예제 #1
  def ParseKshFunctionDef(self):
    ksh_function_def : 'function' fname ( '(' ')' )? newline_ok function_body
    left_spid = word.LeftMostSpanForWord(self.cur_word)

    self._Next()  # skip past 'function'

    if not self._Peek(): return None
    ok, name = word.AsFuncName(self.cur_word)
    if not ok:
      self.AddErrorContext("Invalid function name: %r", self.cur_word)
      return None
    after_name_spid = word.LeftMostSpanForWord(self.cur_word) + 1
    self._Next()  # skip past 'function name

    if not self._Peek(): return None
    if self.c_id == Id.Op_LParen:
      self.lexer.PushHint(Id.Op_RParen, Id.Right_FuncDef)
      if not self._Eat(Id.Right_FuncDef): return None
      # Change it: after )
      after_name_spid = word.LeftMostSpanForWord(self.cur_word) + 1

    if not self._NewlineOk(): return None

    func = ast.FuncDef()
    func.name = name

    if not self.ParseFunctionBody(func):
      return None

    return func
예제 #2
  def ParseFunctionDef(self):
    function_header : fname '(' ')'
    function_def     : function_header newline_ok function_body ;

    Precondition: Looking at the function name.
    Post condition:

    NOTE: There is an ambiguity with:

    function foo ( echo hi ) and
    function foo () ( echo hi )

    Bash only accepts the latter, though it doesn't really follow a grammar.
    left_spid = word.LeftMostSpanForWord(self.cur_word)

    ok, name = word.AsFuncName(self.cur_word)
    if not ok:
      self.AddErrorContext("Invalid function name: %r",
          self.cur_word, word=self.cur_word)
      return None
    self._Next()  # skip function name

    # Must be true beacuse of lookahead
    if not self._Peek(): return None
    assert self.c_id == Id.Op_LParen, self.cur_word

    self.lexer.PushHint(Id.Op_RParen, Id.Right_FuncDef)

    if not self._Eat(Id.Right_FuncDef): return None
    after_name_spid = word.LeftMostSpanForWord(self.cur_word) + 1

    if not self._NewlineOk(): return None

    func = ast.FuncDef()
    func.name = name

    if not self.ParseFunctionBody(func):
      return None

    return func