예제 #1
def test_copy_to_tikz():
    x, y = map(Ty, ("$x$", "$y$"))
    copy_x, copy_y = Box('COPY', x, x @ x), Box('COPY', y, y @ y)
    copy_x.draw_as_spider, copy_y.draw_as_spider = True, True
    copy_x.drawing_name, copy_y.drawing_name = "", ""
    copy_x.color, copy_y.color = "black", "black"
    return copy_x @ copy_y >> Id(x) @ Swap(x, y) @ Id(y)
예제 #2
def test_draw_who():
    n, s = Ty('n'), Ty('s')
    copy, update = Box('copy', n, n @ n), Box('update', n @ s, s)
    return Cap(n.r, n)\
        >> Id(n.r) @ copy\
        >> Id(n.r @ n) @ Cap(s, s.l) @ Id(n)\
        >> Id(n.r) @ update @ Id(s.l @ n)
예제 #3
def test_cross_composition_draw():
    s, n = Ty('s'), Ty('n')
    gave, up = Word('gave', n.r @ s @ n.l), Word('up', s.r @ n.r.r @ n.r @ s)
    swap, cups = Diagram.swap, Diagram.cups
    diagram = gave @ up >> Id(n.r @ s) @ swap(n.l, s.r @ n.r.r) @ Id(n.r @ s)\
                        >> cups(n.r @ s, s.r @ n.r.r) @ swap(n.l, n.r @ s)
    grammar.draw(diagram, path='.')
    return diagram
예제 #4
def test_who_ansatz_to_tikz():
    s, n = Ty('s'), Ty('n')
    who = Word('who', n.r @ n @ s.l @ n)
    who_ansatz = Cap(n.r, n)\
        >> Id(n.r) @ Box('copy', n, n @ n)\
        >> Id(n.r @ n) @ Cap(s, s.l) @ Id(n)\
        >> Id(n.r) @ Box('update', n @ s, n) @ Id(s.l @ n)
    return who, who_ansatz
예제 #5
def test_draw_eggs():
    def merge(x):
        return Box('merge', x @ x, x)

    egg, white, yolk = Ty('egg'), Ty('white'), Ty('yolk')
    crack = Box('crack', egg, white @ yolk)
    return crack @ crack\
        >> Id(white) @ Swap(yolk, white) @ Id(yolk)\
        >> merge(white) @ merge(yolk)
예제 #6
def test_tikz_eggs():
    def merge(x):
        box = Box('merge', x @ x, x, draw_as_spider=True)
        return box

    egg, white, yolk = Ty('egg'), Ty('white'), Ty('yolk')
    crack = Box('crack', egg, white @ yolk)
    return crack @ crack\
        >> Id(white) @ Swap(yolk, white) @ Id(yolk)\
        >> merge(white) @ merge(yolk)
예제 #7
 def make_units_adjacent(tk_gate):
     offset = tk_gate.qubits[0].index[0]
     swaps = Id(qubit**n_qubits @ bit**n_bits)
     for i, tk_qubit in enumerate(tk_gate.qubits[1:]):
         source, target = tk_qubit.index[0], offset + i + 1
         if source < target:
             left, right = swaps.cod[:source], swaps.cod[target:]
             swap = Id.swap(swaps.cod[source:source + 1],
                            swaps.cod[source + 1:target])
             if source <= offset:
                 offset -= 1
         elif source > target:
             left, right = swaps.cod[:target], swaps.cod[source + 1:]
             swap = Id.swap(swaps.cod[target:target + 1],
                            swaps.cod[target + 1:source + 1])
         else:  # pragma: no cover
             continue  # units are adjacent already
         swaps = swaps >> Id(left) @ swap @ Id(right)
     return offset, swaps
예제 #8
def spiral(n_cups):
    Implements the asymptotic worst-case for normal_form, see arXiv:1804.07832.
    x = Ty('x')
    unit, counit = Box('unit', Ty(), x), Box('counit', x, Ty())
    cup, cap = Box('cup', x @ x, Ty()), Box('cap', Ty(), x @ x)
    for box in [unit, counit, cup, cap]:
        box.draw_as_spider, box.color, box.drawing_name = True, "black", ""
    result = unit
    for i in range(n_cups):
        result = result >> Id(x**i) @ cap @ Id(x**(i + 1))
    result = result >> Id(x**n_cups) @ counit @ Id(x**n_cups)
    for i in range(n_cups):
        result = result >>\
            Id(x ** (n_cups - i - 1)) @ cup @ Id(x ** (n_cups - i - 1))
    return result
예제 #9
def from_tk(tk_circuit):
    Translates from tket to discopy.
    if not isinstance(tk_circuit, tk.Circuit):
        raise TypeError(messages.type_err(tk.Circuit, tk_circuit))
    if not isinstance(tk_circuit, Circuit):
        tk_circuit = Circuit.upgrade(tk_circuit)
    n_bits = tk_circuit.n_bits - len(tk_circuit.post_selection)
    n_qubits = tk_circuit.n_qubits

    def box_from_tk(tk_gate):
        name = tk_gate.op.type.name
        if name == 'Rx':
            return Rx(tk_gate.op.params[0] / 2)
        if name == 'Rz':
            return Rz(tk_gate.op.params[0] / 2)
        if name == 'CRz':
            return CRz(tk_gate.op.params[0] / 2)
        for gate in GATES:
            if name == gate.name:
                return gate
        raise NotImplementedError

    def make_units_adjacent(tk_gate):
        offset = tk_gate.qubits[0].index[0]
        swaps = Id(qubit**n_qubits @ bit**n_bits)
        for i, tk_qubit in enumerate(tk_gate.qubits[1:]):
            source, target = tk_qubit.index[0], offset + i + 1
            if source < target:
                left, right = swaps.cod[:source], swaps.cod[target:]
                swap = Id.swap(swaps.cod[source:source + 1],
                               swaps.cod[source + 1:target])
                if source <= offset:
                    offset -= 1
            elif source > target:
                left, right = swaps.cod[:target], swaps.cod[source + 1:]
                swap = Id.swap(swaps.cod[target:target + 1],
                               swaps.cod[target + 1:source + 1])
            else:  # pragma: no cover
                continue  # units are adjacent already
            swaps = swaps >> Id(left) @ swap @ Id(right)
        return offset, swaps

    circuit, bras = Id(qubit**n_qubits @ bit**n_bits), {}
    for tk_gate in tk_circuit.get_commands():
        if tk_gate.op.type.name == "Measure":
            offset = tk_gate.qubits[0].index[0]
            bit_index = tk_gate.bits[0].index[0]
            if bit_index in tk_circuit.post_selection:
                bras[offset] = tk_circuit.post_selection[bit_index]
                continue  # post selection happens at the end
            box = Measure(destructive=False, override_bits=True)
            swaps = Id(circuit.cod[:offset + 1]) @ Id.swap(
               circuit.cod[offset + 1:n_qubits + bit_index],
               circuit.cod[n_qubits:][bit_index: bit_index + 1])\
               @ Id(circuit.cod[n_qubits + bit_index + 1:])
            box = box_from_tk(tk_gate)
            offset, swaps = make_units_adjacent(tk_gate)
        left, right = swaps.cod[:offset], swaps.cod[offset + len(box.dom):]
        circuit = circuit >> swaps >> Id(left) @ box @ Id(right) >> swaps[::-1]
    circuit = circuit >> Id(0).tensor(
        *(Bra(bras[i]) if i in bras else Id(circuit.cod[i:i + 1])
          for i, _ in enumerate(circuit.cod)))
    if tk_circuit.scalar != 1:
        circuit = circuit @ scalar_box(tk_circuit.scalar)
    return circuit
예제 #10
def test_tikz_bell_state():
    from discopy.quantum import H, sqrt, Bra, Ket, Id, CX
    H.draw_as_spider, H.color, H.drawing_name = True, "yellow", ""
    return sqrt(2) >> Ket(0, 0) >> H @ Id(1) >> CX >> Bra(0) @ Id(1)
예제 #11
def test_snake_equation_to_tikz():
    x = Ty('x')
    return Id(x.r).transpose(left=True), Id(x), Id(x.l).transpose()
예제 #12
def test_sentence_to_tikz():
    s, n = Ty('s'), Ty('n')
    Alice, Bob = Word('Alice', n), Word('Bob', n)
    loves = Word('loves', n.r @ s @ n.l)
    return Alice @ loves @ Bob >> Cup(n, n.r) @ Id(s) @ Cup(n.l, n)
예제 #13
def test_draw_typed_snake():
    x = Ty('x')
    return Id(x.r).transpose(left=True), Id(x), Id(x.l).transpose()
예제 #14
def test_draw_bialgebra():
    from discopy.quantum.zx import Z, X, Id, SWAP
    bialgebra = Z(1, 2) @ Z(1, 2) >> Id(1) @ SWAP @ Id(1) >> X(2, 1) @ X(2, 1)
    return bialgebra + bialgebra
예제 #15
def test_draw_bell_state():
    from discopy.quantum import H, sqrt, Bra, Ket, Id, CX
    return sqrt(2) >> Ket(0, 0) >> H @ Id(1) >> CX >> Bra(0) @ Id(1)
예제 #16
def test_tikz_bialgebra_law():
    from discopy.quantum.zx import Z, X, Id, SWAP
    source = X(2, 1) >> Z(1, 2)
    target = Z(1, 2) @ Z(1, 2) >> Id(1) @ SWAP @ Id(1) >> X(2, 1) @ X(2, 1)
    return source, target
예제 #17
 def remove_ket1(box):
     if not isinstance(box, Ket):
         return box
     x_gates = Id(0).tensor(*(X if x else Id(1) for x in box.bitstring))
     return Ket(*(len(box.bitstring) * (0, ))) >> x_gates
예제 #18
def test_pregroup_draw():
    s, n = Ty('s'), Ty('n')
    Alice, Bob = Word('Alice', n), Word('Bob', n)
    loves = Word('loves', n.r @ s @ n.l)
    return Alice @ loves @ Bob >> Cup(n, n.r) @ Id(s) @ Cup(n.l, n)