예제 #1
def migrate():
    data = Data(batch=True)

    sequences = []
    # read sequence.txt
    with open("captured/sequence.txt") as f:
        for line in f:
            split = line.split()
            # Start, End, Country, Type
            timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
                        os.path.join("captured", "%s.png" %
                                     split[0])))).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            sid = data.add_sequence(split[2],
            sequences.append([int(split[0]), int(split[1]), sid])

    # read data.txt
    num_datasets = sum(1 for line in open("captured/data.txt"))
    datasets_writen = 0
    percent = round(num_datasets / 100)
    with open("captured/data.txt") as f:
        for line in f:
            datasets_writen += 1
            split = line.split()
            sid = get_sid(sequences, int(split[0].split(".png")[0]))
            data.add_image(split[0], split[1], split[2], split[3], split[4],

            if datasets_writen % percent == 0:
                print("%d %%" % round(datasets_writen / num_datasets * 100))

예제 #2
    def run(self):
        s = Settings()
        d = Data(batch=True)

        img_id = d.get_next_fileid()
        recording = False
        recording_button_prev = 0

        maneuver = 0  # 0 - normal, 1 - indicator left, 2 - indicator right
        indicator_left = False
        indicator_left_prev = 0
        indicator_right = False
        indicator_right_prev = 0

        last_record = 0

        while RecordingThread.running:
            recording_button_act = self.joystick.get_button(s.get_value(Settings.AUTOPILOT))
            if recording_button_act != recording_button_prev and recording_button_act == 1:
                recording = not recording

                if recording:  # started recording
                    sequence_id = d.add_sequence()
                else:  # stopped recording

            recording_button_prev = recording_button_act

            indicator_left_act = self.joystick.get_button(s.get_value(Settings.LEFT_INDICATOR))
            if indicator_left_act != indicator_left_prev and indicator_left_act == 1:
                indicator_left = not indicator_left

                # Switch indicator
                if indicator_left and indicator_right:
                    indicator_right = False
            indicator_left_prev = indicator_left_act

            indicator_right_act = self.joystick.get_button(s.get_value(Settings.RIGHT_INDICATOR))
            if indicator_right_act != indicator_right_prev and indicator_right_act == 1:
                indicator_right = not indicator_right

                # Switch indicator
                if indicator_right and indicator_left:
                    indicator_left = False
            indicator_right_prev = indicator_right_act

            if indicator_left:
                maneuver = 1
            elif indicator_right:
                maneuver = 2
                maneuver = 0

            if recording:
                self.statusbar.showMessage("Recording: active | Indicator: %s" % functions.get_indicator(maneuver))
                self.statusbar.showMessage("Recording: inactive | Indicator: %s" % functions.get_indicator(maneuver))

            # Capture the whole game
            frame_raw = ImageGrab.grab(bbox=functions.get_screen_bbox())
            frame = np.uint8(frame_raw)
            frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

            main = frame[s.get_value(Settings.IMAGE_FRONT_BORDER_TOP):s.get_value(Settings.IMAGE_FRONT_BORDER_BOTTOM),
                         s.get_value(Settings.IMAGE_FRONT_BORDER_LEFT): s.get_value(Settings.IMAGE_FRONT_BORDER_RIGHT)]
            # gray = cv2.cvtColor(main, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            # blur_gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (3, 3), 0)
            # edges = cv2.Canny(blur_gray, 50, 150)
            # dilated = cv2.dilate(edges, (3,3), iterations=2)

            # Resize image to save some space (height = 100px)
            ratio = main.shape[1] / main.shape[0]
            resized = cv2.resize(main, (round(ratio * 100), 100))

            # cv2.imshow('cap', dilated)
            # cv2.imshow('resized', resized)
            functions.set_image(main.copy(), self.image_front)

            axis = self.joystick.get_axis(s.get_value(Settings.STEERING_AXIS)) * 180  # -180 to 180 "degrees"
            throttle = self.joystick.get_axis(s.get_value(Settings.THROTTLE_AXIS)) * 100  # -100=full throttle, 100=full brake

            speed = speed_detection.get_speed(frame)

            # Save frame every 150ms
            if recording and (functions.current_milli_time() - last_record) >= 150:
                last_record = functions.current_milli_time()
                cv2.imwrite("captured/%d.png" % img_id, resized)
                d.add_image("%d.png" % img_id, axis, speed, throttle, maneuver, sequence_id)
                img_id += 1