예제 #1
def mavlink_packet(m):
    '''handle an incoming mavlink packet'''
    state = mpstate.antenna_state
    if m.get_type() == 'GPS_RAW' and state.gcs_location is not None:
        (gcs_lat, gcs_lon) = state.gcs_location
        bearing = cuav_util.gps_bearing(gcs_lat, gcs_lon, m.lat, m.lon)
        mpstate.console.set_status('Antenna', 'Antenna %.0f' % bearing, row=0)
    if m.get_type() == 'GPS_RAW_INT' and state.gcs_location is not None:
        (gcs_lat, gcs_lon) = state.gcs_location
        bearing = cuav_util.gps_bearing(gcs_lat, gcs_lon, m.lat/1.0e7, m.lon/1.0e7)
        mpstate.console.set_status('Antenna', 'Antenna %.0f' % bearing, row=0)
예제 #2
파일: antenna.py 프로젝트: nahci13/mavelous
def mavlink_packet(m):
    """handle an incoming mavlink packet"""
    state = mpstate.antenna_state
    if m.get_type() == "GPS_RAW" and state.gcs_location is not None:
        (gcs_lat, gcs_lon) = state.gcs_location
        bearing = cuav_util.gps_bearing(gcs_lat, gcs_lon, m.lat, m.lon)
        mpstate.console.set_status("Antenna", "Antenna %.0f" % bearing, row=0)
    if m.get_type() == "GPS_RAW_INT" and state.gcs_location is not None:
        (gcs_lat, gcs_lon) = state.gcs_location
        bearing = cuav_util.gps_bearing(gcs_lat, gcs_lon, m.lat / 1.0e7, m.lon / 1.0e7)
        mpstate.console.set_status("Antenna", "Antenna %.0f" % bearing, row=0)
예제 #3
파일: antenna.py 프로젝트: regaleagle/SQUID
def mavlink_packet(m):
    '''handle an incoming mavlink packet'''
    state = mpstate.antenna_state
    if m.get_type() == 'GPS_RAW' and state.gcs_location is not None:
        (gcs_lat, gcs_lon) = state.gcs_location
        bearing = cuav_util.gps_bearing(gcs_lat, gcs_lon, m.lat, m.lon)
        mpstate.console.set_status('Antenna', 'Antenna %.0f' % bearing, row=0)
    if m.get_type() == 'GPS_RAW_INT' and state.gcs_location is not None:
        (gcs_lat, gcs_lon) = state.gcs_location
        bearing = cuav_util.gps_bearing(gcs_lat, gcs_lon, m.lat/1.0e7, m.lon/1.0e7)
        mpstate.console.set_status('Antenna', 'Antenna %.0f' % bearing, row=0)
예제 #4
    def projectBearing(self, bearing, startPos, searchArea):
        '''Projects bearing from startPos until it reaches the edge(s) of
        searchArea (list of lat/long tuples. Returns the First/Last position(s)'''

        coPoints = []

        #for each line in the search are border, get any overlaps with startPos on bearing(+-180)
        for point in searchArea:
            dist = cuav_util.gps_distance(point[0], point[1], searchArea[searchArea.index(point)-1][0], searchArea[searchArea.index(point)-1][1])
            theta2 = cuav_util.gps_bearing(point[0], point[1], searchArea[searchArea.index(point)-1][0], searchArea[searchArea.index(point)-1][1])
            posn = self.Intersection(startPos, bearing, point, theta2)
            if posn != 0 and cuav_util.gps_distance(posn[0], posn[1], point[0], point[1]) < dist:
            posn = self.Intersection(startPos, (bearing + 180) % 360, point, theta2)
            if posn != 0 and cuav_util.gps_distance(posn[0], posn[1], point[0], point[1]) < dist:

        #if there's more than two points in coPoints, return the furthest away points
        if len(coPoints) < 2:
            #print str(len(coPoints)) + " point i-sect"
            return 0
        elif len(coPoints) == 2:
            return coPoints
            dist = 0
            for point in coPoints:
                for pt in coPoints:
                    if cuav_util.gps_distance(pt[0], pt[1], point[0], point[1]) > dist:
                        dist = cuav_util.gps_distance(pt[0], pt[1], point[0], point[1])
                        newcoPoints = [point, pt]
            return newcoPoints
예제 #5
 def mouse_event_view(self, event):
     '''called on mouse events in View window'''
     x = event.X
     y = event.Y
     if self.current_view >= len(self.images):
     image = self.images[self.current_view]
     latlon = cuav_util.gps_position_from_xy(x,
     if self.last_view_latlon is None or latlon is None:
         dist = ''
         distance = cuav_util.gps_distance(self.last_view_latlon[0],
                                           latlon[0], latlon[1])
         bearing = cuav_util.gps_bearing(self.last_view_latlon[0],
                                         latlon[0], latlon[1])
         dist = "dist %.1f bearing %.1f alt=%.1f shape=%s" % (
             distance, bearing, image.pos.altitude, image.shape)
     print("-> %s %s %s" % (latlon, image.filename, dist))
     self.last_view_latlon = latlon
예제 #6
    def altitudeCompensation(self, heightAGL, numMaxPoints=100, threshold=5):
        '''Creates height points (ASL) for each point in searchArea,
        entry and exit points such that the plane stays a constant altitude above the ground,
        constrained by a max number of waypoints'''
        maxDeltaAlt = 0
        maxDeltaAltPoints = []
        maxDeltapercentAlong = 0

        EleModel = mp_elevation.ElevationModel()
        #make sure the SRTM tiles are downloaded
        EleModel.GetElevation(self.SearchPattern[0][0], self.SearchPattern[0][1])

        #get the ASL height of the airfield home, entry and exit points and initial search pattern
        # and add the heightAGL to them
        self.airportHeight = EleModel.GetElevation(self.airfieldHome[0], self.airfieldHome[1])
        self.airfieldHome = (self.airfieldHome[0], self.airfieldHome[1], heightAGL+EleModel.GetElevation(self.airfieldHome[0], self.airfieldHome[1]))

        for point in self.entryPoints:
            self.entryPoints[self.entryPoints.index(point)] = (point[0], point[1], heightAGL+EleModel.GetElevation(point[0], point[1]))

        for point in self.exitPoints:
            self.exitPoints[self.exitPoints.index(point)] = (point[0], point[1], heightAGL+EleModel.GetElevation(point[0], point[1]))

        for point in self.SearchPattern:
            self.SearchPattern[self.SearchPattern.index(point)] = (point[0], point[1], heightAGL+EleModel.GetElevation(point[0], point[1]))

        #keep looping through the search area waypoints and add new waypoints where needed 
        #to maintain const height above terrain
        print "---Starting terrain tracking optimisation---"
        while True:
            maxDeltaAlt = 0
            maxDeltaAltPoints = []
            maxDeltaPointIndex = 0

            for point in self.SearchPattern:
                if point != self.SearchPattern[-1]:
                    dist = cuav_util.gps_distance(point[0], point[1], self.SearchPattern[self.SearchPattern.index(point)+1][0], self.SearchPattern[self.SearchPattern.index(point)+1][1])
                    theta = cuav_util.gps_bearing(point[0], point[1], self.SearchPattern[self.SearchPattern.index(point)+1][0], self.SearchPattern[self.SearchPattern.index(point)+1][1])
                    AltDiff = float(self.SearchPattern[self.SearchPattern.index(point)+1][2] - point[2])
                    if numpy.around(theta) == numpy.around(self.searchBearing) or numpy.around(theta) == numpy.around((self.searchBearing+180) % 360):           
                        #increment 10% along waypoint-to-waypoint and get max height difference
                        for i in range(1, 9):
                            partPoint = cuav_util.gps_newpos(point[0], point[1], theta, (i*dist/10))
                            partAlt = EleModel.GetElevation(partPoint[0], partPoint[1]) + heightAGL
                            #print "Part = " + str(partAlt) + ", Orig = " + str(point[2])
                            if numpy.abs(point[2] + ((AltDiff*i)/10) - partAlt) > maxDeltaAlt:
                                maxDeltaAlt = numpy.abs(point[2] + ((AltDiff*i)/10) - partAlt)
                                maxDeltaAltPoint = (partPoint[0], partPoint[1], partAlt)
                                maxDeltaPointIndex = self.SearchPattern.index(point)+1
                                #print "New max alt diff: " + str(maxDeltaAlt) + ", " + str(partAlt)
            #now put a extra waypoint in between the two maxDeltaAltPoints
            if maxDeltaAltPoint is not None:
                self.SearchPattern.insert(maxDeltaPointIndex, maxDeltaAltPoint)
            #print "There are " + str(len(self.SearchPattern)) + " points in the search pattern. Max Alt error is " + str(maxDeltaAlt)
            if len(self.SearchPattern) >= numMaxPoints or threshold > maxDeltaAlt:
        print "---Done terrain tracking optimisation---"
예제 #7
def mavlink_packet(m):
    '''handle an incoming mavlink packet'''
    state = mpstate.antenna_state
    if state.gcs_location is None and mpstate.status.wploader.count() > 0:
        home = mpstate.status.wploader.wp(0)
        mpstate.antenna_state.gcs_location = (home.x, home.y)
        print("Antenna home set")
    if state.gcs_location is None:
    if m.get_type() == 'GPS_RAW' and state.gcs_location is not None:
        (gcs_lat, gcs_lon) = state.gcs_location
        bearing = cuav_util.gps_bearing(gcs_lat, gcs_lon, m.lat, m.lon)
    elif m.get_type() == 'GPS_RAW_INT' and state.gcs_location is not None:
        (gcs_lat, gcs_lon) = state.gcs_location
        bearing = cuav_util.gps_bearing(gcs_lat, gcs_lon, m.lat/1.0e7, m.lon/1.0e7)
    mpstate.console.set_status('Antenna', 'Antenna %.0f' % bearing, row=0)
    if abs(bearing - state.last_bearing) > 5 and (time.time() - state.last_announce) > 15:
        state.last_bearing = bearing
        state.last_announce = time.time()
        mpstate.functions.say("Antenna %u" % int(bearing+0.5))
예제 #8
def mavlink_packet(m):
    '''handle an incoming mavlink packet'''
    state = mpstate.antenna_state
    if state.gcs_location is None and mpstate.status.wploader.count() > 0:
        home = mpstate.status.wploader.wp(0)
        mpstate.antenna_state.gcs_location = (home.x, home.y)
        print("Antenna home set")
    if state.gcs_location is None:
    if m.get_type() == 'GPS_RAW' and state.gcs_location is not None:
        (gcs_lat, gcs_lon) = state.gcs_location
        bearing = cuav_util.gps_bearing(gcs_lat, gcs_lon, m.lat, m.lon)
    elif m.get_type() == 'GPS_RAW_INT' and state.gcs_location is not None:
        (gcs_lat, gcs_lon) = state.gcs_location
        bearing = cuav_util.gps_bearing(gcs_lat, gcs_lon, m.lat / 1.0e7,
                                        m.lon / 1.0e7)
    mpstate.console.set_status('Antenna', 'Antenna %.0f' % bearing, row=0)
    if abs(bearing - state.last_bearing) > 5 and (time.time() -
                                                  state.last_announce) > 15:
        state.last_bearing = bearing
        state.last_announce = time.time()
        mpstate.functions.say("Antenna %u" % int(bearing + 0.5))
예제 #9
 def mouse_event_view(self, event):
     '''called on mouse events in View window'''
     x = event.X
     y = event.Y
     if self.current_view >= len(self.images):
     image = self.images[self.current_view]
     latlon = cuav_util.gps_position_from_xy(x, y, image.pos, C=self.c_params, shape=image.shape)
     if self.last_view_latlon is None or latlon is None:
         dist = ''
         distance = cuav_util.gps_distance(self.last_view_latlon[0], self.last_view_latlon[1],
                                           latlon[0], latlon[1])
         bearing = cuav_util.gps_bearing(self.last_view_latlon[0], self.last_view_latlon[1],
                                          latlon[0], latlon[1])
         dist = "dist %.1f bearing %.1f alt=%.1f shape=%s" % (distance, bearing, image.pos.altitude, image.shape)
     print("-> %s %s %s" % (latlon, image.filename, dist))
     self.last_view_latlon = latlon
예제 #10
    def CreateSearchPattern(self, width=50.0, overlap=10.0, offset=10, wobble=10, alt=100):
        '''Generate the waypoints for the search pattern, using alternating strips
        width is the width (m) of each strip, overlap is the % overlap between strips, 
        alt is the altitude (relative to ground) of the points'''
        self.SearchPattern = []

        #find the nearest point to Airfield Home - use this as a starting point (if entry lanes are not used)
        if len(self.entryPoints) == 0:
            nearestdist = cuav_util.gps_distance(self.airfieldHome[0], self.airfieldHome[1], self.searchArea[0][0], self.searchArea[0][1])
            nearest = self.searchArea[0]
            for point in self.searchArea:
                newdist = cuav_util.gps_distance(self.airfieldHome[0], self.airfieldHome[1], point[0], point[1])
                if newdist < nearestdist:
                    nearest = point
                    nearestdist = newdist
            nearestdist = cuav_util.gps_distance(self.entryPoints[0][0], self.entryPoints[0][1], self.searchArea[0][0], self.searchArea[0][1])
            nearest = self.searchArea[0]
            for point in self.searchArea:
                newdist = cuav_util.gps_distance(self.entryPoints[0][0], self.entryPoints[0][1], point[0], point[1])
                #print "dist = " + str(newdist)
                if newdist < nearestdist:
                    nearest = point
                    nearestdist = newdist

        #print "Start = " + str(nearest) + ", dist = " + str(nearestdist)

        #the search pattern will run between the longest side from nearest
        bearing1 = cuav_util.gps_bearing(nearest[0], nearest[1], self.searchArea[self.searchArea.index(nearest)-1][0], self.searchArea[self.searchArea.index(nearest)-1][1])
        bearing2 = cuav_util.gps_bearing(nearest[0], nearest[1], self.searchArea[self.searchArea.index(nearest)+1][0], self.searchArea[self.searchArea.index(nearest)+1][1])
        dist1 = cuav_util.gps_distance(nearest[0], nearest[1], self.searchArea[self.searchArea.index(nearest)-1][0], self.searchArea[self.searchArea.index(nearest)-1][1])
        dist2 = cuav_util.gps_distance(nearest[0], nearest[1], self.searchArea[self.searchArea.index(nearest)+1][0], self.searchArea[self.searchArea.index(nearest)+1][1])
        if dist1 > dist2:
            self.searchBearing = bearing1
            self.searchBearing = bearing2

        #the search pattern will then run parallel between the two furthest points in the list
        #searchLine = (0, 0)
        #for point in self.searchArea: 
        #    newdist = cuav_util.gps_distance(point[0], point[1], self.searchArea[self.searchArea.index(point)-1][0], self.searchArea[self.searchArea.index(point)-1][1])
        #    if newdist > searchLine[0]:
        #        searchLine = (newdist, cuav_util.gps_bearing(point[0], point[1], self.searchArea[self.searchArea.index(point)-1][0], self.searchArea[self.searchArea.index(point)-1][1]))

        #self.searchBearing = searchLine[1]

        #need to find the 90 degree bearing to searchBearing that is inside the search area. This
        #will be the bearing we increment the search rows by
        #need to get the right signs for the bearings, depending which quadrant the search area is in wrt nearest
        if not cuav_util.polygon_outside(cuav_util.gps_newpos(nearest[0], nearest[1], (self.searchBearing + 45) % 360, 10), self.searchArea):
            self.crossBearing = (self.searchBearing + 90) % 360
        elif not cuav_util.polygon_outside(cuav_util.gps_newpos(nearest[0], nearest[1], (self.searchBearing + 135) % 360, 10), self.searchArea):
            self.crossBearing = (self.searchBearing + 90) % 360
            self.searchBearing = (self.searchBearing + 180) % 360
        elif not cuav_util.polygon_outside(cuav_util.gps_newpos(nearest[0], nearest[1], (self.searchBearing - 45) % 360, 10), self.searchArea):
            self.crossBearing = (self.searchBearing - 90) % 360
            self.crossBearing = (self.searchBearing - 90) % 360
            self.searchBearing = (self.searchBearing - 180) % 360

        print "Search bearing is " + str(self.searchBearing) + "/" + str((self.searchBearing + 180) % 360)
        print "Cross bearing is: " + str(self.crossBearing)

        #the distance between runs is this:
        self.deltaRowDist = width - width*(float(overlap)/100)
        if self.deltaRowDist <= 0:
            print "Error, overlap % is too high"
        print "Delta row = " + str(self.deltaRowDist)

        #expand the search area to 1/2 deltaRowDist to ensure full coverage

        #we are starting at the "nearest" and mowing the lawn parallel to "self.searchBearing"
        #first waypoint is right near the Search Area boundary (without being on it) (10% of deltaRowDist
        #on an opposite bearing (so behind the search area)
        nextWaypoint =  cuav_util.gps_newpos(nearest[0], nearest[1], self.crossBearing, self.deltaRowDist/10)
        print "First = " + str(nextWaypoint)

        #mow the lawn, every 2nd row:
        while True:
            pts = self.projectBearing(self.searchBearing, nextWaypoint, self.searchArea)
            #print "Projecting " + str(nextWaypoint) + " along " + str(self.searchBearing)
            #check if we're outside the search area
            if pts == 0:
            (nextW, nextnextW) = (pts[0], pts[1])
            if cuav_util.gps_distance(nextWaypoint[0], nextWaypoint[1], nextW[0], nextW[1]) < cuav_util.gps_distance(nextWaypoint[0], nextWaypoint[1], nextnextW[0], nextnextW[1]):
                self.SearchPattern.append(cuav_util.gps_newpos(nextW[0], nextW[1], (self.searchBearing + 180) % 360, (offset+wobble)))
                self.SearchPattern[-1] =(self.SearchPattern[-1][0], self.SearchPattern[-1][1], alt)
                self.SearchPattern.append(cuav_util.gps_newpos(nextnextW[0], nextnextW[1], self.searchBearing, (offset+wobble)))
                self.SearchPattern[-1] =(self.SearchPattern[-1][0], self.SearchPattern[-1][1], alt)
                #now turn 90degrees from bearing and width distance
                nextWaypoint = cuav_util.gps_newpos(nextnextW[0], nextnextW[1], self.crossBearing, self.deltaRowDist*2)
                self.searchBearing = (self.searchBearing + 180) % 360
                self.SearchPattern.append(cuav_util.gps_newpos(nextnextW[0], nextnextW[1], (self.searchBearing + 180) % 360, offset+wobble))
                self.SearchPattern[-1] =(self.SearchPattern[-1][0], self.SearchPattern[-1][1], alt)
                self.SearchPattern.append(cuav_util.gps_newpos(nextW[0], nextW[1], self.searchBearing, (offset+wobble)))
                self.SearchPattern[-1] =(self.SearchPattern[-1][0], self.SearchPattern[-1][1], alt)
                #now turn 90degrees from bearing and width distance
                nextWaypoint = cuav_util.gps_newpos(nextW[0], nextW[1], self.crossBearing, self.deltaRowDist*2)
                self.searchBearing = (self.searchBearing + 180) % 360

            print "Next = " + str(nextWaypoint)
        #go back and do the rows we missed. There still might be one more row to do in 
        # the crossbearing direction, so check for that first
        nextWaypoint = cuav_util.gps_newpos(nextWaypoint[0], nextWaypoint[1], self.crossBearing, -self.deltaRowDist)
        pts = self.projectBearing(self.searchBearing, nextWaypoint, self.searchArea)
        if pts == 0:
            nextWaypoint = cuav_util.gps_newpos(nextWaypoint[0], nextWaypoint[1], self.crossBearing, -2*self.deltaRowDist)
            self.crossBearing = (self.crossBearing + 180) % 360
            self.crossBearing = (self.crossBearing + 180) % 360

        while True:
            pts = self.projectBearing(self.searchBearing, nextWaypoint, self.searchArea)
            #print "Projecting " + str(nextWaypoint) + " along " + str(self.searchBearing)
            #check if we're outside the search area
            if pts == 0:
            (nextW, nextnextW) = (pts[0], pts[1])
            if cuav_util.gps_distance(nextWaypoint[0], nextWaypoint[1], nextW[0], nextW[1]) < cuav_util.gps_distance(nextWaypoint[0], nextWaypoint[1], nextnextW[0], nextnextW[1]):
                self.SearchPattern.append(cuav_util.gps_newpos(nextW[0], nextW[1], (self.searchBearing + 180) % 360, offset))
                self.SearchPattern[-1] =(self.SearchPattern[-1][0], self.SearchPattern[-1][1], alt)
                self.SearchPattern.append(cuav_util.gps_newpos(nextnextW[0], nextnextW[1], self.searchBearing, offset))
                self.SearchPattern[-1] =(self.SearchPattern[-1][0], self.SearchPattern[-1][1], alt)
                #now turn 90degrees from bearing and width distance
                nextWaypoint = cuav_util.gps_newpos(nextnextW[0], nextnextW[1], self.crossBearing, self.deltaRowDist*2)
                self.searchBearing = (self.searchBearing + 180) % 360
                self.SearchPattern.append(cuav_util.gps_newpos(nextnextW[0], nextnextW[1], (self.searchBearing + 180) % 360, offset))
                self.SearchPattern[-1] =(self.SearchPattern[-1][0], self.SearchPattern[-1][1], alt)
                self.SearchPattern.append(cuav_util.gps_newpos(nextW[0], nextW[1], self.searchBearing, offset))
                self.SearchPattern[-1] =(self.SearchPattern[-1][0], self.SearchPattern[-1][1], alt)
                #now turn 90degrees from bearing and width distance
                nextWaypoint = cuav_util.gps_newpos(nextW[0], nextW[1], self.crossBearing, self.deltaRowDist*2)
                self.searchBearing = (self.searchBearing + 180) % 360

            print "Next(alt) = " + str(nextWaypoint)

        #add in the altitude points (relative to airfield home)
        for point in self.SearchPattern:
            self.SearchPattern[self.SearchPattern.index(point)] = (point[0], point[1], alt)