예제 #1
def rpath_flags(settings, os_build, lib_paths):
    compiler = _base_compiler(settings)
    if not os_build:
        return []
    if compiler in GCC_LIKE:
        rpath_separator = "," if is_apple_os(os_build) else "="
        return ['-Wl,-rpath%s"%s"' % (rpath_separator, x.replace("\\", "/"))
                for x in lib_paths if x]
    return []
예제 #2
    def _cmake_cross_build_defines(self, cmake_version):
        os_ = self._ss("os")
        arch = self._ss("arch")
        os_ver_str = "os.api_level" if os_ == "Android" else "os.version"
        op_system_version = self._ss(os_ver_str)

        env_sn = get_env("CONAN_CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME", "")
        env_sn = {"False": False, "True": True, "": None}.get(env_sn, env_sn)
        cmake_system_name = env_sn or self._forced_cmake_system_name

        os_build, _, _, _ = get_cross_building_settings(self._conanfile)
        compiler = self._ss("compiler")
        libcxx = self._ss("compiler.libcxx")

        definitions = OrderedDict()
        os_ver = get_env("CONAN_CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION", op_system_version)
        toolchain_file = get_env("CONAN_CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE", "")

        if toolchain_file != "":
            logger.info("Setting Cross build toolchain file: %s" % toolchain_file)
            definitions["CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE"] = toolchain_file
            return definitions

        if cmake_system_name is False:
            return definitions

        # System name and system version
        if cmake_system_name is not True:  # String not empty
            definitions["CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME"] = cmake_system_name
        else:  # detect if we are cross building and the system name and version
            skip_x64_x86 = os_ in ['Windows', 'Linux']
            if cross_building(self._conanfile, skip_x64_x86=skip_x64_x86):  # We are cross building
                apple_system_name = "Darwin" if Version(cmake_version) < Version("3.14") else None
                cmake_system_name_map = {"Macos": "Darwin",
                                         "iOS": apple_system_name or "iOS",
                                         "tvOS": apple_system_name or "tvOS",
                                         "watchOS": apple_system_name or "watchOS",
                                         "Neutrino": "QNX",
                                         "": "Generic",
                                         None: "Generic"}
                definitions["CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME"] = cmake_system_name_map.get(os_, os_)

        if os_ver:
            definitions["CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION"] = os_ver
            if is_apple_os(os_):
                definitions["CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = os_ver

        # system processor
        cmake_system_processor = os.getenv("CONAN_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR")
        if cmake_system_processor:
            definitions["CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR"] = cmake_system_processor

        if definitions:  # If enabled cross compile
            for env_var in ["CONAN_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH",

                value = os.getenv(env_var)
                if value:
                    definitions[env_var] = value

            if self._conanfile and self._conanfile.deps_cpp_info.sysroot:
                sysroot_path = self._conanfile.deps_cpp_info.sysroot
                sysroot_path = os.getenv("CONAN_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH", None)

            if sysroot_path:
                # Needs to be set here, can't be managed in the cmake generator, CMake needs
                # to know about the sysroot before any other thing
                definitions["CMAKE_SYSROOT"] = sysroot_path.replace("\\", "/")

            # Adjust Android stuff
            if str(os_) == "Android" and definitions["CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME"] == "Android":
                arch_abi_settings = tools.to_android_abi(arch)
                if arch_abi_settings:
                    definitions["CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI"] = arch_abi_settings
                    definitions["ANDROID_ABI"] = arch_abi_settings

                conan_cmake_android_ndk = os.getenv("CONAN_CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK")
                if conan_cmake_android_ndk:
                    definitions["ANDROID_NDK"] = conan_cmake_android_ndk

                definitions["ANDROID_PLATFORM"] = "android-%s" % op_system_version
                definitions["ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN"] = compiler

                # More details about supported stdc++ libraries here:
                # https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/cpp-support.html
                if libcxx:
                    definitions["ANDROID_STL"] = libcxx
                    definitions["ANDROID_STL"] = 'none'

        logger.info("Setting Cross build flags: %s"
                    % ", ".join(["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in definitions.items()]))
        return definitions