예제 #1
def test_DMP_to_dict():
    f = DMP([[3], [], [2], [], [8]], ZZ)

    assert f.to_dict() == \
        {(4, 0): 3, (2, 0): 2, (0, 0): 8}
    assert f.to_diofant_dict() == \
        {(4, 0): ZZ.to_expr(3), (2, 0): ZZ.to_expr(2), (0, 0):
예제 #2
def test___eq__():
    assert not QQ.poly_ring(x) == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert not QQ.frac_field(x) == ZZ.frac_field(x)

    assert EX(1) != EX(2)

    F11 = FF(11)
    assert F11(2) != F11(3)
    assert F11(2) != object()
예제 #3
def test_FractionField():
    sT(ZZ.frac_field("x"), "FractionField(%s, (Symbol('x'),), "
                           "LexOrder())" % repr(ZZ))
    sT(QQ.frac_field("x", "y", order=grlex),
       "FractionField(%s, (Symbol('x'), Symbol('y')), "
       "GradedLexOrder())" % repr(QQ))
    sT(ZZ.poly_ring("t").frac_field("x", "y", "z"),
       "FractionField(PolynomialRing(%s, (Symbol('t'),), LexOrder()), "
       "(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'), Symbol('z')), LexOrder())" % repr(ZZ))
예제 #4
def test_PolynomialRing():
    sT(ZZ.poly_ring("x"), "PolynomialRing(%s, (Symbol('x'),), "
                          "LexOrder())" % repr(ZZ))
    sT(QQ.poly_ring("x", "y", order=grlex),
       "PolynomialRing(%s, (Symbol('x'), Symbol('y')), "
       "GradedLexOrder())" % repr(QQ))
    sT(ZZ.poly_ring("t").poly_ring("x", "y", "z"),
       "PolynomialRing(PolynomialRing(%s, (Symbol('t'),), "
       "LexOrder()), (Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'), Symbol('z')), "
       "LexOrder())" % repr(ZZ))
예제 #5
def test_FractionField___init__():
    F1 = ZZ.frac_field("x", "y")
    F2 = ZZ.frac_field("x", "y")
    F3 = ZZ.frac_field("x", "y", "z")

    assert F1.x == F1.gens[0]
    assert F1.y == F1.gens[1]
    assert F1.x == F2.x
    assert F1.y == F2.y
    assert F1.x != F3.x
    assert F1.y != F3.y

    F4 = ZZ.frac_field("gens")
    assert type(F4.gens) is tuple
예제 #6
def test_Domain_postprocess():
    pytest.raises(GeneratorsError, lambda: Domain.postprocess({'gens': (x, y),
                                                               'domain': ZZ.poly_ring(y, z)}))

    pytest.raises(GeneratorsError, lambda: Domain.postprocess({'gens': (),
                                                               'domain': EX}))
    pytest.raises(GeneratorsError, lambda: Domain.postprocess({'domain': EX}))
예제 #7
def test_dup_cyclotomic_p():
    R, x = ring("x", ZZ)

    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(x - 1) is True
    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(x + 1) is True
    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(x**2 + x + 1) is True
    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(x**2 + 1) is True
    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(x**2 + 1, irreducible=True) is True
    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(x**4 + x**3 + x**2 + x + 1) is True
    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(x**2 - x + 1) is True
    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(x**6 + x**5 + x**4 + x**3 + x**2 + x + 1) is True
    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(x**4 + 1) is True
    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(x**6 + x**3 + 1) is True

    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(0) is False
    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(1) is False
    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(x) is False
    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(x + 2) is False
    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(3*x + 1) is False
    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(x**2 - 1) is False

    f = x**16 + x**14 - x**10 + x**8 - x**6 + x**2 + 1
    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(f) is False

    g = x**16 + x**14 - x**10 - x**8 - x**6 + x**2 + 1
    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(g) is True

    R, x = ring("x", QQ)
    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(x**2 + x + 1) is True
    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(x**2/2 + x + 1) is False

    R, x = ring("x", ZZ.poly_ring("y"))
    assert R.dup_cyclotomic_p(x**2 + x + 1) is False
예제 #8
def test_FractionField_methods():
    F = ZZ.frac_field("x")

    assert F.domain_new(2) == ZZ(2)

    x = symbols("x")
    assert F.field_new(x**2 + x) == F.x**2 + F.x
예제 #9
def test_PolynomialRing_to_ground():
    R, x = ring("x", ZZ)

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: R.to_ground())

    R2, x, y = ring("x,y", ZZ)
    assert R2.drop_to_ground(x) == ZZ.poly_ring("x").poly_ring("y")
    assert R2.drop_to_ground(x, y) == R2
예제 #10
def test_PolyElement_drop():
    R,  x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", ZZ)

    assert R(1).drop(0).ring == ZZ.poly_ring("y", "z")
    assert R(1).drop(0).drop(0).ring == ZZ.poly_ring("z")
    assert isinstance(R(1).drop(0).drop(0).drop(0), R.dtype) is False

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: z.drop(0).drop(0).drop(0))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: x.drop(0))

    f = z**2*x + 2*z*y + x*z + 1
    R2 = R.drop_to_ground(z)
    assert f.drop_to_ground(z) == z**2*R2.x + 2*z*R2.y + z*R2.x + 1

    R3 = R.drop(y, z)
    assert R3 == ZZ.poly_ring('x')
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: R3.x.drop_to_ground(R3.x))
예제 #11
def test_Domain_get_exact():
    assert EX.get_exact() == EX
    assert ZZ.get_exact() == ZZ
    assert QQ.get_exact() == QQ
    assert RR.get_exact() == QQ
    assert ALG.get_exact() == ALG
    assert ZZ.poly_ring(x).get_exact() == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert QQ.poly_ring(x).get_exact() == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert ZZ.poly_ring(x, y).get_exact() == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert QQ.poly_ring(x, y).get_exact() == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x).get_exact() == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert QQ.frac_field(x).get_exact() == QQ.frac_field(x)
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x, y).get_exact() == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert QQ.frac_field(x, y).get_exact() == QQ.frac_field(x, y)
예제 #12
def test_Domain_convert():
    assert QQ.convert(10e-52) == QQ(1684996666696915, 1684996666696914987166688442938726917102321526408785780068975640576)

    R, x = ring("x", ZZ)
    assert ZZ.convert(x - x) == 0
    assert ZZ.convert(x - x, R) == 0

    F3 = FF(3)
    assert F3.convert(Float(2.0)) == F3.dtype(2)
    assert F3.convert(PythonRational(2, 1)) == F3.dtype(2)
    pytest.raises(CoercionFailed, lambda: F3.convert(PythonRational(1, 2)))
    assert F3.convert(2.0) == F3.dtype(2)
    pytest.raises(CoercionFailed, lambda: F3.convert(2.1))

    assert RR.convert(CC(1)) == RR(1)
    pytest.raises(CoercionFailed, lambda: RR.convert(CC(1, 2)))

    assert QQ.convert(ALG.new(1), ALG) == QQ(1)
    pytest.raises(CoercionFailed, lambda: QQ.convert(ALG.new([1, 1]), ALG))

    assert ZZ.convert(ALG.new(1), ALG) == ZZ(1)
    pytest.raises(CoercionFailed, lambda: ZZ.convert(ALG.new([1, 1]), ALG))

    assert EX.convert(ALG.new([1, 1]), ALG) == sqrt(2) + sqrt(3) + 1

    ALG2 = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2))
    a2 = ALG2.convert(sqrt(2))
    a = ALG.convert(a2, ALG2)
    assert a.rep.to_dense() == [QQ(1, 2), 0, -QQ(9, 2), 0]

    assert ZZ_python.convert(3.0) == ZZ_python.dtype(3)
    pytest.raises(CoercionFailed, lambda: ZZ_python.convert(3.2))

    assert CC.convert(QQ_python(1, 2)) == CC(0.5)
    CC01 = ComplexField(tol=0.1)
    assert CC.convert(CC01(0.3)) == CC(0.3)

    assert RR.convert(complex(2 + 0j)) == RR(2)
    pytest.raises(CoercionFailed, lambda: RR.convert(complex(2 + 3j)))

    assert ALG.convert(EX(sqrt(2)), EX) == ALG.from_expr(sqrt(2))
    pytest.raises(CoercionFailed, lambda: ALG.convert(EX(sqrt(5)), EX))

    pytest.raises(CoercionFailed, lambda: ALG2.convert(ALG.unit))
예제 #13
def test_arithmetics():
    assert ZZ.rem(ZZ(2), ZZ(3)) == 2
    assert ZZ.div(ZZ(2), ZZ(3)) == (0, 2)
    assert QQ.rem(QQ(2, 3), QQ(4, 7)) == 0
    assert QQ.div(QQ(2, 3), QQ(4, 7)) == (QQ(7, 6), 0)

    assert QQ_python.factorial(QQ_python(7, 2)) == 6

    assert CC.gcd(CC(1), CC(2)) == 1
    assert CC.lcm(CC(1), CC(2)) == 2

    assert EX(Rational(2, 3)).numerator == 2
    assert EX(Rational(2, 3)).denominator == 3

    assert abs(EX(-2)) == 2

    assert -EX(2) == -2
    assert 2 + EX(3) == EX(3) + 2 == 5
    assert 2 - EX(3) == EX(2) - 3 == -1
    assert 2*EX(3) == EX(3)*2 == 6
    assert 2/EX(3) == EX(2)/3 == EX(Rational(2, 3))
    assert EX(2)**2 == 4

    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: EX(2) + object())
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: EX(2) - object())
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: EX(2)*object())
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: EX(2)**object())
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: EX(2)/object())

    F11 = FF(11)
    assert +F11(2) == F11(2)
    assert F11(5) + 7 == 7 + F11(5) == F11(1)
    assert F11(5) - 7 == 5 - F11(7) == F11(9)
    assert F11(5)*7 == 7*F11(5) == F11(2)
    assert F11(5)/9 == 5/F11(9) == F11(3)
    assert F11(4) % 9 == 4 % F11(9) == F11(4)

    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: F11(2) + object())
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: F11(2) - object())
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: F11(2)*object())
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: F11(2)**object())
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: F11(2)/object())
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: F11(2) % object())
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: object() % F11(2))
예제 #14
def test_Domain___eq__():
    assert (ZZ.poly_ring(x, y) == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (QQ.poly_ring(x, y) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (ZZ.poly_ring(x, y) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (QQ.poly_ring(x, y) == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False

    assert (ZZ.frac_field(x, y) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)) is True
    assert (QQ.frac_field(x, y) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)) is True

    assert (ZZ.frac_field(x, y) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)) is False
    assert (QQ.frac_field(x, y) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)) is False
예제 #15
def test_FracElement___call__():
    F,  x, y, z = field("x,y,z", ZZ)
    f = (x**2 + 3*y)/z

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: f(1, 1, 1, 1))

    r = f(1, 1, 1)
    assert r == 4 and not isinstance(r, FracElement)
    pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError, lambda: f(1, 1, 0))

    Fz = ZZ.frac_field("z")
    assert f(1, 1) == 4/Fz.z
예제 #16
def test_sring():
    x, y, z, t = symbols("x,y,z,t")

    R = ZZ.poly_ring("x", "y", "z")
    assert sring(x + 2*y + 3*z) == (R, R.x + 2*R.y + 3*R.z)

    R = QQ.poly_ring("x", "y", "z")
    assert sring(x + 2*y + z/3) == (R, R.x + 2*R.y + R.z/3)
    assert sring([x, 2*y, z/3]) == (R, [R.x, 2*R.y, R.z/3])

    Rt = ZZ.poly_ring("t")
    R = Rt.poly_ring("x", "y", "z")
    assert sring(x + 2*t*y + 3*t**2*z, x, y, z) == (R, R.x + 2*Rt.t*R.y + 3*Rt.t**2*R.z)

    Rt = QQ.poly_ring("t")
    R = Rt.poly_ring("x", "y", "z")
    assert sring(x + t*y/2 + t**2*z/3, x, y, z) == (R, R.x + Rt.t*R.y/2 + Rt.t**2*R.z/3)

    Rt = ZZ.frac_field("t")
    R = Rt.poly_ring("x", "y", "z")
    assert sring(x + 2*y/t + t**2*z/3, x, y, z) == (R, R.x + 2*R.y/Rt.t + Rt.t**2*R.z/3)

    R = QQ.poly_ring("x", "y")
    assert sring(x + y, domain=QQ) == (R, R.x + R.y)
예제 #17
def test__dict_from_expr_no_gens():
    pytest.raises(GeneratorsNeeded, lambda: dict_from_expr(Integer(17)))

    assert dict_from_expr(x) == ({(1,): 1}, (x,))
    assert dict_from_expr(y) == ({(1,): 1}, (y,))

    assert dict_from_expr(x*y) == ({(1, 1): 1}, (x, y))
    assert dict_from_expr(x + y) == ({(1, 0): 1, (0, 1): 1}, (x, y))

    assert dict_from_expr(sqrt(2)) == ({(1,): 1}, (sqrt(2),))
    pytest.raises(GeneratorsNeeded, lambda: dict_from_expr(sqrt(2), greedy=False))

    assert dict_from_expr(x*y, domain=ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ({(1,): x}, (y,))
    assert dict_from_expr(x*y, domain=ZZ.poly_ring(y)) == ({(1,): y}, (x,))

    assert dict_from_expr(3*sqrt(
        2)*pi*x*y, extension=None) == ({(1, 1, 1, 1): 3}, (x, y, pi, sqrt(2)))
    assert dict_from_expr(3*sqrt(
        2)*pi*x*y, extension=True) == ({(1, 1, 1): 3*sqrt(2)}, (x, y, pi))

    f = cos(x)*sin(x) + cos(x)*sin(y) + cos(y)*sin(x) + cos(y)*sin(y)

    assert dict_from_expr(f) == ({(0, 1, 0, 1): 1, (0, 1, 1, 0): 1,
                                  (1, 0, 0, 1): 1, (1, 0, 1, 0): 1}, (cos(x), cos(y), sin(x), sin(y)))
예제 #18
def test_PolynomialRing_drop():
    R,  x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", ZZ)

    assert R.drop(x) == ZZ.poly_ring("y", "z")
    assert R.drop(y) == ZZ.poly_ring("x", "z")
    assert R.drop(z) == ZZ.poly_ring("x", "y")

    assert R.drop(0) == ZZ.poly_ring("y", "z")
    assert R.drop(0).drop(0) == ZZ.poly_ring("z")
    assert R.drop(0).drop(0).drop(0) == ZZ

    assert R.drop(1) == ZZ.poly_ring("x", "z")

    assert R.drop(2) == ZZ.poly_ring("x", "y")
    assert R.drop(2).drop(1) == ZZ.poly_ring("x")
    assert R.drop(2).drop(1).drop(0) == ZZ

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: R.drop(3))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: R.drop(x).drop(y))
예제 #19
def test_dup_isolate_all_roots():
    R, x = ring("x", ZZ)
    f = 4*x**4 - x**3 + 2*x**2 + 5*x

    assert R.dup_isolate_all_roots(f) == \
        ([((-1, 0), 1), ((0, 0), 1)],
         [(((0, -QQ(5, 2)), (QQ(5, 2), 0)), 1),
          (((0, 0), (QQ(5, 2), QQ(5, 2))), 1)])

    assert R.dup_isolate_all_roots(f, eps=QQ(1, 10)) == \
        ([((QQ(-7, 8), QQ(-6, 7)), 1), ((0, 0), 1)],
         [(((QQ(35, 64), -QQ(35, 32)), (QQ(5, 8), -QQ(65, 64))), 1),
          (((QQ(35, 64), QQ(65, 64)), (QQ(5, 8), QQ(35, 32))), 1)])

    f = x**5 + x**4 - 2*x**3 - 2*x**2 + x + 1
    pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: R.dup_isolate_all_roots(f))

    D = ZZ.poly_ring("y")
    R, x = ring("x", D)
    y, = D.gens
    f = x**2 + y*x - 1
    pytest.raises(DomainError, lambda: R.dup_isolate_all_roots(f))
예제 #20
def test_Domain_field():
    assert EX.has_assoc_Field is True
    assert ZZ.has_assoc_Field is True
    assert QQ.has_assoc_Field is True
    assert RR.has_assoc_Field is True
    assert ALG.has_assoc_Field is True
    assert ZZ.poly_ring(x).has_assoc_Field is True
    assert QQ.poly_ring(x).has_assoc_Field is True
    assert ZZ.poly_ring(x, y).has_assoc_Field is True
    assert QQ.poly_ring(x, y).has_assoc_Field is True

    assert EX.field == EX
    assert ZZ.field == QQ
    assert QQ.field == QQ
    assert RR.field == RR
    assert ALG.field == ALG
    assert ZZ.poly_ring(x).field == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert QQ.poly_ring(x).field == QQ.frac_field(x)
    assert ZZ.poly_ring(x, y).field == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert QQ.poly_ring(x, y).field == QQ.frac_field(x, y)
예제 #21
def test_FractionField__init():
    pytest.raises(GeneratorsNeeded, lambda: ZZ.frac_field())
예제 #22
def test_construct_domain():
    assert construct_domain([1, 2, 3]) == (ZZ, [ZZ(1), ZZ(2), ZZ(3)])
    assert construct_domain([1, 2, 3], field=True) == (QQ, [QQ(1), QQ(2), QQ(3)])

    assert construct_domain([Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3)]) == (ZZ, [ZZ(1), ZZ(2), ZZ(3)])
    assert construct_domain([Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3)], field=True) == (QQ, [QQ(1), QQ(2), QQ(3)])

    assert construct_domain([Rational(1, 2), Integer(2)]) == (QQ, [QQ(1, 2), QQ(2)])
    assert construct_domain([3.14, 1, Rational(1, 2)]) == (RR, [RR(3.14), RR(1.0), RR(0.5)])

    assert construct_domain([3.14, sqrt(2)], extension=False) == (EX, [EX(3.14), EX(sqrt(2))])
    assert construct_domain([3.14, sqrt(2)]) == (EX, [EX(3.14), EX(sqrt(2))])
    assert construct_domain([sqrt(2), 3.14]) == (EX, [EX(sqrt(2)), EX(3.14)])

    assert construct_domain([1, sqrt(2)], extension=False) == (EX, [EX(1), EX(sqrt(2))])

    assert construct_domain([x, sqrt(x)]) == (EX, [EX(x), EX(sqrt(x))])
    assert construct_domain([x, sqrt(x), sqrt(y)]) == (EX, [EX(x), EX(sqrt(x)), EX(sqrt(y))])

    alg = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2))

    assert (construct_domain([7, Rational(1, 2), sqrt(2)]) ==
            (alg, [alg([7]), alg([Rational(1, 2)]), alg([1, 0])]))

    alg = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2) + sqrt(3))

    assert (construct_domain([7, sqrt(2), sqrt(3)]) ==
            (alg, [alg([7]), alg.from_expr(sqrt(2)), alg.from_expr(sqrt(3))]))

    dom = ZZ.poly_ring(x)

    assert construct_domain([2*x, 3]) == (dom, [dom(2*x), dom(3)])

    dom = ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)

    assert construct_domain([2*x, 3*y]) == (dom, [dom(2*x), dom(3*y)])

    dom = QQ.poly_ring(x)

    assert construct_domain([x/2, 3]) == (dom, [dom(x/2), dom(3)])

    dom = QQ.poly_ring(x, y)

    assert construct_domain([x/2, 3*y]) == (dom, [dom(x/2), dom(3*y)])

    dom = RR.poly_ring(x)

    assert construct_domain([x/2, 3.5]) == (dom, [dom(x/2), dom(3.5)])

    dom = RR.poly_ring(x, y)

    assert construct_domain([x/2, 3.5*y]) == (dom, [dom(x/2), dom(3.5*y)])

    dom = ZZ.frac_field(x)

    assert construct_domain([2/x, 3]) == (dom, [dom(2/x), dom(3)])

    dom = ZZ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert construct_domain([2/x, 3*y]) == (dom, [dom(2/x), dom(3*y)])

    dom = RR.frac_field(x)

    assert construct_domain([2/x, 3.5]) == (dom, [dom(2/x), dom(3.5)])

    dom = RR.frac_field(x, y)

    assert construct_domain([2/x, 3.5*y]) == (dom, [dom(2/x), dom(3.5*y)])

    assert construct_domain(2) == (ZZ, ZZ(2))
    assert construct_domain(Rational(2, 3)) == (QQ, QQ(2, 3))

    assert construct_domain({}) == (ZZ, {})
예제 #23
def test_AlgebraicElement():
    A = QQ.algebraic_field(I)

    rep = [QQ(1), QQ(1)]
    mod = [QQ(1), QQ(0), QQ(1)]

    f = A(rep)

    assert f.rep.to_dense() == rep
    assert f.mod.to_dense() == mod
    assert f.domain.domain == QQ

    f = A(1)

    assert f.rep.to_dense() == [QQ(1)]
    assert f.mod.to_dense() == mod
    assert f.domain.domain == QQ

    f = A([QQ(3, 2)])

    assert f.rep.to_dense() == [QQ(3, 2)]
    assert f.mod.to_dense() == mod
    assert f.domain.domain == QQ

    B = QQ.algebraic_field(I * sqrt(2))

    a = A([QQ(1), QQ(1)])
    b = B([QQ(1), QQ(1)])

    assert (a == a) is True
    assert (a != a) is False

    assert (a == b) is False
    assert (a != b) is True

    b = A([QQ(1), QQ(2)])

    assert (a == b) is False
    assert (a != b) is True

    assert A([1, 1]) == A([int(1), int(1)])
    assert hash(A([1, 1])) == hash(A([int(1), int(1)]))

    assert a.to_dict() == {(0, ): QQ(1), (1, ): QQ(1)}

    assert bool(A([])) is False
    assert bool(A([QQ(1)])) is True

    a = A([QQ(1), -QQ(1), QQ(2)])
    assert a.LC() == -1
    assert a.rep.to_dense() == [-1, 1]

    A = QQ.algebraic_field(root(2, 3))

    assert A.unit > 0
    assert A.unit >= 0
    assert (A.unit < 0) is False
    assert (A.unit <= 0) is False
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: A.unit > x)
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: QQ.algebraic_field(I).unit > 0)

    assert abs(+A.unit) == A.unit
    assert abs(-A.unit) == A.unit

    a = A([QQ(2), QQ(-1), QQ(1)])
    b = A([QQ(1), QQ(2)])

    c = A([QQ(-2), QQ(1), QQ(-1)])

    assert +a == a
    assert -a == c

    c = A([QQ(2), QQ(0), QQ(3)])

    assert a + b == c
    assert b + a == c

    assert c + 1 == A([QQ(2), QQ(0), QQ(4)])
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: c + "x")
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: "x" + c)

    c = A([QQ(2), QQ(-2), QQ(-1)])

    assert a - b == c

    c = A([QQ(-2), QQ(2), QQ(1)])

    assert b - a == c

    assert c - 1 == A([QQ(-2), QQ(2), QQ(0)])
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: c - "x")
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: "x" - c)

    c = A([QQ(3), QQ(-1), QQ(6)])

    assert a * b == c
    assert b * a == c

    assert c * 2 == A([QQ(6), QQ(-2), QQ(12)])
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: c * "x")
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: "x" * c)

    c = A([QQ(11, 10), -QQ(1, 5), -QQ(3, 5)])

    assert c / 2 == A([QQ(11, 20), -QQ(1, 10), -QQ(3, 10)])
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: c / "x")
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: "x" / c)

    c = A([QQ(-1, 43), QQ(9, 43), QQ(5, 43)])

    assert a**0 == A(1)
    assert a**1 == a
    assert a**-1 == c
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: a**QQ(1, 2))

    assert a * a**(-1) == A(1)
    assert 1 / a == a**(-1)

    A = QQ.algebraic_field(I)

    a = A([QQ(1, 2), QQ(1), QQ(2)])
    b = A([ZZ(1), ZZ(1), ZZ(2)])
    c = A([QQ(3, 2), QQ(2), QQ(4)])
    assert a + b == b + a == c
예제 #24
def test_inject():
    assert ZZ.inject(x, y, z) == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y, z)
    assert ZZ.poly_ring(x).inject(y, z) == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y, z)
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x).inject(y, z) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    pytest.raises(GeneratorsError, lambda: ZZ.poly_ring(x).inject(x))
예제 #25
def test_PolynomialRing__init():
    pytest.raises(GeneratorsNeeded, lambda: ZZ.poly_ring())
예제 #26
def test_Domain_unify():
    F3 = GF(3)

    assert unify(F3, F3) == F3
    assert unify(F3, ZZ) == F3
    assert unify(F3, QQ) == QQ
    assert unify(F3, ALG) == ALG
    assert unify(F3, RR) == RR
    assert unify(F3, CC) == CC
    assert unify(F3, ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == F3.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(F3, ZZ.frac_field(x)) == F3.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(F3, EX) == EX

    assert unify(ZZ, F3) == F3
    assert unify(ZZ, ZZ) == ZZ
    assert unify(ZZ, QQ) == QQ
    assert unify(ZZ, ALG) == ALG
    assert unify(ZZ, RR) == RR
    assert unify(ZZ, CC) == CC
    assert unify(ZZ, ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ, ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ, EX) == EX

    assert unify(QQ, F3) == QQ
    assert unify(QQ, ZZ) == QQ
    assert unify(QQ, QQ) == QQ
    assert unify(QQ, ALG) == ALG
    assert unify(QQ, RR) == RR
    assert unify(QQ, CC) == CC
    assert unify(QQ, ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(QQ, ZZ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ, EX) == EX

    assert unify(RR, F3) == RR
    assert unify(RR, ZZ) == RR
    assert unify(RR, QQ) == RR
    assert unify(RR, ALG) == RR
    assert unify(RR, RR) == RR
    assert unify(RR, CC) == CC
    assert unify(RR, ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == RR.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(RR, ZZ.frac_field(x)) == RR.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(RR, EX) == EX

    assert unify(CC, F3) == CC
    assert unify(CC, ZZ) == CC
    assert unify(CC, QQ) == CC
    assert unify(CC, ALG) == CC
    assert unify(CC, RR) == CC
    assert unify(CC, CC) == CC
    assert unify(CC, ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == CC.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(CC, ZZ.frac_field(x)) == CC.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(CC, EX) == EX

    CC2 = ComplexField(prec=20)
    assert unify(CC, CC2) == unify(CC2, CC) == ComplexField(prec=CC.precision,
    RR2 = RealField(prec=20)
    assert unify(RR, RR2) == unify(RR2, RR) == RealField(prec=RR.precision,

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), F3) == F3.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), ZZ) == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), QQ) == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), ALG) == ALG.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), RR) == RR.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), CC) == CC.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), EX) == EX

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), F3) == F3.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), ZZ) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), QQ) == QQ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), ALG) == ALG.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), RR) == RR.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), CC) == CC.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), EX) == EX

    assert unify(EX, F3) == EX
    assert unify(EX, ZZ) == EX
    assert unify(EX, QQ) == EX
    assert unify(EX, ALG) == EX
    assert unify(EX, RR) == EX
    assert unify(EX, CC) == EX
    assert unify(EX, ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == EX
    assert unify(EX, ZZ.frac_field(x)) == EX
    assert unify(EX, EX) == EX
예제 #27
def test_Domain_ring():
    assert ZZ.has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ.has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert ZZ.poly_ring(x).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ.poly_ring(x).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert ZZ.poly_ring(x, y).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ.poly_ring(x, y).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ.frac_field(x).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x, y).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ.frac_field(x, y).has_assoc_Ring is True

    assert EX.has_assoc_Ring is False
    assert RR.has_assoc_Ring is False
    assert ALG.has_assoc_Ring is False

    assert ZZ.ring == ZZ
    assert QQ.ring == ZZ
    assert ZZ.poly_ring(x).ring == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert QQ.poly_ring(x).ring == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert ZZ.poly_ring(x, y).ring == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert QQ.poly_ring(x, y).ring == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x).ring == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert QQ.frac_field(x).ring == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x, y).ring == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert QQ.frac_field(x, y).ring == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)

    assert EX.ring == EX

    pytest.raises(AttributeError, lambda: RR.ring)
    pytest.raises(AttributeError, lambda: ALG.ring)
예제 #28
def test_dmp_normal():
    assert dmp_normal([0, 1.5, 2, 3], 0, ZZ) == [ZZ(1), ZZ(2), ZZ(3)]

    assert (dmp_normal([0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 11, 0], 0,
                       ZZ) == [ZZ(2), ZZ(1),
                               ZZ(0), ZZ(11),

    assert (dmp_normal([[0], [], [0, 2, 1], [0], [11], []], 1,
                       ZZ) == [[ZZ(2), ZZ(1)], [], [ZZ(11)], []])

    F5 = FF(5)
    assert dmp_normal([5, 10, 21, -3], 0, F5) == [F5(1), F5(2)]
    F11 = FF(11)
    assert dmp_normal([11, 22, 17, 1, 0], 0, F11) == [F11(6), F11(1), F11(0)]
예제 #29
def test_gf_factor():
    assert gf_factor([], 11, ZZ) == (0, [])
    assert gf_factor([1], 11, ZZ) == (1, [])
    assert gf_factor([1, 1], 11, ZZ) == (1, [([1, 1], 1)])

    assert gf_factor_sqf([], 11, ZZ) == (0, [])
    assert gf_factor_sqf([1], 11, ZZ) == (1, [])
    assert gf_factor_sqf([1, 1], 11, ZZ) == (1, [[1, 1]])

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'berlekamp')

    assert gf_factor_sqf([], 11, ZZ) == (0, [])
    assert gf_factor_sqf([1], 11, ZZ) == (1, [])
    assert gf_factor_sqf([1, 1], 11, ZZ) == (1, [[1, 1]])

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'zassenhaus')

    assert gf_factor_sqf([], 11, ZZ) == (0, [])
    assert gf_factor_sqf([1], 11, ZZ) == (1, [])
    assert gf_factor_sqf([1, 1], 11, ZZ) == (1, [[1, 1]])

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'shoup')

    assert gf_factor_sqf(ZZ.map([]), 11, ZZ) == (0, [])
    assert gf_factor_sqf(ZZ.map([1]), 11, ZZ) == (1, [])
    assert gf_factor_sqf(ZZ.map([1, 1]), 11, ZZ) == (1, [[1, 1]])

    f, p = ZZ.map([1, 0, 0, 1, 0]), 2

    g = (1, [([1, 0], 1), ([1, 1], 1), ([1, 1, 1], 1)])

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'berlekamp')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'zassenhaus')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'shoup')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    g = (1, [[1, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1, 1]])

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'berlekamp')
    assert gf_factor_sqf(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'zassenhaus')
    assert gf_factor_sqf(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'shoup')
    assert gf_factor_sqf(f, p, ZZ) == g

    f, p = gf_from_int_poly([1, -3, 1, -3, -1, -3, 1], 11), 11

    g = (1, [([1, 1], 1), ([1, 5, 3], 1), ([1, 2, 3, 4], 1)])

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'berlekamp')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'zassenhaus')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'shoup')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    f, p = [1, 5, 8, 4], 11

    g = (1, [([1, 1], 1), ([1, 2], 2)])

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'berlekamp')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'zassenhaus')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'shoup')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    f, p = [1, 1, 10, 1, 0, 10, 10, 10, 0, 0], 11

    g = (1, [([1, 0], 2), ([1, 9, 5], 1), ([1, 3, 0, 8, 5, 2], 1)])

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'berlekamp')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'zassenhaus')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'shoup')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    f, p = gf_from_dict({32: 1, 0: 1}, 11, ZZ), 11

    g = (1, [([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10], 1),
             ([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10], 1)])

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'berlekamp')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'zassenhaus')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'shoup')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    f, p = gf_from_dict({32: ZZ(8), 0: ZZ(5)}, 11, ZZ), 11

    g = (8, [([1, 3], 1), ([1, 8], 1), ([1, 0, 9], 1), ([1, 2, 2], 1),
             ([1, 9, 2], 1), ([1, 0, 5, 0, 7], 1), ([1, 0, 6, 0, 7], 1),
             ([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 6], 1), ([1, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0,
                                                 6], 1)])

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'berlekamp')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'zassenhaus')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'shoup')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    f, p = gf_from_dict({63: ZZ(8), 0: ZZ(5)}, 11, ZZ), 11

    g = (8, [([1, 7], 1), ([1, 4, 5], 1), ([1, 6, 8, 2], 1), ([1, 9, 9, 2], 1),
             ([1, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 4], 1), ([1, 2, 0, 8, 4, 6, 4], 1),
             ([1, 2, 3, 8, 0, 6, 4], 1), ([1, 2, 6, 0, 8, 4, 4], 1),
             ([1, 3, 3, 1, 6, 8, 4], 1), ([1, 5, 6, 0, 8, 6, 4], 1),
             ([1, 6, 2, 7, 9, 8, 4], 1), ([1, 10, 4, 7, 10, 7, 4], 1),
             ([1, 10, 10, 1, 4, 9, 4], 1)])

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'berlekamp')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'zassenhaus')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'shoup')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    # Gathen polynomials: x**n + x + 1 (mod p > 2**n * pi)

    p = ZZ(nextprime(int((2**15 * pi).evalf())))
    f = gf_from_dict({15: 1, 1: 1, 0: 1}, p, ZZ)

    assert gf_sqf_p(f, p, ZZ) is True

    g = (1, [([1, 22730, 68144], 1), ([1, 81553, 77449, 86810, 4724], 1),
             ([1, 86276, 56779, 14859, 31575], 1),
             ([1, 15347, 95022, 84569, 94508, 92335], 1)])

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'zassenhaus')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'shoup')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    g = (1, [[1, 22730, 68144], [1, 81553, 77449, 86810, 4724],
             [1, 86276, 56779, 14859, 31575],
             [1, 15347, 95022, 84569, 94508, 92335]])

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'zassenhaus')
    assert gf_factor_sqf(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'shoup')
    assert gf_factor_sqf(f, p, ZZ) == g

    # Shoup polynomials: f = a_0 x**n + a_1 x**(n-1) + ... + a_n
    # (mod p > 2**(n-2) * pi), where a_n = a_{n-1}**2 + 1, a_0 = 1

    p = ZZ(nextprime(int((2**4 * pi).evalf())))
    f = ZZ.map([1, 2, 5, 26, 41, 39, 38])

    assert gf_sqf_p(f, p, ZZ) is True

    g = (1, [([1, 44, 26], 1), ([1, 11, 25, 18, 30], 1)])

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'zassenhaus')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'shoup')
    assert gf_factor(f, p, ZZ) == g

    g = (1, [[1, 44, 26], [1, 11, 25, 18, 30]])

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'zassenhaus')
    assert gf_factor_sqf(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'shoup')
    assert gf_factor_sqf(f, p, ZZ) == g

    config.setup('GF_FACTOR_METHOD', 'other')
    pytest.raises(KeyError, lambda: gf_factor([1, 1], 11, ZZ))

    # IPoly interface:
    R, t = ring("t", FF(11))
    assert R.gf_factor_sqf(2 * t + 3) == (2, [t + 7])
예제 #30
def test_PolynomialRing__init():
    pytest.raises(GeneratorsNeeded, lambda: ZZ.poly_ring())
예제 #31
def test_dmp_factor_list():
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", ZZ)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(0) == (ZZ(0), [])
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(7) == (7, [])

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", QQ)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(0) == (QQ(0), [])
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(QQ(1, 7)) == (QQ(1, 7), [])

    Rt, t = ring("t", ZZ)
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", Rt)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(0) == (0, [])
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(7) == (ZZ(7), [])

    Rt, t = ring("t", QQ)
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", Rt)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(0) == (0, [])
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(QQ(1, 7)) == (QQ(1, 7), [])

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", ZZ)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list_include(0) == [(0, 1)]
    assert R.dmp_factor_list_include(7) == [(7, 1)]

    R, *X = ring("x:200", ZZ)

    f, g = X[0]**2 + 2 * X[0] + 1, X[0] + 1
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == (1, [(g, 2)])

    f, g = X[-1]**2 + 2 * X[-1] + 1, X[-1] + 1
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == (1, [(g, 2)])

    R, x = ring("x", ZZ)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(x**2 + 2 * x + 1) == (1, [(x + 1, 2)])
    R, x = ring("x", QQ)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(x**2 / 2 + x + QQ(1, 2)) == (QQ(1,
                                                             2), [(x + 1, 2)])

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", ZZ)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(x**2 + 2 * x + 1) == (1, [(x + 1, 2)])
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", QQ)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(x**2 / 2 + x + QQ(1, 2)) == (QQ(1,
                                                             2), [(x + 1, 2)])

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", ZZ)
    f = 4 * x**2 * y + 4 * x * y**2

    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == \
        (4, [(y, 1),
             (x, 1),
             (x + y, 1)])

    assert R.dmp_factor_list_include(f) == \
        [(4*y, 1),
         (x, 1),
         (x + y, 1)]

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", QQ)
    f = x**2 * y / 2 + x * y**2 / 2

    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == \
        (QQ(1, 2), [(y, 1),
                    (x, 1),
                    (x + y, 1)])

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", RR)
    f = 2.0 * x**2 - 8.0 * y**2

    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == \
        (RR(2.0), [(1.0*x - 2.0*y, 1),
                   (1.0*x + 2.0*y, 1)])

    f = 6.7225336055071 * x**2 * y**2 - 10.6463972754741 * x * y - 0.33469524022264
    coeff, factors = R.dmp_factor_list(f)
    assert coeff == RR(1.0) and len(factors) == 1 and factors[0][0].almosteq(
        f, 1e-10) and factors[0][1] == 1

    # issue diofant/diofant#238
    R, x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", RR)
    f = x * y + x * z + 0.1 * y + 0.1 * z
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == (10.0, [(0.1 * y + 0.1 * z, 1),
                                           (x + 0.1, 1)])
    f = 0.25 * x**2 + 1.0 * x * y * z + 1.0 * y**2 * z**2
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == (4.0, [(0.25 * x + 0.5 * y * z, 2)])

    Rt, t = ring("t", ZZ)
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", Rt)
    f = 4 * t * x**2 + 4 * t**2 * x

    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == \
        (4*t, [(x, 1),
               (x + t, 1)])

    Rt, t = ring("t", QQ)
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", Rt)
    f = t * x**2 / 2 + t**2 * x / 2

    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == (t / 2, [(x, 1), (x + t, 1)])

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", FF(2))
    pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: R.dmp_factor_list(x**2 + y**2))

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", EX)
    pytest.raises(DomainError, lambda: R.dmp_factor_list(EX(sin(1))))
예제 #32
def test_Domain_unify():
    F3 = GF(3)

    assert unify(F3, F3) == F3
    assert unify(F3, ZZ) == F3
    assert unify(F3, QQ) == QQ
    assert unify(F3, ALG) == ALG
    assert unify(F3, RR) == RR
    assert unify(F3, CC) == CC
    assert unify(F3, ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == F3.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(F3, ZZ.frac_field(x)) == F3.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(F3, EX) == EX

    assert unify(ZZ, F3) == F3
    assert unify(ZZ, ZZ) == ZZ
    assert unify(ZZ, QQ) == QQ
    assert unify(ZZ, ALG) == ALG
    assert unify(ZZ, RR) == RR
    assert unify(ZZ, CC) == CC
    assert unify(ZZ, ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ, ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ, EX) == EX

    assert unify(QQ, F3) == QQ
    assert unify(QQ, ZZ) == QQ
    assert unify(QQ, QQ) == QQ
    assert unify(QQ, ALG) == ALG
    assert unify(QQ, RR) == RR
    assert unify(QQ, CC) == CC
    assert unify(QQ, ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(QQ, ZZ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ, EX) == EX

    assert unify(RR, F3) == RR
    assert unify(RR, ZZ) == RR
    assert unify(RR, QQ) == RR
    assert unify(RR, ALG) == RR
    assert unify(RR, RR) == RR
    assert unify(RR, CC) == CC
    assert unify(RR, ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == RR.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(RR, ZZ.frac_field(x)) == RR.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(RR, EX) == EX

    assert unify(CC, F3) == CC
    assert unify(CC, ZZ) == CC
    assert unify(CC, QQ) == CC
    assert unify(CC, ALG) == CC
    assert unify(CC, RR) == CC
    assert unify(CC, CC) == CC
    assert unify(CC, ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == CC.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(CC, ZZ.frac_field(x)) == CC.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(CC, EX) == EX

    CC2 = ComplexField(prec=20)
    assert unify(CC, CC2) == unify(CC2, CC) == ComplexField(prec=CC.precision,
    RR2 = RealField(prec=20)
    assert unify(RR, RR2) == unify(RR2, RR) == RealField(prec=RR.precision,

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), F3) == F3.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), ZZ) == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), QQ) == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), ALG) == ALG.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), RR) == RR.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), CC) == CC.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), EX) == EX

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), F3) == F3.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), ZZ) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), QQ) == QQ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), ALG) == ALG.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), RR) == RR.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), CC) == CC.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), EX) == EX

    assert unify(EX, F3) == EX
    assert unify(EX, ZZ) == EX
    assert unify(EX, QQ) == EX
    assert unify(EX, ALG) == EX
    assert unify(EX, RR) == EX
    assert unify(EX, CC) == EX
    assert unify(EX, ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == EX
    assert unify(EX, ZZ.frac_field(x)) == EX
    assert unify(EX, EX) == EX
예제 #33
def test_Domain_unify_composite():
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), ZZ) == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), QQ) == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), ZZ) == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), QQ) == QQ.poly_ring(x)

    assert unify(ZZ, ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(QQ, ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ, QQ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(QQ, QQ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x)

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y), ZZ) == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y), QQ) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y), ZZ) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y), QQ) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ, ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ, ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ, QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ, QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), ZZ) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), QQ) == QQ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), ZZ) == QQ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), QQ) == QQ.frac_field(x)

    assert unify(ZZ, ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ, ZZ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ, QQ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ, QQ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y), ZZ) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y), QQ) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y), ZZ) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y), QQ) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ, ZZ.frac_field(x, y)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ, ZZ.frac_field(x, y)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ, QQ.frac_field(x, y)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ, QQ.frac_field(x, y)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), QQ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), QQ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x)

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y), QQ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y), QQ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y), ZZ.poly_ring(x, z)) == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y, z)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y), QQ.poly_ring(x, z)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y, z)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y), ZZ.poly_ring(x, z)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y, z)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y), QQ.poly_ring(x, z)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y, z)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), QQ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), QQ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y), QQ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y), QQ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), ZZ.frac_field(x, y)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), QQ.frac_field(x, y)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), ZZ.frac_field(x, y)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), QQ.frac_field(x, y)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y), ZZ.frac_field(x, z)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y), QQ.frac_field(x, z)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y), ZZ.frac_field(x, z)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y), QQ.frac_field(x, z)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y, z)

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), QQ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), QQ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x)

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y), QQ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y), QQ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.frac_field(x, y)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), QQ.frac_field(x, y)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.frac_field(x, y)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), QQ.frac_field(x, y)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y), ZZ.frac_field(x, z)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y), QQ.frac_field(x, z)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y), ZZ.frac_field(x, z)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y), QQ.frac_field(x, z)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y, z)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), QQ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), QQ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y), QQ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y), QQ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y), ZZ.poly_ring(x, z)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y), QQ.poly_ring(x, z)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y), ZZ.poly_ring(x, z)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y), QQ.poly_ring(x, z)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y, z)
예제 #34
def test_Domain_unify_with_symbols():
    pytest.raises(UnificationFailed, lambda: ZZ.poly_ring(x, y).unify(ZZ, (y, z)))
    pytest.raises(UnificationFailed, lambda: ZZ.unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y), (y, z)))
예제 #35
def test_FractionField():
    assert str(ZZ.frac_field("x")) == "ZZ(x)"
    assert str(QQ.frac_field("x", "y", order=grlex)) == "QQ(x,y)"
    assert str(ZZ.poly_ring("t").frac_field("x", "y", "z")) == "ZZ[t](x,y,z)"
예제 #36
def test_inject():
    assert ZZ.inject(x, y, z) == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y, z)
    assert ZZ.poly_ring(x).inject(y, z) == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y, z)
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x).inject(y, z) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    pytest.raises(GeneratorsError, lambda: ZZ.poly_ring(x).inject(x))
예제 #37
def test_dmp_ground():
    assert dmp_ground(ZZ(0), 2) == [[[]]]

    assert dmp_ground(ZZ(7), -1) == ZZ(7)
    assert dmp_ground(ZZ(7), 0) == [ZZ(7)]
    assert dmp_ground(ZZ(7), 2) == [[[ZZ(7)]]]
예제 #38
def test_dup_factor_list():
    R, x = ring("x", ZZ)
    assert R.dup_factor_list(0) == (0, [])
    assert R.dup_factor_list(7) == (7, [])

    R, x = ring("x", QQ)
    assert R.dup_factor_list(0) == (0, [])
    assert R.dup_factor_list(QQ(1, 7)) == (QQ(1, 7), [])

    R, x = ring("x", ZZ.poly_ring('t'))
    assert R.dup_factor_list(0) == (0, [])
    assert R.dup_factor_list(7) == (7, [])

    R, x = ring("x", QQ.poly_ring('t'))
    assert R.dup_factor_list(0) == (0, [])
    assert R.dup_factor_list(QQ(1, 7)) == (QQ(1, 7), [])

    R, x = ring("x", ZZ)
    assert R.dup_factor_list_include(0) == [(0, 1)]
    assert R.dup_factor_list_include(7) == [(7, 1)]

    assert R.dup_factor_list(x**2 + 2 * x + 1) == (1, [(x + 1, 2)])
    assert R.dup_factor_list_include(x**2 + 2 * x + 1) == [(x + 1, 2)]
    # issue sympy/sympy#8037
    assert R.dup_factor_list(6 * x**2 - 5 * x - 6) == (1, [(2 * x - 3, 1),
                                                           (3 * x + 2, 1)])

    R, x = ring("x", QQ)
    assert R.dup_factor_list(x**2 / 2 + x + QQ(1, 2)) == (QQ(1,
                                                             2), [(x + 1, 2)])

    R, x = ring("x", FF(2))
    assert R.dup_factor_list(x**2 + 1) == (1, [(x + 1, 2)])

    R, x = ring("x", RR)
    assert R.dup_factor_list(1.0 * x**2 + 2.0 * x + 1.0) == (1.0, [
        (1.0 * x + 1.0, 2)
    assert R.dup_factor_list(2.0 * x**2 + 4.0 * x + 2.0) == (2.0, [
        (1.0 * x + 1.0, 2)

    f = 6.7225336055071 * x**2 - 10.6463972754741 * x - 0.33469524022264
    coeff, factors = R.dup_factor_list(f)
    assert coeff == RR(1.0) and len(factors) == 1 and factors[0][0].almosteq(
        f, 1e-10) and factors[0][1] == 1

    # issue diofant/diofant#238
    f = 0.1 * x**2 + 1.1 * x + 1.0
    assert R.dup_factor_list(f) == (10.0, [(0.1 * x + 0.1, 1),
                                           (0.1 * x + 1.0, 1)])
    f = 0.25 + 1.0 * x + 1.0 * x**2
    assert R.dup_factor_list(f) == (4.0, [(0.25 + 0.5 * x, 2)])

    Rt, t = ring("t", ZZ)
    R, x = ring("x", Rt)

    f = 4 * t * x**2 + 4 * t**2 * x

    assert R.dup_factor_list(f) == \
        (4*t, [(x, 1),
               (x + t, 1)])

    Rt, t = ring("t", QQ)
    R, x = ring("x", Rt)

    f = t * x**2 / 2 + t**2 * x / 2

    assert R.dup_factor_list(f) == (t / 2, [(x, 1), (x + t, 1)])

    R, x = ring("x", QQ.algebraic_field(I))

    f = x**4 + 2 * x**2

    assert R.dup_factor_list(f) == (R.domain(1), [(x, 2), (x**2 + 2, 1)])

    R, x = ring("x", EX)
    pytest.raises(DomainError, lambda: R.dup_factor_list(EX(sin(1))))
예제 #39
def test_Domain_ring():
    assert ZZ.has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ.has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert ZZ.poly_ring(x).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ.poly_ring(x).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert ZZ.poly_ring(x, y).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ.poly_ring(x, y).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ.frac_field(x).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x, y).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ.frac_field(x, y).has_assoc_Ring is True

    assert EX.has_assoc_Ring is False
    assert RR.has_assoc_Ring is False
    assert ALG.has_assoc_Ring is False

    assert ZZ.ring == ZZ
    assert QQ.ring == ZZ
    assert ZZ.poly_ring(x).ring == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert QQ.poly_ring(x).ring == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert ZZ.poly_ring(x, y).ring == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert QQ.poly_ring(x, y).ring == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x).ring == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert QQ.frac_field(x).ring == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x, y).ring == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert QQ.frac_field(x, y).ring == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)

    assert EX.ring == EX

    pytest.raises(AttributeError, lambda: RR.ring)
    pytest.raises(AttributeError, lambda: ALG.ring)
예제 #40
def test_Domain__algebraic_field():
    alg = ZZ.algebraic_field(sqrt(3))
    assert alg.minpoly == Poly(x**2 - 3)
    assert alg.domain == QQ
    assert alg.from_expr(sqrt(3)).denominator == 1
    assert alg.from_expr(2*sqrt(3)).denominator == 1
    assert alg.from_expr(sqrt(3)/2).denominator == 2
    assert alg([QQ(7, 38), QQ(3, 2)]).denominator == 38

    alg = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2))
    assert alg.minpoly == Poly(x**2 - 2)
    assert alg.domain == QQ

    alg = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2), sqrt(3))
    assert alg.minpoly == Poly(x**4 - 10*x**2 + 1)
    assert alg.domain == QQ

    assert alg.is_nonpositive(alg([-1, 1])) is True
    assert alg.is_nonnegative(alg([2, -1])) is True

    assert alg(1).numerator == alg(1)
    assert alg.from_expr(sqrt(3)/2).numerator == alg.from_expr(2*sqrt(3))
    assert alg.from_expr(sqrt(3)/2).denominator == 4

    pytest.raises(DomainError, lambda: AlgebraicField(ZZ, sqrt(2)))

    assert alg.characteristic == 0

    assert alg.is_RealAlgebraicField is True

    assert int(alg(2)) == 2
    assert int(alg.from_expr(Rational(3, 2))) == 1
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: int(alg([1, 1])))

    alg = QQ.algebraic_field(I)
    assert alg.algebraic_field(I) == alg
    assert alg.is_RealAlgebraicField is False

    alg = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2)).algebraic_field(sqrt(3))
    assert alg.minpoly == Poly(x**2 - 3, x, domain=QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2)))

    # issue sympy/sympy#14476
    assert QQ.algebraic_field(Rational(1, 7)) is QQ

    alg = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2)).algebraic_field(I)
    assert alg.from_expr(2*sqrt(2) + I/3) == alg([alg.domain(1)/3,
    alg2 = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2))
    assert alg2.from_expr(sqrt(2)) == alg2.convert(alg.from_expr(sqrt(2)))

    eq = -x**3 + 2*x**2 + 3*x - 2
    rs = roots(eq, multiple=True)
    alg = QQ.algebraic_field(rs[0])
    assert alg.is_RealAlgebraicField

    alg1 = QQ.algebraic_field(I)
    alg2 = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2)).algebraic_field(I)
    assert alg1 != alg2

    alg3 = QQ.algebraic_field(RootOf(4*x**7 + x - 1, 0))
    assert alg3.is_RealAlgebraicField
    assert 2.772 > alg3.unit > 2.771

    alg4 = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2) + I)
    assert alg4.convert(alg2.unit) == alg4.from_expr(I)
예제 #41
def test_Ring():
    assert ZZ(3).numerator == 3
    assert ZZ(3).denominator == 1
예제 #42
def test_Domain_preprocess():
    assert Domain.preprocess(ZZ) == ZZ
    assert Domain.preprocess(QQ) == QQ
    assert Domain.preprocess(EX) == EX
    assert Domain.preprocess(FF(2)) == FF(2)
    assert Domain.preprocess(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)

    assert Domain.preprocess('Z') == ZZ
    assert Domain.preprocess('Q') == QQ

    assert Domain.preprocess('ZZ') == ZZ
    assert Domain.preprocess('QQ') == QQ

    assert Domain.preprocess('EX') == EX

    assert Domain.preprocess('FF(23)') == FF(23)
    assert Domain.preprocess('GF(23)') == GF(23)

    pytest.raises(OptionError, lambda: Domain.preprocess('Z[]'))

    assert Domain.preprocess('Z[x]') == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert Domain.preprocess('Q[x]') == QQ.poly_ring(x)

    assert Domain.preprocess('ZZ[x]') == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert Domain.preprocess('QQ[x]') == QQ.poly_ring(x)

    assert Domain.preprocess('Z[x,y]') == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert Domain.preprocess('Q[x,y]') == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)

    assert Domain.preprocess('ZZ[x,y]') == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert Domain.preprocess('QQ[x,y]') == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)

    pytest.raises(OptionError, lambda: Domain.preprocess('Z()'))

    assert Domain.preprocess('Z(x)') == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert Domain.preprocess('Q(x)') == QQ.frac_field(x)

    assert Domain.preprocess('ZZ(x)') == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert Domain.preprocess('QQ(x)') == QQ.frac_field(x)

    assert Domain.preprocess('Z(x,y)') == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert Domain.preprocess('Q(x,y)') == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert Domain.preprocess('ZZ(x,y)') == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert Domain.preprocess('QQ(x,y)') == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert Domain.preprocess('Q<I>') == QQ.algebraic_field(I)
    assert Domain.preprocess('QQ<I>') == QQ.algebraic_field(I)

    assert Domain.preprocess('Q<sqrt(2), I>') == QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2), I)
    assert Domain.preprocess('QQ<sqrt(2), I>') == QQ.algebraic_field(
        sqrt(2), I)

    pytest.raises(OptionError, lambda: Domain.preprocess('abc'))

    assert Domain.preprocess('RR') == RR
    assert Domain.preprocess('RR_5') == RealField(prec=5)

    assert Domain.preprocess('CC') == CC
    assert Domain.preprocess('CC_5') == ComplexField(prec=5)

    pytest.raises(OptionError, lambda: Domain.preprocess(()))
예제 #43
def test_FractionField__init():
    pytest.raises(GeneratorsNeeded, lambda: ZZ.frac_field())
예제 #44
def test_gf_edf():
    f = ZZ.map([1, 1, 0, 1, 2])
    g = ZZ.map([[1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 2]])

    assert gf_edf_zassenhaus(f, 2, 3, ZZ) == g
    assert gf_edf_shoup(f, 2, 3, ZZ) == g
예제 #45
def test_Domain__algebraic_field():
    alg = ZZ.algebraic_field(sqrt(3))
    assert alg.minpoly == Poly(x**2 - 3)
    assert alg.domain == QQ
    assert alg.from_expr(sqrt(3)).denominator == 1
    assert alg.from_expr(2 * sqrt(3)).denominator == 1
    assert alg.from_expr(sqrt(3) / 2).denominator == 2
    assert alg([QQ(7, 38), QQ(3, 2)]).denominator == 38

    alg = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2))
    assert alg.minpoly == Poly(x**2 - 2)
    assert alg.domain == QQ

    alg = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2), sqrt(3))
    assert alg.minpoly == Poly(x**4 - 10 * x**2 + 1)
    assert alg.domain == QQ

    assert alg(1).numerator == alg(1)
    assert alg.from_expr(sqrt(3) / 2).numerator == alg.from_expr(2 * sqrt(3))
    assert alg.from_expr(sqrt(3) / 2).denominator == 4

    pytest.raises(DomainError, lambda: AlgebraicField(ZZ, sqrt(2)))

    assert alg.characteristic == 0

    assert alg.is_RealAlgebraicField is True

    assert int(alg(2)) == 2
    assert int(alg.from_expr(Rational(3, 2))) == 1

    alg = QQ.algebraic_field(I)
    assert alg.algebraic_field(I) == alg
    assert alg.is_RealAlgebraicField is False
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: int(alg([1, 1])))

    alg = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2)).algebraic_field(sqrt(3))
    assert alg.minpoly == Poly(x**2 - 3, x, domain=QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2)))

    # issue sympy/sympy#14476
    assert QQ.algebraic_field(Rational(1, 7)) is QQ

    alg = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2)).algebraic_field(I)
    assert alg.from_expr(2 * sqrt(2) + I / 3) == alg(
        [alg.domain([1]) / 3, alg.domain([2, 0])])
    alg2 = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2))
    assert alg2.from_expr(sqrt(2)) == alg2.convert(alg.from_expr(sqrt(2)))

    eq = -x**3 + 2 * x**2 + 3 * x - 2
    rs = roots(eq, multiple=True)
    alg = QQ.algebraic_field(rs[0])
    assert alg.is_RealAlgebraicField

    alg1 = QQ.algebraic_field(I)
    alg2 = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2)).algebraic_field(I)
    assert alg1 != alg2

    alg3 = QQ.algebraic_field(RootOf(4 * x**7 + x - 1, 0))
    assert alg3.is_RealAlgebraicField
    assert int(alg3.unit) == 2
    assert 2.772 > alg3.unit > 2.771
    assert int(alg3([3, 17, 11, -1, 2])) == 622
    assert int(
            QQ(-11, 4),
            QQ(125326976730518, 44208605852241),
            QQ(-16742151878022, 12894796053515),
            QQ(2331359268715, 10459004949272)
        ])) == 18

    alg4 = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2) + I)
    assert alg4.convert(alg2.unit) == alg4.from_expr(I)
예제 #46
def test_dmp_factor_list():
    R, x = ring("x", ZZ)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(0) == (0, [])
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(7) == (7, [])

    R, x = ring("x", QQ)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(0) == (0, [])
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(QQ(1, 7)) == (QQ(1, 7), [])

    R, x = ring("x", ZZ.poly_ring('t'))
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(0) == (0, [])
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(7) == (7, [])

    R, x = ring("x", QQ.poly_ring('t'))
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(0) == (0, [])
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(QQ(1, 7)) == (QQ(1, 7), [])

    R, x = ring("x", ZZ)

    assert R.dmp_factor_list(x**2 + 2*x + 1) == (1, [(x + 1, 2)])
    # issue sympy/sympy#8037
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(6*x**2 - 5*x - 6) == (1, [(2*x - 3, 1), (3*x + 2, 1)])

    R, x = ring("x", QQ)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(x**2/2 + x + QQ(1, 2)) == (QQ(1, 2), [(x + 1, 2)])

    R, x = ring("x", FF(2))
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(x**2 + 1) == (1, [(x + 1, 2)])

    R, x = ring("x", RR)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(1.0*x**2 + 2.0*x + 1.0) == (1.0, [(1.0*x + 1.0, 2)])
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(2.0*x**2 + 4.0*x + 2.0) == (2.0, [(1.0*x + 1.0, 2)])

    f = 6.7225336055071*x**2 - 10.6463972754741*x - 0.33469524022264
    coeff, factors = R.dmp_factor_list(f)
    assert coeff == RR(1.0) and len(factors) == 1 and factors[0][0].almosteq(f, 1e-10) and factors[0][1] == 1

    # issue diofant/diofant#238
    f = 0.1*x**2 + 1.1*x + 1.0
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == (10.0, [(0.1*x + 0.1, 1), (0.1*x + 1.0, 1)])
    f = 0.25 + 1.0*x + 1.0*x**2
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == (4.0, [(0.25 + 0.5*x, 2)])

    Rt, t = ring("t", ZZ)
    R, x = ring("x", Rt)

    f = 4*t*x**2 + 4*t**2*x

    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == (4*t, [(x, 1), (x + t, 1)])

    Rt, t = ring("t", QQ)
    R, x = ring("x", Rt)

    f = t*x**2/2 + t**2*x/2

    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == (t/2, [(x, 1), (x + t, 1)])

    R, x = ring("x", QQ.algebraic_field(I))

    f = x**4 + 2*x**2

    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == (R.domain(1), [(x, 2), (x**2 + 2, 1)])

    R, x = ring("x", EX)
    pytest.raises(DomainError, lambda: R.dmp_factor_list(EX(sin(1))))

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", ZZ)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(0) == (ZZ(0), [])
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(7) == (7, [])

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", QQ)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(0) == (QQ(0), [])
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(QQ(1, 7)) == (QQ(1, 7), [])

    Rt, t = ring("t", ZZ)
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", Rt)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(0) == (0, [])
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(7) == (ZZ(7), [])

    Rt, t = ring("t", QQ)
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", Rt)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(0) == (0, [])
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(QQ(1, 7)) == (QQ(1, 7), [])

    R, *X = ring("x:200", ZZ)

    f, g = X[0]**2 + 2*X[0] + 1, X[0] + 1
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == (1, [(g, 2)])

    f, g = X[-1]**2 + 2*X[-1] + 1, X[-1] + 1
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == (1, [(g, 2)])

    R, x = ring("x", ZZ)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(x**2 + 2*x + 1) == (1, [(x + 1, 2)])
    R, x = ring("x", QQ)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(x**2/2 + x + QQ(1, 2)) == (QQ(1, 2), [(x + 1, 2)])

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", ZZ)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(x**2 + 2*x + 1) == (1, [(x + 1, 2)])
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", QQ)
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(x**2/2 + x + QQ(1, 2)) == (QQ(1, 2), [(x + 1, 2)])

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", ZZ)
    f = 4*x**2*y + 4*x*y**2

    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == (4, [(y, 1), (x, 1), (x + y, 1)])

    R,  x, y = ring("x,y", QQ)
    f = x**2*y/2 + x*y**2/2

    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == (QQ(1, 2), [(y, 1), (x, 1), (x + y, 1)])

    R,  x, y = ring("x,y", RR)
    f = 2.0*x**2 - 8.0*y**2

    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == (RR(2.0), [(1.0*x - 2.0*y, 1), (1.0*x + 2.0*y, 1)])

    f = 6.7225336055071*x**2*y**2 - 10.6463972754741*x*y - 0.33469524022264
    coeff, factors = R.dmp_factor_list(f)
    assert coeff == RR(1.0) and len(factors) == 1 and factors[0][0].almosteq(f, 1e-10) and factors[0][1] == 1

    # issue diofant/diofant#238
    R,  x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", RR)
    f = x*y + x*z + 0.1*y + 0.1*z
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == (10.0, [(0.1*y + 0.1*z, 1), (x + 0.1, 1)])
    f = 0.25*x**2 + 1.0*x*y*z + 1.0*y**2*z**2
    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == (4.0, [(0.25*x + 0.5*y*z, 2)])

    Rt, t = ring("t", ZZ)
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", Rt)
    f = 4*t*x**2 + 4*t**2*x

    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == (4*t, [(x, 1), (x + t, 1)])

    Rt, t = ring("t", QQ)
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", Rt)
    f = t*x**2/2 + t**2*x/2

    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == (t/2, [(x, 1), (x + t, 1)])

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", FF(2))
    pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: R.dmp_factor_list(x**2 + y**2))

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", EX)
    pytest.raises(DomainError, lambda: R.dmp_factor_list(EX(sin(1))))
예제 #47
def test_sympyissue_11538():
    assert construct_domain(E)[0] == ZZ.poly_ring(E)
    assert (construct_domain(x**2 + 2*x + E) == (ZZ.poly_ring(x, E), ZZ.poly_ring(x, E)(x**2 + 2*x + E)))
    assert (construct_domain(x + y + GoldenRatio) == (EX, EX(x + y + GoldenRatio)))
예제 #48
def test_PolynomialRing___init__():
    assert len(PolynomialRing(ZZ, "x,y,z").gens) == 3
    assert len(ZZ.poly_ring(x).gens) == 1
    assert len(ZZ.poly_ring("x", "y", "z").gens) == 3
    assert len(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y, z).gens) == 3

    pytest.raises(GeneratorsNeeded, lambda: ZZ.poly_ring())
    pytest.raises(GeneratorsError, lambda: ZZ.poly_ring(0))

    assert ZZ.poly_ring(t).poly_ring("x").domain == ZZ.poly_ring(t)
    assert PolynomialRing('ZZ[t]', "x").domain == ZZ.poly_ring(t)

    pytest.raises(GeneratorsError, lambda: ZZ.poly_ring("x").poly_ring("x"))

    _lex = Symbol("lex")
    assert PolynomialRing(ZZ, "x").order == lex
    assert PolynomialRing(ZZ, "x", _lex).order == lex
    assert PolynomialRing(ZZ, "x", 'lex').order == lex

    R1 = ZZ.poly_ring("x", "y")
    R2 = ZZ.poly_ring("x", "y")
    R3 = ZZ.poly_ring("x", "y", "z")

    assert R1.x == R1.gens[0]
    assert R1.y == R1.gens[1]
    assert R1.x == R2.x
    assert R1.y == R2.y
    assert R1.x != R3.x
    assert R1.y != R3.y

    R4 = ZZ.poly_ring("gens")
    assert type(R4.gens) is tuple

    pytest.raises(GeneratorsError, lambda: PolynomialRing(ZZ, {1: 2}))
    pytest.raises(GeneratorsError, lambda: PolynomialRing(ZZ, ["x", ["y"]]))
예제 #49
def test_gf_factor_sqf():
    assert gf_factor_sqf([], 11, ZZ) == (0, [])
    assert gf_factor_sqf([1], 11, ZZ) == (1, [])
    assert gf_factor_sqf([1, 1], 11, ZZ) == (1, [[1, 1]])
    assert gf_factor_sqf([2, 3], 11, ZZ) == (2, [[1, 7]])

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='berlekamp'):
        assert gf_factor_sqf([], 11, ZZ) == (0, [])
        assert gf_factor_sqf([1], 11, ZZ) == (1, [])
        assert gf_factor_sqf([1, 1], 11, ZZ) == (1, [[1, 1]])
        assert gf_factor_sqf([1, 0], 11, ZZ) == (1, [[1, 0]])

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='zassenhaus'):
        assert gf_factor_sqf([], 11, ZZ) == (0, [])
        assert gf_factor_sqf([1], 11, ZZ) == (1, [])
        assert gf_factor_sqf([1, 1], 11, ZZ) == (1, [[1, 1]])
        assert gf_factor_sqf([1, 0], 11, ZZ) == (1, [[1, 0]])

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='shoup'):
        assert gf_factor_sqf([], 11, ZZ) == (0, [])
        assert gf_factor_sqf([1], 11, ZZ) == (1, [])
        assert gf_factor_sqf([1, 1], 11, ZZ) == (1, [[1, 1]])
        assert gf_factor_sqf([1, 0], 11, ZZ) == (1, [[1, 0]])

    f, p = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0], 2
    g = (1, [[1, 0],
             [1, 1],
             [1, 1, 1]])

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='berlekamp'):
        assert gf_factor_sqf(f, p, ZZ) == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='zassenhaus'):
        assert gf_factor_sqf(f, p, ZZ) == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='shoup'):
        assert gf_factor_sqf(f, p, ZZ) == g

    # Gathen polynomials: x**n + x + 1 (mod p > 2**n * pi)

    p = ZZ(nextprime(int((2**15*pi))))
    f = gf_from_dict({15: 1, 1: 1, 0: 1}, p, ZZ)
    g = (1, [[1, 22730, 68144],
             [1, 81553, 77449, 86810, 4724],
             [1, 86276, 56779, 14859, 31575],
             [1, 15347, 95022, 84569, 94508, 92335]])

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='zassenhaus'):
        assert gf_factor_sqf(f, p, ZZ) == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='shoup'):
        assert gf_factor_sqf(f, p, ZZ) == g

    # Shoup polynomials: f = a_0 x**n + a_1 x**(n-1) + ... + a_n
    # (mod p > 2**(n-2) * pi), where a_n = a_{n-1}**2 + 1, a_0 = 1

    p = ZZ(nextprime(int((2**4*pi))))
    f = [1, 2, 5, 26, 41, 39, 38]

    g = (1, [[1, 44, 26],
             [1, 11, 25, 18, 30]])

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='zassenhaus'):
        assert gf_factor_sqf(f, p, ZZ) == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='shoup'):
        assert gf_factor_sqf(f, p, ZZ) == g
예제 #50
def test_dmp_factor_list():
    R, x = ring("x", ZZ)
    assert R(0).factor_list() == (0, [])
    assert R(7).factor_list() == (7, [])

    R, x = ring("x", QQ)
    assert R(0).factor_list() == (0, [])
    assert R(QQ(1, 7)).factor_list() == (QQ(1, 7), [])

    R, x = ring("x", ZZ.poly_ring('t'))
    assert R(0).factor_list() == (0, [])
    assert R(7).factor_list() == (7, [])

    R, x = ring("x", QQ.poly_ring('t'))
    assert R(0).factor_list() == (0, [])
    assert R(QQ(1, 7)).factor_list() == (QQ(1, 7), [])

    R, x = ring("x", ZZ)

    assert (x**2 + 2 * x + 1).factor_list() == (1, [(x + 1, 2)])
    # issue sympy/sympy#8037
    assert (6 * x**2 - 5 * x - 6).factor_list() == (1, [(2 * x - 3, 1),
                                                        (3 * x + 2, 1)])

    R, x = ring("x", QQ)
    assert (x**2 / 2 + x + QQ(1, 2)).factor_list() == (QQ(1, 2), [(x + 1, 2)])

    R, x = ring("x", FF(2))
    assert (x**2 + 1).factor_list() == (1, [(x + 1, 2)])

    R, x = ring("x", RR)
    assert (1.0 * x**2 + 2.0 * x + 1.0).factor_list() == (1.0, [(1.0 * x + 1.0,
    assert (2.0 * x**2 + 4.0 * x + 2.0).factor_list() == (2.0, [(1.0 * x + 1.0,

    f = 6.7225336055071 * x**2 - 10.6463972754741 * x - 0.33469524022264
    coeff, factors = f.factor_list()
    assert coeff == 1.0 and len(factors) == 1 and factors[0][0].almosteq(
        f, 1e-10) and factors[0][1] == 1

    # issue diofant/diofant#238
    f = 0.1 * x**2 + 1.1 * x + 1.0
    assert f.factor_list() == (10.0, [(0.1 * x + 0.1, 1), (0.1 * x + 1.0, 1)])
    f = 0.25 + 1.0 * x + 1.0 * x**2
    assert f.factor_list() == (4.0, [(0.25 + 0.5 * x, 2)])

    Rt, t = ring("t", ZZ)
    R, x = ring("x", Rt)

    f = 4 * t * x**2 + 4 * t**2 * x

    assert f.factor_list() == (4 * t, [(x, 1), (x + t, 1)])

    Rt, t = ring("t", QQ)
    R, x = ring("x", Rt)

    f = t * x**2 / 2 + t**2 * x / 2

    assert f.factor_list() == (t / 2, [(x, 1), (x + t, 1)])

    R, x = ring("x", QQ.algebraic_field(I))

    f = x**4 + 2 * x**2

    assert f.factor_list() == (1, [(x, 2), (x**2 + 2, 1)])

    R, x = ring("x", EX)
    pytest.raises(DomainError, lambda: R(EX(sin(1))).factor_list())

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", ZZ)
    assert R(0).factor_list() == (0, [])
    assert R(7).factor_list() == (7, [])

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", QQ)
    assert R(0).factor_list() == (0, [])
    assert R(QQ(1, 7)).factor_list() == (QQ(1, 7), [])

    Rt, t = ring("t", ZZ)
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", Rt)
    assert R(0).factor_list() == (0, [])
    assert R(7).factor_list() == (7, [])

    Rt, t = ring("t", QQ)
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", Rt)
    assert R(0).factor_list() == (0, [])
    assert R(QQ(1, 7)).factor_list() == (QQ(1, 7), [])

    R, *X = ring("x:200", ZZ)

    f, g = X[0]**2 + 2 * X[0] + 1, X[0] + 1
    assert f.factor_list() == (1, [(g, 2)])

    f, g = X[-1]**2 + 2 * X[-1] + 1, X[-1] + 1
    assert f.factor_list() == (1, [(g, 2)])

    R, x = ring("x", ZZ)
    assert (x**2 + 2 * x + 1).factor_list() == (1, [(x + 1, 2)])
    R, x = ring("x", QQ)
    assert (x**2 / 2 + x + QQ(1, 2)).factor_list() == (QQ(1, 2), [(x + 1, 2)])

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", ZZ)
    assert (x**2 + 2 * x + 1).factor_list() == (1, [(x + 1, 2)])
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", QQ)
    assert (x**2 / 2 + x + QQ(1, 2)).factor_list() == (QQ(1, 2), [(x + 1, 2)])

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", ZZ)
    f = 4 * x**2 * y + 4 * x * y**2

    assert f.factor_list() == (4, [(y, 1), (x, 1), (x + y, 1)])

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", QQ)
    f = x**2 * y / 2 + x * y**2 / 2

    assert f.factor_list() == (QQ(1, 2), [(y, 1), (x, 1), (x + y, 1)])

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", RR)
    f = 2.0 * x**2 - 8.0 * y**2

    assert f.factor_list() == (2.0, [(1.0 * x - 2.0 * y, 1),
                                     (1.0 * x + 2.0 * y, 1)])

    f = 6.7225336055071 * x**2 * y**2 - 10.6463972754741 * x * y - 0.33469524022264
    coeff, factors = f.factor_list()
    assert coeff == 1.0 and len(factors) == 1 and factors[0][0].almosteq(
        f, 1e-10) and factors[0][1] == 1

    # issue diofant/diofant#238
    R, x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", RR)
    f = x * y + x * z + 0.1 * y + 0.1 * z
    assert f.factor_list() == (10.0, [(0.1 * y + 0.1 * z, 1), (x + 0.1, 1)])
    f = 0.25 * x**2 + 1.0 * x * y * z + 1.0 * y**2 * z**2
    assert f.factor_list() == (4.0, [(0.25 * x + 0.5 * y * z, 2)])

    Rt, t = ring("t", ZZ)
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", Rt)
    f = 4 * t * x**2 + 4 * t**2 * x

    assert f.factor_list() == (4 * t, [(x, 1), (x + t, 1)])

    Rt, t = ring("t", QQ)
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", Rt)
    f = t * x**2 / 2 + t**2 * x / 2

    assert f.factor_list() == (t / 2, [(x, 1), (x + t, 1)])

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", FF(2))
    pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: (x**2 + y**2).factor_list())

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", EX)
    pytest.raises(DomainError, lambda: R(EX(sin(1))).factor_list())

    R, x, y = ring('x, y', QQ.algebraic_field(I))
    f, r = x**2 + y**2, (1, [(x - I * y, 1), (x + I * y, 1)])

    assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == r

    with config.using(aa_factor_method='trager'):
        assert R.dmp_factor_list(f) == r
예제 #51
def test_gf_factor():
    R, x = ring('x', FF(11))

    assert R(0).factor_list() == (0, [])
    assert R(1).factor_list() == (1, [])
    assert (x + 1).factor_list() == (1, [(x + 1, 1)])

    assert (5 * x**3 + 2 * x**2 + 7 * x + 2).factor_list() == (5, [(x + 2, 1),
                                                                   (x + 8, 2)])

    f = x**6 + 8 * x**5 + x**4 + 8 * x**3 + 10 * x**2 + 8 * x + 1
    g = (1, [(x + 1, 1), (x**2 + 5 * x + 3, 1),
             (x**3 + 2 * x**2 + 3 * x + 4, 1)])

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='berlekamp'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='zassenhaus'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='shoup'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    f = x**3 + 5 * x**2 + 8 * x + 4

    g = (1, [(x + 1, 1), (x + 2, 2)])

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='berlekamp'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='zassenhaus'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='shoup'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    f = x**9 + x**8 + 10 * x**7 + x**6 + 10 * x**4 + 10 * x**3 + 10 * x**2
    g = (1, [(x, 2), (x**2 + 9 * x + 5, 1),
             (x**5 + 3 * x**4 + 8 * x**2 + 5 * x + 2, 1)])

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='berlekamp'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='zassenhaus'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='shoup'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    f = x**32 + 1

    g = (1, [(x**16 + 3 * x**8 + 10, 1), (x**16 + 8 * x**8 + 10, 1)])

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='berlekamp'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='zassenhaus'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='shoup'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    f = 8 * x**32 + 5
    g = (8, [(x + 3, 1), (x + 8, 1), (x**2 + 9, 1), (x**2 + 2 * x + 2, 1),
             (x**2 + 9 * x + 2, 1), (x**4 + 5 * x**2 + 7, 1),
             (x**4 + 6 * x**2 + 7, 1), (x**8 + x**4 + 6, 1),
             (x**8 + 10 * x**4 + 6, 1)])

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='berlekamp'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='zassenhaus'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='shoup'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    f = 8 * x**63 + 5
    g = (8,
         [(x + 7, 1), (x**2 + 4 * x + 5, 1), (x**3 + 6 * x**2 + 8 * x + 2, 1),
          (x**3 + 9 * x**2 + 9 * x + 2, 1), (x**6 + 9 * x**3 + 4, 1),
          (x**6 + 2 * x**5 + 8 * x**3 + 4 * x**2 + 6 * x + 4, 1),
          (x**6 + 2 * x**5 + 3 * x**4 + 8 * x**3 + 6 * x + 4, 1),
          (x**6 + 2 * x**5 + 6 * x**4 + 8 * x**2 + 4 * x + 4, 1),
          (x**6 + 3 * x**5 + 3 * x**4 + x**3 + 6 * x**2 + 8 * x + 4, 1),
          (x**6 + 5 * x**5 + 6 * x**4 + 8 * x**2 + 6 * x + 4, 1),
          (x**6 + 6 * x**5 + 2 * x**4 + 7 * x**3 + 9 * x**2 + 8 * x + 4, 1),
          (x**6 + 10 * x**5 + 4 * x**4 + 7 * x**3 + 10 * x**2 + 7 * x + 4, 1),
          (x**6 + 10 * x**5 + 10 * x**4 + x**3 + 4 * x**2 + 9 * x + 4, 1)])

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='berlekamp'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='zassenhaus'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='shoup'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='other'):
        pytest.raises(KeyError, lambda: (x + 1).factor_list())

    R, x = ring('x', FF(2))

    f = x**4 + x
    g = (1, [(x, 1), (x + 1, 1), (x**2 + x + 1, 1)])

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='berlekamp'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='zassenhaus'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='shoup'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    # Gathen polynomials: x**n + x + 1 (mod p > 2**n * pi)

    p = ZZ(nextprime(int((2**15 * pi))))
    R, x = ring('x', FF(p))

    f = x**15 + x + 1
    g = (1, [
        (x**2 + 22730 * x + 68144, 1),
        (x**4 + 81553 * x**3 + 77449 * x**2 + 86810 * x + 4724, 1),
        (x**4 + 86276 * x**3 + 56779 * x**2 + 14859 * x + 31575, 1),
        (x**5 + 15347 * x**4 + 95022 * x**3 + 84569 * x**2 + 94508 * x + 92335,

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='zassenhaus'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='shoup'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    # Shoup polynomials: f = a_0 x**n + a_1 x**(n-1) + ... + a_n
    # (mod p > 2**(n-2) * pi), where a_n = a_{n-1}**2 + 1, a_0 = 1

    p = ZZ(nextprime(int((2**4 * pi))))
    R, x = ring('x', FF(p))

    f = x**6 + 2 * x**5 + 5 * x**4 + 26 * x**3 + 41 * x**2 + 39 * x + 38

    g = (1, [(x**2 + 44 * x + 26, 1),
             (x**4 + 11 * x**3 + 25 * x**2 + 18 * x + 30, 1)])

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='zassenhaus'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g

    with config.using(gf_factor_method='shoup'):
        assert f.factor_list() == g
예제 #52
def test_residue():
    assert n_order(2, 13) == 12
    assert [n_order(a, 7) for a in range(1, 7)] == \
           [1, 3, 6, 3, 6, 2]
    assert n_order(5, 17) == 16
    assert n_order(17, 11) == n_order(6, 11)
    assert n_order(101, 119) == 6
    assert n_order(
        11, (10**50 + 151)**2
    ) == 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000030100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022650
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: n_order(6, 9))

    assert is_primitive_root(2, 7) is False
    assert is_primitive_root(3, 8) is False
    assert is_primitive_root(11, 14) is False
    assert is_primitive_root(12, 17) == is_primitive_root(29, 17)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: is_primitive_root(3, 6))

    assert [primitive_root(i) for i in range(2, 31)] == [
        1, 2, 3, 2, 5, 3, None, 2, 3, 2, None, 2, 3, None, None, 3, 5, 2, None,
        None, 7, 5, None, 2, 7, 2, None, 2, None

    for p in primerange(3, 100):
        it = _primitive_root_prime_iter(p)
        assert len(list(it)) == totient(totient(p))
    assert primitive_root(97) == 5
    assert primitive_root(97**2) == 5
    assert primitive_root(40487) == 5
    # note that primitive_root(40487) + 40487 = 40492 is a primitive root
    # of 40487**2, but it is not the smallest
    assert primitive_root(40487**2) == 10
    assert primitive_root(82) == 7
    p = 10**50 + 151
    assert primitive_root(p) == 11
    assert primitive_root(2 * p) == 11
    assert primitive_root(p**2) == 11
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: primitive_root(-3))

    assert is_quad_residue(3, 7) is False
    assert is_quad_residue(10, 13) is True
    assert is_quad_residue(12364, 139) == is_quad_residue(12364 % 139, 139)
    assert is_quad_residue(207, 251) is True
    assert is_quad_residue(0, 1) is True
    assert is_quad_residue(1, 1) is True
    assert is_quad_residue(0, 2) == is_quad_residue(1, 2) is True
    assert is_quad_residue(1, 4) is True
    assert is_quad_residue(2, 27) is False
    assert is_quad_residue(13122380800, 13604889600) is True
    assert [j for j in range(14) if is_quad_residue(j, 14)] == \
           [0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11]
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: is_quad_residue(1.1, 2))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: is_quad_residue(2, 0))

    assert quadratic_residues(12) == [0, 1, 4, 9]
    assert quadratic_residues(13) == [0, 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12]
    assert [len(quadratic_residues(i)) for i in range(1, 20)] == \
        [1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 6, 6, 4, 7, 8, 6, 4, 9, 8, 10]

    assert list(sqrt_mod_iter(6, 2)) == [0]
    assert sqrt_mod(3, 13) == 4
    assert sqrt_mod(3, -13) == 4
    assert sqrt_mod(6, 23) == 11
    assert sqrt_mod(345, 690) == 345
    assert sqrt_mod(9, 18) == 3

    for p in range(3, 100):
        d = defaultdict(list)
        for i in range(p):
            d[pow(i, 2, p)].append(i)
        for i in range(1, p):
            it = sqrt_mod_iter(i, p)
            v = sqrt_mod(i, p, True)
            if v:
                v = sorted(v)
                assert d[i] == v
                assert not d[i]

    assert sqrt_mod(9, 27, True) == [3, 6, 12, 15, 21, 24]
    assert sqrt_mod(9, 81, True) == [3, 24, 30, 51, 57, 78]
    assert sqrt_mod(9, 3**5, True) == [3, 78, 84, 159, 165, 240]
    assert sqrt_mod(81, 3**4, True) == [0, 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72]
    assert sqrt_mod(81, 3**5, True) == [
        9, 18, 36, 45, 63, 72, 90, 99, 117, 126, 144, 153, 171, 180, 198, 207,
        225, 234
    assert sqrt_mod(81, 3**6, True) == [
        9, 72, 90, 153, 171, 234, 252, 315, 333, 396, 414, 477, 495, 558, 576,
        639, 657, 720
    assert sqrt_mod(81, 3**7, True) == [
        9, 234, 252, 477, 495, 720, 738, 963, 981, 1206, 1224, 1449, 1467,
        1692, 1710, 1935, 1953, 2178

    for a, p in [(26214400, 32768000000), (26214400, 16384000000),
                 (262144, 1048576), (87169610025, 163443018796875),
                 (22315420166400, 167365651248000000)]:
        assert pow(sqrt_mod(a, p), 2, p) == a

    n = 70
    a, p = 5**2 * 3**n * 2**n, 5**6 * 3**(n + 1) * 2**(n + 2)
    it = sqrt_mod_iter(a, p)
    for i in range(10):
        assert pow(next(it), 2, p) == a
    a, p = 5**2 * 3**n * 2**n, 5**6 * 3**(n + 1) * 2**(n + 3)
    it = sqrt_mod_iter(a, p)
    for i in range(2):
        assert pow(next(it), 2, p) == a
    n = 100
    a, p = 5**2 * 3**n * 2**n, 5**6 * 3**(n + 1) * 2**(n + 1)
    it = sqrt_mod_iter(a, p)
    for i in range(2):
        assert pow(next(it), 2, p) == a

    assert type(next(sqrt_mod_iter(9, 27))) is int
    assert isinstance(next(sqrt_mod_iter(9, 27, ZZ)), type(ZZ(1)))
    assert isinstance(next(sqrt_mod_iter(1, 7, ZZ)), type(ZZ(1)))

    assert list(sqrt_mod_iter(4, 919, ZZ)) == [2, 917]
    assert list(sqrt_mod_iter(6, 146, ZZ)) == [88, 58]

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: is_nthpow_residue(+2, +1, 0))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: is_nthpow_residue(+2, -1, 5))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: is_nthpow_residue(-2, +1, 5))

    assert is_nthpow_residue(2, 1, 5)

    assert is_nthpow_residue(1, 0, 1) is False
    assert is_nthpow_residue(1, 0, 2) is True
    assert is_nthpow_residue(3, 0, 2) is False
    assert is_nthpow_residue(0, 1, 8) is True
    assert is_nthpow_residue(2, 3, 2) is False
    assert is_nthpow_residue(2, 3, 9) is False
    assert is_nthpow_residue(3, 5, 30) is True
    assert is_nthpow_residue(21, 11, 20) is True
    assert is_nthpow_residue(7, 10, 20) is False
    assert is_nthpow_residue(5, 10, 20) is True
    assert is_nthpow_residue(3, 10, 48) is False
    assert is_nthpow_residue(1, 10, 40) is True
    assert is_nthpow_residue(3, 10, 24) is False
    assert is_nthpow_residue(1, 10, 24) is True
    assert is_nthpow_residue(3, 10, 24) is False
    assert is_nthpow_residue(2, 10, 48) is False
    assert is_nthpow_residue(81, 3, 972) is False
    assert is_nthpow_residue(243, 5, 5103) is True
    assert is_nthpow_residue(243, 3, 1240029) is False
    assert {a
            for a in range(1024) if is_nthpow_residue(a, 56, 1024)
            } == {pow(i, 56, 1024)
                  for i in range(1024)}
    assert {a
            for a in range(2048) if is_nthpow_residue(a, 256, 2048)
            } == {pow(i, 256, 2048)
                  for i in range(2048)}
    x = {pow(i, 11, 324000) for i in range(1000)}
    assert [is_nthpow_residue(a, 11, 324000) for a in x]
    x = {pow(i, 17, 22217575536) for i in range(1000)}
    assert [is_nthpow_residue(a, 17, 22217575536) for a in x]
    assert is_nthpow_residue(676, 3, 5364)
    assert is_nthpow_residue(9, 12, 36)
    assert is_nthpow_residue(32, 10, 41)
    assert is_nthpow_residue(4, 2, 64)
    assert is_nthpow_residue(31, 4, 41)

    assert not is_nthpow_residue(2, 2, 5)
    assert is_nthpow_residue(8547, 12, 10007)
    assert nthroot_mod(1801, 11, 2663) == 44
    for a, q, p in [(51922, 2, 203017), (43, 3, 109), (1801, 11, 2663),
                    (26118163, 1303, 33333347), (1499, 7, 2663),
                    (595, 6, 2663), (1714, 12, 2663), (28477, 9, 33343)]:
        r = nthroot_mod(a, q, p)
        assert pow(r, q, p) == a
    assert nthroot_mod(11, 3, 109) is None
    assert nthroot_mod(6, 12, 5) == 1
    pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: nthroot_mod(16, 5, 36))
    pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: nthroot_mod(9, 16, 36))

    for p in primerange(5, 100):
        qv = range(3, p, 4)
        for q in qv:
            d = defaultdict(list)
            for i in range(p):
                d[pow(i, q, p)].append(i)
            for a in range(1, p - 1):
                res = nthroot_mod(a, q, p, True)
                if d[a]:
                    assert d[a] == res
                    assert res is None

    assert legendre_symbol(5, 11) == 1
    assert legendre_symbol(25, 41) == 1
    assert legendre_symbol(67, 101) == -1
    assert legendre_symbol(0, 13) == 0
    assert legendre_symbol(9, 3) == 0
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: legendre_symbol(2, 4))

    assert jacobi_symbol(25, 41) == 1
    assert jacobi_symbol(-23, 83) == -1
    assert jacobi_symbol(3, 9) == 0
    assert jacobi_symbol(42, 97) == -1
    assert jacobi_symbol(3, 5) == -1
    assert jacobi_symbol(7, 9) == 1
    assert jacobi_symbol(0, 3) == 0
    assert jacobi_symbol(0, 1) == 1
    assert jacobi_symbol(2, 1) == 1
    assert jacobi_symbol(1, 3) == 1
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: jacobi_symbol(3, 8))

    assert mobius(13 * 7) == 1
    assert mobius(1) == 1
    assert mobius(13 * 7 * 5) == -1
    assert mobius(13**2) == 0
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: mobius(-3))

    p = Symbol('p', integer=True, positive=True, prime=True)
    x = Symbol('x', positive=True)
    i = Symbol('i', integer=True)
    assert mobius(p) == -1
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: mobius(x))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: mobius(i))
    mobius(Symbol('p', positive=True, integer=True))
예제 #53
def test_PolynomialRing():
    assert str(ZZ.poly_ring("x")) == "ZZ[x]"
    assert str(QQ.poly_ring("x", "y", order=grlex)) == "QQ[x,y]"
    assert str(ZZ.poly_ring("t").poly_ring("x", "y", "z")) == "ZZ[t][x,y,z]"
예제 #54
def test_Domain_unify_composite():
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), ZZ) == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), QQ) == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), ZZ) == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), QQ) == QQ.poly_ring(x)

    assert unify(ZZ, ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(QQ, ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ, QQ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(QQ, QQ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x)

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y), ZZ) == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y), QQ) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y), ZZ) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y), QQ) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ, ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ, ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ, QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ, QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), ZZ) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), QQ) == QQ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), ZZ) == QQ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), QQ) == QQ.frac_field(x)

    assert unify(ZZ, ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ, ZZ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ, QQ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ, QQ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y), ZZ) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y), QQ) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y), ZZ) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y), QQ) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ, ZZ.frac_field(x, y)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ, ZZ.frac_field(x, y)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ, QQ.frac_field(x, y)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ, QQ.frac_field(x, y)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), QQ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), QQ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x)

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y), QQ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y), QQ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y), ZZ.poly_ring(x,
                                                  z)) == ZZ.poly_ring(x, y, z)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y), QQ.poly_ring(x,
                                                  z)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y, z)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y), ZZ.poly_ring(x,
                                                  z)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y, z)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y), QQ.poly_ring(x,
                                                  z)) == QQ.poly_ring(x, y, z)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), QQ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), QQ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y), QQ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y), QQ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), ZZ.frac_field(x, y)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), QQ.frac_field(x, y)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), ZZ.frac_field(x, y)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), QQ.frac_field(x, y)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y),
                 ZZ.frac_field(x, z)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y),
                 QQ.frac_field(x, z)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y),
                 ZZ.frac_field(x, z)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y),
                 QQ.frac_field(x, z)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y, z)

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), QQ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), QQ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x)

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y), QQ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y), ZZ.frac_field(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y), QQ.frac_field(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.frac_field(x, y)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x), QQ.frac_field(x, y)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), ZZ.frac_field(x, y)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x), QQ.frac_field(x, y)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y),
                 ZZ.frac_field(x, z)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    assert unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y),
                 QQ.frac_field(x, z)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y),
                 ZZ.frac_field(x, z)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    assert unify(QQ.poly_ring(x, y),
                 QQ.frac_field(x, z)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y, z)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), QQ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), QQ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y), QQ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y), ZZ.poly_ring(x)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y), QQ.poly_ring(x)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x), QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x), QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y),
                 ZZ.poly_ring(x, z)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    assert unify(ZZ.frac_field(x, y),
                 QQ.poly_ring(x, z)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y),
                 ZZ.poly_ring(x, z)) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y, z)
    assert unify(QQ.frac_field(x, y),
                 QQ.poly_ring(x, z)) == QQ.frac_field(x, y, z)
예제 #55
def test_dmp_copy():
    f = [ZZ(1), ZZ(2), ZZ(3), ZZ(0)]
    g = dmp_copy(f, 0)
    assert f is not g
    assert f == g

    g[0], g[2] = ZZ(7), ZZ(0)
    assert f != g

    f = [ZZ(1), ZZ(0), ZZ(2)]
    g = dmp_copy(f, 0)
    assert f is not g
    assert f == g

    g[0], g[2] = ZZ(7), ZZ(0)
    assert f != g

    f = [[ZZ(1)], [ZZ(2), ZZ(0)]]
    g = dmp_copy(f, 1)
    assert f is not g
    assert f == g

    g[0][0], g[1][1] = ZZ(7), ZZ(1)
    assert f != g
예제 #56
def test_Domain_unify_with_symbols():
                  lambda: ZZ.poly_ring(x, y).unify(ZZ, (y, z)))
    pytest.raises(UnificationFailed, lambda: ZZ.unify(ZZ.poly_ring(x, y),
                                                      (y, z)))
예제 #57
def test_dmp_one():
    assert dmp_one(0, ZZ) == [ZZ(1)]
    assert dmp_one(2, ZZ) == [[[ZZ(1)]]]
예제 #58
def test_Domain__contains__():
    assert (0 in EX) is True
    assert (0 in ZZ) is True
    assert (0 in QQ) is True
    assert (0 in RR) is True
    assert (0 in CC) is True
    assert (0 in ALG) is True
    assert (0 in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (0 in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (0 in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (-7 in EX) is True
    assert (-7 in ZZ) is True
    assert (-7 in QQ) is True
    assert (-7 in RR) is True
    assert (-7 in CC) is True
    assert (-7 in ALG) is True
    assert (-7 in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (-7 in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (-7 in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (17 in EX) is True
    assert (17 in ZZ) is True
    assert (17 in QQ) is True
    assert (17 in RR) is True
    assert (17 in CC) is True
    assert (17 in ALG) is True
    assert (17 in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (17 in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (17 in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (-Rational(1, 7) in EX) is True
    assert (-Rational(1, 7) in ZZ) is False
    assert (-Rational(1, 7) in QQ) is True
    assert (-Rational(1, 7) in RR) is True
    assert (-Rational(1, 7) in CC) is True
    assert (-Rational(1, 7) in ALG) is True
    assert (-Rational(1, 7) in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (-Rational(1, 7) in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (-Rational(1, 7) in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (Rational(3, 5) in EX) is True
    assert (Rational(3, 5) in ZZ) is False
    assert (Rational(3, 5) in QQ) is True
    assert (Rational(3, 5) in RR) is True
    assert (Rational(3, 5) in CC) is True
    assert (Rational(3, 5) in ALG) is True
    assert (Rational(3, 5) in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (Rational(3, 5) in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (Rational(3, 5) in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (3.0 in EX) is True
    assert (3.0 in ZZ) is True
    assert (3.0 in QQ) is True
    assert (3.0 in RR) is True
    assert (3.0 in CC) is True
    assert (3.0 in ALG) is True
    assert (3.0 in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (3.0 in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (3.0 in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (3.14 in EX) is True
    assert (3.14 in ZZ) is False
    assert (3.14 in QQ) is True
    assert (3.14 in RR) is True
    assert (3.14 in CC) is True
    assert (3.14 in ALG) is True
    assert (3.14 in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (3.14 in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (3.14 in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (oo in EX) is True
    assert (oo in ZZ) is False
    assert (oo in QQ) is False
    assert (oo in RR) is True
    assert (oo in CC) is True
    assert (oo in ALG) is False
    assert (oo in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (oo in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (oo in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (-oo in EX) is True
    assert (-oo in ZZ) is False
    assert (-oo in QQ) is False
    assert (-oo in RR) is True
    assert (-oo in CC) is True
    assert (-oo in ALG) is False
    assert (-oo in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (-oo in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (-oo in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (sqrt(7) in EX) is True
    assert (sqrt(7) in ZZ) is False
    assert (sqrt(7) in QQ) is False
    assert (sqrt(7) in RR) is True
    assert (sqrt(7) in CC) is True
    assert (sqrt(7) in ALG) is False
    assert (sqrt(7) in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (sqrt(7) in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (sqrt(7) in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (2 * sqrt(3) + 1 in EX) is True
    assert (2 * sqrt(3) + 1 in ZZ) is False
    assert (2 * sqrt(3) + 1 in QQ) is False
    assert (2 * sqrt(3) + 1 in RR) is True
    assert (2 * sqrt(3) + 1 in CC) is True
    assert (2 * sqrt(3) + 1 in ALG) is True
    assert (2 * sqrt(3) + 1 in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (2 * sqrt(3) + 1 in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (2 * sqrt(3) + 1 in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (sin(1) in EX) is True
    assert (sin(1) in ZZ) is False
    assert (sin(1) in QQ) is False
    assert (sin(1) in RR) is True
    assert (sin(1) in CC) is True
    assert (sin(1) in ALG) is False
    assert (sin(1) in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (sin(1) in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (sin(1) in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (x**2 + 1 in EX) is True
    assert (x**2 + 1 in ZZ) is False
    assert (x**2 + 1 in QQ) is False
    assert (x**2 + 1 in RR) is False
    assert (x**2 + 1 in CC) is False
    assert (x**2 + 1 in ALG) is False
    assert (x**2 + 1 in ZZ.poly_ring(x)) is True
    assert (x**2 + 1 in QQ.poly_ring(x)) is True
    assert (x**2 + 1 in RR.poly_ring(x)) is True
    assert (x**2 + 1 in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (x**2 + 1 in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (x**2 + 1 in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (x**2 + y**2 in EX) is True
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in ZZ) is False
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in QQ) is False
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in RR) is False
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in CC) is False
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in ALG) is False
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in ZZ.poly_ring(x)) is False
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in QQ.poly_ring(x)) is False
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in RR.poly_ring(x)) is False
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (Rational(3, 2) * x / (y + 1) - z in QQ.poly_ring(x, y, z)) is False
예제 #59
def test_dup_refine_real_root():
    R, x = ring("x", ZZ)
    f = x**2 - 2

    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, QQ(1), QQ(1), steps=1) == (1, 1)
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, QQ(1), QQ(1), steps=9) == (1, 1)

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: R.dup_refine_real_root(f, QQ(-2), QQ(2)))

    s, t = QQ(1, 1), QQ(2, 1)

    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=0) == (1, 2)
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=1) == (1, QQ(3, 2))
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=2) == (QQ(4, 3), QQ(3, 2))
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=3) == (QQ(7, 5), QQ(3, 2))
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=4) == (QQ(7, 5), QQ(10, 7))

    s, t = QQ(1, 1), QQ(3, 2)

    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=0) == (1, QQ(3, 2))
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=1) == (QQ(4, 3), QQ(3, 2))
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=2) == (QQ(7, 5), QQ(3, 2))
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=3) == (QQ(7, 5), QQ(10, 7))
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=4) == (QQ(7, 5), QQ(17, 12))

    s, t = QQ(1, 1), QQ(5, 3)

    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=0) == (1, QQ(5, 3))
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=1) == (1, QQ(3, 2))
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=2) == (QQ(7, 5), QQ(3, 2))
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=3) == (QQ(7, 5), QQ(13, 9))
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=4) == (QQ(7, 5), QQ(27, 19))

    s, t = QQ(-1, 1), QQ(-2, 1)

    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=0) == (-QQ(2, 1), -QQ(1, 1))
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=1) == (-QQ(3, 2), -QQ(1, 1))
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=2) == (-QQ(3, 2), -QQ(4, 3))
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=3) == (-QQ(3, 2), -QQ(7, 5))
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=4) == (-QQ(10, 7), -QQ(7, 5))

                  lambda: R.dup_refine_real_root(f, QQ(0), QQ(1)))

    s, t, u, v, w = QQ(1), QQ(2), QQ(24, 17), QQ(17, 12), QQ(7, 5)

    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, eps=QQ(1, 100)) == (u, v)
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, steps=6) == (u, v)

    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, eps=QQ(1, 100), steps=5) == (w, v)
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, eps=QQ(1, 100), steps=6) == (u, v)
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, eps=QQ(1, 100), steps=7) == (u, v)

    s, t, u, v = QQ(-2), QQ(-1), QQ(-3, 2), QQ(-4, 3)

    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, disjoint=QQ(-5)) == (s, t)
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, disjoint=-v) == (s, t)
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, disjoint=v) == (u, v)

    s, t, u, v = QQ(1), QQ(2), QQ(4, 3), QQ(3, 2)

    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, disjoint=QQ(5)) == (s, t)
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, disjoint=-u) == (s, t)
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, s, t, disjoint=u) == (u, v)

    R, x = ring("x", QQ)
    f = x**2 - QQ(1, 4)
    assert R.dup_refine_real_root(f, QQ(0), QQ(1),
                                  steps=1) == (QQ(1, 2), QQ(1, 2))

    D = ZZ.poly_ring("y")
    y, = D.gens
    R, x = ring("x", D)
    f = x**2 + y * x - 1
    pytest.raises(DomainError, lambda: R.dup_refine_real_root(f, ZZ(0), ZZ(1)))
예제 #60
def test_Domain__contains__():
    assert (0 in EX) is True
    assert (0 in ZZ) is True
    assert (0 in QQ) is True
    assert (0 in RR) is True
    assert (0 in CC) is True
    assert (0 in ALG) is True
    assert (0 in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (0 in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (0 in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (-7 in EX) is True
    assert (-7 in ZZ) is True
    assert (-7 in QQ) is True
    assert (-7 in RR) is True
    assert (-7 in CC) is True
    assert (-7 in ALG) is True
    assert (-7 in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (-7 in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (-7 in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (17 in EX) is True
    assert (17 in ZZ) is True
    assert (17 in QQ) is True
    assert (17 in RR) is True
    assert (17 in CC) is True
    assert (17 in ALG) is True
    assert (17 in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (17 in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (17 in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (-Rational(1, 7) in EX) is True
    assert (-Rational(1, 7) in ZZ) is False
    assert (-Rational(1, 7) in QQ) is True
    assert (-Rational(1, 7) in RR) is True
    assert (-Rational(1, 7) in CC) is True
    assert (-Rational(1, 7) in ALG) is True
    assert (-Rational(1, 7) in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (-Rational(1, 7) in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (-Rational(1, 7) in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (Rational(3, 5) in EX) is True
    assert (Rational(3, 5) in ZZ) is False
    assert (Rational(3, 5) in QQ) is True
    assert (Rational(3, 5) in RR) is True
    assert (Rational(3, 5) in CC) is True
    assert (Rational(3, 5) in ALG) is True
    assert (Rational(3, 5) in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (Rational(3, 5) in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (Rational(3, 5) in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (3.0 in EX) is True
    assert (3.0 in ZZ) is True
    assert (3.0 in QQ) is True
    assert (3.0 in RR) is True
    assert (3.0 in CC) is True
    assert (3.0 in ALG) is True
    assert (3.0 in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (3.0 in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (3.0 in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (3.14 in EX) is True
    assert (3.14 in ZZ) is False
    assert (3.14 in QQ) is True
    assert (3.14 in RR) is True
    assert (3.14 in CC) is True
    assert (3.14 in ALG) is True
    assert (3.14 in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (3.14 in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (3.14 in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (oo in EX) is True
    assert (oo in ZZ) is False
    assert (oo in QQ) is False
    assert (oo in RR) is True
    assert (oo in CC) is True
    assert (oo in ALG) is False
    assert (oo in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (oo in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (oo in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (-oo in EX) is True
    assert (-oo in ZZ) is False
    assert (-oo in QQ) is False
    assert (-oo in RR) is True
    assert (-oo in CC) is True
    assert (-oo in ALG) is False
    assert (-oo in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (-oo in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (-oo in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (sqrt(7) in EX) is True
    assert (sqrt(7) in ZZ) is False
    assert (sqrt(7) in QQ) is False
    assert (sqrt(7) in RR) is True
    assert (sqrt(7) in CC) is True
    assert (sqrt(7) in ALG) is False
    assert (sqrt(7) in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (sqrt(7) in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (sqrt(7) in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (2*sqrt(3) + 1 in EX) is True
    assert (2*sqrt(3) + 1 in ZZ) is False
    assert (2*sqrt(3) + 1 in QQ) is False
    assert (2*sqrt(3) + 1 in RR) is True
    assert (2*sqrt(3) + 1 in CC) is True
    assert (2*sqrt(3) + 1 in ALG) is True
    assert (2*sqrt(3) + 1 in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (2*sqrt(3) + 1 in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (2*sqrt(3) + 1 in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (sin(1) in EX) is True
    assert (sin(1) in ZZ) is False
    assert (sin(1) in QQ) is False
    assert (sin(1) in RR) is True
    assert (sin(1) in CC) is True
    assert (sin(1) in ALG) is False
    assert (sin(1) in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (sin(1) in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is False
    assert (sin(1) in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (x**2 + 1 in EX) is True
    assert (x**2 + 1 in ZZ) is False
    assert (x**2 + 1 in QQ) is False
    assert (x**2 + 1 in RR) is False
    assert (x**2 + 1 in CC) is False
    assert (x**2 + 1 in ALG) is False
    assert (x**2 + 1 in ZZ.poly_ring(x)) is True
    assert (x**2 + 1 in QQ.poly_ring(x)) is True
    assert (x**2 + 1 in RR.poly_ring(x)) is True
    assert (x**2 + 1 in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (x**2 + 1 in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (x**2 + 1 in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (x**2 + y**2 in EX) is True
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in ZZ) is False
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in QQ) is False
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in RR) is False
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in CC) is False
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in ALG) is False
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in ZZ.poly_ring(x)) is False
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in QQ.poly_ring(x)) is False
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in RR.poly_ring(x)) is False
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in ZZ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in QQ.poly_ring(x, y)) is True
    assert (x**2 + y**2 in RR.poly_ring(x, y)) is True

    assert (Rational(3, 2)*x/(y + 1) - z in QQ.poly_ring(x, y, z)) is False