예제 #1
    def next_move_min_max(self, max_depth):
        v = float('-inf')
        best_move = (-1, -1)

        if len(self.available_moves) > 0:  # se existe algum movimento possivel
            for i, move in enumerate(self.available_moves):  # para cada movimento disponivel
                with MonitorPerformance(False,"evaluating move " + str(i) + "/" + str(len(self.available_moves))):
                    imaginary_board = board.from_string(str(self.board))  # cria um tabuleiro "imaginario"
                    score = self.min_max_max(imaginary_board, max_depth)

                    if v < score:
                        v = score
                        best_move = move


        return best_move
예제 #2
    def alfa_beta_max(self, a_board, alfa, beta, max_depth):
        if (len(a_board.legal_moves(self.my_color)) > 0) \
                and (max_depth > 0) \
                and (perf_counter_ns() - self.start_time) < self.max_time:
            depth = max_depth - 1
            for move in a_board.legal_moves(self.my_color):
                imaginary_board = board.from_string(str(a_board))
                imaginary_board.process_move(move, self.my_color)

                self.node_expands_counter += 1
                v = self.alfa_beta_min(imaginary_board, alfa, beta, depth)
                alfa = max(v, alfa)
                if beta < alfa:
                    self.pruning_counter += 1
                    return alfa
            return alfa
            score = self.__get_board_score(a_board)
            return score
예제 #3
def min_value(the_board, color, alpha, beta, start_time, remaining_depth):
    opponent_color = the_board.opponent(color)
    current_legal_moves = the_board.legal_moves(color)
    debugPrint(f'[MIN] Current legal moves: { current_legal_moves }')

    if len(current_legal_moves) == 0:
        debugPrint('[MIN] Stopping because found no further possible moves')
        return utility(the_board, opponent_color), INVALID_MOVE

    best_move = current_legal_moves[0]

    if time.time() - start_time >= MAX_RUN_TIME:
        debugPrint('[MAX] Stopping because time is up')
        debugPrint(f"                 Depth was: { remaining_depth }")
        return utility(the_board, opponent_color), best_move

    if remaining_depth == 0:
        debugPrint('[MAX] Stopping because reach MAX_DEPTH')
        return utility(the_board, opponent_color), best_move

    min_max_value = INFINITY

    for s in current_legal_moves:
        other_board = board.from_string(str(the_board))
        other_board.process_move(s, color)

        max_val = max_value(other_board, opponent_color, alpha, beta,
                            start_time, remaining_depth - 1)[0]
        debugPrint(f'[MIN] MaxVal { max_val }')

        if max_val < min_max_value:
            debugPrint(f'[MIN] Found better move { s }')
            min_max_value = max_val
            best_move = s

        if min_max_value < beta:
            debugPrint(f'[MIN] Found better beta { s }')
            beta = max_val

        if beta <= alpha:
            debugPrint('[MIN] Alpha-beta pruned')
            return min_max_value, best_move
    return min_max_value, best_move
    def next_move(self, human_player=False):
        v = float('-inf')
        best_move = None

        if len(self.available_moves) > 0:  # se existe algum movimento possivel
            for i, move in enumerate(self.available_moves):  # para cada movimento disponivel
                imaginary_board = board.from_string(str(self.board))  # cria um tabuleiro "imaginario"
                score = self.min_max_max(imaginary_board)

                self.__append_to_console_out(i, move, score)

                if v < score:
                    v = score
                    best_move = move

        selected_move = self.get_selected_move(best_move, human_player, v)
        selected_move = self.execute_move(selected_move)

        return selected_move
예제 #5
    def get_ordered_best_moves_for_player(self, a_board):
        best_moves = []
        for move in a_board.legal_moves(self.my_color):
            imaginary_board = board.from_string(str(a_board))
            imaginary_board.process_move(move, self.my_color)

            score = self.__get_board_score(imaginary_board)
            move_score = MoveScore(move, (-1 * score), self.my_color)
            heapq.heappush(best_moves, move_score)
            # score invertido para ordenar pelo de maior valor ;)

        ordered_moves = []

        while len(best_moves) > 0:
            best_move = heapq.heappop(best_moves)

        return ordered_moves
예제 #6
    def min_max_min(self, a_board, max_depth):
        # se existe algum movimento possivel do oponente
        if (len(a_board.legal_moves(self.opponent_color)) > 0) and (max_depth > 0):
            depth = max_depth - 1

            v = float('+inf')

            for opponent_move in a_board.legal_moves(self.opponent_color):  # para cada movimento disponivel do oponente
                imaginary_board = board.from_string(str(a_board))
                imaginary_board.process_move(opponent_move, self.opponent_color)  # executa o movimento

                score = self.min_max_max(imaginary_board, depth)
                v = min(v, score)

            return v
            score = self.__get_board_score(a_board)
            return score
예제 #7
    def get_ordered_best_moves_for_oponent(self, a_board):
        best_moves = []
        for move in a_board.legal_moves(self.opponent_color):
            imaginary_board = board.from_string(str(a_board))
            imaginary_board.process_move(move, self.opponent_color)

            score = self.__get_board_score(imaginary_board)
            move_score = MoveScore(move, score, self.opponent_color)
            heapq.heappush(best_moves, move_score)
            # o heap vai ordenar pelo menor valor

        ordered_moves = []

        # o melhor movimento do oponente é o que ao jogador menos pontos
        while len(best_moves) > 0:
            best_move = heapq.heappop(best_moves)

        return ordered_moves
예제 #8
    def alfa_beta_min(self, a_board, alfa, beta, max_depth):
        if (len(a_board.legal_moves(self.opponent_color)) > 0) \
                and (max_depth > 0) \
                and (perf_counter_ns() - self.start_time) < self.max_time:
            depth = max_depth - 1
            for move in a_board.legal_moves(self.opponent_color):
                imaginary_board = board.from_string(str(a_board))
                imaginary_board.process_move(move, self.opponent_color)

                self.node_expands_counter += 1
                v = self.alfa_beta_max(imaginary_board, alfa, beta, depth)

                beta = min(v, beta)
                if alfa >= beta:
                    self.pruning_counter += 1
                    return beta
            return beta
            score = self.__get_board_score(
                a_board)  # Retorna o valor do ultimo nó expandido
            return score
예제 #9
    def alfa_beta_max(self, a_board, alfa, beta, max_depth):
        if (len(a_board.legal_moves(self.my_color)) > 0) and (max_depth > 0):
            depth = max_depth - 1
            #for move in self.get_ordered_best_moves_for_oponent(a_board):
            #for move in self.get_ordered_best_moves_for_player(a_board):
            #for i, move in enumerate(a_board.legal_moves(self.my_color)):
            for move in a_board.legal_moves(self.my_color):
                imaginary_board = board.from_string(str(a_board))
                imaginary_board.process_move(move, self.my_color)

                self.node_expands_counter += 1
                v = self.alfa_beta_min(imaginary_board, alfa, beta, depth)
                alfa = max(v, alfa)
                if beta < alfa:
                    self.pruning_counter += 1
                    #print("Nós podados na profundidade [" + str(max_depth) + "]=" + str(len(a_board.legal_moves(self.my_color)) - i) + " - MAX")
                    return alfa
            return alfa
            score = self.__get_board_score(a_board)
            return score
예제 #10
def max_value(the_board, color, alpha, beta, start_time, remaining_depth):
    current_legal_moves = the_board.legal_moves(color)
    debugPrint(f'[MAX] Current legal moves: { current_legal_moves }')

    if len(current_legal_moves) == 0:
        debugPrint('[MAX] Stopping because found no further possible moves')
        return utility(the_board, color), INVALID_MOVE

    best_move = current_legal_moves[0]
    best_score = -INFINITY

    if time.time() - start_time >= MAX_RUN_TIME:
        debugPrint('[MAX] Stopping because time is up')
        return utility(the_board, color), best_move

    if remaining_depth == 0:
        debugPrint('[MAX] Stopping because reach MAX_DEPTH')
        return utility(the_board, color), best_move

    for s in current_legal_moves:
        other_board = board.from_string(str(the_board))
        other_board.process_move(s, color)

        min_val = min_value(other_board, the_board.opponent(color), alpha,
                            beta, start_time, remaining_depth - 1)[0]
        debugPrint(f'[MAX] MinVal { min_val }')

        if min_val > best_score:
            debugPrint(f'[MAX] Found better move { s }')
            best_score = min_val
            best_move = s

        if best_score >= beta:
            debugPrint('[MAX] Alpha-beta pruned')
            return best_score, best_move

        alpha = max(alpha, best_score)
    return best_score, best_move
예제 #11
    def next_move_alfa_beta(self, max_depth):
        alfa = float('-inf')
        beta = float('+inf')

        v = float('-inf')

        best_move = (-1, -1)

        if len(self.available_moves) > 0:  # se existe algum movimento possivel
            for move in self.available_moves:  # para cada movimento disponivel
                imaginary_board = board.from_string(str(
                    self.board))  # cria um tabuleiro "imaginario"
                score = self.alfa_beta_max(imaginary_board, alfa, beta,

                #score += self.move_eval(imaginary_board, move)
                if score > v:
                    v = score
                    best_move = move


        return best_move