예제 #1
from dijkstra import pathFinder

pathFinder = pathFinder()
pathFinder.setMap(1, 2)
print pathFinder.getPath(0, 14)

pathFinder.setMap(2, 3)
print pathFinder.getPath(0, 9)
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, voiceQueue, voiceSema) :
        self.prev_message_time_turn = 0
        self.prev_message_time_str = 0
        self.message_delay = 0
        self.voiceQueue = voiceQueue
        self.voiceSema = voiceSema
        self.ANGLE_TOLERANCE = 0
        self.pathFind = pathFinder()
        self.hasAnotherPath = False
        self.hasTwoPaths = False
        self.hasThreePaths = False
        self.startBuilding = None
        self.endBuilding = None
        self.startLevel = 0
        self.endLevel = 0
        self.midBuilding = None
        self.midLevel = None
        self.mapNumber = 0          # index of map in comMap list
        self.startLocation = 0
        self.endLocation = 0
        self.curX = 0               # cm
        self.curY = 0               # cm
        self.heading = 0            # -180 to 180 degrees

        # used to feedback steps to user
        self.walkingCount = 0

        # tolerance
        self.maxTolerance = 200

        # list of json parsing maps
        self.comMap = []
        # path lists
        self.pathList = []
        self.pathList2 = []
        self.pathList3 = []
        # north of cuurent map
        self.curMapNorth = 0

        # if connection between the building has stairs
        self.hasStairs1 = 0
        self.hasStairs2 = 0
        # parameters to set when switching to new map
        self.hasStairs = 0
        self.northDifference = 0
        self.xFirst = None
        self.yFirst = None

        self.pathListIndex = 0
        self.northAt = 0            # 0 to 360 degrees
        self.prevX = 0              # cm
        self.prevY = 0              # cm
        self.nexX = 0               # cm
        self.nexY = 0               # cm
        self.nodeNavi = navigation(self.voiceQueue, self.voiceSema)

        self.leftPin = 9
        self.rightPin = 10
예제 #3
from dijkstra import pathFinder
__author__ = 'Pap'

myPF = pathFinder();

print myPF.getPath(0, 16)

print myPF.getPath(0,16)