예제 #1
class ModelState(object):
    A class to keep track of the model state

    def __init__(
        Initialise the model state


        # Save the crystal model
        self.experiment = experiment
        self.crystal = experiment.crystal

        # The U and P parameterisation
        self._U_parameterisation = CrystalOrientationParameterisation(
        self._B_parameterisation = CrystalUnitCellParameterisation(

        # The M and L parameterisations
        self._M_parameterisation = mosaicity_parameterisation
        self._L_parameterisation = wavelength_parameterisation

        # Set the flags to fix parameters
        self._is_mosaic_spread_fixed = fix_mosaic_spread
        self._is_wavelength_spread_fixed = fix_wavelength_spread
        self._is_unit_cell_fixed = fix_unit_cell
        self._is_orientation_fixed = fix_orientation

        # Check wavelength parameterisation
        if not self.is_wavelength_spread_fixed:
            assert self._L_parameterisation is not None

    def is_orientation_fixed(self) -> bool:
        return self._is_orientation_fixed

    def is_unit_cell_fixed(self) -> bool:
        return self._is_unit_cell_fixed

    def is_mosaic_spread_fixed(self) -> bool:
        return self._is_mosaic_spread_fixed

    def is_mosaic_spread_angular(self) -> bool:
        return self._M_parameterisation.is_angular()

    def is_wavelength_spread_fixed(self) -> bool:
        return self._is_wavelength_spread_fixed

    def unit_cell(self):
        return self.crystal.get_unit_cell()

    def U_matrix(self) -> np.array:
        return np.array([self.crystal.get_U()], dtype=np.float64).reshape(3, 3)

    def B_matrix(self) -> np.array:
        return np.array([self.crystal.get_B()], dtype=np.float64).reshape(3, 3)

    def A_matrix(self) -> np.array:
        return np.array([self.crystal.get_A()], dtype=np.float64).reshape(3, 3)

    def mosaicity_covariance_matrix(self) -> np.array:
        return self._M_parameterisation.sigma()

    def wavelength_spread(self) -> flex.double:
        if self._L_parameterisation is not None:
            return self._L_parameterisation.sigma()
        return flex.double()

    def U_params(self) -> np.array:
        """Get the parameters of the orientation parameterisation"""
        return np.array(self._U_parameterisation.get_param_vals(),

    def U_params(self, params) -> None:
            float(i) for i in params))

    def B_params(self) -> np.array:
        """Get the parameters of the orientation parameterisation"""
        return np.array(self._B_parameterisation.get_param_vals(),

    def B_params(self, params) -> None:
            float(i) for i in params))

    def M_params(self) -> np.array:
        "Parameters of the mosaicity parameterisation"
        return self._M_parameterisation.parameters

    def M_params(self, params) -> None:
        self._M_parameterisation.parameters = params

    def L_params(self) -> np.array:
        "Parameters of the Lambda (wavelength) parameterisation"
        if self._L_parameterisation is not None:
            return np.array(self._L_parameterisation.parameters,
        return np.array([])

    def L_params(self, params: flex.double) -> None:
        if self._L_parameterisation is not None:
            self._L_parameterisation.parameters = params

    def dU_dp(self) -> np.array:
        Get the first derivatives of U w.r.t its parameters

        ds_dp = self._U_parameterisation.get_ds_dp()
        n = len(ds_dp)
        s = np.array([ds_dp[i] for i in range(n)],
                     dtype=np.float64).reshape(n, 3, 3)
        return s

    def dB_dp(self) -> np.array:
        Get the first derivatives of B w.r.t its parameters

        ds_dp = self._B_parameterisation.get_ds_dp()
        n = len(ds_dp)
        s = np.array([ds_dp[i] for i in range(n)],
                     dtype=np.float64).reshape(n, 3, 3)
        return s

    def dM_dp(self) -> np.array:
        Get the first derivatives of M w.r.t its parameters

        return self._M_parameterisation.first_derivatives()

    def dL_dp(self) -> flex.double:
        Get the first derivatives of L w.r.t its parameters

        if self._L_parameterisation is not None:
            return self._L_parameterisation.first_derivatives()
        return flex.double()

    def active_parameters(self) -> np.array:
        The active parameters in order: U, B, M, L, W
        active_params = []
        if not self.is_orientation_fixed:
        if not self.is_unit_cell_fixed:
        if not self.is_mosaic_spread_fixed:
        if not self.is_wavelength_spread_fixed:
        active_params = np.concatenate(active_params)
        assert len(active_params) > 0
        return active_params

    def active_parameters(self, params) -> None:
        Set the active parameters in order: U, B, M, L, W
        if not self.is_orientation_fixed:
            n_U_params = len(self.U_params)
            temp = params[:n_U_params]
            params = params[n_U_params:]
            self.U_params = temp
        if not self.is_unit_cell_fixed:
            n_B_params = len(self.B_params)
            temp = params[:n_B_params]
            params = params[n_B_params:]
            self.B_params = temp
        if not self.is_mosaic_spread_fixed:
            n_M_params = self.M_params.size
            temp = params[:n_M_params]
            params = params[n_M_params:]
            self.M_params = np.array(temp)
        if not self.is_wavelength_spread_fixed:
            n_L_params = self.L_params.size
            temp = params[:n_L_params]
            self.L_params = temp

    def parameter_labels(self) -> List[str]:
        Get the parameter labels

        labels = []
        if not self.is_orientation_fixed:
            labels += [f"Crystal_U_{i}" for i in range(self.U_params.size)]
        if not self.is_unit_cell_fixed:
            labels += [f"Crystal_B_{i}" for i in range(self.B_params.size)]
        if not self.is_mosaic_spread_fixed:
            labels += [f"Mosaicity_{i}" for i in range(self.M_params.size)]
        if not self.is_wavelength_spread_fixed:
        assert len(labels) > 0
        return labels
예제 #2
from dials.algorithms.refinement.restraints.restraints import SingleUnitCellTie
uct = SingleUnitCellTie(xluc_param, [None] * 6, [None] * 6)

from scitbx.math import angle_derivative_wrt_vectors

B = matrix.sqr(crystal.get_B())
O = (B.transpose()).inverse()
a, b, c, aa, bb, cc = crystal.get_unit_cell().parameters()
aa *= DEG2RAD
bb *= DEG2RAD
cc *= DEG2RAD
Ut = matrix.sqr(crystal.get_U()).transpose()
avec, bvec, cvec = [Ut * vec for vec in crystal.get_real_space_vectors()]

# calculate d[B^T]/dp
dB_dp = xluc_param.get_ds_dp()
dBT_dp = [dB.transpose() for dB in dB_dp]

# calculate d[O]/dp
dO_dp = [-O * dBT * O for dBT in dBT_dp]

# function to get analytical derivative of angles wrt vectors
def dangle(u, v):
    return [matrix.col(e) for e in angle_derivative_wrt_vectors(u, v)]

dalpha_db, dalpha_dc = dangle(bvec, cvec)
dbeta_da, dbeta_dc = dangle(avec, cvec)
dgamma_da, dgamma_db = dangle(avec, bvec)
예제 #3
def crystal_parameters():
    from dxtbx.model.experiment.experiment_list import ExperimentListFactory
    from dials.array_family import flex
    from scitbx import matrix

    experiments = ExperimentListFactory.from_json_file("experiments.json")
    reflections = flex.reflection_table.from_pickle("reflections.pickle")

    beam = experiments[0].beam
    detector = experiments[0].detector
    goniometer = experiments[0].goniometer
    scan = experiments[0].scan
    crystal = experiments[0].crystal

    from dials.algorithms.refinement.parameterisation.crystal_parameters import (
        CrystalUnitCellParameterisation, )

    parameters = CrystalUnitCellParameterisation(crystal)

    for param in parameters.get_params():
        print(param.name, param.value)

    for db_dp in parameters.get_ds_dp():

    print("B matrix")
    B = crystal.get_B().round(7)

    print(B.transpose() * B)

    # from rstbx.symmetry.constraints.parameter_reduction import symmetrize_reduce_enlarge

    # temp = symmetrize_reduce_enlarge(crystal.get_space_group())
    # temp.set_orientation(crystal.get_B())
    # independent = temp.forward_independent_parameters()
    # print independent

    # new_mm = temp.enlarge(independent)
    # temp.Bconverter.validate_and_setG(new_mm)
    # B = temp.Bconverter.back_as_orientation()
    # print matrix.sqr(B.reciprocal_matrix()).round(5)

    # from cctbx import sgtbx
    # from rstbx.symmetry.constraints import AGconvert

    # constraints = sgtbx.tensor_rank_2_constraints(space_group=crystal.get_space_group(), reciprocal_space=True)

    # params = constraints.all_params(independent_params=tuple(p.value for p in
    #                                                       parameters.get_params()))

    # from cctbx.crystal_orientation import crystal_orientation

    # converter = AGconvert()
    # converter.forward(crystal_orientation(crystal.get_B(), False))
    # converter.validate_and_setG(params)
    # orientation = converter.back_as_orientation()

    # print orientation
    # print ""
    print("SUM(p * dp/dp)")
    MAT = [
        p.value * db_dp
        for p, db_dp in zip(parameters.get_params(), parameters.get_ds_dp())
    COV = sum(MAT[1:], MAT[0])
    print(2 * COV.round(7))
    print((2 * COV - crystal.get_B()).round(7))
예제 #4
def test(dials_regression):
    from libtbx.phil import parse
    from libtbx.test_utils import approx_equal
    from scitbx import matrix

    from dials.algorithms.refinement.parameterisation.crystal_parameters import (

    # Get modules to build models and minimiser using PHIL
    from dials.tests.algorithms.refinement import setup_geometry

    # Symmetry constrained parameterisation for the unit cell
    DEG2RAD = math.pi / 180.0
    RAD2DEG = 180.0 / math.pi

    master_phil = parse(
      include scope dials.tests.algorithms.refinement.geometry_phil
      include scope dials.tests.algorithms.refinement.minimiser_phil

    # make cell more oblique
    args = [
    models = setup_geometry.Extract(master_phil, cmdline_args=args)
    crystal = models.crystal

    # a hexagonal crystal is a good test case for behaviour of oblique cells
    do_hexagonal = True
    if do_hexagonal:
        from dxtbx.model.experiment_list import ExperimentListFactory

        experiments = ExperimentListFactory.from_json_file(
        crystal = experiments[0].crystal

    # derive finite difference gradients of various quantities wrt each param
    def check_fd_gradients(parameterisation):
        mp = parameterisation
        p_vals = mp.get_param_vals()
        deltas = [1.0e-7 for p in p_vals]
        assert len(deltas) == len(p_vals)
        fd_grad = []

        # get matrix to unset rotations of unit cell vectors
        Ut = matrix.sqr(mp.get_model().get_U()).transpose()

        for i, delta in enumerate(deltas):
            val = p_vals[i]

            p_vals[i] -= delta / 2.0
            rev_uc = mp.get_model().get_unit_cell().parameters()
            rev_vec = mp.get_model().get_real_space_vectors()
            rev_vec = [Ut * vec for vec in rev_vec]
            rev_B = matrix.sqr(mp.get_model().get_B())
            rev_O = rev_B.transpose().inverse()

            p_vals[i] += delta
            fwd_uc = mp.get_model().get_unit_cell().parameters()
            fwd_vec = mp.get_model().get_real_space_vectors()
            fwd_vec = [Ut * vec for vec in fwd_vec]
            fwd_B = matrix.sqr(mp.get_model().get_B())
            fwd_O = fwd_B.transpose().inverse()

            fd_uc = [(f - r) / delta for f, r in zip(fwd_uc, rev_uc)]
            fd_vec = [(f - r) / delta for f, r in zip(fwd_vec, rev_vec)]
            fd_B = (fwd_B - rev_B) / delta
            fd_O = (fwd_O - rev_O) / delta

                    "da_dp": fd_uc[0],
                    "db_dp": fd_uc[1],
                    "dc_dp": fd_uc[2],
                    "daa_dp": fd_uc[3],
                    "dbb_dp": fd_uc[4],
                    "dcc_dp": fd_uc[5],
                    "davec_dp": fd_vec[0],
                    "dbvec_dp": fd_vec[1],
                    "dcvec_dp": fd_vec[2],
                    "dB_dp": fd_B,
                    "dO_dp": fd_O,

            p_vals[i] = val

        # return to the initial state

        return fd_grad

    assert CrystalOrientationParameterisation(crystal)
    xluc_param = CrystalUnitCellParameterisation(crystal)

    from dials.algorithms.refinement.restraints.restraints import SingleUnitCellTie

    assert SingleUnitCellTie(xluc_param, [0] * 6, [0] * 6)

    from scitbx.math import angle_derivative_wrt_vectors

    B = matrix.sqr(crystal.get_B())
    O = (B.transpose()).inverse()
    a, b, c, aa, bb, cc = crystal.get_unit_cell().parameters()
    aa *= DEG2RAD
    bb *= DEG2RAD
    cc *= DEG2RAD
    Ut = matrix.sqr(crystal.get_U()).transpose()
    avec, bvec, cvec = [Ut * vec for vec in crystal.get_real_space_vectors()]

    # calculate d[B^T]/dp
    dB_dp = xluc_param.get_ds_dp()
    dBT_dp = [dB.transpose() for dB in dB_dp]

    # calculate d[O]/dp
    dO_dp = [-O * dBT * O for dBT in dBT_dp]

    # function to get analytical derivative of angles wrt vectors
    def dangle(u, v):
        return [matrix.col(e) for e in angle_derivative_wrt_vectors(u, v)]

    dalpha_db, dalpha_dc = dangle(bvec, cvec)
    dbeta_da, dbeta_dc = dangle(avec, cvec)
    dgamma_da, dgamma_db = dangle(avec, bvec)

    # get all FD derivatives
    fd_grad = check_fd_gradients(xluc_param)

    # look at each parameter
    for i, dO in enumerate(dO_dp):

        # print
        # print "***** PARAMETER {0} *****".format(i)

        # print "dB_dp analytical"
        # print dB_dp[i]
        # print "dB_dp FD"
        # print fd_grad[i]['dB_dp']
        # print

        # dB_dp is good. What about dO_dp?

        # print "O MATRIX"
        # print "dO_dp analytical"
        # print dO.round(6)
        # print "dO_dp FD"
        # print fd_grad[i]['dO_dp'].round(6)
        # print
        assert approx_equal(dO, fd_grad[i]["dO_dp"])

        # extract derivatives of each unit cell vector wrt p
        dav_dp, dbv_dp, dcv_dp = dO.transpose().as_list_of_lists()
        dav_dp = matrix.col(dav_dp)
        dbv_dp = matrix.col(dbv_dp)
        dcv_dp = matrix.col(dcv_dp)

        # check these are correct vs FD
        # print "CELL VECTORS"
        # diff = dav_dp - fd_grad[i]['davec_dp']
        # print 2 * diff.length() / (dav_dp.length() + fd_grad[i]['davec_dp'].length()) * 100
        # print 'davec_dp analytical: {0:.5f} {1:.5f} {2:.5f}'.format(*dav_dp.elems)
        # print 'davec_dp finite diff: {0:.5f} {1:.5f} {2:.5f}'.format(*fd_grad[i]['davec_dp'].elems)
        assert approx_equal(dav_dp, fd_grad[i]["davec_dp"])

        # diff = dbv_dp - fd_grad[i]['dbvec_dp']
        # print 2 * diff.length() / (dbv_dp.length() + fd_grad[i]['dbvec_dp'].length()) * 100
        # print 'dbvec_dp analytical: {0:.5f} {1:.5f} {2:.5f}'.format(*dbv_dp.elems)
        # print 'dbvec_dp finite diff: {0:.5f} {1:.5f} {2:.5f}'.format(*fd_grad[i]['dbvec_dp'].elems)
        assert approx_equal(dbv_dp, fd_grad[i]["dbvec_dp"])

        # diff = dcv_dp - fd_grad[i]['dcvec_dp']
        # print 2 * diff.length() / (dcv_dp.length() + fd_grad[i]['dcvec_dp'].length()) * 100
        # print 'dcvec_dp analytical: {0:.5f} {1:.5f} {2:.5f}'.format(*dcv_dp.elems)
        # print 'dcvec_dp finite diff: {0:.5f} {1:.5f} {2:.5f}'.format(*fd_grad[i]['dcvec_dp'].elems)
        # print
        assert approx_equal(dcv_dp, fd_grad[i]["dcvec_dp"])

        # print "CELL LENGTHS"
        da_dp = 1.0 / a * avec.dot(dav_dp)
        # print "d[a]/dp{2} analytical: {0:.5f} FD: {1:.5f}".format(da_dp, fd_grad[i]['da_dp'], i)
        assert approx_equal(da_dp, fd_grad[i]["da_dp"])

        db_dp = 1.0 / b * bvec.dot(dbv_dp)
        # print "d[b]/dp{2} analytical: {0:.5f} FD: {1:.5f}".format(db_dp, fd_grad[i]['db_dp'], i)
        assert approx_equal(db_dp, fd_grad[i]["db_dp"])

        dc_dp = 1.0 / c * cvec.dot(dcv_dp)
        # print "d[c]/dp{2} analytical: {0:.5f} FD: {1:.5f}".format(dc_dp, fd_grad[i]['dc_dp'], i)
        assert approx_equal(dc_dp, fd_grad[i]["dc_dp"])

        # print
        # print "CELL ANGLES"

        daa_dp = RAD2DEG * (dbv_dp.dot(dalpha_db) + dcv_dp.dot(dalpha_dc))
        dbb_dp = RAD2DEG * (dav_dp.dot(dbeta_da) + dcv_dp.dot(dbeta_dc))
        dcc_dp = RAD2DEG * (dav_dp.dot(dgamma_da) + dbv_dp.dot(dgamma_db))

        # print "d[alpha]/dp{2} analytical: {0:.5f} FD: {1:.5f}".format(daa_dp, fd_grad[i]['daa_dp'], i)
        # print "d[beta]/dp{2} analytical: {0:.5f} FD: {1:.5f}".format(dbb_dp, fd_grad[i]['dbb_dp'], i)
        # print "d[gamma]/dp{2} analytical: {0:.5f} FD: {1:.5f}".format(dcc_dp, fd_grad[i]['dcc_dp'], i)
        assert approx_equal(daa_dp, fd_grad[i]["daa_dp"])
        assert approx_equal(dbb_dp, fd_grad[i]["dbb_dp"])
        assert approx_equal(dcc_dp, fd_grad[i]["dcc_dp"])
예제 #5
def test():
    import random
    import textwrap

    from cctbx.uctbx import unit_cell
    from libtbx.test_utils import approx_equal

    def random_direction_close_to(vector):
        return vector.rotate_around_origin(
            matrix.col((random.random(), random.random(),
            random.gauss(0, 1.0),

    # make a random P1 crystal and parameterise it
    a = random.uniform(10, 50) * random_direction_close_to(
        matrix.col((1, 0, 0)))
    b = random.uniform(10, 50) * random_direction_close_to(
        matrix.col((0, 1, 0)))
    c = random.uniform(10, 50) * random_direction_close_to(
        matrix.col((0, 0, 1)))
    xl = Crystal(a, b, c, space_group_symbol="P 1")

    xl_op = CrystalOrientationParameterisation(xl)
    xl_ucp = CrystalUnitCellParameterisation(xl)

    null_mat = matrix.sqr((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))

    # compare analytical and finite difference derivatives
    an_ds_dp = xl_op.get_ds_dp()
    fd_ds_dp = get_fd_gradients(xl_op, [1.0e-6 * pi / 180] * 3)
    for e, f in zip(an_ds_dp, fd_ds_dp):
        assert approx_equal((e - f), null_mat, eps=1.0e-6)

    an_ds_dp = xl_ucp.get_ds_dp()
    fd_ds_dp = get_fd_gradients(xl_ucp, [1.0e-7] * xl_ucp.num_free())
    for e, f in zip(an_ds_dp, fd_ds_dp):
        assert approx_equal((e - f), null_mat, eps=1.0e-6)

    # random initial orientations with a random parameter shift at each
    attempts = 100
    for i in range(attempts):

        # make a random P1 crystal and parameterise it
        a = random.uniform(10, 50) * random_direction_close_to(
            matrix.col((1, 0, 0)))
        b = random.uniform(10, 50) * random_direction_close_to(
            matrix.col((0, 1, 0)))
        c = random.uniform(10, 50) * random_direction_close_to(
            matrix.col((0, 0, 1)))
        xl = Crystal(a, b, c, space_group_symbol="P 1")
        xl_op = CrystalOrientationParameterisation(xl)
        xl_uc = CrystalUnitCellParameterisation(xl)

        # apply a random parameter shift to the orientation
        p_vals = xl_op.get_param_vals()
        p_vals = random_param_shift(
            p_vals, [1000 * pi / 9, 1000 * pi / 9, 1000 * pi / 9])

        # compare analytical and finite difference derivatives
        xl_op_an_ds_dp = xl_op.get_ds_dp()
        xl_op_fd_ds_dp = get_fd_gradients(xl_op, [1.0e-5 * pi / 180] * 3)

        # apply a random parameter shift to the unit cell. We have to
        # do this in a way that is respectful to metrical constraints,
        # so don't modify the parameters directly; modify the cell
        # constants and extract the new parameters
        cell_params = xl.get_unit_cell().parameters()
        cell_params = random_param_shift(cell_params, [1.0] * 6)
        new_uc = unit_cell(cell_params)
        newB = matrix.sqr(new_uc.fractionalization_matrix()).transpose()
        S = symmetrize_reduce_enlarge(xl.get_space_group())
        X = S.forward_independent_parameters()

        xl_uc_an_ds_dp = xl_ucp.get_ds_dp()

        # now doing finite differences about each parameter in turn
        xl_uc_fd_ds_dp = get_fd_gradients(xl_ucp, [1.0e-7] * xl_ucp.num_free())

        for j in range(3):
            assert approx_equal((xl_op_fd_ds_dp[j] - xl_op_an_ds_dp[j]),
                                eps=1.0e-6), textwrap.dedent("""\
        Failure in try {i}
        failure for parameter number {j}
        of the orientation parameterisation
        with fd_ds_dp =
        and an_ds_dp =
        so that difference fd_ds_dp - an_ds_dp =
                                    diff=xl_op_fd_ds_dp[j] - xl_op_an_ds_dp[j],

        for j in range(xl_ucp.num_free()):
            assert approx_equal((xl_uc_fd_ds_dp[j] - xl_uc_an_ds_dp[j]),
                                eps=1.0e-6), textwrap.dedent("""\
        Failure in try {i}
        failure for parameter number {j}
        of the unit cell parameterisation
        with fd_ds_dp =
        and an_ds_dp =
        so that difference fd_ds_dp - an_ds_dp =
                                    diff=xl_uc_fd_ds_dp[j] - xl_uc_an_ds_dp[j],
예제 #6
파일: dx.py 프로젝트: dials/dials_scratch
def tst_use_in_stills_parameterisation_for_crystal(crystal_param=0):

    # test use of analytical expression in stills prediction parameterisation

    from scitbx import matrix
    from math import pi, sqrt, atan2
    import random

    print "Test use of analytical expressions in stills prediction " + "parameterisation for crystal parameters"

    # crystal model
    from dxtbx.model.crystal import crystal_model
    from dials.algorithms.refinement.parameterisation.crystal_parameters import (

    crystal = crystal_model((20, 0, 0), (0, 30, 0), (0, 0, 40), space_group_symbol="P 1")
    # random reorientation
    e = matrix.col((random.random(), random.random(), random.random())).normalize()
    angle = random.random() * 180
    crystal.rotate_around_origin(e, angle)

    wl = 1.1
    s0 = matrix.col((0, 0, 1 / wl))
    s0u = s0.normalize()

    # these are stills, but need a rotation axis for the Reeke algorithm
    axis = matrix.col((1, 0, 0))

    # crystal parameterisations
    xlop = CrystalOrientationParameterisation(crystal)
    xlucp = CrystalUnitCellParameterisation(crystal)

    # Find some reflections close to the Ewald sphere
    from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction.reeke import reeke_model

    U = crystal.get_U()
    B = crystal.get_B()
    UB = U * B
    dmin = 4
    hkl = reeke_model(UB, UB, axis, s0, dmin, margin=1).generate_indices()

    # choose first reflection for now, calc quantities relating to q
    h = matrix.col(hkl[0])
    q = UB * h
    q0 = q.normalize()
    q_scalar = q.length()
    qq = q_scalar * q_scalar

    # calculate the axis of closest rotation
    e1 = q0.cross(s0u).normalize()

    # calculate c0, a vector orthogonal to s0u and e1
    c0 = s0u.cross(e1).normalize()

    # calculate q1
    q1 = q0.cross(e1).normalize()

    # calculate DeltaPsi
    a = 0.5 * qq * wl
    b = sqrt(qq - a * a)
    r = -1.0 * a * s0u + b * c0
    DeltaPsi = -1.0 * atan2(r.dot(q1), r.dot(q0))

    # Checks on the reflection prediction
    from libtbx.test_utils import approx_equal

    # 1. check r is on the Ewald sphere
    s1 = s0 + r
    assert approx_equal(s1.length(), s0.length())
    # 2. check DeltaPsi is correct
    tst = q.rotate_around_origin(e1, DeltaPsi)
    assert approx_equal(tst, r)

    # choose the derivative with respect to a particular parameter.
    if crystal_param < 3:
        dU_dp = xlop.get_ds_dp()[crystal_param]
        dq = dU_dp * B * h
        dB_dp = xlucp.get_ds_dp()[crystal_param - 3]
        dq = U * dB_dp * h

    # NKS method of calculating d[q0]/dp
    q_dot_dq = q.dot(dq)
    dqq = 2.0 * q_dot_dq
    dq_scalar = dqq / q_scalar
    dq0_dp = (q_scalar * dq - (q_dot_dq * q0)) / qq
    # orthogonal to q0, as expected.
    print "NKS [q0].(d[q0]/dp) = {0} (should be 0.0)".format(q0.dot(dq0_dp))

    # intuitive method of calculating d[q0]/dp, based on the fact that
    # it must be orthogonal to q0, i.e. in the plane containing q1 and e1
    scaled = dq / q.length()
    dq0_dp = scaled.dot(q1) * q1 + scaled.dot(e1) * e1
    # orthogonal to q0, as expected.
    print "DGW [q0].(d[q0]/dp) = {0} (should be 0.0)".format(q0.dot(dq0_dp))

    # So it doesn't matter which method I use to calculate d[q0]/dp, as
    # both methods give the same results

    # use the fact that -e1 == q0.cross(q1) to redefine the derivative d[e1]/dp
    # from Sauter et al. (2014) (A.22)
    de1_dp = -1.0 * dq0_dp.cross(q1)

    # this *is* orthogonal to e1, as expected.
    print "[e1].(d[e1]/dp) = {0} (should be 0.0)".format(e1.dot(de1_dp))

    # calculate (d[r]/d[e1])(d[e1]/dp) analytically
    from scitbx.array_family import flex
    from dials_refinement_helpers_ext import dRq_de

    dr_de1 = matrix.sqr(dRq_de(flex.double([DeltaPsi]), flex.vec3_double([e1]), flex.vec3_double([q]))[0])
    print "Analytical calculation for (d[r]/d[e1])(d[e1]/dp):"
    print dr_de1 * de1_dp

    # now calculate using finite differences.
    dp = 1.0e-8
    del_e1 = de1_dp * dp
    e1f = e1 + del_e1 * 0.5
    rfwd = q.rotate_around_origin(e1f, DeltaPsi)
    e1r = e1 - del_e1 * 0.5
    rrev = q.rotate_around_origin(e1r, DeltaPsi)

    print "Finite difference estimate for (d[r]/d[e1])(d[e1]/dp):"
    print (rfwd - rrev) * (1 / dp)

    print "These are essentially the same :-)"
예제 #7
class ModelState(object):
    A class to keep track of the model state

    def __init__(
        Initialise the model state


        # Save the crystal model
        self.experiment = experiment
        self.crystal = experiment.crystal

        # The U and P parameterisation
        self.U_parameterisation = CrystalOrientationParameterisation(
        self.B_parameterisation = CrystalUnitCellParameterisation(self.crystal)

        # The M, L and W parameterisations
        self.M_parameterisation = mosaicity_parameterisation

        # Set the flags to fix parameters
        self._is_mosaic_spread_fixed = fix_mosaic_spread
        self._is_wavelength_spread_fixed = fix_wavelength_spread
        self._is_unit_cell_fixed = fix_unit_cell
        self._is_orientation_fixed = fix_orientation

    def is_orientation_fixed(self):
        Return whether the orientation is fixed

        return self._is_orientation_fixed

    def is_unit_cell_fixed(self):
        Return whether the unit cell is fixed

        return self._is_unit_cell_fixed

    def is_mosaic_spread_fixed(self):
        Return whether the mosaic spread is fixed

        return self._is_mosaic_spread_fixed

    def is_mosaic_spread_angular(self):
        Return whether the mosaic spread is angular

        return self.M_parameterisation.is_angular()

    def is_wavelength_spread_fixed(self):
        Return whether the wavelength spread is fixed

        return self._is_wavelength_spread_fixed

    def get_unit_cell(self):
        Get the crystal unit cell

        return self.crystal.get_unit_cell()

    def get_U(self):
        Get the crystal U matrix

        return matrix.sqr(self.crystal.get_U())

    def get_B(self):
        Get the crystal B matrix

        return matrix.sqr(self.crystal.get_B())

    def get_A(self):
        Get the crystal A matrix

        return matrix.sqr(self.crystal.get_A())

    def get_M(self):
        Get the Sigma M matrix

        return self.M_parameterisation.sigma()

    def get_U_params(self):
        Get the U parameters

        return flex.double(self.U_parameterisation.get_param_vals())

    def get_B_params(self):
        Get the B parameters

        return flex.double(self.B_parameterisation.get_param_vals())

    def get_M_params(self):
        Get the M parameters

        return self.M_parameterisation.parameters()

    def set_U_params(self, params):
        Set the U parameters

        return self.U_parameterisation.set_param_vals(params)

    def set_B_params(self, params):
        Set the B parameters

        return self.B_parameterisation.set_param_vals(params)

    def set_M_params(self, params):
        Set the M parameters

        return self.M_parameterisation.set_parameters(params)

    def num_U_params(self):
        Get the number of U parameters

        return len(self.get_U_params())

    def num_B_params(self):
        Get the number of B parameters

        return len(self.get_B_params())

    def num_M_params(self):
        Get the number of M parameters

        return len(self.get_M_params())

    def get_dU_dp(self):
        Get the first derivatives of U w.r.t its parameters

        return flex.mat3_double(self.U_parameterisation.get_ds_dp())

    def get_dB_dp(self):
        Get the first derivatives of B w.r.t its parameters

        return flex.mat3_double(self.B_parameterisation.get_ds_dp())

    def get_dM_dp(self):
        Get the first derivatives of M w.r.t its parameters

        return self.M_parameterisation.first_derivatives()

    def get_active_parameters(self):
        Get the active parameters in order: U, B, M, L, W

        active_params = flex.double()
        if not self._is_orientation_fixed:
        if not self._is_unit_cell_fixed:
        if not self._is_mosaic_spread_fixed:
        if not self._is_wavelength_spread_fixed:
        assert len(active_params) > 0
        return active_params

    def set_active_parameters(self, params):
        Set the active parameters in order: U, B, M, L, W

        if not self._is_orientation_fixed:
            temp = params[:self.num_U_params()]
            params = params[self.num_U_params():]
        if not self._is_unit_cell_fixed:
            temp = params[:self.num_B_params()]
            params = params[self.num_B_params():]
        if not self._is_mosaic_spread_fixed:
            temp = params[:self.num_M_params()]
            params = params[self.num_M_params():]
        if not self._is_wavelength_spread_fixed:
            temp = params[:self.num_L_params()]
            params = params[self.num_L_params():]

    def get_labels(self):
        Get the parameter labels

        labels = []
        if not self._is_orientation_fixed:
            for i in range(len(self.get_U_params())):
                labels.append("Crystal_U_%d" % i)
        if not self._is_unit_cell_fixed:
            for i in range(len(self.get_B_params())):
                labels.append("Crystal_B_%d" % i)
        if not self._is_mosaic_spread_fixed:
            for i in range(len(self.get_M_params())):
                labels.append("Mosaicity_%d" % i)
        if not self._is_wavelength_spread_fixed:
        assert len(labels) > 0
        return labels
예제 #8
uct = SingleUnitCellTie(xluc_param, [None]*6, [None]*6)

from dials.algorithms.refinement.refinement_helpers import \

B = crystal.get_B()
O = (B.transpose()).inverse()
a, b, c, aa, bb, cc = crystal.get_unit_cell().parameters()
aa *= DEG2RAD
bb *= DEG2RAD
cc *= DEG2RAD
Ut = crystal.get_U().transpose()
avec, bvec, cvec = [Ut * vec for vec in crystal.get_real_space_vectors()]

# calculate d[B^T]/dp
dB_dp = xluc_param.get_ds_dp()
dBT_dp = [dB.transpose() for dB in dB_dp]

# calculate d[O]/dp
dO_dp = [-O * dBT * O for dBT in dBT_dp]

# objects to get derivative of angles wrt vectors
dalpha = AngleDerivativeWrtVectorElts(bvec, cvec)
dbeta = AngleDerivativeWrtVectorElts(avec, cvec)
dgamma = AngleDerivativeWrtVectorElts(avec, bvec)

# get all FD derivatives
fd_grad = check_fd_gradients(xluc_param)

# look at each parameter
for i, dO in enumerate(dO_dp):
예제 #9
def tst_use_in_stills_parameterisation_for_crystal(crystal_param=0):

    # test use of analytical expression in stills prediction parameterisation

    from scitbx import matrix
    from math import pi, sqrt, atan2
    import random

    print("Test use of analytical expressions in stills prediction " +
          "parameterisation for crystal parameters")

    # crystal model
    from dxtbx.model.crystal import crystal_model
    from dials.algorithms.refinement.parameterisation.crystal_parameters import (

    crystal = crystal_model((20, 0, 0), (0, 30, 0), (0, 0, 40),
                            space_group_symbol="P 1")
    # random reorientation
    e = matrix.col(
        (random.random(), random.random(), random.random())).normalize()
    angle = random.random() * 180
    crystal.rotate_around_origin(e, angle)

    wl = 1.1
    s0 = matrix.col((0, 0, 1 / wl))
    s0u = s0.normalize()

    # these are stills, but need a rotation axis for the Reeke algorithm
    axis = matrix.col((1, 0, 0))

    # crystal parameterisations
    xlop = CrystalOrientationParameterisation(crystal)
    xlucp = CrystalUnitCellParameterisation(crystal)

    # Find some reflections close to the Ewald sphere
    from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction.reeke import reeke_model

    U = crystal.get_U()
    B = crystal.get_B()
    UB = U * B
    dmin = 4
    hkl = reeke_model(UB, UB, axis, s0, dmin, margin=1).generate_indices()

    # choose first reflection for now, calc quantities relating to q
    h = matrix.col(hkl[0])
    q = UB * h
    q0 = q.normalize()
    q_scalar = q.length()
    qq = q_scalar * q_scalar

    # calculate the axis of closest rotation
    e1 = q0.cross(s0u).normalize()

    # calculate c0, a vector orthogonal to s0u and e1
    c0 = s0u.cross(e1).normalize()

    # calculate q1
    q1 = q0.cross(e1).normalize()

    # calculate DeltaPsi
    a = 0.5 * qq * wl
    b = sqrt(qq - a * a)
    r = -1.0 * a * s0u + b * c0
    DeltaPsi = -1.0 * atan2(r.dot(q1), r.dot(q0))

    # Checks on the reflection prediction
    from libtbx.test_utils import approx_equal

    # 1. check r is on the Ewald sphere
    s1 = s0 + r
    assert approx_equal(s1.length(), s0.length())
    # 2. check DeltaPsi is correct
    tst = q.rotate_around_origin(e1, DeltaPsi)
    assert approx_equal(tst, r)

    # choose the derivative with respect to a particular parameter.
    if crystal_param < 3:
        dU_dp = xlop.get_ds_dp()[crystal_param]
        dq = dU_dp * B * h
        dB_dp = xlucp.get_ds_dp()[crystal_param - 3]
        dq = U * dB_dp * h

    # NKS method of calculating d[q0]/dp
    q_dot_dq = q.dot(dq)
    dqq = 2.0 * q_dot_dq
    dq_scalar = dqq / q_scalar
    dq0_dp = (q_scalar * dq - (q_dot_dq * q0)) / qq
    # orthogonal to q0, as expected.
    print("NKS [q0].(d[q0]/dp) = {0} (should be 0.0)".format(q0.dot(dq0_dp)))

    # intuitive method of calculating d[q0]/dp, based on the fact that
    # it must be orthogonal to q0, i.e. in the plane containing q1 and e1
    scaled = dq / q.length()
    dq0_dp = scaled.dot(q1) * q1 + scaled.dot(e1) * e1
    # orthogonal to q0, as expected.
    print("DGW [q0].(d[q0]/dp) = {0} (should be 0.0)".format(q0.dot(dq0_dp)))

    # So it doesn't matter which method I use to calculate d[q0]/dp, as
    # both methods give the same results

    # use the fact that -e1 == q0.cross(q1) to redefine the derivative d[e1]/dp
    # from Sauter et al. (2014) (A.22)
    de1_dp = -1.0 * dq0_dp.cross(q1)

    # this *is* orthogonal to e1, as expected.
    print("[e1].(d[e1]/dp) = {0} (should be 0.0)".format(e1.dot(de1_dp)))

    # calculate (d[r]/d[e1])(d[e1]/dp) analytically
    from scitbx.array_family import flex
    from dials_refinement_helpers_ext import dRq_de

    dr_de1 = matrix.sqr(
        dRq_de(flex.double([DeltaPsi]), flex.vec3_double([e1]),
    print("Analytical calculation for (d[r]/d[e1])(d[e1]/dp):")
    print(dr_de1 * de1_dp)

    # now calculate using finite differences.
    dp = 1.0e-8
    del_e1 = de1_dp * dp
    e1f = e1 + del_e1 * 0.5
    rfwd = q.rotate_around_origin(e1f, DeltaPsi)
    e1r = e1 - del_e1 * 0.5
    rrev = q.rotate_around_origin(e1r, DeltaPsi)

    print("Finite difference estimate for (d[r]/d[e1])(d[e1]/dp):")
    print((rfwd - rrev) * (1 / dp))

    print("These are essentially the same :-)")