예제 #1
def frac_traverse(molecule, **kwargs):
    kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs)

    # The molecule is required, and should be the neutral species
    charge0 = molecule.molecular_charge()
    mult0 = molecule.multiplicity()

    chargep = charge0 + 1
    chargem = charge0 - 1

    # By default, the multiplicity of the cation/anion are mult0 + 1
    # These are overridden with the cation_mult and anion_mult kwargs
    multp = kwargs.get('cation_mult', mult0 + 1)
    multm = kwargs.get('anion_mult', mult0 + 1)

    # By default, we start the frac procedure on the 25th iteration
    # when not reading a previous guess
    frac_start = kwargs.get('frac_start', 25)

    # By default, we occupy by tenths of electrons
    HOMO_occs = kwargs.get(
        'HOMO_occs', [1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0])
    LUMO_occs = kwargs.get(
        'LUMO_occs', [1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0])

    # By default, H**O and LUMO are both in alpha
    Z = 0
    for A in range(molecule.natom()):
        Z += molecule.Z(A)
    Z -= charge0
    H**O = kwargs.get('H**O', (Z / 2 + 1 if (Z % 2) else Z / 2))
    LUMO = kwargs.get('LUMO', H**O + 1)

    # By default, DIIS in FRAC (1.0 occupation is always DIIS'd)
    frac_diis = kwargs.get('frac_diis', True)

    # By default, use the neutral orbitals as a guess for the anion
    neutral_guess = kwargs.get('neutral_guess', True)

    # By default, burn-in with UHF first, if UKS
    hf_guess = False
    if core.get_global_option('REFERENCE') == 'UKS':
        hf_guess = kwargs.get('hf_guess', True)

    # By default, re-guess at each N
    continuous_guess = kwargs.get('continuous_guess', False)

    # By default, drop the files to the molecule's name
    root = kwargs.get('filename', molecule.name())
    traverse_filename = root + '.traverse.dat'
    # => Traverse <= #
    occs = []
    energies = []
    potentials = []
    convs = []

    # => Run the neutral for its orbitals, if requested <= #

    old_df_ints_io = core.get_global_option("DF_INTS_IO")
    core.set_global_option("DF_INTS_IO", "SAVE")

    old_guess = core.get_global_option("GUESS")
    if (neutral_guess):
        if (hf_guess):
            core.set_global_option("REFERENCE", "UHF")
        core.set_global_option("GUESS", "READ")
        core.set_global_option("DF_INTS_IO", "LOAD")

    # => Run the anion first <= #


    # => Burn the anion in with hf, if requested <= #
    if hf_guess:
        core.set_global_option("REFERENCE", "UHF")
        energy('scf', molecule=molecule, **kwargs)
        core.set_global_option("REFERENCE", "UKS")
        core.set_global_option("GUESS", "READ")
        core.set_global_option("DF_INTS_IO", "SAVE")

    core.set_global_option("FRAC_START", frac_start)
    core.set_global_option("FRAC_RENORMALIZE", True)
    core.set_global_option("FRAC_LOAD", False)

    for occ in LUMO_occs:

        core.set_global_option("FRAC_OCC", [LUMO])
        core.set_global_option("FRAC_VAL", [occ])

        E, wfn = energy('scf', return_wfn=True, molecule=molecule, **kwargs)
        C = 1
        if E == 0.0:
            E = core.get_variable('SCF ITERATION ENERGY')
            C = 0

        if LUMO > 0:
            eps = wfn.epsilon_a()
            potentials.append(eps[int(LUMO) - 1])
            eps = wfn.epsilon_b()
            potentials.append(eps[-int(LUMO) - 1])


        core.set_global_option("FRAC_START", 2)
        core.set_global_option("FRAC_LOAD", True)
        core.set_global_option("GUESS", "READ")
        core.set_global_option("FRAC_DIIS", frac_diis)
        core.set_global_option("DF_INTS_IO", "LOAD")

    # => Run the neutral next <= #


    # Burn the neutral in with hf, if requested <= #

    if not continuous_guess:
        core.set_global_option("GUESS", old_guess)
        if hf_guess:
            core.set_global_option("FRAC_START", 0)
            core.set_global_option("REFERENCE", "UHF")
            energy('scf', molecule=molecule, **kwargs)
            core.set_global_option("REFERENCE", "UKS")
            core.set_global_option("GUESS", "READ")
        core.set_global_option("FRAC_LOAD", False)

    core.set_global_option("FRAC_START", frac_start)
    core.set_global_option("FRAC_RENORMALIZE", True)

    for occ in HOMO_occs:

        core.set_global_option("FRAC_OCC", [H**O])
        core.set_global_option("FRAC_VAL", [occ])

        E, wfn = energy('scf', return_wfn=True, molecule=molecule, **kwargs)
        C = 1
        if E == 0.0:
            E = core.get_variable('SCF ITERATION ENERGY')
            C = 0

        if LUMO > 0:
            eps = wfn.epsilon_a()
            potentials.append(eps[int(H**O) - 1])
            eps = wfn.epsilon_b()
            potentials.append(eps[-int(H**O) - 1])

        occs.append(occ - 1.0)

        core.set_global_option("FRAC_START", 2)
        core.set_global_option("FRAC_LOAD", True)
        core.set_global_option("GUESS", "READ")
        core.set_global_option("FRAC_DIIS", frac_diis)
        core.set_global_option("DF_INTS_IO", "LOAD")

    core.set_global_option("DF_INTS_IO", old_df_ints_io)

    # => Print the results out <= #
    E = {}
        """\n    ==> Fractional Occupation Traverse Results <==\n\n""")
    core.print_out("""\t%-11s %-24s %-24s %11s\n""" %
                   ('N', 'Energy', 'H**O Energy', 'Converged'))
    for k in range(len(occs)):
        core.print_out("""\t%11.3E %24.16E %24.16E %11d\n""" %
                       (occs[k], energies[k], potentials[k], convs[k]))
        E[occs[k]] = energies[k]

    core.print_out('\n\t"You trying to be a hero Watkins?"\n')
    core.print_out('\t"Just trying to kill some bugs sir!"\n')
    core.print_out('\t\t\t-Starship Troopers\n')

    # Drop the files out
    fh = open(traverse_filename, 'w')
    fh.write("""\t%-11s %-24s %-24s %11s\n""" %
             ('N', 'Energy', 'H**O Energy', 'Converged'))
    for k in range(len(occs)):
        fh.write("""\t%11.3E %24.16E %24.16E %11d\n""" %
                 (occs[k], energies[k], potentials[k], convs[k]))

    # Properly, should clone molecule but since not returned and easy to unblemish,

    return E
예제 #2
파일: frac.py 프로젝트: kannon92/psi4
def frac_traverse(molecule, **kwargs):
    kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs)

    # The molecule is required, and should be the neutral species
    charge0 = molecule.molecular_charge()
    mult0 = molecule.multiplicity()

    chargep = charge0 + 1
    chargem = charge0 - 1

    # By default, the multiplicity of the cation/anion are mult0 + 1
    # These are overridden with the cation_mult and anion_mult kwargs
    multp = kwargs.get('cation_mult', mult0 + 1)
    multm = kwargs.get('anion_mult', mult0 + 1)

    # By default, we start the frac procedure on the 25th iteration
    # when not reading a previous guess
    frac_start = kwargs.get('frac_start', 25)

    # By default, we occupy by tenths of electrons
    HOMO_occs = kwargs.get('HOMO_occs', [1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0])
    LUMO_occs = kwargs.get('LUMO_occs', [1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0])

    # By default, H**O and LUMO are both in alpha
    Z = 0;
    for A in range(molecule.natom()):
        Z += molecule.Z(A)
    Z -= charge0
    H**O = kwargs.get('H**O', (Z / 2 + 1 if (Z % 2) else Z / 2))
    LUMO = kwargs.get('LUMO', H**O + 1)

    # By default, DIIS in FRAC (1.0 occupation is always DIIS'd)
    frac_diis = kwargs.get('frac_diis', True)

    # By default, use the neutral orbitals as a guess for the anion
    neutral_guess = kwargs.get('neutral_guess', True)

    # By default, burn-in with UHF first, if UKS
    hf_guess = False
    if core.get_global_option('REFERENCE') == 'UKS':
        hf_guess = kwargs.get('hf_guess', True)

    # By default, re-guess at each N
    continuous_guess = kwargs.get('continuous_guess', False)

    # By default, drop the files to the molecule's name
    root = kwargs.get('filename', molecule.name())
    traverse_filename = root + '.traverse.dat'
    # => Traverse <= #
    occs = []
    energies = []
    potentials = []
    convs = []

    # => Run the neutral for its orbitals, if requested <= #

    old_df_ints_io = core.get_global_option("DF_INTS_IO")
    core.set_global_option("DF_INTS_IO", "SAVE")

    old_guess = core.get_global_option("GUESS")
    if (neutral_guess):
        if (hf_guess):
        core.set_global_option("GUESS", "READ")
        core.set_global_option("DF_INTS_IO", "LOAD")

    # => Run the anion first <= #


    # => Burn the anion in with hf, if requested <= #
    if hf_guess:
        energy('scf', molecule=molecule, **kwargs)
        core.set_global_option("GUESS", "READ")
        core.set_global_option("DF_INTS_IO", "SAVE")

    core.set_global_option("FRAC_START", frac_start)
    core.set_global_option("FRAC_RENORMALIZE", True)
    core.set_global_option("FRAC_LOAD", False)

    for occ in LUMO_occs:

        core.set_global_option("FRAC_OCC", [LUMO])
        core.set_global_option("FRAC_VAL", [occ])

        E, wfn = energy('scf', return_wfn=True, molecule=molecule, **kwargs)
        C = 1
        if E == 0.0:
            E = core.get_variable('SCF ITERATION ENERGY')
            C = 0

        if LUMO > 0:
            eps = wfn.epsilon_a()
            potentials.append(eps[int(LUMO) - 1])
            eps = wfn.epsilon_b()
            potentials.append(eps[-int(LUMO) - 1])


        core.set_global_option("FRAC_START", 2)
        core.set_global_option("FRAC_LOAD", True)
        core.set_global_option("GUESS", "READ")
        core.set_global_option("FRAC_DIIS", frac_diis)
        core.set_global_option("DF_INTS_IO", "LOAD")

    # => Run the neutral next <= #


    # Burn the neutral in with hf, if requested <= #

    if not continuous_guess:
        core.set_global_option("GUESS", old_guess)
        if hf_guess:
            core.set_global_option("FRAC_START", 0)
            core.set_global_option("REFERENCE", "UHF")
            energy('scf', molecule=molecule, **kwargs)
            core.set_global_option("REFERENCE", "UKS")
            core.set_global_option("GUESS", "READ")
        core.set_global_option("FRAC_LOAD", False)

    core.set_global_option("FRAC_START", frac_start)
    core.set_global_option("FRAC_RENORMALIZE", True)

    for occ in HOMO_occs:

        core.set_global_option("FRAC_OCC", [H**O])
        core.set_global_option("FRAC_VAL", [occ])

        E, wfn = energy('scf', return_wfn=True, molecule=molecule, **kwargs)
        C = 1
        if E == 0.0:
            E = core.get_variable('SCF ITERATION ENERGY')
            C = 0

        if LUMO > 0:
            eps = wfn.epsilon_a()
            potentials.append(eps[int(H**O) - 1])
            eps = wfn.epsilon_b()
            potentials.append(eps[-int(H**O) - 1])

        occs.append(occ - 1.0)

        core.set_global_option("FRAC_START", 2)
        core.set_global_option("FRAC_LOAD", True)
        core.set_global_option("GUESS", "READ")
        core.set_global_option("FRAC_DIIS", frac_diis)
        core.set_global_option("DF_INTS_IO", "LOAD")

    core.set_global_option("DF_INTS_IO", old_df_ints_io)

    # => Print the results out <= #
    E = {}
    core.print_out("""\n    ==> Fractional Occupation Traverse Results <==\n\n""")
    core.print_out("""\t%-11s %-24s %-24s %11s\n""" % ('N', 'Energy', 'H**O Energy', 'Converged'))
    for k in range(len(occs)):
        core.print_out("""\t%11.3E %24.16E %24.16E %11d\n""" % (occs[k], energies[k], potentials[k], convs[k]))
        E[occs[k]] = energies[k]

    core.print_out('\n\t"You trying to be a hero Watkins?"\n')
    core.print_out('\t"Just trying to kill some bugs sir!"\n')
    core.print_out('\t\t\t-Starship Troopers\n')

    # Drop the files out
    fh = open(traverse_filename, 'w')
    fh.write("""\t%-11s %-24s %-24s %11s\n""" % ('N', 'Energy', 'H**O Energy', 'Converged'))
    for k in range(len(occs)):
        fh.write("""\t%11.3E %24.16E %24.16E %11d\n""" % (occs[k], energies[k], potentials[k], convs[k]))

    # Properly, should clone molecule but since not returned and easy to unblemish,

    return E
예제 #3
def frac_nuke(molecule, **kwargs):
    kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs)

    # The molecule is required, and should be the neutral species
    charge0 = molecule.molecular_charge()
    mult0 = molecule.multiplicity()

    # By default, we start the frac procedure on the 25th iteration
    # when not reading a previous guess
    frac_start = kwargs.get('frac_start', 25)

    # By default, we occupy by tenths of electrons
    foccs = kwargs.get('foccs',
                       [1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0])

    # By default, H**O and LUMO are both in alpha
    N = 0
    for A in range(molecule.natom()):
        N += molecule.Z(A)
    N -= charge0
    N = int(N)
    Nb = int((N - mult0 + 1) / 2)
    Na = int(N - Nb)

    charge = charge0
    mult = mult0

    # By default, nuke all the electrons
    Nmin = 0
    if ('nmax' in kwargs):
        Nmin = N - int(kwargs['nmax'])

    # By default, DIIS in FRAC (1.0 occupation is always DIIS'd)
    frac_diis = kwargs.get('frac_diis', True)

    # By default, drop the files to the molecule's name
    root = kwargs.get('filename', molecule.name())
    traverse_filename = root + '.traverse.dat'
    stats_filename = root + '.stats.dat'

    # => Traverse <= #
    core.set_global_option("DF_INTS_IO", "SAVE")

    Ns = []
    energies = []
    potentials = []
    convs = []
    stats = []

    # Run one SCF to burn things in
    E, wfn = energy('scf', return_wfn=True, molecule=molecule, **kwargs)

    # Determine H**O
    eps_a = wfn.epsilon_a()
    eps_b = wfn.epsilon_b()
    if Na == Nb:
        H**O = -Nb
    elif Nb == 0:
        H**O = Na
        E_a = eps_a[int(Na - 1)]
        E_b = eps_b[int(Nb - 1)]
        if E_a >= E_b:
            H**O = Na
            H**O = -Nb

    stats.append("""\t%6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d\n""" %
                 (N, Na, Nb, charge, mult, H**O))

    if H**O > 0:
        Na = Na - 1
        Nb = Nb - 1
    charge = charge + 1
    mult = Na - Nb + 1

    core.set_global_option("DF_INTS_IO", "LOAD")
    core.set_global_option("FRAC_START", frac_start)
    core.set_global_option("FRAC_RENORMALIZE", True)

    # Nuke 'em Rico!
    for Nintegral in range(N, Nmin, -1):

        # Nuke the current H**O
        for occ in foccs:

            core.set_global_option("FRAC_OCC", [H**O])
            core.set_global_option("FRAC_VAL", [occ])

            E, wfn = energy('scf',
            C = 1
            if E == 0.0:
                E = core.get_variable('SCF ITERATION ENERGY')
                C = 0

            if H**O > 0:
                eps = wfn.epsilon_a()
                potentials.append(eps[H**O - 1])
                eps = wfn.epsilon_b()
                potentials.append(eps[-H**O - 1])

            Ns.append(Nintegral + occ - 1.0)

            core.set_global_option("FRAC_START", 2)
            core.set_global_option("FRAC_LOAD", True)
            core.set_global_option("FRAC_DIIS", frac_diis)
            core.set_global_option("GUESS", "READ")

        # Set the next charge/mult

        # Determine H**O
        print('DGAS: What ref should this point to?')
        #ref = core.legacy_wavefunction()
        eps_a = wfn.epsilon_a()
        eps_b = wfn.epsilon_b()
        if Na == Nb:
            H**O = -Nb
        elif Nb == 0:
            H**O = Na
            E_a = eps_a[int(Na - 1)]
            E_b = eps_b[int(Nb - 1)]
            if E_a >= E_b:
                H**O = Na
                H**O = -Nb

        stats.append("""\t%6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d\n""" %
                     (Nintegral - 1, Na, Nb, charge, mult, H**O))

        if H**O > 0:
            Na = Na - 1
            Nb = Nb - 1
        charge = charge + 1
        mult = Na - Nb + 1

    core.set_global_option("DF_INTS_IO", "NONE")

    # => Print the results out <= #
    E = {}
    core.print_out("""\n    ==> Fractional Occupation Nuke Results <==\n\n""")
    core.print_out("""\t%-11s %-24s %-24s %11s\n""" %
                   ('N', 'Energy', 'H**O Energy', 'Converged'))
    for k in range(len(Ns)):
        core.print_out("""\t%11.3E %24.16E %24.16E %11d\n""" %
                       (Ns[k], energies[k], potentials[k], convs[k]))
        E[Ns[k]] = energies[k]

    core.print_out("""\t%6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s\n""" %
                   ('N', 'Na', 'Nb', 'Charge', 'Mult', 'H**O'))
    for line in stats:

        '\n\t"You shoot a nuke down a bug hole, you got a lot of dead bugs"\n')
    core.print_out('\t\t\t-Starship Troopers\n')

    # Drop the files out
    fh = open(traverse_filename, 'w')
    fh.write("""\t%-11s %-24s %-24s %11s\n""" %
             ('N', 'Energy', 'H**O Energy', 'Converged'))
    for k in range(len(Ns)):
        fh.write("""\t%11.3E %24.16E %24.16E %11d\n""" %
                 (Ns[k], energies[k], potentials[k], convs[k]))

    fh = open(stats_filename, 'w')
    fh.write("""\t%6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s\n""" %
             ('N', 'Na', 'Nb', 'Charge', 'Mult', 'H**O'))
    for line in stats:

    # Properly, should clone molecule but since not returned and easy to unblemish,

    return E
예제 #4
파일: frac.py 프로젝트: kannon92/psi4
def frac_nuke(molecule, **kwargs):
    kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs)

    # The molecule is required, and should be the neutral species
    charge0 = molecule.molecular_charge()
    mult0 = molecule.multiplicity()

    # By default, we start the frac procedure on the 25th iteration
    # when not reading a previous guess
    frac_start = kwargs.get('frac_start', 25)

    # By default, we occupy by tenths of electrons
    foccs = kwargs.get('foccs', [1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0])

    # By default, H**O and LUMO are both in alpha
    N = 0;
    for A in range(molecule.natom()):
        N += molecule.Z(A)
    N -= charge0
    N = int(N)
    Nb = int((N - mult0 + 1) / 2)
    Na = int(N - Nb)

    charge = charge0
    mult = mult0

    # By default, nuke all the electrons
    Nmin = 0;
    if ('nmax' in kwargs):
        Nmin = N - int(kwargs['nmax'])

    # By default, DIIS in FRAC (1.0 occupation is always DIIS'd)
    frac_diis = kwargs.get('frac_diis', True)

    # By default, drop the files to the molecule's name
    root = kwargs.get('filename', molecule.name())
    traverse_filename = root + '.traverse.dat'
    stats_filename = root + '.stats.dat'

    # => Traverse <= #
    core.set_global_option("DF_INTS_IO", "SAVE")

    Ns = []
    energies = []
    potentials = []
    convs = []
    stats = []

    # Run one SCF to burn things in
    E, wfn= energy('scf', return_wfn=True, molecule=molecule, **kwargs)

    # Determine H**O
    eps_a = wfn.epsilon_a()
    eps_b = wfn.epsilon_b()
    if Na == Nb:
        H**O = -Nb
    elif Nb == 0:
        H**O = Na
        E_a = eps_a[int(Na - 1)]
        E_b = eps_b[int(Nb - 1)]
        if E_a >= E_b:
            H**O = Na
            H**O = -Nb

    stats.append("""\t%6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d\n""" % (N, Na, Nb, charge, mult, H**O))

    if H**O > 0:
        Na = Na - 1
        Nb = Nb - 1
    charge = charge + 1
    mult = Na - Nb + 1

    core.set_global_option("DF_INTS_IO", "LOAD")
    core.set_global_option("FRAC_START", frac_start)
    core.set_global_option("FRAC_RENORMALIZE", True)

    # Nuke 'em Rico!
    for Nintegral in range(N, Nmin, -1):

        # Nuke the current H**O
        for occ in foccs:

            core.set_global_option("FRAC_OCC", [H**O])
            core.set_global_option("FRAC_VAL", [occ])

            E, wfn = energy('scf', return_wfn=True, molecule=molecule, **kwargs)
            C = 1
            if E == 0.0:
                E = core.get_variable('SCF ITERATION ENERGY')
                C = 0

            if H**O > 0:
                eps = wfn.epsilon_a()
                potentials.append(eps[H**O - 1])
                eps = wfn.epsilon_b()
                potentials.append(eps[-H**O - 1])

            Ns.append(Nintegral + occ - 1.0)

            core.set_global_option("FRAC_START", 2)
            core.set_global_option("FRAC_LOAD", True)
            core.set_global_option("FRAC_DIIS", frac_diis)
            core.set_global_option("GUESS", "READ")

        # Set the next charge/mult

        # Determine H**O
        print('DGAS: What ref should this point to?')
        #ref = core.legacy_wavefunction()
        eps_a = wfn.epsilon_a()
        eps_b = wfn.epsilon_b()
        if Na == Nb:
            H**O = -Nb
        elif Nb == 0:
            H**O = Na
            E_a = eps_a[int(Na - 1)]
            E_b = eps_b[int(Nb - 1)]
            if E_a >= E_b:
                H**O = Na
                H**O = -Nb

        stats.append("""\t%6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d\n""" % (Nintegral-1, Na, Nb, charge, mult, H**O))

        if H**O > 0:
            Na = Na - 1
            Nb = Nb - 1
        charge = charge + 1
        mult = Na - Nb + 1

    core.set_global_option("DF_INTS_IO", "NONE")

    # => Print the results out <= #
    E = {}
    core.print_out("""\n    ==> Fractional Occupation Nuke Results <==\n\n""")
    core.print_out("""\t%-11s %-24s %-24s %11s\n""" % ('N', 'Energy', 'H**O Energy', 'Converged'))
    for k in range(len(Ns)):
        core.print_out("""\t%11.3E %24.16E %24.16E %11d\n""" % (Ns[k], energies[k], potentials[k], convs[k]))
        E[Ns[k]] = energies[k]

    core.print_out("""\t%6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s\n""" % ('N', 'Na', 'Nb', 'Charge', 'Mult', 'H**O'))
    for line in stats:

    core.print_out('\n\t"You shoot a nuke down a bug hole, you got a lot of dead bugs"\n')
    core.print_out('\t\t\t-Starship Troopers\n')

    # Drop the files out
    fh = open(traverse_filename, 'w')
    fh.write("""\t%-11s %-24s %-24s %11s\n""" % ('N', 'Energy', 'H**O Energy', 'Converged'))
    for k in range(len(Ns)):
        fh.write("""\t%11.3E %24.16E %24.16E %11d\n""" % (Ns[k], energies[k], potentials[k], convs[k]))

    fh = open(stats_filename, 'w')
    fh.write("""\t%6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s\n""" % ('N', 'Na', 'Nb', 'Charge', 'Mult', 'H**O'))
    for line in stats:

    # Properly, should clone molecule but since not returned and easy to unblemish,

    return E