예제 #1
def query(request, repo_base, repo):
    query = get_or_post(request, key='q', fallback=None)
    username = request.user.get_username()

    # if the user is just requesting the query page
    if not query:
        data = {
            'login': username,
            'repo_base': repo_base,
            'repo': repo,
            'select_query': False,
            'query': None
        return render_to_response("query.html", data)

    # if the user is actually executing a query
    current_page = 1
    if request.POST.get('page'):
        current_page = request.POST.get('page')

    url_path = reverse('browser-query', args=(repo_base, repo))

    manager = DataHubManager(user=username, repo_base=repo_base)
    res = manager.paginate_query(query=query,

    # get annotation to the table:
    annotation, created = Annotation.objects.get_or_create(url_path=url_path)
    annotation_text = annotation.annotation_text

    data = {
        'login': username,
        'repo_base': repo_base,
        'repo': repo,
        'annotation': annotation_text,
        'current_page': current_page,
        'next_page': current_page + 1,  # the template should relaly do this
        'prev_page': current_page - 1,  # the template should relaly do this
        'url_path': url_path,
        'query': query,
        'select_query': res['select_query'],
        'column_names': res['column_names'],
        'tuples': res['rows'],
        'total_pages': res['total_pages'],
        'pages': range(res['start_page'], res['end_page'] + 1),  # template
        'num_rows': res['num_rows'],
        'time_cost': res['time_cost']

    return render_to_response("query-browse-results.html", data)
예제 #2
def query(request, repo_base, repo):
    query = get_or_post(request, key='q', fallback=None)
    username = request.user.get_username()

    # if the user is just requesting the query page
    if not query:
        data = {
            'login': username,
            'repo_base': repo_base,
            'repo': repo,
            'select_query': False,
            'query': None}
        return render_to_response("query.html", data)

    # if the user is actually executing a query
    current_page = 1
    if request.POST.get('page'):
        current_page = request.POST.get('page')

    url_path = reverse('browser-query', args=(repo_base, repo))

    manager = DataHubManager(user=username, repo_base=repo_base)
    res = manager.paginate_query(
        query=query, current_page=current_page, rows_per_page=50)

    # get annotation to the table:
    annotation, created = Annotation.objects.get_or_create(url_path=url_path)
    annotation_text = annotation.annotation_text

    data = {
        'login': username,
        'repo_base': repo_base,
        'repo': repo,
        'annotation': annotation_text,
        'current_page': current_page,
        'next_page': current_page + 1,  # the template should relaly do this
        'prev_page': current_page - 1,  # the template should relaly do this
        'url_path': url_path,
        'query': query,
        'select_query': res['select_query'],
        'column_names': res['column_names'],
        'tuples': res['rows'],
        'total_pages': res['total_pages'],
        'pages': range(res['start_page'], res['end_page'] + 1),  # template
        'num_rows': res['num_rows'],
        'time_cost': res['time_cost']

    return render_to_response("query-browse-results.html", data)
예제 #3
def table(request, repo_base, repo, table):
    return a page indicating how many
    current_page = 1
    if request.POST.get('page'):
        current_page = request.POST.get('page')

    username = request.user.get_username()
    url_path = reverse('browser-table', args=(repo_base, repo, table))

    manager = DataHubManager(user=username, repo_base=repo_base)
    query = manager.select_table_query(repo, table)
    res = manager.paginate_query(query=query,

    # get annotation to the table:
    annotation, created = Annotation.objects.get_or_create(url_path=url_path)
    annotation_text = annotation.annotation_text

    data = {
        'login': username,
        'repo_base': repo_base,
        'repo': repo,
        'table': table,
        'annotation': annotation_text,
        'current_page': current_page,
        'next_page': current_page + 1,  # the template should relaly do this
        'prev_page': current_page - 1,  # the template should relaly do this
        'url_path': url_path,
        'column_names': res['column_names'],
        'tuples': res['rows'],
        'total_pages': res['total_pages'],
        'pages': range(res['start_page'], res['end_page'] + 1),  # template
        'num_rows': res['num_rows'],
        'time_cost': res['time_cost']


    # and then, after everything, hand this off to table-browse. It turns out
    # that this is all using DataTables anyhow, so the template doesn't really
    # use all of the data we prepared. ARC 2016-01-04
    return render_to_response("table-browse.html", data)
예제 #4
def table(request, repo_base, repo, table):
    return a page indicating how many
    current_page = 1
    if request.POST.get('page'):
        current_page = request.POST.get('page')

    username = request.user.get_username()
    url_path = reverse('browser-table', args=(repo_base, repo, table))

    manager = DataHubManager(user=username, repo_base=repo_base)
    query = manager.select_table_query(repo, table)
    res = manager.paginate_query(
        query=query, current_page=current_page, rows_per_page=50)

    # get annotation to the table:
    annotation, created = Annotation.objects.get_or_create(url_path=url_path)
    annotation_text = annotation.annotation_text

    data = {
        'login': username,
        'repo_base': repo_base,
        'repo': repo,
        'table': table,
        'annotation': annotation_text,
        'current_page': current_page,
        'next_page': current_page + 1,  # the template should relaly do this
        'prev_page': current_page - 1,  # the template should relaly do this
        'url_path': url_path,
        'column_names': res['column_names'],
        'tuples': res['rows'],
        'total_pages': res['total_pages'],
        'pages': range(res['start_page'], res['end_page'] + 1),  # template
        'num_rows': res['num_rows'],
        'time_cost': res['time_cost']


    # and then, after everything, hand this off to table-browse. It turns out
    # that this is all using DataTables anyhow, so the template doesn't really
    # use all of the data we prepared. ARC 2016-01-04
    return render_to_response("table-browse.html", data)