예제 #1
 def on_launch(self, request: LaunchRequest, session: Session) -> Response:
     word, definition = get_random_word()
     return Response(
         Body(speech=Speech('Definition for word: {} is: {}'.format(
             word, definition)),
예제 #2
def give_me_a_word(request: IntentRequest, session: Session) -> Response:
    word, definition = get_random_word()
    return Response(
        Body(speech=Speech('Definition for word: {} is: {}'.format(
            word, definition)),
예제 #3
def get_phrase(level):
    """Returns a phrase to type based on the level."""
    # Get the number of words that are supposed to be in
    # the phrase to type, according to the level.
    num_words_in_phrase = get_num_words_by_level(level)
    phrase = ''
    while num_words_in_phrase > 0:
        # Continue adding words to the phrase until it has
        # the appropriate number of words.
        word = dictionary.get_random_word(1)
        phrase = phrase + ' ' + word
        num_words_in_phrase = num_words_in_phrase - 1
    return phrase.strip()
예제 #4
파일: api.py 프로젝트: AlecTietjens/Hangman
 def new_game(self, request):
     """Creates new game"""
     user = User.query(User.name == request.user_name).get()
     if not user:
         raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                 'A User with that name does not exist!')
     """Only start a game if none exist or if all have been finished"""
     games = Game.query(ancestor=user.key)
     if games is not None:
         for game in games.iter():
             if game.game_status == 'Playing':
                 raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
                         'A game is already going for the user!')
     game = Game.new_game(user.key, dictionary.get_random_word())
     # Use a task queue to update the average attempts remaining.
     # This operation is not needed to complete the creation of a new game
     # so it is performed out of sequence.
     # taskqueue.add(url='/tasks/cache_average_attempts')
     return game.to_form('Good luck playing Hangman!')
예제 #5
 def __init__(self):
     self.secret = get_random_word()
     self.guesses = ''
     self.max_turns = 15
     self.turns_played = 0
     self.won = False
예제 #6
import time
from dictionary import get_random_word

secret = get_random_word()
guesses = ''
max_turns = 10
turns_played = 0
won = False

while max_turns > turns_played and not won:
    missing = 0
    for letter in secret:
        if letter in guesses:
            print(letter, end="")
            print("_", end="")
            missing +=1
    if not missing:
        print("Blip Blop ! You may have won the battle, but not the war!")
        won = True

    guess = input("Guess a character: ")

    guesses += guess
    if guess not in secret:
        turns_played +=1