예제 #1
    def __init__(self, address):
        # Add fields, replacing NULL values with the empty string
        self.field1 = address.a1.strip() if address.a1 is not None else ''
        self.field2 = address.a2.strip() if address.a2 is not None else ''
        self.field3 = address.a3.strip() if address.a3 is not None else ''

        # Set the actual country object
        # Uppercase the country code (just in case - you never know with Focus)
        self.country = FocusCountry.get_by_code(code=address.country_code.upper())

        if self.country.code == 'NO':
            # Norwegians - set the actual zipcode object
                self.zipcode = Zipcode.get_by_zipcode(zipcode=address.zipcode_id)
            except Zipcode.DoesNotExist:
                # Some addresses have NULL in the zipcode field for some reason.
                # Use a zipcode object with empty fields.
                self.zipcode = Zipcode()

            # Set the actual County object based on the zipcode
            if self.zipcode.zipcode != '':
                county_code = address.zipcode.county_code
                if county_code == INTERNATIONAL_ADDRESS_COUNTY_CODE:
                    # International address; define the county as None for now.
                    self.county = None
                    self.county = County.get_by_code(code=county_code)
                self.county = None

            # Foreigners - ignore zipcode/area
            # Remove country code prefixes
            if self.field1.lower().startswith("%s-" % self.country.code.lower()):
                self.field1 = self.field1[len(self.country.code) + 1:].strip()
            if self.field2.lower().startswith("%s-" % self.country.code.lower()):
                self.field2 = self.field2[len(self.country.code) + 1:].strip()
            if self.field3.lower().startswith("%s-" % self.country.code.lower()):
                self.field3 = self.field3[len(self.country.code) + 1:].strip()
예제 #2
 def get_country(self):
     return FocusCountry.get_by_code(code=self.country)