예제 #1
def test_find_root_no_root(servicex_ds):
    f = ServiceXDatasetSource(servicex_ds)
    df = xaod_table(f)
    a = ast_DataFrame(df)

    r = _find_root_expr(ast.Num(n=10, ctx=ast.Load()), a)
    assert r is None
예제 #2
def _term_to_ast(term: Union[int, str, DataFrame, Column, Callable],
                 parent_df: Optional[Union[DataFrame, Column]]) \
        -> ast.AST:
    '''Return an AST that represents the current term

        term        The term (int, string, float, DataFrame, Column, etc.)

    other_ast = None
    if isinstance(term, int) or isinstance(term, float):
        other_ast = ast.Num(n=term)
    elif isinstance(term, str):
        other_ast = ast.Str(s=term)
    elif isinstance(term, DataFrame):
        other_ast = ast_DataFrame(term)
    elif isinstance(term, Column):
        other_ast = ast_Column(term)
    elif callable(term):
        assert parent_df is not None, \
            'Internal Error: Parent DF is required when creating a Callable'
        assert isinstance(parent_df, DataFrame)
        other_ast = ast_Callable(term, parent_df)
    elif isinstance(term, tuple):
        other_ast = ast.Tuple(
            [_term_to_ast(item, parent_df) for item in cast(tuple, term)])
    elif isinstance(term, list):
        other_ast = ast.List(
            [_term_to_ast(item, parent_df) for item in cast(list, term)])
        raise DataFrameTypeError("Do not know how to render a term "
                                 f"of type '{type(term).__name__}'.")

    return other_ast
예제 #3
def test_find_root_ast_df_simple(servicex_ds):
    f = ServiceXDatasetSource(servicex_ds)
    df = xaod_table(f)
    a = ast_DataFrame(df)

    r = _find_root_expr(a, ast.Num(n=10, ctx=ast.Load()))
    assert r is not None
    assert r is a
 def _lookup_dataframe(self, df: DataFrame) -> ast_DataFrame:
     See if a raw dataframe has already been tagged. If so, make sure
     we return the same object.
     h = hash(str(df))
     if h not in self._seen_datasources:
         self._seen_datasources[h] = ast_DataFrame(df)
     return self._seen_datasources[h]
예제 #5
def test_find_root_in_function(servicex_ds):
    f = ServiceXDatasetSource(servicex_ds)
    df = xaod_table(f)
    a = ast_DataFrame(df)

    attr = ast.Attribute(value=a, attr='jets', ctx=ast.Load())
    call = ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='sin'), args=[attr], keywords=None)

    r = _find_root_expr(call, attr)
    assert r is attr
예제 #6
def test_find_root_ast_df_nested(servicex_ds):
    f = ServiceXDatasetSource(servicex_ds)
    df = xaod_table(f)
    a = ast_DataFrame(df)

    attr = ast.Attribute(value=a, attr='jets', ctx=ast.Load())

    r = _find_root_expr(attr, ast.Num(n=10, ctx=ast.Load()))
    assert r is not None
    assert r is a
def test_render_context_clone_resolved():
    r1 = render_context()
    r1._resolved[1] = ast_DataFrame(DataFrame())

    r2 = render_context(r1)
    assert 1 in r2._resolved
    assert r2._resolved[1] is r1._resolved[1]

    del r1._resolved[1]
    assert 1 in r2._resolved
def test_render_context_clone_df():
    r1 = render_context()
    r1._seen_datasources[1] = ast_DataFrame(DataFrame())

    r2 = render_context(r1)
    assert 1 in r2._seen_datasources
    assert r2._seen_datasources[1] is r1._seen_datasources[1]

    del r1._seen_datasources[1]
    assert 1 in r2._seen_datasources
예제 #9
def test_find_root_arg_not_right(servicex_ds):
    f = ServiceXDatasetSource(servicex_ds)
    df = xaod_table(f)
    a = ast_DataFrame(df)

    # df.ele.deltar(df.jets), with df.jets as the arg.

    jets_attr = ast.Attribute(value=a, attr='jets', ctx=ast.Load())
    eles_attr = ast.Attribute(value=a, attr='eles', ctx=ast.Load())

    call = ast.Call(func=eles_attr, args=[jets_attr], keywords=None)

    r = _find_root_expr(call, jets_attr)
    assert r is a
예제 #10
 def __init__(self, df: DataFrame):
     DataFrame.__init__(self, expr=ast_DataFrame(df))
     self.__p = df
예제 #11
 def __init__(self,
              df: Optional[DataFrame],
              compound: Optional[op_base] = None) -> None:
     DataFrame.__init__(self, expr=ast_DataFrame(df))
     self._ref: op_base = compound if compound is not None else op_vec(self)
예제 #12
def test_df_none():
    'Need to make sure the blank ctor is legal for deep copy reasons'
    _ = ast_DataFrame()
예제 #13
 def __init__(self,
              df: DataFrame,
              compound: Optional[op_base] = None) -> None:
     DataFrame.__init__(self, ast_DataFrame(df))
     self._base_df = df
     self._ref: op_base = compound if compound is not None else op_vec(df)
예제 #14
def _as_ast(df: Union[DataFrame, Column]) -> Union[ast_DataFrame, ast_Column]:
    if isinstance(df, DataFrame):
        return ast_DataFrame(df)
        return ast_Column(df)