예제 #1
파일: views.py 프로젝트: nqd/wsn-man
def browser_page(request):
    return list of offlink node that cover by a border router
    lists_offlink_nodes = get_list_of_nodes()
    lists_offlink_nodes_json = json.dumps(lists_offlink_nodes, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder)

    if request.method == "POST":
        gatewayaddress = str(request.POST["gatewayaddress"])
        nodes = None
        if gatewayaddress:
            management = sensornetwork.management()
            nodes = management.offlink_nodes(gatewayaddress)

        if nodes:
            offlink_nodes = OfflinkNodes(border_router_address=gatewayaddress, node_list=nodes)
            for node in nodes:
                node_object, created = Node.objects.get_or_create(ip_address=node)
                if created:

        return render_to_response(
            {'gatewayaddress': gatewayaddress,
             'lastlistsofnodes': lists_offlink_nodes_json,
             'nodes': nodes,},
        return render_to_response(
            {'lastlistsofnodes': lists_offlink_nodes_json,},
예제 #2
파일: views.py 프로젝트: nqd/wsn-man
def node_page(request, node):
    provide node information. if the information not found in the db, use snmp (or any means) to retrive
    input: update or not, (json input from ajax)
    output: json data
    UPDATE = False

    node_infor = None
    if not UPDATE:
            node_object = Node.objects.filter(ip_address=node).order_by('-date')[:1][0]
            node_infor = Infor.objects.filter(node=node_object).order_by('-date')[0]
            print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
            node_infor = None

    if UPDATE or not node_infor:
            node_object = Node.objects.filter(ip_address=node).order_by('-date')[:1][0]
            print "Node with ip=%s not in the db: %s" %(node, sys.exc_info()[0])
            node_object = None
        management = sensornetwork.management()
        node_items = ast.literal_eval(management.discovery_node(node))
        print node_items
        #save to db when node_items contain value, and node is in the Node
        if node_items and node_object:
            node_infor = Infor(node=node_object,
                               sys_descr = node_items.get('sysdescr'),
                               sys_name = node_items.get('sysname'),
                               if_phys_addr = node_items.get('ifphyaddr'),
                               ent_physical_descr = node_items.get('phydescr'),
            #for consistance display between the NON Update and Update
            node_infor = Infor.objects.filter(node=node_object).order_by('-date')[:1][0]

    #prepare for json response
    node_items_json = None
    if node_infor:
        node_items_data = {}
        node_items_data['data'] = {}
        node_items_data['data']['ip_address'] = node
        node_items_data['data']['sys_descr'] = node_infor.sys_descr
        node_items_data['data']['sys_name'] = node_infor.sys_name
        node_items_data['data']['if_phys_addr'] = node_infor.if_phys_addr
        node_items_data['data']['ent_physical_descr'] = node_infor.ent_physical_descr
        node_items_data['data']['physensor_type'] = node_infor.physensor_type
        node_items_data['data']['physensor_unit_display'] = node_infor.physensor_unit_display
        node_items_data['update'] = calendar.timegm(node_infor.date.utctimetuple())*1000  #timestamp in js is in ms
        node_items_json = json.dumps(node_items_data, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder)

    return HttpResponse(node_items_json, content_type="application/json")
예제 #3
파일: views.py 프로젝트: nqd/wsn-man
def _collect_node(node, command):
    start/stop collecting (collectd) with node
    node: node address
    command: START/STOP
    management = sensornetwork.management()
    management.collect_node(node, command)
    status = {}
    status['status'] = 'success'
    return json.dumps(status, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder)
예제 #4
파일: views.py 프로젝트: nqd/wsn-man
def _collect_all(command):
    request to start/stop the collectd from all nodes
    which is manage by the gateway
    command = START/STOP
    offlink_nodes = get_list_of_nodes()
    nodes = offlink_nodes.get('nodes')
    if nodes != None:
        management = sensornetwork.management()
        management.collect_all(nodes, command)    #command = START/STOP
    #TODO: check the reply for status
    status = {}
    status['status'] = 'success'
    return json.dumps(status, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder)