예제 #1
 def test_function_predefined_table(self):
     for table_entry in _predefined_crc_definitions:
         # Check predefined function
         crc_func = mkPredefinedCrcFun(table_entry['name'])
         calc_value = crc_func("123456789")
         self.assertEqual(calc_value, table_entry['check'],
                          "Wrong answer for CRC '%s'" % table_entry['name'])
예제 #2
파일: crc.py 프로젝트: posborne/checksum.io
 def find_match(self, payload, checksum):
     for name in self.CRC_ALGORITHM_NAMES:
         crcfun = mkPredefinedCrcFun(name)
         computed_checksum = crcfun(payload)
         if computed_checksum == checksum:
             return name
     return None
예제 #3
def _calculate_CRC16(id_):
    """Calculate and return the CRC-16 for the identifier.

    Calculate the CRC-16 value for the given identifier. Return the CRC-16
    integer value.

    ``id_`` should be a bytearray object, or a bytestring (Python 2 str).

    Some doctests:

    >>> self._calculate_CRC16(bytearray([0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 9, 0, 0, 255]))

    >>> self._calculate_CRC16(bytearray([0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 9, 0, 0, 255]))

    # Coerce to bytearray. If already a bytearray this will create a copy
    # so as to avoid side-effects of manipulation for CRC calculation
    id_ = bytearray(id_)
    # Reset CRC bytes in copy to 0 for calculation
    id_[6] = 0
    id_[7] = 0
    # Need to generate CRC func
    crc16fun = mkPredefinedCrcFun('crc-16')
    crc16 = crc16fun(str(id_))
    # Return a 2 byte string representation of the resulting integer
    # in network byte order (big-endian)
    return crc16
예제 #4
파일: commands.py 프로젝트: mstarecek/spsdk
 def _update_data(self) -> None:
     """Update command data."""
     # padding data
     self.data = SecBootBlckSize.align_block_fill_random(self.data)
     # update header
     self._header.count = len(self.data)
     crc32_function = mkPredefinedCrcFun("crc-32-mpeg")
     self._header.data = crc32_function(self.data, 0xFFFFFFFF)
예제 #5
파일: test.py 프로젝트: Alattack/catapult
 def test_known_answers(self):
     for crcfun_name, v in self.known_answers:
         crcfun = mkPredefinedCrcFun(crcfun_name)
         self.assertEqual(crcfun('',0), 0, "Wrong answer for CRC '%s', input ''" % crcfun_name)
         for i, msg in enumerate(self.test_messages_for_known_answers):
             self.assertEqual(crcfun(msg), v[i], "Wrong answer for CRC %s, input '%s'" % (crcfun_name,msg))
             self.assertEqual(crcfun(msg[4:], crcfun(msg[:4])), v[i], "Wrong answer for CRC %s, input '%s'" % (crcfun_name,msg))
             self.assertEqual(crcfun(msg[-1:], crcfun(msg[:-1])), v[i], "Wrong answer for CRC %s, input '%s'" % (crcfun_name,msg))
예제 #6
def calc_crc(data: bytes) -> int:
    """Calculate CRC from the data.

    :param data: data to calculate CRC from
    :return: calculated CRC
    crc_function = mkPredefinedCrcFun("xmodem")
    return crc_function(data)
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, api_key_file='mvshlf-api-key.json', api_url = 'https://api.moveshelf.com/graphql'):
        self._crc32c = mkPredefinedCrcFun('crc32c')
        self.api_url = api_url 
        if path.isfile(api_key_file) == False:
            raise ValueError("No valid API key. Please check instructions on https://github.com/moveshelf/python-api-example")

        with open(api_key_file, 'r') as key_file:
            data = json.load(key_file)
            self._auth_token = BearerTokenAuth(data['secretKey'])
예제 #8
 def __init__(self, port):
     if port:
         self._com = Serial(port, baudrate=115200, timeout=1.0)
         if self._com is None:
             raise Exception("environment sensor is not found")
         raise Exception("no such environment sensor COM port")
     self._crc16func = mkPredefinedCrcFun('crc-16')
     self._crc16obj  = PredefinedCrc('crc-16')
예제 #9
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: codyd51/flaccid
    def verify_crc(self):
        frame_header_bytes = bytearray(self.raw_header)
        # we want to check everything up to (but not including) the CRC, which is the last byte
        bytes_to_verify = frame_header_bytes[:-1]
        correct_crc = frame_header_bytes[-1]

        crcModFunc = mkPredefinedCrcFun('crc-8')
        actual_crc = crcModFunc(bytes_to_verify)

        if correct_crc != actual_crc:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Mismatched CRC! Expected {}, but computed value is {}'.format(
                    hex(correct_crc), hex(actual_crc)))
예제 #10
    def sign(self, image: bytes) -> bytes:
        """Do simple calculation of CRC and return updated image with it.

        :param image: Input raw image.
        :return: Image enriched by CRC in IVT table.
        # calculate CRC using MPEG2 specification over all of data (app and trustzone)
        # expect for 4 bytes at CRC_BLOCK_OFFSET
        crc32_function = mkPredefinedCrcFun("crc-32-mpeg")
        crc = crc32_function(image[:self.IVT_CRC_CERTIFICATE_OFFSET])
        crc = crc32_function(image[self.IVT_CRC_CERTIFICATE_OFFSET + 4:], crc)

        # Recreate data with valid CRC value
        return self.update_crc_val_cert_offset(image, crc)
예제 #11
def get_hash(path):
    assert _usingExtension, "You must use the crcmod C extension"
    if isinstance(path, bytes):
        path = path.decode("ascii")
    hash_func = mkPredefinedCrcFun("crc-32")
    if os.path.islink(path):
        return SYMLINK + os.readlink(path)
        with open(path, "rb") as f:
            return hash_func(f.read())
    except FileNotFoundError:
    except IsADirectoryError:
예제 #12
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: codyd51/flaccid
    def parse_footer_crc(self):
        # read byte data of start of frame to start of footer
        frame_size = self.file.tell() - self.fileoff
        frame_data = self.file.read(frame_size)
        # CRC-16
        # TODO (PT): check every >1 byte read and make sure we swap to big endian
        self.footer_crc = read_big_endian_uint16(self.file)

        crcModFunc = mkPredefinedCrcFun('crc-16-buypass')
        actual_crc = crcModFunc(frame_data)
        if self.footer_crc != actual_crc:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Frame footer CRC mismatch. Expected {}, got {}'.format(
                    hex(actual_crc), hex(self.footer_crc)))
예제 #13
 def test_known_answers(self):
     for crcfun_name, v in self.known_answers:
         crcfun = mkPredefinedCrcFun(crcfun_name)
             crcfun('', 0), 0,
             "Wrong answer for CRC '%s', input ''" % crcfun_name)
         for i, msg in enumerate(self.test_messages_for_known_answers):
                 crcfun(msg), v[i],
                 "Wrong answer for CRC %s, input '%s'" % (crcfun_name, msg))
                 crcfun(msg[4:], crcfun(msg[:4])), v[i],
                 "Wrong answer for CRC %s, input '%s'" % (crcfun_name, msg))
                 crcfun(msg[-1:], crcfun(msg[:-1])), v[i],
                 "Wrong answer for CRC %s, input '%s'" % (crcfun_name, msg))
예제 #14
def _calculate_crc16(id_):
    """Calculate and return the CRC-16 for the given identifier. Return the 
    CRC-16 integer value.
    :param id_: The id being created
    :type id_: bytearray (bytestring in Python 2)
    :return: the CRC-16 integer value
    :rtype: int
    # Coerce to bytearray. If already a bytearray this will create a copy
    # so as to avoid side-effects of manipulation for CRC calculation
    id_ = bytearray(id_)
    # Reset CRC bytes in copy to 0 for calculation
    id_[6] = 0
    id_[7] = 0
    # Need to generate CRC func
    crc16fun = mkPredefinedCrcFun("crc-16")
    crc16 = crc16fun(id_)
    # Return a 2 byte string representation of the resulting integer
    # in network byte order (big-endian)
    return crc16
예제 #15
파일: commands.py 프로젝트: mstarecek/spsdk
    def parse(cls, data: bytes, offset: int = 0) -> "CmdLoad":
        """Parse command from bytes.

        :param data: Input data as bytes
        :param offset: The offset of input data
        :return: CMD Load object
        :raises SPSDKError: Raised when there is invalid CRC
        :raises SPSDKError: When there is incorrect header tag
        header = CmdHeader.parse(data, offset)
        if header.tag != EnumCmdTag.LOAD:
            raise SPSDKError("Incorrect header tag")
        offset += CmdHeader.SIZE
        header_count = SecBootBlckSize.align(header.count)
        cmd_data = data[offset:offset + header_count]
        crc32_function = mkPredefinedCrcFun("crc-32-mpeg")
        if header.data != crc32_function(cmd_data, 0xFFFFFFFF):
            raise SPSDKError("Invalid CRC in the command header")
        obj = CmdLoad(header.address, cmd_data)
        obj.header.data = header.data
        obj.header.flags = header.flags
        return obj
예제 #16
            print('error in {} at record {}'.format(fname, i))
            print("FIle {} needs repairing".format(fname))
    return toBeRepaired

# The code below here uses the crcmod package to implement an alternative method which is able to print out
# if it finds a bad record and attempt to keep going. If the corruption in your file is just flipped bits this may be helpful.
# If the corruption is added or deleted bytes this will probably crash and burn.
import struct
from crcmod.predefined import mkPredefinedCrcFun

_crc_fn = mkPredefinedCrcFun('crc-32c')

def calc_masked_crc(data):
    crc = _crc_fn(data)
    return (((crc >> 15) | (crc << 17)) + 0xa282ead8) & 0xFFFFFFFF

def writeRecord(dstTFRecordPath, length, len_crc, data, data_crc):
    with open(dstTFRecordPath, 'ab') as f:

예제 #17
def fahrenheit_to_raw(value: int) -> int:
    raise NotImplemented

def celcius_to_raw(value: int) -> int:
    res = value - 16
    res = ensure_raw_range(res)
    return res

def raw_to_celcius(value: int) -> int:
    return value + 16

modbus_crc = mkPredefinedCrcFun('modbus')

class AirConditionerController:
    def __init__(self, host: str, port: int = 1998) -> None:
        self.host = host
        self.port = port
        self.data = AirConditionerData()

    def _reset_data(self):
        self.data.d1 = 0
        self.data.d2 = 0
        self.data.d3 = 0
        self.data.d4 = sbyte2byte(-124)
        self.data.d5 = 0
예제 #18
파일: test.py 프로젝트: Alattack/catapult
 def test_function_predefined_table(self):
     for table_entry in _predefined_crc_definitions:
         # Check predefined function
         crc_func = mkPredefinedCrcFun(table_entry['name'])
         calc_value = crc_func("123456789")
         self.assertEqual(calc_value, table_entry['check'], "Wrong answer for CRC '%s'" % table_entry['name'])
예제 #19
 def test_crcmod_crc16(self):
     crcfun = mkPredefinedCrcFun("crc-16")
     self.assertEqual(crcfun('123456789'), 0xBB3D)
예제 #20
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from crcmod.predefined import mkPredefinedCrcFun

crc16arc = mkPredefinedCrcFun('crc-16')

def chunks(l, n):
    """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l."""
    for i in range(0, len(l), n):
        yield l[i:i + n]

def bytearr(frame):
    "array of all bytes of the frame"
    return bytearray([int(n, base=2) for n in chunks(frame.strip(), 8)])

def bitarr(frame, pad):
    "Array of *content* bits"
    data = frame.strip()[pad:-64]
    return [int(n, base=2) for n in data]

def read_bitstream(fname):
    bitmap = []
    hdr = []
    ftr = []
    is_hdr = True
    crcdat = bytearray()
    preamble = 3
    frames = 0
    with open(fname) as inp:
        for line in inp: