, *, name=None):
        """Commands to manage homebrew monsters.
        When called without an argument, lists the current bestiary and the monsters in it.
        When called with a name, switches to a different bestiary."""
        user_bestiaries = await Bestiary.num_user(ctx)

        if not user_bestiaries:
            return await ctx.send(
                f"You have no bestiaries. Use `{ctx.prefix}bestiary import` to import one!"

        if name is None:
            bestiary = await Bestiary.from_ctx(ctx)
                bestiary = await select_bestiary(ctx, name)
            except NoActiveBrew:
                return await ctx.send(
                    f"You have no bestiaries. Use `{ctx.prefix}bestiary import` to import one!"
            except NoSelectionElements:
                return await ctx.send("Bestiary not found.")
            await bestiary.set_active(ctx)
        embed = HomebrewEmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = bestiary.name
        if bestiary.desc:
            embed.description = bestiary.desc
        await bestiary.load_monsters(ctx)
        monnames = '\n'.join(m.name for m in bestiary.monsters)
        if len(monnames) < 1020:
            embed.add_field(name="Creatures", value=monnames)
                            value=f"{len(bestiary.monsters)} creatures.")
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
예제 #5
    async def bestiary(self, ctx, *, name=None):
        """Commands to manage homebrew monsters.
        When called without an argument, lists the current bestiary and the monsters in it.
        When called with a name, switches to a different bestiary."""
        user_bestiaries = await self.bot.mdb.bestiaries.count_documents(
            {"owner": ctx.message.author.id})

        if not user_bestiaries:
            return await self.bot.say(
                "You have no bestiaries. Use `!bestiary import` to import one!"

        if name is None:
            bestiary = await Bestiary.from_ctx(ctx)
                bestiary = await self.select_bestiary(ctx, name)
            except NoBestiary:
                return await self.bot.say(
                    "You have no bestiaries. Use `!bestiary import` to import one!"
            except NoSelectionElements:
                return await self.bot.say("Bestiary not found.")
            await bestiary.set_active(ctx)
        embed = HomebrewEmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = bestiary.name
        embed.description = '\n'.join(m.name for m in bestiary.monsters)
        await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
예제 #6
    async def bestiary_update(self, ctx):
        """Updates the active bestiary from CritterDB."""
        active_bestiary = await self.bot.mdb.bestiaries.find_one({

        if active_bestiary is None:
            return await self.bot.say(
                "You don't have a bestiary active. Add one with `!bestiary import` first!"
        loading = await self.bot.say(
            "Importing bestiary (this may take a while for large bestiaries)..."

        bestiary = await self.bestiary_from_critterdb(

        await bestiary.commit(ctx)
        await self.bot.edit_message(loading,
                                    f"Imported and updated {bestiary.name}!")
        embed = HomebrewEmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = bestiary.name
        embed.description = '\n'.join(m.name for m in bestiary.monsters)
        await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
예제 #7
    async def bestiary_update(self, ctx):
        """Updates the active bestiary from CritterDB."""
            active_bestiary = await Bestiary.from_ctx(ctx)
        except NoActiveBrew:
            return await ctx.send(
                f"You don't have a bestiary active. Add one with `{ctx.prefix}bestiary import` first!"
        loading = await ctx.send(
            "Updating bestiary (this may take a while for large bestiaries)..."

        old_server_subs = await active_bestiary.server_subscriptions(ctx)
        await active_bestiary.unsubscribe(ctx)
        bestiary = await Bestiary.from_critterdb(ctx, active_bestiary.upstream,

        await bestiary.add_server_subscriptions(ctx, old_server_subs)
        await bestiary.set_active(ctx)
        await bestiary.load_monsters(ctx)
        await loading.edit(content=f"Imported and updated {bestiary.name}!")
        embed = HomebrewEmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = bestiary.name
        embed.description = '\n'.join(m.name for m in bestiary.monsters)
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
예제 #8
    async def bestiary_import(self, ctx, url):
        """Imports a published bestiary from [CritterDB](http://www.critterdb.com/)."""
        # ex: http://www.critterdb.com/#/publishedbestiary/view/5acb0aa187653a455731b890
        # http://www.critterdb.com/#/publishedbestiary/view/57552905f9865548206b50b0
        if not 'critterdb.com' in url:
            return await self.bot.say("This is not a CritterDB link.")
        if not 'publishedbestiary' in url:
            return await self.bot.say(
                "This is not a public bestiary. Publish it to import!")

        loading = await self.bot.say(
            "Importing bestiary (this may take a while for large bestiaries)..."
        bestiary_id = url.split('/view')[1].strip('/ \n')

        bestiary = await self.bestiary_from_critterdb(bestiary_id)

        await self.bot.edit_message(loading, f"Imported {bestiary.name}!")
        embed = HomebrewEmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = bestiary.name
        embed.description = '\n'.join(m.name for m in bestiary.monsters)
        await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
예제 #9
class Homebrew(commands.Cog):
    """Commands to manage homebrew in Avrae."""
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot

    async def bestiary(self, ctx, *, name=None):
        """Commands to manage homebrew monsters.
        When called without an argument, lists the current bestiary and the monsters in it.
        When called with a name, switches to a different bestiary."""
        user_bestiaries = await Bestiary.num_user(ctx)

        if not user_bestiaries:
            return await ctx.send(
                f"You have no bestiaries. Use `{ctx.prefix}bestiary import` to import one!"

        if name is None:
            bestiary = await Bestiary.from_ctx(ctx)
                bestiary = await select_bestiary(ctx, name)
            except NoActiveBrew:
                return await ctx.send(
                    f"You have no bestiaries. Use `{ctx.prefix}bestiary import` to import one!"
            except NoSelectionElements:
                return await ctx.send("Bestiary not found.")
            await bestiary.set_active(ctx)
        embed = HomebrewEmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = bestiary.name
        if bestiary.desc:
            embed.description = bestiary.desc
        await bestiary.load_monsters(ctx)
        monnames = '\n'.join(m.name for m in bestiary.monsters)
        if len(monnames) < 1020:
            embed.add_field(name="Creatures", value=monnames)
                            value=f"{len(bestiary.monsters)} creatures.")
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)

    async def bestiary_list(self, ctx):
        """Lists your available bestiaries."""
        out = [b.name async for b in Bestiary.user_bestiaries(ctx)]
        await ctx.send(f"Your bestiaries: {', '.join(out)}")

    async def bestiary_delete(self, ctx, *, name):
        """Deletes a bestiary from Avrae."""
            bestiary = await select_bestiary(ctx, name)
        except NoActiveBrew:
            return await ctx.send(
                f"You have no bestiaries. Use `{ctx.prefix}bestiary import` to import one!"
        except NoSelectionElements:
            return await ctx.send("Bestiary not found.")

        resp = await confirm(
            'Are you sure you want to delete {}? (Reply with yes/no)'.format(

        if resp:
            await bestiary.unsubscribe(ctx)
            return await ctx.send('{} has been deleted.'.format(bestiary.name))
            return await ctx.send("OK, cancelling.")

    async def bestiary_import(self, ctx, url):
        Imports a bestiary from [CritterDB](https://critterdb.com/).

        To share a bestiary with Avrae, enable Link Sharing in the sharing menu of your bestiary!

        If your attacks don't seem to be importing properly, you can add a hidden line to the description to set it:
        `<avrae hidden>NAME|TOHITBONUS|DAMAGE</avrae>`

        # ex: https://critterdb.com//#/publishedbestiary/view/5acb0aa187653a455731b890
        # https://critterdb.com/#/publishedbestiary/view/57552905f9865548206b50b0
        # https://critterdb.com:443/#/bestiary/view/5acfe382de482a4d0ed57b46
        if not (match := re.match(
            return await ctx.send("This is not a CritterDB link.")

        loading = await ctx.send(
            "Importing bestiary (this may take a while for large bestiaries)..."
        bestiary_id = match.group(2)
        is_published = bool(match.group(1))

        bestiary = await Bestiary.from_critterdb(ctx,

        await bestiary.set_active(ctx)
        await bestiary.load_monsters(ctx)
        await loading.edit(content=f"Imported {bestiary.name}!")
        embed = HomebrewEmbedWithAuthor(ctx)
        embed.title = bestiary.name
        monnames = '\n'.join(m.name for m in bestiary.monsters)
        if len(monnames) < 2040:
            embed.description = monnames
            embed.description = f"{len(bestiary.monsters)} creatures."
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)