예제 #1
    def check_setup(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
        """ Check storage to make sure the selected VG has a thinpool and it is named docker-pool

        :param storage: Blivet storage object
        :param ksdata: Kickstart data object
        :param instClass: Anaconda installclass object

        If there is an error, raise the appropriate Kickstart error.
        if self.addon.vgname not in (vg.name for vg in storage.vgs):
            raise KickstartParseError(formatErrorMsg(0, msg=_("%%addon com_redhat_docker is missing VG named %s")) % self.addon.vgname)

        # Make sure the VG has a docker-pool LV
        if self.addon.vgname+"-docker-pool" not in (lv.name for lv in storage.lvs):
            raise KickstartParseError(formatErrorMsg(0, msg=_("%%addon com_redhat_docker is missing a LV named docker-pool")))
예제 #2
    def handle_header(self, lineno, args):
        """ Handle the kickstart addon header

        :param lineno: Line number
        :param args: arguments from %addon line
        # This gets called after __init__, very early in the installation.
        op = KSOptionParser()
        op.add_option("--vgname", required=True,
                      help="Name of the VG that contains a thinpool named docker-pool")
        op.add_option("--fstype", required=True,
                      help="Type of filesystem to use for docker to use with docker-pool")
        op.add_option("--save-args", action="store_true", default=False,
                      help="Save all extra args to the OPTIONS variable in /etc/sysconfig/docker")
        (opts, extra) = op.parse_args(args=args, lineno=lineno)

        fmt = blivet.formats.getFormat(opts.fstype)
        if not fmt or fmt.type is None:
            raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(lineno,
                                      msg=_("%%addon com_redhat_docker fstype of %s is invalid.")) % opts.fstype)

        self.vgname = opts.vgname
        self.fstype = opts.fstype
        self.enabled = True
        self.extra_args = extra
        self.save_args = opts.save_args
예제 #3
    def check_setup(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
        """ Check to make sure /var/lib/docker is on a BTRFS filesystem"""
        for path in ["/var/lib/docker", "/var/lib", "/var", "/"]:
            device = storage.mountpoints.get(path)
            if isinstance(device, BTRFSDevice):
                log.debug("com_redhat_docker found BTRFS at %s", path)

        raise KickstartParseError(formatErrorMsg(0, msg=_("%%addon com_redhat_docker /var/lib/docker is not on a BTRFS volume")))
예제 #4
    def setup(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
        """ Setup the addon

        :param storage: Blivet storage object
        :param ksdata: Kickstart data object
        :param instClass: Anaconda installclass object
        # This gets called after entering progress hub, just before installation and device partitioning.

        if "docker" not in ksdata.packages.packageList:
            raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(0, msg=_("%%package section is missing docker")))

        # Check storage to make sure the selected VG has a thinpool and it is named docker-pool?
        if self.vgname not in (vg.name for vg in storage.vgs):
            raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(0, msg=_("%%addon com_redhat_docker is missing VG named %s")) % self.vgname)

        # Make sure the VG has a docker-pool LV
        if self.vgname+"-docker-pool" not in (lv.name for lv in storage.lvs):
            raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(0, msg=_("%%addon com_redhat_docker is missing a LV named docker-pool")))
예제 #5
    def handle_header(self, lineno, args):
        """ Handle the kickstart addon header

        :param lineno: Line number
        :param args: arguments from %addon line
        # This gets called after __init__, very early in the installation.
        op = KSOptionParser()
                      help="Name of the VG that contains a thinpool named docker-pool")
                      help="Type of filesystem for docker to use with the docker-pool")
        op.add_option("--overlay", action="store_true",
                      help="Use the overlay driver")
        op.add_option("--btrfs", action="store_true",
                      help="Use the BTRFS driver")
        op.add_option("--save-args", action="store_true", default=False,
                      help="Save all extra args to the OPTIONS variable in /etc/sysconfig/docker")
        (opts, extra) = op.parse_args(args=args, lineno=lineno)

        if sum(1 for v in [opts.overlay, opts.btrfs, opts.vgname] if bool(v)) != 1:
            raise KickstartParseError(formatErrorMsg(lineno,
                                                     msg=_("%%addon com_redhat_docker must choose one of --overlay, --btrfs, or --vgname")))

        self.enabled = True
        self.extra_args = extra
        self.save_args = opts.save_args

        if opts.overlay:
            self.storage = OverlayStorage(self)
        elif opts.btrfs:
            self.storage = BTRFSStorage(self)
        elif opts.vgname:
            fmt = blivet.formats.get_format(opts.fstype)
            if not fmt or fmt.type is None:
                raise KickstartParseError(formatErrorMsg(lineno,
                                                         msg=_("%%addon com_redhat_docker fstype of %s is invalid.")) % opts.fstype)

            self.vgname = opts.vgname
            self.fstype = opts.fstype
            self.storage = LVMStorage(self)
예제 #6
    def setup(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
        """ Setup the addon

        :param storage: Blivet storage object
        :param ksdata: Kickstart data object
        :param instClass: Anaconda installclass object
        # This gets called after entering progress hub, just before installation and device partitioning.
        if not self.enabled:

        if "docker" not in ksdata.packages.packageList:
            raise KickstartValueError(formatErrorMsg(0, msg=_("%%package section is missing docker")))

        self.storage.check_setup(storage, ksdata, instClass)