예제 #1
 def revertResize(self, server):
     Revert a resize operation, restoring the server from the backup made
     when the resize was performed.
     data = json.dumps({"revertResize": None})
     id = server.id
     self._post_action(id, data)
예제 #2
 def confirmResize(self, server):
     Confirm resized server, i.e. confirm that resize worked and it's OK to
     delete all backups made when resize was performed.
     data = json.dumps({"confirmResize": None})
     id = server.id
     self._post_action(id, data)
     self.notify(server, _confirmResizeNotifyCallback)
예제 #3
 def rebuild(self, server, imageId=None):
     Rebuild a server, optionally specifying a different image.  If no new
     image is supplied, the original is used.
     if not imageId:
         imageId = server.imageId
     data = json.dumps({"rebuild": {"imageId":imageId}})
     id = server.id
     self._post_action(id, data)
예제 #4
 def resize(self, server, flavorId):
     Change a server to a different size/flavor.  A backup is kept of the
     original until you confirmResize or it recycles automatically (after
     24 hours).
     if not flavorId:
         flavorId = server.flavorId
     data = json.dumps({"resize": {"flavorId":flavorId}})
     id = server.id
     self._post_action(id, data)
     self.notify(server, _resizeNotifyCallback)
예제 #5
    def reboot(self, server, rebootType):
        Reboot a server either "HARD", "SOFT".

        "SOFT" signals reboot with notification i.e. 'graceful'
        "HARD" forces reboot with no notification i.e. power cycle the server.
        if rebootType in ("HARD", "SOFT"):
            id = server.id
            data = json.dumps({"reboot": {"type": rebootType}})
            self._post_action(id, data)
            self.refresh(server)    # get updated status
            raise ClientErrors.InvalidArgumentsFault("Bad value %s passed for reboot type,\
                                        must be 'HARD' or 'SOFT'", rebootType)
예제 #6
 def asJSON(self):
     Return the backup schedule object converted to JSON
     return json.dumps(self.asDict)
예제 #7
 def asJSON(self):
     Return the server object converted to JSON suitable for creating a
     return json.dumps(self.asDict)
예제 #8
 def shareIp (self, server, ipAddr, sharedIpGroupId, configureServer):
     url_parts = (server.id, "ips", "public", ipAddr)
     data = json.dumps({"shareIp": {"sharedIpGroupId": sharedIpGroupId, \
                         "configureServer": configureServer}})
     self._PUT(data, url_parts)