예제 #1
def _get_user_location(user, domain):
    Takes a couch_user and returns that users parentage and the location code
        user_location_id = user.get_domain_membership(domain).location_id
        loc = SQLLocation.by_location_id(user_location_id)
        location_type_code = loc.location_type.code

        # Assuming no web users below block level
        state_code = 'All'
        district_code = 'All'
        block_code = 'All'
        if location_type_code == 'state':
            state_code = loc.site_code
        elif location_type_code == 'district':
            state_code = loc.parent.site_code
            district_code = loc.site_code
        elif location_type_code == 'block':
            state_code = loc.parent.parent.site_code
            district_code = loc.parent.site_code
            block_code = loc.site_code

        user_site_code = loc.site_code
    except Exception:
        location_type_code = 'national'
        user_site_code = ''
        state_code = 'All'
        district_code = 'All'
        block_code = 'All'
    return location_type_code, user_site_code, state_code, district_code, block_code
예제 #2
    def get_location(location_id):
        location = SQLLocation.by_location_id(location_id)

        if not location:
            raise CommandError("Could not find location %s" % location_id)

        return location
    def get_location(self, location_id):
        location = SQLLocation.by_location_id(location_id)

        if not location:
            raise CommandError("Could not find location %s" % location_id)

        return location
예제 #4
def get_owner_location(domain, owner_id):
    owner = get_wrapped_owner(owner_id)
    if not owner:
        return None
    if isinstance(owner, SQLLocation):
        return owner
    location_id = owner.get_location_id(domain)
    return SQLLocation.by_location_id(location_id) if location_id else None
예제 #5
    def recipient(self):
        if self.recipient_type == self.RECIPIENT_TYPE_CASE:
                case = CaseAccessors(self.domain).get_case(self.recipient_id)
            except CaseNotFound:
                return None

            if case.domain != self.domain:
                return None

            return case
        elif self.recipient_type == self.RECIPIENT_TYPE_MOBILE_WORKER:
            user = CouchUser.get_by_user_id(self.recipient_id, domain=self.domain)
            if not isinstance(user, CommCareUser):
                return None

            return user
        elif self.recipient_type == self.RECIPIENT_TYPE_WEB_USER:
            user = CouchUser.get_by_user_id(self.recipient_id, domain=self.domain)
            if not isinstance(user, WebUser):
                return None

            return user
        elif self.recipient_type == self.RECIPIENT_TYPE_CASE_GROUP:
                group = CommCareCaseGroup.get(self.recipient_id)
            except ResourceNotFound:
                return None

            if group.domain != self.domain:
                return None

            return group
        elif self.recipient_type == self.RECIPIENT_TYPE_USER_GROUP:
                group = Group.get(self.recipient_id)
            except ResourceNotFound:
                return None

            if group.domain != self.domain:
                return None

            return group
        elif self.recipient_type == self.RECIPIENT_TYPE_LOCATION:
            location = SQLLocation.by_location_id(self.recipient_id)

            if location is None:
                return None

            if location.domain != self.domain:
                return None

            return location
            raise UnknownRecipientType(self.recipient_type)
예제 #6
    def get_location(self, sms):
        location_id = self.get_location_id(sms)
        if not location_id:
            return None

        if location_id in self.location_id_to_location:
            return self.location_id_to_location[location_id]

        location = SQLLocation.by_location_id(location_id)
        self.location_id_to_location[location_id] = location
        return location
예제 #7
    def get_location(self, sms):
        location_id = self.get_location_id(sms)
        if not location_id:
            return None

        if location_id in self.location_id_to_location:
            return self.location_id_to_location[location_id]

        location = SQLLocation.by_location_id(location_id)
        self.location_id_to_location[location_id] = location
        return location
예제 #8
def get_case_location(case):
    If the owner of the case is a location, return it. Otherwise return
    the owner's primary location. If the case owner does not have a
    primary location, return None.
    case_owner = get_wrapped_owner(get_owner_id(case))
    if isinstance(case_owner, SQLLocation):
        return case_owner
    location_id = case_owner.get_location_id(case.domain)
    return SQLLocation.by_location_id(location_id) if location_id else None
예제 #9
 def sql_value(self):
     # all locations in self.value will have same ancestor, so just pick first one to query
     from corehq.apps.locations.models import SQLLocation
     location = SQLLocation.by_location_id(self.location_id)
     if location:
         ancestor = location.get_ancestor_of_type(
         return None
     if ancestor:
         return {self.ancestor_expression['field']: ancestor.location_id}
         return None
예제 #10
def _get_user_location(user, domain):
    Takes a couch_user and returns that users level in the heirarchy and the location name
    # TODO: This needs to handle the top level where someone can see everything
        user_location_id = user.get_domain_membership(domain).location_id
        loc = SQLLocation.by_location_id(user_location_id)
        location_type_name = loc.location_type.name
        location_name = loc.name
    except Exception:
        location_type_name = 'state'
        location_name = ''
    return location_type_name, location_name
예제 #11
def _get_user_permissions(user, domain):
    Takes a couch_user and returns that users level in the heirarchy and the location name
    # TODO: This needs to handle the top level where someone can see everything
        user_location_id = user.get_domain_membership(domain).location_id
        loc = SQLLocation.by_location_id(user_location_id)
        location_type_name = loc.location_type.name
        location_name = loc.name
    except Exception as e:
        location_type_name = 'state'
        location_name = ''
    return location_type_name, location_name
예제 #12
 def recipient(self):
     if self.recipient_type == 'CommCareCase':
         return CaseAccessors(self.domain).get_case(self.recipient_id)
     elif self.recipient_type == 'CommCareUser':
         return CommCareUser.get(self.recipient_id)
     elif self.recipient_type == 'WebUser':
         return WebUser.get(self.recipient_id)
     elif self.recipient_type == 'CommCareCaseGroup':
         return CommCareCaseGroup.get(self.recipient_id)
     elif self.recipient_type == 'Group':
         return Group.get(self.recipient_id)
     elif self.recipient_type == 'Location':
         return SQLLocation.by_location_id(self.recipient_id)
         raise UnknownRecipientType(self.recipient_type)
예제 #13
 def recipient(self):
     if self.recipient_type == self.RECIPIENT_TYPE_CASE:
         return CaseAccessors(self.domain).get_case(self.recipient_id)
     elif self.recipient_type == self.RECIPIENT_TYPE_MOBILE_WORKER:
         return CommCareUser.get(self.recipient_id)
     elif self.recipient_type == self.RECIPIENT_TYPE_WEB_USER:
         return WebUser.get(self.recipient_id)
     elif self.recipient_type == self.RECIPIENT_TYPE_CASE_GROUP:
         return CommCareCaseGroup.get(self.recipient_id)
     elif self.recipient_type == self.RECIPIENT_TYPE_USER_GROUP:
         return Group.get(self.recipient_id)
     elif self.recipient_type == self.RECIPIENT_TYPE_LOCATION:
         return SQLLocation.by_location_id(self.recipient_id)
         raise UnknownRecipientType(self.recipient_type)
예제 #14
    def parse_group_location_params(self, param_ids):
        locationids_param = []
        groupids_param = []

        if param_ids:
            for id in param_ids:
                if id.startswith("g__"):
                elif id.startswith("l__"):
                    loc = SQLLocation.by_location_id(id[3:])
                    if loc.get_descendants():

        return locationids_param, groupids_param
예제 #15
    def parse_group_location_params(self, param_ids):
        locationids_param = []
        groupids_param = []

        if param_ids:
            for id in param_ids:
                if id.startswith("g__"):
                elif id.startswith("l__"):
                    loc = SQLLocation.by_location_id(id[3:])
                    if loc.get_descendants():

        return locationids_param, groupids_param
예제 #16
    def get_location_details(self, location_id):
        result = defaultdict(dict)

        if not location_id:
            return result

        if location_id in self.location_details:
            return self.location_details[location_id]

        location = SQLLocation.by_location_id(location_id)
        if location:
            locs = location.get_ancestors(include_self=True).select_related('location_type')
            for loc in locs:
                result[loc.location_type.code] = {
                    'location_id': loc.location_id,
                    'name': loc.name,
                    'site_code': loc.site_code,

        self.location_details[location_id] = result
        return result
예제 #17
def host_case_owner_location_from_case(domain, case):
    if not case:
        return None

        host = case.host
    except (CaseNotFound, ResourceNotFound):
        return None

    if not host:
        return None

    location_id = host.owner_id
    if not location_id:
        return None

    location = SQLLocation.by_location_id(location_id)
    if not location or location.is_archived or location.domain != domain:
        return None

    return location
예제 #18
    def get_location_details(self, location_id):
        result = defaultdict(dict)

        if not location_id:
            return result

        if location_id in self.location_details:
            return self.location_details[location_id]

        location = SQLLocation.by_location_id(location_id)
        if location:
            locs = location.get_ancestors(include_self=True).select_related('location_type')
            for loc in locs:
                result[loc.location_type.code] = {
                    'location_id': loc.location_id,
                    'name': loc.name,
                    'site_code': loc.site_code,

        self.location_details[location_id] = result
        return result
예제 #19
def host_case_owner_location_from_case(domain, case):
    if not case:
        return None

        host = case.host
    except (CaseNotFound, ResourceNotFound):
        return None

    if not host:
        return None

    location_id = host.owner_id
    if not location_id:
        return None

    location = SQLLocation.by_location_id(location_id)
    if not location or location.is_archived or location.domain != domain:
        return None

    return location
예제 #20
            if group.domain != self.domain:
                return None

            return group
        elif self.recipient_type == self.RECIPIENT_TYPE_USER_GROUP:
                group = Group.get(self.recipient_id)
            except ResourceNotFound:
                return None

            if group.domain != self.domain:
                return None

            return group
        elif self.recipient_type == self.RECIPIENT_TYPE_LOCATION:
            location = SQLLocation.by_location_id(self.recipient_id)

            if location is None:
                return None

            if location.domain != self.domain:
                return None

            return location
            raise UnknownRecipientType(self.recipient_type)

    def recipient_is_an_individual_contact(recipient):
        return (
            isinstance(recipient, (CommCareUser, WebUser)) or
    if not case:
        return None

        host = case.host
    except (CaseNotFound, ResourceNotFound):
        return None

    if not host:
        return None

    location_id = host.owner_id
    if not location_id:
        return None

    location = SQLLocation.by_location_id(location_id)
    if not location or location.is_archived or location.domain != reminder.domain:
        return None

    return [location]

def host_case_owner_location_parent(handler, reminder):
    result = host_case_owner_location(handler, reminder)
    if not result:
        return None

    parent_location = result[0].parent
    if not parent_location:
        return None
예제 #22
 def sql_location(self):
     from corehq.apps.locations.models import SQLLocation
     if self.location_id:
         return SQLLocation.by_location_id(self.location_id)
예제 #23
def load_restricted_locs(domain, selected_loc_id=None, user=None, show_test=False):
    Returns a dict of a set of locations based on location selected and accessible locations.
    1. User with full organisation access:
       a) with no location selected: use root locations.
       b) with a location selected: along with root locations
         include the hierarchal path uptil the selected location from the root. For example :
           if loc2 is selected and hierarchy is loc1>loc2>loc3 then it will return
            [{ name:loc1,
               children: [{ name: loc2
             { name: loc5 }
    2. User with limited access(only locations under user access are included)
       a) with no location selected: By default selected location is user's primary location and
                                     rest is same as point 1.b
       b) with a location selected: Same as Point 1.b

    Basic logic is: Start with all root locations, put all children of location
                    which is drilled(based on user permission) but drill only the  location
                    which lies in hierarchy of selected location.
    def loc_to_json(loc):
        return {
            'name': loc.name,
            'location_type': loc.location_type.name,  # todo: remove when types aren't optional
            'uuid': loc.location_id,
            'is_archived': loc.is_archived,
            'can_edit': True

    def _get_ancestor_loc_dict(location_list, location_id):
        for parent_location in location_list:
            if parent_location['uuid'] == location_id:
                return parent_location
        return None

    def location_transform(locations):
        It returns a dict of locations mapped with their parents.
        :param locations: list of locations(list of SQLLocation objects)
        :return: {
        None: [loc1, loc2, loc3],  # None signifies No parent. i.e locs are root locations
        loc1.id: [loc5, loc6, loc7],
        loc_dict = defaultdict(list)
        for loc in locations:
            # do not include test locations
            if not show_test and loc.metadata.get('is_test_location', 'real') == 'test':
            parent_id = loc.parent_id

        return loc_dict

    accessible_location = SQLLocation.objects.accessible_to_user(domain, user)
    location_level = 0
    lineage = []
    if selected_loc_id:
        location = SQLLocation.by_location_id(selected_loc_id)
        location_level = LOCATION_TYPES.index(location.location_type.name)
        lineage = location.get_ancestors()
        all_ancestors = [loc.id for loc in lineage]
        # No need to pull the locations whose parents or they themselves do not present in the
        # hierarchy of the location selected. Also check for parent_id null in case root location
        # is selected
        accessible_location = accessible_location.filter(Q(parent_id__in=all_ancestors) | Q(parent_id__isnull=True))

    # Only pull locations which are above or at level of location selected
    accessible_location = accessible_location.filter(
        location_type__name__in=LOCATION_TYPES[:location_level + 1])

    parent_child_dict = location_transform(set(accessible_location).union(set(lineage)))
    locations_list = [loc_to_json(loc) for loc in parent_child_dict[None]]

    # if a location is selected, we need to pre-populate its location hierarchy
    # so that the data is available client-side to pre-populate the drop-downs
    if selected_loc_id:
        json_at_level = locations_list
        for loc in lineage:
            # Get the ancestor_dict out of all present at the level
            # which needs to be drilled down
            ancestor_loc_dict = _get_ancestor_loc_dict(json_at_level, loc.location_id)

            # could not find the ancestor at the level,
            # user should not have reached at this point to try and access an ancestor that is not permitted
            if ancestor_loc_dict is None:

            children = parent_child_dict.get(loc.id, [])
            ancestor_loc_dict['children'] = [loc_to_json(loc) for loc in children]

            # reset level to one level down to find ancestor in next iteration
            json_at_level = ancestor_loc_dict['children']

    return locations_list