예제 #1
파일: stage.py 프로젝트: alexxa/dva
def global_setup_script(params):
    Custom Setup stage of testing
    @param params: testing parameters
    @type params:  dict
    hostname = params['hostname']
    script = None
        script = params['global_setup_script']
        logger.debug('%s %s got global setup script: %s', brief(params), hostname, script)
    except KeyError as err:
        logger.debug('%s no global setup script', brief(params))
    if script is None:
        # nothing to do
        return params

    script = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(script))
    remote_script = '/tmp/' + basename(script)

    script_timeout = params.get('global_setup_script_timeout', DEFAULT_GLOBAL_SETUP_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT)

    con = get_connection(params)
    logger.debug('%s: got connection', hostname)
    con.sftp.put(script, remote_script)
    logger.debug('%s sftp succeeded %s -> %s', hostname, script, remote_script)
    con.sftp.chmod(remote_script, 0700)
    logger.debug('%s chmod succeeded 0700 %s', hostname, remote_script)
    Expect.ping_pong(con, '%s && echo SUCCESS' % remote_script, '\r\nSUCCESS\r\n', timeout=script_timeout)
    logger.debug('%s set up script finished %s', hostname, remote_script)

    return params
예제 #2
def global_setup_script(params):
    Custom Setup stage of testing
    @param params: testing parameters
    @type params:  dict
    hostname = params['hostname']
    script = None
        script = params['global_setup_script']
        logger.debug('%s %s got global setup script: %s', brief(params), hostname, script)
    except KeyError as err:
        logger.debug('%s no global setup script', brief(params))
    if script is None:
        # nothing to do
        return params

    script = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(script))
    remote_script = '/tmp/' + os.path.basename(script)

    script_timeout = params.get('global_setup_script_timeout', DEFAULT_GLOBAL_SETUP_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT)

    con = get_connection(params)
    logger.debug('%s: got connection', hostname)
    con.sftp.put(script, remote_script)
    logger.debug('%s sftp succeeded %s -> %s', hostname, script, remote_script)
    con.sftp.chmod(remote_script, 0700)
    logger.debug('%s chmod succeeded 0700 %s', hostname, remote_script)
    Expect.ping_pong(con, '%s && echo SUCCESS' % remote_script, '\r\nSUCCESS\r\n', timeout=script_timeout)
    logger.debug('%s set up script finished %s', hostname, remote_script)

    return params
예제 #3
파일: test.py 프로젝트: RedHatQE/dva
def test_execute(params):
    Testing stage: perform all tests required in params
    @param params: testing parameters
    @type params: dict
    @return: list of test results
    assert 'test' in params, 'test field missing in %s' % brief(params)
    assert 'name' in params['test'], 'test name field missing in %s' % brief(params)
    assert 'stage' in params['test'], 'test stage field missing in %s' % brief(params)
    test_name = params['test']['name']
    test_stage = params['test']['stage']
    params['test']['exception'] = None
    params['test']['log'] = []
    params['test']['result'] = RESULT_PASSED
    hostname = params['hostname']

    logger.debug('trying %s %s %s', hostname, test_stage, test_name)
        test_cls = TEST_CLASSES[test_name]
        stage = TEST_STAGES[test_stage]
        assert test_name in stage, 'could not locate test %s in stage %s' % (test_name, test_stage)
    except KeyError as err:
        params['test_result'] = 'error: missing test/stage: %s/%s' % (test_name, test_stage)
        raise TestingError('missing test: %' % test_name)

    # asserts connection; tries reconnecting
    # FIXME: data race condition somewhere resets the ssh user
    # can't locate atm --- enforcing root /me ashamed
    params = params.copy()
    params['ssh']['user'] = '******'
    con = get_connection(params)
    params['test']['start_time'] = time.time()
    # perform the testing
        test_obj = test_cls()
        test_obj.test(con, params)
        logger.debug('%s %s %s succeeded', hostname, test_stage, test_name)
    except AssertionError as err:
        # not caught in the test case but means the test failed
        params['test']['result'] = RESULT_FAILED
        params['test']['exception'] = traceback.format_exc()
    except SkipException as err:
        # risen by a test case, means this test is skipped
        params['test']['result'] = RESULT_SKIP
        params['test']['exception'] = traceback.format_exc()
        # no assertion errors detected --- check all cmd logs
        test_cmd_results = [cmd['result'] for cmd in test_obj.log if 'result' in cmd]
        test_result = RESULT_FAILED in test_cmd_results and RESULT_FAILED or RESULT_PASSED
        test_result = RESULT_ERROR in test_cmd_results and RESULT_ERROR or test_result
        params['test']['result'] = test_result
        params['test']['log'] = test_obj.log
        params['test']['end_time'] = time.time()
    return params
예제 #4
def test_execute(params):
    Testing stage: perform all tests required in params
    @param params: testing parameters
    @type params: dict
    @return: list of test results
    assert 'test' in params, 'test field missing in %s' % brief(params)
    assert 'name' in params['test'], 'test name field missing in %s' % brief(
    assert 'stage' in params['test'], 'test stage field missing in %s' % brief(
    test_name = params['test']['name']
    test_stage = params['test']['stage']
    params['test']['exception'] = None
    params['test']['log'] = []
    params['test']['result'] = RESULT_PASSED
    hostname = params['hostname']

    logger.debug('trying %s %s %s', hostname, test_stage, test_name)
        test_cls = TEST_CLASSES[test_name]
        stage = TEST_STAGES[test_stage]
        assert test_name in stage, 'could not locate test %s in stage %s' % (
            test_name, test_stage)
    except KeyError as err:
        params['test_result'] = 'error: missing test/stage: %s/%s' % (
            test_name, test_stage)
        raise TestingError('missing test: %' % test_name)

    # asserts connection; tries reconnecting
    con = get_connection(params)
    # perform the testing
        test_obj = test_cls()
        test_obj.test(con, params)
        logger.debug('%s %s %s succeeded', hostname, test_stage, test_name)
    except AssertionError as err:
        # not caught in the test case but means the test failed
        params['test']['result'] = RESULT_FAILED
        params['test']['exception'] = traceback.format_exc()
        # no assertion errors detected --- check all cmd logs
        test_cmd_results = [
            cmd['result'] for cmd in test_obj.log if 'result' in cmd
        test_result = RESULT_FAILED in test_cmd_results and RESULT_FAILED or RESULT_PASSED
        test_result = RESULT_ERROR in test_cmd_results and RESULT_ERROR or test_result
        params['test']['result'] = test_result
        params['test']['log'] = test_obj.log
    return params
예제 #5
def allow_root_login(params):
    '''allow root ssh login'''
    _, host, user, ssh_key = connection_cache_key(params)
    if user == 'root':
        # user root --- nothing to do
        logger.debug('user already root for %s', brief(params))
        return params

    from textwrap import dedent
    command = dedent(r'''
        sudo cp -af /home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/authorized_keys && \
        sudo chown root.root /root/.ssh/authorized_keys && \
        sudo restorecon -Rv /root/.ssh && \
        echo SUCCESS
    ''' % user)

    # Exceptions cause retries, save for ExpectFailed
    with connection_ctx(host, user, ssh_key) as con:
            Expect.ping_pong(con, command, '(?s).*\r\nSUCCESS\r\n.*')
        except ExpectFailed as err:
            # retry
            raise EAgain(err)

    # update user to root
    params['ssh']['user'] = '******'
    return params
예제 #6
파일: stage.py 프로젝트: alexxa/dva
def allow_root_login(params):
    '''allow root ssh login'''
    _, host, user, ssh_key = connection_cache_key(params)
    if user  == 'root':
        # user root --- nothing to do
        logger.debug('user already root for %s', brief(params))
        return params

    from textwrap import dedent
    command = dedent(r'''
        sudo cp -af /home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/authorized_keys && \
        sudo chown root.root /root/.ssh/authorized_keys && \
        sudo restorecon -Rv /root/.ssh && \
        echo SUCCESS
    ''' % user)

    # Exceptions cause retries, save for ExpectFailed
    with connection_ctx(host, user, ssh_key) as con:
            Expect.ping_pong(con, command, '(?s).*\r\nSUCCESS\r\n.*')
        except ExpectFailed as err:
            # retry
            raise EAgain(err)

    # update user to root
    params['ssh']['user'] = '******'
    return params
예제 #7
def allow_root_login(params):
    '''allow root ssh login'''
    _, host, user, ssh_key = connection_cache_key(params)
    if user  == 'root':
        # user root --- nothing to do
        logger.debug('user already root for %s', brief(params))
        return params

    from textwrap import dedent
    # FIXME: copying the skel items explicitly so paramiko minds the prompt
    # rhel/fedora atomic issue: http://ask.projectatomic.io/en/question/141/root-home-missing-usual-skel-items/
    command = dedent(r'''
        sudo cp -af /home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/authorized_keys && \
        sudo chown root.root /root/.ssh/authorized_keys && \
        sudo restorecon -Rv /root/.ssh && \
        sudo cp -f /etc/skel/.bash* ~root/ && \
        echo SUCCESS
    ''' % user)

    # Exceptions cause retries, save for ExpectFailed
    with connection_ctx(host, user, ssh_key) as con:
            Expect.ping_pong(con, command, '(?s).*\r\nSUCCESS\r\n.*')
        except ExpectFailed as err:
            # retry
            raise EAgain(err)

    # update user to root
    params['ssh']['user'] = '******'
    return params
예제 #8
파일: stage.py 프로젝트: alexxa/dva
def terminate_instance(params):
    Terminate stage of testing
    @param params: testing parameters
    @type params: dict
    hostname = params['hostname']
    if 'keepalive' in params and params['keepalive']:
        logger.info('will not terminate %s (keepalive requested)', hostname)
    except ConnectionCacheError as err:
        logger.debug('not dropping any connection to %s; not in cache', brief(params))
    driver = cloud.get_driver(params['cloud'], logger, CLOUD_DRIVER_MAXWAIT)
    logger.debug('trying to terminate %s', hostname)
    logger.info('terminated %s', hostname)
    return params
예제 #9
def terminate_instance(params):
    Terminate stage of testing
    @param params: testing parameters
    @type params: dict
    hostname = params['hostname']
    if 'keepalive' in params and params['keepalive']:
        logger.info('will not terminate %s (keepalive requested)', hostname)
    except ConnectionCacheError as err:
        logger.debug('not dropping any connection to %s; not in cache',
    driver = cloud.get_driver(params['cloud'], logger, CLOUD_DRIVER_MAXWAIT)
    logger.debug('trying to terminate %s', hostname)
    logger.info('terminated %s', hostname)
    return params