예제 #1
 def f(data, key):
     key = fixed_length_key(key, 32)
     ciphertext = encf(data, key)
     nonce = ciphertext[:12]
     otk = poly1305_key_gen(key, nonce)
     tag = poly1305(ciphertext, otk)
     return ciphertext + tag
예제 #2
파일: aes.py 프로젝트: martijnat/crypturd
def encrypt_256_ecb(data, key, padding=True):
    key = fixed_length_key(key, 32)
    r = ""
    if padding:
        data = pkcs7.add_padding(data, 16)
    for i in range(0, len(data), 16):
        r += aes256enc(data[i:i + 16], key)
    return r
예제 #3
파일: aes.py 프로젝트: martijnat/crypturd
def decrypt_256_ecb(data, key, padding=True):
    key = fixed_length_key(key, 32)
    r = ""
    for i in range(0, len(data), 16):
        r += aes256dec(data[i:i + 16], key)
    if padding:
        return pkcs7.remove_padding(r)
        return r
예제 #4
파일: aes.py 프로젝트: martijnat/crypturd
def encrypt_256_ctr(data, key):
    key = fixed_length_key(key, 32)
    counter = os.urandom(16)
    r = counter
    for i in range(0, len(data), 16):
        encrypted_counter = aes256enc(counter, key)
        r += xor_str(encrypted_counter, data[i:i + 16])
        counter = advance_counter(counter)
    return r
예제 #5
파일: aes.py 프로젝트: martijnat/crypturd
def cbc_mac(data, key):
    key = fixed_length_key(key, 16)
    data = pkcs7.add_padding(data, 16)
    iv = "\0" * 16
    r = ""
    for i in range(0, len(data), 16):
        cipherblock = aes128enc(xor_str(data[i:i + 16], iv), key)
        r += cipherblock
        iv = cipherblock
    return iv
예제 #6
파일: aes.py 프로젝트: martijnat/crypturd
def decrypt_256_ctr(data, key):
    key = fixed_length_key(key, 32)
    counter = data[:16]
    data = data[16:]
    r = ""
    for i in range(0, len(data), 16):
        encrypted_counter = aes256enc(counter, key)
        r += xor_str(encrypted_counter, data[i:i + 16])
        counter = advance_counter(counter)
    return r
예제 #7
def decrypt_raw(data, key, iv="\0" * 32):
    "Decrypt data"
    key = fixed_length_key(key, 32)
    plaintext = ""
    for i in range(0, len(data), 32):
        block = data[i:i + 32]
        iv = hash(xor_str(iv, key))
        plaintext += xor_str(iv, block)
    plaintext = remove_padding(plaintext)
    return plaintext
예제 #8
    def f(data, key):
        key = fixed_length_key(key, 32)
        ciphertext = data[:-16]
        nonce = ciphertext[:12]
        otk = poly1305_key_gen(key, nonce)

        tag = data[-16:]
        if tag != poly1305(ciphertext, otk):
            raise Exception("Invalid MAC (Poly1305)")
        plaintext = decf(ciphertext, key)
        return plaintext
예제 #9
def encrypt_raw(data, key, iv="\0" * 32):
    "Encrypt data"
    # Weak: IV reuse with default parameters
    # Weak: Vulnerable to ciphertex manipulation
    key = fixed_length_key(key, 32)
    ciphertext = ""
    data = add_padding(data, 32)
    for i in range(0, len(data), 32):
        block = data[i:i + 32]
        iv = hash(xor_str(iv, key))
        ciphertext += xor_str(iv, block)
    return ciphertext
예제 #10
def chacha20_decrypt(data, key, counter=1):
    "Decrypt a string using a key"
    key = fixed_length_key(key, 32)
    key_words = [littleendian2int(key[i:i + 4]) for i in range(0, 32, 4)]
    nonce_words = [littleendian2int(data[i:i + 4]) for i in range(0, 12, 4)]
    ciphertext = data[12:]
    plaintext = ""
    for i in range(0, len(ciphertext), 64):
        j = _i32(i // 64)
        key_stream = chacha20_block(key_words, [_i32(counter + j)],
        block = ciphertext[i:i + 64]
        plaintext += xor_str(block, key_stream)

    return plaintext
예제 #11
def chacha20_encrypt(plaintext, key, counter=1):
    "Encrypt a string using a key"
    key = fixed_length_key(key, 32)
    key_words = [littleendian2int(key[i:i + 4]) for i in range(0, 32, 4)]
    nonce_words = [littleendian2int(urandom(4)) for _ in range(3)]
    ciphertext = "".join([int2littleendian(n, 4) for n in nonce_words])

    for i in range(0, len(plaintext), 64):
        j = _i32(i // 64)
        key_stream = chacha20_block(key_words, [_i32(counter + j)],
        block = plaintext[i:i + 64]
        ciphertext += xor_str(block, key_stream)

    return ciphertext
예제 #12
파일: aes.py 프로젝트: martijnat/crypturd
def decrypt_256_cbc(data, key, padding=True, gen_iv=True):
    key = fixed_length_key(key, 32)
    r = ""
    if gen_iv:
        iv = data[:16]
        data = data[16:]
        iv = "\0" * 16

    for i in range(0, len(data), 16):
        cipherblock = data[i:i + 16]
        r += xor_str(aes256dec(cipherblock, key), iv)
        iv = cipherblock

    if padding:
        return pkcs7.remove_padding(r)
        return r
예제 #13
파일: aes.py 프로젝트: martijnat/crypturd
def encrypt_256_cbc(data, key, padding=True, gen_iv=True):
    key = fixed_length_key(key, 32)
    if padding:
        data = pkcs7.add_padding(data, 16)
        r = ""

    if gen_iv:
        iv = os.urandom(16)
        r = iv
        iv = "\0" * 16
        r = ""

    for i in range(0, len(data), 16):
        cipherblock = aes256enc(xor_str(data[i:i + 16], iv), key)
        r += cipherblock
        iv = cipherblock
    return r