예제 #1
파일: clic.py 프로젝트: matt-hayden/cutils
def header(infolder,
    # Compile regular expression pattern to match in scanned files
    pattern = re_compile(_COMMENT.format(r'|'.join(map(comment_escape, line)),
                         flags=re_DOTALL | re_VERBOSE | re_MULTILINE)
    # Define default values
    align = _FORMAT['CENTER']
    width = 80
    # Update values based on INFO file
    values = {}
    with open(os_path_join(infolder, 'INFO'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
        header = file.read()
        match = re_match(r'\s*#\s*format\s+'
                         r'(?P<width>\d+)?', header)
        if match:
            align, width = match.group('align', 'width')
            align = _FORMAT.get(align, _FORMAT['CENTER'])
                width = int(width)
            except TypeError:
        # Add leading and trailing empty line
        header = '\n{}\n'.format(header[match.end():].strip())

    # Get file contents of special files
    for filename in _FILES:
            with open(os_path_join(infolder, filename), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
                values[filename] = file.read().strip()
        except FileNotFoundError:
            values[filename] = ''

    # Get special values
    values['DATE'] = datetime.now().strftime('%Y.%m.%d')

    # Exclude containers
    except_dirs  = []  # relative path to dir from root
    except_files = []  # relative path to file from root
    except_names = []  # filename (with extension) anywhere
    except_exts  = []  # extension anywhere

    # If 'exclude' is dictionary like object
        _empty = ()
        # Excludes relative to root
        for key, container in zip(('folders', 'files'),
                                  (except_dirs, except_files)):
            container.extend(os_path_join(infolder, p) for p in exclude.get(key, _empty))
        # Excludes anywhere
        for key, container in zip(('names', 'extensions'),
                                  (except_names, except_exts)):
            container.extend(exclude.get(key, _empty))
    # If 'exclude' is an iterable object
    except AttributeError:
        except_names = exclude

    # Include containers
    permit_names = []  # filename (with extension) anywhere
    permit_exts  = []  # extension anywhere

    # If 'include' is dictionary like object
        _empty = ()
        # Includes anywhere
        for key, container in zip(('names', 'extensions'),
                                  (permit_names, permit_exts)):
            container.extend(include.get(key, _empty))
    # If 'include' is an iterable object
    except AttributeError:
        permit_names = include

    # Walk through all files and folders in the passed folder
    # FIXME: what if none of the files changed only INFO has been updated?
    # Scan through all files and folders
    with check_Checker(infolder, file='.clic_cache') as checker:
        for root, dirs, filenames in os_walk(infolder):
            # If skip this folder and all subfolders
            if root in except_dirs:
            # Check all files in folder
            for filename in filenames:
                filepath = os_path_join(root, filename)[2:]
                # If skip this exact file
                if filepath in except_files:
                name, extension = os_path_splitext(filename)
                # If file or extension is not banned and it is on the
                # white-list and it changed since last time checked and
                # this is not and overwrite-call
                if (filename not in except_names and
                    extension not in except_exts and
                    (extension in permit_exts or
                     filename  in permit_names) and
                    checker.ischanged(filepath) and
                    not overwrite):
                    values['SIZE'] = _size(os_path_getsize(filepath))
                    # FIXME: make it more generic than ./ -- what if ../../?
                    values['FILE'] = filepath[2:] if filepath.startswith('./') else filepath
                    values['FILE_NAME'] = file
                    values['FILE_BASE'] = name
                    if _comment(header.format(**values), filepath, pattern, align, width):
                        # Update checker after the file has been modified
                        # Report
                        print('CLIC: processed {!r}'.format(filepath))
예제 #2
def collect(infolder,
            line  = comment_LINE,
            block = comment_BLOCK,
            tags  = WORDS,
            marks = MARKS,
    # Process block comment marks
    blocks_open, blocks_close = comment_block_comments(block)

    # TODO: Make hidden files OS independent, probably using
    #       https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/tempfile.html ?

    # FIXME: for some reason, if a comment-type ever existed in the TODO
    #        file, but after a while its posts are all gone, the keyword
    #        still remains there, according to the current TODO file,
    #        which still have the "QUESTIONS" keyword, and comment

    # TODO: Add explicit-remove/browsing capabilities of the .*_cache files
    #       (for example: if git reverted changes --> remove hash from cache file)
    #       The best solution would be a complete CLI tool, to read and manage
    #       and use the cutils command line tools

    # Compile regular expression patterns
    pattern1 = re_compile(_COMMENT.format(r'|'.join(map(comment_escape, line)),
                                          r'|'.join(map(comment_escape, tags)),
                                          r'|'.join(map(comment_escape, marks)),
                         flags=re_IGNORECASE | re_DOTALL | re_MULTILINE | re_VERBOSE)
    pattern2 = re_compile(r'\n')

    # Get previously generated collection of all posts
    COLLECTED = os_path_join(infolder, '.ccom_todo')
        with open(COLLECTED, 'rb') as file:
            collected = pickle_load(file)
    except (FileNotFoundError, EOFError):
        collected = table_Table(row=OrderedDict)

    # Clear cache -- remove all non-existing files
    for filepath in collected.rows():
        if not os_path_isfile(filepath):
            del collected[filepath]

    # Exception containers
    except_dirs  = []  # relative path to dir from root
    except_files = []  # relative path to file from root
    except_names = []  # filename (with extension) anywhere
    except_exts  = []  # extension anywhere

    # If 'exclude' is dictionary like object
        _empty = ()
        # Exceptions relative to root
        for key, container in zip(('folders', 'files'),
                                  (except_dirs, except_files)):
            container.extend(os_path_join(infolder, p) for p in exclude.get(key, _empty))
        # Exceptions anywhere
        for key, container in zip(('names', 'extensions'),
                                  (except_names, except_exts)):
            container.extend(exclude.get(key, _empty))
    # If 'exclude' is an iterable object
    except AttributeError:
        except_names = exclude

    # Include containers
    permit_names = []  # filename (with extension) anywhere
    permit_exts  = []  # extension anywhere

    # If 'include' is dictionary like object
        _empty = ()
        # Includes anywhere
        for key, container in zip(('names', 'extensions'),
                                  (permit_names, permit_exts)):
            container.extend(include.get(key, _empty))
    # If 'include' is an iterable object
    except AttributeError:
        permit_names = include

    # Scan through all files and folders
    with check_Checker(infolder, file='.ccom_cache') as checker:
        for root, dirs, filenames in os_walk(infolder):
            # If skip this folder and all subfolders
            if root in except_dirs:
            # Check all files in folder
            for filename in filenames:
                filepath = os_path_join(root, filename)[2:]
                # If skip this exact file
                if filepath in except_files:
                name, extension = os_path_splitext(filename)
                # If file or extension is not banned and it is on the
                # white-list and it changed since last time checked and
                # this is not and overwrite-call
                if (filename not in except_names and
                    extension not in except_exts and
                    (extension in permit_exts or filename in permit_names) and
                    checker.ischanged(filepath) and
                    not overwrite):
                    with open(filepath, encoding='utf-8') as file:
                        _search(collected, pattern1, pattern2,
                                file.read(), filepath, marks)

    # Save collection of all posts
    with open(COLLECTED, 'wb') as file:
        pickle_dump(collected, file, pickle_HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    # Open the todo file and write out the results
    with open('TODO', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as todo:
        # Make it compatible with cver.py
        todo.write('## INFO ##\n'*2)
        # Format TODO file as yaml
        for key in itertools_chain(tags, marks.values()):
            KEY = key.upper()
                types = collected[KEY].items()
                len_pos = todo.tell()
                # Offset for separator comment and
                # leading and trailing new lines
                todo.write(' '*82)
                index = 1
                for filename, posts in types:
                    for i, (linenumber, content) in enumerate(posts, start=index):
                                                sep='- '*38,
                    index = i + 1
                # Move back to tag separator comment
                    ' {} POSTS IN {} FILES '.format(index - 1, len(types))))
                # Move back to the end
                todo.seek(0, 2)
            except KeyError:
        print('CCOM: placed {!r}'.format(os_path_join(infolder, 'TODO')))
예제 #3
def document(infolder,
    # Get previously generated TOC object
    TOC = os_path_join(infolder, '.cdoc_toc')
        with open(TOC, 'rb') as file:
            old_toc = pickle_load(file)
    except (FileNotFoundError, EOFError):
        old_toc = table_Dict2D(OrderedDict)

    # Create new TOC object
    new_toc = table_Dict2D(OrderedDict)

    # TODO: do we really need a separate OrderedDict for pages ???
    pages = OrderedDict()
    anonym = iter_count()

    # TODO: Create real dependency graphs
    #       Document object:
    #           parents  = set()  # other documents depending on this document
    #           children = set()  # other documents this document depending on
    #       If document changed:
    #           set all parents of document => changed
    #       If any of its children changed:
    #           set all parents of child => changed
    #       -- The loop should check if a document's change flag has already
    #          been set. If not, hash file, and set flag, and notify all
    #          dependencies (parents)

    # Load all pages
    with check_Checker(infolder, file='.cdoc_cache',
                       lazy_update=True) as checker:
        # Go through all files
        for file in os_listdir(infolder):
            # If file has the proper extension
            if file.endswith(extension):
                # Create full file path
                filepath = os_path_join(infolder, file)
                # If file has been changed since last check
                if checker.ischanged(filepath) and not overwrite:
                    # Regenerate file
                    filename, pagename, depends = \
                        _process(infolder, file, filepath, pages, loader, anonym)
                # If file hasn't been changed
                    # If file has been cached before
                        # Get previous infos
                        filename, depends = old_toc[filepath]
                        pagename = old_toc.otherkey(filepath)
                        pages[pagename] = None
                        # If any of the dependencies has changed
                        for dependency in depends:
                            if checker.ischanged(dependency) and not overwrite:
                                # Regenerate file
                                filename, pagename, depends = \
                                    _process(infolder, file, filepath, pages, loader, anonym)
                    # If file is new and hasn't been cached before
                    except KeyError:
                        # Generate it for the first time
                        filename, pagename, depends = \
                            _process(infolder, file, filepath, pages, loader, anonym)
                # Store new values
                new_toc[pagename:filepath] = filename, depends

    # If order changing, renaming, inserting, deleting, etc. happened
    if set(old_toc) - set(new_toc):
        for pagename, filepath in new_toc.keys():
            if pages[pagename] is None:
                _process(os_path_basename(filepath), filepath, pages, loader,

    # Write back TOC object
    with open(TOC, 'wb') as file:
        pickle_dump(new_toc, file, pickle_HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    # Generate Table of Content?
    if generate_toc is None:
        generate_toc = len(new_toc) > 1
    # Create documents
    _build(pages, outfolder, generate_toc, new_toc, external_css)
예제 #4
파일: cdoc.py 프로젝트: matt-hayden/cutils
def document(infolder, outfolder, extension, loader, external_css=None,
             generate_toc=None, overwrite=False):
    # Get previously generated TOC object
    TOC = os_path_join(infolder, '.cdoc_toc')
        with open(TOC, 'rb') as file:
            old_toc = pickle_load(file)
    except (FileNotFoundError, EOFError):
        old_toc = table_Dict2D(OrderedDict)

    # Create new TOC object
    new_toc = table_Dict2D(OrderedDict)

    # TODO: do we really need a separate OrderedDict for pages ???
    pages = OrderedDict()
    anonym = iter_count()

    # TODO: Create real dependency graphs
    #       Document object:
    #           parents  = set()  # other documents depending on this document
    #           children = set()  # other documents this document depending on
    #       If document changed:
    #           set all parents of document => changed
    #       If any of its children changed:
    #           set all parents of child => changed
    #       -- The loop should check if a document's change flag has already
    #          been set. If not, hash file, and set flag, and notify all
    #          dependencies (parents)

    # Load all pages
    with check_Checker(infolder, file='.cdoc_cache', lazy_update=True) as checker:
        # Go through all files
        for file in os_listdir(infolder):
            # If file has the proper extension
            if file.endswith(extension):
                # Create full file path
                filepath = os_path_join(infolder, file)
                # If file has been changed since last check
                if checker.ischanged(filepath) and not overwrite:
                    # Regenerate file
                    filename, pagename, depends = \
                        _process(infolder, file, filepath, pages, loader, anonym)
                # If file hasn't been changed
                    # If file has been cached before
                        # Get previous infos
                        filename, depends = old_toc[filepath]
                        pagename = old_toc.otherkey(filepath)
                        pages[pagename] = None
                        # If any of the dependencies has changed
                        for dependency in depends:
                            if checker.ischanged(dependency) and not overwrite:
                                # Regenerate file
                                filename, pagename, depends = \
                                    _process(infolder, file, filepath, pages, loader, anonym)
                    # If file is new and hasn't been cached before
                    except KeyError:
                        # Generate it for the first time
                        filename, pagename, depends = \
                            _process(infolder, file, filepath, pages, loader, anonym)
                # Store new values
                new_toc[pagename:filepath] = filename, depends

    # If order changing, renaming, inserting, deleting, etc. happened
    if set(old_toc) - set(new_toc):
        for pagename, filepath in new_toc.keys():
            if pages[pagename] is None:
                _process(os_path_basename(filepath), filepath, pages, loader, anonym)

    # Write back TOC object
    with open(TOC, 'wb') as file:
        pickle_dump(new_toc, file, pickle_HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    # Generate Table of Content?
    if generate_toc is None:
        generate_toc = len(new_toc) > 1
    # Create documents
    _build(pages, outfolder, generate_toc, new_toc, external_css)
예제 #5
def header(infolder,
    # Compile regular expression pattern to match in scanned files
    pattern = re_compile(_COMMENT.format(r'|'.join(map(comment_escape, line)),
                         flags=re_DOTALL | re_VERBOSE | re_MULTILINE)
    # Define default values
    align = _FORMAT['CENTER']
    width = 80
    # Update values based on INFO file
    values = {}
    with open(os_path_join(infolder, 'INFO'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
        header = file.read()
        match = re_match(
            r'(?P<width>\d+)?', header)
        if match:
            align, width = match.group('align', 'width')
            align = _FORMAT.get(align, _FORMAT['CENTER'])
                width = int(width)
            except TypeError:
        # Add leading and trailing empty line
        header = '\n{}\n'.format(header[match.end():].strip())

    # Get file contents of special files
    for filename in _FILES:
            with open(os_path_join(infolder, filename), 'r',
                      encoding='utf-8') as file:
                values[filename] = file.read().strip()
        except FileNotFoundError:
            values[filename] = ''

    # Get special values
    values['DATE'] = datetime.now().strftime('%Y.%m.%d')

    # Exclude containers
    except_dirs = []  # relative path to dir from root
    except_files = []  # relative path to file from root
    except_names = []  # filename (with extension) anywhere
    except_exts = []  # extension anywhere

    # If 'exclude' is dictionary like object
        _empty = ()
        # Excludes relative to root
        for key, container in zip(('folders', 'files'),
                                  (except_dirs, except_files)):
                os_path_join(infolder, p) for p in exclude.get(key, _empty))
        # Excludes anywhere
        for key, container in zip(('names', 'extensions'),
                                  (except_names, except_exts)):
            container.extend(exclude.get(key, _empty))
    # If 'exclude' is an iterable object
    except AttributeError:
        except_names = exclude

    # Include containers
    permit_names = []  # filename (with extension) anywhere
    permit_exts = []  # extension anywhere

    # If 'include' is dictionary like object
        _empty = ()
        # Includes anywhere
        for key, container in zip(('names', 'extensions'),
                                  (permit_names, permit_exts)):
            container.extend(include.get(key, _empty))
    # If 'include' is an iterable object
    except AttributeError:
        permit_names = include

    # Walk through all files and folders in the passed folder
    # FIXME: what if none of the files changed only INFO has been updated?
    # Scan through all files and folders
    with check_Checker(infolder, file='.clic_cache') as checker:
        for root, dirs, filenames in os_walk(infolder):
            # If skip this folder and all subfolders
            if root in except_dirs:
            # Check all files in folder
            for filename in filenames:
                filepath = os_path_join(root, filename)[2:]
                # If skip this exact file
                if filepath in except_files:
                name, extension = os_path_splitext(filename)
                # If file or extension is not banned and it is on the
                # white-list and it changed since last time checked and
                # this is not and overwrite-call
                if (filename not in except_names
                        and extension not in except_exts and
                    (extension in permit_exts or filename in permit_names)
                        and checker.ischanged(filepath) and not overwrite):
                    values['SIZE'] = _size(os_path_getsize(filepath))
                    # FIXME: make it more generic than ./ -- what if ../../?
                    values['FILE'] = filepath[2:] if filepath.startswith(
                        './') else filepath
                    values['FILE_NAME'] = file
                    values['FILE_BASE'] = name
                    if _comment(header.format(**values), filepath, pattern,
                                align, width):
                        # Update checker after the file has been modified
                        # Report
                        print('CLIC: processed {!r}'.format(filepath))